The inherent skin patterns created at the joints in the finger exterior are referred as finger knuckle-print. It is exploited to identify a person in a unique manner because the finger knuckle print is greatly affluent in textures. In biometric system, the region of interest is utilized for the feature extraction algorithm. In this paper, local and global features are extracted separately. Fast Discrete Orthonormal Stockwell Transform is exploited to extract the local features. Global feature is attained by escalating the size of Fast Discrete Orthonormal Stockwell Transform to infinity. Two features are fused to increase the recognition accuracy. A matching distance is calculated for both the features individually. Then two distances are merged mutually to acquire the final matching distance. The proposed scheme gives the better performance in terms of equal error rate and correct recognition rate., {"references":["A. Kumar, and C. Ravikanth, \"Personal authentication using finger\nknuckle surface\", IEEE T INF FOREN SEC, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 98-109,\n2009.","Z. Lin, Personal authentication using finger knuckle print, doctoral diss.,\nThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong\nKong, 2011.","Y. Wanknou, S. Changyin, and S. Zhongxi, \"Finger-Knuckle-Print\nRecognition Using Gabor Feature and OLDA\", in Proceedings of the\n30th Chinese Control Conference (CCC '11), pp. 2975-2978, Yantai,\nJuly 2011.","X. Jing, W. Li, C. Lan, Y. Yao, X. Cheng, and L. Han, \"Orthogonal\nComplex Locality Preserving Projections based on Image Space Metric\nfor Finger-Knuckle-Print Recognition\", in Proceedings of the\nInternational Conference on Hand-Based Biometrics (ICHB '11), pp. 1-\n6, Hong Kong, November 2011.","L. Zhang, L. Zhang, and D. Zhang, \"Monogenic Code: A Novel Fast\nFeature Coding Algorithm with Applications to Finger-Knuckle-Print\nRecognition\", in Proceedings of the International Workshop on\nEmerging Techniques and Challenges for Hand Based Biometrics\n(ETCHB 10'), 2010.","S. Neware, K. Mehta, and A.S. Zadgaonkar, \"Finger Knuckle\nIdentification using Principal Component Analysis and Nearest Mean\nClassifier\", International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 70,\nno.9, pp. 18-23, 2013.","K. Ito, T. Aoki, H. Nakajima, K. Kobayashi, and T. Higuchi, \"A\npalmprint recognition algorithm using phase-only correlation\", IEICE T\nFUND ELECTR, vol. E91-A, no.4, pp.1023–1030, 2008.","K. Ito, H. Nakajima, K. Kobayashi, T. Aoki, and T.Higuchi, \"A\nfingerprint matching algorithm using phase-only correlation\", IEICE T\nFUND ELECTR, vol. E91-A, no.3, pp. 682–691, 2004.","\"Finger Knuckle-print Database\",\n\n[10] W.K. Kong, and D. Zhang, \"Competitive coding scheme for palmprint\nverification\", in Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Pattern\nRecognition (ICPR '04), vol. 1, pp. 520–523, August 2004.\n[11] L.Zhang, L.Zhang, David Zhang, and H.Zhu, \"Ensemble of local and\nglobal information for finger-knuckle print recognition\", PATTERN\nRECOGN, vol. 44, pp. 1990-1998, 2011."]}