1. A search for the anomalous events detected by ANITA using the Pierre Auger Observatory
- Author
The Pierre Auger Collaboration, Halim, A. Abdul, Abreu, P., Aglietta, M., Allekotte, I., Cheminant, K. Almeida, Almela, A., Aloisio, R., Alvarez-Muñiz, J., Yebra, J. Ammerman, Anastasi, G. A., Anchordoqui, L., Andrada, B., Andringa, S., Apollonio, L., Aramo, C., Ferreira, P. R. Araújo, Arnone, E., Velázquez, J. C. Arteaga, Assis, P., Avila, G., Avocone, E., Bakalova, A., Barbato, F., Mocellin, A. Bartz, Bellido, J. A., Berat, C., Bertaina, M. E., Bhatta, G., Bianciotto, M., Biermann, P. L., Binet, V., Bismark, K., Bister, T., Biteau, J., Blazek, J., Bleve, C., Blümer, J., Boháčová, M., Boncioli, D., Bonifazi, C., Arbeletche, L. Bonneau, Borodai, N., Brack, J., Orchera, P. G. Brichetto, Briechle, F. L., Bueno, A., Buitink, S., Buscemi, M., Büsken, M., Bwembya, A., Caballero-Mora, K. S., Cabana-Freire, S., Caccianiga, L., Campuzano, F., Caracas, I. A., Caruso, R., Castellina, A., Catalani, F., Cataldi, G., Cazon, L., Cerda, M., Cermenati, A., Chinellato, J. A., Chudoba, J., Chytka, L., Clay, R. W., Cerutti, A. C. Cobos, Colalillo, R., Coluccia, M. R., Conceição, R., Condorelli, A., Consolati, G., Conte, M., Convenga, F., Santos, D. Correia dos, Costa, P. J., Covault, C. E., Cristinziani, M., Sanchez, C. S. Cruz, Dasso, S., Daumiller, K., Dawson, B. R., de Almeida, R. M., de Jesús, J., de Jong, S. J., Neto, J. R. T. de Mello, De Mitri, I., de Oliveira, J., Franco, D. de Oliveira, de Palma, F., de Souza, V., de Errico, B. P. de Souza, De Vito, E., Del Popolo, A., Deligny, O., Denner, N., Deval, L., di Matteo, A., Dobre, M., Dobrigkeit, C., D'Olivo, J. C., Mendes, L. M. Domingues, Dorosti, Q., Anjos, J. C. dos, Anjos, R. C. dos, Ebr, J., Ellwanger, F., Emam, M., Engel, R., Epicoco, I., Erdmann, M., Etchegoyen, A., Evoli, C., Falcke, H., Farrar, G., Fauth, A. C., Fazzini, N., Feldbusch, F., Fenu, F., Fernandes, A., Fick, B., Figueira, J. M., Filipčič, A., Fitoussi, T., Flaggs, B., Fodran, T., Fujii, T., Fuster, A., Galea, C., Galelli, C., García, B., Gaudu, C., Gemmeke, H., Gesualdi, F., Gherghel-Lascu, A., Ghia, P. L., Giaccari, U., Glombitza, J., Gobbi, F., Gollan, F., Golup, G., Berisso, M. Gómez, Vitale, P. F. Gómez, Gongora, J. P., González, J. M., González, N., Góra, D., Gorgi, A., Gottowik, M., Grubb, T. D., Guarino, F., Guedes, G. P., Guido, E., Gülzow, L., Hahn, S., Hamal, P., Hampel, M. R., Hansen, P., Harari, D., Harvey, V. M., Haungs, A., Hebbeker, T., Hojvat, C., Hörandel, J. R., Horvath, P., Hrabovský, M., Huege, T., Insolia, A., Isar, P. G., Janecek, P., Jilek, V., Johnsen, J. A., Jurysek, J., Kampert, K. -H., Keilhauer, B., Khakurdikar, A., Covilakam, V. V. Kizakke, Klages, H. O., Kleifges, M., Knapp, F., Köhler, J., Kunka, N., Lago, B. L., Langner, N., de Oliveira, M. A. Leigui, Lema-Capeans, Y., Letessier-Selvon, A., Lhenry-Yvon, I., Lopes, L., Lu, L., Luce, Q., Lundquist, J. P., Payeras, A. Machado, Majercakova, M., Mandat, D., Manning, B. C., Mantsch, P., Mariani, F. M., Mariazzi, A. G., Mariş, I. C., Marsella, G., Martello, D., Martinelli, S., Bravo, O. Martínez, Martins, M. A., Mastrodicasa, M., Mathes, H. -J., Matthews, J., Matthiae, G., Mayotte, E., Mayotte, S., Mazur, P. O., Medina-Tanco, G., Meinert, J., Melo, D., Menshikov, A., Merx, C., Michal, S., Micheletti, M. I., Miramonti, L., Mollerach, S., Montanet, F., Morejon, L., Morello, C., Mulrey, K., Mussa, R., Namasaka, W. M., Negi, S., Nellen, L., Nguyen, K., Nicora, G., Niechciol, M., Nitz, D., Nosek, D., Novotny, V., Nožka, L., Nucita, A., Núñez, L. A., Oliveira, C., Palatka, M., Pallotta, J., Panja, S., Parente, G., Paulsen, T., Pawlowsky, J., Pech, M., Pękala, J., Pelayo, R., Pereira, L. A. S., Martins, E. E. Pereira, Armand, J. Perez, Bertolli, C. Pérez, Perrone, L., Petrera, S., Petrucci, C., Pierog, T., Pimenta, M., Platino, M., Pont, B., Pothast, M., Shahvar, M. Pourmohammad, Privitera, P., Prouza, M., Querchfeld, S., Rautenberg, J., Ravignani, D., Akim, J. V. Reginatto, Reininghaus, M., Ridky, J., Riehn, F., Risse, M., Rizi, V., de Carvalho, W. Rodrigues, Rodriguez, E., Rojo, J. Rodriguez, Roncoroni, M. J., Rossoni, S., Roth, M., Roulet, E., Rovero, A. C., Ruehl, P., Saftoiu, A., Saharan, M., Salamida, F., Salazar, H., Salina, G., Gomez, J. D. Sanabria, Sánchez, F., Santos, E. M., Santos, E., Sarazin, F., Sarmento, R., Sato, R., Savina, P., Schäfer, C. M., Scherini, V., Schieler, H., Schimassek, M., Schimp, M., Schmidt, D., Scholten, O., Schoorlemmer, H., Schovánek, P., Schröder, F. G., Schulte, J., Schulz, T., Sciutto, S. J., Scornavacche, M., Sedoski, A., Segreto, A., Sehgal, S., Shivashankara, S. U., Sigl, G., Silli, G., Sima, O., Simkova, K., Simon, F., Smau, R., Šmída, R., Sommers, P., Soriano, J. F., Squartini, R., Stadelmaier, M., Stanič, S., Stasielak, J., Stassi, P., Strähnz, S., Straub, M., Suomijärvi, T., Supanitsky, A. D., Svozilikova, Z., Szadkowski, Z., Tairli, F., Tapia, A., Taricco, C., Timmermans, C., Tkachenko, O., Tobiska, P., Peixoto, C. J. Todero, Tomé, B., Torrès, Z., Travaini, A., Travnicek, P., Trimarelli, C., Tueros, M., Unger, M., Vaclavek, L., Vacula, M., Galicia, J. F. Valdés, Valore, L., Varela, E., Vásquez-Ramírez, A., Veberič, D., Ventura, C., Quispe, I. D. Vergara, Verzi, V., Vicha, J., Vink, J., Vorobiov, S., Watanabe, C., Watson, A. A., Weindl, A., Wiencke, L., Wilczyński, H., Wittkowski, D., Wundheiler, B., Yue, B., Yushkov, A., Zapparrata, O., Zas, E., Zavrtanik, D., Zavrtanik, M., Prechelt, R., Romero-Wolf, A., Wissel, S., and Zeolla, A. more...
- Subjects
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena - Abstract
A dedicated search for upward-going air showers at zenith angles exceeding $110^\circ$ and energies $E>0.1$ EeV has been performed using the Fluorescence Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory. The search is motivated by two "anomalous" radio pulses observed by the ANITA flights I and III which appear inconsistent with the Standard Model of particle physics. Using simulations of both regular cosmic ray showers and upward-going events, a selection procedure has been defined to separate potential upward-going candidate events and the corresponding exposure has been calculated in the energy range [0.1-33] EeV. One event has been found in the search period between 1 Jan 2004 and 31 Dec 2018, consistent with an expected background of $0.27 \pm 0.12$ events from mis-reconstructed cosmic ray showers. This translates to an upper bound on the integral flux of $(7.2 \pm 0.2) \times 10^{-21}$ cm$^{-2}$ sr$^{-1}$ y$^{-1}$ and $(3.6 \pm 0.2) \times 10^{-20}$ cm$^{-2}$ sr$^{-1}$ y$^{-1}$ for an $E^{-1}$ and $E^{-2}$ spectrum, respectively. An upward-going flux of showers normalized to the ANITA observations is shown to predict over 34 events for an $E^{-3}$ spectrum and over 8.1 events for a conservative $E^{-5}$ spectrum, in strong disagreement with the interpretation of the anomalous events as upward-going showers., Comment: 10+5 Pages of Manuscript plus Supplemental Material, 3+8 figures, Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters more...
- Published
- 2025