Nicoletta Artana, Marianna Michelazzo, Ilaria Micossi, Ilaria Cassetta, Pietro Tizzani, Mattia Tullio, Bruno Tartaglino, Fabio Steri, Enrico Ferreri, Giovanna Casoli, Fabrizio Bar, Paolo Baron, Andrea Conterno, Alessandro Lamorte, Aldo Soragna, Fabrizio Corsini, Gianluca Ghiselli, Alessandra Banderali, E. Saglio, Nicola Palmari, Valeria Busso, Paolo Fascio Pecetto, Roberto Rostagno, Paolo Balzaretti, Vittorio D'Alessandro, Ilaria Masi, Daniela Forno, Cosimo Calasso, Fulvio Morello, Patrizia Ferrera, Renzo Agricola, Franco Merletti, Ileana Baldi, Alberto Goffi, Mario Garrone, Letizia Barutta, Giulia Novelli, Marco Ulla, Massimo Perotto, Marco Ravazzoli, Enrico Boero, Stefania Battista, Daniela Bergandi, Emanuela Laurita, Corrado Moiraghi, Carmen Condo, Alessia Bono, Livia Ausiello, Gabriele Cordero, Flavia Soardo, Giuseppe Lauria, Alberto Ricchiardi, Giuseppina Buonafede, Giulietta Griot, Andrea Rolfo, Paola Rizzo, Daniela Sciullo, Michael B. Stone, Stefania Locatelli, Alessandro Mussa, Gian Alfonso Cibinel, Elisa Romagnoli, Giulio Porrino, Clotilde Masera, Davide Lison, Federica Corradi, Alberto Lazzero, Attilio Allione, Teresa Morgillo, Francesca Lo Curto, Valerio Stefanone, Marina Civita, Stefania Ferrero, Luca Dutto, Maria Tizzani, Domenico Vercillo, Enrico Lupia, Giovanni Volpicelli, Milena Maule, Emanuele Pivetta, Francesco Panero, Emanuele Bernardi, Vincenza Nicosia, Matteo Maggiorotto, M. Caserta, Alessandra Tizzani, Elena Maggio, Giovannino Ciccone, Cristina Runzo, Sara Del Colle, Bartolomeo Lorenzati, Antonello Iacobucci, and Mauro Frascisco
BACKGROUND Lung ultrasonography (LUS) has emerged as a noninvasive tool for the differential diagnosis of pulmonary diseases. However, its use for the diagnosis of acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) still raises some concerns. We tested the hypothesis that an integrated approach implementing LUS with clinical assessment would have higher diagnostic accuracy than a standard workup in differentiating ADHF from noncardiogenic dyspnea in the ED. METHODS We conducted a multicenter, prospective cohort study in seven Italian EDs. For patients presenting with acute dyspnea, the emergency physician was asked to categorize the diagnosis as ADHF or noncardiogenic dyspnea after (1) the initial clinical assessment and (2) after performing LUS ("LUS-implemented" diagnosis). All patients also underwent chest radiography. After discharge, the cause of each patient's dyspnea was determined by independent review of the entire medical record. The diagnostic accuracy of the different approaches was then compared. RESULTS The study enrolled 1,005 patients. The LUS-implemented approach had a significantly higher accuracy (sensitivity, 97% [95% CI, 95%-98.3%]; specificity, 97.4% [95% CI, 95.7%-98.6%]) in differentiating ADHF from noncardiac causes of acute dyspnea than the initial clinical workup (sensitivity, 85.3% [95% CI, 81.8%-88.4%]; specificity, 90% [95% CI, 87.2%-92.4%]), chest radiography alone (sensitivity, 69.5% [95% CI, 65.1%-73.7%]; specificity, 82.1% [95% CI, 78.6%-85.2%]), and natriuretic peptides (sensitivity, 85% [95% CI, 80.3%-89%]; specificity, 61.7% [95% CI, 54.6%-68.3%]; n=486). Net reclassification index of the LUS-implemented approach compared with standard workup was 19.1%. CONCLUSIONS The implementation of LUS with the clinical evaluation may improve accuracy of ADHF diagnosis in patients presenting to the ED. TRIAL REGISTRY; No.: NCT01287429; URL: