The 21st century has been characterized by the emergence of complex phenomena that have questioned the way humanity has managed agricultural and livestock production systems, this being the result of centuries of development of agro-industrial production techniques that seek to satisfy the growing demands of nutrients, particularly protein and derivatives of products and by-products of animal origin. In recent years, meat production and demand has grown significantly; by 2018, meat production was 470% higher than 50 years ago, having increased from 70 million tons annually to more than 330 million tons achieving this through farming industrialization. A good example of one of the areas with the greatest growth is fish farming, which grew rapidly during this period, multiplying by 50, which means that it went from 2 million tons to more than 100 million tons per year [1]. The industrialization of animal production has surpassed demographic growth: the world population doubled, in the same mentioned period. By reviewing the figures related to animal protein global average consumption, it is evident that per capita meat consumption has doubled in the last 30 years [2]. For those high-income countries, meat consumption for 2019 was: (USA: 101Kg, Australia: 90 kg, Israel 90 kg, New Zealand: 75 kg, Canada: 70 kg and United Kingdom 61.5 kg) [3]. For the countries of the region, Argentina (88 kg), Chile (81 kg), Brazil (79 kg) stand out, and in countries like Peru there is a substantial increase in meat consumption, close to 2 kg/capita/year. In the case of the most populated country in the world, China, total annual consumption is almost a third of the world's meat, representing a third of the growth in the last 20 years, with a per capita meat consumption of 46 kg. According to BBFAW statistics, by 2023 a total of 92 billion land animals were produced to obtain animal protein, this represents a significant increase compared to the estimated figure for 2021 of a total of approximately 80 billion land animals; composed for 69 billion chickens; 1.5 billion pigs; 656 million turkeys; 574 million sheep; 479 million goats; and 302 million cattle [4]. In addition, a large increase in the number of fish from fish farming is notable, since by 2021 the global fish consumption was around 80 million tons of fish coming from technical fish production systems [5] and according to the BBFAW for 2023 the estimated number of fish from fish production systems is 124 billion animals. This industrialized animal production entails great global challenges, such as the search for sufficient food to meet the requirements of animal diets. The use of soy, corn, and sorghum as the main dietary components used for poultry and pig farming stands out. The increase in consumption has led the planet to uncontrolled animal production, which is currently affecting the environment, associating soy crops (for example: with forest fires, deforestation and impact on the most fragile biomes necessary for the subsistence of our planet, such as the Amazon region, and Cerrado in Brazil). Improvements in animal welfare pose a solution as they promote more sustainable animal production, focused on the quality of the final product and offering the consumer alternatives that allow reducing the impact on the environment, as the case of silvopastoral and agroforestry systems, which have promoted efficient solutions; which accompanied by more conscious and responsible consumption, manage to give signs of a more promising future for people, animals and the planet. Another solution that animal welfare offers as a tool to face the great challenges of the 21st century, is its predominant role as a factor in the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR). In most Latin American countries, the use of antibiotics as growth promoters in intensive animal production systems is allowed, where the systemic and prophylactic use of antibiotics is allowed, which generates great challenges to keep the possibility of creating low resistance to antimicrobials and contaminate with AMR sources of water, soil, subsoil, crops and in general food from production systems with traceability failures or that may be associated with cross contamination. Currently, it is estimated that 73% of all antibiotics available in the world are used in intensive production systems [6], and that this value will continue to increase as the demand for "cheap" animal protein increases, low- and middle-income countries to which intensive production has been migrating, given its potential for expansion and lack of regulations on the matter. In 2010, the five countries with the highest proportion of global antimicrobial consumption regarding animal production were: China (23%), USA (13%), Brazil (9%), India (3%) and Germany (3%), all of them countries associated with the highest concentrations of intensive animal production systems. As low- and middle-income countries are expected to shift to more industrial livestock systems, the total use of antibiotics in animal production is expected to increase by 11.5% between 2017 and 2030, rising from a total of more than 93,000 tons to more than 104,000 tons [7]. By improving animal welfare conditions in these production systems, for example, replacing individual gestation crates in swine production by group gestation systems, or increasing forage-based feeding and giving more space to animals that are at overcrowded conditions or extreme confinement in barren environments; the general level of mental and physical health of animals can be improved, requiring treatments with the use of antibiotics only for those animals that are sick and keeping the vast majority of the population in better conditions of health and welfare. Finally, the response of investors and consumers (in specific markets) to the challenges related to improving animal welfare conditions is generating pressure for the food-related services industry such as supermarket chains, restaurants, hotels, casinos, among others, to have serious commitments in animal welfare, leading producers, packers and marketers to establish better animal production and welfare policies and practices in line with the current reality to guarantee the improvement of animal welfare standards. As a proof of this trend, the development of reports such as the Business Benchmark for Farm Animal Welfare [8] (BBFAW), a tool that allows investors and consumers since 2012 to get first-hand information about what are the progress in animal welfare policies and practices of the main food industry players (farming, and marketing of animal origin food) in terms of those that publicly mention their progress on addressing animal welfare's issues and compare it with concrete evidence in this regard. The report maintains that for 95% of the companies presented, animal welfare is a sensitive issue for business and 25% of companies have recognized that there is a need to reduce dependence on animal products. In conclusion, in the face of the great challenges of the 21st century such as deforestation and damage to ecosystems for crops used for animal feed, the loss of biodiversity in areas of expansion of the agricultural border, threats to public health due to of resistance to antimicrobials and the appearance of other diseases and viruses that originate in animals and that may be zoonotic in nature, animal welfare represents a solution for the improvement of animal production techniques and is being recognized by consumers, investors and the food industry (associated with animal products) as a key piece that allows a more sustainable future for our planet, people and animals. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]