1. Japanese Non-State Actors' Under-Recognised Contributions to the International Anti-Nuclear Weapons Movement
- Author
Chin, Lili, Govindasamy, Geetha, and Akhir, Md Nasrudin Md
- Subjects
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (Periodical) ,Nuclear weapons ,International relations ,Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, 2017 ,International Committee of the Red Cross ,United Nations. General Assembly ,World Health Organization ,United Nations. International Court of Justice ,United Nations. Office for Disarmament Affairs - Abstract
Since the 1950s, Japanese non-state actors in the international anti-nuclear weapons movement have disseminated the dangers of nuclear weapons, tied to Japanese experiences of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Coming from the only country that has experienced nuclear attacks, they provide much needed evidence of the humanitarian impacts of nuclear weapons. These actors include survivors of the atomic bombings, commonly known as hibakusha, who have initiated and persistently maintained the humanitarian focus on nuclear discourse for decades. This paper examines their contributions to eyewitness testimonies on the impacts of nuclear weapons and their efforts leading to major milestones in international efforts for nuclear abolition. It also focuses on the roles played by the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organization (Nihon Hidankyo) and the Japan Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (JALANA), which made tremendous contributions facilitating the success of the World Court Project in the 1990s and the Humanitarian Initiative in the 2010s that led to the 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Non-state Japanese contributions were, unfortunately, under-recognised, and the successes of international nuclear abolition were often attributed to other international actors. Hence, this paper recognises the contributions of non-state Japanese actors in sustaining the international anti-nuclear weapons movement and achieving the nuclear ban treaty. Keywords: Non-state actors, Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, Hibakusha, Nihon Hidankyo, Japan Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms 1950'lerden bu yana uluslararasi nukleer silah karsiti hareketine bagli Japon devlet disi aktorler, Japonya'nin 1945'te Hirosima ve Nagazaki'ye yapilan atom bombali saldirilarinin deneyimlerini paylasarak nukleer silahlarin tehlikeleri hakkinda farkindalik yaratmaktadir Nukleer saldirilara maruz kalmis tek ulkenin temsilcileri olarak, nukleer silahlarin insani etkilerine dair fazlasiyla ihtiyac duyulan bir kaynagi teskil etmektedir. Bu aktorler arasinda, genellikle hibakusha olarak bilinen ve atom bombasi saldirilarindan sag kurtulan, nukleer soylem uzerinde insani yardim odagini baslatan ve bunu onlarca yildir israrla surduren kisiler bulunmaktadir. Bu makale, bahsi gecen aktorlerin nukleer silahlarin etkilerine iliskin gorgu tanikligi ile nukleer silahlarin kaldirilmasina yonelik uluslararasi cabalarda onemli kilometre taslarina yol acan cabalarini incelemektedir. Ayrica, Japonya Atom Bombasi ve Hidrojen Bombasi Magdurlari Federasyonu (Nihon Hidankyo) ve Japonya Nukleer Silahlara Karsi Avukatlar Birligi'nin (JALANA) 1990'larda Dunya Mahkemesi Projesi, 2010'larda Insani Girisimi'nin ve nihayetinde 2017'de Nukleer Silahlarin Yasaklanmasi Antlasmasi'na yol acilmasindaki muazzam katkilarina da odaklanmaktadir. Japon devlet disi aktorlerin katkilari maalesef yeterince takdir edilmemekte ve uluslararasi alanda nukleer silahlarin kaldirilmasi hareketinin basarilari genellikle diger uluslararasi aktorlere atfedilmektedir. Bu nedenle, makale, Japon devlet disi aktorlerin uluslararasi nukleer silah karsiti hareketinin surdurulmesine ve nukleer silahlari yasaklama anlasmasina ulasilmasindaki katkilarini takdir etmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Devlet disi aktorler, Nukleer Silahlarin Yasaklanmasi Antlasmasi, hibakusha, Nihon Hidankyo, Japonya Nukleer Silahlara Karsi Avukatlar Dernegi, 1. Introduction Since the United States' (US) atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, there have been consistent calls for a nuclear-weapon-free world, including the first resolution urging for [...]
- Published
- 2022