The Sabinas Basin has been a gas province of relative importance in methane production in Northeastern Mexico with some conventional gas fields. It has, however, been relegated to the background, and the scarce available geological-geochemical studies evidence this. With the rise of the new Unconventional reservoirs, it now returns to take relevance. In this work, an integration of new analyzes was carried out, allowing an evaluation of the study area through the geological time to characterize the thermodynamic behavior, the migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons, and their interaction with the groundwater. Well, bottom temperatures allowed us to verify how the heat flux changed today. A petroleum system modeling in one dimension (1D) was carried out in 15 wells; in the first step, it was calibrated thermally, utilizing the vitrinite reflectance (% Ro), which was used as a thermal parameter, defining the evolution in the time of the heat flow (HF). The second step was to use the 1D model, calibrated by pressure, temperature, and composition (PTX), applying the PTX conditions obtained from the analysis of fluid inclusions (fi), since these show the possible history of filling hydrocarbons to the reservoirs, as well as how and when the migration of such fluids occurred. Because of 1D modeling, the oil generation windows were defined for the three stratigraphic horizons with high TOC contents. The first source rock was the La Casita Formation from the Tithonian age, which started from 123 My, a continental-marine sequence, for the second source rock was the La Peña Formation from the Aptian age, which started from 68 Ma; both units had a similar marine deposit environment. The third source rocks Eagle Ford Formation from the Turonian age, which started at 43 Ma. The %Ro thermal calibration of the 1D model suggests that there must have been an eroded thickness of between 1.2 and 2.2 km. 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