Savannas: Biogeographical and Ecological Perspectives Biogeography and Dynamics of Global Tropical and Subtropical Savannas: A Spatiotemporal View, M.J. Hill, M.O. Roman, and C.B. Schaaf Tree-Grass Interactions in Savannas: Paradigms, Contradictions, and Conceptual Models, N.P. Hanan and C.E.R. Lehmann Carbon, Water and Trace Gas Fluxes in Global Savannas Disturbance and Climatic Drivers of Carbon Dynamics of a North Australian Tropical Savanna, L.B. Hutley and J. Beringer Functional Convergence in Ecosystem Carbon Exchange in Adjacent Savanna Vegetation Types of the Kruger National Park, South Africa, N.P. Hanan, N. Boulain, C.A. Williams, R.J. Scholes, and S. Archibald Flux Dynamics in the Cerrado and Cerrado-Forest Transition of Brazil, G.L. Vourlitis and H. Ribeiro da Rocha Woody Plant Rooting Depth and Ecosystem Function of Savannas: A Case Study from the Edwards Plateau Karst, Texas, M.E. Litvak, S. Schwinning, and J.L. Heilman The Dynamics of Energy, Water, and Carbon Fluxes in a Blue Oak (Quercus douglasii) Savanna in California, D. Baldocchi, Q. Chen, X. Chen, S. Ma, G. Miller, Y. Ryu, J. Xiao, R. Wenk, and J. Battles Remote Sensing of Biophysical and Biochemical Characteristics in Savannas Quantifying Carbon in Savannas: The Role of Active Sensors in Measurements of Tree Structure and Biomass, R.M. Lucas, A.C. Lee, J. Armston, J.M.B. Carreiras, K.M. Viergever, P. Bunting, D. Clewley, M. Moghaddam, P. Siqueira, and I. Woodhouse Remote Sensing of Tree-Grass Systems: The Eastern Australian Woodlands, T. Danaher, P. Scarth, J. Armston, L. Collett, J. Kitchen, and S. Gillingham Remote Sensing of Fractional Cover and Biochemistry in Savannas, G.P. Asner, S.R. Levick, and I.P.J. Smit Woody Fractional Cover in Kruger National Park, South Africa: Remote-Sensing-Based Maps and Ecological Insights, G. Bucini, N.P. Hanan, R.B. Boone, I.P.J. Smit, S. Saatchi, M.A. Lefsky, and G.P. Asner Remote Sensing of Global Savanna Fire Occurrence, Extent, and Properties, D.P. Roy, L. Boschetti, and L. Giglio Perspectives on Patch to Landscape Scale Savanna Processes and Modeling Understanding Tree-Grass Coexistence and Impacts of Disturbance and Resource Variability in Savannas, F. van Langevelde, K. Tomlinson, E.R.M. Barbosa, S. de Bie, H.H.T. Prins, and S.I. Higgins Spatially Explicit Modeling of Savanna Processes, K.M. Meyer, K. Wiegand, and D. Ward The Interaction of Fire and Rainfall Variability on Tree Structure and Carbon Fluxes in Savannas: Application of the Flames Model, A. Liedloff and G.D. Cook Population and Ecosystem Modeling of Land Use and Climate Change Impacts on Arid and Semiarid Savanna Dynamics, F. Jeltsch, B. Tietjen, N. Blaum, and E. Rossmanith Regional Carbon Dynamics in Savanna Systems: Remote Sensing and Modeling Applications Integration of Remote Sensing and Modeling to Understand Carbon Fluxes and Climate Interactions in Africa, C.A. Williams Timescales and Dynamics of Carbon in Australia's Savannas, D.J. Barrett Land Use Change and the Carbon Budget in the Brazilian Cerrado, M.M.C. Bustamante and L.G. Ferreira Land Use Changes (1970-2020) and the Carbon Emissions in the Colombian Llanos, A. Etter, A. Sarmiento, and M.H. Romero Modeling Vegetation, Carbon, and Nutrient Dynamics in the Savanna Woodlands of Australia with the AussieGRASS Model, J.O. Carter, D. Bruget, B. Henry, R. Hassett, G. Stone, K. Day, N. Flood, and G. McKeon Continental and Global Scale Modeling of Savannas Carbon Cycles and Vegetation Dynamics of Savannas Based on Global Satellite Products, C. Potter CENTURY-SAVANNA Model for Tree-Grass Ecosystems, W.J. Parton, R.J. Scholes, K. Day, John O. Carter, and R. Kelly Climate-Fire Interactions and Savanna Ecosystems: A Dynamic Vegetation Modeling Study for the African Continent, A. Arneth, V. Lehsten, K. Thonicke, and A. Spessa Understanding Savannas as Coupled Human-Natural Systems People in Savanna Ecosystems: Land Use, Change, and Sustainability, K.A. Galvin and R.S. Reid Social and Environmental Change in Global Savannas: Linking Social Variables to Biophysical Dynamics, M.D. Turner Synthesis Current Approaches to Measurement, Remote Sensing, and Modeling in Savannas: A Synthesis, M.J. Hill and N.P. Hanan Index