221 results on '"Antonovsky"'
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2. Salutogenic Environmental Health Model—proposing an integrative and interdisciplinary lens on the genesis of health
- Author
Jule Anna Pleyer, Laura Dominique Pesliak, Annette Konstanze Fides Malsch, and Timothy McCall
- Subjects
salutogenesis ,environment ,health model ,Antonovsky ,interdisciplinary ,theoretical analysis ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
IntroductionThe maintenance of health is a central objective of public health initiatives. Within the salutogenic paradigm, health promotion is focused on understanding the mechanisms of health development. Models serve as indispensable tools. One of the leading paradigms in the health sciences is the Salutogenic Model developed by Aaron Antonovsky. However, it lacks sufficient specification to reflect the complexity of the environmental dimensions that have emerged from research in environmental health science. The interactions and impact pathways between these dimensions on health status are not adequately distinguished. The objective of this study is to address this gap by extending Antonovsky’s model to encompass environmental dimensions, that is, the interactions between humans and their environment. Furthermore, the study will integrate examples of models and theories from various disciplines to illustrate how a more comprehensive and holistic explanation of health development can be provided from an interdisciplinary environmental public health perspective.MethodologyAs part of a three-step approach, a Basic Model was first developed that integrates the five environmental dimensions—Natural, Built-Material, Socio-Cultural, Psycho-Social, and Individual—into the Salutogenic Model. Subsequently, narrative non-exhaustive literature research was used to identify interdisciplinary example models. The models were used to identify gaps in the Basic Model through a critical lens and to synthesize them into a more holistic model.ResultsThe synthesis of fifteen interdisciplinary models resulted in the development of an integrative Salutogenic Environmental Health Model (SEHM), which comprises twelve principal components of health development and their interactions and pathways. Links to the original models permit the user to refer back to them.DiscussionThis integrative approach offers a comprehensive understanding of the development of health by synthesizing disparate explanatory models and theories from various disciplines through theoretical analysis. The various environmental dimensions and the determinants of health contained therein, as well as their mental and physical processing and the associated components of health development and their interactions, are summarized in this new model. The SEHM thus enables a differentiated analysis of health determinants and serves as an operational framework for health promotion and pathways to well-being in contemporary research contexts.
- Published
- 2024
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3. Antonovsky
- Author
Maggino, Filomena, editor
- Published
- 2023
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4. Känslan av sammanhang, AI och rekrytering : En explorativ studie om HR-praktikers förväntningar och farhågor kring AI i rekryteringsprocessen
- Author
Fahlberg, Kim, Hildebrand, Pontus, Fahlberg, Kim, and Hildebrand, Pontus
- Abstract
Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie där vi valt att intervjua nio personer inom två olika organisationer, en medelstor Region och en statlig myndighet. Ingången till uppsatsen handlar om att få en inblick i vad rekryterare utan tidigare erfarenhet av AI i arbetet har för tankar, förhoppningar och farhågor till att själva möjligtvis ta stöd eller bli ersatta av AI i sitt arbete. Främst utgår vår teoretiska referensram utifrån Antonovskys teori för känsla av sammanhang, men tar även stöd i forskning som ger djupare förståelse för AI och dess användande, både idag och i framtiden. Resultatet var i viss mån en bit ifrån vad vi förväntat oss och var heller inte så tydliga som vi trodde. Det har kommit fram att rekryterare ser hela AI-konceptet som något spännande och tycker att det skulle kunna vara till stor hjälp i många moment av deras arbete. En önskan hos respondenterna är att AI kan frigöra tid till meningsfulla arbetsuppgifter där de idag tragglar med vad de själva anser vara tråkiga och tidsödande sådana. Det finns en övervägande tanke hos respondenterna att AI kommer att introduceras även hos dem men snarare som ett stöd i det arbete de utför än något som ersätter dem helt och hållet. Oavsett positiv eller negativ inställning till AI är upplevelsen att deras känsla av sammanhang på ett eller annat sätt kommer att påverkas.
- Published
- 2024
5. 'Jag kommer aldrig spela handboll, varför ska jag lära mig det?' : En studie av bedömning i boll och racketspel i idrott och hälsa årskurs 7-9
- Author
Eriksson, Peter and Eriksson, Peter
- Abstract
Tidigare forskning menar att många elever inte vet vad det är som bedöms i ämnet idrott och hälsa i allmänhet eller bollspel i synnerhet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur högstadielärare i idrott och hälsa kommunicerar och bedömer elevernas prestationer i boll- och racketspel, samt i vilken grad eleverna ges möjlighet att träna på det som bedöms. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer och observationer samlades data in från lärare och elever som sedan analyserades med hjälp av Antonovskys (1991) teori om KASAM (känsla av sammanhang) och de tre begreppen begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet. Resultatet visar att trots att lärarna ger eleverna tid att öva, är det ofta oklart för eleverna vad som kommer att bedömas. Kommunikationen kring syftet med dessa aktiviteter är bristfällig, vilket minskar elevernas förståelse, deras förmåga att hantera uppgifterna och upplevelsen av meningsfullhet. Bedömningen sker ofta i slutet av terminen eller digitalt, vilket minskar möjligheten till formativ feedback och därmed begränsar möjligheterna till återkoppling och reflektion. Studiens slutsatser understryker vikten av tydlig kommunikation om bedömningskriterier och behovet av effektiv feedback och reflektionstid för att förbättra elevers förståelse och engagemang, samt att skapa meningsfullhet i lärandet., Previous research suggests that many students do not know what is assessed in the school subject of physical education and health in general or ball games in particular. The purpose of the study was to investigate how upper secondary school teachers in physical education and health communicate and assess the students' performance in ball and racket games, as well as to what extent the students are given the opportunity to practice what is assessed. Through qualitative interviews and observations, data was collected from teachers and students which were then analyzed using Antonovsky's theory of KASAM (sense of coherence) (Antonovsky, 1991) and the three concepts of comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness. The results show that even though the teachers give the students time to practice, it is often unclear to the students what will be assessed. Communication about the purpose of these activities is lacking, which reduces students' understanding, their ability to handle the tasks and the experience of meaningfulness. The assessment often takes place at the end of the semester or digitally, which reduces the chance for formative feedback and thus limits the opportunities for feedback and reflection. The study's findings highlight the importance of clear communication about assessment criteria and the need for effective feedback and reflection time to improve student understanding and engagement, as well as to create meaningful learning.
- Published
- 2024
6. Association Between Sense of Coherence and Health Outcomes at 10 and 20 Years Follow-Up: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study in Germany
- Author
Anna Dziuba, Janina Krell-Roesch, Steffen C. E. Schmidt, Klaus Bös, and Alexander Woll
- Subjects
salutogenesis ,salutogenic ,sense of coherence ,antonovsky ,health ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Background: The sense of coherence (SOC) is reported to influence health, but health may also have an impact on SOC. The objective of this study was to examine the longitudinal associations between SOC and selected self-reported and physician-assessed health outcomes over a period of 10 and 20 years and to determine the predominant direction of the associations.Methods: We conducted a population-based, longitudinal study, involving 392 participants (188 females and 204 males; mean age 43.01 years) who were followed for a median of 10 and 18 years. Analyses of variance were carried out to examine the longitudinal associations between SOC at baseline and health outcomes (i.e., self-rated health status, SHS; physical health status assessed by a physician, PHS; self-reported satisfaction with life, SWL) at follow-ups. The direction of associations was examined using a cross-lagged model on correlation coefficients.Results: There were significant group effects for SOC at baseline on SHS at 20-year follow-up (F = 4.09, p = 0.018, ηp2 = 0.041), as well as on SWL at 10-year (F = 12.67, p < 0.01, ηp2 = 0.072) and at 20-year follow-up (F = 8.09, p < 0.1, ηp2 = 0.069). SHS (r = 0.238, p < 0.01), PHS (r = −0.140, p < 0.05) and SWL (r = 0.400, p < 0.01) predicted SOC at 10-year follow-up stronger than vice versa. The direction of associations between SOC and health parameters at 20-year follow-up was less consistent.Conclusions: The long-term associations between SOC and self-reported and physician-assessed health may be reciprocal in community-dwelling adults. More research is needed to examine the predictive power of health on SOC and whether interventions targeted at improving health parameters, may impact SOC.
- Published
- 2021
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7. Erfaringer med deltakelse på kommunale pårørendeskoler
- Author
Lill Sverresdatter Larsen, Jill-Marit Moholt, Torunn Hamran, Nils Henriksen, and Bodil H. Blix
- Subjects
Demens ,pårørendeskole ,pårørende ,mestring ,Antonovsky ,Dementia ,Nursing ,RT1-120 - Abstract
Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Det er sterke helsepolitiske føringer for at personer med demens skal bo hjemme så lenge som mulig, og det forventes at pårørende skal bidra i omsorgsarbeidet. Pårørendeskolen skal bidra til læring og mestring hos pårørende. Metode: Studien er basert på kvalitative intervju med 16 pårørende som hadde deltatt på pårørendeskoler i nordnorske kommuner i perioden 2010–2017. Intervjuene ble analysert ved hjelp av stegvis-deduktiv induktiv metode i lys av Antonovskys begrep om «opplevelse av sammenheng». Resultater: Deltakerne i studien uttrykte i all hovedsak positive erfaringer med pårørendeskolen, og tilbudet bidro til å gjøre pårørendes livssituasjon mer begripelig, håndterbar og meningsfull. Deltakerne pekte også på utfordringer relatert til temaene organisering og styring, åpenhet og utlevering, at kunnskap kunne oppleves både godt og vondt, udekte tematikker, og behov for videre oppfølging. Konklusjon: Studien tyder på at pårørendeskolen kan bidra til å gjøre pårørendes livssituasjon mer begripelig og håndterbar, og til mer åpenhet rundt demenssykdom. Tilbudet kan imidlertid ikke erstatte individuell og langvarig oppfølging av familier der en person har demenssykdom.
- Published
- 2020
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8. Older People with Diabetes and Life Transitions
- Author
Rasmussen, Bodil and Dunning, Trisha, editor
- Published
- 2018
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9. Perspectives on Salutogenesis of Scholars Writing in German: Contributions from Switzerland
- Author
Magistretti, Claudia Meier, Auerbach, Sarah, Mittelmark, Maurice B., editor, Sagy, Shifra, editor, Eriksson, Monica, editor, Bauer, Georg F., editor, Pelikan, Jürgen M., editor, Lindström, Bengt, editor, and Espnes, Geir Arild, editor
- Published
- 2017
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10. Measuring Purpose
- Author
Bronk, Kendall Cotton, Batthyany, Alexander, Series editor, and Batthyány, Alexander, editor
- Published
- 2016
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11. Gemenskapens betydelse för att stärka känslan av sammanhang på arbetet : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av känslan av sammanhang på ett detaljhandelsföretag
- Author
Ax, Rebecka, Grek, Stina, Ax, Rebecka, and Grek, Stina
- Abstract
För att främja hälsa och välbefinnande på arbetsplatser börjar ett perspektiv på arbetsmiljöarbete gå från att fokusera på vad som gör människor sjuka, till att fokusera på vad som gör människor friska. Ett hälsofrämjande arbetsmiljöarbete har därmed börjat att växa fram som innebär att utveckla, möjliggöra och bevara det som fungerar bra på arbetsplatsen. Känsla av sammanhang (KASAM), är en teori som myntades av Aaron Antonovsky (2005). Teorin kan användas i ett hälsofrämjande arbetsmiljöarbete då den kan ge en förståelse över vilka faktorer som kan främja hälsa. Begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet är teorins tre komponenter. Genom att stärka komponenterna kan hälsa främjas. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att skapa en förståelse för vilka faktorer som kan stärka känslan av sammanhang i arbetet och vidare beskriva hur känslan av sammanhang upplevs av de anställda på ett detaljhandelsföretag. Genom en abduktiv tematisk analys av åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer, studeras vilka förutsättningar arbetsgivaren ger de anställda för att stärka KASAM. Vidare studeras hur upplevelsen av känslan av sammanhang är ur ett medarbetarperspektiv. Studiens teoretiska referensram utgörs av Antonovskys teori känsla av sammanhang och dess tre komponenter. Utifrån intervjuerna visade det sig att det är ett öppet och familjärt klimat på företaget. Det visade sig även att de anställda stöttar varandra och är engagerade i sitt arbete. Av resultatet framkom att företaget har flera värderingar, varav en är tillsammans, vilket genomsyrar det mesta på företaget. Samtliga av de anställda tar fasta på värderingen tillsammans vilket präglar deras sätt att vara och agera. Genom värderingen tillsammans skapas en gemenskap på det undersökta detaljhandelsföretaget som är av betydelse för att stärka känslan av sammanhang., To promote health and well-being at workplaces, a perspective on work environment management has shifted from mainly focusing on what makes people sick, to another perspective, what makes them healthy and causes well-being. Health-promoting work environment management has thus begun to emerge, which means developing, enabling and preserving what works well in the workplace. Aaron Antonovsky (2005), founded a theory: Sense of coherence (SOC), which can be used in health-promoting work environment management as it can provide an understanding of which factors that can promote health. The SOC theory's components are comprehensibility, manageability, and meaningfulness and by strengthening the components, health can be promoted. The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of which factors that can strengthen the sense of coherence at work and also describe how the sense of coherence is experienced by the employees at a retail company. Through an abductive thematic analysis of eight semi-structured interviews, the prerequisites the employer gives the employees to strengthen SOC are studied. Furthermore, the experience on how the SOC is from the perspective of an employee are studied. The theoretical framework of the study is based on Antonovsky's theory sense of coherence and the three components. Based on the interviews, it turned out that there is an open and familiar atmosphere within the company. It also turned out that the employees support each other and are committed to their work. The results indicate that the company has several values, one of which is togetherness,which permeates most of the company. All employees adhere to the value togetherness, which characterizes their way of being and acting. Through the value togetherness, a fellowship is created within the retail company, which is important for strengthening the sense of coherence.
- Published
- 2023
12. Finding the Way Forward: The Lived Experience of People With Stroke After Participation in a Complex Psychosocial Intervention.
- Author
Kitzmüller, Gabriele, Mangset, Margrete, Evju, Anne S., Angel, Sanne, Aadal, Lena, Martinsen, Randi, Bronken, Berit A., Kvigne, Kari, Bragstad, Line K., Hjelle, Ellen G., Sveen, Unni, and Kirkevold, Marit
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STROKE treatment , *EMPATHY , *INTERPERSONAL relations , *INTERVIEWING , *PHENOMENOLOGY , *RESEARCH methodology , *PSYCHOTHERAPY , *RESEARCH funding , *JUDGMENT sampling , *PSYCHOSOCIAL factors , *SOCIAL support , *STROKE patients - Abstract
Stroke patients' well-being is threatened after stroke. A psychosocial intervention was developed for Norwegian stroke patients living in the community. Eight individual sessions between people with stroke and a trained health care professional were conducted 1 to 6 months post-stroke with one group of participants and 6 to 12 months post-stroke with another group. Subsequently, 19 of these stroke patients were interviewed to gain an in-depth understanding of their lived experience of the influence of the intervention on their adjustment process. Interview texts were analyzed using Ricoeur's interpretation theory. Two participants did not personally find the intervention useful. The remaining participants greatly appreciated dialogues with the empathetic intervention personnel, feeling free to discuss their fears and worries. The intervention raised these participants' awareness of their needs and resources. They were guided to resume their everyday life and adopt a future-oriented attitude. The intervention facilitated their meaning-making endeavors and post-stroke adjustment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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13. 'Polish Women’s Adaptation Experience on the Norwegian Job Market' A Qualitative Study about Polish Women in The Norwegian Job Market
- Author
Stava, Mariam
- Subjects
Polish women [Keywords] ,Sense of Coherence ,Kjærlighetsinnvandring ,Familiegjenforening ,Labor immigrants ,norsk arbeidsmarked ,Norwegian job market ,Keywords: Polish women ,Arbeidsinnvandrere ,Polske kvinner [Love immigration Nøkkelord] ,Antonovsky ,Self-Efficacy ,Family reunification ,Love immigration Nøkkelord: Polske kvinner - Abstract
Polske immigranter utgjør den største gruppen av arbeidsinnvandrere i Norge. For øyeblikket er det rundt 105 500 polske innvandrere bosatt i Norge. Mens sysselsettingsraten er relativt høy, har det blitt gjort lite forskning på arbeidsrelaterte mønstre, erfaringer og atferd blant polske kvinner som innvandret for å bli gjenforent med sine ektemenn/samboer. Formålet med denne studien er å utforske tilpasningserfaringen til disse kvinnene i det norske arbeidsmarkedet. Studien bruker Antonovskys teori om "Sense of Coherence" og Banduras "Self-efficacy" teori, sammen med et kjønnsperspektiv, som midler for å tolke funnene. Ni individuelle halvstrukturerte intervjuer ble gjennomført i denne kvalitative studien. Studien fant at disse kvinnene deltok aktivt i beslutningsprosessen som ledet frem til immigrasjon til Norge og hadde en karriereorientert tankegang til tross for å ha tradisjonelle syn på kvinnelige kjønnsroller. Studien fremhever også utfordringene disse kvinnene møtte i det norske arbeidsmarkedet mens de søkte arbeid, inkludert diskriminering, manglende språkkompetanse, manglende referanser og manglende jobberfaring fra det lokale arbeidsmarkedet. Funnene ga innsikt i strategiene som denne gruppen brukte for å komme inn på det lokale arbeidsmarkedet og de viktigste elementene de oppfattet som nødvendige for å oppnå suksess. Selv om arbeid hadde ulik betydning for hver kvinne synes flertallet at det var viktig for sosialisering, uavhengighet, språkutvikling, selvtillit og nytteverdi. Masteroppgave i helse og samfunn HELSAM395 MAMD-HESAM
- Published
- 2023
14. Bringing It All Together: The Salutogenic Response to Some of the Most Pertinent Public Health Dilemmas
- Author
Eriksson, Monica, Lindström, Bengt, Morgan, Antony, editor, Davies, Maggie, editor, and Ziglio, Erio, editor
- Published
- 2010
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15. „Sense-of-coherence“-Skala nach Antonovsky als möglicher Prädiktor für den Wiedereinstieg in das Berufsleben für herzchirurgische Intensivpatienten.
- Author
Benstoem, C., Wübker, R., Lüngen, M., Breuer, T., Marx, G., Autschbach, R., Goetzenich, A., and Schnoering, H.
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THORACIC surgery , *CRITICAL care medicine , *EMPLOYMENT reentry , *PSYCHOLOGICAL tests , *QUALITY of life , *SELF-perception - Abstract
Background: For cardiac surgery patients who were employed prior to surgery, the return to their professional life is of special importance. In addition to medical reasons, such as pre-existing conditions, the success of the operation or postoperative course and patient-intrinsic reasons, which can be assessed with the Sense of Coherence (SOC) scale by Antonovsky, may also play a role in the question of a possible return into working life.Methods: In this study 278 patients (invasive coronary artery bypass graft surgery and/or surgery on heart valves, age < 60 years, employed) were questioned postoperatively via post with the SOC questionnaire. The SOC questionnaire was used in addition to questions about return to work. The cohort was stratified according to the time of return to work. Subsequently, the point of maximum sensitivity and specificity was determined for the total SOC score and the prediction power was considered.Results: Of the 278 patients, 61 questionnaires (22%) were considered as eligible and included in the analysis. Of these, 47 participants had returned to work after undergoing cardiac surgery and 14 participants had not. We observed significant differences in SOC values between both groups (146.07 ± 29.76 versus 124.29 ± 28.8, p = 0.020). Patients that returned to work within the first 6 months after surgery showed even higher SOC scores (148.56 ± 28.98, p = 0.034).Conclusion: Patients with an SOC score < 130 are at greater risk not to return to their professional life after cardiac surgery. The SOC is an easily obtainable score that reliably predicts the probability of return to work after cardiac surgery. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2018
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16. IT Project Managers' TEAM ROLE AND SENSE OF COHERENCE: A pilot study in Sweden.
- Author
- Subjects
PROJECT managers ,PROJECT management ,TEAMS in the workplace ,INDUSTRIAL management ,SENSE of coherence - Abstract
The project manager's team role and sense of coherence can significantly influence the project role. A pilot study was conducted by a web survey; 35 IT project managers from Swedish public authorities participated. Questionaries' from Belbin's and Antonovsky's books was used for the web survey. Research findings showed that Belbin's team role shaper was the strongest and implementer was the second strongest. Twelve of the respondents had a strong sense of coherence, 21 had normal, and two had weak. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
17. Development of Sense of Coherence Stability in the AGORA Healthy Ageing Study
- Author
Sanna, Francesca, Galletta, Maura, Koelen, Maria, Contu, Paolo, Sanna, Francesca, Galletta, Maura, Koelen, Maria, and Contu, Paolo
- Abstract
Sense of coherence (SOC) is a psycho-social trait formed in childhood or adolescence, allowing individuals to be more resilient to daily life stressors, stay well, and improve their personal health. Although SOC remains stable after the age of thirty, only a few studies investigated its stability in adulthood. The aim was to investigate the development of SOC over time in 489 participants and its association with age, gender, educational level, or negative life events. The study was performed as part of the Healthy Ageing project of the Academic Collaborative Centre AGORA, a longitudinal study involving four municipalities of Eastern Netherlands. A self-administrated questionnaire was used to monitor the SOC of the elderly in 2008, 2010, and 2013, using the Orientation to Life Questionnaire (SOC-13). The analysis included repeated-measures ANOVA analysis and bivariate analysis using Pearson’s chi square test. We found no statistically significant variation in SOC over time (F (2, 282) = 2.99, p = 0.052) and no significant association with age (F (2, 282) = 2.851, p = 0.06), gender (F (2, 282) = 0.845, p = 0.43), or educational level (F (2, 282) = 0.708, p = 0.49). SOC remained stable in the elderly population, even if they experienced negative events over their lifespan.
- Published
- 2022
18. Foreldresamarbeid. «Hvordan kan oppmerksomhet på foreldresamarbeid bidra til å fremme det psykososiale miljøet for de eldste barna i barnehagen?»
- Author
Lea, May Rita Hadland
- Subjects
Antonovsky ,barnehager ,helsefremmende relasjonsarbeid ,relasjoner ,informasjon ,trygghetssirkelen ,psykososialt miljø ,Bronfenbrenner ,foreldresamarbeid - Abstract
Formålet med denne kvalitative masteroppgaven er å fortolke og beskrive foreldre og barnehageansatte sin opplevelse av foreldresamarbeidet opp mot det psykososiale miljøet i barnehagen. Informantene ble rekruttert fra storbarnsavdeling i en barnehage. Datainnsamlingen ble utført med semistrukturerte fokusgruppeintervju, ett med åtte foreldre som hadde barn på storbarnsavdeling, og ett med seks ansatte fra samme storbarnsavdeling i barnehagen. Intervjuene ble tatt opp og transkribert, og datamaterialet er blitt analysert ved hjelp av tematisk analyse samt fortolkning av data ut fra teori. Bakgrunnen for oppgaven er forskning som viser at flesteparten av alle barn i Norge mellom 1-6 år går i barnehage, og barnehagen er en svært betydningsfull arena i livet til små barn. Tett og godt samarbeid mellom hjem og barnehage vil være viktig for et trygt og godt barnehagemiljø for barna. Utgangspunkt for studien er derfor følgende problemstilling: «Hvordan kan oppmerksomhet på foreldresamarbeid bidra til å fremme det psykososiale miljøet for de eldste barna i barnehagen?» Spørsmål som videre reises er hvordan kan vi oppnå et tillitsfullt samarbeid mellom hjem og barnehage? På hvilken måte kan foreldresamarbeid påvirke det psykososiale miljøet i barnehagen? Samt hvordan kan barnehageansatte bidra slik at alle kan kjenne på at de er betydningsfulle foreldre? Det teoretiske grunnlaget for oppgaven er Bronfenbrenner sin utviklingsøkologiske modell (1979), Antonovskys Salutogense (1979) og perspektiver på samarbeid mellom hjem og barnehage samt psykososialt miljø. Hovedlinjene i funnene viser at kommunikasjon og personlig informasjon er noe både barnehageansatte og foreldre er svært opptatt av, men spesielt foreldre hadde stort behov for at dette ble ivaretatt. Videre er ansatte opptatt av bygging av gode relasjoner for å oppnå trygghet og tillit hos foreldrene. Tilhørighet er et annet hovedfunn i studien, der foreldre og ansatte poengterte viktigheten av gode vennskap. Trygghetssirkelen er et kjent verktøy i aktuell barnehage. Ved å benytte denne modellen vurderer både foreldre og ansatte at den hjelper de til å se alle barna sine behov gjennom dagen. Resultatene viser at det er stort engasjement rundt temaet, og at det er viktig at foreldre og personalet i barnehagen sammen har ansvar for foreldresamarbeidet. Gode relasjoner og tilfredsstillende kommunikasjon mellom hjem og barnehage viser seg å være av stor betydning.
- Published
- 2022
19. Positive Pedagogy for sport coaching.
- Author
Light, Richard L. and Harvey, Stephen
- Subjects
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COACHING (Athletics) , *TEACHING methods , *POSITIVE psychology , *ATHLETE training , *SPORTS psychology - Abstract
The literature suggests that, despite some challenges in their implementation, player/athlete-centred, inquiry-based approaches to teaching games and coaching team sport can improve game playing ability, increase player/athlete motivation and provide positive affective experiences of learning. A range of these approaches, including Teaching Games for Understanding, Game Sense, Play Practice and the Tactical-Decision Learning Model vary in detail but share enough in common to be referred as game-based or game-centred approaches. This includes the central role that dialogue, reflection and purposeful social interaction play in facilitating learning and the deep understanding that they can promote. While these approaches are widely referred to as instructional models for teaching and coaching consideration of the common pedagogical features they share offers an alternative conception that creates possibilities for promoting the same positive learning outcomes in sports beyond team games. In this article, we examine the concept of Positive Pedagogy as an extension of Game Sense pedagogy beyond games and team sports to explore what it has to offer coaching across a range of sports. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2017
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20. Association Between Sense of Coherence and Health Outcomes at 10 and 20 Years Follow-Up: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study in Germany
- Author
Dziuba, Anna, Krell-Roesch, Janina, Schmidt, Steffen C. E., Bös, Klaus, and Woll, Alexander
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Sense of Coherence ,antonovsky ,salutogenic ,health ,Athletic & outdoor sports & games ,Germany ,Outcome Assessment, Health Care ,Humans ,salutogenesis ,Female ,Public Health ,Longitudinal Studies ,ddc:796 ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 ,Original Research - Abstract
Background: The sense of coherence (SOC) is reported to influence health, but health may also have an impact on SOC. The objective of this study was to examine the longitudinal associations between SOC and selected self-reported and physician-assessed health outcomes over a period of 10 and 20 years and to determine the predominant direction of the associations.Methods: We conducted a population-based, longitudinal study, involving 392 participants (188 females and 204 males; mean age 43.01 years) who were followed for a median of 10 and 18 years. Analyses of variance were carried out to examine the longitudinal associations between SOC at baseline and health outcomes (i.e., self-rated health status, SHS; physical health status assessed by a physician, PHS; self-reported satisfaction with life, SWL) at follow-ups. The direction of associations was examined using a cross-lagged model on correlation coefficients.Results: There were significant group effects for SOC at baseline on SHS at 20-year follow-up (F = 4.09, p = 0.018, ηp2 = 0.041), as well as on SWL at 10-year (F = 12.67, p < 0.01, ηp2 = 0.072) and at 20-year follow-up (F = 8.09, p < 0.1, ηp2 = 0.069). SHS (r = 0.238, p < 0.01), PHS (r = −0.140, p < 0.05) and SWL (r = 0.400, p < 0.01) predicted SOC at 10-year follow-up stronger than vice versa. The direction of associations between SOC and health parameters at 20-year follow-up was less consistent.Conclusions: The long-term associations between SOC and self-reported and physician-assessed health may be reciprocal in community-dwelling adults. More research is needed to examine the predictive power of health on SOC and whether interventions targeted at improving health parameters, may impact SOC.
- Published
- 2021
21. Development of Sense of Coherence Stability in the AGORA Healthy Ageing Study
- Author
Francesca Sanna, Maura Galletta, Maria Koelen, and Paolo Contu
- Subjects
Adult ,adulthood ,Adolescent ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,WASS ,health ,sense of coherence ,Netherlands ,Antonovsky ,life events ,Healthy Aging ,Health and Society ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Humans ,Educational Status ,Longitudinal Studies ,Gezondheid en Maatschappij ,Aged - Abstract
Sense of coherence (SOC) is a psycho-social trait formed in childhood or adolescence, allowing individuals to be more resilient to daily life stressors, stay well, and improve their personal health. Although SOC remains stable after the age of thirty, only a few studies investigated its stability in adulthood. The aim was to investigate the development of SOC over time in 489 participants and its association with age, gender, educational level, or negative life events. The study was performed as part of the Healthy Ageing project of the Academic Collaborative Centre AGORA, a longitudinal study involving four municipalities of Eastern Netherlands. A self-administrated questionnaire was used to monitor the SOC of the elderly in 2008, 2010, and 2013, using the Orientation to Life Questionnaire (SOC-13). The analysis included repeated-measures ANOVA analysis and bivariate analysis using Pearson’s chi square test. We found no statistically significant variation in SOC over time (F (2, 282) = 2.99, p = 0.052) and no significant association with age (F (2, 282) = 2.851, p = 0.06), gender (F (2, 282) = 0.845, p = 0.43), or educational level (F (2, 282) = 0.708, p = 0.49). SOC remained stable in the elderly population, even if they experienced negative events over their lifespan.
- Published
- 2022
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22. Idrott och hälsa, ett ämne i hälsans tecken? : Lärares tolkningar av begreppet hälsa och deras beskrivningar av hur de undervisar hälsa.
- Author
Skoghäll, Joel and Skoghäll, Joel
- Abstract
Studien har undersökt hur lärare tolkar begreppet hälsa och hur de beskriver att de undervisar hälsa i sin praktiska undervisning. För att besvara dessa frågor har en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer använts. Totalt har nio respondenter intervjuats och resultatet vi- sar att lärarna beskriver hälsa genom en helhetssyn där fysisk, psykisk, och social hälsa ingår. Det visar också att det saknas en systematik och struktur samt att det finns en osäkerhet när de ska beskriva hur deras undervisning i hälsa genomförs. Vidare visar resultatet att idrott och hälsa ofta särskiljs och att hälsoundervisningen främst sker teoretiskt. Slutsatsen är att det fö- refaller svårt att omsätta hälsobegreppet till den praktiska undervisningen inom idrott och hälsa och att den ofta sker på många olika sätt och med olika ingångsvärden. Genom att appli- cera och använda modellen KASAM kan det finns möjligheter för yrkespraktiken att skapa en struktur och ett ämne som går i hälsans tecken, där elever deltar och samtidigt mår bra.
- Published
- 2021
23. Personers upplevelser av att leva med Alzheimers sjukdom : En litteraturstudie
- Author
Lundvall, Anna, Hedlund, Fanny, Lundvall, Anna, and Hedlund, Fanny
- Abstract
Demenssjukdom är något som ökar i samhället relaterat till att befolkningen lever längre och på så sätt ökar även medellivslängden. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att från ett inifrånperspektiv beskriva personers upplevelser av att leva med Alzheimers sjukdom i ett tidigt stadie. Efter litteratursökningen och kvalitetsgranskningen valdes 11 artiklar ut, dessa analyserades med manifest induktiv kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Analysen resulterade i sju slutkategorier; Att förlora sig själv, Att ha svårigheter att acceptera sjukdomen och behålla sin värdighet, Att minnet blir sämre, Att osäkerhet leder till isolering, Att vilja vara fysiskt aktiv, Att bli beroende av anhöriga och vänner och Att det är svårt att se en framtid. Slutsatsen i denna litteraturstudie var att personer som lever med Alzheimers sjukdom med hjälp av en personcentrerad vård och hjälp av tidiga insatser lättare kan nå upp till Aaron Antonovskys teori om KASAM (känslan av sammanhang).
- Published
- 2021
24. Sense of coherence and women's birthing outcomes: A longitudinal survey.
- Author
Ferguson, Sally, Browne, Jenny, Taylor, Jan, and Davis, Deborah
- Abstract
Background: in Western countries, caesarean section rates are increasing at an alarming rate. This trend has implications for women's health and calls into question the use of pathogenesis to frame maternity services. The theory of salutogenesis offers an alternative as it focuses on health rather than illness. Sense of coherence (SOC), the cornerstone of salutogenesis, is a predictive indicator of health. This study aimed to explore associations between pregnant women's SOC, their birthing outcomes and factors associated with SOC changes. Methods: a longitudinal survey was conducted where women completed a questionnaire in the antenatal and postnatal period. Questionnaire one provided information on SOC scores, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) scores, Support Behaviour Inventory (SBI) scores, pregnancy choices and demographics. Questionnaire two provided information on SOC scores, EPDS scores and birthing outcomes. Findings: 1074 women completed questionnaire one and 753 women completed questionnaire two. Compared to women with low antenatal SOC, women with high antenatal SOC were less likely to experience caesarean section (OR 0.437 95% CI 0.209-0.915) and more likely to experience assisted vaginal birth (AVB) (OR 3.108 95% CI 1.557-6.203). Higher birth satisfaction, higher antenatal EPDS scores and lower antenatal SOC were associated with an increase in SOC. Epidural, AVB and decreased birth satisfaction were associated with a decrease in SOC. Conclusion: high sense of coherence in pregnant women is associated with half the likelihood of caesarean section compared to women with low sense of coherence. Women's sense of coherence is raised and lowered by degree of satisfaction with their births and lowered by some labour interventions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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25. Sense of coherence and childbearing choices: A cross sectional survey.
- Author
Ferguson, Sally, Davis, Deborah, Browne, Jenny, and Taylor, Jan
- Abstract
Background: as concern for increasing rates of caesarean section and interventions in childbirth in Western countries mounts, the utility of the risk approach (inherent in the biomedical model of maternity care) is called into question. The theory of salutogenesis offers an alternative as it focuses on the causes of health rather than the causes of illness. Sense of coherence (SOC), the cornerstone of salutogenic theory, is a predictive indicator of health. We hypothesised that there is a relationship between a woman's SOC and the childbirth choices she makes in pregnancy. Methods: the study aims to investigate the relationship between SOC and women's pregnancy and anticipated labour choices. A cross sectional survey was conducted where eligible women completed a questionnaire that provided information on SOC scores, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression (EPDS) scores, Support Behaviour Inventory (SBI) scores, pregnancy choices and demographics. Findings: 1074 pregnant women completed the study. Compared to women with low SOC, women with high SOC were older, were less likely to identify pregnancy conditions, had lower EPDS scores and higher SBI scores. SOC was not associated with women's pregnancy choices. Conclusion: this study relates SOC to physical and emotional health in pregnancy as women with high SOC were less likely to identify pregnancy conditions, had less depressive symptoms and perceived higher levels of support compared to women with low SOC. Interestingly, SOC was not associated with pregnancy choices known to increase normal birth rates. More research is required to explore the relationship between SOC and women's birthing outcomes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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26. Examining the Validity and Reliability of Antonovsky’s Sense of Coherence Scale in a Population of Pregnant Australian Women.
- Author
Ferguson, Sally, Davis, Deborah, Browne, Jenny, and Taylor, Jan
- Subjects
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MATERNAL health , *SENSE of coherence , *MATERNAL age , *PSYCHOMETRICS - Abstract
Antonovsky’s Orientation to Life questionnaires were developed to measure sense of coherence (SOC). Although the SOC 13 instrument is widely used to measure health in general populations, it has not been assessed in pregnant women. If the SOC 13 is to be used to assess women’s childbearing health, it requires further examination. The purpose of the research is to assess the psychometric properties of Antonovsky’s SOC 13 questionnaire in pregnant women. When administered to 718 pregnant Australian women, the construct validity of the SOC 13 was difficult to establish. The SOC 9 was created by removing 4 items and provided best data fit. The SOC 13 and SOC 9 were found to have sound criterion validity, internal reliability, and equivalence between versions. It is hoped that the present study will stimulate additional research on SOC scales to examine their ability to assess women’s childbearing health. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2015
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27. People's experience of living with Alzheimers disease : A literature review
- Author
Lundvall, Anna and Hedlund, Fanny
- Subjects
Antonovsky ,upplevelse ,kvalitativ innehållsanalys ,Omvårdnad ,litteraturstudie ,demens ,Nursing ,KASAM ,Alzheimers sjukdom - Abstract
Demenssjukdom är något som ökar i samhället relaterat till att befolkningen lever längre och på så sätt ökar även medellivslängden. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att från ett inifrånperspektiv beskriva personers upplevelser av att leva med Alzheimers sjukdom i ett tidigt stadie. Efter litteratursökningen och kvalitetsgranskningen valdes 11 artiklar ut, dessa analyserades med manifest induktiv kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Analysen resulterade i sju slutkategorier; Att förlora sig själv, Att ha svårigheter att acceptera sjukdomen och behålla sin värdighet, Att minnet blir sämre, Att osäkerhet leder till isolering, Att vilja vara fysiskt aktiv, Att bli beroende av anhöriga och vänner och Att det är svårt att se en framtid. Slutsatsen i denna litteraturstudie var att personer som lever med Alzheimers sjukdom med hjälp av en personcentrerad vård och hjälp av tidiga insatser lättare kan nå upp till Aaron Antonovskys teori om KASAM (känslan av sammanhang).
- Published
- 2021
28. En dypere sammenheng. Tro som kilde til opplevelse av sammenheng når psykose preger livet
- Author
Rahm, Agnes Oviedo
- Subjects
Antonovsky ,psykoselidelse ,religiøsitet ,psykisk helsevern ,tro - Abstract
Å tro og å praktisere vår tro er en rett vi alle har. Hvordan forholder vi oss til tro på institusjonene for psykisk helsevern i dag? Er troen også en rett for mennesker som i perioder bor der? I denne oppgaven undersøkes på hvilken måte sosialarbeideren kan imøtekomme religiøsitet på institusjoner i psykisk helsevern, og hvordan dette kan være en ressurs for mennesker med langvarige psykoselidelser. For å gjøre dette skal vi se i hvilken grad religiøsitet kan knyttes til Antonovskys begrep «opplevelse av sammenheng». Det er dette begrepet og sentrale elementer ved religiøsitet som vil utgjøre det litterære grunnlag. Som sosialarbeidere skal vi se hele mennesket. Når vi så møter religiøse individ, må religion naturligvis inngår i dette. Denne plikten gjelder alle brukere, også mennesker med langvarige psykoselidelser. Religiøsitet er derimot et tema som ofte neglisjeres i sosialt arbeid sin utdanning og praksis. Dette er en teoretisk oppgave som baserer seg på eksisterende litteratur og forsking på feltet. I diskusjonen kobles de ulike teoretiske perspektivene sammen med forskning på feltet for å finne svar på problemstillingen. Sunn religiøsitet kan se ut til å være en kilde til sammenheng i møte med psykosen. Gjennom ritualer, praksiser, felleskap og egen tro kan mening skapes i en heller kaotisk tilværelse. For at religiøsiteten ikke skal ta destruktive former er det sentralt at sosialarbeideren aktivt imøtekommer pasientens religiøsitet. Abstract To believe and to practice our faith is a right we all have. How do we relate to faith in the institutions of mental health care today? Is faith also a right for people who at times live there? This thesis examines how the social worker can accommodate religiosity in mental health care institutions, and how this can be a resource for people with long-term psychotic disorders. To do this, we will see the extent to which religiosity can be linked to Antonovsky's concept of "sense of coherence". It’s this concept and central elements of religiosity that will form the literary basis. As social workers, we must see the whole person. When we then meet religious individuals, religion must of course be included. This duty applies to all users, including people with long-term psychotic disorders. Religiosity, on the other hand, is a topic that is often neglected in social work's education and practice. This is a theoretical thesis based on existing literature and research in the field. In the discussion, the different theoretical perspectives are linked together with research in the field to find answers to the problem. Healthy religiosity may seem to be a source of SOC for persons with psychotic disorders. Through rituals, practices, fellowship and one's own faith, meaning can be created in a rather chaotic existence. In order for religiosity not to take destructive forms, it is important that the social worker actively respects and accommodates the patient's religiosity.
- Published
- 2021
29. Kroppsøving, helse og «folkehelse og livsmestring»
- Author
Byberg, Kristoffer
- Subjects
Antonovsky ,salutogent perspektiv ,folkehelse og livsmestring ,kroppsøving ,opplevelse av sammenheng ,helse ,patogent perspektiv - Abstract
Master i fysisk aktivitet og kosthald i eit skolemiljø Fakultet for lærarutdanning, kultur og idrett Institutt for idrett, kosthald og naturfag 14.05.2021 Helse blir ansett som et nasjonalpolitisk satsningsområde, og skolen blir sett på som gunstig arena for å bedre folkehelsen. Helse har vært en del av legitimeringsgrunnlaget for kroppsøvingsfaget fra tidligere av, og inngår i nyere legitimeringsdebatter hvor man har diskutert hvorvidt faget i større eller mindre grad, skal være rettet mot folkehelsen. Skolen har også innført nye læreplaner (LK20) hvor folkehelse og livsmestring er ett av tre nye tverrfaglige temaer som er knyttet til kroppsøvingsfaget. Hva helse er og kan være i faget, er imidlertid avhengig av hvordan vi forstår begrepet helse, og vil legge føringer for undervisningen knyttet til tematikken. Denne oppgaven drøfter helseaspektet i kroppsøvingsfaget sett fra et lærerperspektiv. Det er blitt gjennomført kvalitative dybdeintervju med fire kroppsøvingslærere hvor hensikten var å finne ut hvilke refleksjoner de gjorde seg rundt begrepet helse i kroppsøvingsfaget i tilknytning til det tverrfaglige temaet folkehelse og livsmestring. Problemstillingen er som følger: Hvordan reflekterer et utvalg kroppsøvingslærere rundt begrepet helse med utgangspunkt i folkehelse og livsmestring? Datamaterialet ble bearbeidet gjennom en tematisk analyse, og blir presentert gjennom fire overordnede temaer: Helse generelt, kroppsøvingsfaget, elever og helse, og folkehelse og livsmestring. Teorigrunnlaget tar utgangspunkt i Antonovskys helseforståelse og hans inndeling i et smalere patogent og et bredere salutogent helseperspektiv. Med utgangspunkt i et salutogent perspektiv ble det lokalisert flere faktorer som benevnes som potensielle helseressurser i kroppsøvingsfaget. Resultatene viser at lærerne har en bred tilnærming til begrepet helse, hvor de inkluderer ulike aspekter knyttet til fysisk, psykisk og sosial helse. Med utgangspunkt i Antonovskys tenkning om opplevelse av sammenheng, vises det til at livslang bevegelsesglede og sosiale og demokratiske verdier kan knyttes opp til folkehelse og livsmestring i kroppsøving. MFAKS514
- Published
- 2021
30. Physical Education and Health, a subject in the signs of health? : Teachers’ interpretation of the concept of health and their descriptions in howthey teach health
- Author
Skoghäll, Joel
- Subjects
Antonovsky ,patogen ,hälsa ,undervisning ,salutogen ,Educational Sciences ,KASAM ,Idrott ,Utbildningsvetenskap - Abstract
Studien har undersökt hur lärare tolkar begreppet hälsa och hur de beskriver att de undervisar hälsa i sin praktiska undervisning. För att besvara dessa frågor har en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer använts. Totalt har nio respondenter intervjuats och resultatet vi- sar att lärarna beskriver hälsa genom en helhetssyn där fysisk, psykisk, och social hälsa ingår. Det visar också att det saknas en systematik och struktur samt att det finns en osäkerhet när de ska beskriva hur deras undervisning i hälsa genomförs. Vidare visar resultatet att idrott och hälsa ofta särskiljs och att hälsoundervisningen främst sker teoretiskt. Slutsatsen är att det fö- refaller svårt att omsätta hälsobegreppet till den praktiska undervisningen inom idrott och hälsa och att den ofta sker på många olika sätt och med olika ingångsvärden. Genom att appli- cera och använda modellen KASAM kan det finns möjligheter för yrkespraktiken att skapa en struktur och ett ämne som går i hälsans tecken, där elever deltar och samtidigt mår bra.
- Published
- 2021
31. The Influence of Biographical Processes on the Individual Establishment of Resources and the Biopsychological Well-Being. An Empirical Analysis in the Context of the Project ‘FamilienTreffen’ of the Viennese Red Cross
- Author
Moritz, Ella-Maria
- Subjects
Socialisation ,Sense of Coherence ,In-depth Interview ,Kohärenzgefühl ,Biographical Ressources ,Familienzusammenführung ,Sozialisation ,Antonovsky ,Biopsychosoziales Modell ,Salutogenese ,Biographische Ressourcen ,Biopsychosocial Model ,Family Reunification ,Salutogenesis ,Tiefeninterview - Abstract
Der von Aaron Antonovsky in den 1970er-Jahren geprägte Begriff des Kohärenzgefühls beschreibt, besonders durch die Einbringung des Konzepts der Widerstandsressourcen, die Fähigkeit, Stressoren im Zusammenhang der eigenen Biographie mit dem Gefühl der Sinnhaftigkeit entsprechend handhaben zu können. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich den Fragen, inwiefern sich diese notwendigen Ressourcen im Laufe der eigenen Biographie und biopsychosozialen Entwicklung aufbauen konnten und wie diese in Zusammenhang mit dem eigenen subjektiven Wohlbefinden und dem Gefühl der Handhabbarkeit in Bezug auf herausfordernde Situationen des Lebens gesetzt werden können. Mittels Durchführung von sechs Tiefeninterviews mit Klient*innen des Projekts ‚FamilienTreffen‘ des Wiener Roten Kreuzes, das Integrationsberatung und freiwillige Begleitung für Familien der Familienzusammenführung anbietet, werden Prozesse des Ressourcen- und Kohärenzgefühlaufbaus untersucht und Implikationen für die Rolle der Klinischen Sozialen Arbeit in Bezug auf Beratungs- und Therapiesettings angeboten, welche die in den Befragungen fokussierten besonders relevanten Aspekte des Bindungs- und Vertrauensaufbaus und des sozialen Umfelds als (Re-)Aktivierung biographischer Ressourcen berücksichtigen. The term Sense of Coherence, framed by Aaron Antonovsky in the 1970s, describes the ability of a person to handle stressors in the individual’s own environment with the feeling of meaningfulness, by bringing in the concept of resistance resources. This thesis addresses the questions whether and how these necessary resources can be built up throughout a person’s life cycle and biopsychosocial development, as well as how this can be associated with their own subjective well-being and the feeling of manageability relating to challenging life situations. By conducting in-depth interviews with clients of the project “FamilienTreffen” of the Viennese Red Cross, which offers integration counseling and voluntary care to families involved in family reunification, the processes of development of resources and a feeling of coherence will be analyzed and implications for Clinical Social Work relating to counseling and therapy setting will be offered, considering aspects like emotional attachment, trust and (re-)activation of biographic resources which were revealed to be especially relevant throughout the interviews. Masterarbeit Wien, FH Campus Wien 2021
- Published
- 2021
32. Reasons to Stay in Club Sport According to 19-Year-Old Swedish Participants: A Salutogenic Approach.
- Author
Jakobsson, Britta Thedin, Lundvall, Suzanne, and Redelius, Karin
- Subjects
CLINICAL health psychology ,SPORTS psychology ,PHYSICAL activity ,PARTICIPATION ,SENSE of coherence ,SOCIAL belonging ,PSYCHOLOGY - Abstract
A vital part of many teenagers' lives is participation in club sports. Despite this, many adolescents drop out of club sports. Since physical inactivity is increasing among young people, this is of great political concern. One aim of this study is to explore why young people in their late teens continue to participate in organized club sports. Another aim is to examine the perceived levels and intensity of physical activity among participants and non-participants (n = 377). The results show that primary reasons to continue participating in club sports are having fun and the sense of enjoyment, the sense of belonging, and the sense of improving sport skills. Of lesser importance, however, is the desire to compete. A large amount of club sports participants (74%) report that they are regularly physically active in an intense form of exercise compared to a significantly smaller amount (12%) of non-participants. The findings are discussed in relation to Aaron Antonovsky's salutogenic approach and his concepts of sense of coherence (SOC). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
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33. Culture in salutogenesis: the scholarship of Aaron Antonovsky.
- Author
Benz, Carina, Bull, Torill, Mittelmark, Maurice, and Vaandrager, Lenneke
- Abstract
Aaron Antonovsky wrote extensively, although disjointedly, about the roles of culture in salutogenesis. This paper provides a synopsis of his work in this arena. A literature review identified those of his English language writings in which culture was a subject, and relevant text segments were analysed using an inductive followed by a deductive method. Using thematic network analysis, text segments were sorted inductively by open coding and then analysed. This was followed by deductive text segment coding guided by the constructs of the salutogenic model of health. The analysis revealed that Antonovsky had an expansive interest in the roles of culture in salutogenesis. His writings included attention to the role of culture in: (a) shaping life situations; (b) giving rise to stressors and resources; (c) contributing to life experiences of predictability, load balance and meaningful roles; (d) facilitating the development of the sense of coherence and (e) shaping perceptions of health and well-being. Antonovsky’s writings about culture were sometimes conjectural, as well as being obviously influenced by his life experience in the USA and then in Israel, and by the spirit of the times in which he lived. However, he also drew extensively on his own and others’ empiricism, leading him to view culture as an integral aspect of the salutogenic model of health. The present analysis provides salutogenesis scholars with a roadmap of Antonovsky’s reflections, ponderings and conclusions about culture in the context of salutogenesis. It provides assistance in the form of an overview of Antonovsky’s treatment of culture in the context of salutogenesis. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2014
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34. A Systematic Review of Antonovsky's Sense of Coherence Scale and Its Use in Studies Among Nurses: Implications for Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.
- Author
WARD, Martin, SCHULZ, Michael, BRULAND, Dirk, and LOHR, Michael
- Subjects
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SENSE of coherence , *NURSING education , *PSYCHIATRY , *MENTAL health , *HEALTH promotion , *HEALTH status indicators , *ELECTRONIC health records - Abstract
Objectives: Antonovsky's salugenetic model focuses on factors that promote health and well-being. The objectives of this paper were to review the existing research literature related to Antonovsky's Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC) and establish implications for psychiatric and mental health nurses. Methods: Electronic databases were searched with selected studies compared for sample, sample size, study designs and basic results. Cross-sectional studies were reviewed for correlations between personality traits, stress, burnout, disease-scales, job satisfaction and the SOC scale, with Intervention studies used to establish the impact of training on the SOC. Results: The review discovered serious methodological difficulties, including interpretations of Antonovsky's philosophical values and the apparent use of the SOC scales as a measure of disease absence. Conclusion: The review was able to draw important conclusions for psychiatric and mental health nurses (PMHNs) related to stress, burnout, dealing with psychiatric emergencies and the selection of new recruits to the profession. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
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35. Understanding cancer patients' reflections on good nursing care in light of Antonovsky's theory.
- Author
Kvåle, Kirsti and Synnes, Oddgeir
- Abstract
Abstract: Purpose: Data from an empirical study about cancer patients' perception of good caring are analysed in the light of Antonovsky's theory. The aim was to reflect on whether and how health personnel by giving good care, can function as vital resources at cancer patients disposal in activating their General Resistance Resources (GRRs) in a stressful life situation, and by that contribute to promotion and maintenance of their sense of coherence. Methods and sample: A hermeneutical approach was chosen for analysing the data. The informants were cancer patients in an oncology ward in a regional hospital in Norway. Twenty patients were interviewed, ten women and ten men. The patients had various cancer diagnoses at different stages and had different prognoses. Key findings: The findings indicate that most of the patients succeeded in activating their GRRs in dealing with the stressor. Nurses, doctors, family and friends can be seen to function as vital resources at their disposal when needed. Most likely good caring supported the patient's promotion and maintenance of the components of meaningfulness, comprehensibility and manageability which form the concept sense of coherence (SOC). Conclusion: Health personnel can support the patients' meaningfulness by listening to the patients' stories about what still gives them meaning in life and their comprehensibility by giving good information. Alleviation of physical suffering may promote and maintain their manageability. Because all three components are intertwined, it is important to focus on all of them when caring for cancer patients. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
- Published
- 2013
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36. Sense of coherence, depressive feelings and life satisfaction in older persons: a closer look at the role of integrity and despair.
- Author
Dezutter, Jessie, Wiesmann, Ulrich, Apers, Silke, and Luyckx, Koen
- Subjects
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CHI-squared test , *COGNITIVE testing , *MENTAL depression , *PROBABILITY theory , *PSYCHOLOGICAL tests , *QUESTIONNAIRES , *SATISFACTION , *STATISTICS , *DATA analysis , *DATA analysis software , *DESCRIPTIVE statistics , *OLD age - Abstract
Objectives:The present study investigated the relationship between Antonovsky's sense of coherence (SOC) and well-being in a sample of Flemish elderly. In addition, the mediating role of Erikson's developmental task of integrity versus despair was examined in the relationship between SOC, depression, and life satisfaction. Method:Data on sociodemographic variables, SOC, depressive symptoms, life satisfaction, ego-integrity, and despair were collected. In total, 100 older persons with a mean age of 76.5 years participated. Mplus was used to test the mediating role of integrity and despair in the relationship between SOC and both life satisfaction and depression. Results:A positive relationship between SOC and well-being was found. More precisely, elderly individuals with a strong SOC experienced less depressive symptoms and higher levels of satisfaction with their life. In addition, mediation analysis indicated that the relationship between SOC and depressive symptoms was partially mediated by the positive resolution of the integrity–despair crisis, whereas the relationship between SOC and life satisfaction was fully mediated by integrity and despair. Conclusion:Our findings indicate that SOC might be a resource for greater well-being in the elderly. Furthermore, our study offers a partial explanation for the relations found and points to the importance of finding integrity and resolving despair in this stage of life. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2013
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37. Integrating a sense of coherence into the neonatal environment.
- Author
Thomson, Gill, Moran, Victoria Hall, Axelin, Anna, Dykes, Fiona, and Flacking, Renée
- Subjects
NEONATAL diseases ,INFANT health ,PSYCHOLOGICAL well-being ,INFANT psychology ,DECISION making - Abstract
Background: Family centred care (FCC) is currently a valued philosophy within neonatal care; an approach that places the parents at the heart of all decision-making and engagement in the care of their infant. However, to date, there is a lack of clarity regarding the definition of FCC and limited evidence of FCCs effectiveness in relation to parental, infant or staff outcomes. Discussion: In this paper we present a new perspective to neonatal care based on Aaron Antonovksy's Sense of Coherence (SOC) theory of well-being and positive health. Whilst the SOC was originally conceptualised as a psychological-based construct, the SOCs three underpinning concepts of comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness provide a theoretical lens through which to consider and reflect upon meaningful care provision in this particular care environment. By drawing on available FCC research, we consider how the SOC concepts considered from both a parental and professional perspective need to be addressed. The debate offered in this paper is not presented to reduce the importance or significance of FCC within neonatal care, but, rather, how consideration of the SOC offers the basis through which meaningful and effective FCC may be delivered. Practice based implications contextualised within the SOC constructs are also detailed. Summary: Consideration of the SOC constructs from both a parental and professional perspective need to be addressed in FCC provision. Service delivery and care practices need to be comprehensible, meaningful and manageable in order to achieve and promote positive well-being and health for all concerned. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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38. 'One wants to know what a chromosome is': the internet as a coping resource when adjusting to life parenting a child with a rare genetic disorder.
- Author
Gundersen, Tonje
- Subjects
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GENETIC disorders , *HELP-seeking behavior , *RARE diseases , *PEDIATRIC therapy , *PARENT-child relationships , *PSYCHOLOGICAL adaptation , *LIFE skills , *COMPUTER network resources - Abstract
The internet has democratised access to health and diagnostic information, enabling patients to mobilise social support from peers and advocate their interests in encounters with medical personnel. Research has shown that these possibilities are particularly important for patients and caregivers confronting a rare medical condition. However, little research has focused on how the act of searching for and accumulating information via the internet can be important for coping emotionally with a situation characterised by uncertain prospects and inadequate information from health personnel. This paper explores the experiences of 10 Norwegian parents whose children have different rare genetic disorders and who used the internet as a resource. The analysis draws on the theoretical framework of the medical sociologist Aaron Antonovsky, who emphasises people's inherent ability to manage extremely stressful life experiences. Analysing the process of adjusting to and coping with life parenting a child suffering from a rare genetic disorder, this study shows that becoming knowledgeable about a child's condition is essential for gradually comprehending and managing a situation that initially seems unmanageable and distressful. It also suggests that as parents adjust, so do the frequency and purpose of their internet searches. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
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39. Sense of coherence amongst male caregivers in dementia.
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- Abstract
The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of men caring for spouses suffering from dementia from a salutogenic perspective. The study focused on the experiences of ten men caring for a spouse with dementia. Primarily qualitative analysing methods were utilized. Data were obtained from semi-structured interviews conducted with male spouses of patients with dementia. An orientational analysis approach was followed and the data was analysed in terms of Antonovsky's sense of coherence construct. Qualitative findings were compared to participant responses to quantitative measures. Stressors most often reported were cognitive impairment, behaviour problems, a lack of free-time, erosion of the relationship, family conflict and financial concerns. Factors facilitating caregiver coping included support from their daughters, their ability to find meaning and satisfaction within the context of the care-giving task, and the successful utilization of active, problem-focused coping strategies. Men generally appear to be effective and capable caregivers. However, their approach to care giving differs from that of their female peers. Task-oriented problem-solving, effective use of the available support resources and the ability to find both meaning and satisfaction in their caring appear characteristic of effective male caregivers of demented spouses. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2009
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40. A salutogenic interpretation of the Ottawa Charter.
- Author
Eriksson, Monica and Lindström, Bengt
- Subjects
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HEALTH promotion , *PREVENTIVE health services , *HEALTH education , *QUALITY of life , *PUBLIC health research - Abstract
Twenty years have passed since the philosophy and principals were formulated in the Ottawa Charter for health promotion. A critical reflection of the content and success of the Ottawa Charter was published before the IUHPE World Conference in Vancover in June 2007. This paper contextualizes and discusses Salutogenesis and Antonovsky in the development of health promotion practice and research and, further, relates the salutogenic concept Sense of Coherence (SOC) to the Ottawa Charter. An overview of the development of health pro- motion and the salutogenic theory of health is presented. In addition, this is illustrated in a new way using the metaphors of 'health in the river of life' and 'SOC in a life course perspective'. Health promotion, including the Ottawa charter, lacks a clear theoretical foundation. The results of a systematic review of salutogenic research are used to demonstrate how the salutogenic framework could support the philosophical and practical intentions of the OC. The salutogenic model contributes to the maintenance and development of health and quality of life (QoL), i.e. the process and outcome of the principles of the OC. The metaphor of the river and the life cycle are new ways of demonstrating the paradigm shift provided by the Salutogenesis and health promotion in relation to public health and medicine. The salutogenic theory is an important contribution to the theory base of health promotion research and practice. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2008
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41. An evidence base for mental health promotion through supported education: A practical application of Antonovsky's salutogenic model of health.
- Author
Morrison, Ian, Stosz, Laura M., and Clift, Stephen M.
- Subjects
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MEDICAL literature , *EVIDENCE-based medicine , *PEOPLE with mental illness , *MEDICAL care , *MEDICAL research , *LITERATURE & medicine - Abstract
The article examines various literature for evaluation studies that might fulfill the criteria of evidence-based medicine (EBM) in the specialism of supported education for people with long-term mental health needs. It aims to justify the efficacy of these initiatives and attracting the associated funding. The methodologies for the study were first examined for appropriateness to the initiative and to what extent it complied with EBM. The study found literature with few examples of programme evaluations that met EBM criteria.
- Published
- 2008
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42. Antonovsky Revisited-Implications for Mental Health Promotion Practice.
- Author
Morrison, Ian and Clift, Stephen M.
- Abstract
The paper assesses the validity of Antonovsky's (1996) assertion that health promotion should use the salutogenic model of health to guide practice, by drawing on the results of an evaluation of a supported further education programme for people with long-term mental health needs. Three consecutive cohorts of further education (FE) students with a long-term mental health diagnosis were assessed before and after participation, using Antonovsky's (1987) short form Sense of Coherence questionnaire (SOC-13). Students with SOC13 scores 52 and above at entry showed no significant change. However, students with entry SOC13 scores below 52 made statistically significant positive gains in their exit scores. A causation model was developed from qualitative evidence from students' accounts of participation in the programme. The results of short questionnaires provided numerical data for building a model of the relationships between the themes and SOC13 scores. The model suggests that peer support is an important factor in the success of the programme and that the activity of learning reduced symptoms and raised positive affect. The results of this study support the value of Antonovsky's salutogenic health perspective for mental health promotion staff and allied professionals, and highlight the need for mental health professionals to pay attention to the pathogenic and salutogenic paradigms for understanding the health needs of people with long-term mental health needs. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2007
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43. Contextualizing salutogenesis and Antonovsky in public health development.
- Author
Lindstrom, Bengt and Eriksson, Monica
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SOCIAL medicine , *MEDICAL sociologists , *HEALTH , *CONCENTRATION camps - Abstract
More than 20 years have passed since the American-Israeli medical sociologist Aaron Antonovsky introduced his salutogenic theory 'sense of coherence' as a global orientation to view the world, claiming that the way people view their life has a positive influence on their health. Sense of coherence explains why people in stressful situations stay well and even are able to improve their health. The origin of salutogenesis derives from the interviews of Israeli women with experiences from the concentration camps of the Second World War who in spite of this stayed healthy. Sixty years after the Holocaust this paper aim to shed light on the salutogenic theory in the context of public health and health promotion. In addition, other approaches with salutogenic elements for the explanation of health are considered. A potential direction for public health of the early 21st century is proposed. The historical paradox is to honour the victims of the Holocaust and see the birth of post-modern public health and the salutogenic framework through the experience of its survivors in the ashes of Modernity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2006
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44. The structure of Antonovsky's sense of coherence in patients with schizophrenia and its relationship to psychopathology.
- Author
Bengtsson‐Tops, Anita, Brunt, David, and Rask, Mikael
- Subjects
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SCHIZOPHRENIA , *PATHOLOGICAL psychology , *PEOPLE with mental illness , *SCALE analysis (Psychology) , *COMMUNITY mental health services , *PSYCHOSES - Abstract
Scand J Caring Sci; 2005; 19; 280–287 The structure of Antonovsky's sense of coherence in patients with schizophrenia and its relationship to psychopathology The main aim of the study was to investigate whether the three hypothesized subscales of Antonovsky's sense of coherence (SOC) scale: comprehensibility, meaningfulness and manageability, can be found when measuring SOC in a sample of patients with schizophrenia living in the community. A further aim was to study the relationship between SOC and psychopathology. The concept of SOC has been proposed to explain successful coping with life stressors. A total of 120 patients completed the SOC scale and the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) was used to assess the psychopathology of the patients. The SOC scale was analysed by means of a factor analysis with a varimax rotation and the Spearman rank correlation test was used to test for associations between subscales, factors and psychiatric symptoms. A four-factor model presented the best solution and explained 48% of the total variation in SOC. The first factor, which included 12-items of the SOC scale, turned out to be the most salient factor explaining 29% of the total variation. All factors displayed some overlapping between items. Affective symptoms were negatively related to all the three subscales and the four factors of SOC, while positive symptoms were similarly related to two of the subscales and two of the factors while negative symptoms were not associated with any of the factors or subscales. The findings in this study corroborate those in studies with other patient groups and indicate that the theoretical framework of SOC should not be adopted uncritically. Furthermore, the use of the three subscales in the SOC scale in studies of patients with a severe mental illness is questioned and a further investigation of the relationship between SOC and psychopathology is proposed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2005
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45. Erfaringer med deltakelse på kommunale pårørendeskoler
- Author
Torunn Hamran, Bodil Hansen Blix, Jill-Marit Moholt, Nils Henriksen, and Lill Sverresdatter Larsen
- Subjects
lcsh:RT1-120 ,Coping (psychology) ,VDP::Medisinske Fag: 700::Helsefag: 800::Helsetjeneste- og helseadministrasjonsforskning: 806 ,lcsh:Nursing ,Demens ,pårørendeskole ,Family caregivers ,business.industry ,pårørende ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,mestring ,Antonovsky ,Medicine ,Dementia ,VDP::Medical disciplines: 700::Health sciences: 800::Health service and health administration research: 806 ,business ,Clinical psychology - Abstract
Bakgrunn: Det er sterke helsepolitiske føringer for at personer med demens skal bo hjemme så lenge som mulig, og det forventes at pårørende skal bidra i omsorgsarbeidet. Pårørendeskolen skal bidra til læring og mestring hos pårørende. Metode: Studien er basert på kvalitative intervju med 16 pårørende som hadde deltatt på pårørendeskoler i nordnorske kommuner i perioden 2010–2017. Intervjuene ble analysert ved hjelp av stegvis-deduktiv induktiv metode i lys av Antonovskys begrep om «opplevelse av sammenheng». Resultater: Deltakerne i studien uttrykte i all hovedsak positive erfaringer med pårørendeskolen, og tilbudet bidro til å gjøre pårørendes livssituasjon mer begripelig, håndterbar og meningsfull. Deltakerne pekte også på utfordringer relatert til temaene organisering og styring, åpenhet og utlevering, at kunnskap kunne oppleves både godt og vondt, udekte tematikker, og behov for videre oppfølging. Konklusjon: Studien tyder på at pårørendeskolen kan bidra til å gjøre pårørendes livssituasjon mer begripelig og håndterbar, og til mer åpenhet rundt demenssykdom. Tilbudet kan imidlertid ikke erstatte individuell og langvarig oppfølging av familier der en person har demenssykdom. Background: Health policies have conceptualized aging in place as an attainable and required goal for persons with dementia, and family caregivers are required to contribute substantially to care. Caregiver training programs aim to contribute to learning and coping among family caregivers. Methods: The study is based on qualitative interviews with 16 family caregivers who attended caregiver training programs in municipalities in Northern Norway from 2010 to 2017. A stepwise-deductive inductive analysis was conducted and the results were discussed within the analytical framework of Antonovsky’s concept of “sense of coherence”. Results: The participants had positive experiences with the caregiver training program, and the program contributed to comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness in stressful life situations. Nonetheless, the participants’ narrations highlighted challenges with respect to the organizing and conducting of the program, openness and exposure, knowledge that could be both useful and painful, uncovered topics, and the need for continued support. Conclusion: The study indicates that the caregiver training program contributes to comprehensibility, manageability and openness. However, the program cannot substitute individual and continuous support for the families of persons with dementia.
- Published
- 2020
46. Meaningful employment for adult with mental disabilities: A case study of Kraftværket's protected employment
- Author
Ørhuus, Anna Maria Priscilla Delogu, Holstein, Tune, and Moutamid, Mina El
- Subjects
Beskyttet beskæftigelse ,Kim Rasmussen ,Photovoice ,Segregation ,Handicap ,CSBB ,Udviklingshæmmede ,Kraftværket ,Telehuset ,Borgercenter Handicap ,Antonovsky ,Foto-eliciteret interview ,Den store indespærring ,Wenger ,Captum ,Supported employment ,Deltagende observation ,Anna Ørhuus ,Birgit Kirkebæk ,Tune Holstein ,Hanne Warming - Abstract
This thesis deals with a protected employment service for users with mental disabilities, how it can be meaningful to them, and which impact it may have on the users’ position in society. It describes the community of practice in a well-functioning protected employment service Kraftværket in Copenhagen and explains how employment is meaningful to the users.So far, Danish research has not revolved around the aspects that work in the environment of the protected employment services in Denmark. This thesis explores exactly that from the users’ perspective. Through participatory observation and a mix of photovoice and photo- elicited interviews, we produced empirical material and uncovered how Kraftværket is meaningful to the users and which impact it has on their social and everyday lives.The results show that Kraftværket is meaningful to its users because it is adapted to their level of skills and makes room for their social lives because the staff supports them practically and emotionally. Depending on the tasks and the environment, in which the protected employment takes place, it can both emancipate mentally disabled people and reproduce their current position in society.
- Published
- 2020
47. Sense of coherence in nurses: A systematic review
- Author
Michela Caricato, Elia Abbafati, Silvia Paolucci, Claudio Serratore, and Giuseppe Michele Masanotti
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Sense of Coherence ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,lcsh:Medicine ,Nurses ,Sample (statistics) ,Review ,Burnout ,Job Satisfaction ,Antonovsky ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Adaptation, Psychological ,otorhinolaryngologic diseases ,Humans ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Longitudinal Studies ,030504 nursing ,lcsh:R ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Salutogenesis ,Mental health ,Distress ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Sample size determination ,Quality of Life ,Job satisfaction ,Female ,0305 other medical science ,Psychology ,psychological phenomena and processes ,Sense of coherence ,Clinical psychology - Abstract
Background: Nurses experience high levels of distress due to the nature of their work and workplaces; Antonovsky’s salutogenic theory shows that individual and work-related factors can influence human health. The aim of this paper is to analyze the possible correlations with different work-related and individual variables, which influence or are influenced by Sense of Coherence (SOC) and verify the possible use of SOC scales to prevent negative health determinants in workplaces. Methods: Electronic databases were searched with selected studies compared for sample, sample size, study design and basic results. Cross-sectional studies were reviewed for correlations between individual physical and mental health, distress, burnout, job satisfaction and SOC, with intervention studies used to assess the possible impact of training on nurses’ SOC. Results: The review found several correlations between SOC and different work-related variables; but also with several individual characteristics. Conclusion: The review found that SOC was predictor of depressive state, burnout, job dissatisfaction among female nurses; therefore, SOC could be a health promoting resource.
- Published
- 2020
48. Development of a theoretical framework describing relatives’ involvement in palliative care.
- Author
Andershed, Birgitta and Ternestedt, Britt-Marie
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PALLIATIVE treatment , *HOSPITAL medical staff , *ATTITUDE (Psychology) - Abstract
Development of a theoretical framework describing relatives’ involvement in palliative care Background. The present study is based on four earlier studies in which the authors classified the relative’s involvement in palliative care into different categories and described the involvement as ‘involvement in the light’ or ‘involvement in the dark’. Aim. The aim of the study was to develop a theoretical framework concerning the involvement of relatives based on an in-depth analysis of the results of the four earlier studies. Method. Walker & Avant’s (1995) strategies for theory construction were used for development of the framework. A number of different concepts, assumptions and statements about relatives’ involvement were penetrated in an in-depth analysis. Results. From the concepts two theoretical ‘blocks’ of the relatives’ involvement were developed and these constitute the foundation for the framework. One is based on concrete descriptions of the concepts ‘to know’, ‘to be’ and ‘to do’. The other describes how the concepts of ‘involvement in the light’ and ‘involvement in the dark’ differ. Factors that promoted involvement in the light were professional care based on humanistic values, a stronger sense of coherence on the part of relatives, an appropriate illness trajectory, and other available resources. The opposite was the case for those who were involved in the dark. Five assumptions successively developed which together form the theoretical framework. Conclusions. An important conclusion that can be of importance in palliative care is that the manner in which the staff act toward the patient and relatives influence relatives’ possibilities for involvement, patients’ possibilities for an appropriate death, and the possibilities the staff have to give good care. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2001
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49. Difficulty and Coping Skill in the Caregivers of Developmentally Delayed Infants: From an Investigation in a Support Center for Developmentally Delayed Infants
- Author
Yukari, Okubo and Masato, Otani
- Subjects
Antonovsky ,Sense of coherence(SOC) ,ストレス対処 ,首尾一貫感覚 ,アントノフスキー ,Stress coping ,障害幼児 ,Disabled infant ,保護者支援 ,Caregiver support - Abstract
- Published
- 2017
50. Hälsofrämjande faktorer ur barns perspektiv : En intervjustudie med barn i förskola och förskoleklass
- Author
Svensson, Linda, Trulsson, Karin, Svensson, Linda, and Trulsson, Karin
- Abstract
This essay is about children’s voices and their reflection in what causes them Wellbeing duringschool. The aim is also to clarify children’s reflections when they learned something difficult and how they are experiencing support. The theoretical foundation is based on Antonovsky KASAM theory and Scheffs theory with the processing and interpretation toward hermeneutics perspective. This essay is based on a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews. The empirical foundation is based on interviews with 7 children in preschool and 6 children from kindergarten. The resultat shows that being with friends and participations with other pupils are important for young children’s prosperous and wellbeing. Result also shows that mathematics and science are subject which pupils found difficulty and leaned on friends for help. Majority of children experience that their teacher listened and were there to help when they needed support.The conclusion is that health-promoting factors from children’s perspective is showing us that feeling safe and being able to participate with other friends promote wellbeing for children.Children who didn´t have any friends or stable friendship also didn´t like school. This study shows that liking school has a connection with meaningful friendship and a feeling off belonging.
- Published
- 2019
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