Documents in which the events that took place throughout the year in the Ottoman Empire are recorded by official institutions or private persons are called Salname. The word Salname transferred from Persian; means year and writing. Officially, salnames have been prepared by the state, ministry and provinces. The first official state salname in the administrative system of the Ottoman Empire is dated 1847. After this initial work, the writing of the official salname continued until 1922. Salnames prepared by the ministries were published between 1865 and 1890. The first of the provincial salnames is the Bosnia Provincial Salnames of 1866. In the provincial salnames containing information about the administrative structures of the provinces, the development dates, place names and people are recorded. As such, the salnames provide important information about the administrative, legal, economic, demographic, social, political and military structures of Ottoman cities. In this study, we tried to reveal the administrative structure of the town of Kicevo by acting from the data of the Salnames of the city of Manastir and the Salnames of the Ministry of Education. While trying to reveal this situation, all Salnames belonging to the dates H.1292, H.1293, H.1305, H.1308, H.1310, 1311, H.1312, H.1313, H.1314, H.1316, H.1317 in the last quarter of the 19th century were examined. Thus, we tried to convey both the administrative structure of a city ruled under Ottoman rule in the Balkans and the processes of change of duty with the officials involved in this structuring. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]