On 25 September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly formally adopted the universal, integrated and transformative 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. According to this document, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) should be achieved within the year 2030 to boost a successful transition toward a sustainable society and a resource-efficient economy. The European Union has accepted the SDGs and has committed itself to implement them in its internal and external policies. By considering the targets established by the European Union policy for the year 2030, the CHERISH products have been defined according to the 17 SDGs, especially to those that can improve the sustainable management and valorization of Non-Reproducible Goods (NRGs) in the Member States. In this regard, the document "Culture for the 2030 Agenda", published by UNESCO in 2018, has been used by the CHERISH partnership as a useful tool to accurately relate the SDGs to the main features of the management of NRGs that can be detected at national level in each of the five European Countries involved in the Project. Moreover, since SDGs were designed to be coherent with the three dimensions of Sustainable Development (economic, social and environmental) by balancing them through an holistic approach, the CHRISH partnership decided to critically discuss the impact that the most relevant country-specific issues and excellences in the field of preservation of NRGs have on local environment, economy and society. By following this conceptual approach, the CHRISH Partners agreed to produce documents that report and discuss: - the main country-specific issues and excellences concerning sustainable management of NRGs, by presenting the most relevant point of strength and the most pressing problem that can be detected at national level in the field of each of the two major categories of NRGs, which are Cultural Heritage and Natural Capital; - the way how these main features of the national management of NRGs positively and negatively affect their respective Countries as well as the achievement of specific SDGs foreseen for the year 2030; - the impact that the main features of the national management of NRGs produce on the local environmental dimension, by highlighting good practices, strategies and tools that further strengthen the national excellences as well as those aspects that should be improved in order to overcome the country-specific issues; - the way how the economy of their respective Countries is linked to the main features of the national management of NRGs and the strategies put in place by local enterprises and public bodies in order to contribute to the sustainable valorization of Cultural Heritage and Natural Capital; - the social impact that the main features of the national management of NRGs have on their respective Countries, by influencing their national policies, scientific knowledge, education and public awareness. To harmonize the National Reports produced for the Project, the analyses has been strongly based on data collected at International and European scale that were made available by internationally Certified Bodies, such as United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), European Group on Museum Statistics (EGMU) and Joint Research Center (JRC). This approach ensures that a common benchmark of knowledge is shared by all the partners of the Project.