While the world is fighting poverty and hunger, the new concept of Microfinance has emerged in the last couple of decades to provide loans to marginal and underprivileged people. Outreach and sustainability have become prominent indicators for success for microfinance institutions. Outreach pertains to the range of services; sustainability to a program's long-term existence., looking at the same time to the quantity and quality of services. This study deployed Sustainability Dependency Index (SDI), Sustainability Dependency Ratio (SDR) and Efficiency and Subsidy Intensity Index (ESII) techniques to measure the situation of "BURO" (the Bangladesh Unemployed Rehabilitation Organization), a prominent microfinance institution of Bangladesh. From the analysis, BURO is found to have progressed towards achieving outreach and sustainability from 2001 to 2005, but then to have seen this trend deteriorate in 2006 and 2007. The study leads to a recommendation that microfinance institutions should concentrate on enhancing financial efficiency and reducing reliance on subsidies. Because the desire for micro credit is increasing day by day, microfinance institutions still have lots of opportunity to put more emphasis on outreach and sustainability factors. This study of BURO shows much that is relevant to the overall microfinance market in Bangladesh. Key Words: Outreach; Sustainability; Microfinance Institutions; Micro Credit; Savings Mobilization; Bangladesh; Bangladesh Unemployed Rehabilitation Organization (BURO); economic development., 1. Introduction There is a growing tendency among development economists and planners to think that microfinance programs have the potential for equitable and sustainable development with an ultimate goal of [...]