1. Pairwise sequence alignment with block and character edit operations
- Author
Alıcıoğlu, Ahmet Cemal and Alkan, Can
- Subjects
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms - Abstract
Pairwise sequence comparison is one of the most fundamental problems in string processing. The most common metric to quantify the similarity between sequences S and T is edit distance, d(S,T), which corresponds to the number of characters that need to be substituted, deleted from, or inserted into S to generate T. However, fewer edit operations may be sufficient for some string pairs to transform one string to the other if larger rearrangements are permitted. Block edit distance refers to such changes in substring level (i.e., blocks) that "penalizes" entire block removals, insertions, copies, and reversals with the same cost as single-character edits (Lopresti & Tomkins, 1997). Most studies to calculate block edit distance to date aimed only to characterize the distance itself for applications in sequence nearest neighbor search without reporting the full alignment details. Although a few tools try to solve block edit distance for genomic sequences, such as GR-Aligner, they have limited functionality and are no longer maintained. Here, we present SABER, an algorithm to solve block edit distance that supports block deletions, block moves, and block reversals in addition to the classical single-character edit operations. Our algorithm runs in O(m^2.n.l_range) time for |S|=m, |T|=n and the permitted block size range of l_range; and can report all breakpoints for the block operations. We also provide an implementation of SABER currently optimized for genomic sequences (i.e., generated by the DNA alphabet), although the algorithm can theoretically be used for any alphabet. SABER is available at http://github.com/BilkentCompGen/saber
- Published
- 2023