Aim of the Study: In a nationwide comparison, the state of Brandenburg has one of the highest morbidity and mortality rates of ischemic heart disease. Access to medical care infrastructure is considered to be one possible explanation for regional health inequalities. Accordingly, the study aims to calculate the distances to different types of cardiology care at the community level and to consider these in the context of local care needs., Methodology: Preventive sports facilities, general practitioners, outpatient specialist care, hospitals with cardiac catheterization laboratory and outpatient rehabilitation were chosen and mapped as essential facilities for cardiological care. Thereafter, the distances across the road network from the center of each Brandenburg community to the nearest location of each care facility was calculated and divided into quintiles. Medians and interquartile ranges of the German Index of Socioeconomic Deprivation and the proportion of the population over 65 were used as measures of the need for care. They were then related to the distance quintiles per type of care facility., Results: For 60% of Brandenburg's municipalities, general practitioners were found to be within 2.5 km, preventive sports facilities within 19.6 km, cardiology practices within 18.3 km, hospitals with cardiac catheterization laboratories within 22.7 km, and outpatient rehabilitation facilities within 14.7 km. The median of the German Index of Socioeconomic Deprivation rose with increasing distance for all types of care facilities. The median of the proportion of over 65-year-olds showed no significant variation between distance quintiles., Conclusions: The results show that a high proportion of the population lives far away from cardiology care services, while a high proportion seems to be able to reach a general practitioner. In Brandenburg, a regional and locally oriented cross-sectoral care seems to be necessary., Competing Interests: Die Autorinnen/Autoren geben an, dass kein Interessenkonflikt besteht., (Thieme. All rights reserved.)