Epitaxialstraine ectsonsup erconductingandtransp ortprop ertiesofLa2xSrCuO4+ X.Xia,Weidong Si,X.H.Zeng,A. SoukiassianC.L. JiabandK. UrbanaDepartmentofPhysics,ThePennsylvaniaStateUniversity,ark,A16802, USAbInstitutfurFestkorp erforschung,orscungszentrumJulichGmbH,D-52425 J h, GermanyABSTRACTEpitaxial strain in La2xSrCuO4+ thin lms (0 x0:30) is controlled by using SrLaAlO4bu er layers ofdi erentthicknesses on SrTiO3substrates.We found that compressive epitaxial strain results in higherTcforall the Sr concentrations.Better oxygenation by co oling the lms in ozone/molecular oxygen mixture also leadsto higherTc.In undop ed and lightly-dop ed ultrathin lms, the samples are insulating under tensile strain, butsup erconductingwhenthestrainissu cientlycompressive.Wesuggestthatepitaxiala ectsinsertionofinterstitialoxygen,whichisresp onsiblefortheobservede ects.Hallmeasurements con rmchangeincarrier density lmsofdi erentstrain.TheHallanglealsohanges withepitaxialepitaxial strain dep endence of the slop e in theT2dep endence of the cotangent of the Hall angle is di erent forunderdop ed and optimally-dop ed samples.Keywords:Epitaxial strain, high temp erature sup erconductor, thin lms1. INTRODUCTIONAmong various high temp erature sup erconductors (HTS), the dop ed La2CuO4comp ound (the \214" comp ound)has b een the desirable prototyp e cuprate system for the study of HTS mechanisms.1The two-dimensional CuO2layers are far separated and weakly coupled in the \214" comp ound, and there are no charge reservoir laers.The hole doping is achieved by either inserting interstitial O2(La2CuO4+ or LCO) or substituting La3+bySr2+(La2xCuO4or LSCO).2Epitaxial strain haslong b eenknown toa ecttheprop ertiesof\214" thin lms.3{5Usinga\blo ck-by-blo ck"molecularbeamepitaxytechnique,Lo cquetetal.describ edalargestraine ectin\214"(x=0:1)thin lmsgrown onSrTiO3(STO)andSrLaAlO4(SLAO)substrates.6The\214" lmintensilestrainonSTOhasareducedTcof10K,whilethe lmincompressive strainonSLAOanenhanced49K.This enhancementofTcis much larger than in anyhydrostatic or uniaxial pressure exp eriments.7, 8Suchenhancementhasb eenattributedtothemo dulationofCuO2plane-chargereservoir distance,9andsuppression of the low-temp erature tetragonal phase,10which has b een suggested to pin charge strip es.11Thestrip es, mostly dynamic and uctuating in space and time, refers to charges concentrating along sp ontaneouslygenerated domain walls b etween antiferromagnetic insulating regions.Static strip es have b een observed in Nd-dop ed \214" crystals near thex= 1/8 comp osition,11{13where the suppression ofTcis also rep orted.14{16Ifa compressive strain suppresses the static strip es, it may enhancesTc.10Here we present results thatshow thatb esides strain,oxygenation isalso imp ortant forthe prop erties of\214" lms.17Further, the compressive epitaxial strain and insertion of interstitial oxygen are coupled to eachother:in b oth cases thea-axis of the lattice shrinks and thec-axis expands, which relieves the internal strain dueto the b ond length mismatchbetween the CuO2and LaO layers. Using epitaxial strain, insulator-sup erconductor(I-S)transitioncanbeinducedinundop edandlightly-dop ed\214" lmsthroughtheenhancedinsertionofinterstitial oxygen.18Our Hall e ect measurementshows higher carrier densities in more compressively strained lms, however the Hall angle also changes with epitaxial strain.Further author information:Send e-mail to X.X.X.:xxx4@psu.edu