本稿は,1970年代から今日までロシアで広く使われている初級日本語教科書の語彙を分析して,その特徴を述べたものである。この教科書は,学習者が,ロシアを訪れる日本人に自国のことを説明できるようになること,また日本を理解できるようになることを目的として編纂された。この教科書を分析した結果,最初の段階では名詞類が多く動詞が少ないこと,漢語の多さが目立つこと,品詞では動詞,語種では漢語の使用頻度が高いこと,意味分野では抽象的関係を表す語が多いこと,日本で日本語教育初級用に示された語彙との共通度は低いことなどが明らかとなった。, This paper presents an analysis of the vocabulary contained in the three-volume elementary Japanese textbook edited by Golovnin which was first published in the former Soviet Union in the 1970's and is still widely used in Russia today. The teaching of Japanese in Russia began in the early eighteenth century when the Russian empress had castaways from Japan teach the language for purposes of diplomacy and trade. The textbook which this paper examines was compiled for the purpose of introducing the Soviet Union to Japanese ambassadorial delegations and tourists as well as to provide an understanding of Japanese society and culture. In comparing the results of the analysis with two vocabulary lists prepared in Japan for Japanese language education purposes, the vocabulary in this textbook was found to possess the following characteristics: (1) Of the parts of speech, nouns constitute the greatest number, and verbs are few. (2) The number of words of Chinese origin, kango, used is strikingly high. (3) In terms of frequency of use, verbs are the most used part of speech, and nouns the least; words of Japanese origin, wago, are used with greater frequency than words of Chinese origin, kango. (4) In the area of semantic meaning, words expressing abstract relations are most numerous. Words expressing mental activities increase in Volume Two. (5) Words occurring in common in this textbook and the two comparison vocabulary lists constitute approximately 30% of the total. The Japanese language of the people who learned Japanese using this textbook gives an overall impression of stiffness. However, we can say that it is well suited to its goal, which aims for Japanese language use in formal settings. It has been made clear from this analysis that careful re-examination is needed of just what elementary-level vocabulary and basic vocabulary should consist of, respectively.