AIM. To assess efficacy of surgical procedures with use of meshes for pelvic prolapse. PATIENTS AND METHODS. Retrospective study included 235 females aged 59.3±7.5 years which underwent surgery for pelvic prolapse in 2013-2017. Surgical reconstruction of pelvic floor was performed using several types of meshes: Pelvix («Lintex»), Urosling («Lintex»), Prolift («Gynecare»). Results were assessed clinically (POP-Q stage), by questionnaire, uroflowmetry, evaluation of QoL (PFDI-20 scale). Patients underwent control examinations 2 weeks after surgery, 3,6,12,24,36 months. RESULTS. Post-op complications were obtained in 4 (1.7%) patients and included bladder injury in 2 (0.85%) females and paravesical hematoma in 2 (0.85%). Control examinations after 2 weeks and 1 month were done in 235 (100.0%) patients, after 12 months - in 140 (59.6%), after 24 months - in 98 (41.7%), after 36 - in 58 (24.6%). Recurrence was detected in 11 (4.7%)patients. Eight (3.4%) produced stress urinary incontinence 1 year after surgery. QoL improved significantly from 159.2 to 28.7 points (p