30 results on '"Are Rødsjø"'
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2. Large scale production of cod
- Author
Rosenlund, G., primary, Meslo, I., additional, Rødsjø, R., additional, and Torp, H., additional
- Published
- 2020
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3. Byggstenar och formuleringar för arbete med språkliga ideala självbilder : En läromedelsanalys med fokus på motivationsarbete för spanska i grundskolan
- Author
Rødsjø, Marit and Rødsjø, Marit
- Abstract
This thesis explores to which extent and how a book of exercises made for the subject of modern languages (Spanish) offers support for the pupils' creation of L3+ ideal future selves. By using content analysis and from recommendations of how to create exercises based on Dörnyei and Henrys theories of L2 and L3 future selves, the learning material has been reviewed looking for six themes: "Persons: the self", "persons: others", "places and social contexts" "feelings", authentic matieral" and "possibilities". This study shows a substacial presence (42%) of exercises containing one or more of these themes. The sheer number and variety of these exercises can offer a regular and recurrent support for the pupils experimenting with L3+ ideal future selves. By way of illustrations, contextualization, guiding questions and with the contextual support of the textbook formed as a coherent fictional story many of the exercises are designed to help bring the fantasies and visions to life.
- Published
- 2023
4. Building blocks and phrasings to support the creation of L3+ ideal future selves. : A workbook analysis focusing on motivational work in the subject of Spanish in compulsory school
- Author
Rødsjø, Marit
- Subjects
Didactics ,självet som blivande målspråksanvändare ,Didaktik ,Flerspråkiga ideala självbilder ,moderna språk - Abstract
This thesis explores to which extent and how a book of exercises made for the subject of modern languages (Spanish) offers support for the pupils' creation of L3+ ideal future selves. By using content analysis and from recommendations of how to create exercises based on Dörnyei and Henrys theories of L2 and L3 future selves, the learning material has been reviewed looking for six themes: "Persons: the self", "persons: others", "places and social contexts" "feelings", authentic matieral" and "possibilities". This study shows a substacial presence (42%) of exercises containing one or more of these themes. The sheer number and variety of these exercises can offer a regular and recurrent support for the pupils experimenting with L3+ ideal future selves. By way of illustrations, contextualization, guiding questions and with the contextual support of the textbook formed as a coherent fictional story many of the exercises are designed to help bring the fantasies and visions to life.
- Published
- 2023
5. Psychological Safety in Virtual Student Teams: A Validation Study
- Author
Rødsjø, Eline, primary, Sjølie, Ela, additional, and Van Petegem, Peter, additional
- Published
- 2023
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6. From Demonstration Projects to Volume Market of Sustainable Construction
- Author
Haavik, Trond, Mlecnik, Erwin, and Rødsjø, Are
- Published
- 2012
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7. Kunnskap om menneskelig faktor og snøskredulykker - en analyse av kurslederes kunnskapsforståelse
- Author
Rødsjø, Amund Dypvik and Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik
- Abstract
Denne oppgaven handler om kursholderes forståelse av menneskelig faktor og snøskredulykker i Norge. Studien ser på hvilken kunnskap kursholderne besitter og benytter. I forståelsen benyttes taus kunnskap, intuisjon og beslutningstaking som teoretiske perspektiv. Oppgaven deles inn i kursholdernes forståelse av snøskredulykker og kursholdernes forståelse av kurs. Videre benyttes teori og analyse for å se hvordan kunnskapen implementeres i kursene. Flakskred er den skredtypen som fører til flest alvorlige ulykker og dødsfall (Müller et al., 2015). Forståelsen av snøskred deles som oftest inn i forståelsen av terrenget, snødekket, været og menneskelig faktor (Tremper, 2018). I Norge har det årlig omkommet omtrent fire personer i snøskred. Bakgrunnen til de som omkommer er svært varierende både i alder og kompetanse (Horgen, 2021). Flesteparten av de som forulykker har utløst skredet selv, eller som en del av en gruppe (Grímsdóttir & McClung, 2006; Horgen, 2021; Johnson et al., 2020). Dette gjør at snøskredkurs tar opp temaer både innenfor naturvitenskapelige domene, men også menneskelige faktorer. Innenfor begrepet menneskelig faktor kan man inkludere beslutningstaking og intuisjon (Landrø, 2021). Intuisjon handler om automatiserte prosesser, mens taus kunnskap i større grad er lettere å påvirke (Kahneman, 2013; Nonaka & von Krogh, 2009). Beslutningstaking kan dermed baseres både på de fullt automatiserte prosessene, og mer analytiske prosesser (Stewart-Patterson, 2014). Oppgaven er et kvalitativt forskningsprosjekt som baserer seg på intervjuer fra sju kursholdere. Informantene har alle sertifiseringer til grunn for å holde skredkurs. Noen i Norge og andre både i Norge og utlandet. Studien er empirinær og legger i stor grad vekt på kursholdernes uttalelser. Studiens resultater viser at kursholderne har en ulik forståelse av kunnskap. Alle kursholderne vektlegger i stor grad kunnskap knyttet til naturvitenskapen. Den naturvitenskapelige tilnærmingen setter søkelys på terrengforståelse, snødekke og hvordan været påvirker snøen. Mest sentralt er terrengforståelsen og evne til å måle og forstå bratthet. Noen kursholdere har en bredere forståelse for kunnskap som inkluderer taus kunnskap og intuisjon. Taus kunnskap og intuisjon er plassert innenfor rammen av menneskelig faktor. Fokus på menneskelig faktor som taus kunnskap og intuisjon erstatter ikke naturvitenskapelig tilnærming. Analysen viser videre at et skille mellom taus kunnskap og intuisjon kan være fordelaktig for kursholdere. Informantene benytter seg i stor grad av erfaringer for å vedlikeholde og utvide sin egen kunnskap. De vektlegger også dette som viktig for sine kursdeltakere. Det tyder på at de mest erfarne kursholderne benytter seg i mindre grad av skriftliggjort kunnskap, med unntak av de som har en bred kunnskapsforståelse. Erfaring fra egne turer og kurs gir kursholderne trygghet i rollen og påvirker i hvilken grad de tar egne avgjørelser rundt innhold i kursene. Det fremstår som viktig å tilrettelegge kursene slik at innholdet skal gi mening til den enkelte kursdeltaker. En slik tilnærming møtes på ulikt vis. Noen kursholdere ønsker at deltakerne skal få utforske og erfare selvstendig, mens andre kursholdere ønsker å være en sentral faktor i utforskningen. Utforskning og åpenhet for ny kunnskap er derfor sentralt for både kursholderne og deltakerne. Nøkkelord: Kunnskapsforståelse, taus kunnskap, intuisjon, beslutningstaking, snøskredulykker, snøskredkurs This thesis is about course leaders understanding of the human factor and avalanche accidents in Norway. The study focuses on which knowledge the course leaders possess and use. Tacit knowledge, intuition and decision making is used as theoretical perspectives in order to understand the course leaders. The thesis is divided into course leaders understanding of avalanche accidents and their understanding of courses. Theory and analysis are used to understand how the knowledge is implemented into courses. Slab avalanches lead to the most severe accidents and fatalities (Müller et al., 2015). Avalanche understanding is often divided into the understanding of terrain, snowpack, weather and human factor (Tremper, 2018). Looking at Norway there are approximately four fatalities each year in avalanches. The background of the casualties is very dispersed in both age and competence (Horgen, 2021). Most avalanches are triggered by the casualties themself or by someone in their party (Grímsdóttir & McClung, 2006; Horgen, 2021; Johnson et al., 2020). This makes it necessary to address themes in the natural science domain and human factors. Decision making and intuition can be included into the human factor (Landrø, 2021). Intuition is automated processes and tacit knowledge is easier to affect with analytic thinking (Kahneman, 2013; Nonaka & von Krogh, 2009). Decision making can therefore be based on both fully automatic processes and more analytical processes (Stewart-Patterson, 2014). This study is a qualitative research project based on interviews from seven course leaders. The informants are certified to give avalanche courses. Some in Norway and some internationally. The study is empiric and focus on the course leaders’ statements. Results show that course leaders have different understanding of knowledge. All course leaders emphasize knowledge within the natural science domain. The natural science approach focuses on the understanding of terrain, snowpack and how the weather affect the snow. Most important is the understanding of the terrain and the ability to measure and understand steepness. Some course leaders have a broader understanding of knowledge that include tacit knowledge and intuition. Tacit knowledge and intuition are placed within the frame of human factor. Focus on human factor as tacit knowledge and intuition does not substitute a natural scientific understanding. The analysis shows that a distinction between tacit knowledge and intuition can be advantageous to course leaders. The informants mainly use experience to maintain and expand their knowledge. They also emphasize this as important for their participants. There are indications that the most experienced course leaders use written knowledge to a lesser extent. Exception of this is for those with a broad knowledge understanding. Experience from trips and courses give the course leaders confidence and affect the decisions they make regarding course content. It is important to adjust the courses so that the content make sense to each participant. This approach is met differently by the course leaders. Some course leaders emphasize that the participants should explore and experience themself. While others want to be an important part of the participants exploration. Exploration and openness for new knowledge is therefore important both for participants and course leaders. Key words: Knowledge understanding, tacit knowledge, intuition, decision making, avalanche accidents, avalanche courses
- Published
- 2022
8. Hvordan kan relasjonsledelse og systematisk etisk refleksjon utvikle ytringsklimaet på arbeidsplassen?
- Author
Sjøli, Ann-Karin Stormo, Bårdli, Lars Erik, and Rødsjø, Elin Eriksen
- Subjects
helse ledelse helseledelse - Abstract
Denne prosjektoppgaven skrives i forbindelse med studiet Helseledelse ved Handelshøyskolen BI, i samarbeid med KS som er kommunens arbeidsgiver- og interesseorganisasjon. Hensikten med oppgaven er å se på hvordan relasjonsledelse og systematisk etisk refleksjon kan utvikle ytringsklimaet på arbeidsplassen, og om dette bidrar til utvikling av helse- og omsorgstjenesten. Teoridelen redegjør for teorier vi mener er relevante for vår problemstilling, og vil være med på å påvirke drøftingen i oppgaven. Teori som løftes frem er relasjonsledelse, systematisk etisk refleksjon og ytringsklima. I oppgaven benytter vi kvalitativt orienterte metoder i form av intervju, spørreskjema og systematisk etisk refleksjon med observasjoner. Hovedfunnene dreier seg om at det å bruke etisk refleksjon systematisk og bevisst ledelsesadferd, er med på å påvirke ansatte på en positiv måte og som fremmer et bedre ytringsklima. Dette er også utviklende for arbeidsplassen der ansatte gjennom systematisk etisk refleksjonen opparbeider seg en kompetanse som øker kvaliteten på tjenestene som ytes. Meld. St. 15 (2017-2018) - Leve hele livet reformen stiller krav til helse- og omsorgstjenestene, og ved bruk av systematisk etisk refleksjon klarer vi bedre å oppfylle de nasjonale krav.
- Published
- 2022
9. Hvordan kan oppdragsgivere skape mer engasjement blant entreprenører ved konkurranseutsetting av fremtidige BVP-prosjekter?
- Author
Rødsjø, Eirin Martine, Torland, Vida Cecilie, and Wexsahl, Asbjørn J.
- Abstract
Skaun kommune benyttet Best Value Procurement (BVP) for første gang, da de utlyste prosjektet Skaun brannstasjon høsten 2020. Etter utlysning meldte 34 aktører interesse for prosjektet, likevel mottok kommunen kun to tilbud. En av årsakene til dette var valget om å benytte BVP-metoden. BVP er en metode for både anskaffelse og prosjektstyring, og er en relativt ny metode i Norge. Dette medfører at få aktører har erfaring med metoden. Hensikten med denne bacheloroppgaven har derfor vært å avklare hvordan oppdragsgivere kan skape mer engasjement blant entreprenører ved konkurranseutsetting av fremtidige BVP-prosjekt. Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i prosjektet Skaun brannstasjon, men presenterer tiltak på generelt grunnlag. For å belyse problemstillingen var det ønskelig å få tilbakemelding direkte fra entreprenørene. I den forbindelse ble det sendt ut en spørreundersøkelse til alle aktørene som meldte interesse for prosjektet. Videre ble det avholdt dybdeintervju med flere av aktørene. Formålet med undersøkelsen var å kartlegge hvilke faktorer som var avgjørende for at aktørene ikke leverte tilbud på prosjektet, og om oppdragsgiver har mulighet til å påvirke disse faktorene. Etter en tematisk analyse av resultatene var det spesielt fire tema som var gjentakende; forholdet mellom byggherre og entreprenør, valg av prosjekt i kombinasjon med valg av BVP, entreprenørs kunnskap om BVP-metoden, samt utfordringer knyttet til utforming av tilbud og intervjuprosessen. Oppgaven konkluderer med at oppdragsgivere kan iverksette flere tiltak for å skape engasjement blant entreprenører ved konkurranseutsetting av fremtidige BVP-prosjekt. Disse tiltakene innebærer at oppdragsgiver har et bevisst forhold til hvorfor de ønsker å benytte BVP, og at metoden faktisk passer inn i organisasjonens strategiske ramme. Samtidig vil det være viktig at oppdragsgiver velger å benytte BVP på prosjekter som er egnet for metoden og som gir entreprenører økonomisk insentiv til å fordype seg i metoden. Videre vil det være fordelaktig at oppdragsgiver bistår entreprenør i form av kunnskapsdeling og med verktøy som kan benyttes underveis i prosessen. Byggebransjen bærer preg av utfordringer knyttet til synkende produktivitet og høyt konfliktnivå. BVP kan ansees å være en løsning på flere disse utfordringene. Dersom oppdragsgiver lykkes med å skape engasjement rundt BVP blant entreprenører, vil behovet for tilrettelegging antakeligvis reduseres. Skaun municipality announced its first project using Best Value Procurement (BVP), Skaun Fire house, in the autumn of 2020. As a result of the announcement, 34 vendors showed interest in the project, yet they only received two offers. Their decision to use BVP was a contributing factor to this outcome. BVP is a method for both procurement and project management and is a relatively new method in Norway. The purpose of this bachelor thesis has been to clarify how clients can increase engagement among contractors when announcing future BVP projects. In order to answer the research question presented in this thesis, it was necessary to get feedback directly from the vendors. In connection with this, a qualitative survey was sent out to all the vendors who expressed interest in the project. The purpose of the survey was to map which factors were decisive for the contractor in their decision not to submit an offer for the project, and whether the client could have influenced these factors. Several interviews were held, where the intention was to go in depth on the results from the survey. After a thematic analysis of the result, four recurring topics were identified: The relationship between client and contractor, choice of project in combination with choosing to utilise BVP, contractors knowledge of the BVP-method, as well as challenges related to preparing an offer and the interview process. This thesis concludes that the client can actively implement measures to increase engagement among contractors when announcing a future BVP project. These measures include being conscious of why they want to use BVP, and ensuring that it is in line with the organization's long term strategy. At the same time, it is important that they choose to use BVP on projects that are suited to it. Furthermore, the client should assist the contractor by sharing knowledge and tools during the process. While participants in the construction industry today frequently encounter challenges surrounding loss of productivity and increased conflict, these issues could likely be reduced if clients are able to increase engagement with BVP projects among contractors.
- Published
- 2021
10. Large scale production of cod
- Author
R. Rødsjø, I. Meslo, G. Rosenlund, and H. Torp
- Subjects
Scale (ratio) ,Environmental engineering ,Production (economics) ,Environmental science - Published
- 2020
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11. Sleep and Pain: An EEG study of how sleep affects pain perception
- Author
Rødsjø, Eline, Matre, Dagfinn, and Omland, Petter Moe
- Abstract
Bakgrunn: Eksperimentelle studier har vist at søvnmangel er assosiert med endringer i smertepersepsjon. Flere hjerneavbildningsstudier trengs for å utvikle objektive nevrofysiologiske korrelater til smerte. Hensikt: Denne studien undersøker hvordan søvnmangel påvirker opplevd smerteintensitet og elektrisk hjerneaktivitet under eksperimentell smertestimulering. Metode: Et innen-gruppe design ble brukt på et utvalg norske skiftarbeidere for å sammenligne opplevd smerteintensitet etter to netter med normalsøvn og to netter med søvnmangel. Smerteintensitet ble vurdert med en visuell analog skala (VAS). Elektrisk hjerneaktivitet ble målt med elektroencefalogram (EEG) gjennom en elektrodehette med 32 elektroder. Dynamisk spektralanalyse ble gjennomført på EEG signalene med Kontinuerlig Wavelet-Transformasjon. Statistisk analyse ble gjennomført med Mixed Models. EEG aktiviteten ble delt inn i de fem frekvensbåndene delta, theta, alpha, beta og gamma og analysert deretter. Både gjennomsnittlig aktivitetsnivå (static EEG indices) og dynamisk endring i aktiviteten (dynamic EEG indices) ble undersøkt. Resultater: Opplevd smerteintensitet var signifikant høyere etter to netter med søvnmangel enn etter to netter med normalsøvn. Opplevd smerteintensitet økte over de 2 minuttene med smertestimulering. Ingen signifikante endringer ble observert i de statiske EEG analysene. De dynamiske EEG analysene viste at økning i alfa-bånd aktivitet var assosiert med økning i smerteskårer etter normalsøvn. Etter søvnmangel var reduksjon i alfa-bånd aktivitet og thetabånd aktivitet assosiert med økning i smerteskårer. Konklusjon: Resultatene støtter tidligere funn om økt smerteintensitet etter søvnmangel. Aktivitet innen alfa-båndet og theta-båndet kan være assosiert med mekanismene som understøtter sammenhengen mellom søvn og smerte. Nøkkelord: hyperalgesi, smerteintensitet, søvnmangel, EEG, alfa aktivitet, theta aktivitet, nattarbeid Background: Experimental studies show that lack of sleep is associated with altered pain perception. Studies using brain imaging techniques are needed to further the development of objective neurophysiological correlates of pain. Objective: This thesis investigates how restricted sleep affects perceived pain intensity and electrical brain responses during experimental pain stimulation. Methods: A within-subject cross-over design was used on a sample of Norwegian shift workers in order to compare perceived pain intensity after two nights of habitual sleep, with perceived pain intensity after two nights of restricted sleep. Pain was induced by a 2-min contact-heat stimulation to the skin. Pain intensity was rated on a visual analogue scale (VAS). Brain responses were recorded with electroencephalogram (EEG) through a 32- electrode cap. Dynamic spectral analysis was performed on the EEG signals by the Continuous Wavelet Transform. Statistical analysis was performed by Linear Mixed Models. The EEG activity was analyzed in terms of the delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma frequency ranges. Both the mean level of activity (static EEG indices) and the dynamics of the activity (dynamic EEG indices) were investigated. Results: Perceived pain intensity was significantly higher after restricted sleep as compared to habitual sleep. Pain intensity increased over the 2-min period. No significant sleep-dependent changes were found in any of the static EEG indices. The dynamic EEG indices showed that increased alpha activity was associated with increased pain scores after habitual sleep. Contrary, after restricted sleep, decreased alpha activity and decreased theta activity was associated with increased pain scores. Conclusion: The findings in this thesis strengthen the notion that sleep loss leads to an increase in perceived pain intensity. Brain mechanisms underlying the hyperalgesic effect of restricted sleep may involve alpha and theta activity. Keywords: hyperalgesia, restricted sleep, pain intensity, EEG, alpha band, theta band, night shift work
- Published
- 2020
12. Læring av skredsikkerhet i vinterfjellet – en analyse av læring på skredkurs
- Author
Dypvik Rødsjø, Amund and Ingebrigtsen, Jan Erik
- Abstract
Vintersesongen 2018/2019 døde 13 mennesker av snøskred (Aasen, 2019). Flere mener at opp mot 90 prosent av ulykkene skyldes menneskelige feilvurderinger (Atkins, 2000; Tremper, 2018). Det er i dag mange aktører som tilbyr skredkurs som et ledd i å forebygge risikoen for snøskred. Spørsmålet blir dermed om innhold og utbytte av slike kurs faktisk påvirker deltakernes risiko for å bli tatt av snøskred. Studier har vist at deltakerne mangler tid og erfaring for god læring, og at læringen dermed er begrenset (Balent, Johnson, Hendrikx & EA, 2016). Feltstudier har bidratt til å gi innblikk i hva som foregår på grunnkurs skred i Norge. Deltakerne ønsker å lære om hvordan de vurderer sikkerheten på tur for å kunne utnytte fjellet mer. Deltakerne lærer hvordan de vurderer sikkerhet på tur, men mest av alt hvordan de planlegger trygge turer. I lys av erfaringsbasert læringsteori tyder det på at deltakerne får mulighet til å tilegne seg nye erfaringer, men mangler muligheten til å omdanne disse til kunnskap. Studien viser deltakere som utnytter fjellet mer på grunn av at alt ikke lenger er farlig. Andre reduserer kanskje mobiliteten på grunn av økt bevissthet rundt farer, og noen opplever at de kan utvide grensene noe som øker risikoen.
- Published
- 2020
13. Removal of Magnetic Metallic Contamination – Improved Drilling Fluid Performance
- Author
Mads Rødsjø, Geir Olav Ånesbug, Alf Magne Lindgren, Jan Egil Pallin, Arild Saasen, and Gudmund Aaker
- Subjects
020401 chemical engineering ,Petroleum engineering ,Drilling fluid ,Directional drilling ,Metallic contamination ,02 engineering and technology ,0204 chemical engineering ,010502 geochemistry & geophysics ,01 natural sciences ,Geology ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences - Abstract
Different logging operations can suffer from presence of metallic particles in the drilling fluids. Directional drilling in Arctic areas can be a challenge because of magnetic contamination in the drilling fluid. This is a challenge especially when drilling east-west relative to the magnetic north direction. Magnetic and paramagnetic particles in the drilling fluid will shield the down hole compasses and introduce additional errors to the surveying than those normally included in the uncertainty ellipsoid. The objective of the project is to remove the magnetic particles being the largest contributor to this error. On many offshore drilling rigs there is mounted ditch magnets to remove metallic swarf from the drilling fluid. These magnets will normally only remove the coarser swarf. In this project we use a combination of strong magnets and flow directors to significantly improve the performance of the ditch magnets. This combination, together with proper routines for cleaning the ditch magnets significantly helps cleaning the drilling fluid. By the combined use of flow directors and ditch magnets it was possible to extract more than five times as much magnetic contamination from the drilling fluid. This is verified by comparing the ditch magnet efficiencies from two drilling rigs drilling ERD wells. The logging tool signal strengths of several down hole instruments were unusually good and insignificant down times were observed on the logging tools. The results are anticipated to have aided to the directional drilling performance. Detailed information on how to clean the drilling fluid properly from magnetic contamination is presented. It is also shown that this cleaning is significantly better than conventional cleaning of magnetic debris from drilling fluids.
- Published
- 2019
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14. Nytten av fysisk aktivitet hos rusmisbrukere
- Author
Midthjell, Yngve Lilleås, Rødsjø, Øystein Dypvik, and Torheim, Henny
- Abstract
Hensikt: Målet med denne litteraturstudien var å undersøke hvordan rusmisbrukere nyttiggjør seg av fysisk aktivitet. Metode: Det ble gjennomført et systematisk litteratursøk og analysert åtte forskningsartikler av både kvalitativt og kvantitativt design. Resultat: Fysisk aktivitet har store helsegevinster og bidrar til at rusmisbrukere kan redusere rusmisbruket og bedre sin fysiske og psykiske form. Fysisk aktivitet gav en opplevelse av motivasjon og mestring, og er viktige faktorer for å nyttiggjøre seg av fysisk aktivitet. Samhold og tilhørighet er vesentlig for å gjennomføre den fysiske aktiviteten og for at aktiviteten skal vedvare. Konklusjon: Fysisk aktivitet har den fordelen at den kan individualiseres og tilpasses den enkeltes ønsker og behov. Rusmisbrukere kan nyttiggjøre seg av fysisk aktivitet på den måten at det gir en sosial sammenheng der rusmisbrukere opplever mestring og motivasjon. Fysisk aktivitet får tankene over på noe annet og gir mindre russug. Fysisk aktivitet bidrar til endring av livsvaner og gir både bedre fysisk og psykisk helse. Purpose: The aim of this literature study was to determine how substance abusers can benefit from physical activity. Method: We conducted a systematic literature study and analysed eight research papers. The included research papers were both qualitative and quantitative. Results: The findings show that physical activity have a vast contribution to substance abuser’s health. It contributes to a decrease in substance use and improves the addicts physical and mental health. Physical activity gave a feeling of motivation and mastery. Social ties and unity are vital in the implementation and continuation of physical activity. Conclusion: Physical activity can be individualized and tailored to fit the individual desires and needs. Drug abusers can use physical activity as a gateway to motivation and mastery and new positive social relations. Physical activity changes the mind and reduces cravings. Physical activity can contribute to changing habits and strengthen both physical and mental health.
- Published
- 2019
15. Removal of Magnetic Metallic Contamination – Improved Drilling Fluid Performance
- Author
Saasen, Arild, additional, Pallin, Jan Egil, additional, Ånesbug, Geir Olav, additional, Lindgren, Alf Magne, additional, Aaker, Gudmund, additional, and Rødsjø, Mads, additional
- Published
- 2019
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16. Faster ROP in Hard Chalk: Proving a New Hypothesis for Drilling Dynamics
- Author
Nils Reimers, Ellen Ambjørnsen Strøm, John Gjertsen, Mads Rødsjø, Mats Andersen, Eirik Akutsu, Morten Granhøy-Lieng, and Kjell Arvid Horvei
- Subjects
Engineering ,Petroleum engineering ,business.industry ,Drilling ,business ,Simulation - Abstract
A well documented path to improving overall efficiency in project execution is through an integrated team approach which involves both the operator and the service suppliers. This paper describes what can be achieved when such a team adopts a fearless approach to new technology, and dares to think outside existing conventions. To be more specific, the paper covers the engineering, planning, and execution of a HTHP exploration program in the central North Sea by a Norwegian operator. Large areas of the North Sea contain the Cretaceous period of sediments which comprise of a massive hard layer of chalk that historically has posed a major drilling risk and expense to operators in the area. To mitigate expected problems an integrated team was gathered to thoroughly analyze drilling records and lessons learned from previous offset wells and re-engineer the drilling process with the aim of minimizing cost and uncertainty when drilling the most challenging chalk interval. The paper presents the hypothesis that formed the basis for the team effort, and the measures implemented based on said hypothesis. This includes an unconventional bit selection and the use of modern vibration measurement technology and mitigation techniques, as well as a key electro-mechanical modification of the advanced logging and directional suite completed by the lead service provider. The discussion and reasoning behind each step is included and the method was repeated in several wells with the same results, verifying the validity of the findings and making the paper a valuable input for drilling hard chalk. The nominal result from applying the new methodology was a doubling of the rate of penetration (ROP) in the harder layers, and the entire section of problematic strata was drilled in one single bit run. Drilling time was reduced by 12 days when compared to average figures from recent offset wells representing an estimated cost saving of 15 - 20% on the overall well budget. The method and savings presented are primarily of interest to stakeholders in the central North Sea, but can also be applicable to other areas with hard chalk and stringers with similar characteristics.
- Published
- 2015
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17. Kvinners mestringsstrategier i forbindelse med cancer mammae
- Author
Jøssund, Bente and Rødsjø, Solveig
- Subjects
Brystkreft ,Cancer mammae ,Mestring ,Kreft ,Kvinner - Published
- 2013
18. You break it, you fix it? : costumer participation in service recovery
- Author
Talgø, Therese and Rødsjø, Espen Liseth
- Subjects
markedsføringsledelse marketing management strategisk strategic - Abstract
Masteroppgave(MSc) in Master of Science in Strategic Marketing Management - Handelshøyskolen BI, 2012 Customer participation represents numerous positive effects for companies in terms of productivity gains and profitability. It has in recent years emerged as a powerful tool for companies to customize their service offerings and engage the customers in marketing activities. Still, the increased demand for customization also requires a great deal of flexibility and adaptations, making the risk of service defections higher as well. The question is whether companies should encourage customers to participate in the service recovery process? This thesis examines the effects of customer participation in service production and –recovery in terms of how they respond to and attribute the outcome of a recovery situation. We also explore whether the type of customer-company relationship moderate the customers responses to participation. We investigate how the varying levels of customer participation throughout the process affect customers´ Satisfaction with the company, Perceived Justice, Loyalty and Satisfaction with the service recovery. These measures serve as the dependent variables in this study. We aim to illustrate customers’ attribution by contrasting respondents’ scores on Satisfaction with the company and Satisfaction with the recovery. The proposition is that participating customers may be satisfied with the recovery they contributed to, but not necessarily with the company’s effort. This thesis provides a thorough review of the state of research in customer participation, service recovery, perceived justice, attribution, relationship, and loyalty. Based on the review we develop seven hypotheses, and test these using 2(true relationship vs. no pseudorelationship) x 2(low participation in service production vs. high participation in service production) x 2(low participation in service recovery vs. high participation in service recovery), experimental design. The empirical testing was carried out using scenarios, with business students as respondents. The main findings of this study were that customer participation in service production has a positive effect on customers’ post-recovery scores of Satisfaction with the company, Perceived Justice and Loyalty. Customer participation in service recovery, on the other hand, showed negative tendencies on the same measures. In addition, we found that higher type of customer-company relationship has a positive effect on customer loyalty. We did not find support for this effect on the satisfaction measures, indicating that relationship influences’ loyalty on aspects beyond mere satisfaction.
- Published
- 2012
19. Empirically Based Design Guidelines for Gaze Interaction in Windows 7
- Author
Raudsandmoen, Håkon, Rødsjø, Børge, Svanæs, Dag, and Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Fakultet for informasjonsteknologi, matematikk og elektroteknikk, Institutt for datateknikk og informasjonsvitenskap
- Subjects
InformationSystems_INFORMATIONINTERFACESANDPRESENTATION(e.g.,HCI) ,ComputingMethodologies_IMAGEPROCESSINGANDCOMPUTERVISION ,MTDT datateknikk ,7351 [ntnudaim] ,Program- og informasjonssystemer ,ntnudaim:7351 - Abstract
The purpose of this study has been to test the use of gaze interaction in common everyday computer tasks, with the intent to suggest design guidelines for gaze interaction in Microsoft Windows 7. This has been done by organizing a user test with fifteen participants, using a self-made gaze interactive software called Discovery and a Tobii X60 eye tracker.Five demo applications have been created within the Discovery software, all utilizing gaze interaction. They are customized to reflect five user test tasks; playing a video game, exploring a picture gallery, doing drag and drop operations, browsing a web page and interacting with different Microsoft Windows controls. The four types of controls tested are command buttons, links, check boxes and sliders. Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered during the user test.Through a discussion of the test results, we were able to suggest ten specific design guidelines for gaze interaction. These covers both the tested controls, drag and drop operations, automatic scrolling as well as the use of head gestures. Additional findings indicate that gaze interaction is more suitable for passive tasks such as reading with automatic scrolling, than for more physical tasks like doing drag and drop operations. To support gaze interaction, we found that current software will either require a major redesign or to be used in a combination with other interaction styles.Eye tracking technology has improved over the last years, becoming increasingly affordable and accurate. Through this study we have seen that gaze interaction has much to offer everyday computing. By recommending fundamental design guidelines we hope to aid software developers and designers in the development of future gaze interactive systems.
- Published
- 2012
20. Intravascular Ultrasonographic Assessment of Thrombus Formation on Central Venous Catheters
- Author
K.-D. Bolz, B. A. J. Angelsen, H. O. Myhre, S. Jørstad, J. Mangersnes, P. Aadahl, J. Å. Rødsjø, and A. Nordby
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Radiological and Ultrasound Technology ,business.industry ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Mural thrombus ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,030218 nuclear medicine & medical imaging ,Clinical study ,Vein thrombosis ,03 medical and health sciences ,Catheter ,0302 clinical medicine ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,cardiovascular system ,medicine ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Intravascular ultrasonography ,Radiology ,Thrombus ,business ,Brachiocephalic vein ,Central venous catheter - Abstract
In vitro experiments were performed in order to investigate the appearance of different types of central venous catheters at intravascular ultrasonography. The experiments were repeated with artificially produced thrombi which were made adherent to the catheter wall. All thrombi larger than 1 mm could be identified. In a clinical study including 12 patients who had a central venous catheter, transfemoral intravascular ultrasonography was performed. The catheters had been in place for an average period of 54 days (range 1–360 days). In 3 patients a catheter thrombus, mural thrombus, or occlusive vein thrombosis was found. In 2 of these patients the catheter was occluded, in the 3rd patient it was malpositioned into the contralateral brachiocephalic vein. There were no complications following the ultrasonographic procedures. Mean catheterization time was 7.5 min (range 3–20 min). The advantages of this new method compared with conventional phlebographic studies and its impact on further clinical investigations are discussed.
- Published
- 1993
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21. Simulering av køtid : med vekt på kundetilfredshet : en illustrasjon av avgangshallen hos SAS Braathens ved Bergen Lufthavn Flesland
- Author
Rødsjø, Vera
- Subjects
økonomisk styring - Abstract
Lufttrafikkbransjen har de senere årene opplevd store endringer i konkurranseforholdene ettersom flere internettbaserte og lavpris aktører er kommet på banen. En slik endring krever også en omprioritering av fokus for å holde på kunder. Raskere innsjekking av passasjerene er her et viktig mulig konkurransefortrinn. Dette gjenspeiles også i SAS Braathens sine serviceløfter. Med utgangspunkt i dette løftet har jeg sett på hvordan SAS Braathens organiserer avgangshallen, med vekt på køtid, ved Bergen Lufthavn Flesland. Utredningen starter med en klarere fremstilling av problemstillingen i kapittel 1 før jeg i kapittel 2 går inn på de to teoriene som er relevante i denne utredningen: kundetilfredshet og simulering. Deretter fortsetter jeg med metodedelen som i hovedsak dreier seg om dybdeintervju og datainnsamling. Dybdeintervjuene bruker jeg til å bekrefte bakgrunnen for oppgaven: at køtid har betydning for reisendes kundetilfredshet. Selve datainnsamlingen og bruken av disse dataene er oppgavens hovedtyngde da de danner grunnlaget for simuleringsmodellen over avgangshallen. Ved hjelp av simuleringsmodellen har jeg i kapittel 4 fått anslagsvise køtider samt misfornøyde kunder ved de ulike fasilitetene i innsjekkingsområdet. Etter å ha gått gjennom mulige feilkilder til modellen og datainnsamlingen, ser jeg ved hjelp av en sensitivitetsanalyse på mulige forbedringer for å redusere køtid for kundene – og således redusere kundemisfornøydhet. Ved hjelp av forbedringene og tilhørende redusert antall kunder i lange køer, men økte kostnader, er det hensiktsmessig med en vurdering av hvordan SAS Braathens bør oppgradere sin verdsettelse av kundetilfredshet i forhold til kostnader. Dette er gjort i kapittel 6, før oppgaven avrundes med oppsummering i kapittel 7 og programmeringskode og print-outs i appendikset.
- Published
- 2006
22. Protein function prediction using annotated protein-protein interaction networks
- Author
Braute, Petter, Rødsjø, Jorg Eliassen, Hetland, Magnus Lie, and Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Fakultet for informasjonsteknologi, matematikk og elektroteknikk, Institutt for datateknikk og informasjonsvitenskap
- Subjects
Systemarbeid og menneske-maskin-interaksjon ,MIT informatikk ,ntnudaim - Abstract
Oppgaven presenterer teknikker og implementasjon for sammenlikning av naboskap av proteiner i protein-protein interaksjons-nettverk.
- Published
- 2005
23. Faster ROP in Hard Chalk: Proving a New Hypothesis for Drilling Dynamics
- Author
Akutsu, Eirik, additional, Rødsjø, Mads, additional, Gjertsen, John, additional, Andersen, Mats, additional, Reimers, Nils, additional, Granhøy-Lieng, Morten, additional, Strøm, Ellen, additional, and Horvei, Kjell Arvid, additional
- Published
- 2015
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24. Passiv energidesign – en god framgangsmåte for planlegging av lavenergiboliger
- Author
Tor Helge Dokka and Are Rødsjø
- Published
- 2004
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25. Effects of cascade apheresis in patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthropathy
- Author
Hilde Lysvand, Hild Fjærtoft, S. Kværnes, Størker Jørstad, K. Bergh, J.Å. Rødsjø, T. Næss, Tor-Erik Widerøe, M. Johnsson, Ole-Jan Iversen, and M. Bolsø
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Antigen-Antibody Complex ,Psoriatic arthritis ,Grip strength ,Immune system ,Psoriasis ,Arthropathy ,medicine ,Humans ,Psoriatic arthropathy ,business.industry ,Arthritis, Psoriatic ,Hematology ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Dermatology ,Immune complex ,Surgery ,Nephrology ,Blood Component Removal ,Female ,business ,Complication - Abstract
Eight patients with psoriasis, all with skin scales and 7 with disabling psoriatic arthritis, were subjected to cascade apheresis starting with three treatments per week for 2 weeks, followed by one treatment a week, comprising ten treatments in all. Six out of 7 patients (86%) with arthropathy and 3 out of 8 patients (38%) with scales experienced a beneficial effect. There was a large drop in the levels of circulating immune complexes (CIC) due to the treatment, and the removal of CIC was followed by reduced inflammatory activity in skin lesions and joints as evaluated by pain, morning stiffness, grip strength, plaque score, and PASI index. However, there was no correlation between the level of CIC, disease activity, or treatment response. From the present results it is concluded that CIC may play a more significant role regarding psoriatic arthropathy than in skin manifestations, and apheresis may be beneficial in patients not responding to conventional therapy.
- Published
- 1998
26. Case History: Clay Free Invert Fluid in Norwegian High-Temperature Well Provides Consistent Low ECD Profile
- Author
Rødsjø, Mads, additional, Akutsu, Erik, additional, Morris, Steven, additional, and Mikalsen, Renate, additional
- Published
- 2013
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27. Passiv energidesign – en god framgangsmåte for planlegging av lavenergiboliger
- Author
Dokka, Tor Helge, primary and Rødsjø, Are, additional
- Published
- 2004
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28. Effects of Cascade Apheresis in Patients with Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthropathy
- Author
Jørstad, S., primary, Bergh, K., additional, Iversen, O.J., additional, Johnsson, M., additional, Lysvand, H., additional, Fjærtoft, H., additional, Widerøe, T.-E., additional, Rødsjø, J.Å., additional, Næss, T., additional, Bolsø, M., additional, and Kværnes, S., additional
- Published
- 1998
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29. Intravascular Ultrasonographic Assessment of Thrombus Formation on Central Venous Catheters
- Author
Bolz, K.-D., primary, Aadahl, P., additional, Mangersnes, J., additional, Rødsjø, J. Å., additional, Jørstad, S., additional, Myhre, H. O., additional, Angelsen, B. A. J., additional, and Nordby, A., additional
- Published
- 1993
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30. Clay-Free Invert Fluid in High-Temperature Well Provides Consistent Low ECD Profile.
- Author
Rødsjø, Mads, Akutsu, Erik, Morris, Steven, and Mikalsen, Renate
- Subjects
OIL well temperature ,DRILLING fluids ,VISCOSITY ,CHEMICAL reactions ,OIL well drilling ,CONTINENTAL shelf ,CLAY - Abstract
Historically, invert-emulsion drilling fluids (IEFs) require organophilic clays to provide viscosity and suspension characteristics. While effective, these chemicals are prone to stratification in certain conditions, slow chemical-reaction times, high pressure spikes, and high equivalent circulating densities (ECDs). This paper describes the first application of clay-free IEFs in the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS), with an emphasis on an impressively low and consistent ECD contribution. Further, a treatment was developed to allow the IEFs to be used to drill into a section exhibiting temperatures greater than 160°C. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
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