Acalitus cracens n.sp. (Fig. 1) Diagnosis�� Empodium 6 ��rayed; prodorsal shield richly ornamented, with median, admedian and several broken submedian lines and lateral granulations; epigynum densily granular basally and granules running out into longitudinal dashes distally. Female (n = 6) ��Body vermiform, 149 (135���158), 43 (41���44) wide. Gnathosoma: basal seta 3 (3���4); antapical seta not seen. Prodorsal shield 22 (19���23), 31 (28���31) wide, with a small, rounded frontal lobe. Shield design consisting of complete median and admedian lines, several broken submedian lines and lateral granules. Shield tubercles on rear shield margin, 15 (15���17) apart, directing scapular seta (sc) backwards, slightly divergently; setae 18 (18���20) long, extending over 12���13 dorsoopisthosomal annuli. Legs: missing tibial and femoral seta I. Leg I 19 (18���20); femur 7 (6���7), with a ventral transverse line, extending half way around segment; genu 4 (4), genual seta (l") 14 (12��� 15); tibia shortened, 4 (4); tarsus 5 (5), dorsal seta (ft') 11 (7���11), lateral seta (ft") 13 (12��� 16), unguinal seta (u') 3 (3), solenidion 5 (5���6), empodium 4 (4���5), 6 ��rayed. Leg II 17 (17��� 18); femur 7 (6���7), with transverse line as in femur I, bv 6 (6���9); genu 3 (3), l" 5 (5���8); tibia 3 (3); tarsus 3 (3���4), ft' 5 (4���5), ft" 17 (14���17), u' 3 (3���4), solenidion 7 (7), empodium 4 (4���5), 6 ��rayed. Coxigenital area: coxae I granular, sternal line missing; coxae II anteriorly with a few granules, posteriorly smooth. Coxal seta I (1 b) 7 (6���7), 6 (6) apart; coxal seta II (1 a) 15 (11���15), 9 (9���10) apart; coxal seta III (2 a) 22 (20���25), 16 (16���18) apart. Coxisternal area with 3 (3���4) annuli, microtuberculate near genitalia and anteriorly smooth. Genitalia 18 (17���19) wide, 11 (9���11) long; genital seta (3 a) 6 (6���9). Epigynum basally granular and distally elongate granules resembling short dashes. Opisthosoma evenly arched in cross section. Lateral seta (c 2) 14 (13���16), on annulus 5 (3���5) counting from genitalia rear margin. Ventral seta I (d) 28 (26���29), 33 (31���34) apart, on annulus 15 (14���15); ventral seta II (e) 24 (22���26), 18 (17���21) apart, on annulus 30 (28���31); ventral seta III (f) 13 (13���14), 11 (10���11) apart, on annulus 50 (46���51) or 6 th from rear. Total ventral annuli 55 (51���56), microtuberculate; total dorsal annuli 63 (61���67), microtuberculate,the caudal 13 (13���16) dorsal annuli broader. Caudal seta (h 2) 26 (26���30); accessory seta (h 1) minute. Male (n = 3)��Smaller than female, 118���150, 38 ��� 43 wide. Gnathosoma: basal seta 3, antapical seta not seen; chelicera 9���11. Prodorsal shield 18���22, 31 ��� 32 wide, sc 17���18, 14 ��� 16 apart. Legs: leg I 17���18; femur 5���7, bv missing; genu 3, l" 12���13; tibia 3, l' missing; tarsus 5, ft' 7���10, ft" 13���15, u' 3, solenidion 4���5, empodium 4���5, 6 ��rayed. Leg II 14���16; femur 4���6, bv 5���6; genu 3, l" 8; tibia 3; tarsus 4, ft' 4, ft" 14���15, u' 3, solenidion 6���7, empodium 4���5, 6 ��rayed. Coxigenital area: 1 b 6���7, 6 apart; 1a 11 ��� 12, 8 ��� 9 apart; 2a 15 ��� 20, 15 ��� 16 apart; coxisternal area with 2 annuli. Genitalia 14���15 wide, 9���10 long, basally granular, distally smooth; 3a 5 ��� 7. Opisthosoma: c 2 12���13, on annulus 2; d 23���24, 26 ��� 28 apart, on annulus 11���14; e 18���20, 17 ��� 18 apart, on annulus 25���30; f 13���14, 10 apart, on annulus 44���51 or 6���7 th from rear. Total ventral annuli 50���56; total dorsal annuli 60���61, the caudal dorsal 13���16 annuli broader; h 2 22���23; h 1 minute. Type material ��� female holotype, 37 female, 3 male paratypes, from Turnera subulata Smith, Turneraceae, Ravine Chaude, Lamentin, Guadeloupe, 19 Sept. 2004, coll. J. Etienne, on seven microscopic preparations. Relation to host ��� Vagrant on leaves. Etymology ��� The specific designation cracens, Latin, meaning neat, refers to the clear ornamentation of the prodorsal shield. Remarks ��� The description of A. cracens n. sp. brings the number of Acalitus species from the French Antilles up to nine. It is easily distinguished by its 6 ��rayed empodium, a character shared only with A. macrosetosus Flechtmann & Etienne, 2003, however, in the new species, femur I presents a ventral transverse line (no line in macrosetosus) and the prodorsal shield ornamentation is conspicuous (only with a median line in macrosetosus). A. capparidis Flechtmann, 1999, A. amicorum Flechtmann, 1999, A. comptus Flechtmann, 1999, A. granulatus Flechtmann & Etienne, 2000, A. simplex Flechtmann & Etienne, 2002 and A. maracai (Boczek & Nuzzaci, 1988) (recorded from Guadeloupe by Flechtmann et al., 1999 b, and from Marie Galante by Flechtmann & Etienne, 2003) all have 4 ��rayed empodia and A. amydros Flechtmann & Etienne, 2001 has a 5 ��rayed empodium., Published as part of Flechtmann, Carlos H. W. & Etienne, Jean, 2005, On plant mites from Guadeloupe, with descriptions of four new species of Eriophyidae, pp. 55-68 in Zootaxa 1046 on pages 57-59, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.169894, {"references":["Flechtmann, C. H. W. & Etienne, J. (2003) Two new species of eriophyid mites (Acari: Eriophydae) from Guadeloupe and Marie Galante, with records on other plant mites. Zootaxa, (271), 1 - 7.","Flechtmann, C. H. W. & Etienne, J. (2000) Plant mites from the French Antilles and French Guyana, with descriptions of two new species of eriophyid mites (Acari: Prostigmata: Tetranychidae, Tenuipalpidae, Eriophyidae). International Journal of Acarology, 26 (3), 257 - 263.","Flechtmann, C. H. W. & Etienne, J. (2002) New records of plant mites (Acari, Acaridae, Tetranychidae) from Guadeloupe and Marie Galante with descriptions of five new eriophyid species. Zootaxa, (47), 1 - 16.","Boczek, J. & Nuzzaci, G. (1988) A new genus and five new species of eriophyid mites (Acari: Eriophyoidea). Entomologica, Bari, 23, 123 - 138.","Flechtmann, C. H. W., Kreiter, S., Etienne, J. & Moraes, G. J. (1999 b) Plant mites (Acari) of the French Antilles. 4. Eriophyidae (Prostigmata). Acarologia, 40 (3), 321 - 342.","Flechtmann, C. H. W. & Etienne, J. (2001) Plant mites from Guadeloupe and French Guyana, with descriptions of five new species of eriophyid mites (Acari: Eriophyidae, Tenuipalpidae, Tetranychidae). International Journal o f Acarology, 27 (4), 261 - 270."]}