This study aimed at implementing a stimu-lation protocol using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), in a Hospital in Valparaiso (V Re-gion), Chile, to detect cortical areas activated in oral language comprehension. Seven healthy volunteers participated in this study. Average t-score and signal variation were 6.3±0.3 and 0.5±0.1%, respectively. In spite of these low values, activations were obtai-ned in Wernicke area, middle temporal gyrus, and Heschl’s gyrus. The extension of activated areas was small, 5.06±2.99 cm3, probably due to amplifier low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), in addition to the cognitive complexity of the task, and to the ambient acoustic noise. Successful implementation of fMRI protocols of language comprehension is possible in a clinical context in Chile without any additional resources.Keywords: Functional magnetic resonance imaging, Low signal-to-noise ratio, Oral language compre-hension, Resumen: Nuestro objetivo fue implementar un protocolo de estimulacion en resonancia magnetica funcional en un Hospital de Valparaiso, V Region de Chile, para detectar las areas corticales activadas en la comprension del lenguaje oral. Siete voluntarios sanos participaron de este estudio. El t-score y variacion de senal alcanzado fue de 6.3 0.3 y 0.5±0.1% respectiva -mente. A pesar de estos bajos valores, las activaciones se registraron en el area Wernicke, circunvolucion temporal media y circunvolucion de Heschl. La exten -sion de las activaciones fue pequena, 5.06±2.99 cm