Volume I of this 3-volume report is a summary of the most significant findings and contains all conclusions and recommendations. As originally conceived, this study was to determine, for stability operations, the optimum mix of organizational elements and equipment in armored units. During the course of the evaluation, which covered every type of armored unit in RVN, it became apparent that the different types of terrain present in RVN, and the differences in the nature of conflict between areas, precluded the preparation of any ideal mix-of-force structure. However, many means of improving armored unit equipment and organization were noted; these are enumerated in this report, and pertinent recommendations are made. This volume contains a detailed discussion of the characteristics of the Vietnam conflict that impact on armor employment. These include the effects of both terrain and climate, and also the political and humanitarian principles that have constrained the employment of combat power. This section is followed by a catalogue of specific areas where improvement can be made in armor materiel or employment or both. The commentaries are categorized according to the five functions of ground combat: intelligence, mobility, firepower, command and control, and support. Conclusions and recommendations are then presented. In the three major annexes contained in this summary volume, organizational and equipment modifications made by armored units in RVN are enumerated, the status of equipment (i.e., overages, shortages) in these units is presented., See also Volume 2, AD516957.