28 results on '"Augenblick"'
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2. Das Glück des Zufalls
- Author
Thomas Hilgers
- Subjects
Zufall ,Glück ,Lebendigkeit ,Zeitstrukturen ,Augenblick ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
In diesem Aufsatz präsentiere ich drei Argumente für die These, dass die Erscheinung bzw. die Erfahrung des Zufalls eine besondere Quelle von Glück sein kann. Genauer gesagt zeige ich (vor allem in einer Auseinandersetzung mit einigen zentralen Gedanken Heideggers), dass die Erfahrung des Zufalls ein Gefühl von Lebendigkeit, ein Gefühl des uns Entgegenkommens der Welt sowie ein Gefühl von Korrespondenz implizieren kann. In einem weiteren Schritt untersuche ich, inwiefern die im heutigen Informationszeitalter wirkmächtigen Zeitstrukturen dem Erscheinen von Zufällen opponieren. In diesem Kontext werfe ich einen Blick sowohl auf das Phänomen der Steuerung als auch auf die soziologische These, dass sich die Spätmoderne gerade durch eine Kontingenzsteigerung auszeichne. Abschließend diskutiere ich die zeitliche Manifestation sowie Vorbereitung des Zufalls, indem ich auf dessen Zusammenhang mit einem besonderen Gegenwartsmodus zu sprechen komme.
- Published
- 2023
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3. Emergent Times: Disruptive Logic as a Breeding Ground
- Author
Beyers, Fleur, Langenberg, Suzan, editor, and Beyers, Fleur, editor
- Published
- 2018
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4. Framtid eller upprepning? Heidegger och ögonblicket i Simone de Beauvoirs 1940-talsessäer.
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- Abstract
This article analyses Simone de Beauvoir's understanding of temporality in the essays Pyrrhus and Cinéas (1944) and Ethics of Ambiguity (1947) and situates it in relation to the tradition of phenomenology with particular focus on the thought of Martin Heidegger. In Being and Time, Heidegger develops an "ek-static" description of time, a lived experience of time where the past, the future, and the present are united in the authentically grasped moment or Augenblick. The article demonstrates that this notion of temporality is also present in Beauvoir's essays, and it reinterprets her understanding of the concepts of future and repetition in light of this reading. The article suggests that Beauvoir makes a distinction between authentic and inauthentic attitudes towards the future. It is also suggested that Beauvoir's accounts of women in terms of immanence or of a repetition of the present that underpins her analysis in The Second Sex should not be taken as ontological, but rather as descriptions of the ways in which time is experienced under oppression. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
- Subjects
rhope ,оjeblikket ,Kierkegaard ,Skovoroda ,ojeblikket ,fear (Angst) ,на млі ока ,Сковорода ,вічність ,Heidegger ,eternity ,в blink of an eye ,страх-жах ,К’єркегор ,in the blink of an eye ,Augenblick ,exaíphnes ,час ,Аugenblick ,time ,temporality ,Гайдеггер - Abstract
In 1770, in the garden of the Okhtyrka Trinity Monastery near Kharkiv, Skovoroda experienced a stunning shock. He suddenly felt free and invigorated, and a strange movement took place inside him, which filled him with strange power. Some kind of inner fire engulfed him, he lost the feeling of his own body, the whole world disappeared for him and he began to circle in the space of Being. After that, his soul was filled with love for Holy Spirit. These feelings were so strong, but he burst into tears. That is, he had a certain breakthrough in his vision of God. Skovoroda himself points out such an important detail – all this happened to him in one moment. suddenly, instantly, in the blink of an eye. Exaíphnes (Plato), rhope (Bible), moment (Latin authors), ojeblikket (Kierkegaard), Аugenblick (Heidegger) or in English “in the blink of an eye“, “moment of vision“, “glance of an eye“, “instance“, “suddenness“, “decisive moment“, or, in Ukrainian, ‘за миг ока’, ‘на млі ока’, ‘миттєво’, ‘за мить’, or in Russian, ‘моментально’, ‘в мновение ока’, etc. – all these words and terms are different titular names of the same concept “moment”, which expresses the any thing’s transition from the one state to a different another condition. The peculiarity of this instant transition is that it is timeless, atemporal. Look, if it had temporal dimensions, then the transition from one state to another should lead to such a situation6 when the thing would combine both states, past and future. For example, a thing that started to move had to move and be at rest at the same time. The same applies to the transition from our world to the divine world or from a sinful man to a saint. So, the “moment” is atemporal and timeless. Entering the moment and staying in it means falling out of time and joining eternity. Unlike all theoretical researchers of the “moment”, Hryhoriy Skovoroda was the only one who actually experienced this “moment” (Ojeblikket, Augenblick) as a miracle of transition from fallen temporality to divine eternity. In addition, Skovoroda experienced a stunning epiphany (this is the another meaning of Heidegger’s Augenblick) and underwent something similar to a bodily and spiritual transfiguration., Exaíphnes (Платон), rhope (Біблія), moment (латинські автори), ojeblikket (К’єркегор), Аugenblick (Гайдеггер) як (англійськи переклади) “in the blink of an eye“, “moment of vision“, “glance of an eye“, “instance“, “suddenness“, “decisive moment“, чи українською ‘за миг ока’, ‘на-млі- ока’, ‘за миг ока’, ‘моментально’, або російською ‘в мгновение ока’ тощо – все це є поняттєвими формами одного концепта «мить», котрий виражає перехід речей чи явищ від одного стану до іншого через випадіння з часовості. Мить є атемпоральною за визначенням, тому що якби вона мала часові виміри, то перехід від одного стану до іншого мав би призводити до такої ситуації, коли річ поєднувала б у собі обидва стани, минулий і майбутній. Наприклад, річ, що почала рухатись, мала одночасно і рухатись, і перебувати у спокої. Теж саме стосується й переходу від нашого земного світу до світу божественного або від грішної людини до людини праведної. На відміну від усіх теоретичних дослідників «миті» Григорій Сковорода був єдиним, хто реально пережив цю «мить» (Ojeblikket, Augenblick) як чудо переходу від занепалої темпоральності до сяючої божественної вічності, що відбулося у 1770 році у саду Троїцької обителі під слобожанською Охтиркою з попереднім отриманням дару ясновидіння, що знайшло прояв у приголомшливому прозрінні (Augenblick у Гайдеггера має й таке значення) та тілесному і духовному преображенні.
- Published
- 2022
6. „Es ist für Augenblicke, als würde die Schale der Erde unter einem zu Kristall...' – ‚Plötzlichkeit‘ als Konturierung des Augenblicks in Hugo von Hofmannsthals Aufzeichnungen und Tagebüchern
- Author
Beate Sommerfeld
- Subjects
hugo von hofmannsthal ,ästhetizismus ,aufzeichnungen ,tagebücher ,augenblick ,narrative struktur ,nietzsche ,karl heinz bohrer ,schreibpraxis ,"erlebnis ,plötzlichkeit ,German literature ,PT1-4897 ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Hugo von Hofmannsthal führt in den Aufzeichnungen eine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit dem Augenblick des Ästhetizismus, dessen Formlosigkeit als künstlerisches Gestaltungsproblem begriffen wird. Er versucht, dem ungreifbar vorüberziehenden Zeitpunkt auf mehrerlei Art und Weise eine prägnantere Augenblicksvorstellung entgegenzusetzen. Die in Aufzeichnungen und Tagebüchern formulierten Reflexionen über die aus dem zeitlichen Kontinuum herausgehobenen Momente mit epiphaner Struktur, in denen der Kontakt mit den Dingen der Außenwelt die Ganzheit des Lebens aufschimmern lässt, korrespondieren mit den in Ein Brief oder dem Gespräch über Gedichte dargelegten Überlegungen. In Hofmannsthals Aufzeichnungen und Tagebüchern erscheint der Augenblick vorwiegend als aphoristisch zugespitzte Reflexion. In den Tagebüchern werden in einigen Eintragungen Augenblicke mit epiphanem Charakter als erlebt geschildert, wobei der Augenblick zum Element narrativer Strukturierung wird. Sie sind der Ausgangspunkt einer literarischen Gestaltung des im Sinne Nietzsches emphatisch verstandenen, nur in Augenblicken erfahrbaren ‚Lebens‘, in denen das Subjekt seine Identität auf dem Wege der Entgrenzung wiedergewinnt. Insofern scheint es sinnvoll, sich bei der Analyse der Hofmannsthalschen Tagebücher innerhalb der Terminologie Karl Heinz Bohrers zu bewegen. Der Augenblick als Moment plötzlichen Erschreckens scheint für Hofmannsthals Schreibpraxis besonders produktiv zu sein. Gerade dieses reine, die Gattungsgrenzen aufsprengende und literarisch schwer zu vermittelnde Erlebnis stellt für den Autor eine Herausforderung dar, wie Bohrer bereits für die Erzählungen Hofmannsthals nachgewiesen hat. Auch in Gedichten wie Erlebnis steht die literarische Gestaltung des Schreckens über die eigene Haltlosigkeit angesichts einer nicht mehr zu erfassenden Lebenskontinuität im Vordergrund. Der Augenblick als Blick auf die Dinge der Außenwelt – auch der Blick auf sich selbst von außen – vermittelt den Schrecken des vom ‚Leben‘ abgetrennten, außerhalb Stehenden, der ‚Leben‘ nur noch als Abwesenheit von Kontinuität und an den äußersten Grenzen sprachlicher Vermittlung erfahren kann.
- Published
- 2009
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7. Darkness in a Blink of an Eye.
- Author
Alt, Suvi
- Subjects
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ESCHATOLOGY , *ONTOLOGY , *POETIC diction , *POLITICAL poetry ,SOCIAL aspects - Abstract
Eschatologies often associate this world with darkness and the beyond with light, seeking a move from the former to the latter. This article rethinks the importance of darkness through a reading of Heidegger’s concept ofAugenblick, a blink of an eye, which exhibits a moment and site of a “beyond” coming to presence. Thus, the article contributes to approaches that seek to explore the ontological and poetic dimensions of politics. An onto-poetics of darkness draws attention to the presence of the concealed in each moment of actualization and it highlights the way in which the beyond created in theAugenblickinvolves relation both to other beings and to Being itself. The conceptual problematic of a “beyond” is further explicated through an engagement with Marina Abramović’s performance “The Artist Is Present.” Instead of a move from darkness to light, such eschatology implies inhabiting the darkness of the blink of an eye. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
- Abstract
The article aims at critical assessment of methodological approaches to historical analysis of Heidegger's references to Kierkegaard. Heidegger's relation to existentialist philosophy seems to be one of the is sues which are deeply contaminated by the philosopher's ambivalent self-interpretations distorting the course of objective historical and philosophical study of real links between Heidegger's discourse and the legacy of existentialist thinkers. Analysis of reflexive literature on the problem of how to identify the character of interference between philosophical discourses of Heidegger and Kierkegaard allowed revealing the critical lines of doxography and historiography. Doxographical approach his a verted from the dimension of concrete texts to logical an achronistics peculations over seemingly evident contextual influence of Kierkegaard on Heidegger. Such strategy is legitimate to sustain logical descriptions of the categories exempted from the certain paradigm butitis use less to reveal factual genealogic all inks between the discourses of the two philosophers. Descriptives tudies seem to fallprey to Heidegger's hermeneutic ambiguity in referring notsomucht o Kierkegaard but rather Kierkegaardianism, a superficial filiation of existential philosophy. It is proved that historiographical approach enablesto objectively examine genetic relations of Heidegger's categories to their homonymous doubles in Kierkegaard. Such Kierkegaardian categories as Existenz and Angst come to Heidegger through Jaspers an dare taken int he contextbof Augustine and Luther. The only category directly taken by Heidegger from Kierkegaard is Augenblick. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
9. The annihilation of hope and the unpicking of identity: Elgarian hermeneutics.
- Author
Harper-Scott, J. P. E.
- Abstract
‘A nice sub-acid feeling’: the First Symphony Before beginning a hermeneutic interpretation of the First Symphony, it will be useful to be reminded, briefly, of its structural outline. In the first movement, an Ideal Call in a confident but rather unconvincing immuring A♭ is challenged by the sudden entrance of a tonally unstable but A-minor-inflected Sub-Acid Theme, the first of the primary exposition materials. The exposition's trajectory to an immured A minor, and an essential expositional closure in that key at 17:8 with the Amfortas Tune, hinges on a pivotal F major, which acts as a dual agent: VI/A♭ and VI/a. With the full arrival of the immured tonic, the Kopfton is punned on and its structural function called into question. The rhetorical ESC (essential structural closure) at 44:8 is into the F minor of the Amfortas Tune's recapitulatory guise (NB this is the ‘pivot’ key in the minor mode): it is a ‘crisis’ in the movement, a non-resolution. The coda attempts unsuccessfully to re-establish the immuring A♭ as the movement's final tonic: the final recall of the Amfortas Tune in the closing bars, during which the stasis of the Kopfton is re-emphasized, undoes the coda's work. The second and third movements are directed teleologically towards the D major ‘Heaven Tune’ of the latter's coda, the theme which establishes the immured tonic as the stronger of the symphony's two tonalities by a considerable margin. On the way to this final telos there are other important events. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2006
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10. Glossary.
- Author
Harper-Scott, J. P. E.
- Published
- 2006
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11. Modern music, modern man.
- Author
Harper-Scott, J. P. E.
- Abstract
It is because Elgar's symphonic narrative style, which my emphasis on the Augenblick brings into focus, is so contra-Beethovenian that total reliance on the Ursatz as a structural prop simply will not suffice. We can ask again the questions at the beginning of this book: is early modernist syntax basically Beethovenian–Schenkerian, and is Schenkerian analysis of it appropriate? Clearly there are vital elements of the common-practice syntax in Elgar, for instance his contrapuntal prolongation of diatonic triads and the dramatic opposition of subsidiary keys; but the syntax is taken to extremes that make an orthodox Schenkerian reading inadequate. First, contrapuntal prolongation will very often be off the triad rather than on it, either before or after an arrival: so, for instance, in the first-movement exposition of the First Symphony, the triad of A minor is prolonged first by a VI–V–i cadence, where VI is itself established so painstakingly that it almost sounds like a tonic, then in the development V/a is prolonged contrapuntally. A minor itself, however, only appears for a very short while (11:4 and 17:1). It is the movement towards and then sharply away from a goal that takes up all Elgar's time. Since in the pristinely cynical world all possibilities are equally undesirable, the only acceptable option is to procrastinate, which is precisely what he does. Second, in Elgar's immuring–immured tonal structure the opposed key is prolonged to such great lengths, and with its own subsidiary keys and Ursatz, that it becomes a tonality itself. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2006
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12. Hermeneutics and mimesis.
- Author
Harper-Scott, J. P. E.
- Abstract
Heidegger, Schenker, music, and modern musicology I begin this chapter by making it clear how the concluding pair ought not to be read. There are two principal reasons why this is necessary. First, the question must arise why I choose Heidegger as a basis for my approach to a musical hermeneutics when the names of J. L. Austin, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Derrida are more familiar, and have been put to interesting use in recent years in this context. I believe in the binding necessity of acknowledging the hermeneutic circle in the fullest possible sense, but choose to be led round it by Heidegger rather than the others, because I believe that Heidegger is a better grounding than they are for a musical hermeneutics. Gadamer seems to me a more persuasive follower of Heidegger than Derrida, but while some of Gadamer's refinements of Heidegger are valuable, and I shall call on them occasionally, the original arguments are still the most useful guide to hermeneutic enquiry, not least because Heidegger's hermeneutics extend beyond the interpretation of texts into the interpretation of human being and Being as such. I should therefore explain where I disagree with some of the philosophy underlying wings of ‘the new musicology’, and at the same time pre-empt new-musicological criticisms of my own hermeneutic strategy. My argument is essentially ontological, being concerned with the nature of music, and my claim is that Heideggerian thinking can keep a hermeneutics solidly on track. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2006
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13. ‘Fracted and corroborate’: narrative implications of form and tonality in Falstaff, Op. 68.
- Author
Harper-Scott, J. P. E.
- Abstract
The nature, subject, and intent of a symphonic study Falstaff is curious: an amalgam of literature and music, it is not necessarily limited by either the narrative structures of the one or the syntactic structures of the other. Elgar does not call Falstaff a symphonic- or tone poem, but its similarities to the Lisztian/Straussian genre are obvious and central. James Hepokoski defines the musicologist's task in analyzing such a piece in an article on Don Juan: The essence of a symphonische Dichtung is situated in the listener's act (anticipated by the composer's) of connecting text and paratext, music and non-musical image, and grappling with the implications of the connection. The genre exists, qua genre, solely within the receiver, who agrees to create it reciprocally by indicating his or her willingness to play the game proposed by the composer; it does not exist abstractly in the acoustical surface of the music. Consequently, by the rules of the symphonic-poem game, we are not permitted to ask whether we could deduce the proper images had we not been supplied with them in advance, or had we not at least been given some broad hints in their direction. If we wish to play, we must abide by the rules; otherwise we are playing a different game or redefining the original one to suit our own purposes. It is interesting that Tovey's 1932 analysis of Falstaff was written before he had read Elgar's own 1913 article. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2006
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14. Immuring and immured tonalities: tonal malaise in the First Symphony, Op. 55.
- Author
Harper-Scott, J. P. E.
- Abstract
Hepokoski's analysis and a Hepokoskian analysis We have already begun to develop an approach fitted to a particular work, and when the object of study is Elgar's First Symphony there are additional complications. How are we to analyze a piece in four movements, whose middle movements are joined, and which makes such a point of beginning and ending with a ‘motto’ theme in A♭, but spends most of its time with other material and in or on unrelated keys (A minor, D major, and D minor being especially notable)? This question is not limited to analysis of early modernist music. Despite its grounding on Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, the archetypal four-movement narrative, Schenker's Ursatz does not explain how musical arguments are carried over the gaps between movements, or even why there are usually four movements in a symphony instead of, say, seven or two. Both Jonathan Dunsby and Nicholas Marston have tried to answer these questions in analyses of smaller pieces, but I know of no comparable attempt to stretch the Ursatz over a whole symphony. The present study, with its deliberately sceptical view of single-movement, Beethovenian–Schenkerian goal-orientation, offers an analysis of Elgar's First Symphony that argues for a four-movement Ursatz. As we shall see, the music itself compels and therefore supports such an interpretation. Elgar's principal structural tool in the First Symphony is the opposition of two powerful tonal centres, the one ‘immuring’ (A♭), the other ‘immured’ (D). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2006
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15. A Heideggerian refinement of Schenker's theory.
- Author
Harper-Scott, J. P. E.
- Abstract
Analytical preliminaries This book, with its focus on the First Symphony (1908) and Falstaff (1913), addresses a number of problematic issues in the analysis of early modernist music. Chief among them is the difficulty of finding a way into an analysis at all. Which methodology is best to use as a basis for analyzing music that is neither classically common-practice tonal nor yet post-tonal, and which therefore inhabits a troublesome gap between idiolects that many people believe we have come to grips with? Post-tonal theories will inevitably miss the predominantly tonal surface and larger-scale architecture of much of this music, but an orthodox Schenkerian approach is always at risk of skirting round surface ambiguities for the sake of exegetical expediency, and its contrapuntal dependence on a form-generating opposition of tonic and dominant may be anachronistic in a style which has long since discovered other possibilities for structural tension. Section 2 will offer a methodological framework for the analysis of early modernist music in general and Elgar's music in particular. I want to suggest that a modified Schenkerian approach is the best way to pursue our investigation, because the kinds of difficulties we (viz. Anglophone musicologists) face when attempting an analysis of early modernist music invite us to think in terms of voice-leading and contrapuntal prolongation. When confronted, for instance, with a passage without any obvious cadence, we still search for contrapuntal configurations suggesting recognizably functional chords that we hear prolonged. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2006
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16. Styles and ideas.
- Author
Harper-Scott, J. P. E.
- Abstract
Aims and context This book advances five closely interconnected but wide-ranging theses. 1: Elgar was a modernist composer. 2: His music carries meanings that can be discovered by analysis. 3: Schenkerian voice-leading analysis is a useful preliminary to the hermeneutics – the study of meaning – of all kinds of tonal music, but its foundations and presuppositions need to be examined and reworked in this case. 4: The philosophy of Martin Heidegger can at the same time aid in three tasks: the useful reformulation of Schenker's phenomenology, the understanding of music's ontology, and the hermeneutics of musical works. 5: A work of music, being an intentional object with a supratemporal form, is a mimesis of humankind's lived temporality, and lights up for us the structures of our own existence. All of these theses are controversial to a greater or lesser extent. Few Elgarians or academic musicologists would instinctively accept thesis 1. Of those who sense something of the modernist in him, he has been compared, not entirely to his favour, with contemporaries: after noting that his conservatism need not rule out a kind of progressiveness, Arnold Whittall adds, echoing Adorno's view of Debussy, that ‘the fractures and ambiguities characteristic of modernity are … less likely to be found in Elgar than they are in other tonal symphonists of the time, such as Sibelius, or, in particular, Mahler’. And on the surface – the place where fractures are generally seen – he is entirely right. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2006
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17. Phenomenological Problems for the Kairological Reading of Augenblick in Being and Time.
- Author
Zangeneh, Hakhamanesh
- Subjects
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KAIROS (Greek deity) , *KAIROS (The Greek word) , *ESCHATOLOGY , *AUTHENTICITY (Philosophy) - Abstract
In this paper we examine the key phenomena associated with the notion of kairos in Heidegger’s pre‐Being and Time writings and show that they all fall short of the methodological constraints and conceptual requirements placed on authentic presence in 1927. Though Heidegger’s early studies of Aristotle and the New‐Testament are broadly suggestive of the notion of temporality that is presented in his systematic treatise, none of those earlier texts carry the differentiations within which the Augenblick of Being and Time is situated. We thus claim that the ekstasis of authentic presence is neither reducible to an eschatological nor to a phronological kairos and furthermore, that the successor to kairos in Being and Time is more likely to be Jemeinigkeit than Augenblick. Establishing these distinctions gives us greater insights into the fundamental orientation of Heidegger’s inquiry in Being and Time. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
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18. When conscience calls, will Dasein answer? Heideggerian authenticity and the possibility of ethical life.
- Author
Ortega, Mariana
- Subjects
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How does everyday, inauthentic Dasein dominated by das Man become authentic? The aim of this article is to answer this and other questions about Dasein's authenticity by carrying out an analysis of the 'call of conscience'. This analysis, in turn, provides insights about Dasein's possibility for ethical existence. We will see that even though there are some puzzling issues in Heidegger's explanation of Dasein in its everydayness and its authenticity, the Heideggerian Existential Analytic is not 'anti-ethical' as some have claimed. We will also see that the Existential Analytic's commitment to the ontic raises doubts about Heidegger's claim that the Analytic is prior to any ethics and examine how reading Being and Time as a project of 'metontology' may dissolve these doubts. Finally, the paper offers a suggestion about the importance of 'authentic historicality' in a factical account of the moral life. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2005
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19. Kairos
- Author
Bennington, Geoffrey, author
- Published
- 2016
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20. Heidegger’s interpretation of Nietzsche’s Augenblick... A propos of an Onto-Theo-Logical Dispute
- Author
Lolas, Ricardo Espinoza
- Subjects
Ereignis ,voluntad de poder ,Augenblick ,ontotheology ,desire of power ,ontoteologÃa - Abstract
Lo que se intenta mostrar en este artículo es qué entiende Heidegger (1936 en adelante) por lo más radical de la filosofía de Nietzsche: el tema de “La voluntad de poder y El eterno retorno de lo igual” a la luz de la concepción del Augenblick. Veremos que es el propio Heidegger el que tiene que hacerse cargo de un modo de entender la Historia de Occidente como la Historia de la Metafísica (que es la Historia del Nihilismo). Es en ese momento acontece que la Historia del Pensamiento se nos vuelve en Ontoteología como clave hermenéutica. Para el filósofo alemán, puede ser posible preguntar por lo impensado de dicha Historia, esto es, el Ereignis. This article aims to analyze, in the light of the conception of Augenblick, what Heidegger (from 1936 onwards) understands as the most radical theme in Nietzsche’s Philosophy, namely “the will to power and the eternal recurrence of the same”. It will be seen that it was Heidegger himself who had to develop a way of understanding Western History as the History of Metaphysics (which is the History of Nihilism). It is at that point that the History of Thought turns us towards Ontotheology for its hermeneutic key. It may be that, for the German philosopher, the ‘unthought’ of that History, namely Ereignis, can become an object of questioning.
- Published
- 2015
21. Kierkegaardian motives in Heidegger's philosophy
- Author
Stepanov, Viacheslav and Luchynska, Iryna
- Subjects
141.3 ,категорія ,Augenblick ,Existenz ,парадигма ,історіографія ,доксографія ,категория ,историография ,доксография ,category ,paradigm ,historiography ,doxography - Abstract
Відношення М. Гайдеґґера до екзистенціальної філософії є одним із питань, що глибоко контаміновані амбівалентними тлумаченнями самого філософа, які викривляють траєкторію об'єктивного історико-філософського дослідження дійсних зв'язків між Гайдеґґеровим дискурсом і спадщиною мислителів-екзистенціалістів. Аналіз рефлексивної літератури з проблеми ідентифікації характеру інтерференцій між філософськими дискурсами М. Гайдеґґера і С. К'єркегора дозволив виявити критичні лінії доксографії та історіографії. Установлено, що саме історіографічний підхід забезпечує об'єктивне дослідження генетичного зв'язку категорій Гайдеґґерової парадигми з омонімічним поняттям С. К'єркегора., Статья посвящена критической оценке методологических подходов к историческому исследованию связи между философиями М. Хайдеггера и С. Кьеркегора. Показано, что именно историографический подход обеспечивает объективное исследование генетических связей категорий хайдеггеровской парадигмы с омонимичными понятиями С. Кьеркегора. Понятия с явными кьеркегоровскими корнями, которые используются М. Хайдеггером при разработке экзистенциальной аналитики Dasein, приходят к нему опосредованным путем. Единственной категорией, кьеркегоровское значение которой М. Хайдеггер подчеркивал, является Augenblick., The article aims at critical assessment of methodological approaches to historical analysis of Heidegger's references to Kierkegaard. Heidegger's relation to existentialist philosophy seems to be one of the is sues which are deeply contaminated by the philosopher's ambivalent self-interpretations distorting the course of objective historical and philosophical study of real links between Heidegger's discourse and the legacy of existentialist thinkers. Analysis of reflexive literature on the problem of how to identify the character of interference between philosophical discourses of Heidegger and Kierkegaard allowed revealing the critical lines of doxography and historiography. Doxographical approach his a verted from the dimension of concrete texts to logical an achronistics peculations over seemingly evident contextual influence of Kierkegaard on Heidegger. Such strategy is legitimate to sustain logical descriptions of the categories exempted from the certain paradigm butitis use less to reveal factual genealogic all inks between the discourses of the two philosophers. Descriptives tudies seem to fallprey to Heidegger's hermeneutic ambiguity in referring notsomucht o Kierkegaard but rather Kierkegaardianism, a superficial filiation of existential philosophy. It is proved that historiographical approach enablesto objectively examine genetic relations of Heidegger's categories to their homonymous doubles in Kierkegaard. Such Kierkegaardian categories as Existenz and Angst come to Heidegger through Jaspers an dare taken int he contextbof Augustine and Luther. The only category directly taken by Heidegger from Kierkegaard is Augenblick.
- Published
- 2015
22. Über das Übergehen bei Nishida
- Subjects
die Philosophie Nishidas ,瞬間 ,es gibt ,Augenblick ,Übergehen ,西田哲学 ,移る ,それは与える - Abstract
Diese Abhandlung handelt von der grundlegenden Sache der Philosophie Nishidas. Seine Philosophie muβ auf die umfassende Weise er-ortert werden, indem der Ort seiner Philosophie von der geschichtlichen Logik bestimmt wird. Man sagt wohl, eine Philosophie soil nicht vom anderen Standpunkt aus interpretiert werden. Aber die Philosophie Nishidas soil einen bestimmten Ort innerhalb der geschichtlichen Logik einnehmen, insofern sie in der Geshichte der Philosophie die groβe und objektive Bedeutung hat. Was ist dann der bestimmte Ort? Ich bezeichne den Ort durch den Ausdruck: (es gibt). Seine Philosophie nimmt die Szene des (es gibt) innerhalb der geschichtlichen Logik ein. Obwohl die philosophie Nishidas sich innerhalb des (es gibt) bewegt, kann sie nicht das "es gibt", welches fur das Denken Heideggers seinen Boden ausmacht, erreichen. Die Philosophie Nishidas hat daher den charakteristische Zeitbegriff, daβ Augenblick Augenblick selbst bestimmt, oder daβ Gegenwart Gegenwart selbst bestimmt. Diese Abhandlung wird die Zusammenhang zwischen dem (es gibt) und dem Zeitbegriff klarmachen.
- Published
- 2003
23. Jaspers’ Concepts of Existenz and ‘Deathlessness’
- Author
Peach, Filiz, author
- Published
- 2008
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24. Augen-Blicke
- Author
Friese, Heidrun, editor
- Published
- 2001
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25. 'La mesure de l'instant' − Romanszene und Malerei in der französischen Spätaufklärung
- Author
Schöch, Christof, Lehrstuhl für Computerphilologie, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg [Wurtzbourg, Allemagne] (JMU), Schöch, Christof, Sick, Franziska, Christof, Schöch, Schöch, Christof, and Sick, Franziska
- Subjects
[SHS.LITT] Humanities and Social Sciences/Literature ,Lumières ,Dorat ,Sade ,[SHS.LITT]Humanities and Social Sciences/Literature ,Augenblick ,instant ,Malerei ,Révéroni Saint-Cyr ,Literatur ,littérature ,peinture - Abstract
Wenn von der Zeitlichkeit in Literatur und Malerei die Rede ist, so wird man zunächst an die doppelte Zeitstruktur narrativer Texte sowie an die Darstellung eines sorgfältig gewählten, prägnanten Moments in der Malerei denken. Ebenso präsent ist die Frage nach den Möglichkeiten der Bilder, einen zeitlichen und narrativen Ablauf darzustellen. Die umgekehrte Frage, die nach den Möglichkeiten der Sprache, zeitlichen Stillstand, Gleichzeitigkeit, den einzelnen Augenblick darzustellen, wird deutlich seltener gestellt. Genau dies soll hier getan werden, und zwar am Beispiel einer Epoche, in welcher dem Augenblick eine besondere Rolle zukommt. In der Tat wird im europäischen 18. Jahrhundert erstmals nicht mehr das kontinuierliche Fließen der Zeit betont, sondern ihre Fragmentierung in einzelne Augenblicke. Rückt der Augenblick ins Zentrum, stellt sich die Frage nach seinen Qualitäten und seiner Dauer, aber auch nach den Modalitäten seiner Darstellung. Georges Poulet war der Frage nach der „mesure de l’instant“ mit einem Ansatz nachgegangen, der philosophische und literarische Aspekte verband. Der vorliegende Beitrag möchte die Darstellung des Augenblicks aus einer intermedialen Perspektive in den Blick nehmen: Im Zusammenspiel von Malerei und Roman in der französischen Spätaufklärung.
- Published
- 2007
26. Symbol und Zeitlichkeit bei Schelling, Solger und Hegel
- Author
Galland-Szymkowiak, Mildred, Galland-Szymkowiak, Mildred, ARIAS - Atelier de Recherche sur l'Intermédialité et les Arts du Spectacle (ARIAS), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École normale supérieure - Paris (ENS Paris), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, and Universität Bremen
- Subjects
Ästhetik ,G.W.F. Hegel ,symbole ,german philosophy ,[SHS.PHIL]Humanities and Social Sciences/Philosophy ,idéalisme allemand ,Zeitlichkeit ,Deutscher Idealismus ,temporalité ,symbol ,[SHS.PHIL] Humanities and Social Sciences/Philosophy ,philosophy of art ,aesthetics ,Augenblick ,philosophie de l'art ,instant ,deutsche klassische Philosophie ,german idealism ,K. W. F. Solger ,F.W.J. Schelling ,esthétique ,time ,philosophie classique allemande ,Kunstphilosophie - Abstract
Der Beitrag untersucht das ästhetisch-philosophische Problem des Symbols von Kant ausgehend bei Schelling, Solger und Hegel. Dies Problem besteht darin, dass im Kunstwerk zugleich die immanente Kundgebung der Idee und ihre Transzendenz der endlichen Wirklichkeit begriffen werden sollen. Das Verhältnis des Absoluten zur zeitlichen Existenz im Kunstwerk gilt hier als roter Faden. Bei Solger und Hegel wird die zeitliche Existenz in die Definition und in das philosophische Studium der Kunst übernommen, während sie bei Schelling nur als Horizont der sub specie aeternitatis bestimmten Kunstphilosophie angesehen ist. Jedoch kommt der Solgersche Gedanke des ästhetischen Augenblicks von Schellingschen Prämissen und steht demnach der Hegelschen spekulativphilosophischen Kunstgeschichte gegenüber., Starting with Kant, the paper analyses the aesthetic and philosophical problem of the symbol in the philosophy of Schelling, Solger and Hegel. The problem consists in the necessity to understand in the work of art at the same time both the immanent manifestation of the idea and its transcendency of finite reality. The possibility to compare the three authors with one another lies in the relation between the absolute and temporal existence in the work of art. With Solger and Hegel temporal existence is set in the definition and the philosophical studies of art. Whereas with Schelling it is merely looked upon as the horizon of the sub specie aeternitatis defined philosophy of art. But Solger's idea of the in stantaneousness of the work of art comes from Schelling's premises. Thus it is opposed to Hegel's 'speculative' history of art.
- Published
- 2007
27. Verlorene Gegenwart. Die Rolle des Augenblicks in Sein und Zeit
- Author
Barbarić, Damir
- Subjects
Sein ,Zeit ,Zukunft ,Augenblick ,Erwarten ,Entscheidung - Abstract
Einige der Grundbestimmungen der existentiellen Analyse des Daseins aus dem Hauptwerk Heideggers, etwa Verfallen, Neugier, Schuld, Voralufen, werden interpretativ erschlossen auf Grund eines einheitlichen grundlegenden Ausgangspunkts, der im Augenblick als dem Ursprung der ursprunglichen wie auch der vulgaeren Zeitlichkeit erkannt wird.
- Published
- 1999
28. Enigmatic origins : tracing the theme of historicity through Heidegger's works
- Author
Ruin, Hans
- Subjects
historicity ,Ereignis ,Philosophy ,Filosofi ,truth ,Augenblick ,phenomenology ,Heidegger ,hermeneutics ,temporality - Abstract
The preoccupation with the "historicity" of thought and existence is central to thehermeneutic-phenomenological branch of modern philosophy. Its foremostrepresentative is Martin Heidegger, who in his main work Sein und Zeit (1927)developed a theory of historicity, according to which human beings not only exist inhistory, but are themselves historical. In subsequent writings Heidegger argued thatnot only man, but also truth and being, must be understood "historically" in aparticular sense. The meaning and the impHcations of Heidegger's "historicization" ofphilosophy are here analyzed along two parallel tracks: as a theory of the conditions ofphilosophical understanding; second, as an incentive to new ways of respondingphilosophically to these conditions. The study focuses on the sense of belongingwhich Heidegger assigns to historicity, as a dialogical relation to an enigmatic originthat cannot be exhaustively articulated, but to which understanding must neverthelessrespond in repetition and critique. The idea of the "hermeneutic situation," and what itmeans to occupy such a situation, is shown to be central in this regard. Heidegger's"historicization" of the philosophical territory is inte reted as an exemplary attempt topreserve philosophy as a quest for "origins" in the explicit recognition of theinterminable historical mediation of thinking. His approach leads to a criticalquestioning of fundamental philosophical distinctions, such as the temporal and theeternal, the absolute and the relative, subject and object, and of truth as correspondence.Eventually he is led to question the ability of language to express thehistoricity of thought and of being, which can only be indicated by means of conceptssuch as "moment" (Augenblick) and "event" (Ereignis). In seven chapters the themeof historicity is explored from different angles, which together provide a guide toHeidegger's path from a philosophy of life to a thinking of being in the "otherbeginning." The study covers the full range of his writings, but it emphasizes thedevelopment from the earliest lectures, over Sein und Zeit, to the second major work,Beiträge zur Philosophie (1938, published posthumously in 1989).
- Published
- 1994
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