Aim: Oran university hospital has been operating since 2010. It is a public institution that must assess the resources required to achieve institutional goals integrated into the strategic objectives defined in the hospital development project. Implementation of this project could be supported, among other things, by a strong and efficient hospital information system., Methods: Three investigations were conducted: 1- evaluation of the hospital information system, 2- assessment of the quality of the hospital discharge summary reports, 3- assessment of the quality of medical records., Results: The six components of the hospital information system (resources, indicators, sources, management, quality and dissemination and use of data) were clearly present but not satisfactory with a score ranging from 25 to 50% of the total score. The scores by component were as follows: 36% for resources, 37% for indicators, 42% for patient records, 19% for data management and 27% for the dissemination of information. The overall completeness of medical records was 85.2%. Completeness by group of variables gave the following results: 66% for medical information, 54% for the patient's stay and 38% for information relating to the patient's discharge. Hospital discharge summary reports were available in 59.8% of cases, but were blank in 4% of cases. The critical variable, the principal diagnosis was found in 51% of cases. The correct principal diagnosis rate was 33.3%., Conclusion: The deficiencies observed for content and data management raise real questions concerning data management at Oran university hospital as part of a real managerial approach.