1. Vitamin D improves corticosteroid efficacy and attenuates its side-effects in an animal model of asthma
- Author
Mehta, Anita A., Agrawal, Ashok D., Appanna, Vasu, and Chaudagar, Kiranj K.
- Subjects
Physiological aspects ,Health aspects ,Corticosteroid drugs -- Health aspects ,Asthma -- Physiological aspects ,Vitamin D -- Health aspects ,Corticosteroids -- Health aspects ,Alfacalcidol -- Health aspects ,Calcifediol -- Health aspects - Abstract
Introduction Asthma is one of the most common chronic inflammatory diseases, and is ranked among the top 10 prevalent conditions. It affects about 300 million people worldwide and is projected [...], The subacute use of corticosteroids has side-effects such as glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia, anxiety, and depression, which could be halted with vitamin D, which is an immunomodulatory vitamin. Thus, we aimed to study the anti-asthmatic efficacy and side-effects profile of vitamin D, the corticosteroid dexamethasone, and their combination on ovalbumin-induced airway inflammation in rats. For this, 2 different doses of vitamin D (50 IU/kg, daily for 2 weeks, or and 60000 IU/kg, bolus dose, by intraperitoneal injection (i.p.)) were administered in combination with dexamethasone (2.5 mg/kg, i.p., for 2 weeks) prior to challenge with ovalbumin. At the end of the therapy, the asthmatic parameters such as differential white blood cell counts, serum levels of immunoglobulin E, bronchoalveolar lavaged fluid, and interleukin-5, as well as serum levels of nitric oxide were significantly increased after allergen challenges in asthmatic rats as compared with the controls. Such increases were significantly attenuated by monotherapy with vitamin D and with combination therapy of vitamin D and dexamethasone, where the combination therapy was superior to the monotherapy. Dexamethasone-induced hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and behavioral abnormalities in the allergic rats were attenuated with vitamin D. The daily dose was better for controlling serum levels of immunoglobulin E than the bolus dose, whereas the bolus was superior for reducing dexamethasone-induced psychotropic abnormalities. There were no significant changes in other parameters between the daily and the bolus dose. In conclusion, a daily dose of vitamin D in combination with dexamethasone is more efficacious for treating asthma in allergic rats than monotherapy. Key words: ovalbumin, dexamethasone, single dose, bolus dose. L'utilisation subaigue de corticosteroides provoque des effets secondaires comme l'intolerance au glucose, la dyslipidemie, l'anxiete et la depression, qui pourraient etre contrecarres par la vitamine D, une vitamine immuno-modulatrice. Les auteurs avaient pour but d'etudier l'efficacite antiasthmatique et le profil des effets secondaires de la vitamine D, de la dexamethasone et de leur combinaison, dans un modele d'inflammation des voies respiratoires induite par l'ovalbumine chez le rat. Deux doses differentes de vitamine D (50 UI/kg, i.p., quotidiennement pendant 2 semaines et 60000 UI/kg bolus) ont ete administrees en combinaison avec la dexamethasone (2,5 mg/kg, i.p. pendant 2 semaines) avant une provocation a l'ovalbumine. A la fin de la therapie, les parametres asthmatiques comme la numeration differentielle des globules blancs, les IgE du serum et du liquide de lavage broncho-alveolaire, l'IL-5 et le NO du serum etaient significativement accrus a la suite de la provocation chez les rats asthmatiques comparativement aux controles. Un tel accroissement etait significativement attenue par la combinaison ou monotherapie de vitamine D et de dexamethasone, la therapie combinee etant superieure a la monotherapie. L'hyperglycemie, l'hyperlipidemie et les troubles de comportements induits chez les rats allergiques par la dexamethasone etaient attenues par la vitamine D. La dose quotidienne etait plus efficace pour controler les IgE que le bolus, alors que le bolus etait plus efficace pour reduire les troubles du comportement que la dose quotidienne. Il n'y avait pas de changements significatifs des autres parametres entre la dose quotidienne et le bolus. En conclusion, une dose quotidienne de vitamine D combines a la dexamethasone est plus efficace pour traiter l'asthme chez les rats allergiques que la monotherapie. [Traduit par la Redaction] Mots-cles: ovalbumine, dexamethasone, dose unique, dose bolus.
- Published
- 2015
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