19 results on '"Švedas, Edmundas"'
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2. Didelio meistriškumo sportininkų ir sporto trenerių ekologiškų maisto produktų vartojimas Lietuvoje
- Author
Baranauskas, Marius, primary, Stukas, Rimantas, primary, Jablonskienė, Valerija, primary, Abaravičius, Jonas Algis, primary, Paškevičienė, Dalia, primary, Tubelis, Linas, primary, and Švedas, Edmundas, primary
- Published
- 2020
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3. Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo sportininkų mitybos įpročiai
- Author
Baranauskas, Marius, primary, Stukas, Rimantas, primary, Jablonskienė, Valerija, primary, Abaravičius, Jonas Algis, primary, Paškevičienė, Dalia, primary, Tubelis, Linas, primary, and Švedas, Edmundas, primary
- Published
- 2020
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4. Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo sportininkų mitybos įpročius ir maisto papildų vartojimą skatinantys ir ribojantys veiksniai
- Author
Baranauskas, Marius, primary, Stukas, Rimantas, primary, Jablonskienė, Valerija, primary, Abaravičius, Jonas Algis, primary, Paškevičienė, Dalia, primary, Tubelis, Linas, primary, and Švedas, Edmundas, primary
- Published
- 2019
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5. The Influence of Short‑Term Hipocaloric Nutrition on Bodyweight Reduction in Lithuanian Olympic Team Wrestlers
- Author
Baranauskas, Marius, primary, Tubelis, Linas, additional, Stukas, Rimantas, additional, Švedas, Edmundas, additional, Samsonienė, Laimutė, additional, and Karanauskienė, Diana, additional
- Published
- 2018
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6. Some Aspects of Nutrition and Moderate Body Weight Reduction in Lithuanian Olympic Sport Centre Female Basketball Players
- Author
Baranauskas, Marius, primary, Tubelis, Linas, additional, Stukas, Rimantas, additional, Švedas, Edmundas, additional, Samsonienė, Laimutė, additional, and Karanauskienė, Diana, additional
- Published
- 2018
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7. Lithuanian Olympic Basketball Players’ Nutrition during the Training Mezzo-Cycles Designed for Strength Training
- Author
Baranauskas, Marius, primary, Tubelis, Linas, additional, Stukas, Rimantas, additional, Švedas, Edmundas, additional, Samsonienė, Laimutė, additional, and Karanauskienė, Diana, additional
- Published
- 2018
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8. Nutrition Status of High Performance Rowers, Canoeists and Kayakers
- Author
Baranauskas, Marius, primary, Tubelis, Linas, additional, Stukas, Rimantas, additional, Švedas, Edmundas, additional, Samsonienė, Laimutė, additional, and Karanauskienė, Diana, additional
- Published
- 2018
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9. Nutritional Status and Physical Development of High-Performance Combat Athletes in Lithuania
- Author
Baranauskas, Marius, primary, Tubelis, Linas, additional, Stukas, Rimantas, additional, Švedas, Edmundas, additional, Samsonienė, Laimutė, additional, and Karanauskienė, Diana, additional
- Published
- 2018
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10. Nutrition profile of Lithuanian high-performance cyclists
- Author
Baranauskas, Marius, Stukas, Rimantas, Tubelis, Linas, and Švedas, Edmundas
- Subjects
Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Fizinis ugdymas / Physical education ,Sportas / Sport - Abstract
Sportininkai ir juos rengiantys specialistai turėtų teikti išskirtinį dėmesį mitybai, nes tinkama mityba neatsiejama nuo optimalaus sportininkų fizinio išsivystymo ir pasiektų sportinių rezultatų. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas ištvermę ugdančioms sportininkėms moterims, dažniau už vyrus patenkančioms į nesubalansuotos mitybos rizikos grupę. Tai nulėmė darbo tikslą – įvertinti Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo dviratininkų faktinę mitybą ir kūno sandarą priklausomai nuo lyties. 2012 m. parengiamuoju varžyboms laikotarpiu ištirta ir įvertinta Lietuvos olimpinės pamainos dviratininkų (n = 50) faktinė mityba ir kūno sandara. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo dviratininkų mityba siejama su optimaliu sportininkų vyrų ir vidutiniu sportininkių moterų fiziniu išsivystymu. Neatsižvelgiant į lytį, dviratininkų mityba neatitinka keliamų reikalavimų: neracionaliai vartojami baltymai, mityboje nepakanka angliavandenių, polinesočiųjų riebalų rūgščių, vitaminų D ir A, mineralinių medžiagų magnio ir mangano. Dviratininkai vyrai vartoja per daug riebalų, sočiųjų riebalų rūgščių ir cholesterolio. Dviratininkės moterys priskirtinos nesubalansuotos mitybos rizikos grupei. Sportininkių moterų su maistu gaunama energinė vertė mažesnė už energijos sąnaudas, jų mityboje trūksta angliavandenių, baltymų, nepakeičiamų aminorūgščių – valino, leucino, izoleucino, metionino, lizino, fenilalanino, omega 3 ir omega 6 riebalų rūgščių, vitaminų A, D, B12, folio rūgšties, mineralinių medžiagų – kalio, kalcio, fosforo, geležies, vario ir cinko. Dviratininkų mityba privalo būti optimizuojama, koreguojama ir individualizuojama atsižvelgiant į sportininkų lytį. Dviratininkų mitybą rekomenduojama papildyti angliavandenių, nepakeičiamų riebalų rūgščių (omega 3 ir omega 6 riebalų rūgščių), nepakeičiamų aminorūgščių bei vitaminų ir mineralinių medžiagų maisto papildais. Athletes and their coaches must pay special attention to nutritional care as an integral part of a proper diet for optimal physical development of athletes and achieving optimal results. Special exception in sports science is given to endurance athletes. Particular attention is paid to endurance-trained female athletes who are often attributed to the unbalanced nutritional risk group. These data led to the objective: to assess the nutritional status and body composition of Lithuanian high-performance cyclists by gender. In 2012, during the general preparation have been investigated and evaluated the diet and body composition of Lithuanian high-performance cyclists (n = 50). The results showed that the optimal physical development of male athletes and moderate physical development of female athletes is determined by Lithuanian elite cyclist’s diet. Regardless of gender, athlete’s nutrition does not meet the requirements. This is confirmed by the data that protein intake of cyclists does not meet the guidelines, including the fact that carbohydrate, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin A and vitamin D, magnesium and manganese intake is lower than recommended. Male athletes consume too much fat, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, while female athletes are assigned to the risk group of an unbalanced nutrition. Energy intake of female athletes is less then energy expenditure. Women’s diet is critically low in carbohydrates, protein, essential amino acids such as valine, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, lysine, phenylalanine, omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B12, folic acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper and zinc. In conclusion: cyclist’s nutrition must be optimized, individualized and adjusted according to the athletes’ gender. Based on the scientific basis, cyclists are highly recommended for the supplementation with carbohydrate, essential fatty acids (omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids), vitamins and minerals.
- Published
- 2013
11. Perspektyvinio rengimo olimpinės pamainos sportininkų mitybos ypatumai
- Author
Stukas, Rimantas, Baranauskas, Marius, Švedas, Edmundas, and Tubelis, Linas
- Subjects
Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Fizinis ugdymas / Physical education ,Sportas / Sport ,Waste incineration ,Athtetes ,Aspects of nutrition ,Olympic team - Abstract
Siekiant ištirti ir įvertinti perspektyvinio rengimo olimpinės pamainos sportininkų mitybos įpročius pagal specialiai parengtą anketą, anoniminės apklausos metodu ištirti 79 sportininkai. Sportininkų faktinės mitybos tyrimui taikytas 24 valandų 3 dienų iš eilės apklausos metodas. Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS. 13 statistinę programą. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad 15-18 metų amžiaus ir 19-22 metų amžiaus sportininkių maisto racionų energinė vertė, atitinkamai sudaranti 46,9±13,9 kcal/kg kūno masės 39,7±13,8 kcal/kg kūno masės, yra per maža. Maisto racionų baltymų ir riebalų kiekiai viršija sportininkų vyrų organizmo fiziologines reikmes. Nepakeičiamos aminorūgšties metionino ir pakeičiamų aminorūgščių arginino ir tirozino disbalansas sportininkų maiste lemia netinkamą sportininkų organizmo aprūpinimą baltymais. 19-22 metų amžiaus vyrų ir moterų maisto racionų ir 15-18 metų amžiaus moterų maisto racionų angliavandenių kiekis yra nepakankamas. Sportininkų maisto racionų vitaminų ir mineralinių medžiagų kiekiai neatitinka rekomenduojamų, todėl koreguojant sportininkų mitybą, vitaminus ir mineralines medžiagas parinkti ir derinti prie įprastinės mitybos reikia individualiai. Nustatėme, kad tik pusė perspektyvinio rengimo olimpinės pamainos sportininkų šviežias daržoves vartoja kasdien ir tik 53 proc. kasdien arba kelis kartus per dieną vartoja grūdinius produktus. Mėsos, žuvies ir kiaušinių produktus kasdien vartoja 60 proc. sportininkų, o pieną ir pieno produktus kasdien vartoja mažiau nei pusė olimpinės pamainos sportininkų. Maisto produktų vartojimo skirtumus lemia sportininkų amžius ir lytis. Sportininkai vyrai dažniau vartoja grūdinius produktus (p
- Published
- 2010
12. Evaluation of the nutrition planning of young athletes
- Author
Baranauskas, Marius, Tubelis, Linas, Pečiukonienė, Marija, Stukas, Rimantas, and Švedas, Edmundas
- Subjects
udc:613 ,athletes ,nutrition planning ,menus - Abstract
The aim of this study was to investigate the young athletes' nutrition planning according to the concept of adequate nutrition and formula of balanced nutrition taking into consideration athletes' canteen menus and their variations. For the investigation, athletes' canteen menus of the different seasons of years 2005-2006 were selected. From each season's every month, there were chosen 6-day menus with 4-day intervals (72 menus in total). The obtained data was compared to chemical composition of athletes' canteen menus of the year 1989. After carrying out comparative analysis of the menus, the variations of nutrition in athletes' canteen were assessed. The study results showed that the total energy quantity of athletes' canteen menu rations of the years 2005/2006 cover athletes' energy inputs. The mean energy value of rations equals 4882,63 ± 57,90 ccal (S = 127,34). Just slight variations where found following evaluation of the mean energy value of different season menus. Winter season menus had the highest energy value - 5044,83 ± 64,28 ccal (S = 276,40), while for the spring season, it was the lowest - 4726,4 ± 75,40 ccal (S = 324,21). However, the difference was statistically insignificant (p>0,05). Athletes' canteen menus of the years 2005/2006 meet their energy requirements. On the other hand, the nutrition balance is reflected at best by the percentage of energy value supplied with proteins, fat and carbohydrates. After calculation of the mean energy value percentage supplied by the main nutritional ingredients from all years' menus, it was determined that the part of mean energy value supplied by proteins consists 13,12% and this corresponds the recommended - 10-22%. Whereas the part of energy value supplied by fat is higher than the recommended and consists in 41,31% (the recommended - 20-30%). The part of energy value supplied by carbohydrates (which should supply 50-65% of energy) consists in only 45,88% and does not approach the minimum recommended limit. Vitamin composition of the athletes' canteen menu rations shows that almost all vitamin quantities are close to the minimum recommended limits, however the unbalance of vitamins is observed. Whereas the quantity of mineral ingredients in athletes' canteen menus corresponded the recommended quantities and in some cases exceeded them. After carrying out comparative analysis of the athletes' canteen menus of the years 1989 and 2005/ 2006, the same tendencies were noticed. Although the possibilities of nutrition product assortment variety were very limited in the year 1989 - only the energy value of menu was taking into consideration during the composition of menus despite the concept of adequate nutrition and formula of balanced nutrition. It was determined that a lot of fat products are used - fat meat, butter, other fat and fat products, following evaluation of the assortment of menus' nutrition products of the years 2005/2006. That increases menu calories, however such menus are incomplete. The apparent unbalance of nutritional ingredients was detected in the menu rations of the years 1989 and 2005/2006 resulting in sufficient quantity of proteins, high fat and too low carbohydrate quantities. Also, the unbalance of vitamins and sufficient quantity of mineral ingredients were determined.
- Published
- 2007
13. Jaunųjų sportininkų mitybos organizavimo įvertinimas
- Author
Baranauskas, Marius, Tubelis, Linas, Pečiukonienė, Marija, Stukas, Rimantas, and Švedas, Edmundas
- Subjects
Menus ,Vaikų sportas ,Sportininkai--Mityba ,Sports for children ,Valgiaraščiai ,Athletes--Nutrition - Abstract
Darbo tikslas – ištirti jaunųjų sportininkų maitinimo organizavimą pagal adekvačios mitybos koncepciją ir subalansuotos mitybos formulę vertinant sportininkų valgyklos valgiaraščius bei jų pokyčius. Tirti sportininkų valgyklos kiekvieno 2005–2006 metų sezono valgiaraščiai. Atrinkti kiekvieno sezono kiekvieno mėnesio 6 dienų (kas 4 dienos intervalu) valgiaraščiai (iš viso 72 valgiaraščiai). Gauti duomenys palyginti su 1989 metų sportininkų valgyklos valgiaraščių chemine sudėtimi. Atlikus palyginamąją valgiaraščių analizę, įvertinti maitinimo pokyčiai sportininkų valgykloje. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad sportininkų valgyklos 2005–2006 metų valgiaraščių maisto racionų bendras energijos kiekis padengia sportininkų energijos sąnaudas. Vidutinė racionų energinė vertė lygi 4882,63 ± 57,90 kcal (S = 127,34). Įvertinus atskirų sezonų valgiaraščių vidutinę energinę vertę, nustatyti tik nedideli svyravimai. Energinė vertė didžiausia buvo žiemos sezono valgiaraščių – 5044,83 ± 64,28 kcal (S = 276,40), o mažiausia – pavasario sezono – 4726,4 ± 75,40 kcal (S = 324,21), tačiau skirtumas statistiškai nepatikimas (p > 0,05). Sportininkų valgyklos 2005–2006 metų valgiaraščiai tenkina sportininkų energinius poreikius, tačiau mitybos subalansuotumą geriausiai rodo baltymų, riebalų ir angliavandenių teikiamos energinės vertės procentas. Apskaičiavus vidutinį teikiama energinės vertės dalis sudaro 13,12 % ir tai atitinka rekomenduojamą – 10–22 %. Riebalų teikiama energinės vertės dalis smarkiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] The aim of this study was to investigate the young athletes’ nutrition planning according to the concept of adequate nutrition and formula of balanced nutrition taking into consideration athletes’ canteen menus and their variations. For the investigation, athletes’ canteen menus of the different seasons of years 2005-2006 were selected. From each season’s every month, there were chosen 6-day menus with 4-day intervals (72 menus in total). The obtained data was compared to chemical composition of athletes’ canteen menus of the year 1989. After carrying out comparative analysis of the menus, the variations of nutrition in athletes’ canteen were assessed. The study results showed that the total energy quantity of athletes’ canteen menu rations of the years 2005/2006 cover athletes’ energy inputs. The mean energy value of rations equals 4882,63 ± 57,90 ccal (S = 127,34). Just slight variations where found following evaluation of the mean energy value of different season menus. Winter season menus had the highest energy value – 5044,83 ± 64,28 ccal (S = 276,40), while for the spring season, it was the lowest – 4726,4 ± 75,40 ccal (S = 324,21). However, the difference was statistically insignificant (p>0,05). Athletes’ canteen menus of the years 2005/2006 meet their energy requirements. On the other hand, the nutrition balance is reflected at best by the percentage of energy value supplied with proteins, fat and carbohydrates. After calculation of the mean energy value percentage... [to full text]
- Published
- 2007
14. Factors modifying the special skills of canoeists
- Author
Balčiūnas, Egidijus, Pečiukonienė, Marija, Skernevičius, Juozas, and Švedas, Edmundas
- Subjects
Baidarių irklavimas ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Fizinis ugdymas / Physical education ,Sportas / Sport ,Kayaking ,Physical fitness ,Fizinė sveikata ,Rowers ,Irkluotojai - Abstract
Šio darbo tikslas – taikant koreliacinį tyrimą išryškinti baidarininkų pagrindinius požymius, kurie labiausiai sąlygoja jų specialųjį parengtumą lenktyniauti 500 m nuotolyje. Tirta 13 Lietuvos olimpines rinktinės ir jos pamainos baidarininkų. Nustatyti pagrindiniai rodikliai, kurie kinta taikant įvairius fizinius krūvius ir kurių kaitą galima koreguoti: vienkartinis raumenų susitraukimo galingumas (VRSG) (Bosco, 1982), anaerobinis alaktatinis raumenų galingumas (AARG) taikant laiptinę ergometriją ir dirbant 10 s specialiu ergo¬metru, judesių dažnis (JD) per 10 s, paprastosios psichomotorinės reakcijos laikas (PRL), Rufjė indeksas (Skernevičius ir kt., 2004), raumenų masė (Moor, Johnsen, 1973). Specialusis parengtumas vertintas pagal rezultatus, pasiektus įveikiant simuliacinį 500 m nuotolį specialiu ergometru „Dansprint“. Atskirų rodiklių sąsajos paieškai taikytas Pirsono tiesinės koreliacijos metodas ir atlikta regresinė analizė. Tyrimai parodė, kad 500 m simuliacinio nuotolio įveikimo veiksmingumas turi didelį ryšį su anaerobiniu alaktatiniu raumenų galingumu dirbant 10 s ir patikimą ryšį su laiptinės ergometrijos AARG rodikliais. Raumenų masė turi sąsają su specialiuoju pajėgumu. Kraujotakos sistemos funkcinį pajėgumą apibūdinantis RI rodiklis turi silpną ryšį su specialiuoju darbingumu įveikiant 500 m simuliacinį nuotolį, nors tokio darbo metu 60–65 % energijos gaminama aerobinių reakcijų būdu. The aim of the present correlative study was to elucidate the main indices that exert strongest effects on canoeists preparedness for the 500 m distance Olympic team and its reserve. The main indices that change under different modifiable physical loads were elucidated. The following indices were checked: single muscular contraction power (Bosco, 1982), anaerobic alactic muscular power (AAMP) employing staircase ergometry and 10s load on a special ergometer, movement frequency per 10s, simple psychomotor response time, Roufier index (RI) (Skernevičius et al., 2004), as well muscular mass (Moor, Johnson, 1973). Special preparedness was determined from the indices demonstrated while covering the 500m simulation distance on a special “Dansprint” ergometer. Pearson‘s linear correlation method was employed to find a correlation among separate indices and a regressive analysis was performed. The study revealed a close correlation of the efficiency of covering the 500 m simulation distance with AAMP under a 10s load and a reliable relation with staircase ergometry AAMP indices. Muscular mass showed a relation with special performance. The RI which reflects the circulatory functions showed a weak correlation with covering the 500 m simulation distance, although under such load 60-65 percent of energy is produced through aerobic reactions.
- Published
- 2007
15. Some aspects of preparing kayak rowers for the Sydney Olympic games
- Author
Rudzinskas, Mykolas, Skernevičius, Juozas, Levinsonienė, Anastasija, Švedas, Edmundas, Karosienė, Jūratė, Skernevičienė, Birutė, and Paulauskas, Rūtenis
- Subjects
Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Fizinis ugdymas / Physical education ,Sportas / Sport - Published
- 2001
- Author
Baranauskas, Marius, Tubelis, Linas, Stukas, Rimantas, Švedas, Edmundas, Samsonienė, Laimutė, and Karanauskienė, Diana
- Subjects
SPORTS nutrition ,OLYMPIC Games ,BODY composition ,DIETARY supplements ,ESSENTIAL amino acids - Abstract
Background. Adequate nutrition is inseparable from athletes' optimal physical development and achieved sports performance. Preparing for the Olympic Games athletes' nutrition must meet certain requirements. Only under appropriate nutrition conditions athletes are enabled to maximize their adaptation to physical loads. Hypothesis: nutrition of Lithuanian high performance athletes in combat sports is adequate. Research aim was to assess nutrition profile and physical development of Lithuanian high performance athletes in combat sports. Methods. During the competition preparation period of 2012, the actual diets of Lithuanian elite boxers (n = 14), and the Greco-Roman wrestlers (n = 29) were tested and evaluated. Body composition parameters and physical development of combat athletes were assessed using BIA tetra - polar electrode method. Athletes' actual diets were established using the actual dietary survey method. Results. Muscle and fat mass indexes of boxers and Greco-Roman wrestlers, 7.5 ± 3.8 and 5.4 ± 2.0 respectively, show that effective complex preparation measures ensure optimal body condition status of athletes. Nevertheless, the diets of combat sport athletes do not meet the requirements: irrational use of proteins, not enough carbohydrates and polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins D, B1, PP, minerals, manganese, zinc, calcium and copper, too much intake of fat, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. Conclusion. The existing diets of Lithuanian elite combat sports athletes cannot ensure their maximal adaptation to physical loads and must be optimized, individualized and adjusted, adding dietary supplements with extra carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and in exceptional cases, nutritional supplements with essential amino acids. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Baranauskas, Marius, Tubelis, Linas, Stukas, Rimantas, Švedas, Edmundas, Samsonienė, Laimutė, and Karanauskienė, Diana
- Subjects
CANOEISTS ,ROWERS ,KAYAKERS ,SPORTS nutrition ,WORLD championships ,ATHLETE physiology - Abstract
Research background and hypothesis. Rowing and canoeing-kayaking are some of the leading sports in Lithuania, and athletes have achieved victories in European and world championships. In order to effectively manage the preparation of Lithuanian elite rowers, canoeists and kayakers, research in their nutrition status is important, relevant and necessary. Hypothesis: dietary intake of rowers and canoeists-kayakers comply with nutrition requirements. Research aim was to assess nutrition status, physical development and the interactions between them for Lithuanian Olympic team rowers, canoeists and kayakers. Research methods. Research on the nutrition status and supplementation was carried out in the preparatory competition period in 2012. The sample included 18.2 ± 2.3-year-old rowers (n = 24) and 21.5 ± 5.2-year-old canoeists-kayakers (n = 12). Body composition analysis and physical development of athletes was performed using multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) method. Research results. Regardless of gender, MFMI of kayakers-canoeists and rowers was only average. Athletes' dietary energy intake (EI) does not fully cover the energy expenditure, the diet lacks carbohydrates, dietary fibres, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and there is too much fat, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. 92% of athletes take supplements. Most often athletes' dietary supplementation includes carbohydrates (73.9%), amino acids (73.9%), minerals (73.9%), vitamins (65.2%), and multivitamins (65.2%). Discussion and conclusions. Nutrition status and physical development of Lithuanian elite kayakers-canoeists and rowers does not meet the requirements of nutrition. Diets of high performance kayakers-canoeists and rowers must be optimized, adjusted and individualized. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Baranauskas, Marius, Tubelis, Linas, Stukas, Rimantas, Švedas, Edmundas, Samsonienė, Laimutė, and Karanauskienė, Diana
- Subjects
Copyright of Education. Physical Training. Sport / Ugdymas. Kûno kultûra. Sportas is the property of Lithuanian Sports University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Baranauskas, Marius, Tubelis, Linas, Stukas, Rimantas, Švedas, Edmundas, Samsonienė, Laimutė, and Karanauskienė, Diana
- Subjects
WEIGHT loss ,BASKETBALL players ,WOMEN athletes ,HIGH-carbohydrate diet ,FOLIC acid in human nutrition ,PHYSICAL fitness ,LITHUANIANS - Abstract
Copyright of Education. Physical Training. Sport / Ugdymas. Kûno kultûra. Sportas is the property of Lithuanian Sports University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
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