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To evaluate the number, population frequency (PF), structure and spectrum of individual nosological forms of congenital malformations (CM) of the central nervous system (CNS) in the Republic of Belarus. Materials and methods. The analysis of the population and genetic features of the CNS CM was carried out using the computerized database of the monitoring system of the Belarusian Register of CM (BR CM) for 2007-2019. The registration of cases of CM was carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus ���On improving the registration of congenital anomalies (malformations) in a child (fetus)��� (No. 1172 of 01.11.2010) in newborns (live and stillborn) and fetuses eliminated due to non-curable forms of abnormalities. Results. The population and genetic features of the CNS CM were evaluated using the database of the BR CM monitoring system for the period of 2007-2019. The contribution of prenatal diagnostics to the reduction of the prevalence of CNS abnormalities in the population of Belarus was revealed. Conclusions. 1. The CNS CM makes 9.7% of all forms of malformations; PF is 3.15%. 2. Isolated CNS malformations occur in 63.4% of cases, as a part of syndromes and unclassified complexes of multiple CM - in 36.6%. 3. The spectrum of CNS CM is represented by congenital hydrocephaly (PF 0.91%), agenesis/hypoplasia of the corpus callosum (PF 0.41%), anencephaly (PF 0.30%), holoprosencephaly (PF 0.19%), exencephaly (PF 0.17%), encephalocele (PF 0.13%), agenesis/ hypoplasia of the cerebellum/worm (PF 0.12%). Craniorachischisis and inioncephaly were found with the PF of 0.05% and 0.04%, respectively. Other defects were isolated; their total PF was 0.90%. 4. The most common malformations associated with CNS CM are the abnormalities of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, genitourinary system, cleft lip/palate. 5. Prenatal detection and elimination of the affected fetuses reduced the incidence of CNS CM among live births from 3.15% to 0.95% (3.3 times)., �������������������� �� ��������������������������. ������������������ ������������, ������������ 3 2021, Pages 327-335