713 results on '"Anpassung"'
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2. Die Determinanten eines gelungenen Kindergarteneintritts: Ergebnisse einer querschnittlichen Studie aus der Schweiz.
- Author
Carigiet, Tamara and Troesch, Larissa Maria
- Subjects
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KINDERGARTEN teachers , *KINDERGARTEN children , *CHILDREN'S language , *COMPREHENSION in children , *LANGUAGE schools - Abstract
In the German-speaking context, there are only a few studies dealing with the transition from family to kindergarten. The aim of this study is to identify the determinants of a 'successful transition', more specifically the multidimensional adjustment of children to kindergarten. Based on an ecological view, the focus is set on determining factors within the child, the family as well as the institutional and classroom context (multilevel model). Three months after the kindergarten entry of the first-year kindergarteners (N = 255), their parents and kindergarten teachers answered a survey. German school language comprehension of the children between 4 and 5 years was evaluated using a standardized test. All variables were assessed cross-sectionally. As predicted, the determinants are with primary emphasis on the individual level of characteristics, competencies and socialisation experiences of the child. Especially the child's self-care skills turn out to be strongly associated with the social-adaptive behavior in kindergarten. Besides that, the child's language comprehension, behavior problems, the presence of formerly known children, and in part child's gender and the pensum of external childcare before kindergarten entry are associated with adjustment. Factors with little significance are the child's age, the educational background of the family and the quantity of transition practices as implemented by the kindergarten teachers before kindergarten started. The results provide indications that help to promote this transition and they also reveal possible risk constellations at this early stage of children's formal school career. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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3. Ostdeutschland im Fokus.
- Author
- Subjects
LIVING conditions ,GOVERNMENT report writing ,FEDERAL government ,COMMISSIONERS ,CONCORD - Abstract
Copyright of Berliner Debatte Initial is the property of Berliner Debatte Initial e.V. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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4. Population monitoring for milk composition, metabolic status, and economic revenues from milk sales of local dual-purpose cattle breeds in Mountain Area.
- Author
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ANIMAL adaptation , *HILL farming , *CATTLE breeds , *ANIMAL health , *COMPOSITION of milk - Abstract
In the history of cattle farming in mountain areas such as the Alps there has been a selection and use of breeds based on functionality and adaptability to local conditions. However, modern livestock production, driven by demand rather than local constraints, also in mountain areas, has led to a transition from traditional multipurpose breeds to specialized breeds in resource intensive farming systems. This is also due to the way in which the milk-related support schemes under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) have been established. To counter this trend and preserve genetic biodiversity the various national breeding associations of Italian dual-purpose cattle breeds have launched the DUAL BREEDING project aimed at describing and valorising local breeds for promoting their breeding and preserving biodiversity. The aim of the present study was to characterize the milk composition and technological properties to quantify the economic profitability of different local dual-purpose cattle breeds, taking into consideration the pricing scenario of the alpine province of South Tyrol as a case of study. Secondly, milk data were used to analyse the occurrence of ketosis/acidosis within breeds. Results reveal the deficiencies of local breeds in terms of milk composition parameters (fat, protein) which are mostly recognized in the milk-payment systems of dairy cooperatives compared to specialized dairy breeds. Therefore, additional support in form of subsidies to promote their continued use on small-scale mountain farms should be continued, as they provide various non-material functions, such as several ecosystem services (e.g., landscape conservation, cultural heritage) and consent a site-oriented and thus a circular production chain due to their good adaptability to local conditions. In addition, the phenotypic specificity of the narrow fat-protein ratio for some local breeds biases the assessment of metabolic status through milk data. Consequently, to use Fat-Protein-Ratio (FPR) as an indicator of health status, appropriate FPR thresholds and/or machine learning methods should be applied to determine the cut-offs for dual-purpose breeds that may indicate health problems. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
5. Analyzing Population Diversity of Common Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) in Native Habitats in Türkiye: A Focus on Leaf Characteristics.
- Author
Atar, Fahrettin, Atar, Ebru, Güney, Deniz, and Turna, İbrahim
- Subjects
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The primary aim of this investigation was to examine the morphological diversity of leaves in naturally occurring populations of common hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) in Türkiye. Twelve common hornbeam populations, distributed over four distinct watersheds in the Eastern Black Sea Region, were sampled from three altitude levels, ranging from sea level to 1200 meters. Nine morphological characteristics of the leaves were analyzed biometrically. We found a high degree of phenotypic heterogeneity both within and among the investigated populations. The eco-geographic principle's classification of populations was disclosed. Altitude appeared to be the primary factor influencing variation in the majority of leaf attributes from the Camlıhemşin, Çaykara, and Espiye watersheds. Compared to trees at lower altitude, trees at higher altitudes were characterized by smaller leaves. The populations in the Trabzon-Maçka watershed, however, did not show this trend. Largest leaves were observed for trees from the Trabzon-Maçka watershed region at the second altitude level. Overall, our findings support the notion that the Eastern Black Sea area is a hotspot of biodiversity and that the intricate evolutionary process leading to leaf morphological variability may be a consequence of adaptation and plasticity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
6. Geschichte und Entwicklung der additiven Fertigung
- Author
Singh, Sunpreet, Mehla, Sunil, Bhargava, Suresh K., Ramakrishna, Seeram, Bhargava, Suresh K., editor, Ramakrishna, Seeram, editor, Brandt, Milan, editor, and Selvakannan, PR., editor
- Published
- 2024
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7. Die ganze Bühne ist eine Welt – Soziodrama heutzutage.
- Author
Reineck, Uwe
- Abstract
Copyright of Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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8. Asyl als Anspruch?
- Author
Fritsche, Andrea
- Subjects
Asyl ,Recht ,Flucht ,Menschenrechte ,Subjekt ,Österreich ,Leistung ,Anpassung ,Rechtsbewusstsein ,Rechtswirklichkeit ,Migration ,Gesellschaft ,Rechtssoziologie ,Soziologie ,Asylum ,Law ,Fleeing ,Human Rights ,Subject ,Austria ,Performance ,Society ,Sociology of Law ,Sociology - Abstract
Inwiefern fordern Asylsuchende (Menschen-)Rechte ein? Können in einem allumfassend rechtlich regulierten und von Unsicherheit geprägten Alltag überhaupt Ansprüche gestellt werden? Lässt die Asylpraxis Raum für Subjektpositionen abseits von Opferschaft? Andrea Fritsche nähert sich dem (Asyl-)Recht aus alltagssoziologischer Perspektive und fokussiert Asylsuchende als handelnde Subjekte und Rechteinhaber*innen. Dabei zeichnet sie Bedeutungen von Recht und Rechten in der österreichischen Asylwirklichkeit nach und schafft ein Verständnis für die Folgen rechtlicher, politischer und gesellschaftlicher Praktiken, die die Gewährleistung von Rechten an Dankbarkeit, Leistung und Anpassung koppeln.
- Published
- 2023
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9. Belastung und Beanspruchung im sportlichen Training
- Author
Zinner, Christoph, Sperlich, Billy, Fröhlich, Michael, Section editor, Güllich, Arne, editor, and Krüger, Michael, editor
- Published
- 2023
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10. Kraft und Krafttraining im Sport : Anwendungsbereiche, Diagnostik, Trainingsformen, Organisation, Methoden, Anpassungen
- Author
Fröhlich, Michael, Kemmler, Wolfgang, Güllich, Arne, editor, and Krüger, Michael, editor
- Published
- 2023
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11. Training im Sport als Prozess – Trainingssteuerung : Modelle, Theorien, Methoden und Anpassungen
- Author
Fröhlich, Michael, Kemmler, Wolfgang, Pfeiffer, Mark, Güllich, Arne, editor, and Krüger, Michael, editor
- Published
- 2023
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12. Sportmedizinische Grundlagen: Adaptation des Körpers an Bewegung
- Author
Krüger, Karsten, Mooren, Frank C., Gabriel, Holger, Section editor, Güllich, Arne, editor, and Krüger, Michael, editor
- Published
- 2023
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13. Stufe Vier: Angst in Mut umwandeln
- Author
Broder, Michael S. and Broder, Michael S.
- Published
- 2023
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14. Zum Zusammenhang von Offenheit und Erfolg bei internationalen beruflichen Entsendungen
- Author
Deller, Jürgen, Albrecht, Anne-Grit, Dilchert, Stephan, Ones, Deniz S., Paulus, Frieder M., Henze, Jürgen, Series Editor, Jammal, Elias, Series Editor, Kulich, Steve J., editor, and Wang, Zhiqiang, editor
- Published
- 2023
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15. Interkulturelle Kompetenz
- Author
Liao, Yuan, Thomas, David C., Liao, Yuan, and Thomas, David C.
- Published
- 2023
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16. Storytelling und Kultur
- Author
Karandikar, Neeraj and Karandikar, Neeraj, editor
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Miković, Lazar
- Subjects
POPULAR culture ,SOCIAL problems ,INTERPERSONAL relations ,EVERYDAY life - Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Language & Literary Studies / Folia Linguistica & Litteraria is the property of Journal of Language & Literary Studies / Folia Linguistica & Litteraria and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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18. Domänen der Klimaethik, ein neuer Blick – Domains of Climate Ethics Revisited
- Author
Ott, Konrad, Breuer, Uta, editor, and Genske, Dieter D., editor
- Published
- 2021
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19. Indikationen und Techniken der funktionellen Kiefergelenkchirurgie.
- Author
Reich, Rudolf H.
- Abstract
Copyright of Die MKG-Chirurgie is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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20. Zwischen Selbstbestimmung und Anpassung in einem ökonomisierten Bildungs- und Gesellschaftssystem : Ambivalenz als ein handlungsleitender Faktor?
- Author
Eysel, Nicola, von Felden, Heide, Series Editor, and Egger, Rudolf, Series Editor
- Published
- 2020
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21. Development of scenarios for sectoral adaptive capacity to climate change
- Author
Gerten, Dieter, Eisenack, Klaus, Garschagen, Matthias, van Maanen, Nicole, Gerten, Dieter, Eisenack, Klaus, Garschagen, Matthias, and van Maanen, Nicole
- Abstract
Anpassung ist ein komplexes soziales Phänomen, bei dem das Klimarisiko in verschiedenen sozialen und ökologischen Kontexten reduziert wird. Der 6. Sachstandsbericht des Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change zeigt eine besorgniserregende Realität: Mit zunehmender globaler Erwärmung werden der Anpassung Grenzen gesetzt sein, was darauf hinweist, dass Anpassung allein nicht ausreicht, um den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels entgegenzuwirken. Länder im globalen Süden tragen paradoxerweise die Hauptlast des Klimawandels, obwohl sie am wenigsten für sein Auftreten verantwortlich sind. Es besteht die dringende Notwendigkeit, besser zu verstehen, wo und warum Anpassung stattfindet, was ihren Erfolg beeinflusst und wie die Anpassungsfähigkeit gestärkt werden kann. Die Quantifizierung der Anpassung ist aufgrund ihrer Komplexität schwierig, aber entscheidend für fundierte Entscheidungen und globale Zusammenarbeit. Herkömmliche Klimafolgenabschätzungen vernachlässigen oft die Anpassung oder verwenden einen stark stilisierten Ansatz, was das Potenzial für Anpassung verzerrt und die Notwendigkeit des Klimaschutzes herunterspielt. Es ist wichtig, Anpassung in quantitative Bewertungen einzubeziehen, um fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen. Diese Dissertation entwickelt Indexe für anpassungsrelevante Maßnahmen im Landwirtschaftssektor und projiziert ihre Umsetzung im 21. Jahrhundert auf der Grundlage verschiedener sozioökonomischer Szenarien. Ergebnisse zeigen die Bedeutung von Governance, Bildung und finanziellen Ressourcen für die Maximierung des Anpassungspotenzials. Länder mit geringer Entwicklung und begrenzter Anpassungsfähigkeit zeigen das größte Verbesserungspotenzial. Die Bewältigung dieser Herausforderungen wird jedoch Jahrzehnte dauern. Die Verbesserung der Anpassungsfähigkeit ist von höchster Bedeutung, nicht nur im Bereich des Klimawandels, sondern auch in breiteren Entwicklungskontexten. Diese Dissertation bietet Einblicke zur Verbesserung der Klimaresilienz und umfass, Adaptation is a multifaceted social phenomenon where climate risk is navigated and responded to within various social and environmental contexts. The 6th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change highlights a concerning reality: as global warming increases, there will be limits to what adaptation can accomplish, indicating that it will not always suffice to counter the escalating impacts of climate change. Countries in the Global South, often facing the greatest adaptation challenges, paradoxically, are projected to bear the major brunt of climate change despite holding the least responsibility for its occurrence. Given these prospects, there is an urgent need to better understand where and why adaptation is taking place, what drives its success in some places over others, and where efforts are vital for enhancing adaptive capacity. Furthermore, it becomes imperative to determine the upper limit of what adaptation can accomplish and which conditions are necessary to exploit its full potential, in order to fully grasp the risks posed by climate change. Quantifying adaptation is difficult due to its complex multi-level and cross-sectoral nature. Yet, it is crucial for integrating adaptation into climate impact assessments, essential for informed decision-making and global cooperation. Conventional climate impact assessments often neglect the inclusion of adaptation and adaptive capacity, or if addressed, they often adopt a highly stylized approach. This poses the risk of misrepresenting the potential for adaptation, likely overemphasizing its effectiveness while downplaying the need for climate mitigation. Projecting climate impacts without considering adaptation distorts the current reality of societal adjustments, making it essential to provide quantifiable insights into future adaptive capacity. This thesis addresses these challenges by developing three distinct indices for adaptation-relevant measures in the agricultural sector to understa
- Published
- 2024
22. Adaptation of model organisms and environmental bacilli to glyphosate gives insight to species-specific peculiarities of the shikimate pathway
- Author
Schwedt, Inge and Schwedt, Inge
- Abstract
Glyphosate (GS), the active ingredient of the popular herbicide Roundup, inhibits the 5-enolpyruvyl shikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase of the shikimate pathway, which is present in archaea, bacteria, Apicomplexa, algae, fungi, and plants. In these organisms, the shikimate pathway is essential for de novo synthesis of aromatic amino acids, folates, quinones and other metabolites. Therefore, the GS-dependent inhibition of the EPSP synthase results in cell death. Previously, it has been observed that isolates of the soil bacteria Burkholderia anthina and Burkholderia cenocepacia are resistant to high amounts of GS. In the framework of this PhD thesis, it could be demonstrated that B. anthina isolates are not intrinsically resistant to GS. However, B. anthina rapidly adapts to the herbicide at the genome level and the characterization of GS-resistant suppressor mutants led to the discovery of a novel GS resistance mechanism. In B. anthina, the acquisition of loss-of-function mutations in the ppsR gene increases GS resistance. The ppsR gene encodes a regulator of the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) synthetase PpsA. In the absence of a functional PpsR protein, the bacteria synthesize more PEP, which competes with GS for binding in the active site of the EPSP synthase, increasing GS resistance. The EPSP synthase in B. anthina probably does not allow changes in the amino acid sequence as it is the case in other organisms. Indeed, the Gram-negative model organism Escherichia coli evolves GS resistance by the acquisition of mutations that either reduce the sensitivity of the EPSP synthase or increase the cellular concentration of the enzyme. Unlike E. coli, the EPSP synthase is also critical for the viability of Gram-positive model bacterium Bacillus subtilis. This observation is surprising because the enzyme belongs to the class of GS-insensitive EPSP synthases. In fact, the EPSP synthase is essential for growth of B. subtilis. The determination of the nutritional requirements, Glyphosat (GS), der Wirkstoff der häufig verwendeten Herbizidformulierung Roundup, hemmt die 5-Enoylpyruvyl-Shikimat-3-Phosphat-(EPSP)-Synthase des Shikimat-Wegs, welcher in Archaen, Bakterien, Apicomplexa, Bakterien, Algen. Pilzen und Pflanzen vorkommt. In diesen Organismen ist der Shikimat-Weg für die de novo-Synthese der aromatischen Aminosäuren, Folaten, Chinonen und anderen Metaboliten unerlässlich. Es wurde bereits berichtet, dass Isolate der Bodenbakterien Burkholderia anthina und Burkholderia cenocepacia in Gegenwart hoher Mengen an GS wachsen können. Im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass B. anthina-Isolate nicht intrinsisch resistent gegenüber GS sind. Allerdings passt sich B. anthina auf Genomebene schnell an das Herbizid an und die Charakterisierung von GS-resistenten Suppressormutanten führte zu der Entdeckung eines neuen GS-Resistenzmechanismus. Bei B. anthina erhöht die Inaktivierung des ppsR-Gens die Resistenz gegenüber GS. Das ppsR-Gen kodiert für einen Regulator der Phosphoenolpyruvat-(PEP)-Synthetase PpsA. In Abwesenheit eines funktionalen PpsR-Proteins synthetisieren die Bakterien mehr PEP, welches mit GS um Bindung an das aktive Zentrum der EPSP-Synthase konkurriert und somit die GS-Resistenz erhöht. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Organismen lässt die EPSP-Synthase von B. anthina wahrscheinlich keine Veränderungen der Aminosäuresequenz zu. Tatsächlich passt sich der Gram-negative Modellorganismus Escherichia coli durch die Anreicherung von Mutationen, die die Sensitivität der EPSP-Synthase verringern oder die zelluläre Konzentration des Enzyms erhöhen. Im Gegensatz zu E. coli ist die EPSP-Synthase für die Lebensfähigkeit des Gram-positiven Modellbakteriums Bacillus subtilis essenziell. Diese Beobachtung ist überraschend, da das Enzym zur Klasse der GS-unempfindlichen EPSP-Synthasen gehört. Die Bestimmung der Nährstoffansprüche, welche das Wachstum der B. subtilis und E. coli Mutanten ohne EPSP-Synthaseaktivität ermöglicht, ergab, das
- Published
- 2024
23. Digressions on the fascist state of mind. Psychoanalytic perspectives on narcissism and 'social-ism'.
- Author
Bisagni, Francesco
- Abstract
This paper explores some features of the theoretical and clinical problem of narcissism in the light of Bion's model of the mind, with particular reference to the distinction between narcissism and 'social-ism'. This model is compared and contrasted to Jung's speculations on the relationship between adaptation and individuation as a process implying a sense of guilt. Jung's highlighting of the element of guilt is directly connected to his subjective experience depicted in the Red Book in the episode of the 'Murder of the hero'. Aspects of pathological narcissism are also explored in the paper, through briefly analysing some passages of Pasolini's movie Salò or the 120 days of Sodom. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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24. Resistenzen gegenüber Chlorhexidin bei oralen Bakterien – ein Grund zur Sorge?
- Author
Cieplik, Fabian, Hellwig, Elmar, Buchalla, Wolfgang, Maisch, Tim, and Al-Ahmad, Ali
- Subjects
DRUG resistance in bacteria ,PRACTICE of dentistry ,COLISTIN ,ANTISEPTICS ,ANTIBIOTICS - Abstract
Copyright of Parodontologie: die Zeitschrift für die Praxis (Berlin, Germany) is the property of Quintessenz Verlags GmbH and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
25. Psychotherapie als Lebensweg.
- Author
Maaz, Hans-Joachim
- Subjects
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PARENTAL influences , *PSYCHOTHERAPY , *SOCIAL history , *LIBERTY , *DIGNITY - Abstract
The author reflects on his choice of profession in the context of parental and societal influences. Psychotherapy has always been a reflection of social conditions too. Does psychotherapy support the emancipation of the individual or his adaptation? The theoretical and practical differences from 40 years of medical- psychotherapeutic practice in the DDR and in the united Germany will be reflected. Here, psychotherapy is understood as a unique intersubjective relationship process, which has to be lived without theoretical narrowing, with multimodal practice and with never ending self-experience of the therapist. For the author, »Psychotherapie als Lebensweg« is the basis for the struggle for dignity for both patient and therapist. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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26. Die Geschichte der Hautfarbe ist die Geschichte der Menschheit!
- Author
Montag, Andreas
- Published
- 2023
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27. Klimawandel und mögliche Herausforderungen für den Pflanzenschutz - Gestern, heute, morgen.
- Author
Krengel-Horney, Sandra, Adler, Cornel, Berger, Beatrice, Feike, Til, Flath, Kerstin, Hausmann, Johannes, Herrmann, Daniel, Jehle, Johannes, Joachim, Christoph, Karpinski, Isabella, Maixner, Michael, Möller, Markus, Paap, Madeleine, Schittenhelm, Siegfried, Schrader, Gritta, Seidel, Petra, Stahl, Andreas, Strassemeyer, Jörn, Ulber, Lena, and von Hörsten, Dieter
- Subjects
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PLANT protection , *PESTICIDE pollution , *CLIMATE change , *PRIVATE security services , *OPERATIONAL risk - Abstract
Climate and weather are decisive factors for plant protection. Already 100 years ago, scientists dedicated themselves to this topic in the newsletter of the German Plant Protection Service. The effects of climate change are ambivalent and there will be an overall change in the pest spectrum. Damage caused by insects, pathogens and heat-tolerant weeds will tend to be favoured. The risk of invasive species becoming established increases. Similarly, the effectiveness of biological crop protection may be compromised and new methods may be required. In the case of chemical pesticides, the spectrum of active substances will shift and the demands on application technology and timing will increase. Heavy rains can increase the risk of pesticide run-off into the environment. There may be increased infestation with storage pests already in the field in Central Europe too, and the quality and storage stability of harvested products may decline. Overall, the importance of preventive plant protection measures will increase. The consequences of climate change increase operational and economic risks and pose considerable challenges for all levels of stakeholders. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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28. Messung und Steigerung der Resilienz mittels numerischer Indizes: Ansätze zur Analyse der Resilienz in Lieferketten.
- Author
Sardesai, Saskia and Schreiber, Lucas
- Subjects
TECHNOLOGICAL innovations ,RISK perception ,SUPPLY chains - Abstract
Copyright of Industrie 4.0 Management: Gegenwart und Zukunft industrieller Geschäftsprozesse is the property of GITO mbH Verlag fuer Industrielle Informationstechnik und Organisation and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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29. Adaptation of babies in three types of placement: An ethological approach.
- Author
Ducreux, Edwige and Puentes‐Neuman, Guadalupe
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INFANTS , *FOSTER children , *FOSTER parents , *KRUSKAL-Wallis Test , *FACIAL expression , *PHYSIOLOGICAL adaptation - Abstract
The present pilot study focuses on the adaptive processes of babies who are placed during their first months of life. It used an ethological approach to explore the behavioural adjustment of 19 infants from their arrival in placement through their first 6 weeks in Residential Care (RC; France), a Foster Family (FF; Québec) or an Infant–Mother Centre (IMC; Québec). Direct observations were conducted once a week during feeding sessions. Observed behaviours were as follows: sleep–wake state, self‐soothing, burp, visual exploration, motor activity, facial and vocal expressions. Then, a Kruskal–Wallis test was conducted to examine differences in babies' adaption as a function of placement setting. Results showed that, in RC, the duration of the post‐feeding phase is the shortest. Moreover, these institutionalized babies showed the most modes of self‐protection and the fewest vocalizations. By contrast, babies placed in the IMC spent the least time in withdrawal, expressed motor activity more regularly and were never placed back in their recliner before burping. Larger differences appear comparing placement in RC and that in the IMC, the placement in FF showing intermediate results. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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30. Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf das Grundwasser und die Wasserversorgung in Süddeutschland.
- Author
Fliß, Ronja, Baumeister, Christof, Gudera, Thomas, Hergesell, Mario, Kopp, Benjamin, Neumann, Jörg, and Posselt, Miriam
- Abstract
Copyright of Grundwasser is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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31. Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die zukünftige Grundwassernutzung – Betroffenheiten, Handlungsbedarfe und Lösungsansätze.
- Author
Bender, Steffen, Groth, Markus, and Viktor, Elisabeth
- Abstract
Copyright of Grundwasser is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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32. Ethnic Stereotype Formation and Its Impact on Sojourner Adaptation: A Case of 'Belt and Road' Chinese Migrant Workers in Montenegro
- Author
English, Alexander S., Zhang, Xinyi, Stanciu, Adrian, Kulich, Steve J., Zhao, Fuxia, Bojovic, Milica, English, Alexander S., Zhang, Xinyi, Stanciu, Adrian, Kulich, Steve J., Zhao, Fuxia, and Bojovic, Milica
- Abstract
Ethnic stereotypes are cognitive markers that are formed and modified because of intercultural contact with a new cultural group. There is now much empirical evidence that explicates how stereotypes of ethnic groups can impact individuals’ acculturation experiences. However, what is unknown is how previously nonexistent ethnic beliefs are formed as a result of contact with the local culture. One hundred and seventy-four (N = 174) overseas Chinese construction workers were contacted through the Chinese Consulate in Montenegro and agreed to participate in the present study. The online questionnaire asked workers to describe Montenegrin majority members in terms of five characteristics. These traits formed the stereotype markers that were classified as positive, neutral, or negative. Sojourners also answered questions that measured perceived cultural distance, social exclusion, knowledge of Montenegrin culture, feelings of social exclusion, and their sociocultural adaptation. Results show that both positive and negative stereotypes are correlated with less social exclusion and better socio-cultural adaptation. Perceived cultural distance, knowledge of host culture and length of stay was mediated by stereotypes on adaptation outcomes. Interestingly longer sojourn did not lessen the type of stereotype, nor did it reduce cultural distance. Contribution to the stereotype literature and practical understanding of how Chinese sojourners see majority members will be discussed.
- Published
- 2023
33. On the Adaptive Value of Paranormal Beliefs - a Qualitative Study
- Author
Betsch, Tilmann, Jäckel, Paul, Hammes, Mareike, Betsch, Tilmann, Jäckel, Paul, and Hammes, Mareike
- Abstract
Ten female and five male participants (age range 28-50 years) were recruited at esoteric fairs or via esoteric chatrooms. In a guided face-to-face interview, they reported origins and contents of their beliefs in e.g. esoteric practices, supernatural beings, rebirthing, channeling. Transcripts of the tape-recorded reports were subjected to a qualitative analysis. Exhaustive categorization of the narratives' content revealed that paranormal beliefs were functional with regard to two fundamental motives - striving for mastery and valuing me and mine (striving for a positive evaluation of the self). Moreover, paranormal beliefs paved the way for goal-setting and leading a meaningful life but, on the negative side, could also result in social exclusion. Results are discussed with reference to the adaptive value of paranormal beliefs.
- Published
- 2023
34. Risikokommunikation zur Stärkung privater Eigenvorsorge : Abschlussberichts des Vorhabens „Analyse und Anwendung innovativer Instrumente der Steuerung und Kommunikation zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel“. Forschungskennzahl FKZ 3718 48 101 0
- Author
Siedschlag, Daniela, Kuhlicke, Christian, Köhler, S., Masson, T., Bamberg, S., Olfert, A., Hutter, G., Osberghaus, D., Siedschlag, Daniela, Kuhlicke, Christian, Köhler, S., Masson, T., Bamberg, S., Olfert, A., Hutter, G., and Osberghaus, D.
- Abstract
Das Projekt „PIVO – Private Eigenvorsorge“ untersuchte, wie sich verschiedene im Rahmen des Projektes entwickelte Kommunikationsformate (ein Serious Game zum Hochwasserschutz, eine Simulation sowie eine Vorsorge-Informationskampagne) auf die Motivation privater Bürger*innen zur Eigenvorsorge vor den Folgen des Klimawandels auswirken. Dazu wurde ein innovatives Kontrollgruppen-Evaluationsdesign entwickelt, in dessen Rahmen die Kommunikationsformate in sechs Kommunen in Sachsen umgesetzt und empirisch auf ihre Wirksamkeit hin überprüft wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die umgesetzten Formate insbesondere die Motivation zur Verhaltensvorsorge und Bauvorsorge steigern sowie Normen-Einstellung zu Eigenvorsorge ändern. Alle drei Faktoren haben sich in den Interventionskommunen im Vergleich zu den Kontrollkommunen signifikant positiv verändert. Auch konnte PIVO zeigen, dass digitale interaktive Formate eine signifikante Wirkung auf verhaltensbezogene Variablen (z.B. private Eigenvorsorgemaßnahmen) und auf wichtige Einflussgrößen von Verhalten (z.B. wahrgenommene Selbstwirksamkeit) haben. Digitale Formate wirken vor allem bei Personen, die ursprünglich eine geringe Motivation zur Eigenvorsorge aufwiesen. Dieser Bericht gibt einen detaillierten und illustrativen Überblick zu den entwickelten Kommunikationsformaten und wie sie auf die Motivation zur Eigenvorsorge gewirkt haben. Ebenso wird der Evaluationsrahmen vorgestellt, der es erlaubt, die Wirkung der Kommunikation auf die Motivation zur Eigenvorsorge zu bewerten. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen der Wirkungsanalyse sowie den während des Projekts gemachten Erfahrungen, werden abschließend Empfehlungen geben, die sich sowohl an die Praxis der Risikokommunikation im Kontext der Klimaanpassung richten als auch auf die Weiterentwicklung rigoroser Evaluationsansätze im Bereich der handlungsaktivierenden Risikokommunikation beziehen. &n
- Published
- 2023
35. Berufliche Identitätsentwicklung und Laufbahnadaptabilität : Zentrale Faktoren der beruflichen Entwicklung kaufmännischer Auszubildender
- Author
Kirchknopf, Sebastian and Kirchknopf, Sebastian
- Abstract
Vor dem Hintergrund der Herausforderungen für die individuelle Laufbahnentwicklung im Zuge zunehmender arbeitsweltlicher Flexibilisierung, Selbststeuerung und Subjektivierung, haben sich die berufliche Identität und die Laufbahnadaptabilität (career adaptability) als zentrale Größen der modernen Laufbahngestaltung etabliert (Savickas 2011). Dabei werden beide Konstrukte häufig als wechselseitig aufeinander bezogen dargestellt, wobei der (beruflichen) Identität eine gewisse Orientierungsfunktion in Bezug auf berufliche Anpassung- und Entwicklungsprozesse zukommt, während die (Laufbahn-)Adaptabilität die erforderlichen Dispositionen und Ressourcen für die notwendigen Anpassungs- und Umorientierungsleistungen umfasst (Hall 2004; Fugate et al 2004). Das Konstrukt der beruflichen Identität ist seit langem auch fester Bestandteil innerhalb des berufs- und wirtschaftspädagogischen Diskurses, da ihm für die Entwicklung beruflicher Handlungskompetenz sowie die Sozialisation der beruflichen Lernenden hohe Bedeutung beigemessen wird (Lempert 2009). Demgegenüber wurde der Adaptabilitätsbegriff aus berufs- und wirtschaftspädagogischer Perspektive bislang deutlich weniger stark aufgegriffen, obwohl seine Bedeutung für das Verständnis beruflicher Anpassungs- und Integrationsprozesse gerade beim Eintritt in das Berufsleben im internationalen Kontext seit längerem diskutiert wird (Savickas 1997, 2005). Im Verhältnis zur beruflichen Identität erscheint dabei essenziell, ob Laufbahnadaptabilität im Berufsbildungskontext eher als förderliches Element beruflicher Integration (Savickas 2013) oder als berufliche Flexibilitäts- und Mobilitätsorientierung verstanden werden kann, die tendenziell mit einer geringen arbeitsbezogenen Verbundenheit einhergeht (Briscoe/Hall 2006). Für eine nähere Betrachtung des Zusammenwirkens beider Konstrukte im Kontext der kaufmännischen Berufsbildung ist allerdings auch auf Seiten der beruflichen Identität eine Klärung der konzeptionellen Ausgestaltung sowie, Against the background of the challenges for individual career development, with regard to increasing work-related flexibilization, self-direction, and subjectification, vocational identity and career adaptability have been established as central variables of modern career development (Savickas 2011). In this context, both constructs are often depicted as interrelated, with (vocational) identity having a certain orientation function with respect to career adaptation and career development processes, while (career) adaptability encompasses the necessary dispositions and resources for the required adaptation and reorientation efforts (Hall 2004; Fugate et al 2004). The construct of vocational identity has long been an integral part within the discourse of vocational and business education, as it is considered to be of high importance for the development of professional competence as well as for the socialisation of vocational learners (Lempert 2009). In contrast, the concept of adaptability has received much less attention from the perspective of vocational and business education, although its importance for the understanding of vocational adaptation and integration processes has been discussed in the international context for a long time (Savickas 1997, 2005). In relation to vocational identity, it seems essential to consider whether career adaptability in the VET context can be understood as a beneficial element of vocational integration (Savickas 2013) or rather as a professional flexibility and mobility orientation that tends to be associated with low work-related attachment (Briscoe/Hall 2006). For a closer look at the interaction of both constructs in the context of commercial vocational training, however, a clarification of the conceptual approach to vocational identity as well as the content-related specifics of the identity construction and development of commercial trainees is also indicated. In order to investigate the relevance of vocational identity and c
- Published
- 2023
36. Verzahnung der Sozialversicherung mit der betrieblichen Personalpolitik
- Author
Nebe, Katja, Mülheims, Laurenz, editor, Hummel, Karin, editor, Peters-Lange, Susanne, editor, Toepler, Edwin, editor, and Schuhmann, Iris, editor
- Published
- 2015
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37. „Hochlagenfichten“ in Mitteleuropa -- ein zusammenfassender Beitrag zur phänotypischen und (epi)genetischen Differenzierung innerhalb Picea abies (L.) H.KARST.
- Author
- Published
- 2020
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38. Klimawandel und Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit.
- Author
Augustin, Jobst
- Subjects
CLIMATE change - Abstract
Klimatische Veränderungen haben mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit einen Einfluss auf die menschliche Gesundheit. Studien zeigen bereits die Auswirkungen, die zukünftig vermutlich noch an Relevanz gewinnen werden. Multikausale Zusammenhänge erschweren aber detaillierte Aussagen zu den künftigen Auswirkungen klimatischer Veränderungen auf die Gesundheit. Trotz Unsicherheiten kommt den Anpassungsmaßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Folgen des Klimawandels auf Morbidität und Mortalität eine hohe Bedeutung zu. It can be assumed that climatic change has probably an impact on human health. Scientific studies are already showing the first effects, which are likely to become even more relevant in the future. Multi-causal relationships, however, make detailed statements on the future effects of climatic changes on health more difficult. Despite uncertainties, adaptation to reduce the effects of climate change on morbidity and mortality are of particular importance. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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39. KLIMPRAX Stadtklima: Ansätze für eine hitzeangepasste Stadtplanung.
- Author
Hoeckner, Harald, Stecking, Michaela, and Singer-Posern, Sonja
- Subjects
URBAN planning ,CLIMATE change ,URBAN climatology ,HEAT ,CLIMATOLOGY - Abstract
Verursacht durch den Klimawandel steigen die Temperaturen und belasten die Bewohner unserer Städte. Nicht alle Menschen leiden gleich unter Hitze. Alter und Armut können zu intensiverer Belastung führen. Die Stadtplanung ist gefragt, dieser Problematik entgegenzuwirken. Das vorliegende Projekt stellt eine Methodik vor, die Rückschlüsse auf das gesundheitliche Risiko durch Hitze besonderer Gruppen erlaubt, demografische, sozioökonomische und Klimadaten kombiniert und Planungshinweise gibt. Cities and citizens are increasingly suffering from raising temperatures due to climate change. Heat does not affect all people equally. Age and poverty can increase the impact. Particularly urban planning is asked to come up with solutions for this dilemma. This project introduces a method combining demographic, socioeconomic and climate data, allowing to draw conclusions on heat induced health risks while giving recommendations for adapted urban planning. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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40. Geltendmachung von Gestaltungsrechten.
- Author
Kogler, Gabriel
- Abstract
Copyright of Juristische Blätter is the property of Verlag Oesterreich GmbH and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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41. Willentliches Vergessen – Voraussetzung für Flexibilität und Veränderungsfähigkeit in einer sich permanent verändernden Welt.
- Author
Schüffler, Arnulf, Thim, Christof, Haase, Jennifer, Gronau, Norbert, and Kluge, Annette
- Abstract
Copyright of Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO) is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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42. Priorities for protecting health from climate change in the WHO European Region: recent regional activities.
- Author
Kendrovski, Vladimir and Schmoll, Oliver
- Abstract
Copyright of Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz is the property of Springer Nature and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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43. Transformationspfade zur Klimaneutralität - Globale Herausforderung und lokales Handeln
- Author
Daniel Huppmann
- Subjects
Klimawandel ,Klimakrise ,Vermeidung von Treibhausgas-Emissionen ,Anpassung ,Wissenschaftskommunikation ,Erderhitzung - Abstract
Vortrag im Rahmen des Klima- und Umwelt-Tags der Marktgemeinde Laxenburg am 23. Mai 2023 Der Vortrag basiert auf Graphiken des 6. Sachstandsbericht des IPCC (AR6) #WissenSchafftKlimaschutz
- Published
- 2023
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44. Stadtklimalotse: Ein Entscheidungsunterstützungsinstrument für Kommunen
- Author
Rüdiger, Andrea, Jahn, Heiko J., editor, Krämer, Alexander, editor, and Wörmann, Tanja, editor
- Published
- 2013
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45. Zu den Erscheinungsformen, Funktionen und Folgen von Devianz in der Wissenschaft
- Author
Schmid, Christian Johann
- Subjects
field of science ,academic careers ,Wissenschaftler ,Wissenschaftsforschung ,Feld der Wissenschaft ,higher education research ,science studies ,Karriere ,Devianz ,Heterodoxie ,Wissenschaftskarrieren ,Hochschulforschung ,Anpassung ,Konformität ,Wissenschaft ,Abweichung ,Abweichendes Verhalten ,conformity - Published
- 2023
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46. 'Einfach so normal zu sein, das sind die Höhepunkte' : Qualitative Fallstudie über psychosoziale Faktoren in der Physiotherapie bei Menschen mit traumatisch bedingter Querschnittlähmung
- Author
Korak, Linda
- Subjects
Tetraplegia ,Bewältigung ,adjustment ,bio-psychosocial challenges ,Rückenmarksverletzung ,bio-psychosoziale Herausforderungen ,coping ,spinal paralysis ,Querschnittlähmung ,Physiotherapie ,Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) ,Anpassung ,Tetraplegie ,physiotherapy - Abstract
Menschen mit Querschnittlähmungen sind mit psychosozialen Herausforderungen konfrontiert, die Einfluss auf die Physiotherapie haben, wobei aber auch die Physiotherapie diese Faktoren beeinflussen kann. Ziel der Studie ist es, diese Ursachen der psychosozialen Einflussfaktoren zu identifizieren und Empfehlungen zu machen, wie man in der Physiotherapie negative psychosoziale Faktoren reduzieren und positive erhöhen kann. In Rahmen der Studie wurde eine qualitative Fallstudie angewendet, wobei die Situation eines Patienten von unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln beleuchtet wurde. Diese Untersuchungen fanden mittels Beobachtungen und Interviews statt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen psychosoziale Veränderungen in den Bereichen personenbezogene Faktoren, physische Faktoren, physiotherapeutische Therapiegestaltung, Interaktion und Kommunikation und externe Faktoren. Für die Physiotherapie empfiehlt sich die Persönlichkeit in der Therapiegestaltung und der Interaktion zu berücksichtigen, sich um ein Anstreben der größtmöglichen Selbstständigkeit zu bemühen, die autonome Motivation zu fördern und Spaß und Humor in die Therapie zu integrieren. People with paraplegia face psychosocial challenges that influence physical therapy, but physical therapy can also influence these factors. The aim of the study is to identify these causes of psychosocial influencing factors and to make recommendations on how to reduce negative psychosocial factors and increase positive ones in physiotherapy. Within the framework of the study, a qualitative case study was applied, examining a patient's situation from different angles. This research took place through observations and interviews. The results show psychosocial changes in the areas of person-related factors, physical factors, physiotherapy therapy design, interaction and communication, and external factors. For physiotherapy it is recommended to consider the personality in the therapy design and interaction, to strive for the greatest possible independence, to promote autonomous motivation and to integrate fun and humor into the therapy.
- Published
- 2023
47. Wissenspolitik im Kontext der internationalen Klimaverhandlungen: Der IPCC-Synthesebericht wird die COP28 und den Global Stocktake prägen
- Author
Hansen, Gerrit and Geden, Oliver
- Subjects
SPM ,IPCC ,Nationally Determined Contributions ,Summary for Policymakers ,burning embers ,Globale Bestandsaufnahme ,Weltklimarat ,Klimawandelfolgen ,Synthesebericht ,overshoot ,UNFCCC ,Global Stocktake ,ddc:320 ,Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ,Anpassung ,NDCs ,UN-Klimarahmenkonvention ,Netto-Null-Emissionen - Abstract
Mit der Veröffentlichung seines Syntheseberichts im März 2023 hat der Weltklimarat IPCC sein Arbeitsprogramm im sechsten Berichtszyklus abgeschlossen. Die IPCC-Berichte, und insbesondere deren politische Zusammenfassungen, liefern eine wissenschaftliche Basis für die Verhandlungen im Rahmen der UN-Klimarahmenkonvention (UNFCCC). Sie sind ein zentraler Orientierungspunkt der globalen Klimadebatte. Der jüngste Synthesebericht (SYR) gilt als eine der wichtigsten Informationsquellen für die im Pariser Abkommen vorgesehene erste Globale Bestandsaufnahme, die auf der UNFCCC-Vertragsstaatenkonferenz in Dubai (COP 28) im Dezember 2023 abgeschlossen werden soll. Die wissenspolitischen Kontroversen, die bei der Verabschiedung der Zusammenfassung sichtbar wurden, spiegeln Interessengegensätze wider, die die anstehende Runde neuer Emissionsminderungs- und Finanzierungszusagen prägen werden.
- Published
- 2023
48. Maßnahmenkatalog: Nachhaltige Klimaanpassung im Weinbau der Mittelmosel
- Author
Niewind, Jens
- Subjects
Mittelmoseltal ,Nachhaltigkeit ,Anpassung ,Anthropogener Klimawandel ,Weinbau - Abstract
Dieser Maßnahmenkatalog stellt Anpassungsoptionen für den Weinbau an der Mittelmosel vor. Die gemeinsam mit lokalen Akteur*innen erarbeiteten Maßnahmen zielen erstens darauf ab, konkrete Handlungsoptionen zur Anpassung des Weinbaus an den Klimawandel aufzuzeigen. Zweitens sollen durch strukturelle Maßnahmen bestehende regionalspezifische Herausforderungen adressiert und die generellen Anpassungskapazitäten der Akteur*innen an der Mittelmosel gestärkt werden.
- Published
- 2023
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49. Evaluierung von Maßnahmen zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel. Synthesebericht
- Author
Noltze, Martin, Köngeter, Alexandra, Mank, Isabel, Moull, Kevin, Rauschenbach, Mascha, and Deutsches Evaluierungsinstitut der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (DEval)
- Subjects
development policy ,Klimawandel ,evaluation ,Entwicklungspolitik ,Politikwissenschaft ,international relations ,Maßnahme ,Federal Republic of Germany ,adaptation ,measure ,Internationale Beziehungen ,Special areas of Departmental Policy ,International Relations, International Politics, Foreign Affairs, Development Policy ,Entwicklungszusammenarbeit ,Synthesebericht ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,spezielle Ressortpolitik ,climate change ,ddc:320 ,Anpassung ,internationale Beziehungen, Entwicklungspolitik ,Political science ,ddc:327 - Abstract
Der vorliegende Synthesebericht schließt die modulare DEval-Evaluierung von Maßnahmen zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel ab. Ziel des Berichts ist es, die Wirksamkeit des Anpassungsportfolios der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (EZ) und der Umsetzung des Mainstreamings von Anpassung sowie die Förderung von transformativen und konfliktsensiblen Anpassungsmaßnahmen zu bewerten. Neben einer Evaluierungssynthese zur Wirksamkeit der Maßnahmen nutzt die Evaluierung Fallanalysen, theoriebildende Schreibtischstudien und Workshop.
- Published
- 2023
50. Gap Analysis Between the Level of Heat Wave Adaptation Policy and Heat Wave Effects in South Korean Municipalities
- Author
Tae Ho Kim, Chang Sug Park, Sang-hyeok Lee, and Jung Eun Kang
- Subjects
Politikwissenschaft ,Raumplanung und Regionalforschung ,local politics ,factor analysis ,Südkorea ,adaptation ,Cluster-Analyse ,spezielle Ressortpolitik ,Kommunalpolitik ,South Korea ,environmental policy ,municipal administration ,ddc:710 ,Political science ,Landscaping and area planning ,Städtebau, Raumplanung, Landschaftsgestaltung ,Klimawandel ,Area Development Planning, Regional Research ,adaptation policy ,gap analysis ,heat wave ,local government ,municipal policies ,Special areas of Departmental Policy ,Faktorenanalyse ,Urban Studies ,climate change ,ddc:320 ,Anpassung ,Umweltpolitik ,Kommunalverwaltung ,cluster analysis - Abstract
This study aims to analyze the gap between the level of heat wave adaptation policies and heat wave effects in South Korean municipalities. First, the types of industries in municipalities were classified using factor analysis and cluster analysis. Second, the level of heat wave adaptation policy in the municipalities was assessed using a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process analysis. Third, the gap between the level of heat wave adaptation policy and the heat wave effect was analyzed. The results show that the heat wave adaptation policies were established in accordance with the heat wave effects to at least some degree. However, closer to the long-term future (2095), the policies have not sufficiently matched the level of heat wave effects. The proportion of municipalities with insufficient levels of heat wave adaptation policies against the heat wave effects was higher among urban-type municipalities. The analysis results suggest two policy implications. First, the heat wave adaptation policies of municipalities should be established through continuous feedback on the predictions of future heat wave effects. Second, urban-type municipalities should strengthen their planning authority and competence by securing a professional workforce and budgets for the establishment of heat wave adaptation policies.
- Published
- 2023
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