54 results on '"温度測定"'
Search Results
2. Report of Meisei Academic Lab. : Introduction to Low-Temperature Physics Experiments
- Author
Takashige, Masaaki, Yamaguchi, Toshihisa, and Shimizu, Toshiki
- Subjects
温度測定 ,電気抵抗測定 ,superconductivity ,Meissner effect ,physics education ,マイスナー効果 ,物理教育 ,超伝導 ,temperature measurement ,resistivity measurement - Published
- 2018
3. 1K以下での温度測定法I
- Subjects
温度測定 ,温度スケール - Published
- 2018
4. Temperatures of Japanese macaque and the surrounding environment during snowy season in Kamikochi, Northern Japan Alps
- Subjects
上高地 ,温度測定 ,積雪期 ,ニホンザル ,Macaca fuscata - Abstract
北アルプスの上高地に生息するニホンザルの群れを対象に,サルが利用する生息環境の各箇所と,サルの生活している温度について計測して比較を行った。生息環境の温度測定は,サルが繰り返し泊り場として利用したウラジロモミの樹冠内(泊り場),採食場所として利用した落葉広葉樹林(採食場所),森林外の河原のエゾヤナギ(開放地)に温度センサーを設置して生息環境の温度を計測した。また,河原裸地に照度センサーを設置して計測を行い,天気図と合わせて気象条件を特定した。サルの生活している温度は,オトナオス個体にデータロガーを装着して1993年2月19日から22日間の温度を測定した。サルが記録した温度は,日中は採食や移動により大きく変化したが,夜間は高温で大きな変化がなく,サルの行動を忠実に反映していると考えられた。サルの記録した温度は,すべての計測期間中,外気温度より高かった。外気温度は夜間に比べて日中の方が有意に高かったが,サル温度は日中に比べ夜間が有意に高かった。また,冷え込んだ夜ほど,サル温度はより高温を保っていた。この結果から,サルが常緑針葉樹の樹冠内の泊り場内で過ごす夜間は,複数個体が身を寄せ合って過ごすHuddlingの行動により,泊り場内の生息環境を造り上げていることが温度測定によって示された。, Article, 信州大学農学部AFC報告 11(1-2): 29-36(2013)
- Published
- 2013
5. Temperature measurement in refrigerator : Temperature change by various kinds of conditions
- Subjects
冷蔵庫 ,温度測定 ,Refrigerator ,Temperature measurement ,衛生管理 ,498.54 ,Hygiene control ,家政学・生活科学 - Abstract
東北女子大学・東北女子短期大学紀要, 50, 2012, p.21-31
- Published
- 2012
6. The measurement of Cooling Effects by Roof Planting
- Subjects
温度測定 ,グリーン・カーテン ,屋上緑化 ,理科教育 ,環境学習 ,省エネルギー - Abstract
米苗床用容器に緑色植物を植え,それを校舎の屋根に並べ緑化した。その真下の教室と容器を置いていない下側にある部屋の温度やそれらの真横に位置する2教室の温度を測定した。その結果,天候にも依るが,真下や真横の室内温度は植物容器がある所は置いてない所に比べて2~4℃,外気温度に比べて5℃程低くなる。### その一方で昨年に引き続き校舎南側に曼性植物を植え「グリーン・カーテン」として使用した。そのカーテンの有無による室内温度の違いについて,それぞれの学校や事業所毎に測定が行われている。それによると測定場所にもよるが,グリーン・カーテンがある所はない所に比べて2~3℃,外気温に比べて数℃低くなることが明らかになってきた。### この屋上緑化やグリーン・カーテンのための植栽,その後の管理,温度測定などは理科学習,環境学習,総合学習,食育などに使われ,自然への興味や関心を高めると共に,地域住民と連携した交流に繋がっている。他方,大分県や県教委も今年度から空調に頼らない省エネ思想啓発のために,グリーン・カーテンの普及を県庁舎や県立学校で始めた。### Green plants were grown in seedling containers and they were laid out on the rooftop of a school house. The temperature of a room below the part where the containers were placed and no containers were placed was measured respectively. The temperature of two other classrooms located next to the two rooms was also measured. It was found that depending on the weather, the indoor temperature of the room with containers above it or that of the room next to it was 2 to 4℃ lower than that of the room with no containers above it; and that the indoor temperature was approximately 5℃ lower than atmospheric temperature.
- Published
- 2010
7. The Effects of 'Green Curtain' on Lowering Temperature and Their Application
- Subjects
地域連携 ,緑のカーテン ,温度測定 ,降温効果 ,環境学習 - Published
- 2009
8. Internal temperature study during charge and discharge operation of large scale lithium-ion cell for space applications
- Author
Nakamura, Keita, Masuda, Hideki, Inoue, Takefumi, Yoshida, Hiroaki, Uno, Masatoshi, Toyota, Hiroyuki, Sone, Yoshitsugu, Saito, Hirobumi, and Tajima, Michio
- Subjects
リチウムイオン電池 ,宇宙機給電 ,温度制御 ,温度測定 ,operating temperature ,蓄電池 ,space technology experiment ,宇宙技術実験 ,spacecraft power supply ,温度分布 ,temperature distribution ,発熱 ,作動温度 ,storage battery ,heat generation ,lithium ion battery ,temperature control ,temperature measurement - Abstract
Application of Large scale lithium-ion battery to various satellites and space vehicles has progressed well because of high capacity and high specific energy demands. GS Yuasa Technology (GYT) had developed 100 Ah lithium ion cells in 1999. And we consecutively had developed 50 Ah and 175 Ah cell with the same basic electrode design as the 100 Ah cell. In this study, we investigated the internal cell temperature during charge and discharge operation that is important information to assess the cell life. The temperature measurements were performed on three sizes cells which are the 50 Ah, 100 Ah, and 175 Ah cell. Each cell were opened at the bottom of the cell case and four thermo couple temperature sensors were installed into the cell inside. The detail locations are top (in height)-center (of wound element), middle-center, bottom-center, and bottom-outer (of wound element, but inside of case). The opened cell bottom was sealed by epoxy resin for the charge and discharge test. And additional four thermo couple temperature sensors were attached at cell surface. The charge and discharge conditions are simulated LEO (Low Earth Orbit) and GEO (Geostationary Earth Orbit) satellite operation, as shown below. LEO: Charge: 0.5 CA for 60 minutes, Discharge: 0.8 CA for 30 minutes. GEO: Charge: 0.1 CA for 22 hours 48 minutes, Discharge: 0.58 CA for 72 minutes. These charge and discharge test were repeated six cycles at 0 C, 15 C, and 25 C, respectively. In these test, following results were obtained. Larger cell shows larger temperature difference within the cell. However, even at 175 Ah cell, the largest temperature difference was 3.3 C that is measured between inside and outside of wound element. As for top and bottom direction, the maximum temperature difference was 0.9 C. We think that the reason of this small temperature difference at vertical direction depends on high thermal conductivity of Cupper and Aluminum foil that consist the cell wound element., 資料番号: AA0063965002
- Published
- 2008
9. Exploration of solid planet using spectral and non-cooling longwave infrared camera
- Author
Fukuhara, Tetsuya, Taguchi, Makoto, Imamura, Takeshi, and Okada, Tatsuaki
- Subjects
温度測定 ,temperature resolution ,温度差 ,衛星搭載装置 ,中間波長赤外線カメラ ,温度分解能 ,性能試験 ,bolometer ,熱放射 ,performance test ,赤外線検出器 ,プロトタイプ ,金星探査機 ,ボロメータ ,longwave infrared camera ,PLANET-C ,LIR ,resolution ,satellite-borne instrument ,infrared imagery ,infrared detector ,赤外線画像 ,temperature difference ,thermal radiation ,prototype ,Venus Climate Orbiter ,temperature measurement ,分解能 - Abstract
資料番号: AA0063719001
- Published
- 2008
10. Study of flame spread over polymer-insulated wire in depressurized enclosure
- Author
Nakamura, Yuji, Matsumura, Tomohiro, Yoshimura, Nobuko, Ito, Hiroyuki, and Fujita, Osamu
- Subjects
火炎伝播 ,polyethylene ,高分子被覆電線 ,温度測定 ,pressure dependence ,flame propagation ,polymer-insulated wire ,燃焼速度 ,低圧 ,ポリエチレン ,burning rate ,電線 ,燃焼 ,flame spread rate ,space habitant environment ,flame ,low pressure ,electric wire ,圧力依存性 ,火炎広がり速度 ,宇宙居住環境 ,temperature measurement ,火炎 ,combustion - Abstract
Flame spread character along Polyethylene (PE)-insulated wire as a model of electric devices, which is most possible fire source in space, in quiescent closed chamber is examined experimentally. Sub-atmospheric pressure range from 20 kPa to 100 kPa is of interest to simulate the space habitant environment. Throughout the study, ambient gas composition is fixed at 79 volume percent of nitrogen and 21 volume percent of oxygen (same as air), hence the partial pressure of oxygen is decreased as the pressure in the chamber is decreased. Flame spread subsequent forced ignition is observed and the spread rate is determined as a measure of the fire damage. Three types of chamber configuration are demonstrated to investigate the enclosure effect on flame spread; such as (a) with ceiling and side walls (severely confined case), (b) with ceiling but no side wall, (c) open (no obstacle. Least confined case). Results showed that the spread rate is quite sensitive on the imposed enclosure configuration near the extinction condition; the spread rate decreased with ceiling and side walls but no decrement trend is observed in open configuration. It is suspected that the burned gas tends to stagnant near the combustion regime in severely confined case and the oxygen component to be burned is limited. Without any confined effect, faster spread rate is achieved in depressurized environment. It is addressed that the severe regulation for fire safety should be applied in the space habitant., 資料番号: AA0063349034
- Published
- 2007
11. Thermal-inertia estimation of asteroid 25143 Itokawa with Hayabusa/XRS thermometer
- Author
Inoue, Tatsutoshi, Yamamoto, Yukio, Okada, Tatsuaki, Shirai, Kei, Arai, Takehiko, Ogawa, Kazunori, Inoue, Tomoka, and Kato, Manabu
- Subjects
温度測定 ,Itokawa ,Physics::Instrumentation and Detectors ,宇宙探査 ,熱特性 ,thermal property ,Hayabusa ,regolith ,surface temperature ,はやぶさ ,惑星表面 ,熱放射 ,小惑星探査機 ,小惑星 ,X線分光学 ,asteroid ,Asteroid Sample-return Spacecraft ,レゴリス ,MUSES-C ,X-ray spectroscopy ,表面温度 ,thermal radiation ,Astrophysics::Earth and Planetary Astrophysics ,イトカワ ,planetary surface ,space exploration ,temperature measurement - Abstract
In this study, we constructed a thermal model of Itokawa considering its shape. And we paid attention to Hayabusa (MUSES-C: Asteroid Sample-return Spacecraft)/XRS (X-Ray Spectrometer) thermometer observations by means of determining the surface conditions of Itokawa. This thermometer was attached to measure the temperature of Hood by which the detectors of XRS were cooled radiatively. Since it was calibrated sufficiently in the thermal vacuum test, we found it is useful to investigate the surface thermal properties of Itokawa. We compared XRS temperature calculated with thermal model with those derived from XRS thermometer observations and made attempt to find the most suitable thermal property of Itokawa., 資料番号: AA0063505021
- Published
- 2006
12. Development of a small pulse tube cooler onboard a satellite
- Author
Kushino, Akihiro, Sugita, Hiroyuki, and Matsubara, Yoichi
- Subjects
パルスチューブ冷凍機 ,温度測定 ,spacecraft instrument ,コールドプレート ,pulse tube cooler ,宇宙機搭載機器 ,research and development ,cooling system ,冷却系 ,圧縮機 ,温度プロファイル ,cold plate ,compressor ,temperature profile ,temperature measurement ,研究開発 - Abstract
資料番号: AA0045441083
- Published
- 2003
13. Aerodynamic measurement of pressure sensitive paints: Test at the ISAS large wind tunnel
- Author
Fujimatsu, Nobuyoshi, Nakai, Yusuke, Ouchi, Hirofumi, Shiono, Satoshi, Tsuboi, Nobuyuki, Fujii, Kozo, Irikado, Tomoko, and Sato, Kiyoshi
- Subjects
Schlieren写真法 ,温度測定 ,shock wave ,衝撃波 ,CCD camera ,surface pressure distribution ,LED ,表面圧分布 ,風洞試験 ,pressure sensitive paint ,CCDカメラ ,research and development ,解像力 ,Schlieren photography ,圧力測定 ,感圧塗料 ,翼面 ,pressure measurement ,wing surface ,wind tunnel test ,temperature measurement ,研究開発 ,image resolution - Abstract
資料番号: AA0045913020
- Published
- 2003
14. Observation of temperature and density of the lower thermosphere by S-310-30 rocket sounding and shock wave simulation by DSMC method
- Author
Kurihara, Junichi, Oyama, Koichiro, and Abe, Takashi
- Subjects
振動温度 ,vibrational temperature ,温度測定 ,窒素 ,density measurement ,直接数値シミュレーション ,超音速飛行 ,密度測定 ,nitrogen ,lower thermosphere ,shock heating ,Monte Carlo method ,ロケット観測 ,S-310-30号ロケット ,supersonic flight ,S-310-30 rocket ,モンテカルロ法 ,direct numerical simulation ,衝撃波加熱 ,中性大気 ,rocket sounding ,neutral atmosphere ,下部熱圏 ,temperature measurement - Abstract
資料番号: AA0045981044
- Published
- 2003
15. 移動液相線ゾーン法についてのモデルと実験研究
- Author
Kinoshita, Kyoichi, Nakamura, Hirohiko, Hanaue, Yasuhiro, Iwai, Masayuki, Tsuru, Tetsuya, Muramatsu, Yuji, Adachi, Satoshi, Koshikawa, Naokiyo, and Yoda, Shinichi
- Subjects
半導体材料 ,温度測定 ,結晶成長 ,numerical analysis ,移動液相線ゾーン ,温度勾配 ,数値解析 ,crystal growth ,indium gallium arsenide ,traveling liquidus zone ,インジウム砒化ガリウム ,均質結晶 ,温度プロフィル ,temperature gradient ,semiconductor material ,homogeneous crystal ,temperature profile ,temperature measurement - Abstract
One dimensional TLZ (Traveling Liquidus-Zone) growth model has been developed and the importance of accurate measurements of temperature gradients in the liquidus-zone has been revealed because sample translation rates for growing homogeneous crystals are directly related to the temperature gradient according to the model. For this purpose, a new method was invented to determine the average temperature gradient in the zone experimentally. In addition, temperature profiles in dummy samples were measured by using thermocouples and these results were utilized for developing numerical analyses of temperature distribution in the sample device. As a result, understanding of the TLZ growth mechanism has been deepened including constitutional supercooling during the crystal growth. Here, experimental results on temperature profile (temperature gradient) measurements and compositional profile analyses based on the TLZ model and measured temperature gradients are summarized together with the TLZ model over view., 資料番号: AA0045402001, レポート番号: NASDA-TMR-020024E
- Published
- 2002
16. 低プラントル数流体の半ゾーン液体ブリッジにおける熱毛細管流の実験的研究
- Author
Otaka, Masahiko, Takagi, Katsuhiko, Natsui, Hidesada, Arai, Tatsuya, and Yoda, Shinichi
- Subjects
温度測定 ,liquid bridge ,thermocapillary flow ,熱毛細管流 ,プラントル数 ,Prandtl number ,液体ブリッジ ,acoustic property ,音響特性 ,振動流 ,surface tension ,oscillating flow ,flow visualization ,表面張力 ,temperature measurement ,流れの可視化 - Abstract
The first and clear experimental evidence for the transition from the steady to the oscillatory flow was presented by the non-contact temperature measurement of a molten tin surface and the surface flow visualization. Imaishi et al. confirmed validity of the experimentally determined Ma(sub c2) and frequency of the standing wave in comparison with a numerical result. Some performance tests for radiation thermometer also made this experimental result reliable and accurate. The effect of an aspect ratio (As) on the Ma(sub c2) has been studied. The Ma(sub c2) increases with decreasing of As in the range of As near 1.24. Internal temperature field of liquid bridge at oscillatory flow was speculated by the phase relation analysis of the simultaneous multi-measurement data of surface temperature. The numerical simulation was conducted under the same conditions of the experiment in order to check the onset point and temperature fluctuation data obtained by the experiment. The surface tension of molten tin was measured at various temperatures between 523 and 1023 K under the oxygen partial pressures (P(sub O2)) between 10(exp -19) and 10(exp -6) MPa. It was clarified an appropriate value of the surface tension coefficient for experimental chamber is - 0.9 x 10(exp -4) N/mK. It was also found that the temperature coefficient of surface tension at a constant P(sub O2) raised as P(sub 02) increased, and the sign of the coefficient changed from minus to plus at logP(sub 02) = -9.375 MPa. Visualization technique (3D-UV) of flow field measurements for liquid metals using ultrasonic transducer with high heat resistance has been successively developed for the experiments. Sensitivity of transducer was examined at high temperature condition same as actual thermocapillary experiment. High spatial resolution in the direction of ultrasonic propagation was obtained. Visualization performance of ongoing sensor design was confirmed by numerical simulation. The tracer is also currently under development. Technique for improvement of sphericity and surface roughness was developed. Endurance against molten tin and acoustic characteristics of trial production were experimentally examined., 資料番号: AA0032601006, レポート番号: NASDA-TMR-010015E
- Published
- 2001
17. 流体物理実験装置(FPEF)を用いた搭載実験セルの研究
- Author
Kawasaki, Kazunori, Ota, Kazuo, Matsumoto, Kazunori, and Yoda, Shinichi
- Subjects
fluid physics experiment facility ,表面歪み ,マランゴニ対流 ,温度測定 ,liquid bridge ,Marangoni convection ,搭載実験セル ,surface deformation ,onboard experiment cell ,液体ブリッジ ,feasibility study ,流体物理実験装置 ,速度測定 ,Japanese Experiment Module ,予備研究 ,temperature measurement ,velocity measurement ,日本宇宙ステーション実験モジュール - Abstract
As a continuation of the studies performed in the previous fiscal year, the study of feasibility of conducting the dynamic surface deformation measurement on the liquid bridge, to be utilized for the liquid bridge Marangoni convection experiments using the JEM Fluid Physics Experiment Facility (FPEF), was performed. From these studies, the specifications of the experiment cell was established based on the studies of installing the Dynamic Surface Deformation (DSD) measurement device into the experiment cell, and the detailed measurement based on the Microscopic Imaging Displacement Meter (MIDM) method for liquid bridge dynamic surface measurement. This study also included the compatibility with the FPEF and confirmed that all interfaces conform to the requirements. Furthermore, items that require confirmation in order to meet the experiment requirements were extracted and a draft of the development plan that reflect these confirmation items was established., 資料番号: AA0032601009, レポート番号: NASDA-TMR-010015E
- Published
- 2001
18. Aerodynamic heating measurement by infrared camera system
- Author
Koyama, Tadao, Hirabayashi, Noriaki, Tsuda, Shoichi, Sekine, Hideo, Nagai, Shinji, and Hozumi, Koichi
- Subjects
温度測定 ,空力加熱 ,infrared camera ,熱伝達係数 ,計算流体力学 ,熱電対 ,computational fluid dynamics ,赤外線カメラ ,heat transfer coefficient ,thermocouple ,超音波風洞 ,aerodynamic heating ,temperature measurement ,supersonic wind tunnel - Abstract
航空宇宙技術研究所の大型極超音速風洞では、空力加熱測定を赤外線カメラを用いて行っている。この赤外線カメラによる空力加熱測定法は、従来の離散的なセンサによる測定法に比べ、機体全体にわたる空力加熱を2次元的な面情報として捉えられるため、局所的なピーク加熱も捕捉できる点で優れている。また、これまで定量測定精度の問題が指摘されていたが、誤差量の見積もり、補正方法の確立、3次元マッピングソフトウェアの開発、従来型のセンサとの比較試験などを行い、総合的な測定精度として10%以内の測定が可能であることを確認した。赤外線カメラによる空力加熱測定法は、極超音速風洞における空力加熱測定の実用的なシステムとしてほぼ確立した。ここでは、赤外線カメラによる空力加熱測定法の概要と定量測定精度を高めるために行った誤差の検討と補正法、センサとの比較試験などについて報告する。, 資料番号: AA0032235012, レポート番号: NAL SP-51
- Published
- 2001
19. Thermal conduction characteristic tests of a nose cap fitting
- Author
Endo, Shuji and Otake, Kunihiko
- Subjects
温度測定 ,ノーズキャップ取付金具 ,thermal protection ,nose cap fitting ,carbon composite material ,高熱束 ,thermal conduction test ,熱伝導試験 ,熱伝導特性 ,有翼宇宙往還機 ,winged reentry vehicle ,熱防御 ,thermal conduction characteristic ,high heat flux ,カーボン複合材料 ,temperature measurement - Abstract
宇宙往還機のノーズキャップ取付金具部の熱伝導特性を把握するために、取付金具を模擬した供試体を製作して、加熱試験を行った。供試体は極超音速飛行実験(HYFLEX)機のノーズキャップ取付金具と同じ大きさに同等の素材で製作したものを用いた。供試体の加熱はクセノンランプ加熱装置を用いて行なった。試験は真空中で実施し、熱電対を用いて、供試体の各部位の温度履歴データを取得した。ノーズキャップを模擬したカーボン/カーボン複合材平板の裏面の温度が最大になるときには、機体主構造部材を模擬したアルミニウム合金平板の温度はほとんど上昇しておらず、その温度上昇にタイムラグがあることが観測された。, Heating tests of a model of a nose cap fitting were carried out in order to understand the behavior of thermal conduction of the nose cap fitting of hypersonic re-entry vehicles. The model was constructed of materials equivalent to those used for the nose cap fitting of the Hypersonic Flight Experiment (HYFLEX) vehicle, and was of the same size. The model was heated using a xenon lamp heating system. Tests were carried out in a vacuum, and the temperature history at selected locations on the model were measured with thermocouples. It was observed that the temperature of the main structure of the airframe hardly rose, when the temperature of the back surface of the nose cap reached its peak value., 資料番号: AA0001963000, レポート番号: NAL TM-738
- Published
- 1999
20. 解離再結合加熱とアブレータの飛行試験結果
- Author
Watanabe, Yasuo, Wada, Yasuhiro, Ogawa, Satoru, Akimoto, Toshio, Maru, Masao, 渡辺 泰夫, 和田 安弘, 小川 哲, 秋元 敏男, 丸 正生, Watanabe, Yasuo, Wada, Yasuhiro, Ogawa, Satoru, Akimoto, Toshio, Maru, Masao, 渡辺 泰夫, 和田 安弘, 小川 哲, 秋元 敏男, and 丸 正生
- Abstract
The outline of the mission and initial analysis of the flight data of the recombination heating and ablation sensors installed on the fourth row of the ceramic tile Thermal Protection System (TPS) of Orbit Reently Experiment (OREX) are described., 機体表面での再結合加熱にたいする表面触媒性の効果を観測することを目的とした再結合加熱センサとアブレータによる熱防護特性評価のためのアブレータセンサを製作しOREX第4列タイル上に搭載した。再結合加熱センサは3種類の表面(BHE,SiC,Au)の触媒効果の差異の観測を、アブレータセンサは深さ方向温度履歴データより熱ブロッキング効果を評価する。これらセンサで得られた飛行データの初期解析結果を述べる。
- Published
- 2015
21. 感圧塗料による空気力計測:宇宙研大型風洞での試み
- Author
Fujimatsu, Nobuyoshi, Nakai, Yusuke, Ouchi, Hirofumi, Shiono, Satoshi, Tsuboi, Nobuyuki, Fujii, Kozo, Irikado, Tomoko, Sato, Kiyoshi, 藤松 信義, 中井 祐輔, 大内 弘文, 鹽野 智, 坪井 伸幸, 藤井 孝藏, 入門 朋子, 佐藤 清, Fujimatsu, Nobuyoshi, Nakai, Yusuke, Ouchi, Hirofumi, Shiono, Satoshi, Tsuboi, Nobuyuki, Fujii, Kozo, Irikado, Tomoko, Sato, Kiyoshi, 藤松 信義, 中井 祐輔, 大内 弘文, 鹽野 智, 坪井 伸幸, 藤井 孝藏, 入門 朋子, and 佐藤 清
- Published
- 2015
22. Effects of oxygen partial pressure in ambient atmosphere on Marangoni convection in silicon melt
- Author
Hibiya, Taketoshi, Azami, Takeshi, Nakamura, Shin, 日比谷 孟俊, 莇 丈史, 中村 新, Hibiya, Taketoshi, Azami, Takeshi, Nakamura, Shin, 日比谷 孟俊, 莇 丈史, and 中村 新
- Abstract
The effect of oxygen partial pressure was investigated in ambient atmosphere on Marangoni convection in a molten silicon bridge by measuring temperature oscillation in 1g condition and observing flow by X ray under microgravity. In ambient atmosphere at low P(sub O2) the temperature oscillation had multiple frequencies, whereas at high P(sub O2) it had a single frequency. The tracer particle velocity decreased with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The flow mode of transition and the P(sub O2) dependence of the velocity suggest that the absolute value of the temperature coefficient of surface tension of molten silicon decreases with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The results indicate that oxygen partial pressure is one of the key parameters to control Marangoni convection in the silicon crystal growth process., NASDA English Translation
- Published
- 2015
23. マイクロメカニクスに基づく形状記憶合金3次元モデリングの有限要素法への適用
- Author
Enishi, Ryota, Ikeda, Tadashige, Ueda, Tetsuhiko, 江西 亮太, 池田 忠繁, 上田 哲彦, Enishi, Ryota, Ikeda, Tadashige, Ueda, Tetsuhiko, 江西 亮太, 池田 忠繁, and 上田 哲彦
- Published
- 2015
24. ペネトレータによる月惑星科学探査の展開
- Author
Tanaka, Satoshi, Fujimura, Akio, Shiraishi, Hiroaki, Hayakawa, Hajime, Ishii, Nobuaki, Komatsu, Keiji, Murakami, Hideki, Kobayashi, Naoki, Takeuchi, Nozomu, 田中 智, 藤村 彰夫, 白石 浩章, 早川 基, 石井 信明, 小松 敬治, 村上 英記, 小林 直樹, 竹内 希, Tanaka, Satoshi, Fujimura, Akio, Shiraishi, Hiroaki, Hayakawa, Hajime, Ishii, Nobuaki, Komatsu, Keiji, Murakami, Hideki, Kobayashi, Naoki, Takeuchi, Nozomu, 田中 智, 藤村 彰夫, 白石 浩章, 早川 基, 石井 信明, 小松 敬治, 村上 英記, 小林 直樹, and 竹内 希
- Published
- 2015
25. ミッション計測計画
- Author
Inoue, Yasutoshi, Sakurai, Yoshio, Akimoto, Toshio, Inaba, Motoyuki, 井上 安敏, 桜井 善雄, 秋元 敏男, 稲葉 基之, Inoue, Yasutoshi, Sakurai, Yoshio, Akimoto, Toshio, Inaba, Motoyuki, 井上 安敏, 桜井 善雄, 秋元 敏男, and 稲葉 基之
- Abstract
In the Orbital Reentry Experiment (OREX) done by Japanese for the first time, the onboard measurement mission is one of the most important purposes. Toward the R&D of the HOPE (H-2 Orbiting Plane), acquisition of the basic data during the atmospheric re-entry and the flight validation of the design methods were expected by OREX as well as flight verification of the thermal protection structures. Therefore, the various measurements aboard OREX were planned as its mission: (1) aerothermodynamical measurements as a probe or a flying wind tunnel; (2) measurements for verification of the thermo-structural design; (3) measurements on the communication blackout phenomena; and (4) GPS Receiver (GPSR) navigation data acquisition. Requirements and decision for the measurement items and selection of measuring apparatus for each item have been made. Design, development and test have followed. Discussed are the mission scenario, the outline of the design, developmental story and spatial allocation of the sensors., 我が国始めての軌道速度からの大気圏再突入を行う本飛行実験において、将来開発運用するHOPEなどの宇宙往還機の設計のための基礎データの取得、設計ツールの検証を行うことが熱防護系の飛行実証などと並ぶ最も重要なOREXの目的の1つである。このことからハウスキーピング計測の他に計測ミッションとして、熱空気力学的プローブもしくは飛行風洞として位置づけられる計測項目、熱構造系の設計検証的な計測項目、HOPEなどでの展開を検討するためのGPSR航法・誘導・制御上の計測項目、軌道再突入に伴うブラックアウトに関する計測項目などの機上計測を計画しセンサなどの選定、設計開発を行った。これら各々の計測計画におけるミッションシナリオ、計測系の設計概要、開発経緯、計測機器搭載配置の考え方などについて述べる。
- Published
- 2015
26. 軌道再突入実験(OREX)概要
- Author
Yamamoto, Masataka, Akimoto, Toshio, Yamawaki, Koji, Inaba, Motoyuki, Shimoda, Takayuki, Inoue, Yasutoshi, 山本 昌孝, 秋元 敏男, 山脇 功次, 稲葉 基之, 下田 孝幸, 井上 安敏, Yamamoto, Masataka, Akimoto, Toshio, Yamawaki, Koji, Inaba, Motoyuki, Shimoda, Takayuki, Inoue, Yasutoshi, 山本 昌孝, 秋元 敏男, 山脇 功次, 稲葉 基之, 下田 孝幸, and 井上 安敏
- Abstract
The Orbital Re-entry Experiment (OREX) flight experiment is part of the research for the H-2 Orbiting Plane (HOPE). Its purposes are to contribute to HOPE development by accumulating experience in designing and producing a re-entry vehicle and acquiring re-entry data which is difficult to acquire in ground experiments. The OREX vehicle had been launched February 4, 1994 at Tanegashima space center and inserted into orbit by H-2 rocket. Vehicle came turn around over the Tanegashima island. It could get experimental data during re-entry, transmitted data to the grand stations after re-entry successfully, and splashed down in the Central Pacific Ocean. The OREX project was conducted in cooperation with the National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL) and NASDA., 軌道再突入実験(OREX)は、H-2ロケット打上げ型有翼回収機(HOPE)の研究開発の一環として実施する飛行実験の一つであり、軌道からの大気圏再突入に耐える飛行体の設計・製作技術を蓄積するとともに、地上での試験では取得が困難な再突入時の各種データを取得することにより、HOPEの開発に役立てることを目的としている。軌道再突入実験機は1994年2月4日種子島宇宙センターからH-2ロケットにより打ち上げられ、地球を一周した後大気圏に再突入し、この間再突入に関する実験データを取得、送信した後、中部太平洋上に着水した。本実験の開発は、航空宇宙技術研究所(NAL)と宇宙開発事業団(NASDA)との共同研究として進められた。
- Published
- 2015
27. Study of on-board experiment cell with Fluid Physics Experiment Facility (FPEF)
- Author
Kawasaki, Kazunori, Ota, Kazuo, Matsumoto, Kazunori, Yoda, Shinichi, 川崎 和憲, 大田 和男, 松本 和典, 依田 真一, Kawasaki, Kazunori, Ota, Kazuo, Matsumoto, Kazunori, Yoda, Shinichi, 川崎 和憲, 大田 和男, 松本 和典, and 依田 真一
- Abstract
As a continuation of the studies performed in the previous fiscal year, the study of feasibility of conducting the dynamic surface deformation measurement on the liquid bridge, to be utilized for the liquid bridge Marangoni convection experiments using the JEM Fluid Physics Experiment Facility (FPEF), was performed. From these studies, the specifications of the experiment cell was established based on the studies of installing the Dynamic Surface Deformation (DSD) measurement device into the experiment cell, and the detailed measurement based on the Microscopic Imaging Displacement Meter (MIDM) method for liquid bridge dynamic surface measurement. This study also included the compatibility with the FPEF and confirmed that all interfaces conform to the requirements. Furthermore, items that require confirmation in order to meet the experiment requirements were extracted and a draft of the development plan that reflect these confirmation items was established., NASDA Technical Memorandum, 宇宙開発事業団技術報告
- Published
- 2015
28. 高純度CVD-SiC静的加熱試験時の温度分布計測
- Author
Yoshinaka, Toshinari, 芳仲 敏成, Yoshinaka, Toshinari, and 芳仲 敏成
- Abstract
超高温材料研究センターの酸化揮散試験機を用いて高純度CVD-SiCの静的加熱試験を実施する際に、装置各部で大きな温度分布が生じることが考えられる。装置各部で生じる現象を予測し、結果の評価などに活用可能なデータを得るために濃度分布測定を行なったので報告する。, JAXA Research and Development Memorandum, 宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発資料
- Published
- 2015
29. 極超音速飛行実験(HYFLEX)計画
- Author
Shirouzu, Masao, Inoue, Yasutoshi, Takizawa, Minoru, Kai, Takashi, Yamamoto, Yukimitsu, Yamamoto, Masataka, Watanabe, Shigeya, Shimoda, Takayuki, Teraoka, Ken, Suzuki, Yusuke, 白水 正男, 井上 安敏, 滝沢 実, 甲斐 高志, 山本 行光, 山本 昌孝, 渡辺 重哉, 下田 孝幸, 寺岡 謙, 鈴木 裕介, Shirouzu, Masao, Inoue, Yasutoshi, Takizawa, Minoru, Kai, Takashi, Yamamoto, Yukimitsu, Yamamoto, Masataka, Watanabe, Shigeya, Shimoda, Takayuki, Teraoka, Ken, Suzuki, Yusuke, 白水 正男, 井上 安敏, 滝沢 実, 甲斐 高志, 山本 行光, 山本 昌孝, 渡辺 重哉, 下田 孝幸, 寺岡 謙, and 鈴木 裕介
- Abstract
A hypersonic flight experiment project of a lifting-body type vehicle named HYFLEX (Hypersonic Flight Experiment) is in progress by the National Aerospace Laboratory and the National Space Development Agency as a part of collaborative activities for the development of HOPE. The vehicle will be separated at a velocity of about 3.9 km/s from the second stage of the J-1 launcher and will acquire flight data during its glide descent. This paper describes the purpose and the outline of the experiment, aerodynamic characteristics, sub-components, and guidance and control of the vehicle, as well as onboard data acquisition, and schedule., 小型の実験機を用いた極超音速飛行実験(HYFLEX)計画がHOPE開発研究の一環として航空宇宙技術研究所と宇宙開発事業団の協力の下で進められている。実験機は2段式のJ-1ロケットにより高度110km,速度約3.9km/sで分離され、滑空飛行中に空力加熱計測、熱防護系評価、誘導制御技術評価などのための飛行データを取得する。本論文は、実験計画の目的、概要、実験機の空力特性、サブシステム、誘導制御則、実験計測および開発計画などについて述べる。
- Published
- 2015
30. 熱空力飛行データ解析とCFD
- Author
Yamamoto, Yukimitsu, Akimoto, Toshio, 山本 行光, 秋元 敏男, Yamamoto, Yukimitsu, Akimoto, Toshio, 山本 行光, and 秋元 敏男
- Abstract
Accuracy of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) is investigated by comparing numerical results with the measured flight temperature data on the Thermal Protection System (TPS) material of OREX (Orbit Reentry Experiment). Flow is calculated by the non-equilibrium Navier-Stokes code and internal thermal response is computed by FEM (Finite Element Model). Coupling CFD and FEM along the OREX flight trajectory, temperature increase of the TPS during reentry is favorably predicted. In FEM analysis, temperature and directional dependence of heat conduction coefficient of TPS material and radiation effects are included., OREXの実験軌道飛行に沿った外部流と耐熱材の内部熱伝導カップリング解析を行い、耐熱構造材にとりつけられた温度計測データと比較することにより、計算流体力学(CFD)などの予測精度を検証する。外部流の解析には、化学反応非平衡流ナビエ・ストークスコードを使用し、内部熱解析は輻射、熱伝導率の異方性、および温度依存性を考慮した有限要素法により実施した。
- Published
- 2015
31. Evolution of lunar and planetary exploration using penetrator
- Author
Tanaka, Satoshi, Fujimura, Akio, Shiraishi, Hiroaki, Hayakawa, Hajime, Ishii, Nobuaki, Komatsu, Keiji, Murakami, Hideki, Kobayashi, Naoki, and Takeuchi, Nozomu
- Subjects
LUNAR-A ,温度測定 ,LUNAR-B ,ミッション立案 ,mission planning ,measuring instrument ,penetration ,月探査 ,惑星震 ,貫通 ,測定装置 ,惑星探査 ,penetrator ,seismograph ,ペネトレータ ,lunar exploration ,planetary quake ,lunar crust ,地震計 ,planetary exploration ,月震 ,月地殻 ,moonquake ,temperature measurement - Abstract
資料番号: AA0063719010
- Published
- 2008
32. Activity report of research working group on interfacial phenomena and fluid instability
- Author
Matsumoto, Satoshi, Kamotani, Yasuhiro, Imaishi, Nobuyuki, Kawamura, Hiroshi, Nishino, Koichi, Kawaji, Masahiro, Ueno, Ichiro, Komiya, Atsuki, Ohira, Hiroaki, and Mashiko, Takashi
- Subjects
マランゴニ対流 ,温度測定 ,結晶成長 ,Marangoni convection ,numerical analysis ,デンドライト ,凝固 ,流体不安定性 ,dendrite ,surface tension ,表面張力 ,宇宙実験 ,gravitational effect ,重力効果 ,interfacial phenomenon ,数値解析 ,crystal growth ,界面現象 ,バブル形成 ,g-ジッタ ,spaceborne experiment ,fluid instability ,g-jitter ,solidification ,temperature measurement ,bubble formation - Abstract
This report was described the activity of a research working group on Interfacial Phenomena and fluid instability. Primary three themes which would promise to utilize the microgravity condition were discussed. The research plan and organization concerning these themes were established. We start the preparatory study to accomplish each objective., 資料番号: AA0063349026
- Published
- 2007
33. Experiments on the calibration of an instrument for measuring the vibrational temperature of nitrogen onboard S-310-35 vehicle using a large space chamber
- Author
Kurihara, Junichi, Abe, Takumi, and Oyama, Koichiro
- Subjects
振動温度 ,middle atmosphere ,vibrational temperature ,温度測定 ,窒素 ,upper atmosphere ,分子励起 ,スペースチャンバ ,振動スペクトル ,振動状態 ,vibrational spectrum ,space chamber ,nitrogen ,molecular excitation ,中層大気 ,ロケット観測 ,温度測定装置 ,vibrational state ,temperature measuring instrument ,rocket sounding ,高層大気 ,temperature measurement - Abstract
資料番号: AA0063347001
- Published
- 2005
34. Temperature observation of the mesopause by using sodium lidar in Nagano City
- Author
Kitahara, Tsukasa, Yamashita, Joji, Ito, Naoki, Deno, Takahisa, Kobayashi, Fumitoshi, Kawahara, Takuya D., Saito, Yasunori, and Nomura, Akio
- Subjects
sodium lidar ,thermosphere ,middle atmosphere ,温度測定 ,upper atmosphere ,ナトリウムライダー ,中層大気 ,光学レーダー ,熱圏 ,optical radar ,温度プロファイル ,mesosphere ,temperature profile ,中間圏 ,高層大気 ,temperature measurement - Abstract
資料番号: AA0046920035
- Published
- 2004
35. Measurement of the boundary layer transition point over a 2-D LFC airfoil in transonic flow using liquid crystals
- Author
Noguchi, Masayoshi, Ishida, Yoji, Sudani, Norikazu, Sato, Mamoru, and Kanda, Hiroshi
- Subjects
2次元ハイブリッド層流制御翼 ,温度測定 ,subsonic speed ,2D HLFC airfoil ,wake resistance coefficient ,風洞試験 ,transonic ,遷音速 ,空気力学 ,感温液晶 ,flow visualization ,流れの可視化 ,suction effect ,亜音速 ,Reynolds number dependence ,吸い込み効果 ,レイノルズ数依存性 ,2次元HLFC翼 ,よどみ温度 ,2D hybrid laminar flow control airfoil ,boundary layer transition point visualization ,ウエーク抵抗係数 ,stagnation temperature ,transition point ,境界層遷移点可視化 ,wind tunnel test ,遷移点 ,aerodynamics ,temperature sensing liquid crystal ,temperature measurement - Abstract
層流制御翼の研究において環境層遷移点を正確に知ることは、その抵抗特性に対する理解を深めるために必要不可欠である。感温液晶による流れの可視化は遷移点測定法として非常に有効な方法であるが、その実際の応用に際しては、幾つかの困難がある。翼表面の温度と用いた感温塗料の発色温度の不一致は、航技研2次元風洞における2次元ハイブリッド層流制御(HLFC)翼の試験において経験した困難の1つである。本報告ではこのような温度の不一致を避ける有効な方法について検討し、集合胴温度の情報が感温液晶の選択において有意義な情報であることを示すとともに、得られた遷移点位置の結果を、ウェーク抵抗の測定結果と関連づけて論じる。, In the study of laminar-flow-control airfoils, accurate measurement of the boundary layer transition point over the airfoil is quite important to deepen the understanding of its drag characteristics. Flow visualization using temperature-sensing liquid crystals is one of the most useful techniques for detecting the transition point. However, there are some inherent difficulties in its practical applications for wind tunnel testings: mismatching between the airfoil surface temperature and the liquid crystals temperature range is the one encountered in the present blowdown wind tunnel test. With great effort to avoid mismatching, it was used to measure the transition points of a two-dimensional hybrid laminar-flow-control airfoil in high subsonic, high Reynolds number flow at the NAL (National Aerospace Laboratory) 2-D wind tunnel. In the present paper, it is described of the results of the test showing a way to avoid the temperature range mismatching with stagnation temperature in the blowdown wind tunnel test., 資料番号: AA0000001000, レポート番号: NAL TM-679
- Published
- 1995
36. Development of XLPE cable with optical fiber
- Author
Miyata, Yoshiaki
- Subjects
温度測定 ,cable with optical fiber ,CVケーブル ,XLPE cable ,temperature measurement ,光複合ケーブル - Abstract
ケーブル内部に光ファイバを複合する技術として、これまで金属被付CVケーブル内へ光ファイバを複合する技術はあったが、今回、一般的な銅ワイヤーシールドのCVケーブル内に光ファイバを複合するケーブルを開発したので報告する。, There are a number of supply experience of optical fiber composite power cables with metallic sheath, but no experience without metallic sheath. In this paper,Ireport about development of copper wire shield XLPE cable with optical fiber without metallic sheath.
- Published
- 2014
37. Development of flow visualization by ultrasonic for thermocapillary convection of low Prandtl number fluid
- Author
Matsumoto, Satoshi, Mashiko, Takashi, Ohira, Hiroaki, Yoda, Shinichi, Sasaki, Hiroei, and Yoda, Erika
- Subjects
マランゴニ対流 ,温度測定 ,liquid bridge ,Marangoni convection ,プラントル数 ,Prandtl number ,concentration gradient ,超音波トランスデューサ ,錫 ,温度分布 ,ultrasonic wave transducer ,temperature distribution ,liquid metal ,tin ,濃度勾配 ,液柱 ,flow visualization ,液体金属 ,temperature measurement ,流れの可視化 - Abstract
This paper describes an investigation for development of visualization system which aims to observe Marangoni convection in a half-zone liquid bridge of low-Prandtl number fluid of molten tin. Generally, low Prandtl number fluids (eg. molten metal and semiconductor) are opaque. So, the internal flow can not be measured by using a visible light. Therefore we employed the ultrasonic wave to track the particle position. The transducer was made by LiNbO3 single crystal as a piezoelectric element which was attached on titanium shoe. The suitable tracer to mix into the molten tin liquid bridge was examine in several point of view; density match, wettability with mother fluid, acoustic impedance and so on. The hallow Shirasu-balloon coated with Ni and Fe could be made. The feasibility test of this system was performed and the result demonstrates us to be able to visualize the internal flow filed in low Prandtl number liquid column., 資料番号: AA0063889000, レポート番号: JAXA-RM-06-015E
- Published
- 2007
38. Study of cooling effectiveness for an integrated cooling turbine blade
- Author
Matsushita, Masahiro, Yamane, Takashi, Mimura, Fujio, and Fukuyama, Yoshitaka
- Subjects
インピンジメント冷却 ,温度測定 ,turbine blade ,フィルム冷却 ,infrared camera ,Prandtl number ,赤外線写真 ,熱伝達 ,film cooling ,赤外線カメラ ,surface temperature ,タービン翼 ,impingement cooling ,Nusselt数 ,Prandtl数 ,heat transfer ,表面温度 ,temperature measurement ,infrared photography ,Nusselt number - Abstract
タービン翼の冷却研究目的で、フィルム冷却、インピンジメント冷却の基礎実験、および、それら組み合わせた複合冷却の実験を実施した。実験は673Kの燃焼ガスに対し室温の冷却空気を使用し、試験体表面の温度計測は赤外線カメラによって行った。これら、基礎的な実験データはCFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics)などの解析へ利用することを念頭においており、本報告では、基本的な各冷却構造の試験結果、各冷却構造を組み合わせた複合冷却の基礎試験結果を述べる。さらに、簡単な熱伝導解析を行い、実験結果による冷却性能の予測改善を行った。, Experimental study of film cooling, impingement cooling and integrated cooling were carried out with the aim of applying them to turbine cooling. The experiments were conducted with 673 K hot gas flow and room temperature cooling air. Test plate surface temperature distributions were measured with an infrared camera. This report presents fundamental research data on cooling performance of the test plates for the validation of numerical simulation. Moreover, simplify heat transfer calculations were executed and were evaluated by the experimental measurements., 資料番号: AA0063461000, レポート番号: JAXA-RR-06-027
- Published
- 2007
39. Temperature correction of Pressure-Sensitive Paint measurement using an infrared camera: Application to low-speed testing
- Author
Mitsuo, Kazunori, Kurita, Mitsuru, Nakakita, Kazuyuki, Fujii, Keisuke, Watanabe, Shigeya, and Ito, Masatake
- Subjects
温度依存性 ,温度測定 ,accuracy ,精度 ,infrared camera ,補正 ,赤外線写真 ,wind tunnel model ,赤外線カメラ ,風洞試験 ,pressure sensitive paint ,風洞模型 ,low speed wind tunnel ,感圧塗料 ,correction ,temperature dependence ,wind tunnel test ,低速風洞 ,temperature measurement ,infrared photography - Abstract
風洞技術開発センター(WINTEC: Wind Tunnel Technology Center)では、感圧塗料(Pressure-Sensitive Paint: PSP)計測の大型実用風洞群への整備を進めている。従来の静圧孔を用いた電子式センサーによる計測では離散的なデータしか得られなかったが、PSPを用いることで模型上の面情報が得られ、衝撃波位置などの詳細流れ場の情報を可視化することができる。しかしながら、感圧塗料の発光強度は圧力依存性と同時に温度依存性を有しているため、計測精度を向上させるためには何らかの手法を用いて温度補正を施す必要がある。これまで、我々は、模型の左右片側ずつを感圧塗料と感温塗料で塗り分けすることで温度補正を行ってきた。しかし、この手法の場合、流れの左右対称性を仮定しなければならず、さらに片側の圧力場情報しか得られない短所がある。よって、横滑り角をとるような計測や半裁模型など非対称形状模型試験には適用できない。このような背景から、本研究では赤外線カメラ(IRカメラ)を用いて模型上の温度分布を計測し、その温度をPSP温度補正に利用する方法を試みた。温度依存性に起因する計測誤差は、特に圧力変化の小さい低速域で致命的な計測誤差になる。そこで、本PSP計測システムを2m×2m低速風洞試験に適応し、システムの有効性を評価した。その結果、従来の方法(通風直後の無風時画像を用いた計測法)よりも定量的に計測精度を向上させることができ、本システムの温度補正機能が有効であることが実証された。また、低速風洞試験における計測精度は、一様流速50m/sにおいてCp換算で約0.1(0.15kPa)を達成した。, A Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) measurement system has been developed in the large-scale wind tunnels of the Wind Tunnel Technology Center (WINTEC). PSP technique provides a simple and inexpensive way to obtain overall pressure images on an aerodynamic model surface with high spatial resolution. However, the luminescent intensity of PSP depends on both pressure and temperature. Therefore, temperature correction of PSP should be conducted to increase measurement accuracy. For our present PSP system, a PSP/Temperature-Sensitive Paint (TSP) combined system is used for temperature correction. When the PSP/TSP combined system is applied, the flowfield on both right and left wings of a model should be identical. Accordingly, the system cannot acquire pressure images on a model at sideslip angles. A half-model is also inapplicable, because it is not a symmetric configuration. To solve these problems, a PSP system combined with an Infrared (IR) camera was developed. This technique could acquire pressure images without the limitations mentioned above. The PSP/IR combined system was applied to 2 m x 2 m low-speed wind tunnel for verification purposes because measurement accuracy of low-speed PSP is acutely sensitive to error due to the temperature dependence of PSP. It was found that a PSP system with an IR camera could improve measurement accuracy compared with the conventional PSP technique, verifying that this temperature correction method is a useful technique for low-speed testing., 資料番号: AA0063500000, レポート番号: JAXA-RR-06-028
- Published
- 2007
40. Proceedings of the 2nd interdisciplinary forum on molecular imaging
- Author
Institute of Aerospace Technology, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- Subjects
温度測定 ,local plasmon resonance ,luminescent protein ,elastic deformation ,クヌーセン流 ,発光 ,camera tube ,撮像管 ,りん光 ,レーザ誘起蛍光 ,感圧塗料 ,局在プラズモン共鳴 ,pressure sensor ,計算機トモグラフィー ,Knudsen flow ,laser induced fluorescence ,発光タンパク質 ,pressure sensitive paint ,蛍光 ,phosphorescence ,ポルフィリン ,light emission ,圧力測定 ,圧力センサ ,弾性変形 ,fluorescence ,pressure measurement ,porphyrin ,temperature measurement ,computer aided tomography - Abstract
学際領域における分子イメージングフォーラム 宇宙航空研究開発機構 20061116 東京 日本, Interdisciplinary Forum on Molecular Imaging Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency 20061116 Tokyo Japan, 資料番号: AA0063158000, レポート番号: JAXA-SP-06-017
- Published
- 2006
41. 「屋上緑化」による降温効果の測定
- Author
軸丸, 勇士, 山下, 茂, 黒永, 俊弘, 岩尾, 雅広, 木下, 和彦, 栗田, 博之, 軸丸, 勇士, 山下, 茂, 黒永, 俊弘, 岩尾, 雅広, 木下, 和彦, and 栗田, 博之
- Abstract
米苗床用容器に緑色植物を植え,それを校舎の屋根に並べ緑化した。その真下の教室と容器を置いていない下側にある部屋の温度やそれらの真横に位置する2教室の温度を測定した。その結果,天候にも依るが,真下や真横の室内温度は植物容器がある所は置いてない所に比べて2~4℃,外気温度に比べて5℃程低くなる。### その一方で昨年に引き続き校舎南側に曼性植物を植え「グリーン・カーテン」として使用した。そのカーテンの有無による室内温度の違いについて,それぞれの学校や事業所毎に測定が行われている。それによると測定場所にもよるが,グリーン・カーテンがある所はない所に比べて2~3℃,外気温に比べて数℃低くなることが明らかになってきた。### この屋上緑化やグリーン・カーテンのための植栽,その後の管理,温度測定などは理科学習,環境学習,総合学習,食育などに使われ,自然への興味や関心を高めると共に,地域住民と連携した交流に繋がっている。他方,大分県や県教委も今年度から空調に頼らない省エネ思想啓発のために,グリーン・カーテンの普及を県庁舎や県立学校で始めた。### Green plants were grown in seedling containers and they were laid out on the rooftop of a school house. The temperature of a room below the part where the containers were placed and no containers were placed was measured respectively. The temperature of two other classrooms located next to the two rooms was also measured. It was found that depending on the weather, the indoor temperature of the room with containers above it or that of the room next to it was 2 to 4℃ lower than that of the room with no containers above it; and that the indoor temperature was approximately 5℃ lower than atmospheric temperature.
- Published
- 2010
42. 「緑のカーテン」の降温効果とその利用
- Author
軸丸, 勇士, 藤本, 裕一, 島崎, 卓, 軸丸, 勇士, 藤本, 裕一, and 島崎, 卓
- Published
- 2010
43. Development and tests in a small hydrogen-fueled reverse-flow annular combustor for hypersonic flight experiment
- Author
Okai, Keiichi, Shimodaira, Kazuo, Kurosawa, Yoji, Taguchi, Hideyuki, Sato, Tetsuya, and Hongo, Motoyuki
- Subjects
ターボジェットエンジン ,点火装置 ,温度測定 ,injector ,combustion chamber ,極超音速飛行 ,radial-injection pre-mixer ,逆流アニュラ燃焼器 ,exit temperature ,温度分布 ,燃焼 ,出口温度 ,temperature distribution ,reverse flow annular combustor ,圧力損失 ,turbojet engine ,pressure loss ,hypersonic flight ,燃焼器 ,噴射器 ,igniter ,動径方向噴射予混合器 ,temperature measurement ,combustion - Abstract
本稿は、現在宇宙航空研究開発機構において開発が行われており、地上から飛行マッハ数6条件に至るまでの試験が計画されている小型極超音速ターボエンジンに搭載される、小型水素燃料逆流アニュラ燃焼器の開発および試験結果について述べたものである。小型試験模型としてのサイズの制約から、ガスタービン燃焼器として逆流アニュラ燃焼器方式を選定した。混合と燃焼を規定の流路・条件で満足させるために、動径方向噴射予混合器を採用した。本燃焼器の製作における設計の過程を略述し、試験を行った結果について広範に説明した。燃焼試験は、地上静止条件から、飛行マッハ数マッハ6に至るまでの条件で行った。試験の結果、燃焼器出口温度、圧力損失などの基本的な特性が、全ての試験条件で仕様の範囲内であることが確認された。今回導入した、動径方向噴射予混合器によって、気体水素を燃料とする条件の下で小型の燃焼器においても規定の性能を満足することが確認された。, This paper describes the development and test results of a small hydrogen-fueled reverse-flow annular combustor for a scaled pre-cooled turbojet engine. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency is encouraging the development of this turbojet engine, and a practical demonstration will be made under both ground and in-flight conditions up to Mach 6. Due to the limited size of the entire engine, a small reverse-flow annular combustor has been adopted for this demonstration. The particular type of pre-mixer that we use is important for achieving favorable degree of mixing and combustion. In the paper, the procedure used to arrive at the present design is briefly described, and the results of the combustion test are reported in detail. The combustion test was performed under a wide range of conditions: from sea level static conditions to in-flight conditions up to Mach 6. The test result shows that the overall combustion characteristics, such as exit temperature profile and pressure loss, are within the allowable limits under all test conditions. It was shown that the restrictions arising from the geometry in a flyable small gas-turbine engine were overcome in the composition of gaseous fuels with the introduction of the radial-injection pre-mixer configuration., 資料番号: AA0049796000, レポート番号: JAXA-RM-05-011
- Published
- 2006
44. Heating equipment for high-temperature rotating test: Heating method and performance for ceramics
- Author
Hashimoto, Ryosaku and Ogawa, Akinori
- Subjects
高周波電源 ,温度測定 ,高温試験 ,SiC/SiC composite ,ceramic ,誘導加熱 ,電源 ,insulator ,electric power supply ,composite material ,induction heating ,rotation ,セラミック ,high frequency power supply ,高温回転試験 ,絶縁体 ,high-temperature rotating test ,複合材料 ,heating equipment ,high temperature test ,SiC/SiC複合材料 ,回転 ,加熱装置 ,temperature measurement - Abstract
SiC/SiC材などの先進耐熱複合材は軽量で耐熱強度に優れていることからガスタービンの回転部材に適した材料として注目されている。これら先進材料を回転部材に適応するためには室温はもとより高温での回転強度特性を把握する必要がある。金属材料(導体)であれば、その試験片の周りにコイルを巻いて高周波誘導加熱により加熱し、高温回転破壊試験が行われる。しかし、セラミックスなどの絶縁体では誘導加熱により直接加熱することは困難なので、高温雰囲気中で回転確認試験のみが行われている。本報告は回転部材の候補材料が導体、絶縁体の区別無く加熱が可能で、破壊試験を行った場合でも2次破壊を出来るだけ生じさせない回転試験用高温加熱装置を試作した結果について述べる。, SiC/SiC composites can not be heated with induction heating equipments. Therefore, the high-temperature rotating tests for ceramics are usually performed at high temperature gas environments. In this paper, the heating equipment for high-temperature rotating test was made in order to understand the high temperature rotation strength property of advanced materials. This induction heating equipment enabled high-temperature rotating tests of metals or ceramics disks. The high-temperature rotating tests of CMC disks at 1,200 K were successfully demonstrated., 資料番号: AA0063151000, レポート番号: JAXA-RM-05-008
- Published
- 2006
45. Thermocapillary flow in low Pr number liquid bridge: Annual report of fluid dynamics instability research
- Author
Matsumoto, Satoshi, Ohira, Hiroaki, Mashiko, Takashi, Sasaki, Hiroei, Yoda, Erika, Imaishi, Nobuyuki, and Yoda, Shinichi
- Subjects
flow distribution ,温度測定 ,マランゴニ対流 ,liquid bridge ,thermocapillary flow ,Marangoni convection ,プラントル数 ,Prandtl number ,流れ分布 ,Physics::Fluid Dynamics ,熱キャピラリー流 ,振動流れ ,oscillating flow ,液柱 ,flow visualization ,temperature measurement ,流れの可視化 - Abstract
Experimental study on thermocapillary convection of low Prandtl number fluid was carried out to estimate the mode structure after the onset of oscillatory flow. The half-zone liquid bridge of molten tin was used as a experimental configuration. In order to detect very slight temperature changes, the temperature measurement system was improved. Temperature oscillations at the interface between liquid and cold rod were obtained by several thermocouples. The first transition could be detected and the transition processes have been clarified. The mode structure appeared in a low frequency oscillation region after the onset was presumed from the phase differences among them. The mode structure was supposed to be 2 and rotation with a frequency of 0.008 Hz. Furthermore, the rotation of the temperature field was elucidated through the multipoint measurements. In addition to above experiment, the preliminary test to visualize the flow field by using ultrasonic wave was performed. The result demonstrates us to be able to visualize the internal flow filed in low Prandtl number liquid column., 資料番号: AA0049790000, レポート番号: JAXA-RR-05-023E
- Published
- 2006
46. Temperature measurements for the CVD-SiC static heating tests
- Author
Yoshinaka, Toshinari
- Subjects
SiC ,温度測定 ,CVD ,温度分布 ,temperature distribution ,静的加熱試験 ,耐熱材料 ,断熱性 ,refractory material ,static heating test ,thermal insulation ,熱伝導度 ,thermal conductivity ,temperature measurement - Abstract
超高温材料研究センターの酸化揮散試験機を用いて高純度CVD-SiCの静的加熱試験を実施する際に、装置各部で大きな温度分布が生じることが考えられる。装置各部で生じる現象を予測し、結果の評価などに活用可能なデータを得るために濃度分布測定を行なったので報告する。, 資料番号: AA0046965000, レポート番号: JAXA-RM-03-012
- Published
- 2004
47. An investigation of Solar Thermal Propulsion (STP) thrusters at NAL
- Author
Shimizu, Morio, Naito, Hitoshi, and Sahara, Hironori
- Subjects
systems engineering ,軌道移動 ,温度測定 ,システムエンジニアリング ,single crystal Mo ,放物面セグメントミラー ,solar energy ,axisymmetric thruster ,single crystal W ,LEO ,単結晶Mo ,hydrogen propellant ,太陽加熱 ,線対称スラスター ,solar heating ,単結晶W ,太陽熱推進 ,solar thermal propulsion ,太陽エネルギー ,水素推進剤 ,orbit transfer ,paraboloidal segmented mirror ,temperature measurement - Abstract
本資料では、当所において1985年頃から実施された太陽熱スラスタの試作研究について述べる。当初はステンレス鋼を材料とした習作スラスタであり、加熱・噴射試験結果も平凡で、比推力500〜600秒級であった。次段階では物質・材料研究機構が日本および米国の特許を有する単結晶モリブデン材を採用して、超小型(外径約6mm)から大型(外径65mm)までの各種サイズのスラスタの試作・太陽集光加熱・推進剤噴射試験を実施した。この材料では推進剤温度2,300K、比推力800秒が期待できる。これが本資料の主要部である。さらに究極の材料として単結晶タングステンを採用して、比推力1,000秒級に対応可能なスラスタを試作して予備実験を実施した。このスラスタはアポジおよびペリジでの噴射が可能な対向型で、この型の試作・実験結果の発表は世界初と思われる。, This paper presents an investigation of solar thermal propulsion (STP) thruster activities including design, fabrication and the results of experiments involving 4 mm, 10 mm, 20 mm and 50 mm cavity diameter windowless axisymmetric thrusters made of single crystal molybdenum or tungsten (SC-Mo, SC-W) with Ru/Mo brazing and/or a W-CVD coating. The nitrogen or helium propellant in the thrusters was heated to a maximum of around 2,300 K (800 s of Isp for hydrogen propellant) by concentrated solar energy, using the 0.6 and 1.6 solar concentrators of NAL, and a very precise concentrator of 10 m in diameter, made from 181 locally paraboloidal segmented mirrors by Tohoku University. Unfortunately, these axisymmetric thrusters usually only work at perigee or apogee, meaning inconvenience for the orbit transfer from LEO to GEO. The next step is therefore an opposed-cavity STP thruster heated with a pair of cavities aligned in a back-to-back position. The opposed-concentrator, which consists of a pair of face-to-face concentrators, heated the opposed-cavity thrusters successfully, allowing NAL to establish a basis for STP thruster technology., 資料番号: AA0045945000, レポート番号: NAL TM-769
- Published
- 2003
48. 年報
- Author
National Space Development Agency of Japan
- Subjects
温度測定 ,結晶成長 ,1次元近似 ,粘度 ,numerical analysis ,移動液相線ゾーン ,thermal diffusivity ,結晶配向 ,traveling liquidus zone ,residual strain ,monochromator ,crystal orientation ,one dimensional approximation ,熱物理学的性質 ,crystal-solution interface ,熱拡散係数 ,微小重力 ,polycrystallization ,数値解析 ,crystal growth ,残余歪み ,feasibility study ,モノクロメータ ,多結晶化 ,結晶・溶液界面 ,microgravity ,thermophysical property ,予備調査 ,viscosity ,temperature measurement - Abstract
資料番号: AA0045402000, レポート番号: NASDA-TMR-020024E
- Published
- 2002
49. Vacuum radiant heating simulation test of a reentry vehicle hot section model
- Author
Takasaki, Koichi, Otake, Kunihiko, and Endo, Shuji
- Subjects
reentry vehicle ,carbon carbon composite ,温度測定 ,model ,vacuum ,simulation ,再突入機 ,真空 ,炭素炭素複合材 ,quartz lamp ,石英ランプ ,シミュレーション ,放射加熱 ,radiant heating ,モデル ,temperature measurement - Abstract
航空宇宙技術研究所構造材料総合研究グループ熱構造研究グループにおいて、我々は新たに赤外線ランプを用いた真空加熱試験装置を製作し、その基本性能の確認のための予備加熱試験、および再突入機高温結合部分を模擬した供試体に対する真空下の加熱試験を行った。その結果、加熱試験装置の性能は最大約260kw/sq m と推算された。また、赤外線ランプの速い応答性によりシステム同定に有用なステップ状入力が容易に行える事を確かめる事ができた。本報告では今回の試験装置開発の経緯と、各加熱試験結果について報告、考察する。, In the Structural and Material Research Center of National Aerospace Laboratory, the vacuum heating test equipment using the infrared lamp was newly developed, and the heating test of water-cooled specimen and C/C composite plate with thermal protection attachment were carried out. The test results showed that the performance of the heating test equipment was around 260 kw/sq m. Also it was confirmed this test equipment could perform a step input into the infrared quartz lamp that was useful for system identification. In this paper, the outlines of the development of an infrared quartz lamp heating system and results of its heating tests are shown., 資料番号: AA0032233000, レポート番号: NAL TM-758
- Published
- 2001
50. Testing of characteristics of functional paint using PTMST
- Author
Iijima, Yoshimi and Sakaue, Hirotaka
- Subjects
温度依存性 ,温度測定 ,発光スペクトル ,pressure dependence ,発光 ,functional paint ,pressure sensitive paint ,蛍光 ,paint ,emission spectrum ,light emission ,機能性塗料 ,圧力測定 ,感圧塗料 ,fluorescence ,塗料 ,PtTFPP ,pressure measurement ,圧力依存性 ,temperature dependence ,PTMST ,白金ポルフィリン ,temperature measurement - Abstract
資料番号: AA0063158018, レポート番号: JAXA-SP-06-017
- Published
- 2006
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