1. Geophysical Investigation of Farmlands Damaged by the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes
- Subjects
2016 Kumamoto earthquake ,Surface wave method ,表面波探査 ,地下水 ,噴砂 ,平成28年熊本地震 ,Electromagnetic survey ,電気探査 ,Sand fraction ,電磁探査 ,Resistivity survey ,地下探査 ,漏水 ,Groundwater ,Leakage - Abstract
To investigate the underground portions of farmlands damaged by the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, resistivity survey, surface wave method, and electromagnetic survey were conducted. At a greenhouse where a column of the house sank because of liquification, the S-wave velocity and electrical resistivity of soil, which reflect soil conditions, were high around the column, which indicated that sand derived from the lower soil layer was mixed with the silty surface soil layer. The soil resistivity at a different greenhouse where the salinity damage to tomatoes occurred after liquification decreased as the groundwater level became higher. A paddy field where leakage occurred after the earthquake was roughly flattened, but the daily water-reduction rate was extremely higher than that in ordinary paddy fields. After water was supplied to the paddy field, the changes in the resistivity beneath the paddy field were small, whereas the resistivity beneath the bank of the paddy field rapidly decreased 5 to 8 h after the field was filled with water. These results suggest that the leakage occurred beneath the bank of the paddy field, instead of beneath the paddy field itself., 平成 28 年熊本地震により被害が発生した農地において,地震が農地の地下部に及ぼした影響を調べるため,表面波探査,電気探査,電磁探査の物理探査を実施した。噴砂が発生し,ビニールハウスの支柱が沈下した熊本市の野菜栽培施設では,沈下支柱周辺において表面波探査による S 波速度や電気探査による比抵抗の値が相対的に高く,支柱直下のシルト層に噴砂が混ざった可能性が示唆された。海沿いの干拓地に立地し,噴砂により塩害が生じた玉名市の野菜栽培施設においては,地下水位が高い箇所ほど施設内の比抵抗が低く,塩害リスクの高い箇所を推定できた。漏水が著しくなった阿蘇市の調査水田は外観上の損傷は認められず,田面は概ね均平で土壌中に耕盤が確認されたが,減水深は一般的な水田よりも極めて高い値を示した。湛水試験における電気探査では,湛水後 4 時間までの比抵抗は,水田の田面内でその変化は小さかった一方,畦畔部で大きく低下した。この結果は,調査した水田の漏水が田面そのものではなく,畦畔部において起こったことを示唆した。
- Published
- 2019