Various situations that individual encounters in his / her daily life create positive emotions while others cause stress and anxiety. In the literature, such negative moods that affect an individual's emotional, cognitive, physical, behavioral and relational aspects are defined as anxiety. The state of anxiety that affects a large part of society has become widespread today. In parallel, studies on anxiety have increased in recent years. There is still a need to investigate the effects of religion on anxiety, including feelings of restlessness, anxiety, fear, irritability, and sadness, because religion and religiosity is an effective factor in many areas of an individual's life, from the world of thought to the world of emotion, from attitudes to various behaviors. between trait anxiety, aggression and religiosity. The purpose of this study is to examine whether religious beliefs and attitudes and continuous anxiety have an effect on the aggressive tendencies of university students. In addition, the effects of gender on religiosity, persistent anxiety and aggression tendencies were discussed in this study.Four hundred-fifteen volunteer students from different universities and faculties participated in the study in the 2017-2018 academic year. After the data set was checked, the final sample consisted of 398 participants. In addition to personal traits, STAI Form TX-2, Motivational Religiosity Scale (MMRI) and Buss-Perry Aggression Scale (BPSÖ) were used.After the factor analysis of the STAI FORM TX-2, 4 expressions were scattered or ambiguous and 16 expressions remained in the excluded scale. The scale was named as Continuous Anxiety Scale-16. As a result of the analysis, the KMO value of the scale was found to be 833 (p =, 000) and internal consistency was 791.Motivational Religiosity Scale (MMRI) -18: As a result of factor analysis, 18 of the 20 questions were collected under three dimensions, explaining 74% of the total variance, and the internal consistency of the KMO was 961 (p =, 000) and 964, respectively.Buss-Perry Aggression Scale (BPSÖ): In this study, a 5-point Likert-type scale consisting of 29 items was used. The analysis showed that 10 items were deactivated and the remaining 19 items were collected in 5 sub-dimensions. KMO value of the scale was found to be 857 and the variance explained was 58,346% (p =, 000). The alpha value, which expresses the internal consistency of the scale, was found to be 813.The participants received the highest score in the “religious belief and tendency to help” subscale (M = 4.38). In general, in the subscales where a mean score was obtained above the average of the scale (M = 2.5), finally, M = 3.86 average was obtained from the responsibility dimension in the second place.The participants were as follows in terms of their aggression orientations. The participants obtained the highest average from the “verbal aggression” subscale (5.83). Sub-scales of “scepticism and intellectual hostility” (4,95), “emotional-cognitive hostility” (3,72), “physical aggression” (3,65) and “emotional reactive anger” (3,55) follow. The mean scale obtained by the participants from the verbal aggression and skepticism-intellectual hostility was above the average (M = 4,5).According to the results of the t-test analysis conducted to determine theOne of the negative situations in social life is aggressive behavior. Aggressive behavior, on the other hand, includes all behaviors directed to harm another living being, although it is classified in various ways. Aggression has a very broad form of expression. In the literature, aggression is evaluated in five dimensions as physical, indirect, anger, verbal and hostility. In all religions and cultures, aggressive expressions are not welcome because they harm society. Religion and religiosity bring provisions aiming to control the aggressive behaviors of the individual. Abroad, religion / religiosity and although more research on the relationship between aggression investigating the relationship between these two cases in Turkey is not so prevalent in the study.The aim of this research is to examine the relationships and interactions difference between gender groups in terms of religiosity attitudes, it was found that women's religiosity scale obtained a higher average than the relationship with God, the source of power and trust. The difference was statistically significant (p =, 014).Further, the gender variable leads to a difference from the “unhappy and dissatisfaction” and “fatigue and avoidance” dimensions of the trait anxiety scale. While the average of males was high in the unhappy and dissatisfaction subscale, the women scored high in the fatigue and avoidance subscale.The t-test analysis revealed that the gender variable caused a difference in the aggression scale. The averages obtained from “physical aggression”, “emotional hostility” and “anger” subscales are in favor of men. In other words, men tend to have more aggressive thoughts and behaviors than women.According to the results of the regression analysis conducted to determine the relationships and interactions between the variables, it was understood that continuous anxiety was positively correlated with “emotional hostility”, “emotional-reactive anger” and “skeptical and intellectual hostility” subscales. Explain anxiety accounts for about 37% of the change in the emotional cognitive hostility dimension of aggression. Define anxiety accounts for approximately 30% of the change in the emotional-reactive anger dimension of aggression and 14% of the change in the sceptical and intellectual hostility dimension.According to the results of regression analysis, the two dimensions of religiosity and aggression subscales have entered into relationship and interaction. The ”relationship with God” subscale of religiosity entered into relationships and interactions with other dimensions of aggression except for the “skeptical and intellectual hostility” dimension, while the “religious belief and solidarity” subscale of religiosity only interacted and interacted with the “emotional-reactive anger” dimension of aggression. The negative (-) value of the relationship indicates that the increase in religiosity can lead to a decrease in aggressive behavior. According to the findings, the relationship between religiosity and God; It can be explain about 15% of the change in the physical aggression subscale, about 11% of the change in the emotional-cognitive hostility subscale, about 18% of the change in the emotional-reactive anger dimension, and about 15% of the change in the verbal aggression dimension. The religious belief and solidarity dimension of religiosity explains about 16% of the change in the emotional reactive anger dimension of aggression. The results of this study are limited to the sample group, the time of the study and the ability of the scales to measure. It is thought that the results of this paper can contribute to the literature and can shed light on the further studies., Bu araştırmanın amacı, dindarlık, sürekli kaygı ve saldırganlık arasındaki ilişki ve etkileşimleri tasvir ve tespit etmektir. Ayrıca, cinsiyetin dindarlık, sürekli kaygı ve saldırganlık bakımından fark oluşturup oluşturmadığı bu araştırma çerçevesinde ele alınmıştır. Araştırmaya, 2017 -2018 yıllarında, farklı üniversite ve çeşitli fakülte ve bölümlerinde, farklı sınıf seviyelerinde öğrenim gören toplam 415 gönüllü öğrenci katılmıştır. Veriler tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemi ile toplanmıştır. Araştırmada Hellmeister ve Zwingmann tarafından geliştirilen ve Apaydın (2010) tarafından Türkçeye tercüme edilen Münchner Motivasyonel Dindarlık Envanteri, Buss-Perry Saldırganlık Ölçeği (BPSÖ) ve Sürekli Kaygı Ölçeği-16 (STAI FORM TX-2) kullanılmıştır. Verilerin çözümlenmesi sürecinde t-test ve regresyon analizleri uygulanmıştır. Örneklemin dindarlık ve saldırganlık bakımından genel profili çıkarılmış, katılımcıların dindarlık düzeylerinin yüksek olduğu, saldırganlık ölçeğinin ise sözel saldırganlık ve şüpheci-düşünsel düşmanlık alt ölçeklerinden ölçek ortalamasının üzerinde bir değer alırken, diğer alt ölçeklerde saldırgan eğilimlerin düşük olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Kadınlar, dindarlığın Tanrıyla ilişki alt ölçeğinde erkeklerden farklılaşmıştır. Erkekler sürekli kaygı ölçeğinin mutlu ve memnun olmama alt ölçeğinde daha yüksek ortalama elde ederken, kadınlar yorgunluk ve kaçınma alt ölçeğinden daha yüksek ortalama almışlardır. Saldırganlığın alt ölçeklerinde de cinsiyet fark oluşturmuştur. Erkekler fiziksel saldırganlık, duygusal düşmanlık ve öfke boyutlarında kadınlara nazaran daha yüksek ortalamalara sahiptir. Sürekli kaygı, saldırganlığın duygusal-bilişsel düşmanlık, duygusal-tepkisel öfke ve şüpheci ve düşmanlık boyutlarını; dindarlığın Tanrı ile ilişki boyutu, şüpheci ve düşünsel düşmanlık dışındaki diğer boyutlarını yordamaktadır. Bununla birlikte dindarlığın, dini inanç ve yardımlaşma alt ölçeği, saldırganlığın duygusal-tepkisel öfke boyutunu açıklamaktadır.