学校教育では特に「道徳教育」を中心に人間としての心構えや守るべき規律などの価値観が醸成される.こうした価値観醸成にあたり,例えば地球以外の場所に生命が発見されるなど,我々人間の意識変化が生ずる可能性が高い新たな宇宙時代において,現行の道徳教育で提唱している価値観がどこまで通用し得るであろうか., 本論文では,こうした問題に対し,現行の『学習指導要領』をベースに新たな宇宙時代に向けた道徳教育における課題を検討することとした., 検討の結果,新たな宇宙時代に向けて求められる価値観形成として,現行の『学習指導要領』がめざす道徳教育に次の2点が付加される必要があることが明らかになった., まず1点目は,文化や人種などが「多様である」ことを認めたうえで,そうした多様さ故に生ずる矛盾や衝突を取り除く「帰一的な(色々な考えがあるもののめざすべき結論は同じ,帰一するという)考え方」を醸成する教育が必要であるという点である., 次に,こうした価値観醸成には,多様性への「適応能力」や,多国の文化や価値観を他人事ではなく自分事として「建設的かつ批判的に検討する力」など,具体的な能力やスキルを身に付けさせる工夫が必要となるという点である., こうした課題を踏まえ,教育のあり方として,単に宇宙に関する興味関心の喚起や知識提供で留めるのではなく,上記のような価値観形成につながる宇宙教育をめざす必要がある.今後,具体的にどのように展開すべきかを検討・実践し,検証結果を学校教育へ還元する必, 要があると考えている., The mental attitudes of human beings as human beings and values such as discipline, etc. that should be complied with are fostered in school education, particularly centred on "moral education." When fostering these kinds of values, how far can the values advocated in current moral education be applied in the new space era in which there is a high likelihood of a change in the perceptions of we human beings occurring, for example the discovery of extraterrestrial life, etc.?, In this paper, we addressed these problems by examining issues in moral education for the new space era based on the current "Curriculum guidelines"., The results of this examination revealed that it is necessary to add the following two points to the moral education aimed for by the current "Curriculum guidelines", in order to form the values required for the new space era., The first point is that it is necessary to have education that first recognizes that culture, the human race, etc. "are diverse" and then fosters the "unitary thinking (which says that although there are a variety of ideas the conclusion we should all be working toward is the same, or comes down to the same thing in the end)" that liminates the contradictions and conflicts that arise from that diversity., The second point is that in order to foster these kinds of values it is necessary to devise strategies for mastering specific abilities and skills such as the "ability to adapt" to diversity and "the ability to constructively and critically examine" the cultures and values of many countries as matters that concern oneself rather than as matters that are only the concern of other people, etc., Taking into account these kinds of issues, it is necessary for education to go beyond merely stimulating interest in and providing information about space, to aim for space education which leads to the formation of values like the above. We believe that going forward it will be necessary to examine how space education should be specifically developed, practice it, and return the results of the verification to school education., 資料番号: AA0065205004, レポート番号: JAXA-RR-11-006