10 results on '"міфонім"'
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- Author
Т. І. Крупеньова
- Subjects
власна назва ,міфонім ,міфокосмонім ,антропонім ,ономастичний простір ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 ,Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar ,P101-410 - Abstract
The article analyzes the stylistic features of the onyms in the Brothers Kapranovs’ science fictional works, highlights their role in the literary rext. The purpose of our research is to make functional and stylistic analysis of the onyms in the Brothers Kapranovs’postmodern literature. The subject matter of the research is the artistic discourse of the Brothers Kapranovs’, the scope of the research is the different types of the onymic components, creating a certain onymic space of a literary work. It has been proved that proper names informative importance allow the authors to make the literary text semantically rich. Individual authors’ specificity of the various onymic components use shows, in our opinion, great depth and a certain secrecy, sophistication of the authors’ onymic writing. In the studied works the mythonyms are mostly used that is characteristic of science fiction, but also real names and family names that point out the heroic past of our people, are used. It has been stated that proper names are an integral part the writers’ individual style, one of the important means of imagery creating.
- Published
- 2017
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- Subjects
містичний художній дискурс ,lcsh:Philology. Linguistics ,онімізація ,lcsh:P1-1091 ,lcsh:P101-410 ,міфонім ,химерна проза ,жанр ,інтертекстуальність ,lcsh:Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar - Abstract
Статтю присвячено вивченню містичного художнього дискурсу. Зіставлено поняття «химерна проза» та «містичний художній дискурс». Встановлено жанрові риси та мовна специфіка їхнього відображення містичного художнього дискурсу. Доведено, що містичний художній дискурс має свої жанрово-дискурсивні особливості, які передусім реалізуються на лексичному рівні.
- Published
- 2020
4. Onomastic Space of the Historical Prose by Olga Ipatova
- Subjects
касмонімы ,poetonym (poetic name) ,cosmonym ,беларускія пісьменнікі ,anthroponym ,антрапонімы ,тапонімы ,паэтонімы ,міфонім ,хрысціянскае імя ,паганскія імены ,placename ,pagan name ,Christian name ,mythonym - Abstract
У артыкуле разглядаюцца ўжытыя ў гістарычнай аповесці "За морем Хвалынским" і апавяданнях Вольгі Іпатавай паэтонімы, якія з'яўляюцца носьбітамі каштоўнай інфармацыі аб матэрыяльнай і духоўнай культуры славянскіх і цюркскіх народнасцей у XI стагоддзі. Антрапонімы (уласныя асабістыя імёны, мянушкі) разгледжаны як значныя інфарматыўныя адзінкі, у семантычную структуру якіх уключаюцца прагматычны складнік, стылістычныя, эмацыйныя, ацэначныя, экспрэсіўныя, сацыяльныя адценні значэння, асацыяцыі і іншая інфармацыя экстралінгвістычнага характару. Разгледжана культурна-гістарычная інфармацыя перыферыйных онімаў. = The article views poetonyms, which are used in the historical novel by Olga Ipatova "Across the Khvalynsky sea" and in the stories by the same writer, and contain valuable information about material and spiritual culture of Slavic and Turkic peoples living in the XI century. Anthroponyms (personal proper names, nicknames) are analyzed as meaningful informative units, the semantic structure of which includes the pragmatic component, as well as stylistic, emotional, evaluative, expressive, social shades of meaning, associations and other types of information of extralinguistic character. The author of the article also considers cultural and historical information of peripheral onyms.
- Published
- 2022
5. Анамастычная прастора гістарычнай прозы Вольгі Іпатавай
- Subjects
касмонімы ,poetonym (poetic name) ,cosmonym ,беларускія пісьменнікі ,anthroponym ,антрапонімы ,тапонімы ,паэтонімы ,міфонім ,хрысціянскае імя ,паганскія імены ,placename ,pagan name ,Christian name ,mythonym - Abstract
У артыкуле разглядаюцца ўжытыя ў гістарычнай аповесці "За морем Хвалынским" і апавяданнях Вольгі Іпатавай паэтонімы, якія з'яўляюцца носьбітамі каштоўнай інфармацыі аб матэрыяльнай і духоўнай культуры славянскіх і цюркскіх народнасцей у XI стагоддзі. Антрапонімы (уласныя асабістыя імёны, мянушкі) разгледжаны як значныя інфарматыўныя адзінкі, у семантычную структуру якіх уключаюцца прагматычны складнік, стылістычныя, эмацыйныя, ацэначныя, экспрэсіўныя, сацыяльныя адценні значэння, асацыяцыі і іншая інфармацыя экстралінгвістычнага характару. Разгледжана культурна-гістарычная інфармацыя перыферыйных онімаў. = The article views poetonyms, which are used in the historical novel by Olga Ipatova "Across the Khvalynsky sea" and in the stories by the same writer, and contain valuable information about material and spiritual culture of Slavic and Turkic peoples living in the XI century. Anthroponyms (personal proper names, nicknames) are analyzed as meaningful informative units, the semantic structure of which includes the pragmatic component, as well as stylistic, emotional, evaluative, expressive, social shades of meaning, associations and other types of information of extralinguistic character. The author of the article also considers cultural and historical information of peripheral onyms.
- Published
- 2022
- Subjects
mystic literary discourse ,whimsical prose ,genre ,mythonym ,onimization ,intetextuality ,мистический художественный дискурс ,химерная проза ,жанр ,мифоним ,онимизация ,интертекстуальность ,містичний художній дискурс ,химерна проза ,міфонім ,онімізація ,інтертекстуальність - Abstract
Статтю присвячено вивченню містичного художнього дискурсу. Зіставлено поняття «химерна проза» та «містичний художній дискурс». Встановлено жанрові риси та мовна специфіка їхнього відображення містичного художнього дискурсу. Доведено, що містичний художній дискурс має свої жанрово-дискурсивні особливості, які передусім реалізуються на лексичному рівні., The mystic literary discourse is a relatively new and unexplored phenomenon, and therefore it requires careful study. The main purpose of our research is to define the concept of mystical prose as a verbal representative of mystic literary discourse. The material of the research is mystical works of modern Ukrainian literature. The object of our research is the mystic literary discourse, and the subject is the linguistic features of Ukrainian mystical literary discourse. After analyzing the scientific literature, we concluded that the mystic literary discourse will be interpreted as part of the literary discourse, which includes primarily prose works, the central theme of which are bizarre events embodied through elements of mythological poetics. Typically, these mystical works are associated with a shift in time and space and external and/or internal metamorphoses of the characters. Also, based on the typicality and frequency of fragments of the mystical text units, we concluded that the main features of mystic literary discourse are mythologycality, ambivalence and philosophical. Lexical units primarily represent mythologycality as a parameter of the mystical artistic discourse. First of all, it is the nominations of beings associated with demonology and mythology in general called mythonyms. Among them mythotheonyms, mythoponyms, mythochrononyms, mythozoonyms, etc. Ambivalence as a parameter of the mystical literary discourse at the lexical level is primarily realized by the words-markers that indicate the shift in time and space. An example is the lexical-thematic group of words “dream”. Philosophical as a parameter of the mystical literary discourse is actualized through the text-discursive category of intetextuality. At the lexical level, it is manifested in the use of precedent names that refer the recipient to other mystical and horror works or sacred and apocryphal texts. Further prospects for the study are related to the description of the nature of other parameters of the mystic literary discourse and its text-forming units at different language levels., Статья посвящена изучению мистического художественного дискурса. Сопоставлены понятия «химерная проза» и «мистический художественный дискурс». Установлены жанровые черты и языковая специфика их выражения в мистическом художественном дискурсе. Доказано, что мистический художественный дискурс имеет свои жанрово-дискурсивные особенности, которые прежде всего реализуются на лексическом уровне.
- Published
- 2020
- Subjects
lcsh:Philology. Linguistics ,lcsh:P1-1091 ,lcsh:P101-410 ,міфонім ,антропонім ,власна назва ,міфокосмонім ,ономастичний простір ,lcsh:Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar - Abstract
The article analyzes the stylistic features of the onyms in the Brothers Kapranovs’ science fictional works, highlights their role in the literary rext. The purpose of our research is to make functional and stylistic analysis of the onyms in the Brothers Kapranovs’postmodern literature. The subject matter of the research is the artistic discourse of the Brothers Kapranovs’, the scope of the research is the different types of the onymic components, creating a certain onymic space of a literary work. It has been proved that proper names informative importance allow the authors to make the literary text semantically rich. Individual authors’ specificity of the various onymic components use shows, in our opinion, great depth and a certain secrecy, sophistication of the authors’ onymic writing. In the studied works the mythonyms are mostly used that is characteristic of science fiction, but also real names and family names that point out the heroic past of our people, are used. It has been stated that proper names are an integral part the writers’ individual style, one of the important means of imagery creating.
- Published
- 2017
8. The peculiarities of the functioning of onyms in the tales by T. Galyanova
- Author
Krupenova, Tatiana
- Subjects
proper noun ,onym ,onomasticon ,anthroponym ,toponym ,mythonym ,власна назва ,онім ,ономастикон ,антропонім ,топонім ,міфонім - Abstract
У статті проаналізовано особливості функціонування і стилістичну роль онімів у повісті «Химеросховище» Тіни Гальянової, висвітлено їх роль у побудові художнього твору. Метою статті є аналіз ономастикону творів Тіни Гальянової. Реалізація поставленої мети передбачає розв’язання таких завдань: зафіксувати у повісті усі онімічні назви; описати функціональні особливості онімів у зв’язку з фонетичними, лексико-семантичними, граматичними чинниками текстових структур. Предметом розгляду даної статті є онімікон повісті «Химеросховище» Тіни Гальянової, його конотативне і функціональне наповнення у художньому дискурсі письменниці. Об’єктом дослідження є семантико-функціональні особливості онімної лексики як компонента художньо-образної системи художнього твору. Мета й матеріал роботи зумовили використання таких методів та прийомів дослідження: відбір і систематизацію контекстів з онімами, їх мовну атрибуцію та інвентаризацію; компонентний аналіз експліцитних та імпліцитних складових семантичної структури власних назв; контекстний аналіз умов функціонування онімів у тексті. Основним методом дослідження є описовий, що дозволило на основі контекстуального аналізу схарактеризувати змістові, стилістичні, естетичні функції власних назв у мовно-художньому континуумі повісті. В результаті проведеного дослідження було встановлено, що у досліджуваному творі Тіни Гальянової найяскравішою рисою є феєрична ономатворчість., The article analyzes the peculiarities of the functioning of onyms in the tale of the Galyanova’s Tale “Chimeroschovische”, and their role in the construction of the artistic work is highlighted. The purpose of the article is to analyze the onomasticon of Tina Galyanova’s works. Realization of the set goal involves solving the following tasks: to detect all the onymic names in the story; to describe the functional features of onym in connection with phonetic, lexico-semantic and grammatical factors of text structures. The subject of consideration of this article is the onymikon of the novel “Chimeroschovische” by Tina Galyanova, its conotative and functional content in the artist's discourse of the writer. The object of research is the semantic-functional features of the onymic vocabulary as a component of the artistic-figurative system of artistic work. The purpose and the material of work led to the use of the following methods of research: selection and systematization of context with onym, their language attribution and inventory; component analysis of explicit and implicit components of the semantic structure of proper names; contextual analysis of the conditions of onymic operation in the text. The main method of research is descriptive, which allowed, on the basis of contextual analysis, to characterize the content, stylistic, aesthetic functions of names in the language and artistic continuum of the story. As a result of the research, it was found that in the investigated work of Tina Galyanova the most striking feature is the enormous onomatolo.
- Published
- 2018
9. Nomìnacìâ mìfologìčnih personažìv u narodnih kazkah Lemkìvŝini (porìvnâl'nij aspekt)
- Author
Redkva, Mariya
- Subjects
bohater ,міфонім ,bajka ,nazwy własne ,казка ,персонаж ,fairytale ,mythonym ,character - Abstract
The article deals with the names of the mythological characters of the folk tales in the texts recorded by Mykhailo Hyriak in the XX century in Presov Region, Slovakia. Analyzed items are compared with their variants in the folk texts from Pokuttia, Podillia, Transcarpathian, Poltava, Kyiv and Chernihiv Regions. Comparative analysis represents the differences in the naming of similar tale characters, semantic and functional peculiarities of the names. Also author pays attention to the influence of culture, language and traditions of the other ethnic groups on the system of the names in Lemko folk tales.
- Published
- 2013
10. Poetic Functions of Onyms of World and Ukrainian Mythology in Works of Neoclassic
- Author
Misinkevych, Olessia
- Subjects
архетипна свідомість ,поетична онімія ,poetic onymation ,mifonim ,міфонім ,неокласичний текст ,archetypal consciousness ,анторопонім ,antroponim ,neoclassical text - Abstract
Статтю присвячено власним чоловічим іменам світової та української міфології, функціонування яких у поетичних творах неокласиків є необхідною умовою для повного розкриття змісту та окремих аспектів тексту. Вибір власного імені для позначення певної особи є важливим, оскільки саме цей процес дає змогу найкраще визначити всі аспекти позначуваного онімом слова.The article is dedicated to men’s proper names world and Ukrainian mythology, the functioning of which in lyrics of newclassics is the obligatory condition for fullness of the plot and some aspects of the text. The choice of proper name name for indications of certain person is important as just process gives the opportunity to determine all the aspects of indicating onimom words. Interpretation of key mifonimov of masculine is Given, the features of functioning of appearances are studied in the dynamics of individual artistic-vivid smyslotvorchestva. A conclusion is done that cultural-aesthetic maintenance of key poetic nominations in works of neoclassicisms testifies to universality of mythology as komponenta of conceptual model of the world. Cultural-aesthetic maintenance of key poetic nominations (proper names, mifoobrazov of world and Ukrainian culture) confirms the special value of onyms for the language picture of the world.
- Published
- 2013
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