29 results on '"BENCIVINNI F"'
Search Results
2. Plain film, CT and MRI sensibility in the evaluation of intraorbital foreign bodies in an in vitro model of the orbit and in pig eyes
- Author
Lagalla, R., Manfrè, L., Caronia, A., Bencivinni, F., Duranti, C., and Ponte, F.
- Published
- 2000
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3. The value of serial MR imaging in the assessment of brain metastases volume control during stereotactic radiosurgery
- Author
SPARACIA, Gianvincenzo, Banco, A, Bencivinni, F, LA TONA, Giuseppe, Robusto, V, MIDIRI, Massimo, Sparacia, G, Banco, A, Bencivinni, F, La Tona, G, Robusto, V, and Midiri, M
- Subjects
Stereotactic Radiosurgery, Brain Metastases, MR imaging ,Settore MED/36 - Diagnostica Per Immagini E Radioterapia - Abstract
Purpose: To evaluate early tumour control capabilities of Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) in the treatment of brain metastasis and the role of follow-up MR imaging. Methods and Materials: MR imaging of 54 metastases in 31 patients treated with SRS who underwent follow-up MR imaging within 12 months were retrospectively reviewed. Tumours were characterized as either enlarged (>20% volume increase), stable (follow-up volume ±20% of the initial volume), or decreased (> 0% volume decrease). Results: Within the first 6 weeks following SRS a decrease was observed in 25 (52%) of the tumours in the extent of 63% in size. Tumour reduction varied according to histopathological subtype with 38% of non-small cell lung carcinomas, 41% of breast carcinomas, 14% renal cell carcinoma and 8% of melanomas. At 9 weeks, 7 out of the 25 lesions had a transient tumour volume increase followed by tumour regression at 12 weeks. At 12 months 19 (37%) of lesions increased in volume in the extent of 41% in size. There was a significant higher tumour reduction in those carcinoma types that are considered as radiation sensitive. The best timing for follow-up imaging is at 6, 9 and 12 weeks to provide clinicians useful information. Conclusion: Stereotactic radiosurgery provide volume reduction in many brain metastases and it may be used alone or before whole brain radiation therapy to early tumour control. Follow-up MR imaging provide clinicians useful patient information aimed to make treatment decisions.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
GAGLIARDO, Cesare, BARONE, Fabio, LA TONA, Giuseppe, MIDIRI, Massimo, Bencivinni, F, Gagliardo, C, Barone, F, Bencivinni, F, La Tona, G, and Midiri, M
- Subjects
Settore MED/50 - Scienze Tecniche Mediche Applicate ,Settore BIO/14 - Farmacologia ,Settore MED/37 - Neuroradiologia ,Settore MED/36 - Diagnostica Per Immagini E Radioterapia ,amnesia globale transitoria, lesioni reversibili, DW-MRI - Abstract
SCOPO DEL LAVORO: Lo scopo di questo lavoro è documentare un caso di Amnesia Globale Transitoria (Transient Global Amnesia, TGA) in un paziente emicranico di sesso maschile di 52 anni con anamnesi negativa per epilessia, disturbi psichiatrici, traumi ed abusi di sostanze. Saranno inoltre effettuati dei cenni sull’epidemiologia e i meccanismi fisiopatologici oggi più accreditati nella letteratura scientifica più recente di questa controversa sindrome neurologica. MATERIALI E METODI: Poco dopo un forte stress emotivo il paziente non ricordava cosa avesse fatto durante il giorno e ripeteva incessantemente le stesse domande a cui erano comunque state date più volte delle risposte dai colleghi presenti sul luogo di lavoro. L’esame obiettivo neurologico ha evidenziato un’amnesia anterograda e retrograda senza altri segni e sintomi neurologici di accompagnamento; l’elettroencefalogramma inoltre era negativo. Il caratteristico quadro clinico, risoltosi completamente entro 24 ore, ha fatto porre l’ipotesi diagnostica di TGA: sindrome neurologica benigna descritta per la prima volta da Bender e, successivamente, da Guyotat e Courjon. Dopo una prima valutazione in PS il paziente è stato sottoposto a TC dell’encefalo (Siemens SOMATOM Definition AS+ - 128 strati) e, successivamente, ad esame RM con apparecchiatura da 1,5T (GE Signa HDxt) mediante sequenze FSE, FLAIR, GRE e DWI effettuando anche una valutazione dopo somministrazione di mdc ev. RISULTATI: Lo studio TC e le sequenze convenzionali dello studio RM non hanno evidenziato alterazioni di rilievo ad eccezione di pochi esiti gliotici di pregressi microinsulti vascolari in sede giunzionale frontale e parietale bilaterale compatibili con la storia clinica del paziente. Nelle immagini pesate in diffusione si sono tuttavia apprezzati due millimetrici spot iperintensi in sede ippocampale destra di verosimile restrizione della diffusione delle molecole d’acqua. Il disturbo mnesico si è risolto nell’arco delle 24 ore successive e, ad un nuovo controllo RM effettuato a 2 settimane di distanza dall’episodio acuto, si è documentata la scomparsa di tali reperti. CONCLUSIONI: L’utilizzo di sequenze pesate in diffusione (Diffusion Weighted Imaging, DWI) specie utilizzando elevati valori di b (b=2000s/mm2) e spessori di acquisizione sottili (
- Published
- 2013
- Author
GAGLIARDO, Cesare, LA TONA, Giuseppe, CANNIZZARO, Carla, MIDIRI, Massimo, Geraci, L, Bencivinni, F, Gagliardo, C, Geraci, L, Bencivinni, F, La Tona, G, Cannizzaro, C, and Midiri, M
- Subjects
Settore MED/50 - Scienze Tecniche Mediche Applicate ,Settore BIO/14 - Farmacologia ,Settore MED/37 - Neuroradiologia ,splenio corpo calloso, lesioni reversibili, DW-MRI ,Settore MED/36 - Diagnostica Per Immagini E Radioterapia - Abstract
SCOPO Presentiamo un caso di encefalite virale con lesione reversibile dello splenio del corpo calloso (SCC) in un ragazzo di 16 anni con mononucleosi infettiva da coinfezione Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) e Citomegalovirus (CMV). MATERIALI E METODI Il paziente, a causa della comparsa improvvisa di stato confusionale, irrigidimento e movimenti involontari alternati a tremori in corso di mononucleosi infettiva, giungeva in PS, dove eseguiva una TC encefalo (Siemens SOMATOM Definition AS+ - 128 strati) in condizioni di base ed in tecnica sequenziale, che non evidenziava reperti significativi. Veniva quindi ricoverato con il sospetto di encefalite virale e, il giorno successivo, veniva sottoposto ad un approfondimento diagnostico mediante RM encefalo con apparecchiatura da 1,5 Tesla (GE Signa HDxt), in tecnica FSE, FLAIR e DWI sui piani assiale, sagittale e coronale prima e dopo mdc e.v. Si intraprendeva terapia antivirale, cortisonica ed antibiotica. Nelle giornate successive le condizioni generali del paziente miglioravano gradualmente. La comparsa di anticorpi anti virus capsidico di classe IgM (VCA IgM) e la presenza di DNA di CMV (CMV-DNA 250 copie/ml) consentivano di formulare la diagnosi di mononucleosi infettiva da coinfezione EBV-CMV. Un nuovo controllo RM veniva eseguito a quattro giorni di distanza dal precedente. RISULTATI La prima RM encefalo evidenziava la presenza di una lesione ovalariforme a carico dello SCC, modicamente rigonfio, caratterizzata da iperintensità di segnale nelle ponderazioni a lungo TR, da restrizione della diffusività dell’acqua in DWI, in assenza di impregnazione post-contrastografica. Nella seconda RM encefalo lo SCC non appariva più rigonfio e la lesione precedentemente descritta non era più apprezzabile. CONCLUSIONI Il quadro neuroradiologico e clinico-laboratoristico del paziente ci permettono di classificare il nostro caso tra le lesioni reversibili dello SCC. Tali lesioni sono state già descritte in letteratura ma non ci risulta sia mai stato presentato un caso da coinfezione EBV-CMV. Svariate sono infatti le condizioni che possono causare lesioni reversibili dello SCC; le più frequenti sono rappresentate da encefaliti virali, tossicità o rapida sospensione dei farmaci antiepilettici ed encefalopatia ipoglicemica. L’iperintensità di segnale in DWI, correlata a restrizione della diffusività delle molecole d’acqua nelle mappe ADC, rappresenta il reperto di semeiotica RM più significativo di tali lesioni ed è verosimilmente riconducibile, in accordo con quanto riportato in letteratura, ad una condizione di edema eccitotossico intramielinico da aumento delle concentrazioni di glutammato nello spazio extracellulare, sebbene non possano essere del tutto escluse altre ipotesi etiopatogenetiche.
- Published
- 2013
- Author
GAGLIARDO, Cesare, GIORDANO, Giovanna, TROMBATORE, Monica, FLORENA, Ada Maria, IACOPINO, Domenico, SALEMI, Giuseppe, MIDIRI, Massimo, Bencivinni, F, Banco, A, Giugno, A, Gagliardo, C, Giordano, G, Bencivinni, F, Banco, A, Giugno, A, Trombatore, M, Florena, AM, Iacopino, D, Salemi, G, and Midiri, M
- Subjects
sclerosi multipla, lesioni pseudotumorali, lesioni stroke-like ,Settore MED/27 - Neurochirurgia ,Settore BIO/14 - Farmacologia ,Settore MED/37 - Neuroradiologia ,Settore MED/26 - Neurologia ,Settore MED/08 - Anatomia Patologica ,Settore MED/36 - Diagnostica Per Immagini E Radioterapia - Abstract
SCOPO DEL LAVORO Presentiamo un caso di una paziente di 24 anni che giunge alla nostra attenzione per la comparsa di disartria come quadro clinico d’esordio di una forma aggressiva di malattia demielinizzante di cui si valuta l’atipica evoluzione neuroradiologica delle lesioni pseudotumorali che la caratterizzano e le possibili diagnosi differenziali. MATERIALI E METODI La paziente dopo una prima valutazione in PS è stata sottoposta a TC encefalo, ricoverata presso l’U.O. di Neurologia, sottoposta a controlli RM seriati (anche con tecniche avanzate); durante la degenza è stata inoltre effettuata una biopsia stereotassica. RISULTATI La TC ha rilevato almeno tre lesioni ipodense: a sinistra, nella sostanza bianca sottocorticale frontale e nella sostanza bianca parietale profonda, a destra, in sede paratrigonale. Le ultime due, ad un approfondimento diagnostico con esame RM, mostravano un aspetto leggermente rigonfio, segnale elevato nelle sequenze a lungo TR ed un cercine di enhancement incompleto dopo contrasto. L’area lesionale frontale, invece, notevolmente più estesa delle altre, mostrava un segnale più disomogeneo nelle pesature a lungo TR (come costituita da più lesioni focali tendenti alla confluenza), restrizione della diffusione in ADC in assenza di enhancement dopo contrasto. Quest’ultima lesione, ai successivi controlli si è infine appalesata, intorno al primo mese dall’esordio clinico, come una grossa lesione pseudotumorale con enhancement tuttavia atipico per malattia demielinizzante. CONCLUSIONI La clinica di presentazione, la rachicentesi e la semeiotica RM delle lesioni di dimensioni minori erano compatibili con un quadro di malattia demielinizzante; tuttavia, non è stato possibile escludere che la grossa lesione in sede frontale sinistra potesse avere altra natura. L’ipotesi diagnostica di una forma di malattia demielinizzante nel nostro caso fu confermata dalla biopsia stereotassica, eseguita in considerazione della mancata risposta alla terapia medica steroidea e della peculiare severità del quadro clinico inesorabilmente ingravescente. All’esame istologico, nei frammenti di tessuto cerebrale bioptizzato, sono state individuate aree di demielinizzazione, negative per la proteina basica della mielina (MBP), isolati linfociti T (CD3+) ed astrocitosi reattiva. Le lesioni demielinizzanti pseudotumorali pongono non pochi problemi di diagnosi differenziale. Il nostro caso, appare eccezionale in letteratura per la singolare evoluzione della lesione di maggior dimensioni, che da un aspetto iniziale di lesione “stroke-like”, in un periodo non superiore ad un mese, si appalesa nei successivi controlli come una lesione pseudotumorale con enhancement atipico, verosimile espressione di una atipica presentazione di una variante di sclerosi multipla (Marburg?).
- Published
- 2013
- Author
GAGLIARDO, Cesare, BARONE, Fabio, MIDIRI, Massimo, Bencivinni, F, Banco, A, Gagliardo, C, Barone, F, Bencivinni, F, Banco, A, and Midiri, M
- Subjects
transient global amnesia, diffusion weighted MRI, reversible lesions ,Settore MED/37 - Neuroradiologia ,Settore MED/36 - Diagnostica Per Immagini E Radioterapia - Abstract
PURPOSE: We present a case of transient global amnesia (TGA) onset in a 52-year-old male with a medical history of migraine. METHODS: Patient was taken to ER by his colleagues which reported that after an emotional stress he suddenly appeared perplexed and started asking repetitive questions. In ER a neurological examination excluded other neurological signs or symptoms and it was confirmed that cognitive impairment was limited to the amnesia domain; electroencephalography was unremarkable and he had no history of epileptic seizures or head trauma. At the neurologic examination Capland and Hodges criteria were fulfilled and the diagnostic hypothesis of TGA was placed. He underwent to a brain CT (Siemens SOMATOM Definition AS+ 128) and later he underwent to a brain MRI (GE Signa HDxt 1,5T). MRI protocol includes sagittal and axial T2w Fast Recovery Fast Spin Echo (FRFSE), axial and coronal T2w FLuid attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR), axial T1w Fast Spin Echo (FSE), axial T2*w Gradient Echo (GE) and axial Echo-Planar Diffusion Weighted Imaging (EP-DWI, using a b value of 0 and 1000s/mm2). RESULTS: Brain CT and conventional MRI sequences did not show any relevant pathological findings but diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) showed two small areas of restricted diffusion in the right hippocampus. The amnesic syndrome resolved spontaneously within 24h; in a brain MRI follow-up performed two week later those findings were no more appreciable. CONCLUSION: DWI is very sensitive identifying the typical TGA lesions especially when a high b value (b > 1000s/mm2) is used combined to a thin section thickness (
- Published
- 2013
- Author
- Published
- 2007
9. MRI abnormalities following repeated and incoming seizures
- Author
- Abstract
Neuroimaging, an important diagnostic tool frequently used in the evaluation of patients with epilepsy, has mainly the aim to identify structural abnormalities needing a treatment and to contribute to the definition of the aetiology. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in epilepsy is more sensitive than computerized tomography (CT) scan for detecting abnormalities. Status epilepticus (SE) and repeated incoming seizures may determine extensive and transient or long lasting pronounced MRI changes. We describe a case of a 41-year-old woman with a history of brain neoplasm, whose contrast-enhanced MRI images following repeated and incoming seizures were characterized either by reversible and irreversible abnormalities.
- Published
- 2006
10. Ernia midollare transdurale toracica idiopatica: aspetti RM
- Author
- Published
- 2004
11. Intratumoral Haemorrhage Causing an Unusual Clinical Presentation of a Vestibular Schwannoma
- Author
Gagliardo, C., primary, Martines, F., additional, Bencivinni, F., additional, La Tona, G., additional, Lo Casto, A., additional, and Midiri, M., additional
- Published
- 2013
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12. MRI findings in lingual venous malformations
- Author
Lo Casto, A, primary, Salerno, S, additional, Cannizzaro, F, additional, Caronia, A, additional, Bencivinni, F, additional, Barbiera, F, additional, Rossello, M, additional, and La Tona, G, additional
- Published
- 2003
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13. 'The importance of being external': review of the literature of the rare phenomenon of common carotid occlusion with bulb reverse-crossed stenosis and external collaterals activation. Is still correct speaking about carotid steal?
- Author
Giuseppe Miceli, Antonino Tuttolomondo, Mariachiara Velardo, Francesco Bencivinni, Sonia Poma, Antonio Pinto, Miceli G., Tuttolomondo A., Velardo M., Bencivinni F., Poma S., and Pinto A.
- Subjects
Carotid Artery Diseases ,Carotid steal, Collateral pathway, Common carotid occlusion, External carotid artery ,Carotid Artery, External ,Internal Medicine ,Humans ,Carotid Stenosis ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Constriction, Pathologic ,General Medicine ,Carotid Artery, Internal - Abstract
Common carotid artery occlusion (CCAO) is a rare phenomenon associated with the development of neurological symptoms. In CCAO, diversion of blood flow from the external carotid artery (ECA) to the internal carotid artery (ICA) via the carotid bulb (CB) may occur. This pathway activation has been called "carotid steal". Starting from a particular case we describe the ECD finding of a complete occlusion of CCA with patency of ICA and ECA. In case of occlusion of CCA, inversion of the ECA flow may occur, towards the ICA, and it can be damped by a significant stenosis crossed in retrograde direction that may concur to maintain the pressure balance between the two circulations. Usually, this particular compensation can guarantee normal flow velocities in middle cerebral arteries without signs of activation of anterior collateral pathways. In this review we underline the protective role of ECA and we propose a new definition for this phenomenon. The ECA may provide blood to the cerebral circulation through several anastomotic secondary channels. Finally, only with an extensive knowledge of hemodynamic information of all intracranial and extracranial arteries, including ECA, we can estimate cerebral ischemic risk of the patient and choose the correct management of this occlusion.
- Published
- 2022
14. Hemorragic presentation of Listeria Monocytogenes rhombencephalic abscess
- Author
Flavia Stallone, Laura Geraci, F Bencivinni, Francesca Incandela, Francesca Alaimo, Cesare Gagliardo, Paola Feraco, Giuseppe La Tona, Feraco P., Incandela F., Stallone F., Alaimo F., Geraci L., Bencivinni F., La Tona G., and Gagliardo C.
- Subjects
Male ,Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Fever ,Central nervous system ,Data correlation ,Brain Abscess ,Hemorrhage ,medicine.disease_cause ,030218 nuclear medicine & medical imaging ,Diagnosis, Differential ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Listeria monocytogenes ,Medicine ,Humans ,Brain magnetic resonance imaging ,Listeriosis ,Abscess ,Listeria monocytogene ,Aged ,High rate ,Infectious disease ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Headache ,Magnetic resonance imaging ,medicine.disease ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,Hyperintensity ,Rhombencephalon ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,MRI - Abstract
Listeria monocytogenes (LM) bacterium is a cause of central nervous system (CNS) infection and the most common cause of rhombencephalitis in immunocompetent elderly. A prompt identification of this condition should be always desirable, since its clinical manifestations are often unspecific with prodromal symptoms leading to high rates of morbidity and mortality if underestimated. CNS listeriosis magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings are generally not specific. However, in the appropriate clinical setting, focal brainstem hyperintensity on T2-weighted pulse sequences associated with ring-enhancement pattern after i.v. contrast media injection should be suspicious of LM abscess. The diagnosis cannot exempt from anamnestic-clinical-investigation data correlation to exclude mimicking. We report the case of a 72-year-old man with fever, headache, vomiting, and persistent hiccups with an increasing walking difficulty. A progressive worsening of the state of consciousness led him to a stupor state. Brain MRI examination detected multiple rhombencephalic abscesses. Among these, one was with atypical hemorrhagic presentation. The presence of hemorrhage, uncommon for listeria abscesses, may further complicate their detection, with consequent delayed treatment. The diagnostic hypothesis was confirmed by cerebrospinal fluid examination, which was confident with LM infection. Clinical and neuroradiological state improved after antibiotic therapy.
- Published
- 2020
15. Thoracic dumbbell spinal metastasis secondary to neuroendocrine tumor of unknown origin: Case report and literature review
- Author
Roberta Costanzo, Massimiliano Porzio, Rosa Maria Gerardi, Caterina Napolitano, Sandro Bellavia, Maria Angela Pino, Francesco Bencivinni, Maria Aurelia Banco, Rosario Maugeri, Domenico Gerardo Iacopino, Ada Maria Florena, Costanzo R., Porzio M., Gerardi R.M., Napolitano C., Bellavia S., Pino M.A., Bencivinni F., Banco M.A., Maugeri R., Iacopino D., and Florena A.M.
- Subjects
Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) ,Dumbbell, Metastasis, Spine, Tumor - Abstract
Background: Dumbbell tumors are typically benign schwannomas, neurofibromas, and meningiomas and only rarely there are malignant variants of these lesions or other malignant histotypes. Here, a 34-year-old male presented with a thoracic spinal dumbbell metastatic neuroendocrine carcinoma of unknown primary origin. Case Description: A 34-year-old male presented with 2 months of thoracic pain and progressive mid thoracic sensory loss. A post contrast thoracic MRI showed a dumbbell tumor localized between the T7 and T9 levels with extension laterally into the T7-T8 and T8-T9 foramina. The patient underwent a laminectomy for tumor resection following which his pain and gait improved. Histopathologically, the tumor demonstrated multiple rounded small cells with a Ki67 level around 30%, suggesting a malignant metastatic neuroendocrine tumor of unknown etiology. Conclusion: We successfully treated a 34-year-old male with a T7-T9 malignant spinal dumbbell neuroendocrine tumor of unknown etiology utilizing a decompressive laminectomy.
- Published
- 2022
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16. Accuracy of SWI sequences compared to T2*-weighted gradient echo sequences in the detection of cerebral cavernous malformations in the familial form
- Author
Claudia Speciale, A. Banco, F Bencivinni, Massimo Midiri, Gianvincenzo Sparacia, Sparacia, G., Speciale, C., Banco, A., Bencivinni, F., and Midiri, M.
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Hemangioma, Cavernous, Central Nervous System ,Cerebrovascular Diseases ,Statistics as Topic ,Sensitivity and Specificity ,Cerebral cavernous malformations ,030218 nuclear medicine & medical imaging ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Nuclear magnetic resonance ,Image Processing, Computer-Assisted ,Humans ,Medicine ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Aged ,Retrospective Studies ,Cerebral cavernous malformation ,Familial form ,Echo-Planar Imaging ,business.industry ,imaging ,Settore MED/37 - Neuroradiologia ,T2*-weighted gradient echo sequence ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,Image Enhancement ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,diagnosi ,susceptibility-weighted imaging ,Susceptibility weighted imaging ,Female ,Neurology (clinical) ,T2 weighted ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,Gradient echo - Abstract
Purpose The purpose of this study was to assess the accuracy of susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI), compared with T2*-weighted gradient echo (GRE) imaging in assessing cerebral cavernous malformations. Materials and methods We retrospectively evaluated 21 patients with a familial form of cavernous malformation. Magnetic resonance (MR) protocol included non-enhanced and contrast-enhanced fast-spin echo (FSE) T1-weighted sequences, FSE T2-weighted sequences, fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery (FLAIR), GRE T2*-weighted and SWI sequences. Images were reviewed in consensus by two expert neuroradiologists to assess the location, number, size and conspicuity of the lesions on T2*-weighted GRE and SWI sequences. Statistical differences in the number, size and conspicuity of the lesions seen on the SWI images and the T2*-weighted GRE images were assessed with the nonparametric Wilcoxon signed rank test. Results The number of cavernous malformations was significantly higher ( p Conclusions The SWI sequence, being more sensitive to substances which distort the local magnetic field than the GRE T2*W sequence, showed a higher sensitivity in identifying cerebral cavernous malformations. Thus, routine clinical neuroimaging protocol should contain SWI sequences to evaluate patients with (or suspected) cerebral cavernous malformations.
- Published
- 2016
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17. An unusual Erdheim-Chester disease with orbital involvement: a case report
- Author
Giuseppe Brunori, Lydia Giannitrapani, Antonietta Serruto, Francesco Bencivinni, Aurelio Seidita, Maurizio Soresi, Brunori, G., Seidita, A., Giannitrapani, L., Serruto, A., Bencivinni, F., and Soresi, M.
- Subjects
Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Settore MED/09 - Medicina Interna ,lcsh:Medicine ,Connective tissue ,Disease ,Systemic inflammation ,Bilateral retro-orbital tumors ,Erdheim-Chester disease ,Multisystemic involvement ,Non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis ,Medicine (all) ,medicine ,multisystemic involvement ,bilateral retro-orbital tumors ,business.industry ,lcsh:R ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Histiocytosis ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis ,Erdheim–Chester disease ,Vomiting ,Bilateral retro-orbital tumor ,Choroid plexus ,Non-Langerhans cell histiocytosi ,medicine.symptom ,business - Abstract
Erdheim-Chester disease is a rare non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis with multiorgan involvement and a specific tropism for perivascular and fatty connective tissue, of unclear origin, with poor response to therapy. Its identification is difficult because of the variable clinical presentation and its lack of knowledge. We report the case of a 63-years-old woman, with a history of bilateral orbital pseudotumor, who comes to our attention because of progressively worsening asthenia, vomiting and systemic inflammation. Total body computerized tomography scan showed a volumetric increase of choroid plexus of the temporal horn of the left lateral ventricle, presence of solid retrobulbar tissue at the level of both maxillary sinuses, lung fibrosis, and retroperitoneal and peri-aortic infiltration. The association of these signs addressed to a diagnosis of Erdheim- Chester disease. Thus, although extremely rare, the diagnosis of Erdheim-Chester disease must be considered in the case of bilateral retro-orbital tumors and multisystemic involvement.
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
GERACI, Laura, GAGLIARDO, Cesare, BENCIVINNI, Francesco, LA TONA, Giuseppe, MIDIRI, Massimo, Geraci, L, Gagliardo, C, Bencivinni, F, La Tona, G, and Midiri, M
- Subjects
Erdheim-Chester, TC, RM ,Settore MED/37 - Neuroradiologia ,Settore MED/36 - Diagnostica Per Immagini E Radioterapia - Abstract
SCOPO DEL LAVORO Presentiamo il caso di una donna di 63 anni con storia di pseudotumor orbitae e diagnosi tardiva di Malattia di Erdheim-Chester (MEC) con coinvolgimento multisistemico e rare localizzazioni a livello splancno- ed intracranico. MATERIALI E METODI La paziente, a causa della comparsa di astenia progressivamente ingravescente, vomito e disfagia per i solidi veniva condotta al PS dove eseguiva ECG ed esami ematochimici e veniva ricoverata con la diagnosi di disidratazione e squilibrio elettrolitico. L’esame obiettivo evidenziava pallore e disidratazione di cute e mucose, ipotrofia muscolare e proptosi bulbare bilaterale da pseudotumor orbitario infiammatorio cronico con evidenti secrezioni purulente. La paziente veniva quindi sottoposta a Esofago-Gastro-Duodenoscopia (che non ha mostrato significativi reperti) e TC total body (Siemens SOMATOM Definition AS+ - 128 strati). Nel sospetto di una patologia sistemica a carattere fibrosclerotico-istiocitario, veniva richiesta una rivalutazione immunoistochimica su un prelievo bioptico eseguito, oltre un anno addietro, nel seno mascellare destro, che aveva evidenziato tessuto fibrovascolare con infiltrato flogistico linfocitario e raccolte di istiociti schiumosi. Venivano inoltre eseguite RM encefalo con apparecchiatura da 1,5 Tesla (GE Signa HDxt) prima e dopo mdc e.v. e PET total body con ¹⁸F-FDG. Durante la degenza è stata somministrata antibioticoterapia sistemica e topica oculare con aminoglicoside, steroidi a basse dosi ed analgesici, con progressivo miglioramento del quadro infiammatorio locale orbitario e degli indici sistemici di flogosi. RISULTATI La TC total body ha evidenziato segni di diffuso interessamento del distretto cranio-encefalico, di rimaneggiamento osseo diffuso e di coinvolgimento polmonare e retroperitoneale. La RM encefalo mostrava la presenza di tessuto di intensità intermedia in T1 e bassa in T2, dotato di intensa impregnazione post-contrastografica, a localizzazione transcompartimentale splancno- ed intra-cranica (meningi, ependima, plessi corioidei, seno cavernoso, spazi perivasali, orbite e seni paranasali): in particolare a livello orbitario erano interessati bulbi oculari, nervi ottici, muscolatura estrinseca e ghiandole lacrimali; di rilievo inoltre il coinvolgimento, a livello intracranico, dei plessi corioidei in corrispondenza del corno temporale del ventricolo laterale di sinistra e dei recessi del IV ventricolo e, a livello dello splancnocranio, del canale carotideo, del foro lacero posteriore e l’infiltrazione perivasale intorno alla carotide interna nei suoi tratti intrapetroso ed intracavernoso. La PET meglio definiva l’interessamento multisistemico. La valutazione immunoistochimica degli elementi istiocitari risultava positiva al CD68 e negativa al CD1a/S100. CONCLUSIONI I dati dell’analisi immunoistochimica hanno permesso di confermare la diagnosi di MEC, una rara istiocitosi a cellule non-Langerhans, caratterizzata da infiltrazione tissutale di istiociti schiumosi e coinvolgimento multisistemico. La diagnosi di ECD è spesso insidiosa e tardiva, nonostante la presenza di alcuni tipici segni clinici e radiologici, non sempre riconosciuti e ricondotti a questa patologia. In particolare l’interessamento del SNC si riscontra in circa il 50% dei pazienti affetti. Nel nostro caso la paziente è giunta alla nostra osservazione in uno stadio ormai avanzato di malattia con localizzazioni infrequenti a livello intracranico: in particolare estremamente rari risultano le caratteristiche del coinvolgimento orbitario, l’infiltrazione perivasale e la localizzazione nei plessi corioidei.
- Published
- 2015
19. Value of serial magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of brain metastases volume control during stereotactic radiosurgery
- Author
Andrea Anastasi, F Bencivinni, Francesco Agnello, Massimo Galia, Adele Taibbi, Giovanna Giordano, Tommaso Vincenzo Bartolotta, Gianvincenzo Sparacia, A. Banco, Sparacia, G., Agnello, F., Banco, A., Bencivinni, F., Anastasi, A., Giordano, G., Taibbi, A., Galia, M., and Bartolotta, T.
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Pseudo progression ,Brain metastase ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Pseudo-progression ,Volume control ,Radiosurgery ,03 medical and health sciences ,Magnetic resonance imaging ,0302 clinical medicine ,Retrospective Study ,medicine ,Stereotactic radiosurgery ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Brain metastases ,equipment and supplies ,Radiation therapy ,Serial magnetic resonance imaging ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Radiology ,Nuclear medicine ,business ,human activities ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
AIM To evaluate brain metastases volume control capabilities of stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) through serial magnetic resonance (MR) imaging follow-up. METHODS MR examinations of 54 brain metastases in 31 patients before and after SRS were reviewed. Patients were included in this study if they had a pre-treatment MR examination and serial follow-up MR examinations at 6 wk, 9 wk, 12 wk, and 12 mo after SRS. The metastasis volume change was categorized at each follow-up as increased (> 20% of the initial volume), stable (± 20% of the initial volume) or decreased (< 20% of the initial volume). RESULTS A local tumor control with a significant (P < 0.05) volume decrease was observed in 25 metastases at 6-wk follow-up. Not significant volume change was observed in 23 metastases and a significant volume increase was observed in 6 metastases. At 9-wk follow-up, 15 out of 25 metastases that decreased in size at 6 wk had a transient tumor volume increase, followed by tumor regression at 12 wk. At 12-wk follow-up there was a significant reduction in volume in 45 metastases, and a significant volume increase in 4 metastases. At 12-mo follow-up, 19 metastases increased significantly in size (up to 41% of the initial volume). Volume tumor reduction was correlated to histopathologic subtype. CONCLUSION SRS provided an effective local brain metastases volume control that was demonstrated at follow-up MR imaging.
- Published
- 2016
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20. Imaging processing for CT angiography of the cervicocranial arteries: evaluation of reformatting technique
- Author
C Sarno, Roberto Lagalla, F Bencivinni, Gianvincenzo Sparacia, A. Banco, Tommaso Vincenzo Bartolotta, SPARACIA G, BENCIVINNI F, BANCO A, SARNO C, BARTOLOTTA TV, and LAGALLA R
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Image quality ,CT, CT angiography, Cervicocranial arterie ,Imaging, Three-Dimensional ,medicine ,Image Processing, Computer-Assisted ,Humans ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Vertebral Artery ,Computed tomography angiography ,Neuroradiology ,Aged ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Ultrasound ,Angiography ,Brain ,Volume rendering ,General Medicine ,Cerebral Arteries ,Middle Aged ,Cerebral Angiography ,Cerebrovascular Disorders ,Carotid Arteries ,Maximum intensity projection ,Cervical Vertebrae ,Female ,Radiology ,Imaging processing ,Nuclear medicine ,business ,Tomography, X-Ray Computed - Abstract
Purpose. The aim of this study was to compare computed tomography angiography (CTA) sliding-thin-slab (STS) multiplanar reformatting (MPR), STS maximum intensity projection (MIP) and three-dimensional (3D) volume rendering (VR) reformatting techniques in the evaluation of cervicocranial arteries. Materials and methods. Twenty patients examined with multislice CT were included in this study. CTA images were reformatted as STS-MIP, STS-MPR and 3DVR in orthogonal planes and in the oblique-coronal plane. Images were evaluated in consensus by two radiologists, with a third radiologist to resolve discordances in grading image quality parameters. The Spearman correlation analysis was performed to compare results and to obtain the correlation between scores resulting from the evaluation of parameters considered with the different techniques used (STSMIP,STS-MPR and 3DVR). Results. STS-MIP images were significantly superior to STSMPR images for all parameters considered (p
- Published
- 2006
21. Intratumoral Haemorrhage Causing an Unusual Clinical Presentation of a Vestibular Schwannoma
- Author
G. La Tona, Cesare Gagliardo, F Bencivinni, A. Lo Casto, Massimo Midiri, Francesco Martines, Gagliardo, C, Martines, F, Bencivinni, F, La Tona, G, Lo Casto, A, and Midiri, M
- Subjects
Adult ,Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Hearing loss ,Hemorrhage ,Schwannoma ,Functional Laterality ,Article ,Young Adult ,vestibular schwannoma ,medicine ,Humans ,magnetic resonance imaging ,voxel-based morphometry ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Hearing Loss ,Vestibular system ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Cranial nerves ,Settore MED/37 - Neuroradiologia ,Magnetic resonance imaging ,Neuroma, Acoustic ,General Medicine ,Voxel-based morphometry ,Bleed ,Neuroma ,medicine.disease ,intratumoral haemorrhage ,Female ,Neurology (clinical) ,medicine.symptom ,Tomography, X-Ray Computed ,business ,Settore MED/36 - Diagnostica Per Immagini E Radioterapia - Abstract
We present a case of an elderly woman with no history of audiological disease with sudden onset of visual and hearing deficits associated with systemic clinical signs. On examination she had impairment of right CNs from V to X. CT and MR imaging demonstrated a cystic vestibular schwannoma with a rare intralesional fluid-fluid level correlated to a recent bleed. We include high quality MR images to show the acute impairment of the cranial nerves next to the tumour after acute bleeding. Our case report includes a voxel-based morphometry (VMB) analysis of the tumour that, as far as we know, has never been done before for such a tumour. VBM analysis was performed to calculate the hypothesized volume changes after the acute bleed which likely resulted in a sudden increase in the overall size of the tumour resulting in atypical clinical signs and symptoms due to the establishment of a mechanical conflict with the adjacent cranial nerves.
22. Uncommon Nasal Mass Presentation: A Radiological Case Series.
- Author
Lo Casto A, Lorusso F, Palizzolo E, Sireci F, Dispenza F, De Angelis M, Immordino A, Gallina S, and Bencivinni F
- Abstract
Background: Nasal and paranasal sinus masses can arise from a wide range of conditions, both benign and malignant, as well as congenital or acquired. Diagnosing these masses is often challenging, requiring a combination of nasal endoscopy, imaging studies, and histopathological analysis. Initial imaging frequently involves computed tomography or cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) to evaluate the bony anatomy of the nasal cavity and surrounding sinuses, while magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is typically used for detailed assessment of soft tissues and to aid in differential diagnosis when the findings are inconclusive. Methods: This review examines nasal masses evaluated using CT, CBCT, and MRI, highlighting key imaging features that may assist in differential diagnosis. Results: For non-neoplastic lesions, examples include conditions such as rhinoliths, inverted mesiodens, and septal mucoceles. Benign and borderline tumors discussed encompass lobular capillary hemangioma, inverted papilloma, septal osteoma, chondromesenchymal hamartoma, hemangioma, hemangiopericytoma, antrochoanal polyp, sinonasal angiofibroma, ossifying fibroma, and lipoma. Malignant tumors addressed in this review include adenocarcinoma, esthesioneuroblastoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, melanoma, and sarcoma. Conclusions: Diagnosing nasal lesions represent a significant challenge for otolaryngologists. Imaging characteristics of nasal masses play a crucial role in narrowing down differential diagnoses before surgery. However, nasal endoscopy combined with biopsy remains the definitive diagnostic approach.
- Published
- 2024
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23. The Impact of Single-Level ACDF on Neural Foramen and Disc Height of Surgical and Adjacent Cervical Segments: A Case-Series Radiological Analysis.
- Author
Maugeri R, Brunasso L, Sciortino A, Scerrati A, Buscemi F, Basile L, Giammalva GR, Costanzo R, Bencivinni F, Bruno E, Matranga D, Maniscalco L, Gioia F, Tumbiolo S, and Iacopino DG
- Abstract
Background: ACDF has become one of the established procedures for the surgical treatment of symptomatic cervical spondylosis, showing excellent clinical results and effective improvements in neural functions and neck pain relief. The main purpose of ACDF is neural decompression, and it is considered by some authors as an indirect result of the intervertebral distraction and cage insertion and the consequent restoration of the disc space and foramen height. Methods: Radiological data from 28 patients who underwent single-level ACDF were retrospectively collected and evaluated. For neural foramen evaluation, antero-posterior (A-P) and cranio-caudal (C-C) diameters were manually calculated; for intervertebral disc height the anterior, centrum and posterior measurement were calculated. All measurements were performed at surgical and adjacent (above and below) segments. NRS, NDI and also the mJOA and Nurick scale were collected for clinical examination and complete evaluation of patients’ postoperative outcome. Results: The intervertebral disc height in all its measurements, in addition to the height (C-C diameter) of the foramen (both right and left) increase at the surgical segment when comparing pre and postop results (p < 0.001, and p = 0.033 and p = 0.001). NRS and NDI radiculopathy scores showed improved results from pre- to post-op evaluation (p < 0.001), and a negative statistical correlation with the improved disc height at the surgical level. Conclusions: The restoration of posterior disc height through cage insertion appears to be effective in increasing foraminal height in patients with symptomatic preoperative cervical foraminal stenosis.
- Published
- 2023
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24. "The importance of being external": review of the literature of the rare phenomenon of common carotid occlusion with bulb reverse-crossed stenosis and external collaterals activation. Is still correct speaking about carotid steal?
- Author
Miceli G, Tuttolomondo A, Velardo M, Bencivinni F, Poma S, and Pinto A
- Subjects
- Carotid Artery, External surgery, Carotid Artery, Internal diagnostic imaging, Carotid Artery, Internal surgery, Constriction, Pathologic, Humans, Carotid Artery Diseases, Carotid Stenosis diagnostic imaging, Carotid Stenosis surgery
- Abstract
Common carotid artery occlusion (CCAO) is a rare phenomenon associated with the development of neurological symptoms. In CCAO, diversion of blood flow from the external carotid artery (ECA) to the internal carotid artery (ICA) via the carotid bulb (CB) may occur. This pathway activation has been called "carotid steal". Starting from a particular case we describe the ECD finding of a complete occlusion of CCA with patency of ICA and ECA. In case of occlusion of CCA, inversion of the ECA flow may occur, towards the ICA, and it can be damped by a significant stenosis crossed in retrograde direction that may concur to maintain the pressure balance between the two circulations. Usually, this particular compensation can guarantee normal flow velocities in middle cerebral arteries without signs of activation of anterior collateral pathways. In this review we underline the protective role of ECA and we propose a new definition for this phenomenon. The ECA may provide blood to the cerebral circulation through several anastomotic secondary channels. Finally, only with an extensive knowledge of hemodynamic information of all intracranial and extracranial arteries, including ECA, we can estimate cerebral ischemic risk of the patient and choose the correct management of this occlusion., (© 2021. Società Italiana di Ultrasonologia in Medicina e Biologia (SIUMB).)
- Published
- 2022
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25. Hemorragic presentation of Listeria Monocytogenes rhombencephalic abscess.
- Author
Feraco P, Incandela F, Stallone F, Alaimo F, Geraci L, Bencivinni F, Tona G, and Gagliardo C
- Subjects
- Aged, Brain Abscess complications, Brain Abscess diagnostic imaging, Brain Abscess drug therapy, Diagnosis, Differential, Fever etiology, Headache etiology, Humans, Listeriosis complications, Listeriosis diagnostic imaging, Listeriosis drug therapy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Male, Brain Abscess diagnosis, Listeria monocytogenes isolation & purification, Listeriosis diagnosis, Rhombencephalon
- Abstract
Listeria monocytogenes (LM) bacterium is a cause of central nervous system (CNS) infection and the most common cause of rhombencephalitis in immunocompetent elderly.A prompt identification of this condition should be always desirable, since its clinical manifestations are often unspecific with prodromal symptoms leading to high rates of morbidity and mortality if underestimated.CNS listeriosis magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings are generally not specific. However, in the appropriate clinical setting, focal brainstem hyperintensity on T2-weighted pulse sequences associated with ring-enhancement pattern after i.v. contrast media injection should be suspicious of LM abscess. The diagnosis cannot exempt from anamnestic-clinical-investigation data correlation to exclude mimicking., Competing Interests: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest., (© 2020 Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2020
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26. MRI findings in lingual venous malformations.
- Author
Lo Casto A, Salerno S, Cannizzaro F, Caronia A, Bencivinni F, Barbiera F, Rossello M, and La Tona G
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Child, Contrast Media administration & dosage, Diagnosis, Differential, Epiglottis blood supply, Female, Gadolinium administration & dosage, Humans, Image Enhancement, Injections, Intravenous, Male, Meglumine administration & dosage, Middle Aged, Mouth Floor blood supply, Organometallic Compounds administration & dosage, Retrospective Studies, Arteriovenous Malformations diagnosis, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Meglumine analogs & derivatives, Tongue blood supply
- Abstract
Objectives: To describe the plain and enhanced MRI findings of lingual venous malformations and to discuss the importance of contrast medium in the differential diagnosis of high intensity lesions of the tongue on T(2) weighted images., Methods: The clinical records and MR images of eight patients affected by a lingual venous malformation were retrospectively reviewed. Patients presented with a palpable submucosal bluish-red soft mass in the tongue. MRI examinations were performed on a 0.5 T superconducting unit. Plain and enhanced SE (spin echo) T(1) weighted and FSE (fast spin echo) T(2) weighted images were acquired in axial, sagittal and coronal planes. Axial SPGR (spoiled gradient recalled echo) T(1) weighted images were also obtained before and after intravenous (i.v.) injection of paramagnetic contrast medium., Results: Five of eight venous malformations were located at the tip of the tongue. The other three involved the whole tongue and had an extralingual extent; two extended into the submandibular space and one into the glossoepiglottic valleculae. The largest diameter ranged from 2.5 cm to 8 cm. All lingual venous malformations presented as lobulated masses that were slightly hyperintense or isointense on T(1) weighted images and highly hyperintense on T(2) weighted images with respect to normal tongue and/or surrounding muscles. They showed a slow and homogeneous filling following iv injection of contrast medium. Millimetre-sized hypointense foci and linear hypointense strands were sometimes noticed, which were owing to phleboliths, flow void or septation., Conclusion: Knowledge of MRI findings of lingual venous malformations is useful for differential diagnosis with other high intensity lingual lesions on T(2) weighted images. This discrimination is achievable using iv paramagnetic contrast medium.
- Published
- 2003
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27. Analysis of radioactive pollution in the Gulf of Palermo.
- Author
Cardinale AE, Lagalla R, Rivas G, Rizzo S, Lo Casto A, La Tona G, Bencivinni F, and Caronia A
- Subjects
- Animals, Fishes, Italy, Seawater analysis, Water Pollution, Radioactive analysis
- Abstract
Purpose: Sea water represents more than three quarters of the whole world. The radioactive fall out caused by nuclear experiments, radioactive drosses from nuclear power plants and other pollution sources, are able to contaminate the world ecosystems, and especially the sea water. The aim of this work is the evaluation of a possible radioactive pollution in the Gulf of Palermo., Material and Methods: The Gulf of Palermo was divided into 5 homogeneous hydrological parts, in which fish and water were collected. The dosage of 131I e del 137Cs was mainly assessed because they have a long half-life and their presence in the water can be due to nuclear accidents but also to a wrong removal of the waste materials of nuclear medicine procedures; the other radioisotopes assessed (144Ce, 106Rh, 140La) are due only to nuclear fall-out. Gamma spectrometry technique was used for the evaluation of the radioisotopes' concentration after an adequate treatment of the samples., Results and Conclusions: The concentration of the examined radionuclides was below the instrumental capability apart from the 137Cs, whose dose was increased, and can be due to nuclear accidents and explosions. The radionuclide levels detected do not determine a higher risk than normal for the population's health even regard the eatablity of ittical species.
- Published
- 2002
28. [Changes in the blood-labyrinth barrier. Assessments by magnetic resonance].
- Author
Manfrè L, Bencivinni F, Caronia A, Angileri T, Manasia G, and De Maria M
- Subjects
- Capillary Permeability, Contrast Media, Ear, Inner pathology, Gadolinium DTPA, Hearing Loss, Sensorineural diagnosis, Humans, Sensitivity and Specificity, Tinnitus diagnosis, Vertigo diagnosis, Ear, Inner blood supply, Magnetic Resonance Imaging instrumentation, Magnetic Resonance Imaging methods
- Abstract
Purpose: Recent progress in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with contrast-enhanced and steady-state sequences, allows fine depiction of labyrinth abnormalities related to neoplastic, inflammatory, ischemic, degenerative or traumatic disorders. We examined 488 patients with sensorineural hearing loss, vertigo or dizziness, but normal CT findings, to evaluate MR capabilities in showing labyrinth conditions., Material and Methods: January 1994 to May 1998, four hundred and eighty-eight patients with labyrinthine symptoms were submitted to CT. Sixty-eight of them, with normal CT findings, were also examined with MRI, which was performed using quadrature head or surface coils and a single dose (0.1 mmol/kg) Gd-DTPA administration. Conventional T1 and T2 high resolution SE images were acquired. The labyrinth was studied of 52 patients with normal CT findings and no abnormalities in the cerebello-pontine angle or internal auditory canal., Results: Fourteen of 52 patients (27%) exhibited labyrinth enhancement from tumor (5%), hemorrhage (3%), infection (15%), surgical (2%) or radiosurgical (2%) procedures. GRASS sequences allowed differentiation of mass lesions (e.g., tumors, clots) from other conditions., Conclusion: Generally the labyrinth exhibits no contrast enhancement even after a triple Gd-DTPA dose. In inflammatory conditions, enhancement is not always diffuse, as expected, but may be focal. Spontaneous hemorrhages can account for labyrinth enhancement. In neoplastic conditions, enhancement may persist for as many as 6 months, and a mass effect against labyrinthine fluids may appear on GRASS images. Although there are no reports on labyrinthine degeneration after radiation therapy, one of our patients submitted to irradiation 7 years previously, had focal bilateral cochlear enhancement, which suggested a correlation with previous treatment.
- Published
- 1999
29. [The Noonan syndrome and malformation of the inner ear. A case study by the steady-state MR technic].
- Author
Manasia G, Duranti C, Bencivinni F, and Manfrè L
- Subjects
- Child, Ear, Inner diagnostic imaging, Ear, Inner pathology, Hearing Loss, Bilateral diagnosis, Hearing Loss, Bilateral etiology, Humans, Male, Noonan Syndrome complications, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Vertigo diagnosis, Vertigo etiology, Ear, Inner abnormalities, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Noonan Syndrome diagnosis
- Published
- 1999
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