1. Are Higher Education's Administrators and Faculty Really Different?
- Author
ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education, Washington, DC., American Association of Univ. Administrators, Washington, DC., and Kelsey, Clyde E.
- Abstract
This report examines research into characteristics of individuals likely to be considered for placement in administrative positions at colleges and universities. The report describes a grid model of social style which illustrates the various areas where faculty and administrators differ, not only in how they communicate, but also in how they perceive the world around them. The grid classifies the social style of school administrators and faculty into four basic areas ranging from amiable and expressive to analytical and driving. On the basis of research involving this grid, the social style of administrators, deans, and department heads tend to be more assertive, i.e., analytical and driving. Faculty, however, tend to be amiable or expressive: amiable persons being more easygoing, trusting members of an organization; expressive persons tending to be both socially assertive and responsive. Research also indicates that the further one moves into administrative positions, the more likely he or she is to be highly organized, thorough, systematic, and task-oriented, with academic vice presidents having strong feelings of less control. One exception is that an interaction effect was found with gender. Females appear to experience significantly less fatalism than their male colleagues in that they feel greater personal control over their daily activities. Continuing efforts to determine differences between administrators and faculty will result in better understanding and allow administrators to better serve their institutions' various constituencies. (Contains 33 references.) (GLR)
- Published
- 1992