Christophe Penot, M. Clough, S. Hughes, C. Vacas, A. Sirinelli, Victor Udintsev, N. Casal, B. Cuquel, Mike Messineo, Siddharth Kumar, T. Giacomin, R. Catalin, J. M. Drevon, M. Portales, Max E Austin, Vinay Kumar, Russell Feder, G. Taylor, J. Guirao, H.K.B. Pandya, D. Loesser, Michael Walsh, B. Levesy, Silvia Iglesias, M. Dapena, David Johnson, George Vayakis, M. A. Henderson, J. W. Oosterbeek, and J.P. Friconneau
ITER ECE diagnostic [1] needs not only to meet measurement requirements, but also to withstand various loads, such as electromagnetic, mechanical, neutronic and thermal, and to be protected from stray ECH radiation at 170 GHz and other millimeter wave emission, like Collective Thomson scattering which is planned to operate at 60 GHz. Same or similar loads will be applied to other millimetre-wave diagnostics [2], located both in-vessel and in-port plugs. These loads must be taken into account throughout the design phases of the ECE and other microwave diagnostics to ensure their structural integrity and maintainability. The integration of microwave diagnostics with other ITER systems is another challenging activity which is currently ongoing through port integration and in-vessel integration work. Port Integration has to address the maintenance and the safety aspects of diagnostics, too. Engineering solutions which are being developed to support and to operate ITER ECE diagnostic, whilst complying with safety and maintenance requirements, are discussed in this paper.