15 results on '"Bačurin, Marko"'
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2. Photosynthetic Response to Phosphorus Fertilization in Drought-Stressed Common Beech and Sessile Oak from Different Provenances.
- Author
Vukmirović, Antonia, Škvorc, Željko, Bogdan, Saša, Krstonošić, Daniel, Bogdan, Ida Katičić, Karažija, Tomislav, Bačurin, Marko, Brener, Magdalena, and Sever, Krunoslav
- Subjects
EUROPEAN beech ,DURMAST oak ,PLANT biomass ,BIOMASS production ,CLIMATE change - Abstract
Increasingly frequent and severe droughts pose significant threats to forest ecosystems, particularly affecting photosynthesis, a crucial physiological process for plant growth and biomass production. This study investigates the impact of phosphorus fertilization on the photosynthesis of common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.). In a common garden experiment, saplings originating from two provenances (wetter KA and drier SB provenances) were exposed to regular watering and drought in interaction with moderate and high phosphorus concentrations in the growing substrate. Results indicated that drought significantly reduced pre-dawn leaf water potential (Ψ
PD ), net photosynthesis (Anet ), stomatal conductance (gs ) and photosynthetic performance index (PIabs ) in both species. Phosphorus fertilization had a negative impact on Anet and PIabs , thus exacerbating the negative impact of drought on photosynthetic efficiency, potentially due to excessive phosphorus absorption by saplings. Provenance differences were notable, with the KA provenance showing better drought resilience. This research highlights the complexity of nutrient–drought interactions and underscores the need for cautious application of fertilization strategies in reforestation efforts under changing climatic conditions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2024
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3. Effects of Drought and Phosphorus Fertilization on the Growth of Common Beech and Sessile Oak Provenances
- Author
Vukmirović, Antonia, primary, Škvorc, Željko, additional, Bogdan, Saša, additional, Krstonošić, Daniel, additional, Katičić Bogdan, Ida, additional, Karažija, Tomislav, additional, Bačurin, Marko, additional, Brener, Magdalena, additional, and Sever, Krunoslav, additional
- Published
- 2023
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4. Genetska raznolikost reproduktivnih i fenoloških svojstava i njihovi međuodnosi u klonskoj sjemenskoj plantaži divlje trešnje (Prunus avium L.)
- Author
Katičić Bogdan, Ida, Jurkić, Višnja, Brlek, Ivana, Bačurin, Marko, Bogdan, Saša, Katičić Bogdan, Ida, Jurkić, Višnja, Brlek, Ivana, Bačurin, Marko, and Bogdan, Saša
- Abstract
SažetakDivlja trešnja (Prunus avium L.) vrsta je diskontinuiranog areala koja raste u mješovitim šumama južne, središnje i zapadne Europe U šumarstvu dugoročni programi oplemenjivanja teže poboljšanju kvalitete i proizvodnje njenog drveta. U Hrvatskoj je na osnovi osam fenotipskih kriterija kvalitete drvne mase, na području tri sjemenske regije, provedena selekcija i odabrano 27 stabala divlje trešnje, te je 2002. godine osnovana klonska sjemenska plantaža na području šumarije Kutina. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja u plantaži je odabran uzorak od 24 klona, predstavljenih sa po tri ramete (Tablica 1). Na svakoj je rameti odabrana i obilježena po jedna primjerna grana. Izmjerena je puna dužina odabrane grane i svih njenih izbojaka koji su nosili cvjetove i plodove. Izmjeren je opseg rameta na 50 cm visine i preračunat u promjer. U proljeće 2013. godine na primjernim su granama, na svakoj rameti u ožujku prebrojani svi generativni pupovi (PUP) prije otvaranja. U travnju su prebrojani cvjetovi (CV), te na uzorku 20 cvatova, broj cvjetova u cvatu (BRC). U lipnju su na primjernim granama prebrojani svi plodovi. Broj pupova, cvjetova ili plodova je za sve izmjerene ramete sveden na 100 cm dužine grane. Varijabla Iskorištenje pupova (IPUP) izračunata je za svaku rametu kao omjer stvarnog broja cvjetova i potencijalnog broja cvjetova (formula u Materijal i metode). Zametanje plodova (ZPL) izračunato je kao omjer cvjetova i plodova. U periodu od 10. travnja do 06. lipnja 2013, na istim rametama na kojima su izvršene izmjere, provedena su fenološka opažanja cvjetanja divlje trešnje (Slika 1). Izvedene fenološke varijable su OP – početak otvaranja pupova – broj dana od 1. siječnja 2013. do dana kada je rameta ušla u fenofazu 1, PR – početak receptivnosti – broj dana do dana kada je rameta ušla u fenofazu 2, ZR – završetak receptivnosti – broj dana do dana kada je rameta ušla u fenofazu 6, TR – razlika ZR – PR, tj. broj dana koji je rameta provela u fenofazama 2 – 6, PVR – početak, SummaryWild cherry (Prunus avium L.) is a species of discontinuous range that grows in the mixed forests of southern, central and western Europe. In forestry, long-term breeding programs aim to improve the quality and production of its wood. In Croatia, on the basis of eight phenotypic criteria of wood mass quality, a selection was carried out in the area of three seed regions and 27 wild cherry trees were selected. A clonal seed orchard was established in the area of the Kutina Forestry office in the year 2002. For the purpose of this research, a sample of 24 clones, represented by three ramets each, was selected in the orchard (Table 1). One exemplary branch was selected and marked on each ramet. The full length of the selected branch and all its shoots bearing flowers and fruits was measured. The circumference of the ramet was measured at a height of 50 cm and converted into a diameter. In March of 2013, all generative buds (PUP) were counted on exemplary branches, on each ramet, before opening. In April, flowers (CV) were counted, and on a sample of 20 inflorescences, the number of flowers in inflorescence (BRC). In June, all the fruits on the exemplary branches were counted. The number of buds, flowers or fruits was reduced to 100 cm of branch length for all measured ramets. The variable Bud realisation (IPUP) was calculated for each ramet as the ratio of the actual number of flowers to the potential number of flowers (formula in Material and Methods). Fruit set (ZPL) was calculated as the ratio of flowers to fruits. In the period from April 10 to June 6, 2013, on the same ramets on which the measurements were made, phenological observations of the flowering of wild cherry were carried out (Figure 1). Derived phenological variables are OP - beginning of bud opening (bud burst) – number of days from January 1, 2013 until the day when the ramet entered phenophase 1, PR - beginning of receptivity - number of days until the day when the
- Published
- 2023
5. Leaf Phenological Responses of Juvenile Beech and Oak Provenances to Elevated Phosphorus
- Author
Bačurin, Marko, primary, Bogdan, Saša, additional, Katičić Bogdan, Ida, additional, and Sever, Krunoslav, additional
- Published
- 2023
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6. Problematika znanstveno-istraživačkog projekta 'Fenotipski odgovor provenijencija obične bukve i hrasta kitnjaka na dugotrajnu sušu u interakciji s različitim koncentracijama fosfora u tlu - PhenoInter'
- Author
Vukmirović, Antonia, Bogdan, Saša, Škvorc, Željko, Krstonošić, Daniel, Katičić Bogdan, Ida, Karažija, Tomislav, Bačurin, Marko, and Sever, Krunoslav
- Subjects
Fagus sylvatica, fosfor, Quercus petraea, suša - Abstract
Dugotrajne će suše u budućnosti dodatno opteretiti šumske ekosustave smanjujući njihovu produktivnost i sveukupnu bioraznolikost što bi moglo rezultirati izmjenom omjera vrsta u mješovitim šumskim sastojinama diljem Europe. Hrast kitnjak bi u odnosu na običnu bukvu mogao postati daleko konkurentniji, zbog dubljeg zakorijenjivanja, kseromorfnije strukture lišća i brzog oporavka asimilacije CO2 nakon popuštanja suše. Pod utjecajem klimatskih promjena u posljednjih 20-ak godina na području Europe dolazi do ometanja uredne ishrane šumskoga drveća s fosforom (P) na što ukazuje opadanje koncentracije P u lišću. Iako istraživanje fiziološke uloge P u metabolizmu šumskoga drveća trenutno predstavlja „state of the art“ problematiku, u literaturi je slabo zastupljena njegova uloga u sušnom stresu šumskoga drveća. Genetska raznolikost i unutarvrsne adaptivne varijacije u odgovoru na sušu kod obje vrste na području jugoistočne Europe do sada nisu bile istraživane. Optimalna ishranjenost šumskoga drveća s P mogla bi podići njihovu toleranciju prema suši jer P regulira fotosintezu i glikolizu te na taj način kontrolira asimilaciju CO2 i kasniju upotrebu ugljikohidrata za produkciju biomase. Optimalna ishranjenost s P pozitivno utječe i na sposobnost zaštite i popravka oštećenog fotosintetskog aparata uslijed pojave oksidacijskog stresa izazvanoga sušnim stresom. Obična bukva i hrast kitnjak diljem Europe tvore mješovite šumske zajednice koje pridolaze na cijelom spektru šumskih tala koja se odlikuju različitom vlažnošću i koncentracijama lakopristupačnog P u tlu. Ciljevi ovoga projekta (kojega financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost) su utvrditi: (i) utjecaj povišene koncentracije P u tlu na toleranciju obične bukve i hrasta kitnjaka prema sušnom stresu, (ii) postojanje lokalne adaptiranosti provenijencija obične bukve i hrasta kitnjaka na sušni stres, kao i genotipskih razlika u toleranciji na sušu pod utjecajem povišene koncentracije P u tlu i (iii) postojanje tzv. memorijskih efekata kod obične bukve i hrasta kitnjaka nakon pretrpljenog sušnog stresa te utjecaj povišene koncentracije P u tlu na takve efekte.
- Published
- 2023
7. Genetska raznolikost reproduktivnih i fenoloških svojstava i njihovi međuodnosi u klonskoj sjemenskoj plantaži divlje trešnje (Prunus avium L.)
- Author
Katičić Bogdan, Ida, primary, Bogdan, Saša, additional, Bačurin, Marko, additional, Brlek, Ivana, additional, and Jurkić, Višnja, additional
- Published
- 2023
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8. Functional adaptation of common beech and sessile oak to drought
- Author
Sever, Krunoslav, Vukmirović, Antonia, Bogdan, Saša, Katičić Bogdan, Ida, Krstonošić, Daniel, Karažija, Tomislav, Bačurin, Marko, and Škvorc, Željko
- Subjects
allometric growth, coarse root, dry mass, drought, Fagus sylvatica L., fine root, Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl., stem - Abstract
This research was conducted on four-year-old saplings of common beech and sessile oak originating from two mature mixed beech-oak stands from the Republic of Croatia (RH), which are characterized by similar orographic and edaphic (chemical composition and mechanical soil structure) conditions. In addition, both stands belong to the same phytosociological association, Epimedio-Carpinetum betuli (Horvat 1938) Borhidi 1963. However, during the development of the studied saplings in the period from 2016 to 2020, stands from north-western part of the RH near Karlovac (KA) were more frequently exposed to drought periods than stands from eastern part of RH near Slavonski Brod (SB). Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the impact of drought on the functional adaptation of growth and dry mass production of common beech and sessile oak saplings. Differences between stands (KA vs. SB) and species (beech vs. oak) were examined using two-factorial ANOVA with respect to a growth and dry mass production parameters, including their allometric relationships. According to the obtained results, the saplings from the KA stand had a thicker and lower stem, rooted deeper, and had a higher dry mass of coarse and fine roots compared to the saplings from the SB stand. This indicates that the saplings from the KA stand could be functionally more adapted to the drought habitat than the saplings from the SB stand due to more frequent exposure to drought periods. Such a result could be the consequences of different phenotypic modifications (drought reactions) and/or actual genetic differences between the studied stands, which could not be more accurately distinguished on this occasion. Furthermore, sessile oak saplings rooted deeper and had a higher dry mass of coarse roots than the common beech saplings that rooted shallower and had a higher dry mass of fine roots. This result corresponds to the previous knowledge on pattern of functional adaptation of sessile oak and common beech to moisture and/or dryness of the habitat, which differs in that sessile oak is oriented to absorb water from deeper soil layers by taproot, while common beech is oriented to absorb precipitation water from shallower layers of soil by fine roots.
- Published
- 2022
9. Influence of phosphorus nutrition on leaf functional traits of common beech and sessile oak saplings
- Author
Vukmirović, Antonia, Bačurin, Marko, Bogdan, Saša, Bogdan Katičić, Ida, Brener, Magdalena, Karažija, Tomislav, Krstonošić, Daniel, Škvorc, Željko, and Sever, Krunoslav
- Subjects
Croatia, Fagus sylvatica, LDMC, LMA, provenance, Quercus petraea - Abstract
This research was conducted on five-year-old saplings of common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and sessile oak (Quercus petraea /Matt./ Liebl.) originating from two mature mixed beech-oak stands from the Republic of Croatia. One stand is from the area of Slavonski Brod and one from the area of Karlovac. These two provenances are characterized by similar orographic and edaphic (chemical composition and mechanical soil structure) conditions, but differ in climate, especially in precipitation. In Slavonski Brod provenance average total annual precipitation is 770 mm (dry provenance) and in Karlovac provenance 1112 mm (wet provenance). During 2021, after the establishment of field trial, the saplings grew into two types of substrates. One type of substrate was a treatment with an increased phosphorus concentration (+P) and another type of substrate was a treatment with a lower phosphorus concentration (-P). The aim of this study was to examine the influence of different phosphorus concentrations in the substrate on leaves functional traits (phosphorus concentration in leaves, leaf dry matter content (LDMC), leaf mass per area (LMA), etc.) in beech and oak saplings originating from dry and wet provenance. The results showed that in the +P treatment there was a significant increase in the concentration of phosphorus in the leaves of both species originated from both provenances. However, LDMC and LMA in the +P treatment were significantly higher than the -P treatment in common beech, while LDMC and LMA in sessile oak were the same in both treatments. Saplings originating from dry provenance had a significantly higher LDMC and LMA than saplings from wet provenance. Research has shown that different phosphorus concentrations have different effects on the functional traits leaves depending on the species and provenance.
- Published
- 2022
10. Spring and autumn leaf phenology of common beech and sessile oak provenances in relation to different soil phosphorus concentration
- Author
Sever, Krunoslav, Vukmirović, Antonia, Bačurin, Marko, Škvorc, Željko, Katičić Bogdan, Ida, Krstonošić, Daniel, Karažija, Tomislav, Bogdan, Saša, Kapović-Solomun, Marijana, Dukić, Vojislav, Govedar, Zoran, Stupar, Vladimir, Mataruga, Milan, Marčeta, Dane, and Petrović, Danijela
- Subjects
Fagus sylvatica L., Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl., saplings - Abstract
This research was conducted on a four-year-old common beech and sessile oak saplings originating from two mature mixed common beech and sessile oak stands (provenance) from the Republic of Croatia (HR). Provenances differ in annual amount of precipitation, which in provenance Slavonski Brod (SB) from the eastern part of the HR is about 770 mm (dry provenance), and in Karlovac (KA) from the north-western part of the HR is about 1112 mm (wet provenance). During year 2021, after the establishment of the experimental trail, the transplanted saplings grew into two soil types, one was characterized by high (0.30 g P2O5/l soil) and the other by low (0.16 g P2O5/l soil) phosphorus (P) concentration. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of higher soil P concentration on the average onset of spring bud burst and autumn leaf senescence in beech and oak saplings. The results showed that the onset of bud burst and leaf senescence in beech compared to oak saplings occurred significantly earlier, in six and ten days, respectively. Differences in the onset of bud burst and leaf senescence between oak provenances were not significant, whereas these differences between beech provenances were significant. Therefore, the onset of bud burst and leaf senescence in beech of dry SB provenance compared to wet KA provenance occurred earlier in five and three days, respectively. The higher soil P concentration significantly affected only the onset of leaf senescence in beech saplings. This means that the onset of leaf senescence in beech saplings under the higher compared to lower soil P concentration occurred three days earlier in the dry SB provenance and four days earlier in the wet KA provenance.
- Published
- 2022
11. Influence of phosphorus nutrition on leaf dry matter content and leaf mass per area of common beech and sessile oak saplings
- Author
Sever, Krunoslav, Vukmirović, Antonia, Krstonošić, Daniel, Bogdan, Saša, Katičić Bogdan, Ida, Bačurin, Marko, Karažija, Tomislav, Škvorc, Željko, Redovniković, Ivana Radojčić, Jakovljević, Tamara, Stojaković, Renata, Erdec, Dina, and Damjanović, Anja
- Subjects
Fagus sylvatica L., Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl., saplings, LDMC, LMA - Abstract
This research was conducted on a five-year-old common beech and sessile oak saplings originating from two mature mixed common beech and sessile oak stands (provenance) from the Republic of Croatia (HR). Provenances differ in annual amount of precipitation, which in provenance Slavonski Brod (SB) from the eastern part of the HR is about 770 mm (dry provenance), and in Karlovac (KA) from the north-western part of the HR is about 1112 mm (wet provenance). During year 2021, after the establishment of the experimental trail, the transplanted saplings grew into two soil types, one was characterized by high (0.30 g P2O5/L soil = +P tretment) and the other by low (0.16 g P2O5/l soil = -P treatment) phosphorus (P) concentration. In September 2021, the saplings of both species in the +P treatment had a higher concentration of P in the leaves than the sampligs from the -P treatment. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of different soil P concentration and/or phosphorus nutrition on the leaf dry matter content (LDMC = dry leaf mass/fresh leaf mass) and leaf mass per area (LMA = dry leaf mass/leaf area) of common beech and sessile oak saplings originated from dry and wet provenances. Results of factorial ANOVA with main effects of treatment (+P vs -P), provenences (dry BS vs. wet KA) and species (common beech vs. sessile oak) indicate that LDMC and LMA in +P treatment were significantly higher than in -P treatment, dry SB and wet KA provenance had similar LDMC and LMA, whilest the common beech had significantly lower LDMC and LMA than the sessile oak. Significant interaction between main effects ”treatment x species” indicate thad LDMC and SLA of sessile oak were similar in both +P and -P treatments, whilest LDMC and SLA of common beech in -P treatment were significantly lower than in +P treatment.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
BOGDAN, Ida Katičić, JURKIĆ, Višnja, BRLEK, Ivana, BAČURIN, Marko, and BOGDAN, Saša
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia / Sumarski List Hrvatskoga Sumarskoga Drustva is the property of Forestry Society of Croatia and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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13. Funkcionalna diferencijacija provenijencija hrasta crnike na istočnoj obali Jadranskoga mora
- Author
Škvorc, Željko, primary, Sever, Krunoslav, additional, Bačurin, Marko, additional, Zorić, Vanja, additional, and Lisica, Lucija, additional
- Published
- 2021
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14. Funkcionalna diferencijacija provenijencija hrasta crnike na istočnoj obali jadranskoga mora : [Functional differentiation of holm oak provenances in the east Adriatic coast]
- Author
Škvorc, Željko, Lisica, Lucija, Zorić, Vanja, Bačurin, Marko, Sever, Krunoslav, Škvorc, Željko, Lisica, Lucija, Zorić, Vanja, Bačurin, Marko, and Sever, Krunoslav
- Abstract
Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) is an evergreen tree species with natural distribution within the Mediterranean, from Portugal and Morocco on the west to the western coast of Turkey on the east part of its range. On the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, it occupies warmer localities on the coast of Istria and northern Adriatic islands while on the southern Adriatic islands as well as on the narrower coastal area south of Zadar it has a more continuous distribution. Given the size of the area of distribution, holm oak shows a big morphological and functional variability so certain populations differ according to the climate conditions in their area. This fact has been very well researched in the western and central part of its range, while the data for the eastern part, and thus for the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, are scarce. The great morphological and functional variability of holm oak reflects its great phenotypic plasticity. Although phenotypic plasticity is conditioned by the environment, it can also have a genetic basis through local adaptation to the established environmental conditions in different parts of the species’ area of distribution. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a differentiation of holm oak down the climatic gradient of the eastern Adriatic coast with respect to the functional characteristics of its leaves. The research was conducted on three provenances of holm oak from the area of Pula and Zadar in the Republic of Croatia and Bar in Montenegro. During the winter of 2019, 12 leaves were sampled per 12 trees in each provenance in order to determine the specific leaf area (SLA). Additionally, acorns were collected beneath those trees with which an greenhouse experiment was established. In the experiment, a total of 64 plants were grown, of which 22 plants from the provenances of Pula and Zadar, and 20 plants from the provenance of Bar. In the second part of the vegetation period in 2020, one leaf was sampled from each pla, Hrast crnika (Quercus ilex L.) je sredozemna vazdazelena vrsta drveća, koja na svom području pridolaska pokazuje veliku morfološku i funkcionalnu varijabilnost. Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi postoji li diferencijacija hrasta crnike na klimatskom gradijentu istočne obale Jadranskoga mora (opisanom s prosječnom godišnjom količinom oborina, prosječnom količinom oborina tijekom ljetnog perioda i klimatskim deficitom vlage) s obzirom na funkcionalne značajke lišća (opisane sa specifičnom lisnom površinom, indeksom relativnog sadržaja ukupnih klorofila u lišću i stopom neto fotosinteze mjerene u lišću). Specifična lisna površina mjerena je na lišću uzorkovanom u tri provenijencije na prirodnom staništu te lišću uzorkovanom u pokusnom nasadu na mladim biljkama porijeklom iz tih istih provenijencija. U pokusnom nasadu mjeren je i indeks relativnog sadržaja ukupnih klorofila i stopa neto fotosinteze. Provenijencija Pula u odnosu na provenijencije Zadar i Bar ima veću specifičnu lisnu površinu te manji indeks relativnog sadržaja ukupnih klorofila i stopu neto fotosinteze. To potvrđuje prilagodbu provenijencije Pula na vlažnije stanište, a provenijencija Zadar i Bar na suše stanište te ujedno ukazuje na funkcionalnu diferencijaciju provenijencija hrasta crnike na istočnoj obali Jadranskoga mora s obzirom na klimatske prilike. Isti obrazac diferencijacije prema specifičnoj lisnoj površini u prirodnim sastojinama i pokusnom nasadu ukazuje na ekotipsku diferencijaciju istraživanih provenijencija. Prema tomu, hrast crnika mogao bi imati značajnu mogućnost funkcionalne prilagodbe na promijenjene klimatske uvjete.
- Published
- 2021
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15. Funkcionalna diferencijacija provenijencija hrasta crnike na istočnoj obali Jadranskoga mora
- Author
Škvorc, Željko, Lisica, Lucija, Zorić, Vanja, Bačurin, Marko, Sever, Krunoslav, Škvorc, Željko, Lisica, Lucija, Zorić, Vanja, Bačurin, Marko, and Sever, Krunoslav
- Abstract
Hrast crnika (Quercus ilex L.) je sredozemna vazdazelena vrsta drveća, koja na svom području pridolaska pokazuje veliku morfološku i funkcionalnu varijabilnost. Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi postoji li diferencijacija hrasta crnike na klimatskom gradijentu istočne obale Jadranskoga mora (opisanom s prosječnom godišnjom količinom oborina, prosječnom količinom oborina tijekom ljetnog perioda i klimatskim deficitom vlage) s obzirom na funkcionalne značajke lišća (opisane sa specifičnom lisnom površinom, indeksom relativnog sadržaja ukupnih klorofila u lišću i stopom neto fotosinteze mjerene u lišću). Specifična lisna površina mjerena je na lišću uzorkovanom u tri provenijencije na prirodnom staništu te lišću uzorkovanom u pokusnom nasadu na mladim biljkama porijeklom iz tih istih provenijencija. U pokusnom nasadu mjeren je i indeks relativnog sadržaja ukupnih klorofila i stopa neto fotosinteze. Provenijencija Pula u odnosu na provenijencije Zadar i Bar ima veću specifičnu lisnu površinu te manji indeks relativnog sadržaja ukupnih klorofila i stopu neto fotosinteze. To potvrđuje prilagodbu provenijencije Pula na vlažnije stanište, a provenijencija Zadar i Bar na suše stanište te ujedno ukazuje na funkcionalnu diferencijaciju provenijencija hrasta crnike na istočnoj obali Jadranskoga mora s obzirom na klimatske prilike. Isti obrazac diferencijacije prema specifičnoj lisnoj površini u prirodnim sastojinama i pokusnom nasadu ukazuje na ekotipsku diferencijaciju istraživanih provenijencija. Prema tomu, hrast crnika mogao bi imati značajnu mogućnost funkcionalne prilagodbe na promijenjene klimatske uvjete., Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) is an evergreen tree species with natural distribution within the Mediterranean, from Portugal and Morocco on the west to the western coast of Turkey on the east part of its range. On the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, it occupies warmer localities on the coast of Istria and northern Adriatic islands while on the southern Adriatic islands as well as on the narrower coastal area south of Zadar it has a more continuous distribution. Given the size of the area of distribution, holm oak shows a big morphological and functional variability so certain populations differ according to the climate conditions in their area. This fact has been very well researched in the western and central part of its range, while the data for the eastern part, and thus for the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, are scarce. The great morphological and functional variability of holm oak reflects its great phenotypic plasticity. Although phenotypic plasticity is conditioned by the environment, it can also have a genetic basis through local adaptation to the established environmental conditions in different parts of the species’ area of distribution. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a differentiation of holm oak down the climatic gradient of the eastern Adriatic coast with respect to the functional characteristics of its leaves.The research was conducted on three provenances of holm oak from the area of Pula and Zadar in the Republic of Croatia and Bar in Montenegro. During the winter of 2019, 12 leaves were sampled per 12 trees in each provenance in order to determine the specific leaf area (SLA). Additionally, acorns were collected beneath those trees with which an greenhouse experiment was established. In the experiment, a total of 64 plants were grown, of which 22 plants from the provenances of Pula and Zadar, and 20 plants from the provenance of Bar. In the second part of the vegetation period in 2020, one leaf was sampled
- Published
- 2021
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