40 results on '"Akyildiz, Mustafa"'
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2. The origin of manganese formations at Çağalali Hill and Kevri̇kevr Hill related to the late Triassic rifting of the South Neotethys, SE Turkey: The geological, mineralogical and geochemical components
- Author
Karataş, Burcu, Akyildiz, Mustafa, Yildirim, Nail, and Yildirim, Esra
- Published
- 2022
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3. Composition of Pancarli Magmatic Ni-Cu±(PGE) Sulfide Deposit in the Cadomian-Avalonian Belt, Eastern Turkey
- Author
Yildirim, Esra, Yildirim, Nail, Dönmez, Cahit, Günay, Kurtuluş, Korkmaz, Taner, Akyildiz, Mustafa, and Gören, Burcu
- Published
- 2020
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4. Serum Periostin Levels are Significantly Higher in Patients with Primary Hyperparathyroidism and Closely Related to Osteoporosis
- Author
Yigitdol, Ismail, additional, Gulumsek, Erdinc, additional, Ozturk, Huseyin Ali, additional, Arici, Fatih Necip, additional, Akbal, Kubilay, additional, Pirinci, Okan, additional, Karacay, Mert, additional, Cihan, Tutku Naz, additional, Totik, Zeynep Gizem, additional, Akyildiz, Mustafa Aykut, additional, Avci, Begum Seyda, additional, Avci, Akkan, additional, and Sumbul, Hilmi Erdem, additional
- Published
- 2023
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5. The origin of vein-type copper-lead-zinc deposits Host in Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks at the Southeast Anatolian Orogenic Belt (Küplüce-Adıyaman, Southeastern Turkey)
- Author
Akyıldız, Mustafa, Yıldırım, Nail, Gören, Burcu, Yıldırım, Esra, and Ilhan, Semiha
- Published
- 2015
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6. Geological Investigation of Lead Mineralization Associated with Silicified Zone in Büyük Kızılcık (Göksun-K.Maraş) Region
- Author
TAPTIK, Avni, primary, AKYILDIZ, Mustafa, additional, and KARATAŞ, Burcu, additional
- Published
- 2022
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7. Pediyatrik Hastada Nedeni Bilinmeyen Ateş
- Author
AKYILDIZ, Mustafa Yasir and DİNDAR DEMİRAY, Emine Kübra
- Subjects
Çocuk,ateş,nedeni bilinmeyen ateş ,Child,fever,fever of unknown origin ,Medicine ,Tıp - Abstract
Fever is a common clinical syndrome in pediatric patients. Although fever of unknown origin has a clear definition in adults, there is no consensus on this definition in the pediatric age group. There are differences between studies, and the literature on this subject is also limited. In this study, we aimed to review the existing literature in terms of fever of unknown origin in the pediatric age group., Pediyatrik hastalarda ateş sık karşılaşılan bir klinik sendromdur. Nedeni bilinmeyen ateşin ise erişkinde net tanımlaması olmasına rağmen, çocuk yaş grubunda bu tanım konusunda fikir birliği yoktur. Çalışmalar arasında farklılıklar mevcut olup, bu konudaki literatür de sınırlıdır. Biz de bu çalışmada mevcut literatürü çocuk yaş grubunda nedeni bilinmeyen ateş açısından derlemeyi amaçladık.
- Published
- 2021
8. Does COVID 19 have an effect on pancreatic damage in children?
- Author
AKYILDIZ, Mustafa Yasir and DİNDAR DEMİRAY, Emine Kübra
- Subjects
COVID 19,SARS COV 2,pancreas,gastrointestinal involvement,child ,Health Care Sciences and Services ,COVID 19,SARS COV 2,pankreas,gastrointestinal tutulum,çocuk ,Sağlık Bilimleri ve Hizmetleri - Abstract
With the increase in the number of patients affected by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID 19), the disease appears with different involvements. Gastrointestinal (GI) involvements are also atypical involvements seen in both adults and children. Some cases may even present with only GI involvement without any pulmonary involvement. Although mild effects were reported in pediatric cases at first, an increasing number of complicated COVID 19 infected pediatric cases have been reported globally. In this review study, it was aimed to review the effect of COVID 19 on pancreatic damage in children, accompanied by literature., Koronavirüs hastalığı 2019(COVID 19) etkilenen hasta sayısının artması ile birlikte hastalık farklı tutulumlarla karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Gastrointestinal (Gİ) tutulumlar da, gerek erişkinde gerek çocuklarda görülen atipik tutulumlardandır. Hatta bazı olgular, hiçbir pulmoner tutulum olmadan sadece Gİ tutulumla bile başvurabilmektedir. Çocuk vakalarda ilk zamanlarda hafif etkilenme olduğu bildirilmiş olsa da, artan sayıda komplike COVID 19 enfekte çocuk olgular da global olarak bildirilmeye başlamıştır. Bu derleme çalışmasında, çocuklarda pankreas hasarında COVID 19’un etkisinin litaretür eşliğinde gözden geçirilmesi amaçlandı.
- Published
- 2021
9. Ventrikulo-peritoneal Şantlı Çocukta Serratia Spp. Menenjiti
- Author
DİNDAR DEMİRAY, Emine Kübra, primary, ALKAN, Sevil, additional, AKYILDIZ, Mustafa Yasir, additional, EZİN, Özgür, additional, and SEFER, Sinem, additional
- Published
- 2021
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10. The origin of manganese formations at Çağalali hill and Kevri̇kevr hill related to the late Triassic rifting of the South Neotethys, Gd Turkey: The geological, mineralogical and geochemical components
- Author
Karataş, Burcu, primary, Akyildiz, Mustafa, additional, Yildirim, Nail, additional, and Yildirim, Esra, additional
- Published
- 2021
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11. Çocuklarda pankreas hasarında COVID 19’un etkisi var mı?
- Author
AKYILDIZ, Mustafa Yasir, primary and DİNDAR DEMİRAY, Emine Kübra, additional
- Published
- 2021
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12. Serratia Spp. Meningitis in A Child with Venticulo-Peritoneal Shunt
- Author
DİNDAR DEMİRAY, Emine Kübra, ALKAN, Sevil, AKYILDIZ, Mustafa Yasir, EZİN, Özgür, and SEFER, Sinem
- Subjects
Health Care Sciences and Services ,ventriculo-peritoneal shunt,acute bacterial meningitis,Serratia,ventriculo-peritoneal shunt,child ,Sağlık Bilimleri ve Hizmetleri - Abstract
Serratia species are opportunistic, gram-negative, motile bacteria classified in the large family Enterobacteriaceae and differentiate from Klebsiella spp. with slow fermenting lactose and DNAase positive (1,2). One of the characteristics of Serratia bacteria that distinguishes them from other bacteria is to synthesize the red pigments, prodigiosins. It can cause nosocomial infections especcialy in newborns and patients in intensive care units. Serratia spp.; responsible for approximately 2% of nosocomial infections; has been reported as the responsible agent especially in respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections and bacteremia. An outbreak of S. marcescens blood stream infection has been identified in patients receiving contaminated parenteral nutrition bags (2). It has been reported to cause S. marcescens meningitis, wound infections, arthritis and outbreaks in pediatric wards (3). In this text we aimed to present a three and a half year old girl case of acute bacterial meningitis due to Serratia spp. with ventriculo-peritoneal shunt.
- Published
- 2021
13. Sinter-crystallization of a glass obtained from basaltic tuffs
- Author
Karamanov, Alexander, Ergul, Sibel, Akyildiz, Mustafa, and Pelino, Mario
- Published
- 2008
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14. Horzum (Feke/Adana) Çinko-Kurşun Cevherleşmesinin 3 Boyutlu Modellemesi
- Author
ÇETİN, Ceren Gizem and AKYILDIZ, Mustafa
- Subjects
Engineering, Multidisciplinary ,Mühendislik, Ortak Disiplinler ,Horzum,Kurşun,Çinko,Rezerv,Cevherleşme ,Horzum,Lead,Zinc,Reserve,Mineralization - Abstract
Horzum lead Zinc deposits are located between Kozan-Feke districts. Mineralization continues for about 20 km in N-S direction. Lead zinc mineralization is within the light colored limestones belonging to middle Cambrian aged Çaltepe formation consisting of crystallized limestones, dolomite and dolomitic limestones, and the general elongation of the mineralization is observed in NE-SW direction and inclination to SE. Mineralization is located within the light colored limestones of the medium Cambrian aged Çaltepe formation consisting of crystallized limestones, dolomite and dolomititic limestones. Primary sulphide minerals in mineralization; galenite, sphalerite, pyrite and few photographs are chalcopyrite. In the oxidized ore zone, hydrozinkite, simitsonite, goethite, limonite and fewer serusite minerals have developed. In the calculations made with the block model method, 108000 tons of reserve was determined in 5% higher grade in Horzum Lead - Zinc bed., Horzum kurşun Çinko yatakları Kozan-Feke ilçeleri arasında yer almaktadır. Cevherleşme K-G yönlü yaklaşık 20 km boyunca devam etmektedir. Kurşun çinko cevherleşmesi kristalize kireçtaşları, dolomit ve dolomititik kireçtaşlarından oluşan orta Kambriyen yaşlı Çaltepe formasyonuna ait açık renkli kireçtaşları içinde bulunmakta, cevheleşmenin genel duruşu KD-GB doğrultulu ve GD’ye eğimli olarak gözlenmektedir. Cevherleşme kristalize kireçtaşları, dolomit ve dolomititik kireçtaşlarından oluşan orta Kambriyen yaşlı Çaltepe formasyonuna ait açık renkli kireçtaşları içinde bulunmaktadır. Cevherleşmede birincil sülfürlü mineraller; galenit, sfalerit, pirit ve az miktarda kalkopirittir. Oksitlenmiş cevher zonunda ise hidrozinkit, simitsonit, götit, limonit ve az oranda serüzit mineralleri gelişmiştir. Blok model yöntemiyle yapılan hesaplamalarda Horzum Kurşun-Çinko yatağında %5 üzeri tenörde 108000 ton cevher rezervi tespiti edilmiştir.
- Published
- 2020
15. Ochronotic arthritis: case reports and review of the literature
- Author
Cetinus, Ercan, Cever, Ilhan, Kural, Cemal, Erturk, Haldun, and Akyildiz, Mustafa
- Published
- 2005
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16. Studies of the relationship between mineral matter and grinding properties for low-rank coals
- Author
Ural, Suphi and Akyıldız, Mustafa
- Published
- 2004
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17. Çağalalı ve Bezardağı (Adıyaman) Mangan Cevherleşmesinin Jeokimyasal Özellikleri
- Author
KARATAŞ, Burcu and AKYILDIZ, Mustafa
- Subjects
Koçali complex,Hydrothermal origin,Manganese ores,Adıyaman ,Koçali karmaşığı,Hidrotermal köken,Mangan cevherleşmesi,Adıyaman - Abstract
Area of examination covers the surrounding of Çağalalı and Bezardağı which are bound to Adıyaman-Çelikhan district. This location is defined as Kocali complex bestrides on Arab platform within Southeastern Anatolia orogenic belt in Upper cretaceous period. In the area of examination the foundation consists of spilitic pillow lava (Tarasa formation) and radiolaritines (Konak formation) belonging to allochthonous positioned Kocali complex which was settled in this area by gravity shift. On Koçali complex, Germav and Gercus formations take place with non-accordance. Mineralizations take place within Kocali complex in radiolarites as irregular lenses and E-W/30N located plates which are in volcano sedimentary unit representing upper layers of ophiolitic mass and are generally in accordance with lateral rocks. As mineralization paragenesis, the included materials are pirolusit, psilomelan, hausmanit and hollandit. When mineralizations were examined geochemically main oxide contents (MnO: 8.98-73.64%, SiO2: 3.26-86%) are similar to submarine hydrothermal beds. Fe/Mn ratio variesbetween 0.001-0.019 interval and is very low. Çağalalı and Bezardağı manganite mineralizations are considered to have hydrothermal formation as a result of main oxide contents, position in terrain and geochemical analyses., İnceleme alanı Adıyaman-Çelikhan ilçesine bağlı Çağalalı ve Bezardağı çevresini kapsar ve Güneydoğu Anadolu Orojenik kuşağı içerisinde Arap platformu üzerine Üst Kretase’de bindirmiş olan Koçali Karmaşığı içerisinde bulunmaktadır. İnceleme alanında temeli, bölgeye gravite kaymalarıyla yerleşmiş olan allokton konumlu Koçali karmaşığı’na ait spilitik yastık lavlar (Tarasa formasyonu) ile radyolaritler (Konak formasyonu) oluşturmaktadır. Koçali karmaşığı’nın üzerine ise Germav formasyonu ile Gercüş formasyonu uyumsuzlukla gelmektedir. Cevherleşmeler, Koçali karmaşığı içerisinde, ofiyolitik istifin üst seviyelerini temsil eden volkanosedimanter birim içerisinde yer alan radyolaritler içerisinde düzensiz mercekler ve D-B/30K konumlu tabakalar şeklinde olup yan kayaçlarla genellikle uyumludur. Cevherleşme parajenezi olarak; pirolusit, psilomelan, hausmanit ve hollanditten oluşmuştur. Cevherleşmeler jeokimyasal olarak incelendiğinde ana oksit içerikleri (MnO: %8,98-73,64, SiO2: %3,26-86) denizaltı hidrotermal yataklara benzemektedir. Fe/Mn oranı 0,001-0,019 aralığında değişmekte olup, oldukça düşüktür. Çağalalı ve Bezardağı Mangan cevherleşmeleri; ana oksit içerikleri, arazideki konumu ve jeokimyasal analizler sonucu hidrotermal oluşumlu olduğu düşünülmektedir.
- Published
- 2017
18. Adana Şehir Merkezindeki Topraklarda Ağır Metal Kirliliğinin Araştırılması
- Author
AKYILDIZ, Mustafa, primary and KARATAŞ, Burcu, additional
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
ÖNAL, Güzide, AKYILDIZ, Mustafa, Cengiz, İsmet, ASLAN, Mehmet, and ÖZKÜMÜŞ, Serkan
- Subjects
Engineering ,Mühendislik ,Eastern Pontides,Early Eocene,Porphyry system,Alteration,FT-IR,XRD - Abstract
The Alpine Orogenic Belt with numerous porphyry Cu-Mo-Au mineralizations, starts from EasternEurope continues through Turkey and the Caucasus and extends into Iran and Afghanistan. The studyarea of the Eastern Pontides is in this orogenic belt. Using fi eld and laboratory studies an attempt hasbeen made to establish the origin of Yeşilbağlar, Kaban and Köprübaşı alteration zones in the Olurarea (Erzurum). In the study area Early Eocene Coşkunlar volcanics and sub volcanic rocks havecontact with the Oltu çayı volcanics of Early-Middle Jurassic. Alteration in the study area effects theseOltuçayı and Kaban volcanics. In the study area mineralizations are present in the alteration zones.Disseminated, stockwork, vein/veinlet and fi ssure type mineralizations are present in the Coşkunlardacite. Paragenesis in the alteration zones are pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, pyrrohotite,quartz, calcite and barite. FT-IR and XRD studies showed the presence of clay, sulphate, sulphur,carbonate, silicate and oxide minerals in the alteration zones. Field and petrographical studiesshowed that alteration types in the Yeşilbağlar, Kaban and Köprübaşı areas are, advanced argillicargillic,pyropylitic and sericitic. They are similar to the alterations present in the upper part of themineralizations in the porphyry systems of the Alpine Orogenic Belt. In the Eastern Pontides starting inEarly Jurassic, continuation of subductions resulted in closure of the İzmir-Ankara-Erzincan ocean andin Early Eocene the Taurid platform collided with the Eurasian active continental margin. Data fromthe study area indicate the presence of alteration zones in the upper part of the buried porphyry systemand the possibility of mineralized parts in the deeper parts of the system.
- Published
- 2017
20. Investigation of Geological and Chemical Properties of Ayrancı (Karaman)-Karapınar (Konya) Area Lignites
- Author
SALMAN, Mert and AKYILDIZ, Mustafa
- Subjects
Linyit,Karapınar,Neojen,Hotamış ,Lignite,Karapınar,Neogene,Hotamış - Abstract
Bu çalışma, Karapınar-(Konya), Ayrancı (Karaman) civarında MTA tarafından 2007 yılında “Orta ve Doğu Anadolu Linyit Aramaları Projesi” kapsamında başlanan Konya-Karapınar Neojen Havzası Linyitlerinin sondaj ve kimyasal analiz çalışmalarını kapsamaktadır.içerisindeki kömürler açık kahve, kahve, siyah renkli, yumuşak, orta sert ve kırılgan olup, ince, orta, kalın, tabakalanmalar şeklinde gözlenirler. Orijinal kömürün tam analiz değerlerine göre ortalama; %47,07 su, %20,05 kül, %23,33 uçucu madde, %9,55 sabit karbon, %1,54 yanar kükürt, %1,29 külde kükürt ve 1,343 Kcal/kg alt ısıl değerinin olduğu belirlenmiştir, This study includes drilling and chemical analysis of lignite of Konya-Karapınar Basin which is started to study in 2007 by MTA within Central and East Anatolian Lignite Project” around Karapınar-(Konya), Ayrancı (Karaman). Lignite seams in the region are included Pliocene. Lignites in Hotamış formation are light brown, brown, black colored, moderate hard and brittle, and are shown thin,moderate, thick beddings. Full analysis values according to obtained from the original coal, coal consist of 47,07% water, 20,05% ash, 23,33% volatile substance, 9,55% fixed carbon, 1,54% flammable sulfur, 1,29% sulfur in ash and its low heating value is 1,343 Kcal/kg
- Published
- 2016
- Author
ÖNAL, Güzide, primary, AKYILDIZ, Mustafa, additional, Cengiz, İsmet, additional, ASLAN, Mehmet, additional, and ÖZKÜMÜŞ, Serkan, additional
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
ÖNAL, Güzide, primary, AKYILDIZ, Mustafa, additional, CENGİZ, İsmet, additional, ASLAN, Mehmet, additional, and ÖZKÜMÜŞ, Serkan, additional
- Published
- 2017
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23. Vergi denetiminde yeminli mali müşavirlik kurumunun etkinliği
- Author
Akyildiz, Mustafa, Karagöz, Murat, and İşletme Anabilim Dalı
- Subjects
İşletme ,Business Administration - Abstract
Devletin kamu ihtiyaçlarını karşılaması, ekonomik ve sosyal hayata müdahalesi için kamu kaynaklarını büyüyen ihtiyaçlar ölçüsünde artırması ve etkin kullanması gerekmektedir. Kamu bütçesinde yer alan kamu gelirlerinin yaklaşık %85'i vergi gelirlerinden oluşmaktadır. Kamu kaynaklarının çok önemli bir kısmını oluşturan vergi gelirlerinin sürekli artış göstermesi büyüyen ekonomi ile orantılı olsa da, kayıt dışı ekonomi ve vergi kayıp ve kaçağının en aza indirgenmesi devletin bu gelir kalemini önemli ölçüde artıracaktır. Türk vergi sisteminde, gelişmiş birçok ülkede olduğu gibi beyana dayalı vergilendirme anlayışı kabul edilmiştir. Bu sistemin sağlıklı işlemesi için sağlıklı bir vergi denetim mekanizmasının oluşturulması hayati önem taşır. Gelir İdaresi Başkanlığı'nın verilerine göre 2014 yılında ülkemizdeki 2.458.672 faal vergi mükellefinden 65.063 vergi mükellefi vergi incelemesine tabi tutulmuştur. Yapılan vergi incelemeleri sonucunda, mükellefler tarafından beyan dışı bırakılan matrah farkının yaklaşık civarında olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Faal mükelleflerin yaklaşık %2,64'ünün incelenmesi sonucunda bulunan bu rakam kamu gelirleri açısından çok önemli bir miktardır. Vergi idaresine yardımcı bir güç olarak 1989 yılında ihdas edilen Yeminli Mali Müşavirlik meslek mensupları, vermiş oldukları denetim ve tasdik hizmetleri ile vergi denetimi yapmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmada, yeminli mali müşavirlerin vergi denetine olan etkileri araştırılarak elde edilen veriler doğrultusunda, devlete için maliyetsiz denetim gücü olan yeminli mali müşavirlerin, daha bağımsız ve etkin hizmet üretmelerini sağlayacak öneriler yapılmıştır. It is necessary for the government to use these sources efficiently to satisfy public needs, and interfere economic and social life. 85 pct of public incomes formed by tax incomes in public budget. The tax incomes regularly increases of which is a serious part of public sources will grow bigger by minimizing the tax evasion and informal economy. In Turkish taxation system as many grown countries, it is up to declaration. It is critically important to build a strong tax audit mechanism to have such a strong system. According to Internal Revenue Service in year 2014; only 65.063 tax payers has been audited of 2.458.672 current tax payers. As a result of tax audits, it has been determined that the amount which is out of declaration is It is really a serious amount part of public incomes after auditing 2,64 pct of current tax payers. Sworn-in Financial Advisors who are introduced in 1989 as team mates for Tax and Revenue offices, make tax audits by confirmation and controlling services. In this study; ''with the datas in hand as true effects of tax audit made by Sworn-in Financial Advisors'' some serious suggestions has been made for making better and autonomous services by Sworn-in Financial Advisors. 128
- Published
- 2015
24. Kırka (Eskişehir), Bigadiç (Balıkesir) ve Emet (Kütahya) Bor Yatakları Bölgesinde Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni ve Co için Biyojeokimyasal Anomalilerin Araştırılması
- Author
ÖZDEMİR, Zeynep and AKYILDIZ, Mustafa
- Subjects
Yerbilimleri, Ortak Disiplinler ,Geosciences, Multidisciplinary ,Biogeochemistry,Boron,Mn,Indicator plant,Kırka,Bigadiç,Emet ,Biyojeokimya,Bor,Mn,Belirtgen bitki,Kırka,Bigadiç,Emet - Abstract
Plants accumulates a lot of elements and determination of the amount of elements in the plants is important for biogeochemical prospecting. 14 plant species and 220 plant and soils samples were collected from Kırka (Eskişehir) primarily, Bigadiç (Balıkesir) and Emet (Kütahya) boron deposits area and element contents of plant and soil samples were determined. The biogeochemical anomalies were determined with the help of the statistical relations between element contents of the soil and the plant species samples. There are no statical relationship established between the Zn, Cu, Ni ve Co values of plant and soil samples. Twigs of Gypsophila perfoliata L. (n=13, r=0.79, R²=0.62, P, Bitkiler pek çokelementi bünyelerinde biriktirirler. Biriken bu elementlerin miktarlarının belirlenmesibiyojeokimyasal prospeksiyon açısından önemlidir. Başta Kırka (Eskişehir) olmaküzere Bigadiç (Balıkesir) ve Emet (Kütahya) bölgelerinde 14 bitki türünden, 220bitki örneği ve yetiştikleri topraklardan örnekler alınmış ve element içerikleribelirlenmiştir. Biyojeokimyasal anomalilerin saptanması için bitki ve toprakörnekleri arasındaki ilişki istatistiksel olarak incelenmiştir. Zn, Cu, Ni veCo elementleri için biyojeokimyasal anomaliler saptanamazken Mn için Gypsophila perfoliata L. bitki türünün(n=13, r=0.79, R²=0.62, P
- Published
- 2014
25. Çağalalı ve Bezardağı (Adıyaman) Mangan Cevherleşmesinin Jeokimyasal Özellikleri
- Author
KARATAŞ, Burcu, primary and AKYILDIZ, Mustafa, additional
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
ÇAVDAR, Kadir, primary, KÖROĞLU, Murat, additional, AKYILDIZ, Bülent, additional, and AKYILDIZ, Mustafa, additional
- Published
- 2016
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27. Dirsek ve ayak bileğinde sinovyal kondromatozis: İki olgu sunumu
- Author
KURAL, Cemal, AKYİLDİZ, Mustafa, ERTURK, Haldun, and BAYRAKTAR, Kursat
- Subjects
ankle joint ,chondromatosis,synovial/diagnosis/radiography/surgery ,elbow joint ,joint loose bodies/etiology ,range of motion,articular - Abstract
Two male patients, aged 44 and 88 years, presented with complaints of restricted joint movement, a growing swelling, and pain in the elbow and ankle joints, respectively. Radiographs showed cartilaginous nodules in the affected joints and minimal chondral damage. Magnetic resonance findings were consistent with synovial chondromatosis. Both patients underwent removal of loose bodies by open arthrotomy and partial synovectomy. Histopathologic examination confirmed the diagnosis. No recurrences were detected within a follow-up period of at least a year., Yaşları 44 ve 88 olan iki erkek hasta, biri dirsek diğeri ayak bileğinde olmak üzere, eklem kısıtlılığı ve eklem bölgesinde giderek büyüyen şişlik, ağrı şikayetleriyle başvurdu. Radyografik incelemelerinde eklem içinde kalsifiye adacıklar ve hafif kondral hasar saptandı. Manyetik rezonans görüntüleme bulguları sinovyal kondromatozisle uyumlu bulunan olgulara, açık artrotomi ile serbest cisimlerin çıkarılması ve kısmi sinovyektomi uygulandı. Tanı histopatolojik olarak da doğrulandı. Her iki olgunun da en az bir yıl süreli izleminde nüks saptanmadı.
- Published
- 2014
28. Menisküs yırtıkları ve cerrahi tedavisi
- Author
Huner, Hakan, Cetinus, Ercan, Cever, Ilhan, Erturk, Haldun, and Akyildiz, Mustafa
- Subjects
Meniscus lesions ,partial meniscectomy ,total meniscectomy - Abstract
61 cases with the diagnosis of meniscus lesions according to clinical, arthrographic and arthroscopic diagnostic techniques were operated during years 1985-1989 at S. B. Haseki Hospital Orthopaedics and Traumatology Clinic. There were 62 meniscus tears, 39 of which received total-and 23 partial meniscectomy. 33 cases came for reexamination after our invitation during the second half of 1991. 3 of these cases were excluded from the study group because of extra pathology other than menisci. Follow-up period had a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 74 months, with the mean being 45.3. The results of reevaluation after total meniscectomy were as follows: 1 very good, 8 good, 3 fair and 1 bad results. The results after partial meniscectomy were 7 very good, 8 good, 2 fair. Very good and good results were evaluated as succesfull where as fair and bad results were unsuccesfull. Success within the group which received total meniscectomy was 69.2% and with partial meniscectomy 88.2%. It was concluded that in order to decrease the possibility of joint instability and gonarthrosis partial meniscectomy was the method to be chosen when the indications were appropriate., Sağlık Bakanlığı Haseki Hastanesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kliniği'nde 1985-1989 yılları arasında klinik, artrografik ve artroskopik muayene yöntemleri sonucunda meniskus Iezyonu öntanısı konulan 61 olgu opere edildi. Karşılaşılan 62 menisküs yırtığından 39'una total, 23'üne parsiyel menisektomi yapıldı. 1991 yılı ikinci yarısında çağımıza uyarak kontrole gelen 33 olgudan menisküs yırtığı dışında ek patoloji saptanmış olan 3'ü çalışma dışı bırakıldı. Takip süresi en az 20-, en çok 74- olmak üzere ortalama 45.3 ay idi. Kontrolde total menisektomi yapılmış hastaların 1 'i çok iyi, 8'i iyi, 3'ü orta, 1'i kötü sonuçlu olarak değerlendirilirken parsiyel menisektomililerin 7'si çok iyi, 8'i iyi, 2'si orta sonuçlu olarak değerlendirildi. Çok iyi/iyi sonuçlar başarılı, orta/kötü sonuçlar başarısız olarak değerlendirildiğinde total menisektomi grubu için %69.2, parsiyel menisektomi grubu için %88.2 başarı oranı bulundu. Uygun endikasyon varlığında hastanın ilerdeki eklem instabilitesi ve gonartroz riskini azaltmak amacıyla parsiyel menisektominin tercih edilmesi gerektiği sonucuna varıldı.
- Published
- 2014
29. Burst kırığı sonrasında spinal kanalın remodelasyonu
- Author
Cetinus, Ercan, Huner, Hakan, Akyildiz, Mustafa, and Cever, Ilhan
- Subjects
Vertebral fracture ,burst fracture ,remodelation - Abstract
Two cases of burst fractures of the upper lumber spine are reported. In both cases the narrowing of the spinal canal shown by CT scans was progressively relieved by remodelling. The need for operative decompression should be assessed clinically and not from CT scans only., Üst lomber vertebrada burst kırığı olan iki olgu takdim edilmiştir. Her iki olguda da burst kırığı sonucunda spinal kanalda meydana gelen daralma bilgisayarlı tomografi ile belirlenmiş, ancak daha sonra olguların takiplerinde çektirilen bilgisayarlı tomografi görüntülerinde daralmanın remodelasyonla progressif olarak azaltılmış olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Cerrahi dekompresyon endikasyonu koyarken yalnızca bilgisayarlı tomografi görüntüsüne baglı kalınmamalı, klinik parametreler de gözönüne alınmalıdır.
- Published
- 2014
30. İntertrokanterik kırıklarda dinamik kompresyon çivisi (DHS) uygulaması ve sonuçları
- Author
KORKMAZ, Ahmet, HUNER, Hakan, AKYİLDİZ, Mustafa, CEVER, İlhan, and CETİNUS, Ercan
- Subjects
Intertrochanteric fractures ,dynamic hip screw - Abstract
96 patients with intertrochanteric fractures were treated between 1.1.1986 - 31.3.1989 in S. B. Haseki Hospital Orthopaedics and Traumatology Department. 63 of the patients received DHS. 29 ( 46%) were femaIe, 34 (54%) male. Mean age was 64.3. According to Singh's classification of osteoporosis 25 (40%) of the cases were normal, 38 (60%) were osteoporotic. Radiologic evaluation was made by Jensen-Michaelsen's classification and 30 (47.7%) were classified as stable, 33 (52.4%) as unstable. The mean follow-up period was 11.2 months in 41 of the cases. Radiologic and clinical assesment with Merle D'aubigne score were pertormed during the controls. Radiologic results were very good and good in 33 (80%) of the cases and poor in 8 (20%). Clinical results were very good and good in 32 (78.1%) of the cases, fair in 3 (7.3%) and poor in 6 (14.6%).Dynamic hip screw is a succesfull procedure in intertrochanteric fractures when there is an appropriate indication and the proper technique is used., Sağlık Bakanlığı Haseki Hastanesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kliniği'nde 1.1.1986-31.3.1989 tarihleri arasında 96 hasta intertrokanterik kırık tanısı ile tedavi edildi. Bunlardan 63'üne DHS uygulandı. Olguların 29'u (%46) kadın, 34'ü (%54) erkekti. Yaş ortalaması 64.3 idi. Osteoporoz yönünden Singh sınıflamasına göre 25 (%40) olgu normal, 38 (%60) olgu osteoporotikti. Radyolojik olarak Jensen-Michaelsen sınıflamasına göre 30 (%47.6 ) olgu stabil, 33 (%52.4) olgu instabil bulundu. 63 olgunun kontrollere gelen 41'i değerlendirmeye alındı. Ortalama takip 11.2 aydı. Kontrol (1 ) radyolojik ve (2) Merle D'aubigne skoruna göre klinik olarak yapıldı. Radyolojik olarak 33 (%80) olguda çok iyi ve iyi, 8 olguda (%20) kötü sonuç aldık. Klinik olarak ise 32 (%78.1) olguda çok iyi ve iyi, 3 (%7.3) olguda orta, 6 (%14.6) olguda kötü sonuç elde ettik. Tekniğin iyi uygulanması ile uygun endikasyonda dinamik kompresyon yapan kayıcı çivi-plakların intertrokanterik kırık olgularında iyi bir yöntem olduğu kanısına vardık.
- Published
- 2014
31. Kadına yönelik şiddetle mücadelede bir model olarak şiddet önleme ve izleme merkezi
- Author
Akyildiz, Mustafa, Ziyalar, Neylan, and Sosyal Bilimler Ana Bilim Dalı
- Subjects
Social service institutions ,Intensity ratio ,Social services ,Sosyal Hizmetler ,Women ,Violence ,Social Services ,Domestic violence - Abstract
Bu araştırmada kadına yönelik aile içi şiddetin önlenmesi ve bununla mücadeleedilmesinde bir model olarak Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı'na bağlı ŞiddetÖnleme ve İzleme Merkezleri incelenmiştir.Kadına yönelik aile içi şiddet çerçevesinde, şiddet kavramının irdelenip, ortayaçıkış sebepleri ile son yıllarda yapılan yasal düzenlemeler doğrultusunda;14 ildeyeni açılan ŞÖNİM'lere müracaat eden veya getirilen şiddet mağduru kadınlarınprofillerinin belirlenmesi, merkezlerde kadınlara verilen hizmetler ile bumerkezlerde çalışan personelin verilen hizmeti nasıl gördükleri, ayrıcamerkezlerdeki eksikliklerin saptanıp, bu alanda yapılacak çalışmalara örnek olmasıve hizmetin kurumsallaşmasına yardımcı olunması araştırmanın amaçlarındandır.Araştırmada; 2013 Mayıs-Temmuz ayları arasında merkezlere müracaat edenveya getirilen ağır zihinsel engelli olmayan,18 yaşından büyük 60 yaşından küçük;örneklem yöntemine göre Şiddet Önleme ve İzleme Merkezleri'nin bulunduğu ilinnüfuslarına oranlama yapılarak 300 aile içi şiddet mağduru kadının kişisel dosyalarıtaranmıştır. Ayrıca bu merkezlerde çalışan 126 personele anket uygulanarak eldeedilen bulgular betimsel tarama modeline göre tablolar şeklinde istatistiksel olarakgösterilmiştir.Kadınların yaşadıkları şiddet konusunda son yıllarda yalnız kaldıkları vehaklarını savunmak için yeterli bilgi, donanım ve farkındalığa sahip olmamalarınarağmen, kadın örgütlerinin ve kamu kurumlarının önemli gelişmeler gösterdikleri,ancak istihdam konusundaki çalışmaların yetersiz olduğu görülmektedir. Buaraştırmanın yeni çalışmalara başlangıç teşkil edeceği ve bunun yanında kadınlarınbaşkalarına bağımlı olmadan kendi ayakları üzerinde durmalarının sağlanması,kadına yönelik aile içi şiddetle mücadele konusunda kadınların olduğu kadar,erkekler arasında da farkındalık yaratılacağı temennisini taşımaktayım.Anahtar Kelimeler: Şiddet Önleme ve İzleme Merkezleri, Kadın, Kadına YönelikŞiddet, Aile İçi Şiddet. In this study, the Violence Prevention and Following Centre which is affiliated toMinistry of Family and Social Policies has been analysed as a model for preventingand fighting against the Domestic Violence against Women.Within the scope of domestic violence against women, it is aimed to analyse theconcept of violence, the reasons why it comes into being, in line with the legalarrangements made in recent years, using the profiles of women who have madeapplication or brought to Violence Prevention and Following Centres in 14provinces; analyse the services given to these women in the said centres and howthe consideration of the staff about the service given; moreover, to determine thelacks in services so that it becomes a model for the studies to be made on this issuelater and institutionalise the services.Within this study, the personal files of non-mentally retarded 300 women of the agegroup between 18 and 60, who were the victim of domestic violence were analysedthrough the sampling method, in proportion with the population of the provinceswhere the Violence Prevention and Following Centres is located. Moreover, 126staff members working in the said centres were interviewed through polls, and thefindings are statistically given in tables, based on descriptive survey model.It is seen that although women are left alone with regards to violence and they donot have sufficient information, knowledge and awareness for defending their rights,the women organisations and public institutions have improved regarding this issue.However, it is also observed that the efforts regarding employment are insufficient.I hope that this study will lead the way for other studies in the future, that it will leadwomen to be independent of others, stand on their feet, and that it will makecontribution to awareness not only for women but also for men, against domesticviolence against women.KEY WORDS: Violence Prevention and Following Centres, Woman, Violenceagainst Women, Domestic Violence. 177
- Published
- 2014
32. Environmental Impact Assessment of Mining Activities in the Vicinity of Madenköy (Nigde) Using Biogeochemical Modeling
- Author
Gedik, Tulin, primary and Akyildiz, Mustafa, additional
- Published
- 2013
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33. Tibial Hemimelia and Femoral Bifurcation
- Author
Ugras, Ali Akin, primary, Sungur, Ibrahim, additional, Akyildiz, Mustafa Fehmi, additional, and Ercin, Ersin, additional
- Published
- 2010
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34. Koçlar-Karamanlı-Ziyaret Tepe (K.Maraş kuzeyi-Bertiz) kurşun-çinko yataklarının jeolojik metalojenik ve ekonomik incelenmesi
- Author
Akyildiz, Mustafa, Anıl, Mesut, and Diğer
- Subjects
Zinc ,Lead ,Ore deposits ,Jeoloji Mühendisliği ,Geological Engineering ,Petrography ,Stratigraphy ,Ziyaret hill - Abstract
69 ÖZET Çalışma alanı Kahramanmaraş'ın kuzey kesiminde yer alan Baydemirli-Karamanlı-Koçlar ve Ziyaret Tepe arasında yer alan yaklaşık 65 km'lik bir alanı kapsamaktadır» Gaziantep N3S a4 paftası içeri sinde yer alan çalışma alanında 1300-£800 m arasında yükseltiler olup yerleşim yerleri Çolaklar ve Koçlar Mahallesi ile Karamanlı ve Boydemirli Köyleridir» Araştırmalar saha, laboratuvar ve büro çalışmaları şeklinde sürdürülmüştür» Saha çalışmalarında;.jeolojik harita alımı, kayaçlardan ve cevherli zondan numune derlenmesi yapılmıştır» Laboratuvar çalışmalarında polarizan mikroskop ve maden mikroskopu kullanılarak derlenen örneklerden yapılan kesitler incelenmiştir. Büro çalışmaları ise teknik çizim ve rapor yazımı ile devam etmiştir» Çalışma alanı, allokton ve otokton birimlerin yüzeylendiği bir alan olup, allokton özellikteki ve fillat, kalkşist, rekristalize kireçtaşı, kireçtaşı, dolomitik kireçtaşı ile yer yer kuvarsit bandlarmın bulunduğu Malatya Metamorf it leri içinde Pb-Zn cevherleşmesi görülür» Malatya Metamorfitleri, üst Kretase-Orta Eosen' de bindirmeyle bölgeye yerleşen Berit Metaof yoliti üzerine bindirroişt ir, Orta Eosen yaşlı çamurtaşların bileşimi i bir hamurla sarılmış mermer ve kireçtaşı çakıllarından oluşan Gozlu formasyonu Malatya Metamorfitleri üzerine açısal uyumsuz olarak gelmektedir. Otokton birimler şeyi, litarenit ve kireçtaşı ile yer yerde konglomeralardan oluşan fllt-Orta Miyosen yaşlı Lice, Beşenli ve Bert iz formasyonlarından oluşmaktadır.70 Malatya Metamorfitleri CEngizek Karbonat Platformu) içerisinde gözlenen birincil sülfür fazına ait galenit ve sfaleritten oluşan cevherleşme, kırık, çatlak ve fay z onlarına yerleşmişti r. Smitsonit, anglezit, serüzit ile yer yer limonitin oluşturduğu ikincil mineralleşemeler de karstik boşluklar ve fay zonlarında gelişmiştir. ikincil parajenezi erin oluşturduğu karbonatlı ve oksitli cevherler ekonomik değer taşımaktadır» Malatya Metasnorfitleri içerisindeki ocaklardan alınan, kırık ve çatlaklara ait 84 adet doğrultu-eğim değerine göre yapılan kontur ve doğrultu-eğim gül diyagramlarının değerlendirilmesi sonucunda, bölgede kuzeybatı güneydoğu yönlü bir deformasyon kuvvetinin etkili olduğu saptanmıştır. 71 SUMMARY The study area is between Koçlar, Karamanlı, Baydemirli and Ziyaret Hill which is in the north of Kahramanmaraş. It covers an arsa. of approximately 65 square kilometers, in Gaziantep W38 a4 sheet. The heights of the study area are between 1300 and £800 m. The public parts are Çolaklar, Koçlar, Karamanlı and Baydemirli. The investigations are carried out as field work, laboratory work and office work. The geological mapping, sampling from different lithologies and mineralization zones have been done in the field work. In the laboratory study, examination of the sample under the polaroid microscope and ore microscope have been carried out. However, in the office study, the technical drawing and writing up the report of thesis were continued. In the study area, allocthonous and autochthonous units crop out. Pb-Zn mineralisation is observed in allocthonous Malatya Metamorphics containing fillat, kalcschist, recristal ized limestone, limestone, dolomitized limestone. Malatya Metamorphics overtrusted Upper Cretaceous- Middle Eocene aged Berit Metaophiol ite. Middle Eocene aged Gozlu Formation formed marble and limestone gravels, discordantly overlays the Malatya Metamorphics. Lower-Middle Miocene aged Lice, Besenli and Bertiz formations which are shale, litarenite and limestone with qravels are autochthonous units.7£ In Malatya Met am or phi cs (Engizek Carbonate Platform), galenite and sphalerite mineralization belong to the primary sulphur phase is observed in cracks, fractures and fault zones» Secondary mineralization that contains smithsonite, anglesite, cerussite and limonite made up in karstic and fault zones» Carbonated and oxidized mineralizations dealing with secondary paragenesis are economically valuable. For galleries in Malatya Metamorphics, contour and rose diagrams have been prepared belonging to the 84 strikes- dips of cracks and fractures» according to these diagrams, the study area, has been influenced a deformation force in the NW-SE direction. 77
- Published
- 1992
35. Ochronotic arthritis: case reports and review of the literature
- Author
Cetinus, Ercan, primary, Cever, Ilhan, additional, Kural, Cemal, additional, Erturk, Haldun, additional, and Akyildiz, Mustafa, additional
- Published
- 2004
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36. The role of acromioplasty in the treatment of shoulder impingement syndrome acromioplasty in the treatment of shoulder impingement.
- Author
Nuran, Rüstü, Kural, Cemel, Ugras, Ali Akin, Akyildiz, Mustafa Fehmi, Kayipmaz, Murat, and Ertürk, Haldun
- Abstract
Aim: Theresults of open acromioplasty procedures were investigated for shoulder impingement syndrome in patients who did not respond toconservative treatment. Methods: Twenty cases of shoulder impingement syndrome who did not respond to conservative treatment were investigated prospectively. The shoulder abduction and flexion range of motion and muscle power were measured preoperatively and postoperatively. Anteroposterior, neutral, axillary and impingement radiographs were taken. Shoulder magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed. Clinical assessment was performed by the Constant shoulder score. Results: Results of MRI revealed that 20 cases had type 1, 2 and 3 acromion in 3, 9 and 8 patients, respectively. The mean follow-up time was 16 months. Compared to preoperative conditions, the results in 80% of cases were rated as perfect (p<0.000), since allcases had gained both significantly more range of motion (p<0.000) and muscle power (p<0.000), in addition to decreased pain in all cases (p<0.000). Four cases who had been rated as good had common features as advance age, traumatic etiology and inadequate rehabilitation. Conclusion: Open acromio plasty surgery reduces pain, increases range of motion and is an effective treatment option in cases of shoulder impingement syndrome not responding to conservative treatment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
37. Çocukta femur cisim kırıklarında konservatif ve cerrahi tedavinin karşılaştırılması
- Author
Akyildiz, Mustafa Fehmi and Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalı
- Subjects
Femoral fractures ,Fracture healing ,Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji ,Orthopedics and Traumatology ,Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları ,Child Health and Diseases - Abstract
- Published
- 1985
38. The origin of vein-type copper-lead-zinc deposits Host in Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks at the Southeast Anatolian Orogenic Belt (Kupluce-Adiyaman, Southeastern Turkey)
- Author
Semiha Ilhan, Esra Yıldırım, Burcu Gören, Nail Yıldırım, Mustafa Akyildiz, Çukurova Üniversitesi, 0-Belirlenecek, Yildirim, Esra -- 0000-0002-0823-988X, AKYILDIZ, Mustafa -- 0000-0002-0371-8646, and [Akyildiz, Mustafa -- Goren, Burcu] Cukurova Univ, Dept Geol Engn, TR-01330 Adana, Turkey -- [Yildirim, Nail] MTA Cent Anatolia 4 Dist Off, TR-44100 Malatya, Turkey -- [Yildirim, Esra] Firat Univ, Dept Geol Engn, TR-23119 Elazig, Turkey -- [Ilhan, Semiha] Nigde Univ, Dept Geol Engn, TR-51200 Nigde, Turkey
- Subjects
Kupluce/Adiyaman ,Southeast Anatolian ,Isotope ,Küplüce/Adiyaman ,Metamorphic rock ,Geochemistry ,Schist ,Geology ,Sericite ,Magmatic water ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,chemistry ,Fluid inclusions ,Metamorphic rocks ,Vein (geology) ,Chlorite ,Earth-Surface Processes ,Gneiss ,Vein type Cu-Pb-Zn - Abstract
WOS: 000348621500015, The study area is located around the town of Kupluce between the celikhan and Sincik districts (Adiyaman, Turkey). Mineralisations are located at the Southeast Anatolian Orogenic Belt. Despite many differential units, especially in age and lithology, that coexist in the region, mineralisation and alteration are only developed in partly concordant/partly disconcordant veins/veinlets of quartz within chlorite schists, sericite schists, mica schists/mica gneisses, quartz schists and metadiabases of the Palaeozoic Puturge metamorphics. Pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite are dominant minerals in mineral paragenesis. Chalcocite, covellite and carollite are also found in trace amounts. Quartz, calcite, sericite and chlorite are the gang minerals. Silicification, sericitisation, chloritisation, epidotisation and limonitisation are widespread in limited areas around ore veins. The estimated Co/Ni (1.8-43) ratio in pyrites belonging to mineralisation deposits indicates that mineralisation in the region is related to magmatic hydrothermal deposits. In addition, REE (rare earth element) contents of mineralisation deposits in chondrite-normalised diagrams are enriched and show a similar trend to that of chondritic values. This indicates that metals that form mineralisation deposits are related to magmatic rocks. Values of delta S-34 estimated in the Kupluce region vary between 1.6 parts per thousand and 2.34 parts per thousand. Values of delta S-34 close to 0 indicate that the sulphur forming the mineralisation is of magmatic origin. In addition, delta O-18 values vary between 8 parts per thousand and 10.8 parts per thousand and are consistent with magmatic water. Analyses of the fluid inclusions in quartz samples from mineralisation deposits were performed, and the homogenisation temperature was estimated to be between 90 and 150 degrees C. These temperature values can be explained by the mixing of a solution with surface water. It was determined that mineralisation deposits were vein-type hydrothermal deposits that had developed due to Middle Eocene acidic-intermediate intrusions intersecting Palaeozoic-aged Puturge metamorphics, and that they exhibited similar characteristics to other mineralisation deposits observed along the Southeastern Anatolian Orogenic Belt. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., Cukurova University Scientific Research Projects Unit [MMF2013BAP18], This study was supported by the Cukurova University Scientific Research Projects Unit, with a Project Number MMF2013BAP18. Thanks are given to Bayram Turkyilmaz and Cahit Donmez from the Geological Survey of Turkey for their suggestions.
- Published
- 2015
39. Is it possible to save one lumbar segment in the treatment of thoracolumbar fractures?
- Author
Ugras AA, Akyildiz MF, Yilmaz M, Sungur I, and Cetinus E
- Subjects
- Bone Screws, Cervical Vertebrae diagnostic imaging, Humans, Radiography, Retrospective Studies, Spinal Fusion instrumentation, Thoracic Vertebrae diagnostic imaging, Cervical Vertebrae injuries, Spinal Fractures surgery, Spinal Fusion methods, Thoracic Vertebrae injuries
- Abstract
Surgical treatment of unstable thoracolumbar fractures is controversial. Most authors reported that short segment fixation led to a high incidence of implant failure and correction loss. On the other hand, long segment fixation has the disadvantage of fusing more segments. We aimed to compare the outcomes of long-segment fixation versus two or three levels above and one level below fixation for acute thoracolumbar fractures. Twenty six consecutive patients were assigned to two groups. Group 1 included 14 patients treated with long fixation, whereas group 2 included 12 patients treated with two or three levels above and one level below fixation. Fractures were classified according to the Mc Cormack, Magerl and Denis classifications. Clinical (Oswestry questionnaire, Visual analog score) and radiological (Sagittal index, percentage of anterior body height compression, local kyphosis and Cobb angle) outcomes were analysed. The average follow-up for the long and hybrid fixation groups were 28 and 20 months respectively. Clinical scores of both groups at the last follow-up were not significantly different. The preoperative, postoperative and follow-up sagittal index, anterior body height compression, local kyphosis angle and Cobb angle were not significantly different. Correction loss of 3.36 degrees was seen in the long segment fixation group, versus 2.75 degrees in the other group at the last follow-up. There was no significant difference between the results achieved in the patients who had transpedicular fixation two or three levels above and one level below the fractured vertebra and those who had long segment fixation for thoracolumbar burst fractures.
- Published
- 2012
40. [Synovial chondromatosis of the ankle joint and elbow in two cases].
- Author
Kural C, Akyildiz MF, Ertürk H, and Bayraktar K
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Chondromatosis, Synovial diagnostic imaging, Chondromatosis, Synovial pathology, Chondromatosis, Synovial surgery, Diagnosis, Differential, Humans, Male, Radiography, Range of Motion, Articular, Ankle surgery, Chondromatosis, Synovial diagnosis, Elbow Joint surgery
- Abstract
Two male patients, aged 44 and 88 years, presented with complaints of restricted joint movement, a growing swelling, and pain in the elbow and ankle joints, respectively. Radiographs showed cartilaginous nodules in the affected joints and minimal chondral damage. Magnetic resonance findings were consistent with synovial chondromatosis. Both patients underwent removal of loose bodies by open arthrotomy and partial synovectomy. Histopathologic examination confirmed the diagnosis. No recurrences were detected within a follow-up period of at least a year.
- Published
- 2005
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