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The aim of the present thesis is, through an analysis of the fundamental social right to education, to clarify the subjective conditions of its exercise. Namely, by drawing on examples from the actual Greek practice, the thesis examines if refugees in host countries are beneficiaries of this right. Initially, through the prism of international sociopolitical circumstances, the thesis refers to the regulatory nature of social rights in general and to their protection in European national legal orders. As a result of the working class��� struggles, these rights have become fundamental over the years. After WWII, it had become imperative to protect them by formally recognising them in international conventions and legally binding texts. Their justiciability / inviolability is also examined. Is it possible, for example, that the unemployed issue an appeal because of a violation of the right to work? Moreover, this paper considers the different conditions that need to meet in order to qualify as a social right holder. The thesis then moves on to an analysis of the social right to education. This right was recognised as a human right for the first time in 1948 by the UDHR, after which numerous legal texts reiterated it. Since then, the right to education is inalienable, inviolable and indivisible. It is not always absolute, as there are indirect restrictions to its enjoyment. Whereas it used to be inextricably linked with citizenship, refugee flows have in recent years led the scope of social rights holders to constantly grow. Because of its nature, the right to education ought to respect the best interests of the child principle. Multiple issues arise, such as the transiting of refugees, the special schools in camps, the integration of student refugees in the national education system and lifelong learning, to cite a few. Education, as a means to achieve human dignity, contributes to the development of human personality and is connected with the struggle for survival in contemporary society. The references made include Jellinek���s theory of tripartite separation of human rights and recent theories, as well as relevant case-law (ECHR, CEE, national courts) which shows, in the case of Greece, some progress in the field of asylum seekers��� and migrants��� rights in the last few years., ���� �������������������� ����: ������������������������ ������������������ (������������)