The human β-globin locus provides a model system to study the interplay between chromatin structure and transcriptional regulation. The locus is located on chromosome 11 (11p15.5) and contains five developmentally regulated erythroid cell-specific genes arranged in the order in which they are expressed during development (5′-ɛ-Gγ-Aγ-δ-β-3′) and an upstream regulatory region characterized by five DNase I-hypersensitive sites (HSs; see Fig. Fig.1).1). By convention, these 5′HSs are denoted 5′HS1, 5′HS2, etc., with 5′HS1 being the most 3′ and located closest to the ɛ-globin gene. The importance of the upstream regulatory region was established by an analysis of the effects of a naturally occurring deletion which removes 5′HS2 to 5′HS5 and 25 kb of additional sequences 5′ of the HSs (Hispanic thalassemia). The chromosome carrying the deletion was transferred from lymphocytes of the thalassemic patient into murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells to create the thalassemia line T-MEL. It was found that the mutation abolishes transcription of the adult human β-globin gene, prevents formation of 5′HS1 and other HSs throughout the locus, and renders the chromatin of the locus resistant to DNase I, indicative of a “closed” chromatin structure (19). In addition, the replication timing of the locus is changed from early to late in S phase (19) and a different origin of replication is used, even though the normal origin lies more than 50 kb from the site of the deletion (1, 36). The region containing the five HSs was termed the locus control region (LCR), because of its global effects on the locus. In transgenic mice, the LCR permits the expression of linked genes in all lines independent of the integration site (26), and regions with LCR properties have now been found in numerous other genes (reviewed in reference 35). FIG. 1 Homologous recombination in DT40 cells on a modified human chromosome 11 with the human β-globin locus. The genes of the β-globin locus and the upstream HSs are indicated, as well as the modification introduced into the locus in an earlier ... The properties of the β-globin LCR make it an interesting paradigm to study the global regulation of gene expression over large distances and the role that modulation of chromatin structure plays in transcriptional regulation. A variety of functional assays, including transient- and stable-transfection assays in cell lines and transgenic analyses, have been used in attempts to elucidate the function of the β-globin LCR and its component HSs. In general, these studies have demonstrated that the LCR and its component HSs demonstrate much higher activity in erythroid cells than in other cell types (5, 18, 44, 47, 63) and that for any given activity, the full LCR is more active than any individual component, suggesting interaction or additive effects among the individual sites (11, 18, 46, 55, 60). In addition, 5′HS2 and the full LCR are qualitatively equivalent: both function as classical enhancers in transient-transfection assays, increase the number of expressing clones when stably integrated in cell lines, and confer position independence and high-level expression in transgenic mice (5, 18, 41, 45, 58, 60, 63). In contrast to 5′HS2, both 5′HS3 and 5′HS4 have weak or no enhancer activity in transient-transfection assays but are active in colony assays when stably integrated and in transgenic mice (20, 30, 52, 63). Neither 5′HS1 nor 5′HS5 has appreciable activity in these transfection/transgenic-mouse assays (9, 21, 32). The failure of 5′HS1 to demonstrate activity in these assays is consistent with the lack of phenotypes associated with naturally occurring deletions of 5′HS1 in humans (37) and mice (3a). Although 5′HS5 does not demonstrate enhancer activity in transfection assays, it may play a functional role in the β-globin locus. Hypersensitivity at 5′HS5 is found in many nonerythroid cell lines, whereas 5′HS1 to 5′HS4 are predominantly erythroid cell specific (12, 61), and 5′HS5 is contained on a 2.5-kb restriction fragment which was characterized as one of the potential matrix attachment regions within the β-globin locus (33). In addition 5′HS5 increases the tendency for position-independent transcription of a linked reporter (32, 68) and it has also been reported to block the activation of a promoter when placed between the promoter and an enhancer (39). It has therefore been suggested that 5′HS5 serves as an insulator which shields the locus from neighboring chromatin. This role has also been postulated for HS4 of the chicken β-globin locus, which resembles human 5′HS5 in its broad tissue distribution and its relative position within the locus (8). While transfection and transgenic-mouse experiments have provided important information about the possible functions of the LCR, endogenous genes are regulated in defined chromosomal locations. Thus, analysis of unintegrated or randomly integrated constructs may overestimate, underestimate, or miss aspects of the activities of cis-regulatory elements, particularly those which influence chromatin, replication, and transcription over large distances. To examine how the LCR components interact to regulate the endogenous β-globin locus, we have developed homologous-recombination (HR) strategies for the mutational analysis of the endogenous human β-globin LCR in cell lines. Specifically, we studied the consequences of deleting those HSs of the LCR which are deleted in the Hispanic thalassemia deletion, as well as the consequences of the deletion of 5′HS5 on the chromatin structure and transcription of the β-globin locus. The results of these experiments show that in an erythroid background, the LCR is not required to maintain the open DNase I-sensitive chromatin structure of the locus but is essential for expression of all β-globin genes.