Epithelial ovarian cancer is the seventh most common cancer among women and the leading cause of gynecological cancer related deaths in Croatia. Approximately 70% of patients are diagnosed at an advanced stage of the disease (FIGO III and IV). The usual approach to treatment involves complete surgical cytoreduction (R0), followed by combined platinumbased chemotherapy. Bevacizumab is recommended to add to paclitaxel/carboplatin chemotherapy in patients diagnosed at FIGO IIIB and IIIC stage with residual disease after surgery and all patients FIGO IV stage of disease, which can extend the time to progression of the disease in these patients. In this retrospective study, we analyzed the medical data of 98 patients with newly diagnosed advanced FIGO IIIB-IV epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer treated at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics in the University Hospital Centre Zagreb in the period from January 2017 to December 2018. We have analyzed the followingdata: age, ECOG status, FIGO stage of disease, principle of surgery, pathohistological type of the tumor, number and type of adjuvant chemotherapy, application of bevacizumab, number of bevacizumab cycles, side effects related to bevacizumab therapy. Data from 98 patients were obtained. The median age was 60 years. The most patients were ECOG status 0-1 (78 %). According to the pathohistological findings, 89 % of patients had serous carcinoma, 5% endometrioid carcinoma, 3% mucinous carcinoma, 1% clear cell carcinoma, 1% borderline tumors and 1% poorly differentiated epithelial carcinoma. Most of the patients (68.5%) were underwent to primary cytoreduction, 12% “interval debulking” operation, whereas biopsy was performed in only 19.5% patients. HIPEC during surgery had 6% of patients. Resection without residual disease was achieved in only 25.5% of patients underwent surgery, while in others were reported macroscopic residual disease after surgery. 87% of patients were treated with chemotherapy with paclitaxel and carboplatin in three weeks schedule. 38 patients received antiangiogenetic drug bevacizumab. After exclusion of patients with a poor general condition (ECOG 2-4) and patients with FIGO stage IIIB and IIIC without residual disease after surgery, the percentage of patients receiving bevacizumab was 56% in 2017 and 75% in 2018. The average number of received cycles was 13 (range 1-22), and 8 patients continued the therapy in May 2019. Sixty-eight percent of the patients which received bevacizumab did not have any side effects associated with the bevacizumab therapy. The most common side effects associated with the bevacizumab were hypertension, development of deep vein thrombosis, ileus and proteinuria. In Croatia, since February 2017, we have the possibility of using bevacizumab for the treatment of newly diagnosed ovarian cancer patients stage IV or incompletely resected patients stages III B and III C. Our results are in concordance with the literature data and show that we can safely add bevacizumab to the first line chemotherapy of advanced ovarian cancer., Epitelni rak jajnika je sedmi najčešći maligni tumor u ženskoj populaciji i najčešći uzrok smrti od malignih ginekoloških tumora u Hrvatskoj. U vrijeme dijagnoze, oko 70% bolesnica nalazi se u uznapredovalom stadiju bolesti (stadiji FIGO III i IV). Uobičajeni pristup liječenju uključuje pokušaj kompletne kirurške citoredukcije (R0), nakon koje slijedi kombinirana kemoterapija na bazi platine. Kod bolesnica stadija bolesti FIGO IIIB i IIIC kod kojih postoji ostatna bolest nakon operativnog zahvata ili pak kod stadija FIGO IV, preporučuje se kemoterapiji dodati inhibitor angiogeneze (bevacizumab), kojim se može produžiti vrijeme do progresije bolesti u tih bolesnica. Ovom retrospektivnom analizom obuhvatili smo medicinske podatke 98 bolesnica s novodijagnosticiranim uznapredovalim (FIGO IIIB-IV) epitelnim rakom jajnika, jajovoda ili primarnog peritonealnog raka liječenih u Klinici za ginekologiju i porodništvo, Kliničkog bolničkog centra Zagreb u razdoblju od 01.01.2017. do 31.12.2018. Ispitivali smo slijedeće parametre: dob, ECOG status, stadij bolesti, princip kirurškog liječenja, patohistološki tip tumora, tip i broj kemoterapijskih ciklusa, aplikacija bevacizumaba, broj ciklusa bevacizumaba, te nuspojave povezane sa terapijom bevacizumabom. Obrađeni su podaci 98 bolesnica. Prosječna dob bolesnica bila je 60 godina. Većina bolesnica bila je ECOG status 0-1 (78 %). Prema patohistološkom nalazu, serozni karcinom utvrđen je u 89% bolesnica, u 5% endometrioidni, 3% mucinozni, a po 1% su bili zastupljeni klarocelularni, bordeline tumori i slabo diferencirani epitelni karcinom. Većina bolesnica (68.5%) je podvrgnuta primarnoj citoredukciji, 12% “interval debulking” operaciji, dok je u 19.5% učinjena samo biopsija tumora. U 6% bolesnica je tijekom operacije proveden HIPEC. Resekcija bez rezidualne bolesti postignuta je u 25.5% bolesnica podvrgnutih operativnom zahvatu, dok je u drugih bolesnica zabilježena ostatna makroskopska bolest nakon operativnog zahvata. Trotjednom kemoterapijom paklitaksel/karboplatin liječeno je 87% bolesnica. Terapiju inhibitorom angiogeneze (bevacizumab) primilo je 38 bolesnica. Kada isključimo bolesnice lošeg općeg stanja (ECOG 2-4) te bolesnice bez ostatne makroskopske bolesti nakon operativnog zahvata stadija FIGO IIIB i IIIC, postotak bolesnica koje su primile bevacizumab bio je 56 % u 2017. godini i 75% u 2018.g. Prosječni broj primljenih ciklusa je 13 (raspon 1-22), a 8 bolesnica nastavilo je navedenu terapiju i u svibnju 2019. 68% bolesnica koje su liječene bevacizumabom nisu imale nikakvih nuspojava povezanih sa navedenom terapijom. Najčešće zabilježene nuspojave povezane s terapijom bevacizumabom bile su hipertenzija, razvoj duboke venske tromboze, ileus i proteinurija. U Hrvatskoj, od veljače 2017. godine imamo mogućnost primjene bevacizumaba u liječenju bolesnica s novodijagnosticiranim rakom jajnika stadija IV ili stadija IIIB i IIIC kod kojih postoji ostatna bolest nakon operativnog zahvata. Naši rezultati su u skladu s literaturnim podacima i pokazuju da sigurno možemo dodati bevacizumab prvolinijskom liječenju u bolesnica s uznapredovalim rakom jajnika.