(1) Background--M ic m - cn Lcrpriscs play an imporLanL role in poverLy cradicaLion, employ mcnL promo Lion and economic promo Lion, injccLing new forces inLo China's economic devclopmcnL. Mie m-Lea cnLerprisc is a Lype of micm-enLcipriscs, whose Lea sale mainly depends on Lhe rccommendaLion of relaLives, friends, CLisLomei's and oLher neLwork mcmbci's. (2) Methods--Combined wiLh fcaLurcs of micro-Lea enLerprises and Lea LransacLion, Lhe social capiLal Lhe- ory is inLmdnced. From Lhe pcrspecLive of social neLwork, sLrncLural eqnaLion model, BooLsLrap mediaLor LesL, and hierarchy regression analysis arc employed Lo probe inLo Lhe mechanism of micro-Lea enLerprises' social ncL- work aTfccLing Lhe performance of Lea markcLing channels. (8)Results--This rcscai'ch explores Lhe influencing mechanism of Lea markcLing channel performance from Lhe pei'spccLive of social neLwork. ITie final resulLs arc as follows: FirsLlv, neLwork ccnLraliLy (0. 150), neLwork heLcrogcnciLv (0.200) and neLwork rclaLionship (0.210) all play a sLimidaLivc role in markcLing channel performance. Secondly, channel sLabiliLy plays a mediaLing role in Lhe impacL of social neLwork on mai- kcLing channel performance, in which channel sLabiliLv plays a full mediaLing role in Lhe impacL of neLwork cen- LraliLv (0. 078) on markcLing channel performance,and plays a patl of mediaLing role in Lhe impacL of neLwork heLcrogcnciLy (0.050) and neLwork rclaLionship (0. 050) on markcLing channel performance. Thirdly, social LrnsL (0. 170) has a posiLive moderaLing cffecL on markcLing channel performance. As an informal insLiLiiLional atTangemenL, social LrnsL can snpplcmenL Lhe shorLeomings of Lhe formal conLracL sysLem, help Lo improve Lhe efficiency of matkeL operaLions,and Lhns improve Lhe markcLing performance of enLerprises. According Lo Lhe influence inLcnsiLv of Lea markcLing channel performance,Lhe Lhrcc can he ranked as follows: neLwork relaLion- ship (0. 241),neLwork heLemgeneiLy (0. 219), and neLwork ccnLraliLy (0. 171). The expansion and mainLe- nancc of social neLwork is of greaL significance Lo Lhe Lransmission an sharing of social capiLal in Lhe operaLion of micro-Lea enLerprises. Thus,iL is necessary Lo csLablish a good and sLablc social neLwork wiLh cnLeipriscs, gov- ernmenL agencies or oLher organizaLional consumers so as Lo promoLe Lhe growth of micro-Lea enLerprises. In addi- Lion, Lhe level of social LrnsL is also an imporLanL envimnmenLal foLindaLion LhaL influences Lhe survival and devel- opmenL of micro-enLerprises. (4)Conclusions and Discussions--Based on Lhcsc resulLs, some SHggcsLions arf as follows: CD Ifs necessary Lo csLablish a rclaLionship neLwork mainLenance sysLem Lo realize Lhe cfricicnL Lransfer and iiLilizaLion of informaLion rcsoLirccs.②We should expand hcLcrogcncoLis social neLwork and realize Lhe cffecLivc devclopmcnL and rccombinaLion of informaLion rcsoLirccs. Moreover, we should Lry Lo connccL wiLh employees and scienLific research insLiLnLions wiLh differenL indusLrial backgrounds.③lL is csscnLial Lo Lry Lo occupy Lhe cenLral posiLion of social neLwork, realizing Lhe rapid exchange and inLegraLion of informaLion resources. In addiLion, we should csLablish dirccL c ounce Lion wiLh organizaLional cons nmol's in order Lo occupy Lhe cenLral posiLion of Lhe neLwork. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]