28 results on '"81V05"'
Search Results
2. Heavy quarks at finite temperature
- Author
Weber, Johannes Heinrich
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Experiment ,Nuclear Theory ,81V05 - Abstract
New incarnations of heavy-ion collision experiments are turning our attention to hard processes and a more fine-grained resolution of the QGP. In this endeavor quarkonia or open heavy flavors turn out to be versatile probes, which are usually described through models based on perturbative QCD, AdS, and effective field theories. The lattice provides nonperturbative input and constraints to such models.\newline In-medium bottomonia, the complex static quark-antiquark potential, and the heavy-quark momentum diffusion coefficient are key quantities where lattice gauge theory has recently achieved significant progress with impact for heavy-ion phenomenology. We review these lattice results, relate them to phenomenological applications, and close with an outlook., Comment: Write-up corresponding to my topical plenary talk in The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, LATTICE2021 26th-30th July, 2021 Zoom/Gather@Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 22 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2022
3. Strong coupling constant from moments of quarkonium correlators revisited
- Author
Petreczky, Peter and Weber, Johannes Heinrich
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,81V05 - Abstract
We revisit previous determination of the strong coupling constant from moments of quarkonium correlators in (2+1)-flavor QCD. We use previously calculated moments obtained with Highly Improved Staggered Quark (HISQ) action for five different quark masses and several lattice spacings. We perform a careful continuum extrapolations of the moments and from the comparison of these to the perturbative result we determine the QCD Lambda parameter, $\Lambda_{\overline{MS}}^{n_f=3}=332 \pm 17 \pm 2(scale)$ MeV. This corresponds to $\alpha_s^{n_f=5}(\mu=M_Z)=0.1177(12)$., Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures; data of Figs. 2-4 among the source files; primary data (figs. 1 and 6) available through arXiv:1901.06424)
- Published
- 2020
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4. Determination of the QCD coupling from the static energy and the free energy
- Author
Bazavov, Alexei, Brambilla, Nora, Tormo, Xavier Garcia i, Petreczky, Péter, Soto, Joan, Vairo, Antonio, and Weber, Johannes Heinrich
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,81V05 - Abstract
We present two determinations of the strong coupling \(\alpha_s\). The first one is from the static energy at three-loop accuracy, and may be considered an update of earlier determinations by some of us. The new analysis includes new lattice data at smaller lattice spacings, and reaches distances as short as \(0.0237\,{\rm fm}\). We present a comprehensive and detailed estimate of the error sources that contribute to the uncertainty of the final result, $\alpha_s(M_Z)=0.11660^{+0.00110}_{-0.00056}$. The second determination is based on lattice data for the singlet free energy at finite temperature up to distances as small as \(0.0081\,{\rm fm}\), from which we obtain $\alpha_s(M_Z)=0.11638^{+0.0009 5}_{-0.00087}$., Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures
- Published
- 2019
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5. A model to explain angular distributions of $J/\psi$ and $\psi(2S)$ decays into $\Lambda\overline{\Lambda}$ and $\Sigma^0\overline{\Sigma}^0$
- Author
Alekseev, M., Amoroso, A., Ferroli, R. Baldini, Balossino, I., Bertani, M., Bettoni, D., Bianchi, F., Chai, J., Cibinetto, G., Cossio, F., De Mori, F., Destefanis, M., Farinelli, R., Fava, L., Felici, G., Garzia, I., Greco, M., Lavezzi, L., Leng, C., Maggiora, M., Mangoni, A., Marcello, S., Mezzadri, G., Pacetti, S., Patteri, P., Rivetti, A., Rolo, M. Da Rocha, Savrìe, M., Sosio, S., Spataro, S., and Yan, L.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,81V05 - Abstract
BESIII data show a particular angular distribution for the decay of the $J/\psi$ and $\psi(2S)$ mesons into the hyperons $\Lambda\overline{\Lambda}$ and $\Sigma^0\overline{\Sigma}^0$. More in details the angular distribution of the decay $\psi(2S) \to \Sigma^0\overline{\Sigma}^0$ exhibits an opposite trend with respect to that of the other three channels: $J/\psi \to \Lambda\overline{\Lambda}$, $J/\psi \to \Sigma^0\overline{\Sigma}^0$ and $\psi(2S) \to \Lambda\overline{\Lambda}$. We define a model to explain the origin of this phenomenon., Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Chinese Physics C
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Rabinovich, Vladimir S.
- Subjects
- *
DIRAC operators , *FREDHOLM operators , *SOBOLEV spaces , *HYPERSURFACES - Abstract
We consider the Dirac operators on R n , n ≥ 2 with singular potentials 1 D A , Φ , m , Γ δ Σ = D A , Φ , m + Γ δ Σ where 2 D A , Φ , m = ∑ j = 1 n α j - i ∂ x j + A j + α n + 1 m + Φ I N is a Dirac operator on R n with the variable magnetic and electrostatic potentials A = (A 1 ,... , A n) and Φ , and the variable mass m. In formula (2) α j are the N × N Dirac matrices, that is α j α k + α k α j = 2 δ jk I N , I N is the unit N × N matrix, N = 2 n + 1 / 2 , Γ δ Σ is a singular delta-type potential supported on a uniformly regular unbounded C 2 - hypersurface Σ ⊂ R n being the common boundary of the open sets Ω ± . Let H 1 (Ω ± , C N) be the Sobolev spaces of N - dimensional vector-valued distributions u on Ω ± , and H 1 (R n ╲ Σ , C N) = H 1 (Ω + , C N) ⊕ H 1 (Ω - , C N). We associate with the formal Dirac operator D A , Φ , m , Γ δ Σ the interaction (transmission) operator D A , Φ , m , B Σ = D A , Φ , m , B Σ defined by the Dirac operator D A , Φ , m on H 1 (R n ╲ Σ , C N) and the interaction condition B Σ : H 1 (R n B A , m , Φ , B Σ , C N) → H 1 / 2 (Σ , C N) associated with the singular potential. The main goal of the paper is to study the Fredholm property of the operators D A , Φ , m , B Σ for some non-compact C 2 -hypersurfaces. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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7. The hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon $g-2$ from lattice QCD
- Author
Della Morte, M., Francis, A., Gülpers, V., Herdoíza, G., von Hippel, G., Horch, H., Jäger, B., Meyer, H. B., Nyffeler, A., and Wittig, H.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,81V05 - Abstract
We present a calculation of the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment, $a_\mu^{\mathrm hvp}$, in lattice QCD employing dynamical up and down quarks. We focus on controlling the infrared regime of the vacuum polarization function. To this end we employ several complementary approaches, including Pad\'e fits, time moments and the time-momentum representation. We correct our results for finite-volume effects by combining the Gounaris-Sakurai parameterization of the timelike pion form factor with the L\"uscher formalism. On a subset of our ensembles we have derived an upper bound on the magnitude of quark-disconnected diagrams and found that they decrease the estimate for $a_\mu^{\mathrm hvp}$ by at most 2%. Our final result is $a_\mu^{\mathrm hvp}=(654\pm32\,{}^{+21}_{-23})\cdot 10^{-10}$, where the first error is statistical, and the second denotes the combined systematic uncertainty. Based on our findings we discuss the prospects for determining $a_\mu^{\mathrm hvp}$ with sub-percent precision., Comment: 42 pages, 7 figures, version published in JHEP
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Rabinovich, Vladimir
- Subjects
- *
DIRAC operators , *SELFADJOINT operators , *HYPERSURFACES , *FLOQUET theory , *TORUS - Abstract
We consider the Dirac operators with singular potentials 1 D A , Φ , m , Γ δ Σ = D A , Φ , m + Γ δ Σ where 2 D A , Φ , m = ∑ j = 1 n α j - i ∂ x j + A j + α n + 1 m + Φ I N is a Dirac operator on R n with variable magnetic and electrostatic potentials A = (A 1 ,... , A n) , Φ , and the variable mass m. In formula (2), α j are the N × N Dirac matrices, that is α j α k + α k α j = 2 δ jk I N , I N is the unit N × N matrix, N = 2 n + 1 / 2 , Γ δ Σ is a singular delta-potential supported on C 2 - hypersurface Σ ⊂ R n periodic with respect to the action of a lattice G on R n. We consider the self-adjointnes and discretness of the spectrum of unbounded in L 2 (T , C N) operators associated with the formal Dirac operator (1) on the torus T = R N ∕ G . We study the band-gap structure of the spectrum of self-adjoint operators D in L 2 (R n , C N) associated with the formal Dirac operator (1) on R n with G -periodic regular and singular potentials. We also consider the Fredholm property and the essential spectrum of unbounded operators associated with non-periodic regular and singular potentials supported on G -periodic smooth hypersurfaces in R n. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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9. Spectroscopy of $\eta'$-nucleus bound states at GSI and FAIR --- very preliminary results and future prospects ---
- Author
Fujioka, H., Ayyad, Y., Benlliure, J., Brinkmann, K. -T., Friedrich, S., Geissel, H., Gellanki, J., Guo, C., Gutz, E., Haettner, E., Harakeh, M. N., Hayano, R. S., Higashi, Y., Hirenzaki, S., Hornung, C., Igarashi, Y., Ikeno, N., Itahashi, K., Iwasaki, M., Jido, D., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kanungo, R., Knoebel, R., Kurz, N., Metag, V., Mukha, I., Nagae, T., Nagahiro, H., Nanova, M., Nishi, T., Ong, H. J., Pietri, S., Prochazka, A., Rappold, C., Reiter, M. P., Rodríguez-Sánchez, J. L., Scheidenberger, C., Simon, H., Sitar, B., Strmen, P., Sun, B., Suzuki, K., Szarka, I., Takechi, M., Tanaka, Y. K., Tanihata, I., Terashima, S., Watanabe, Y. N., Weick, H., Widmann, E., Winfield, J. S., Xu, X., Yamakami, H., and Zhao, J.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment ,Nuclear Theory ,81V05 - Abstract
The possible existence of \eta'-nucleus bound states has been put forward through theoretical and experimental studies. It is strongly related to the \eta' mass at finite density, which is expected to be reduced because of the interplay between the $U_A(1)$ anomaly and partial restoration of chiral symmetry. The investigation of the C(p,d) reaction at GSI and FAIR, as well as an overview of the experimental program at GSI and future plans at FAIR are discussed., Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; talk at the International Conference on Exotic Atoms and Related Topics (EXA2014), Vienna, Austria, 15-19 September 2014. in Hyperfine Interactions (2015)
- Published
- 2015
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10. Quark-Quark Forces in Quantum Chromodynamics
- Author
Arkhipov, A. A.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,81V05 ,J.2 - Abstract
By single-time reduction technique of Bethe-Salpeter formalism for two-fermion systems analytical expressions for the quasipotential of quark-quark interactions in QCD have been obtained in one-gluon exchange approximation. The influence of infrared singularities of gluon Green`s functions on the character of quark-quark forces in QCD has been investigated. The way the asymptotic freedom manifests itself in terms of two-quark interaction quasipotential in quantum chromodynamics is shown. Consistent relativistic consideration of quark interaction problem by single-time reduction technique in QFT allows one to establish a nontrivial energy dependence of the two-quark interaction quasipotential. As a result of the energy dependence of the interaction quasipotential, the character of the forces changes qualitatively during the transition from the discrete spectrum (the region of the negative values of the binding energy) to the continuous spectrum (that of the positive values of the binding energy): the smooth behaviour of the interaction quasipotential in the discrete spectrum goes into the oscillation in the continuous spectrum. This result gives a visual physical picture where the oscillations may be interpreted as a manifestation of a quasicrystall structure of the vacuum., Comment: 58 pages, 4 figures, This article is the contribution to the ICHEP94. It was not published anywhere before. According to XX Jubilee of the ICHEP94 I decided to share that article without any changes on the pages of appreciative arXiv.org server. Hope, the contents of the manuscript, including technical details, would be useful for active readers
- Published
- 2014
11. Chiral symmetry-breaking corrections to strong decays of D*s0(2317) and D's1(2460) in HH\c{hi}PT
- Author
Wu, Jin-Yun, Liu, Yong-Lu, Zhang, Jian-Rong, and Huang, Ming-Qiu
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,81V05 ,J.2.9 - Abstract
The strong decays of two narrow mesons $D_{s0}^{*}(2317)$ and $D_{s1}^{'}(2460)$ are studied within the framework of heavy hadron chiral perturbation theory. Up to next-to-leading order in $1/\Lambda_{\chi}$, by a fit to the experimental widths of their nonstrange partners, the chiral symmetry-breaking coupling constants are extracted. The single-pion decay widths are estimated to be $\Gamma(D_{s0}^{*}(2317)\to D_{s}^{+}\pi^{0})=9.2\pm2.3$ KeV and $\Gamma(D_{s1}^{'}(2460)\to D_{s}^{*+}\pi^{0})=9.0\pm2.1$ KeV, respectively, which are consistent with the experimental constraints and comparable with other theoretical predictions. The numerical analysis shows that chiral-symmetry corrections to the decay widths are significant. Applications and predictions for the corresponding beauty mesons are also provided., Comment: 16 pages, 3figures, LaTeX
- Published
- 2014
12. Spectral properties of the Dirac operator coupled with δ-shell interactions.
- Author
Benhellal, Badreddine
- Abstract
Let Ω ⊂ R 3 be an open set. We study the spectral properties of the free Dirac operator H : = - i α · ∇ + m β coupled with the singular potential V κ = (ϵ I 4 + μ β + η (α · N)) δ ∂ Ω , where κ = (ϵ , μ , η) ∈ R 3 . The open set Ω can be either a C 2 -bounded domain or a locally deformed half-space. In both cases, self-adjointness is proved and several spectral properties are given. In particular, we give a complete description of the essential spectrum of H + V κ in the case of a locally deformed half-space, for the so-called critical combinations of coupling constants. Finally, we introduce a new model of Dirac operators with δ -interactions and deal with its spectral properties. More precisely, we study the coupling H ζ , υ = H + - i ζ α 1 α 2 α 3 + i υ β α · N δ ∂ Ω , with ζ , υ ∈ R . In particular, we show that H 0 , ± 2 is essentially self-adjoint and generates confinement. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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13. Measurement of inelastic J/psi and psi^prime photoproduction at HERA
- Author
ZEUS Collaboration
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment ,81V05 - Abstract
The cross sections for inelastic photoproduction of J/psi and psi^prime mesons have been measured in ep collisions with the ZEUS detector at HERA, using an integrated luminosity of 468 pb-1 collected in the period 1996--2007. The psi^prime to J/psi cross section ratio was measured in the range 0.55 < z < 0.9 and 60 < W < 190 GeV as a function of W, z and p_T. Here W denotes the photon-proton centre-of-mass energy, z is the fraction of the incident photon energy carried by the meson and p_T is the transverse momentum of the meson with respect to the beam axis. The J/psi cross sections were measured for 0.1 < z < 0.9, 60 < W < 240 GeV and p_T > 1 GeV. Theoretical predictions within the non-relativistic QCD framework including NLO colour--singlet and colour--octet contributions were compared to the data, as were predictions based on the k_T--factorisation approach., Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures
- Published
- 2012
14. Computational method for acoustic wave focusing
- Author
Ramm, A. G. and Gutman, S.
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Mathematics - Analysis of PDEs ,35J05 ,35J10 ,35R30 ,74J25 ,81U40 ,81V05 - Abstract
Scattering properties of a material are changed when the material is injected with small acoustically soft particles. It is shown that its new scattering behavior can be understood as a solution of a potential scattering problem with the potential $q$ explicitly related to the density of the small particles. In this paper we examine the inverse problem of designing a material with the desired focusing properties. An algorithm for such a problem is examined from the theoretical as well as from the numerical perspective., Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2006
15. The dressed nonrelativistic electron in a magnetic field
- Author
Amour, L., Grebert, B., and Guillot, J. -C.
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,81V05 - Abstract
We consider a nonrelativistic electron interacting with a classical magnetic field pointing along the $x_{3}$-axis and with a quantized electromagnetic field. When the interaction between the electron and photons is turned off, the electronic system is assumed to have a ground state of finite multiplicity. Because of the translation invariance along the $x_{3}$-axis, we consider the reduced Hamiltonian associated with the total momentum along the $x_{3}$-axis and, after introducing an ultraviolet cutoff and an infrared regularization, we prove that the reduced Hamiltonian has a ground state if the coupling constant and the total momentum along the $x_{3}$-axis are sufficiently small. Finally we determine the absolutely continuous spectrum of the reduced Hamiltonian., Comment: typos corrections
- Published
- 2004
16. Improved perturbation expansion in quantum chromodynamics
- Author
Ra̧czka, P. A., Dito, Giuseppe, editor, and Sternheimer, Daniel, editor
- Published
- 2000
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17. Heavy quarks at finite temperature
- Author
Johannes Heinrich Weber
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory (nucl-th) ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) ,High Energy Physics - Lattice ,Nuclear Theory ,81V05 ,High Energy Physics::Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Lattice (hep-lat) ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,FOS: Physical sciences ,Nuclear Experiment (nucl-ex) ,Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
New incarnations of heavy-ion collision experiments are turning our attention to hard processes and a more fine-grained resolution of the QGP. In this endeavor quarkonia or open heavy flavors turn out to be versatile probes, which are usually described through models based on perturbative QCD, AdS, and effective field theories. The lattice provides nonperturbative input and constraints to such models.\newline In-medium bottomonia, the complex static quark-antiquark potential, and the heavy-quark momentum diffusion coefficient are key quantities where lattice gauge theory has recently achieved significant progress with impact for heavy-ion phenomenology. We review these lattice results, relate them to phenomenological applications, and close with an outlook., Write-up corresponding to my topical plenary talk in The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, LATTICE2021 26th-30th July, 2021 Zoom/Gather@Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 22 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2022
18. N-dimensional Schrödinger equation at finite temperature using the Nikiforov–Uvarov method.
- Author
Abu-Shady, M.
- Abstract
The N -radial Schrödinger equation is analytically solved. The Cornell potential is extended to finite temperature. The energy eigenvalues and the wave functions are calculated in the N -dimensional form using the Nikiforov–Uvarov (NV) method. At zero temperature, the energy eigenvalues and the wave functions are obtained in good agreement with other works. The present results are applied on the charmonium and bottomonium masses at finite temperature. The effect of dimensionality number is investigated on the quarkonium masses. A comparison is discussed with other works, which use the QCD sum rules and lattice QCD. The present approach successfully generalizes the energy eigenvalues and corresponding wave functions at finite temperature in the N -dimensional representation. In addition, the present approach can successfully be applied to the quarkonium systems at finite temperature. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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19. Spectroscopy of η′-nucleus bound states at GSI and FAIR - very preliminary results and future prospects -.
- Author
Fujioka, H., Ayyad, Y., Benlliure, J., Brinkmann, K.-T., Friedrich, S., Geissel, H., Gellanki, J., Guo, C., Gutz, E., Haettner, E., Harakeh, M., Hayano, R., Higashi, Y., Hirenzaki, S., Hornung, C., Igarashi, Y., Ikeno, N., Itahashi, K., Iwasaki, M., and Jido, D.
- Subjects
SPECTRUM analysis ,BOUND states ,NUCLEAR physics experiments ,SYMMETRY (Physics) ,CHIRALITY of nuclear particles ,NUCLEAR reactions - Abstract
The possible existence of η′-nucleus bound states has been put forward through theoretical and experimental studies. It is strongly related to the η′ mass at finite density, which is expected to be reduced because of the interplay between the U(1) anomaly and partial restoration of chiral symmetry. The investigation of the C( p, d) reaction at GSI and FAIR, as well as an overview of the experimental program at GSI and future plans at FAIR are discussed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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20. Spectral Properties of the Dirac Operator coupled with $δ$-Shell Interactions
- Author
BENHELLAL, Badreddine, Université de Bordeaux (UB), Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux (IMB), Université Bordeaux Segalen - Bordeaux 2-Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux 1-Université de Bordeaux (UB)-Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux (Bordeaux INP)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Departamento de Matemáticas [Bilbao], and Universidad del Pais Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea [Espagne] (UPV/EHU)
- Subjects
81V05 ,2021. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 81Q10 ,FOS: Physical sciences ,81Q10, 81V05, 35P15, 58C40 ,Mathematical Physics (math-ph) ,Semmes-Kenig-Toro domains ,February 18 ,Uniformly rectifiable domains ,self-adjoint extensions ,critical interaction strength ,FOS: Mathematics ,58C40 Dirac operators ,shell interactions ,Quantum confinement ,Spectral Theory (math.SP) ,35P15 ,[MATH.MATH-SP]Mathematics [math]/Spectral Theory [math.SP] ,Analysis of PDEs (math.AP) - Abstract
Let $Ω\subset\mathbb{R}^3$ be an open set, we study the spectral properties of the free Dirac operator $\mathcal{H}$ coupled with the singular potential $V_κ=(εI_4 +μβ+η(α\cdot N))δ_{\partialΩ}$. The open set $Ω$ can be either a $\mathcal{C}^2$-bounded domain or a locally deformed half-space. In both cases, self-adjointness is proved and several spectral properties are given. In particular, we give a complete description of the essential spectrum of $\mathcal{H}+V_κ$ for the so-called critical combinations of coupling constants, when $Ω$ is a locally deformed half-space. Finally, we introduce a new model of Dirac operators with $δ$-interactions and deals with its spectral properties. More precisely, we study the coupling $\mathcal{H}_{\upsilon}=\mathcal{H}+i\upsilonβ(α\cdot N)δ_{\partialΩ}$. In particular, we show that $\mathcal{H}_{\pm2}$ is essentially self-adjoint and generates confinement., This article corresponds to the first part of the article arXiv:2102.10207. In this version we corrected many typos and errors
- Published
- 2021
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21. Strong coupling constant from moments of quarkonium correlators revisited
- Author
Peter Petreczky and Johannes Heinrich Weber
- Subjects
Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) ,81V05 ,High Energy Physics::Lattice ,High Energy Physics - Lattice (hep-lat) ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,FOS: Physical sciences ,QC770-798 ,Astrophysics ,QB460-466 ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) ,High Energy Physics - Lattice ,Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity ,High Energy Physics::Experiment ,Engineering (miscellaneous) - Abstract
We revisit previous determination of the strong coupling constant from moments of quarkonium correlators in (2+1)-flavor QCD. We use previously calculated moments obtained with Highly Improved Staggered Quark (HISQ) action for five different quark masses and several lattice spacings. We perform a careful continuum extrapolations of the moments and from the comparison of these to the perturbative result we determine the QCD Lambda parameter, $\Lambda_{\overline{MS}}^{n_f=3}=332 \pm 17 \pm 2(scale)$ MeV. This corresponds to $\alpha_s^{n_f=5}(\mu=M_Z)=0.1177(12)$., Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures; data of Figs. 2-4 among the source files; primary data (figs. 1 and 6) available through arXiv:1901.06424)
- Published
- 2020
22. A model to explain the angular distribution of J /ψ and ψ (2S) decay into ΛΛ and Σ 0 Σ 0
- Author
Alekseev, M., Amoroso, A., Baldini Ferroli, R., Balossino, I., Bertani, M., Bettoni, D., Bianchi, F., Chai, J., Cibinetto, G., Cossio, F., De Mori, F., Destefanis, M., Farinelli, R., Fava, L., Felici, G., Garzia, I., Greco, M., Lavezzi, L., Leng, C., Maggiora, M., Mangoni, A., Marcello, S., Mezzadri, G., Pacetti, S., Patteri, P., Rivetti, A., Da Rocha Rolo, M., Savrié, M., Sosio, S., Spataro, S., and Yan, L.
- Subjects
Effective Lagrangian model ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear and High Energy Physics ,81V05 ,Polarization parameters ,J/φ = and φ (2S ) hadronic decays ,Instrumentation ,Astronomy and Astrophysics ,Effective Lagrangian model, J/φ = and φ (2S ) hadronic decays, Polarization parameters ,NO - Published
- 2019
23. A variational study of some hadron bag models
- Author
Loïc Le Treust, CEntre de REcherches en MAthématiques de la DEcision (CEREMADE), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, and Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)
- Subjects
Ground and excited states ,Gamma-convergence ,Dirac operator ,Nuclear Theory ,FOS: Physical sciences ,Concentration compactness method ,01 natural sciences ,Gradient theory of phase transitions ,symbols.namesake ,Mathematics - Analysis of PDEs ,[MATH.MATH-MP]Mathematics [math]/Mathematical Physics [math-ph] ,0103 physical sciences ,FOS: Mathematics ,[MATH.MATH-AP]Mathematics [math]/Analysis of PDEs [math.AP] ,Soliton bag model ,Friedberg-Lee model ,0101 mathematics ,Mathematical Physics ,Mathematical physics ,Quantum chromodynamics ,Physics ,Nonlinear equation ,Foldy–Wouthuysen transformation ,010308 nuclear & particles physics ,Applied Mathematics ,010102 general mathematics ,Variational method ,M.I.T. bag model ,Free boundary problem ,Mathematical Physics (math-ph) ,Foldy- Wouthuysen transformation ,Hadron bag model ,Supersymmetry ,Classical mechanics ,Computer Science::Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ,Excited state ,symbols ,Soliton ,Ground state ,35J60 ,35Q75 ,49J45 ,49Q10 ,49S05 ,81Q10 ,81Q60 ,81V05 ,82B26 ,Analysis ,Analysis of PDEs (math.AP) - Abstract
Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory of strong interaction and accounts for the internal structure of hadrons. Physicists introduced phe- nomenological models such as the M.I.T. bag model, the bag approximation and the soliton bag model to study the hadronic properties. We prove, in this paper, the existence of excited state solutions in the symmetric case and of a ground state solution in the non-symmetric case for the soliton bag and the bag approximation models thanks to the concentration compactness method. We show that the energy functionals of the bag approximation model are Gamma -limits of sequences of soliton bag model energy functionals for the ground and excited state problems. The pre- compactness, up to translation, of the sequence of ground state solutions associated with the soliton bag energy functionals in the non-symmetric case is obtained combining the Gamma -convergence theory and the concentration-compactness method. Finally, we give a rigorous proof of the original derivation of the M.I.T. bag equations done by Chodos, Jaffe, Johnson, Thorn and Weisskopf via a limit of bag approximation ground state solutions in the spherical case. The supersymmetry property of the Dirac operator is the key point in many of our arguments.
- Published
- 2013
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24. Gauge/string duality and thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations (Infinite Analysis 2010 Developments in Quantum Integrable Systems)
- Author
- Subjects
MSC: 39B72 ,thermodynamic Bethe ansatz ,Y-system ,81V05 ,45G15 ,83E30 ,gluon scattering amplitudes ,gauge/string duality ,minimal surfaces ,49Q05 ,81T13 ,string theory ,82B23 - Published
- 2011
25. Spectroscopy of η′-nucleus bound states at GSI and FAIR — very preliminary results and future prospects
- Author
Yuni N. Watanabe, I. G. Mukha, Moritz P. Reiter, C. Guo, Mariana Nanova, M. Iwasaki, Helmut Weick, S. Pietri, J. Zhao, Kai-Thomas Brinkmann, Yasumoto Tanaka, R. Kanungo, K. Itahashi, C. Scheidenberger, R. Knoebel, J. S. Winfield, Y. Higashi, Volker Metag, Hans Geissel, J. Benlliure, Peter Strmen, Christine Hornung, Imrich Szarka, C. Rappold, H. Yamakami, Hooi Jin Ong, Stefan Friedrich, Daisuke Jido, E. Gutz, N. Ikeno, Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki, Ken Suzuki, Y. Igarashi, J. L. Rodriguez-Sanchez, Yassid Ayyad, Eberhard Widmann, H. Fujioka, Satoru Hirenzaki, Ryugo S. Hayano, A. Prochazka, J. Gellanki, Tomofumi Nagae, X. Xu, Bao-Hua Sun, E. Haettner, Hideko Nagahiro, M.N. Harakeh, S. Terashima, Takahiro Nishi, Herbert A. Simon, Branislav Sitar, N. Kurz, M. Takechi, Isao Tanihata, and Research unit Nuclear & Hadron Physics
- Subjects
Physics ,Nuclear and High Energy Physics ,Particle physics ,Chiral symmetry ,Partial restoration of chiral symmetry ,Nuclear Theory ,nucl-th ,81V05 ,U[A] (1) anomaly ,Condensed Matter Physics ,nucl-ex ,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics ,η′ mesic nuclei ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Bound state ,medicine ,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry ,Anomaly (physics) ,Spectroscopy ,Nuclear Experiment ,Nucleus - Abstract
The possible existence of \eta'-nucleus bound states has been put forward through theoretical and experimental studies. It is strongly related to the \eta' mass at finite density, which is expected to be reduced because of the interplay between the $U_A(1)$ anomaly and partial restoration of chiral symmetry. The investigation of the C(p,d) reaction at GSI and FAIR, as well as an overview of the experimental program at GSI and future plans at FAIR are discussed., Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; talk at the International Conference on Exotic Atoms and Related Topics (EXA2014), Vienna, Austria, 15-19 September 2014. in Hyperfine Interactions (2015)
- Published
- 2015
26. Measurement of inelastic J/psi and psi^prime photoproduction at HERA
- Author
Abramowicz, H., Abt, I., Aushev, V., Grigorescu, G., Grzelak, G., Gueta, O., Guzik, M., Gwenlan, C., Haas, T., Hain, W., Hamatsu, R., Hart, J. C., Hartmann, H., Aushev, Y., Hartner, G., Hilger, E., Hochman, D., Hori, R., Huttmann, A., Ibrahim, Z. A., Iga, Y., Ingbir, R., Ishitsuka, M., Jakob, H. P., Bachynska, O., Januschek, F., Jones, T. W., Jungst, M., Kadenko, I., Kahle, B., Kananov, S., Kanno, T., Karshon, U., Karstens, F., Katkov, I. I., Bamberger, A., Kaur, M., Kaur, P., Keramidas, A., Khein, L. A., Kim, J. Y., Kisielewska, D., Kitamura, S., Klanner, R., Klein, U., Koffeman, E., Barakbaev, A. N., Kondrashova, N., Kononenko, O., Kooijman, P., Korol, Ie., Korzhavina, I. A., Kotanski, A., Kotz, U., Kowalski, H., Kuprash, O., Kuze, M., Barbagli, G., Lee, A., Levchenko, B. B., Levy, A., Libov, V., Limentani, S., Ling, T. Y., Lisovyi, M., Lobodzinska, E., Lohmann, W., Lohr, B., Bari, G., Lohrmann, E., Long, K. R., Longhin, A., Lontkovskyi, D., Lukina, O. Yu., Maeda, J., Magill, S., Makarenko, I., Malka, J., Mankel, R., Barreiro, F., Margotti, A., Marini, G., Martin, J. F., Mastroberardino, A., Mattingly, M. C. K., Melzer-Pellmann, I. A., Mergelmeyer, S., Miglioranzi, S., Idris, F. Mohamad, Monaco, V., Bartosik, N., Montanari, A., Morris, J. D., Mujkic, K., Musgrave, B., Nagano, K., Namsoo, T., Nania, R., Nigro, A., Ning, Y., Nobe, T., Bartsch, D., Notz, D., Nowak, R. J., Nuncio-Quiroz, A. E., Oh, B. Y., Okazaki, N., Olkiewicz, K., Onishchuk, Yu., Papageorgiu, K., Parenti, A., Paul, E., Adamczyk, L., Basile, M., Pawlak, J. M., Pawlik, B., Pelfer, P. G., Pellegrino, A., Perlanski, W., Perrey, H., Piotrzkowski, K., Plucinski, P., Pokrovskiy, N. S., Polini, A., Behnke, O., Proskuryakov, A. S., Przybycien, M., Raval, A., Reeder, D. D., Reisert, B., Ren, Z., Repond, J., Ri, Y. D., Robertson, A., Roloff, P., Behr, J., Rubinsky, I., Ruspa, M., Sacchi, R., Samson, U., Sartorelli, G., Savin, A. A., Saxon, D. H., Schioppa, M., Schlenstedt, S., Schleper, P., Behrens, U., Schmidke, W. B., Schneekloth, U., Schonberg, V., Schorner-Sadenius, T., Schwartz, J., Sciulli, F., Shcheglova, L. M., Shehzadi, R., Shimizu, S., Singh, I., Bellagamba, L., Skillicorn, I. O., Slominski, W., Smith, W. H., Sola, V., Solano, A., Son, D., Sosnovtsev, V., Spiridonov, A., Stadie, H., Stanco, L., Bertolin, A., Stefaniuk, N., Stern, A., Stewart, T. P., Stifutkin, A., Stopa, P., Suchkov, S., Susinno, G., Suszycki, L., Sztuk-Dambietz, J., Szuba, D., Bhadra, S., Szuba, J., Tapper, A. D., Tassi, E., Terron, J., Theedt, T., Tiecke, H., Tokushuku, K., Tomaszewska, J., Trusov, V., Tsurugai, T., Bindi, M., Turcato, M., Turkot, O., Tymieniecka, T., Vazquez, M., Verbytskyi, A., Viazlo, O., Vlasov, N. N., Walczak, R., Wan Abdullah, W. A. T., Whitmore, J. J., Blohm, C., Wichmann, K., Wiggers, L., Wing, M., Wlasenko, M., Wolf, G., Wolfe, H., Wrona, K., Yagues-Molina, A. G., Yamada, S., Yamazaki, Y., Bokhonov, V., Yoshida, R., Youngman, C., Zabiegalov, O., Zarnecki, A. F., Zawiejski, L., Zenaiev, O., Zeuner, W., Zhautykov, B. O., Zhmak, N., Zichichi, A., Adamus, M., Bold, T., Zolkapli, Z., Zotkin, D. S., ZEUS Collaboration, Bondarenko, K., Boos, E. G., Borras, K., Boscherini, D., Bot, D., Brock, I., Brownson, E., Brugnera, R., Brummer, N., Aggarwal, R., Bruni, A., Bruni, G., Brzozowska, B., Bussey, P. J., Bylsma, B., Caldwell, A., Capua, M., Carlin, R., Catterall, C. D., Chekanov, S., Antonelli, S., Chwastowski, J., Ciborowski, J., Ciesielski, R., Cifarelli, L., Cindolo, F., Contin, A., Cooper-Sarkar, A. M., Coppola, N., Corradi, M., Corriveau, F., Antonioli, P., Costa, M., D'Agostini, G., Dal Corso, F., del Peso, J., Dementiev, R. K., De Pasquale, S., Derrick, M., Devenish, R. C. E., Dobur, D., Dolgoshein, B. A., Antonov, A., Dolinska, G., Doyle, A. T., Drugakov, V., Durkin, L. S., Dusini, S., Eisenberg, Y., Ermolov, P. F., Eskreys, A., Fang, S., Fazio, S., Arneodo, M., Ferrando, J., Ferrero, M. I., Figiel, J., Foster, B., Gach, G., Galas, A., Gallo, E., Garfagnini, A., Geiser, A., Gialas, I., Arslan, O., Gizhko, A., Gladilin, L. K., Gladkov, D., Glasman, C., Gogota, O., Golubkov, Yu. A., Gottlicher, P., Grabowska-Bold, I., Grebenyuk, J., and Gregor, I.
- Subjects
81V05 ,Nuclear Theory ,nonrelativistic [quantum chromodynamics] ,FOS: Physical sciences ,photoproduction [psi(3685)] ,energy dependence ,High Energy Physics - Experiment ,High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex) ,photoproduction [J/psi(3100)] ,factorization ,+psi+mesons+electron+anything%22">electron p --> psi mesons electron anything ,measured [differential cross section] ,ddc:530 ,ratio [channel cross section] ,Nuclear Experiment ,Monte Carlo ,octet [color] ,+J%2Fpsi%283100%29+anything%22">psi(3685) --> J/psi(3100) anything ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,318 GeV-cms [300] ,ZEUS ,singlet [color] ,final state [dimuon] ,DESY HERA Stor ,inelastic scattering [electron p] ,+muon%2B+muon%22">psi mesons --> muon+ muon ,dependence [transverse momentum] ,High Energy Physics::Experiment ,experimental results - Abstract
The cross sections for inelastic photoproduction of J/psi and psi^prime mesons have been measured in ep collisions with the ZEUS detector at HERA, using an integrated luminosity of 468 pb-1 collected in the period 1996--2007. The psi^prime to J/psi cross section ratio was measured in the range 0.55 < z < 0.9 and 60 < W < 190 GeV as a function of W, z and p_T. Here W denotes the photon-proton centre-of-mass energy, z is the fraction of the incident photon energy carried by the meson and p_T is the transverse momentum of the meson with respect to the beam axis. The J/psi cross sections were measured for 0.1 < z < 0.9, 60 < W < 240 GeV and p_T > 1 GeV. Theoretical predictions within the non-relativistic QCD framework including NLO colour--singlet and colour--octet contributions were compared to the data, as were predictions based on the k_T--factorisation approach., 27 pages, 10 figures
- Published
- 2012
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27. The dressed nonrelativistic electron in a magnetic field
- Author
Laurent Amour, Benoît Grébert, Jean-Claude Guillot, Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Reims (LMR), Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Equations aux dérivées partielles, Laboratoire de Mathématiques Jean Leray (LMJL), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Nantes - UFR des Sciences et des Techniques (UN UFR ST), Université de Nantes (UN)-Université de Nantes (UN)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Nantes - UFR des Sciences et des Techniques (UN UFR ST), Université de Nantes (UN)-Université de Nantes (UN), Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées (CMAP), and Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)-École polytechnique (X)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Subjects
Electromagnetic field ,Photon ,81V05 ,General Mathematics ,[PHYS.MPHY]Physics [physics]/Mathematical Physics [math-ph] ,Continuous spectrum ,FOS: Physical sciences ,Electron ,01 natural sciences ,symbols.namesake ,[MATH.MATH-MP]Mathematics [math]/Mathematical Physics [math-ph] ,Quantum mechanics ,0103 physical sciences ,0101 mathematics ,Mathematical Physics ,Physics ,Coupling constant ,Anomalous magnetic dipole moment ,010308 nuclear & particles physics ,010102 general mathematics ,General Engineering ,Mathematical Physics (math-ph) ,Quantum electrodynamics ,symbols ,Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics) ,Ground state - Abstract
We consider a nonrelativistic electron interacting with a classical magnetic field pointing along the $x_{3}$-axis and with a quantized electromagnetic field. When the interaction between the electron and photons is turned off, the electronic system is assumed to have a ground state of finite multiplicity. Because of the translation invariance along the $x_{3}$-axis, we consider the reduced Hamiltonian associated with the total momentum along the $x_{3}$-axis and, after introducing an ultraviolet cutoff and an infrared regularization, we prove that the reduced Hamiltonian has a ground state if the coupling constant and the total momentum along the $x_{3}$-axis are sufficiently small. Finally we determine the absolutely continuous spectrum of the reduced Hamiltonian., Comment: typos corrections
- Published
- 2004
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- Author
Thomas Schucker and Bruno Iochum
- Subjects
58B30 ,Physics ,High Energy Physics - Theory ,81V15 ,81V05 ,46L87 ,High Energy Physics::Lattice ,FOS: Physical sciences ,81V10 ,Statistical and Nonlinear Physics ,Yang–Mills existence and mass gap ,81T13 ,Theoretical physics ,High Energy Physics::Theory ,High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th) ,Mathematics::K-Theory and Homology ,Higgs boson ,Mathematical Physics ,46L60 - Abstract
By a suitable choice of variables we show that every Connes-Lott model is a Yang-Mills-Higgs model. The contrary is far from being true. Necessary conditions are given. Our analysis is pedestrian and illustrated by examples., 30 pages, LaTeX
- Published
- 1995
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