106 results on '"Bara R"'
Search Results
2. Description of a new Moridilla species from North Sulawesi, Indonesia (Mollusca: Nudibranchia: Aeolidioidea) - based on MicroCT, histological and molecular analyses
- Author
Schillo, D., Wipfler, B., Undap, N., Papu, A., Böhringer, N., Eisenbarth, J.-H., Kaligis, F., Bara, R., Schäberle, T.F., König, G.M., Wägele, H., and Publica
- Subjects
Mollusca ,Gastropoda ,Facelinidae ,Animalia ,Nudibranchia ,Biodiversity ,Taxonomy - Abstract
We describe a new species, Moridilla jobeli sp. nov., belonging to the marine heterobranch group Aeolidioidea. Up to now, it is only recorded from Bunaken National Park, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. A combination of histological, computer tomographic and scanning electron microscopic methods was applied in order to describe and illustrate the anatomy of Moridilla jobeli sp. nov. in detail. Furthermore, we conducted molecular analyses which include available partial COI and 16S rRNA sequences, as well as the nuclear gene Histone 3 (H3) of Facelinidae and Aeolidiidae. NeighborNet analyses, species delimitation tests and phylogenetic reconstruction methods show the distinctiveness of the new species from the type species Moridilla brockii Bergh, 1888 and the two recently described species Moridilla fifo Carmona & Wilson, 2018 and Moridilla hermanita Carmona & Wilson, 2018, as well as the monophyly of the genus. A phylogenetic analysis of the Facelinidae and Aeolidiidae does not result in a resolved tree, therefore relationship of former assumed closely related genera, Noumeaella Risbec, 1937 and Palisa Edmunds, 1964, cannot be discussed in detail.
- Published
- 2019
3. Marine Heterobranchia (Gastropoda, Mollusca) in Bunaken National Park, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Author
Eisenbarth, J.-H., Undap, N., Papu, A., Schillo, D., Dialao, J., Reumschüssel, S., Kaligis, F., Bara, R., Schäberle, T.F., König, G.M., Yonow, N., Wägele, H., and Publica
- Abstract
Bunaken National Park has been surveyed for a fourth time in 14 years, in an attempt to establish the species composition of heterobranch sea slugs in a baseline study for monitoring programs and protection of this special park. These molluscs are potentially good indicators of the health of an ecosystem, as many are species-specific predators on a huge variety of marine benthic and sessile invertebrates from almost every taxonomic group. Additionally, they are known to contain bio-compounds of significance in the pharmaceutical industry. It is therefore of paramount importance not only to document the species composition from a zoogeographic point of view, but to assist in their protection for the future, both in terms of economics and aesthetics. These four surveys have documented more than 200 species, with an approximate 50% of each collection found only on that survey and not re-collected. Many species new to science have also been documented, highlighting the lack of knowledge in this field.
- Published
- 2018
4. Searches for transverse momentum dependent flow vector fluctuations in Pb-Pb and p-Pb collisions at the LHC
- Author
Acharya, S. Adamova, D. Adolfsson, J. Aggarwal, M. M. and Rinella, G. Aglieri Agnello, M. Agrawal, N. Ahammed, Z. and Ahmad, N. Ahn, S. U. Aiola, S. Akindinov, A. Alam, S. N. and Alba, J. L. B. Albuquerque, D. S. D. Aleksandrov, D. and Alessandro, B. Molina, R. Alfaro Alici, A. Alkin, A. and Alme, J. Alt, T. Altenkamper, L. Altsybeev, I. Prado, C. Alves Garcia Andrei, C. Andreou, D. Andrews, H. A. and Andronic, A. Anguelov, V. Anson, C. Anticic, T. and Antinori, F. Antonioli, P. Anwar, R. Aphecetche, L. and Appelshaeuser, H. Arcelli, S. Arnaldi, R. Arnold, O. W. and Arsene, I. C. Arslandok, M. Audurier, B. Augustinus, A. and Averbeck, R. Azmi, M. D. Badala, A. Baek, Y. W. and Bagnasco, S. Bailhache, R. Baa, R. Baldisseri, A. Ball, M. Bara, R. C. Barbano, A. M. Barbera, R. Barile, F. and Barioglio, L. Barnafoldi, G. G. Barnby, L. S. Barret, V. and Bartalini, P. Barth, K. Bartsch, E. Basile, M. Bastid, N. Basu, S. Bathen, B. Batigne, G. Batyunya, B. and Batzing, P. C. Bearden, I. G. Beck, H. Bedda, C. Behera, N. K. Belikov, I. Bellini, F. Bello Martinez, H. and Bellwied, R. Beltran, L. G. E. Belyaev, V. Bencedi, G. and Beole, S. Bercuci, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berenyi, D. Bertens, R. A. Berzano, D. Betev, L. Bhasin, A. Bhat, I. R. and Pia, A. K. Bhati Bhattacharjee, B. Bhom, J. Bianchi, L. and Bianchi, N. Bianchin, C. Bielcik, J. Bielcikova, J. and Bilandzic, A. Biro, G. Biswas, R. Biswas, S. Blair, J. T. Blau, D. Blume, C. Boca, G. Bock, F. Bogdanov, A. and Boldizsar, L. Bombara, M. Bonomi, G. Bonora, M. and Book, J. Borel, H. Borissov, A. Borri, M. Botta, E. and Bourjau, C. Bratrud, L. Braun-Munzinger, P. Bregant, M. and Broker, T. A. Broz, M. Brucken, E. J. Bruna, E. Bruno, G. E. Budnikov, D. Buesching, H. Bufalino, S. Buhler, P. and Buncic, P. Busch, O. Buthelezi, Z. Butt, J. B. and Buxton, J. T. Cabala, J. Caffarri, D. Caines, H. Caliva, A. Calvo Villar, E. Camerini, P. Capon, A. A. Carena, F. and Carena, W. Carnesecchi, F. Castellanos, J. Castillo and Castro, A. J. Casula, E. A. R. Ceballos Sanchez, C. Cerello, P. Chandra, S. Chang, B. Chapeland, S. Chartier, M. and Charvet, J. L. Chattopadhyay, S. Chattopadhyay, S. Chauvin, A. Cherney, M. Cheshkov, C. Cheynis, B. Barroso, V. Chibante Chinellato, D. D. Cho, S. Chochula, P. Choi, K. and Chojnacki, M. Choudhury, S. Chowdhury, T. Christakoglou, P. Christensen, C. H. Christiansen, P. Chujo, T. Chung, S. U. Cicalo, C. Cifarelli, L. Cindolo, F. Cleymansl, J. and Colamaria, F. Colella, D. Collu, A. Colocci, M. and Concas, M. Balbastre, G. Conesa del Valle, Z. Conesa and Connors, M. E. Contreras, J. G. Cormier, T. M. Corrales Morales, Y. Cortes Maldonado, I. Cortese, P. Cosentino, M. R. Costa, F. Costanza, S. Crkovska, J. Crochet, P. and Cuautle, E. Cunqueiro, L. Dahrns, T. Dainese, A. and Danisch, M. C. Danu, A. Das, D. Das, I. Das, S. and Dash, A. Dash, S. De, S. De Caro, A. de Cataldo, G. and de Conti, C. de Cuveland, J. De Falco, A. De Gruttola, D. and De Marco, N. De Pasquale, S. De Souza, R. D. Degenhardt, H. F. Deisting, A. Deloff, A. Deplano, C. Dhankher, P. and Di Bari, D. Di Mauro, A. Di Nezza, P. Di Ruzza, B. and Diaz Corchero, M. A. Dietel, T. Dillenseger, P. Divia, R. and Djuvsland, O. Dobrin, A. Gimenez, D. Domenicis Doenigus, B. Dordic, O. Doremalen, L. V. V. Drozhzhova, T. Dubey, A. K. Dubla, A. Ducroux, L. Duggal, A. K. Dupieux, P. and Ehlers, R. J. Elia, D. Endress, E. Engel, H. Epple, E. Erazmus, B. Erhardt, F. Espagnon, B. Esumi, S. and Eulisse, G. Eum, J. Evans, D. Evdokimov, S. Fabbietti, L. Faivre, J. Fantoni, A. Fase, M. Feldkamp, L. and Feliciello, A. Feofilov, G. Ferencei, J. Fernandez Tellez, A. Ferreiro, E. G. Ferretti, A. Festanti, A. Feuillard, V. J. G. Figie, J. Figueredo, M. A. S. Filchagin, S. and Finogeev, D. Fionda, F. M. Fiore, E. M. Floris, M. and Foertsch, S. Foka, P. Fokin, S. Fragiacomo, E. and Francescon, A. Francisco, A. Frankenfeld, U. Fronze, G. G. and Fuchs, U. Furget, C. Furs, A. Girard, M. Fusco and Gaardhoje, J. J. Gagliardi, M. Gago, A. M. Gajdosova, K. and Gallio, M. Galvan, C. D. Ganoti, P. Gao, C. Garabatos, C. Garcia-Solis, E. Garg, K. Garg, P. Gargiulo, C. and Gasik, P. Gauger, E. F. Ducati, M. B. Gay Germain, M. and Ghosh, J. Ghosh, P. Ghosh, S. K. Gianotti, P. and Giubellino, P. Giubilato, P. Gladysz-Dziadus, E. Glassel, P. and Gomez Coral, D. M. Ramirez, A. Gomez Gonzalez, A. S. and Gonzalez, V. Gonzalez-Zamoram, P. Gorbunov, S. Gorlich, L. and Gotovac, S. Grabski, V. Graczykowski, L. K. Graham, K. L. Greiner, L. Grelli, A. Grigoras, C. Grigoriev, V. and Grigoryan, A. Grigoryan, S. Grion, N. Gronefeld, J. M. and Grosa, F. Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F. Grosso, R. Gruber, L. and Guber, F. Guernane, R. Guerzoni, B. Gulbrandsen, K. and Gunji, T. Gupta, A. Gupta, R. Guzman, I. B. Haake, R. and Hadjidakis, C. Hamagaki, H. Hamar, G. Hamon, J. C. and Haque, M. R. Harris, J. W. Harton, A. Hassan, H. and Hatzifotiadou, D. Hayashi, S. Heckel, S. T. Hellbaer, E. and Helstrup, H. Herghelegiu, A. Herrera Corral, G. Herrmann, F. and Hess, B. A. Hetland, K. F. Hillemanns, H. Hills, C. and Hippolyte, B. Hladky, J. Hohlweger, B. Horak, D. and Hornungl, S. Hosokawa, R. Hristov, P. Hughes, C. and Humanic, T. J. Hussain, N. Hussain, T. Hutter, D. Hwang, D. S. Buitron, S. A. Iga Ilkaev, R. Inaba, M. Ippolitov, M. Irfan, M. Isakv, V. Ivanov, M. Ivanov, V. and Izucheev, V. Jacak, B. Jacazio, N. Jacobs, P. M. Jadhav, M. B. Jadlovska, S. Jadlovsky, J. Jaelani, S. Jahnke, C. and Jakubowska, M. J. Janik, M. A. Jayarathna, P. H. S. Y. and Jena, C. Jena, S. Jercicm, M. Bustamante, R. T. Jimenez and Jones, P. G. Jusko, A. Kalinak, P. Kalweit, A. Kang, J. H. Kaplin, V. Kar, S. Uysal, A. Karasu Karavichev, . and Karavicheva, T. Karayan, L. Karczmarczyk, P. Karpechev, E. and Kebschu, U. Keide, R. Keijdener, D. L. D. Keil, M. and Ketzer, B. Khabanova, Z. Khan, P. Khan, S. A. and Khanzadeev, A. Kharlov, Y. Khatun, A. Khuntia, A. and Kielbowicz, M. M. Kileng, B. Kim, B. Kim, D. Kim, D. W. and Kim, D. J. Kim, H. Kim, J. S. Kim, J. Kim, M. and Kim, M. Kim, S. Kim, T. Kirsch, S. Kise, I. Kiselev, S. Kisiel, A. Kiss, G. Klay, J. L. Klein, C. Klein, J. Klein-Boesing, C. Klewin, S. Kluge, A. Knichel, M. L. and Knospe, A. G. Kobdaj, C. Kofarago, M. Kolleggerl, T. and Kolojvari, A. Kondratiev, V. Kondratyeva, N. Kondratyuk, E. and Konevskikh, A. Konyushikhin, M. Kopcik, M. Kourl, M. and Kouzinopoulos, C. Kovalenko, O. Kovalenko, V. Kowalski, M. and Meethaleveedu, G. Koyithatta Kralik, I. Kraveakova, A. and Krivda, M. Krizek, F. Kryshen, E. Krzewicki, M. Kubera, A. M. Kucera, V. Kuhn, C. Kuijer, P. G. Kumarl, A. and Kumar, J. Kumar, L. Kumar, S. Kundu, S. Kurashvili, P. and Kurepin, A. Kurepin, A. B. Kuryakin, A. Kushpi, S. and Kweon, M. J. Kwon, Y. La Pointe, S. L. La Rocca, P. and Fernandes, C. Lagana Lai, Y. S. Lakomov, I. Langoy, R. and Lapidus, K. Lara, C. Lardeux, A. Lattuca, A. Laudi, E. and Lavicka, R. Lazaridis, L. Lea, R. Leardini, L. Lee, S. Lehas, F. Lehner, S. Lehrbach, J. Lemmon, R. C. and Lenti, V. Leogrande, E. Monzon, T. Leon Levai, P. Li, S. and Li, X. Lien, J. Lietava, R. Lim, B. Lindal, S. and Lindenstruth, V. Lindsay, S. W. Lipprnann, C. Lisa, M. A. and Litichevskyi, V. Ljunggren, H. M. Llope, W. J. Lodato, D. F. Loenne, P. I. Loginov, V. Loizides, C. Loncar, P. and Lopez, X. Lopez Torres, E. Lowe, A. Luettig, P. and Lunardon, M. Luparello, G. Lupi, M. Lutz, T. H. and Maevskaya, A. Mager, M. Mahajan, S. Mahmood, S. M. and Maire, A. Majka, R. D. Malaev, M. Malinina, L. and Mal'Kevich, D. Malzacher, P. Mamonov, A. Manko, V. and Manso, F. Manzari, V. Mao, Y. Marchisone, M. Mares, J. and Margagliotti, G. V. Margotti, A. Margutti, J. Marin, A. and Markert, C. Marquard, M. Martin, N. A. Martinengo, P. and Martinez, J. A. L. Martinez, M. I. Garcia, G. Martinez and Pedreira, M. Martinez Mas, A. Masciocchi, S. Masera, M. and Masoni, A. Masson, E. Mastroserio, A. Mathis, A. M. and Matyja, A. Mayer, C. Mazer, J. Mazzilli, M. Mazzoni, M. A. Meddi, F. Melikyan, Y. Menchaca-Rocha, A. Meninno, E. and Perez, J. Mercado Meres, M. Mhlanga, S. Miake, Y. and Mieskolainen, M. M. Mihaylov, D. Mihaylov, D. L. Mikhaylov, K. Milano, L. Milosevic, J. Mischke, A. Mishra, A. N. and Miskowiec, D. Mitra, J. Mitu, C. M. Mohammadi, N. and Mohanty, B. Khan, M. Mohisin Montesth, E. De Godoy, D. A. Moreira Moreno, L. A. P. Moretto, S. Morreale, A. and Morsch, A. Muccifora, V. Mudnic, E. Muehlheirn, D. and Muhuri, S. Mukherjee, M. Mulligan, J. D. Munhoz, M. G. and Muenning, K. Munzer, R. H. Murakarni, H. Murray, S. and Musa, L. Musinsky, J. Myers, C. J. Myrcha, J. W. Naik, B. Nair, R. Nandi, B. K. Nania, R. Nappi, E. and Narayan, A. Naru, M. U. da Luz, H. Natal Nattrass, C. and Navarro, S. R. Nayak, K. Nayak, R. Nayak, T. K. and Nazarenko, S. Nedosekin, A. De Oliveira, R. A. Negrao and Nellen, L. Nesbo, S. V. Ng, F. Nicassio, M. Niculescu, M. Niedziela, J. Nielsen, B. S. Nikolaev, S. Nikulin, S. and Nikulin, V. Nobuhiro, A. Noferini, F. Nomokonov, P. and Nooren, G. Noris, J. C. C. Norman, J. Nyanin, A. and Nystrand, J. Oeschler, H. Oh, S. Ohlson, A. Okubo, T. and Olah, L. Oleniacz, J. Da Silva, A. C. Oliveira Oliver, M. H. Onderwaater, J. Oppedisano, C. Orava, R. Oravec, M. Velasquez, A. Ortiz Oskarsson, A. Otwinowski, J. and Oyama, K. Pachmayer, Y. Pacik, V. Pagano, D. Pagano, P. and Paic, G. Palni, P. Pan, J. Pandey, A. K. Panebianco, S. Papikyan, V. Pappalardo, G. S. Pareek, P. Parke, J. and Parmar, S. Passfeld, A. Pathak, S. P. Paticchio, V. and Patra, R. N. Pau, B. Pei, H. Peitzmann, T. Peng, X. and Pereira, L. G. Da Costa, H. Pereira Peresunko, D. Lezama, E. Perez Peskov, V. Pestov, Y. Petracek, V. Petrov, V. and Petrovici, M. Petta, C. Pezzi, R. P. Piano, S. Pikna, M. and Pillot, P. Pimente, L. O. D. L. Pinazza, O. Pinsky, L. and Piyarathna, D. B. Ploskon, M. Planinic, M. Pliquett, F. and Pluta, J. Pochybova, S. Podesta-Lerma, P. L. M. and Poghosyan, M. G. Polichtchouk, B. Poljak, N. Poonsawat, W. and Pop, A. Poppenborg, H. Porteboeuf-Houssais, S. Porter, J. Pozdniakov, V. Prasad, S. K. Preghenella, R. Prino, F. Pruneau, C. A. Pshenichnov, I. Puccio, M. Puddu, G. and Pujahari, P. Punin, V. Putschke, J. Rachevski, A. and Raha, S. Rajput, S. Rak, J. Rakotozafindrabe, A. and Ramello, L. Rami, F. Rana, D. B. Raniwalal, R. Raniwala, S. Rasanen, S. S. Rascanu, B. T. Rathee, D. Ratza, V. and Ravasenga, I. Read, K. F. Redlich, K. Rehman, A. and Reichelt, P. Reidt, F. Ren, X. Renfordt, R. Reolon, A. R. Reshetin, A. Reygers, K. Riabov, V. Ricci, R. A. and Richert, T. Richter, M. Riedler, P. Riegler, W. Riggi, F. C. Rodriguez Cahuantzi, M. Roed, K. Rogochaya, E. and Rohr, D. Rohrich, D. Rokita, P. S. Ronchetti, F. Rosas, E. D. Rosnet, P. Rossi, A. Rotondi, A. Roukoutakis, F. and Roy, A. Roy, C. Roy, P. Rubio Montero, A. J. Rueda, O. V. Rui, R. Rumyantsev, B. Rustamov, A. Ryabinkin, E. and Ryabov, Y. Rybicki, A. Saarinen, S. Sadhu, S. and Sadovsky, S. Safarik, K. Saha, S. K. Sahlmuller, B. and Sahoo, B. Sahoo, P. Sahoo, R. Sahoo, S. Sahu, P. K. and Saini, J. Sakai, S. Saleh, M. A. Salzwedel, J. Sambyall, S. Samsonov, V. Sandoval, A. Sarkar, D. Sarkar, N. and Sarma, P. Sas, M. H. P. Scapparone, E. Scarlassara, F. and Scharenberg, R. P. Scheid, H. S. Schiaua, C. Schicker, R. and Schmidt, C. Schmidtl, H. R. Schmidt, M. O. Schmidt, M. and Schuchmann, S. Schukraft, J. Schutz, Y. Schwarz, K. and Schweda, K. Scioli, G. Scomparin, E. Scott, R. Sefcik, M. Seger, J. E. Sekiguchi, Y. Sekihata, D. Selyuzhenkov, I. Senosi, K. Senyukov, S. Serradilla, E. Sett, P. and Sevcenco, A. Shabanov, A. Shabetai, A. Shahoyan, R. and Shaikh, W. Shangaraev, A. Sharmaror, A. Sharmal, A. and Sharrna, M. Sharrna, M. Sharma, N. Sheikh, A. I. and Shigaki, K. Shou, Q. Shtejer, K. Sibiriak, Y. Siddhanta, S. Sielewicz, K. M. Siemiarczuk, T. Silvermyr, D. and Silvestre, C. Simatovicl, G. Simonetti, G. Singaraju, R. and Singh, R. Singhal, V. Sinha, T. Sitar, B. Sitta, M. and Skaali, T. B. Slupecki, M. Smirnov, N. Snellings, R. J. M. and Snellman, T. W. Song, J. Song, M. Soramel, F. and Sorensen, S. Sozzil, F. Spiriti, E. Sputowska, I. and Srivastava, B. K. Stachel, I, J. Stan, I. Stankus, P. and Stenlund, E. Stocco, D. Strmen, P. Suaide, A. A. P. and Sugitate, T. Suire, C. Suleymanov, M. Suljic, M. and Sultanov, R. Sumbera, M. Sumowidagdo, S. Suzuki, K. and Swain, S. Szabo, A. Szarka, I. Tabassam, U. Takahashi, J. Tambave, G. J. Tanaka, N. Tarhini, M. Tariq, M. and Tarzila, M. G. Tauro, A. Tejeda Munoz, G. Telesca, A. and Terasaki, K. Terrevoli, C. Teyssier, B. Thakur, D. and Thakur, S. Thomas, D. Thoresen, F. Tieulent, R. and Tikhonov, A. Timmins, A. R. Toia, A. Tripathy, S. and Trogolo, S. Trombetta, G. Tropp, L. Trubnikov, V. and Trzaska, W. H. Trzeciak, B. A. Tsuji, T. Tumkin, A. and Turrisi, R. Tveter, T. S. Ullaland, K. Urnaka, E. N. and Uras, A. Usai, G. L. Utrobicicm, A. Vala, M. Van der Maare, J. Van Hoorne, J. W. van Leeuwen, M. Vanat, T. and Vande Vyvre, P. Varga, D. Vargas, A. Vargyas, M. Varma, R. Vasileiou, M. Vasiliev, A. Vauthier, A. Doce, O. Vazquez Vechernin, V. Veen, A. M. Velure, A. Vercellin, E. Vergara Limon, S. Vernet, R. Vertesi, R. Vickovic, L. and Vigolo, S. Viinikainen, J. Vilakazi, Z. Baillie, O. Villalobos Villatoro Tello, A. Vinogradov, A. Vinogradov, L. and Virgili, T. Vislavicius, V. Vodopyanov, A. Voelkl, M. A. and Voloshin, K. Voloshin, S. A. Volpe, G. von Haller, B. and Vorobyev, I. Voscek, D. Vranic, D. Vrlakova, J. and Wagner, B. Wang, H. Wang, M. Watanabe, D. Watanabe, Y. and Weber, M. Weberl, S. G. Weiser, D. F. Wenze, S. C. and Wessels, J. P. Westerhoff, U. Whiteheadl, A. M. Wiechula, J. and Wikne, J. Wilk, G. Wilkinson, J. Willems, G. A. and Williams, M. C. S. Willsher, E. Windelband, B. Witt, W. E. and Yalcin, S. Yamakawa, K. Yang, P. Yano, S. Yin, Z. and Yokoyama, H. Yoo, I. -K. Yoon, J. H. Yurchenko, V. and Zaccolo, V. Zaman, A. Zampolli, C. Zanoli, H. J. C. and Zardoshti, N. Zarochentsev, A. Zavada, P. Zaviyalov, N. and Zbroszczyk, H. Zhalov, M. Zhang, H. Zhang, X. Zhang, Y. and Zhang, C. Zhang, Z. Zhao, C. Zhigareva, N. Zhou, D. and Zhou, Y. Zhou, Z. Zhu, H. Zhu, J. Zhu, X. and Zichichi, A. Zimmermannl, A. Zimmermann, M. B. Zinovjev, G. and Zmeska, J. Zou, S. ALICE Collaboration
- Subjects
High Energy Physics::Experiment ,Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
The measurement of azimuthal correlations of charged particles is presented for Pb-Pb collisions at root S-NN 2.76 TeV and p-Pb collisions at root S-NN 5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. These correlations are measured for the second, third and fourth order flow vector in the pseudorapidity region vertical bar eta vertical bar 0.8 as a function of centrality and transverse momentum pT using two observables, to search for evidence of PT-dependent flow vector fluctuations. For Ph-Ph collisions at 2.76 TeV, the measurements indicate that PT-dependent fluctuations are only present for the second order flow vector. Similar results have been found for p-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV. These measurements are compared to hydrodynamic model calculations with event-by-event geometry fluctuations in the initial state to constrain the initial conditions and transport properties of the matter created in Ph-Ph and p-Pb collisions.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Losung, F., Bara, R. A., and Angkouw, E. D.
- Abstract
Penelitian untuk mengisolasi antibakteri dari jamur yang bersimbiosis pada sponge dan ascidian telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk memberdayakan potensi biota laut yang kaya dan belum banyak diperhatikan. Penelitian dilakukan meliputi sampling sponge dan ascidian, isolasi jamur simbion pada ke dua biota laut, kultur jamur dan ekstraksi dengan etanol dilanjutkan dengan partisi dengan pelarut etil asetat, heksan dan butanol dan pengujian antibakteri pada bakteri S. aureus, dan E. coli. Aktivitas antibakteri diukur dari zona hambat yang terbentuk oleh masing masing ekstrak terhadap bakteri uji. Tujuan penelitian yaitu: membandingkan aktivitas antimikroba dari ekstrak jamur simbionnya dan fraksi-fraksi etil asetat, heksan,butanol. Dari 5 jenis sponge dan 2 jenis ascidian yang di koleksi diperoleh 12 jenis jamur. Ekstrak kasar jamur S2-3 dan S4-2 dan A2-1 mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri uji S. aureus dan E coli. Ekstrak jamur S4-2 aktivitasnya hampir menyamai antibiotik pembanding yang digunakan (Chloramex). Ekstrak jamur S2-3 fraksi etil asetat dan heksan mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri S. aureus dan E coli. Fraksi etil asetat jamur S2-3 da S4-2 diameter zona hambat hampir sama. Pada penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa: dari lima jenis sponge dan dua jenis ascidian didapatkan 12 jamur simbion. Ekstrak kasar jamur S4-2 memiliki diameter zona hambat yang besar dan hampir menyamai antibiotika pembanding. Aktivitas antibakteri dari ekstrak jamur S2-3 dan S4-2 fraksi heksan lebih besar untuk bakteri E.coli dibanding S.aureus.
- Published
- 2016
6. Forward-central two-particle correlations in p-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
- Author
Adam, J., Adamova, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Rinella, G. Aglieri, Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., Ahammed, Z., Ahn, S. U., Aimo, I., Aiola, S., Ajaz, M., Akindinov, A., Alam, S. N., Aleksandrov, D., Alessandro, B., Alexandre, D., Molina, R. Alfaro, Alici, A., Alkin, A., Almaraz, J. R. M., Alme, J., Alt, T., Altinpinar, S., Altsybeev, I., Alves Garcia Prado, C., Andrei, C., Andronic, A., Anguelov, V., Anielski, J., Anticic, T., Antinori, F., Antonioli, R., Aphecetche, L., Appelshaeuser, H., Arcelli, S., Armesto, N., Arnaldi, R., Arsene, I. C., Arslandok, M., Audurier, B., Augustinus, A., Averbeck, R., Azmi, M. D., Bach, M., Badala, A., Baek, Y. W., Bagnasco, S., Bailhache, R., Bala, R., Baldisseri, A., Pedrosa, F. Baltasar Dos Santos, Bara, R. C., Barbano, A. M., Barbera, R., Barile, F., Barnafoeldi, G. G., Barnby, L. S., Barret, V., Bartalini, P., Barth, K., Bartke, J., Bartsch, E., Basile, M., Bastid, N., Basu, S., Bathen, B., Batigne, G., Camejo, A. Batista, Batyunya, B., Batzing, P. C., Bearden, I. G., Beck, H., Bedda, C., Behera, N. K., Belikov, I., Bellini, F., Martinez, H. Bello, Bellwied, R., Belmont, R., Belmont Moreno, E., Belyaev, V., Bencedi, G., Beole, S., Berceanu, I., Bercuci, A., Berdnikov, Y., Berenyi, D., Bertens, R. A., Berzano, D., Betev, L., Bhasin, A., Bhat, I. R., Bhati, A. K., Bhattacharjee, B., Bhom, J., Bianchi, L., Bianchi, N., Bianchin, C., Bielcik, J., Bielcikova, J., Bilandzic, A., Biswas, R., Biswas, S., Bjelogrlic, S., Blair, J. T., Blanco, F., Blau, D., Blume, C., Bock, F., Bogdanov, A., Boggild, H., Boldizsar, L., Bombara, M., Book, J., Borel, H., Borissov, A., Borri, M., Bossu, F., Botta, E., Boettger, S., Braun Munzinger, R., Bregant, M., Breitner, T., Broker, T. A., Browning, T. A., Broz, M., Brucken, E. J., Bruna, E., Bruno, G. E., Budnikov, D., Buesching, H., Bufalino, S., Buncic, R., Busch, O., Buthelezi, Z., Butt, J. B., Buxton, J. T., Caffarri, D., Cai, X., Caines, H., Diaz, L. Calero, Caliva, A., Calvo Villar, E., Camerini, R., Carena, F., Carena, W., Carnesecchi, F., Castellanos, J. Castillo, Castro, A. J., Casula, E. A. R., Cavicchioli, C., Ceballos Sanchez, C., Cepila, J., Cerello, R., Cerkala, J., Chang, B., Chapeland, S., Chartier, M., Charvet, J. L., Chattopadhyay, S., Chelnokov, V., Cherney, M., Cheshkov, C., Cheynis, B., Barroso, V. Chibante, Chinellato, D. D., Chochula, R., Choi, K., Chojnacki, M., Choudhury, S., Christakoglou, R., Christensen, C. H., Christiansen, R., Chujo, T., Chung, S. U., Chunhui, Z., Cicalo, C., Cifarelli, L., Cindolo, F., Cleymans, J., Colamaria, F., Colella, D., Collu, A., Colocci, M., Balbastre, G. Conesa, del Valle, Z. Conesa, Connors, M. E., Contreras, J. G., Cormier, T. M., Morales, Y. Corrales, Cortes Maldonado, I., Cortese, P., Cosentino, M. R., Costa, F., Crochet, P., Cruz Albinoll, P., Cuautle, E., Cunqueiro, L., Dahms, T., Dainese, A., Danu, A., Das, D., Das, I., Das, S., Dash, A., Dash, S., De, S., De Caro, A., de Cataldo, G., de Cuveland, J., De Falco, A., De Gruttola, D., De Marco, N., De Pasquale, S., Deisting, A., Deloff, A., Denes, E., D'Erasmo, G., Di Bari, D., Di Mauro, A., Di Nezza, P., Diaz Corcherom, M. A., Dietel, T., Dillenseger, P., Divia, R., Djuvsland, O., Dobrin, A., Dobrowolski, T., Domenicis Gimenez, D., Doenigus, B., Dordic, O., Drozhzhova, T., Dubey, A. K., Dubla, A., Ducroux, L., Dupieux, P., Ehlers, R. J., Elia, D., Engel, H., Erazmus, B., Erdemir, I., Erhardt, E., Eschweiler, D., Espagnon, B., Estiennem, M., Esumi, S., Eum, J., Evans, D., Evdokimov, S., Eyyubova, G., Fabbietti, L., Fabris, D., Faivre, J., Fantoni, A., Fasel, M., Feldkamp, L., Felea, D., Feliciello, A., Feofilov, G., Ferencei, J., Fernandez Tellez, A., Ferreiro, E. G., Ferretti, A., Festanti, Andrea, Feuillard, V. J. G., Figie, J., Figueredo, M. A. S., Filchagin, S., Finogeev, D., Fionda, F. M., Fiore, E. M., Fleck, M. G., Floris, M., Foertsch, S., Foka, P., Fokin, S., Fragiacomo, E., Francescon, A., Frankenfeld, U., Fuchs, U., Furget, C., Furs, A., Fusco Girard, M., Gaardhoje, J. J., Gagliardi, M., Gago, A. M., Gallio, M., Gangadharan, D. R., Ganoti, P., Gao, C., Garabatos, C., Garcia Solis, E., Gargiulo, C., Gasik, P., Germain, M., Gheata, A., Gheata, M., Ghosh, P., Ghosh, S. K., Gianotti, P., Giubellino, P., Giubilato, Piero, Gladysz Dziadus, E., Glaesel, P., Gomez Coral, D. M., Ramirez, A. Gomez, Gonzalez Zamora, P., Gorbunov, S., Goerlich, L., Gotovac, S., Grabski, V., Graczykowski, L. K., Graham, K. L., Grelli, A., Grigoras, A., Grigoras, C., Grigoriev, V., Grigoryanl, A., Grigoryan, S., Grinyov, B., Grion, N., Grosse Oetringhaus, J. F., Grossiord, J. Y., Grosso, R., Guber, F., Guernane, R., Guerzoni, B., Gulbrandsen, K., Gulkanyan, H., Gunji, T., Gupta, A., Gupta, R., Haake, R., Haaland, O., Hadjidakis, C., Haiduc, M., Hamagaki, H., Hamar, G., Hansen, A., Harris, J. W., Hartmann, H., Harton, A., Hatzifotiadou, D., Hayashi, S., Heckel, S. T., Heide, M., Helstrup, H., Herghelegiu, A., Herrera Corral, G., Hess, B. A., Hetland, K. F., Hilden, T. E., Hillemanns, H., Hippolyte, B., Hosokawa, R., Hristov, P., Huang, M., Humanic, T. J., Hussain, N., Hussain, T., Hutter, D., Hwang, D. S., Ilkaev, R., Ilkiv, I., Inaba, M., Ippolitov, M., Irfan, M., Ivanov, M., Ivanov, V., Izucheev, V., Jacobs, P. M., Jadlovska, S., Jahnke, C., Jang, H. J., Janik, M. A., Jayarathna, P. H. S. Y., Jena, C., Jena, S., Bustamante, R. T. Jimenez, Jones, P. G., Jung, H., Jusko, A., Kalinak, R., Kalweit, A., Kamin, J., Kang, J. H., Kaplin, V., Kar, S., Uysal, A. 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G., Polichtchouk, B., Poljak, N., Poonsawat, W., Pop, A., Porteboeuf Houssais, S., Porter, J., Pospisil, J., Prasad, S. K., Preghenella, R., Prino, F., Pruneau, C. A., Pshenichnov, I., Puccio, M., Puddu, G., Pujahari, P., Punin, V., Putschke, J., Qvigstad, H., Rachevski, A., Raha, S., Rajput, S., Rak, J., Rakotozafindrabe, A., Ramello, L., Rami, F., Raniwala, R., Raniwala, S., Rasanen, S. S., Rascanu, B. T., Rathee, D., Read, K. F., Real, J. S., Redlich, K., Reed, R. J., Rehman, A., Reichelt, P., Reidt, F., Ren, X., Renford, R., Reolon, A. R., Reshetin, A., Rettig, F., Revol, J. P, Reygers, K., Riabov, V., Ricci, R. A., Richert, T., Richter, M., Riedler, P., Riegler, W., Riggi, F., Ristea, C., Rivetti, A., Rocco, E., Rodriguez Cahuantzi, M., Rodriguez Manso, A., Roed, K., Rogochaya, E., Rohr, D., Rohrich, D., Romita, R., Ronchetti, F., Ronflette, L., Rosnet, P., Rossi, Andrea, Roukoutakis, F., Roy, A., Roy, C., Roy, P., Rubio Montero, A. 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- Subjects
- 2016
7. Searches for transverse momentum dependent flow vector fluctuations in Pb-Pb and p-Pb collisions at the LHC
- Author
Acharya, S. Adamova, D. Adolfsson, J. Aggarwal, M. M. and Rinella, G. Aglieri Agnello, M. Agrawal, N. Ahammed, Z. and Ahmad, N. Ahn, S. U. Aiola, S. Akindinov, A. Alam, S. N. and Alba, J. L. B. Albuquerque, D. S. D. Aleksandrov, D. and Alessandro, B. Molina, R. Alfaro Alici, A. Alkin, A. and Alme, J. Alt, T. Altenkamper, L. Altsybeev, I. Prado, C. Alves Garcia Andrei, C. Andreou, D. Andrews, H. A. and Andronic, A. Anguelov, V. Anson, C. Anticic, T. and Antinori, F. Antonioli, P. Anwar, R. Aphecetche, L. and Appelshaeuser, H. Arcelli, S. Arnaldi, R. Arnold, O. W. and Arsene, I. C. Arslandok, M. Audurier, B. Augustinus, A. and Averbeck, R. Azmi, M. D. Badala, A. Baek, Y. W. and Bagnasco, S. Bailhache, R. Baa, R. Baldisseri, A. Ball, M. Bara, R. C. Barbano, A. M. Barbera, R. Barile, F. and Barioglio, L. Barnafoldi, G. G. Barnby, L. S. Barret, V. and Bartalini, P. Barth, K. Bartsch, E. Basile, M. Bastid, N. Basu, S. Bathen, B. Batigne, G. Batyunya, B. and Batzing, P. C. Bearden, I. G. Beck, H. Bedda, C. Behera, N. K. Belikov, I. Bellini, F. Bello Martinez, H. and Bellwied, R. Beltran, L. G. E. Belyaev, V. Bencedi, G. and Beole, S. Bercuci, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berenyi, D. Bertens, R. A. Berzano, D. Betev, L. Bhasin, A. Bhat, I. R. and Pia, A. K. Bhati Bhattacharjee, B. Bhom, J. Bianchi, L. and Bianchi, N. Bianchin, C. Bielcik, J. Bielcikova, J. and Bilandzic, A. Biro, G. Biswas, R. Biswas, S. Blair, J. T. Blau, D. Blume, C. Boca, G. Bock, F. Bogdanov, A. and Boldizsar, L. Bombara, M. Bonomi, G. Bonora, M. and Book, J. Borel, H. Borissov, A. Borri, M. Botta, E. and Bourjau, C. Bratrud, L. Braun-Munzinger, P. Bregant, M. and Broker, T. A. Broz, M. Brucken, E. J. Bruna, E. Bruno, G. E. Budnikov, D. Buesching, H. Bufalino, S. Buhler, P. and Buncic, P. Busch, O. Buthelezi, Z. Butt, J. B. and Buxton, J. T. Cabala, J. Caffarri, D. Caines, H. Caliva, A. Calvo Villar, E. Camerini, P. Capon, A. A. Carena, F. and Carena, W. Carnesecchi, F. Castellanos, J. Castillo and Castro, A. J. Ca and Acharya, S. Adamova, D. Adolfsson, J. Aggarwal, M. M. and Rinella, G. Aglieri Agnello, M. Agrawal, N. Ahammed, Z. and Ahmad, N. Ahn, S. U. Aiola, S. Akindinov, A. Alam, S. N. and Alba, J. L. B. Albuquerque, D. S. D. Aleksandrov, D. and Alessandro, B. Molina, R. Alfaro Alici, A. Alkin, A. and Alme, J. Alt, T. Altenkamper, L. Altsybeev, I. Prado, C. Alves Garcia Andrei, C. Andreou, D. Andrews, H. A. and Andronic, A. Anguelov, V. Anson, C. Anticic, T. and Antinori, F. Antonioli, P. Anwar, R. Aphecetche, L. and Appelshaeuser, H. Arcelli, S. Arnaldi, R. Arnold, O. W. and Arsene, I. C. Arslandok, M. Audurier, B. Augustinus, A. and Averbeck, R. Azmi, M. D. Badala, A. Baek, Y. W. and Bagnasco, S. Bailhache, R. Baa, R. Baldisseri, A. Ball, M. Bara, R. C. Barbano, A. M. Barbera, R. Barile, F. and Barioglio, L. Barnafoldi, G. G. Barnby, L. S. Barret, V. and Bartalini, P. Barth, K. Bartsch, E. Basile, M. Bastid, N. Basu, S. Bathen, B. Batigne, G. Batyunya, B. and Batzing, P. C. Bearden, I. G. Beck, H. Bedda, C. Behera, N. K. Belikov, I. Bellini, F. Bello Martinez, H. and Bellwied, R. Beltran, L. G. E. Belyaev, V. Bencedi, G. and Beole, S. Bercuci, A. Berdnikov, Y. Berenyi, D. Bertens, R. A. Berzano, D. Betev, L. Bhasin, A. Bhat, I. R. and Pia, A. K. Bhati Bhattacharjee, B. Bhom, J. Bianchi, L. and Bianchi, N. Bianchin, C. Bielcik, J. Bielcikova, J. and Bilandzic, A. Biro, G. Biswas, R. Biswas, S. Blair, J. T. Blau, D. Blume, C. Boca, G. Bock, F. Bogdanov, A. and Boldizsar, L. Bombara, M. Bonomi, G. Bonora, M. and Book, J. Borel, H. Borissov, A. Borri, M. Botta, E. and Bourjau, C. Bratrud, L. Braun-Munzinger, P. Bregant, M. and Broker, T. A. Broz, M. Brucken, E. J. Bruna, E. Bruno, G. E. Budnikov, D. Buesching, H. Bufalino, S. Buhler, P. and Buncic, P. Busch, O. Buthelezi, Z. Butt, J. B. and Buxton, J. T. Cabala, J. Caffarri, D. Caines, H. Caliva, A. Calvo Villar, E. Camerini, P. Capon, A. A. Carena, F. and Carena, W. Carnesecchi, F. Castellanos, J. Castillo and Castro, A. J. Ca
- Abstract
The measurement of azimuthal correlations of charged particles is presented for Pb-Pb collisions at root S-NN 2.76 TeV and p-Pb collisions at root S-NN 5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. These correlations are measured for the second, third and fourth order flow vector in the pseudorapidity region vertical bar eta vertical bar 0.8 as a function of centrality and transverse momentum pT using two observables, to search for evidence of PT-dependent flow vector fluctuations. For Ph-Ph collisions at 2.76 TeV, the measurements indicate that PT-dependent fluctuations are only present for the second order flow vector. Similar results have been found for p-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV. These measurements are compared to hydrodynamic model calculations with event-by-event geometry fluctuations in the initial state to constrain the initial conditions and transport properties of the matter created in Ph-Ph and p-Pb collisions.
- Published
- 2017
8. Anti UV, the Sun Protection Factor (SPF), and Irritation Test of Coastal Vegetation Ricinus communis
- Author
Situmorang Easter C.H., Bara Robert A., Warouw Veibe, Wagey Billy T., Mantiri Desy M.H., Sondak Calvyn F.A., Mambo Christi D., and Posangi Jimmy
- Subjects
Microbiology ,QR1-502 ,Physiology ,QP1-981 ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
This study aims to test anti-UV activity, determine the SPF, and perform an irritation test on human skin from Ricinus communis leaf extract. The anti-UV and SPF values were determined using a UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. Furthermore, the irritation test was performed by observing the skin of human objects after cream with R. communis extract was applied. The results show that R. communis leaf extract has anti-UV-B activity, With SPF value categorized as high according to the US FDA at a concentration of 1000 ppm. Furthermore, observations from 20 participants from the patch test found no skin reactions such as edema, urticaria, irritation, and erythema on any of the objects. The Ricinus communis extract has the potential to develop as a natural sunscreen for human use.
- Published
- 2024
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9. Forward-central two-particle correlations in p-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
- Author
University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute of Physics, University of Helsinki, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP) (-2009), Adam, J., Adamova, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Rinella, G. Aglieri, Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., Ahammed, Z., Ahn, S. U., Aimo, I., Aiola, S., Ajaz, M., Akindinov, A., Alam, S. N., Aleksandrov, D., Alessandro, B., Alexandre, D., Molina, R. Alfaro, Alici, A., Alkin, A., Almaraz, J. R. M., Alme, J., Alt, T., Altinpinar, S., Altsybeev, I., Alves Garcia Prado, C., Andrei, C., Andronic, A., Anguelov, V., Anielski, J., Anticic, T., Antinori, F., Antonioli, R., Aphecetche, L., Appelshaeuser, H., Arcelli, S., Armesto, N., Arnaldi, R., Arsene, I. C., Arslandok, M., Audurier, B., Augustinus, A., Averbeck, R., Azmi, M. D., Bach, M., Badala, A., Baek, Y. W., Bagnasco, S., Bailhache, R., Bala, R., Baldisseri, A., Pedrosa, F. Baltasar Dos Santos, Bara, R. C., Barbano, A. M., Barbera, R., Barile, F., Barnafoeldi, G. G., Barnby, L. S., Barret, V., Bartalini, P., Barth, K., Bartke, J., Bartsch, E., Basile, M., Bastid, N., Basu, S., Bathen, B., Batigne, G., Camejo, A. Batista, Batyunya, B., Batzing, P. C., Bearden, I. G., Beck, H., Bedda, C., Behera, N. K., Belikov, I., Bellini, F., Martinez, H. Bello, Bellwied, R., Belmont, R., Belmont-Moreno, E., Belyaev, V., Bencedi, G., Beole, S., Berceanu, I., Bercuci, A., Berdnikov, Y., Berenyi, D., Bertens, R. A., Berzano, D., Betev, L., Bhasin, A., Bhat, I. R., Bhati, A. K., Bhattacharjee, B., Bhom, J., Bianchi, L., Bianchi, N., Bianchin, C., Bielcik, J., Bielcikova, J., Bilandzic, A., Biswas, R., Biswas, S., Bjelogrlic, S., Blair, J. T., Blanco, F., Blau, D., Blume, C., Bock, F., Bogdanov, A., Boggild, H., Boldizsar, L., Bombara, M., Book, J., Borel, H., Borissov, A., Borri, M., Bossu, F., Botta, E., Boettger, S., Braun-Munzinger, R., Bregant, M., Breitner, T., Broker, T. A., Browning, T. A., Broz, M., Brucken, E. J., Bruna, E., Bruno, G. E., Budnikov, D., Buesching, H., Bufalino, S., Buncic, R., Busch, O., Buthelezi, Z., Butt, J. B., Buxton, J. T., Caffarri, D., Cai, X., Caines, H., Diaz, L. Calero, Caliva, A., Calvo Villar, E., Camerini, R., Carena, F., Carena, W., Carnesecchi, F., Castellanos, J. Castillo, Castro, A. J., Casula, E. A. R., Cavicchioli, C., Ceballos Sanchez, C., Cepila, J., Cerello, R., Cerkala, J., Chang, B., Chapeland, S., Chartier, M., Charvet, J. L., Chattopadhyay, S., Chelnokov, V., Cherney, M., Cheshkov, C., Cheynis, B., Barroso, V. Chibante, Chinellato, D. D., Chochula, R., Choi, K., Chojnacki, M., Choudhury, S., Christakoglou, R., Christensen, C. H., Christiansen, R., Chujo, T., Chung, S. U., Chunhui, Z., Cicalo, C., Cifarelli, L., Cindolo, F., Cleymans, J., Colamaria, F., Colella, D., Collu, A., Colocci, M., Balbastre, G. Conesa, del Valle, Z. Conesa, Connors, M. E., Contreras, J. G., Cormier, T. M., Morales, Y. Corrales, Cortes Maldonado, I., Cortese, P., Cosentino, M. R., Costa, F., Crochet, P., Cruz Albinoll, P., Cuautle, E., Cunqueiro, L., Dahms, T., Dainese, A., Danu, A., Das, D., Das, I., Das, S., Dash, A., Dash, S., De, S., De Caro, A., de Cataldo, G., de Cuveland, J., De Falco, A., De Gruttola, D., De Marco, N., De Pasquale, S., Deisting, A., Deloff, A., Denes, E., D'Erasmo, G., Di Bari, D., Di Mauro, A., Di Nezza, P., Diaz Corcherom, M. A., Dietel, T., Dillenseger, P., Divia, R., Djuvsland, O., Dobrin, A., Dobrowolski, T., Domenicis Gimenez, D., Doenigus, B., Dordic, O., Drozhzhova, T., Dubey, A. K., Dubla, A., Ducroux, L., Dupieux, P., Ehlers, R. J., Elia, D., Engel, H., Erazmus, B., Erdemir, I., Erhardt, E., Eschweiler, D., Espagnon, B., Estiennem, M., Esumi, S., Eum, J., Evans, D., Evdokimov, S., Eyyubova, G., Fabbietti, L., Fabris, D., Faivre, J., Fantoni, A., Fasel, M., Feldkamp, L., Felea, D., Feliciello, A., Feofilov, G., Ferencei, J., Fernandez Tellez, A., Ferreiro, E. G., Ferretti, A., Festanti, A., Feuillard, V. J. G., Figie, J., Figueredo, M. A. S., Filchagin, S., Finogeev, D., Fionda, F. M., Fiore, E. M., Fleck, M. G., Floris, M., Foertsch, S., Foka, P., Fokin, S., Fragiacomo, E., Francescon, A., Frankenfeld, U., Fuchs, U., Furget, C., Furs, A., Fusco Girard, M., Gaardhoje, J. J., Gagliardi, M., Gago, A. M., Gallio, M., Gangadharan, D. R., Ganoti, P., Gao, C., Garabatos, C., Garcia-Solis, E., Gargiulo, C., Gasik, P., Germain, M., Gheata, A., Gheata, M., Ghosh, P., Ghosh, S. K., Gianotti, P., Giubellino, P., Giubilato, P., Gladysz-Dziadus, E., Glaesel, P., Gomez Coral, D. M., Ramirez, A. Gomez, Gonzalez-Zamora, P., Gorbunov, S., Goerlich, L., Gotovac, S., Grabski, V., Graczykowski, L. K., Graham, K. L., Grelli, A., Grigoras, A., Grigoras, C., Grigoriev, V., Grigoryanl, A., Grigoryan, S., Grinyov, B., Grion, N., Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F., Grossiord, J. -Y., Grosso, R., Guber, F., Guernane, R., Guerzoni, B., Gulbrandsen, K., Gulkanyan, H., Gunji, T., Gupta, A., Gupta, R., Haake, R., Haaland, O., Hadjidakis, C., Haiduc, M., Hamagaki, H., Hamar, G., Hansen, A., Harris, J. W., Hartmann, H., Harton, A., Hatzifotiadou, D., Hayashi, S., Heckel, S. T., Heide, M., Helstrup, H., Herghelegiu, A., Herrera Corral, G., Hess, B. A., Hetland, K. F., Hilden, T. E., Hillemanns, H., Hippolyte, B., Hosokawa, R., Hristov, P., Huang, M., Humanic, T. J., Hussain, N., Hussain, T., Hutter, D., Hwang, D. S., Ilkaev, R., Ilkiv, I., Inaba, M., Ippolitov, M., Irfan, M., Ivanov, M., Ivanov, V., Izucheev, V., Jacobs, P. M., Jadlovska, S., Jahnke, C., Jang, H. J., Janik, M. A., Jayarathna, P. H. S. Y., Jena, C., Jena, S., Bustamante, R. T. Jimenez, Jones, P. G., Jung, H., Jusko, A., Kalinak, R., Kalweit, A., Kamin, J., Kang, J. H., Kaplin, V., Kar, S., Uysal, A. Karasu, Karavichev, O., Karavicheva, T., Karayan, L., Karpechev, E., Kebschull, U., Keidel, R., Keijdener, D. L. D., Keil, M., Khan, K. H., Khan, M. M., Khan, P., Khan, S. A., Khanzadeev, A., Kharlov, Y., Kileng, B., Kim, B., Kim, D. W., Kim, D. J., Kim, H., Kim, J. S., Kim, M., Kim, S., Kim, T., Kirsch, S., Kisel, I., Kiselev, S., Kisiel, A., Kiss, G., Klay, J. L., Klein, C., Klein, J., Klein-Boesing, C., Kluge, A., Knichel, M. L., Knospe, A. G., Kobayashi, T., Kobdaj, C., Kofarago, M., Kollegger, T., Kolojvari, A., Kondratiev, V., Kondratyeva, N., Kondratyuk, E., Konevskikh, A., Kopcik, M., Kour, M., Kouzinopoulos, C., Kovalenko, O., Kovalenko, V., Kowalski, M., Meethaleveedu, G. Koyithatta, Kral, J., Kralik, I., Kravcakova, A., Kretz, M., Krivda, M., Krizek, F., Kryshen, E., Krzewicki, M., Kubera, A. M., Kucera, V., Kugathasan, T., Kuhn, C., Kuijer, P. G., Kumar, A., Kumar, J., Kumar, L., Kurashvili, P., Kurepin, A., Kurepin, A. B., Kuryakin, A., Kushpil, S., Kweon, M. J., Kwon, Y., La Pointe, S. L., La Rocca, P., Lagana Fernandes, C., Lakomov, I., Langoy, R., Lara, C., Lardeux, A., Lattuca, A., Laudi, E., Lea, R., Leardini, L., Lee, G. R., Lee, S., Legrand, I., Lehas, F., Lemmon, R. C., Lenti, V., Leogrande, E., Leon Monzon, I., Leoncino, M., Levai, P., Li, S., Li, X., Lien, J., Lietava, R., Lindal, S., Lindenstruth, V., Lippmann, C., Lisa, M. A., Ljunggren, H. M., Lodato, D. F., Loenne, P. I., Loginov, V., Loizides, C., Lopez, X., Lopez Torres, E., Lowe, A., Luettig, P., Lunardon, M., Luparello, G., Luz, P. H. F. N. D., Maevskaya, A., Mager, M., Mahajan, S., Mahmood, S. M., Maire, A., Majka, R. D., Malaev, M., Maldonado Cervantes, I., Malinina, L., Mal'Kevich, D., Malzacher, P., Mamonov, A., Manko, V., Manso, F., Manzari, V., Marchisone, M., Mares, J., Margagliotti, G. V., Margotti, A., Margutti, J., Marin, A., Markert, C., Marquard, M., Martin, N. A., Martin Blanco, J., Martinengo, P., Martinez, M. I., Garcia, G. Martinez, Pedreira, M. Martinez, Martynov, Y., Mas, A., Masciocchi, S., Masera, M., Masoni, A., Massacrier, L., Mastroserio, A., Masui, H., Matyja, A., Mayer, C., Mazer, J., Mazzoni, M. A., Mcdonald, D., Meddi, F., Melikyan, Y., Menchaca-Rocha, A., Meninno, E., Perez, J. Mercado, Meres, M., Miake, Y., Mieskolainen, M. M., Mikhaylov, K., Milano, L., Milosevic, J., Minervini, L. M., Mischke, A., Mishra, A. N., Miskowiec, D., Mitra, J., Mitu, C. M., Mohammadi, N., Mohanty, B., Molnar, L., Montano Zetina, L., Montes, E., Morando, M., Moreira De Godoy, D. A., Moretto, S., Morreale, A., Morsch, A., Muccifora, V., Mudnic, E., Muehlheim, D., Muhuri, S., Mukherjee, M., Mulligan, D., Munhoz, M. G., Murray, S., Musa, L., Musinsky, J., Nandi, B. K., Nania, R., Nappi, E., Naru, M. U., Nattrass, C., Nayak, K., Nayak, T. K., Nazarenkogg, S., Nedosekin, A., Nellen, L., Ng, F., Nicassio, M., Niculescu, M., Niedziela, J., Nielsen, B. S., Nikolaev, S., Nikulin, S., Nikulin, V., Noferini, F., Nomokonov, P., Nooren, G., Noris, J. C. C., Norman, J., Nyaninm, A., Nystrand, J., Oeschler, H., Oh, S., Oh, S. K., Ohlson, A., Okatan, A., Okubo, T., Olah, L., Oleniacz, J., Oliveira Da Silva, A. C., Oliver, M. H., Onderwaater, J., Oppedisano, C., Orava, R., Ortiz Velasquez, A., Oskarsson, A., Otwinowski, J., Oyama, K., Ozdemir, M., Pachmayer, Y., Pagano, R., Paic, G., Pajares, C., Pal, S. K., Pan, J., Pandey, A. K., Pants, D., Papcun, P., Papikyan, V., Pappalardo, G. S., Pareek, R., Park, W. J., Parmar, S., Passfeld, A., Paticchio, V., Patra, R. N., Paul, B., Peitzmann, T., Pereira Da Costa, H., Pereira De Oliveira Filho, E., Peresunko, D., Lara, C. E. Perez, Lezama, E. Perez, Peskov, V., Pestov, Y., Petracek, V., Petrov, V., Petrovici, M., Petta, C., Piano, S., Pikna, M., Pillot, P., Pinazza, O., Pinsky, L., Piyarathna, D. B., Ploskom, M., Planinic, M., Pluta, J., Pochybova, S., Podesta-Lerma, P. L. M., Poghosyan, M. G., Polichtchouk, B., Poljak, N., Poonsawat, W., Pop, A., Porteboeuf-Houssais, S., Porter, J., Pospisil, J., Prasad, S. K., Preghenella, R., Prino, F., Pruneau, C. A., Pshenichnov, I., Puccio, M., Puddu, G., Pujahari, P., Punin, V., Putschke, J., Qvigstad, H., Rachevski, A., Raha, S., Rajput, S., Rak, J., Rakotozafindrabe, A., Ramello, L., Rami, F., Raniwala, R., Raniwala, S., Räsänen, S. S., Rascanu, B. T., Rathee, D., Read, K. F., Real, J. S., Redlich, K., Reed, R. J., Rehman, A., Reichelt, P., Reidt, F., Ren, X., Renford, R., Reolon, A. R., Reshetin, A., Rettig, F., Revol, J. -P, Reygers, K., Riabov, V., Ricci, R. A., Richert, T., Richter, M., Riedler, P., Riegler, W., Riggi, F., Ristea, C., Rivetti, A., Rocco, E., Rodriguez Cahuantzi, M., Rodriguez Manso, A., Roed, K., Rogochaya, E., Rohr, D., Rohrich, D., Romita, R., Ronchetti, F., Ronflette, L., Rosnet, P., Rossi, A., Roukoutakis, F., Roy, A., Roy, C., Roy, P., Rubio Montero, A. J., Rui, R., Russo, R., Ryabinkin, E., Ryabov, Y., Rybicki, A., Sadovsky, S., Safarik, K., Sahlmuller, B., Sahoo, P., Sahoo, R., Sahoo, S., Sahu, P. K., Saini, J., Sakai, S., Saleh, M. A., Salgado, C. A., Salzwedel, J., Sambyal, S., Samsonov, V., Castro, X. Sanchez, Sandor, L., Sandoval, A., Sano, M., Sarkar, D., Scapparone, E., Scarlassara, F., Scharenberg, R. P., Schiaua, C., Schicker, R., Schmidt, C., Schmidt, H. R., Schuchmann, S., Schukraft, J., Schulc, M., Schuster, T., Schutz, Y., Schwarz, K., Schweda, K., Scioli, G., Scomparin, E., Scott, R., Seger, J. E., Sekiguchi, Y., Sekihata, D., Selyuzhenkov, I., Senosi, K., Seo, J., Serradilla, E., Sevcenco, A., Shabanov, A., Shabetai, A., Shadura, O., Shahoyan, R., Shangaraev, A., Sharma, A., Sharma, M., Sharma, N., Shigaki, K., Shtejer, K., Sibiriak, Y., Siddhanta, S., Sielewicz, K. M., Siemiarczuk, T., Silvermyr, D., Silvestre, C., Simatovic, G., Simonetti, G., Singaraju, R., Singh, R., Singha, S., Singhal, V., Sinha, B. C., Sinha, T., Sitar, B., Sitta, M., Skaali, T. B., Slupecki, M., Smirnov, N., Snellings, R. J. M., Snellman, T. W., Sogaard, C., Soltz, R., Song, J., Song, M., Song, Z., Soramel, F., Sorensen, S., Spacek, M., Spiriti, E., Sputowska, I., Spyropoulou-Stassinaki, M., Srivastava, B. K., Stachel, J., Stan, I., Stefanek, G., Steinpreis, M., Stenlund, E., Steyn, G., Stiller, J. H., Stocco, D., Strmen, P., Suaide, A. A. P., Sugitate, T., Suire, C., Suleymanov, M., Sultanov, R., Sumbera, M., Symons, T. J. M., Szabo, A., Szanto de Toledo, A., Szarka, I., Szczepankiewicz, A., Szymanski, M., Takahashi, J., Tambave, G. J., Tanaka, N., Tangaro, M. A., Takaki, J. D. Tapia, Peloni, A. Tarantola, Tarhini, M., Tariq, M., Tarzila, M. G., Tauro, A., Tejeda Munoz, G., Telesca, A., Terasaki, K., Terrevoli, C., Teyssier, B., Thaeder, J., Thomas, D., Tieulent, R., Timmins, A. R., Toia, A., Trogolo, S., Trubnikov, V., Trzaska, W. H., Tsuji, T., Tumkin, A., Turrisi, R., Tveter, T. S., Ullaland, K., Uras, A., Usai, G. L., Utrobicic, A., Vajzer, M., Vala, M., Palomo, L. Valencia, Vallero, S., Van Der Maarel, J., Van Hoorne, J. W., van Leeuwen, M., Vanat, T., Vyvre, P. Vande, Varga, D., Vargas, A., Vargyas, M., Varma, R., Vasileiou, M., Vasiliev, A., Vauthier, A., Vechernin, V., Veen, A. M., Veldhoen, M., Velure, A., Venaruzzo, M., Vercellin, E., Limon, S. Vergara, Vernet, R., Verweij, M., Vickovic, L., Viesti, G., Viinikainen, J., Vilakazi, Z., Baillie, O. Villalobos, Vinogradov, A., Vinogradov, L., Vinogradov, Y., Virgili, T., Vislavicius, V., Viyogi, Y. P., Vodopyanov, A., Voelkl, M. A., Voloshin, K., Voloshin, S. A., Volpe, G., von Haller, B., Vorobyev, I., Vranic, D., Vrlakova, J., Vulpescu, B., Vyushin, A., Wagner, B., Wagner, J., Wang, H., Wang, M., Wang, Y., Watanabe, D., Watanabe, Y., Weber, M., Weber, S. G., Wessels, J. P., Westerhoff, U., Wiechula, J., Wikne, J., Wilde, M., Wilk, G., Wilkinson, J., Williams, M. C. S., Windelband, B., Winn, M., Yaldo, C. G., Yang, H., Yang, P., Yano, S., Yin, Z., Yokoyama, H., Yoo, I. -K., Yurchenko, V., Yushmanovioo, I., Zaborowska, A., Zaccolo, V., Zaman, A., Zampolli, C., Zanoli, H. J. C., Zaporozhets, S., Zardoshti, N., Zarochentsev, A., Zavada, P., Zaviyalov, N., Zbroszczyk, H., Zgura, I. S., Zhalov, M., Zhang, H., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, C., Zhigareva, N., Zhou, D., Zhou, Y., Zhou, Z., Zhu, H., Zhu, J., Zhu, X., Zichichi, A., Zimmermann, A., Zimmermann, M. B., Zinovjev, G., Zyzak, M., University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute of Physics, University of Helsinki, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP) (-2009), Adam, J., Adamova, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Rinella, G. Aglieri, Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., Ahammed, Z., Ahn, S. U., Aimo, I., Aiola, S., Ajaz, M., Akindinov, A., Alam, S. N., Aleksandrov, D., Alessandro, B., Alexandre, D., Molina, R. Alfaro, Alici, A., Alkin, A., Almaraz, J. R. M., Alme, J., Alt, T., Altinpinar, S., Altsybeev, I., Alves Garcia Prado, C., Andrei, C., Andronic, A., Anguelov, V., Anielski, J., Anticic, T., Antinori, F., Antonioli, R., Aphecetche, L., Appelshaeuser, H., Arcelli, S., Armesto, N., Arnaldi, R., Arsene, I. C., Arslandok, M., Audurier, B., Augustinus, A., Averbeck, R., Azmi, M. D., Bach, M., Badala, A., Baek, Y. W., Bagnasco, S., Bailhache, R., Bala, R., Baldisseri, A., Pedrosa, F. Baltasar Dos Santos, Bara, R. C., Barbano, A. M., Barbera, R., Barile, F., Barnafoeldi, G. G., Barnby, L. S., Barret, V., Bartalini, P., Barth, K., Bartke, J., Bartsch, E., Basile, M., Bastid, N., Basu, S., Bathen, B., Batigne, G., Camejo, A. Batista, Batyunya, B., Batzing, P. C., Bearden, I. G., Beck, H., Bedda, C., Behera, N. K., Belikov, I., Bellini, F., Martinez, H. Bello, Bellwied, R., Belmont, R., Belmont-Moreno, E., Belyaev, V., Bencedi, G., Beole, S., Berceanu, I., Bercuci, A., Berdnikov, Y., Berenyi, D., Bertens, R. A., Berzano, D., Betev, L., Bhasin, A., Bhat, I. R., Bhati, A. K., Bhattacharjee, B., Bhom, J., Bianchi, L., Bianchi, N., Bianchin, C., Bielcik, J., Bielcikova, J., Bilandzic, A., Biswas, R., Biswas, S., Bjelogrlic, S., Blair, J. T., Blanco, F., Blau, D., Blume, C., Bock, F., Bogdanov, A., Boggild, H., Boldizsar, L., Bombara, M., Book, J., Borel, H., Borissov, A., Borri, M., Bossu, F., Botta, E., Boettger, S., Braun-Munzinger, R., Bregant, M., Breitner, T., Broker, T. A., Browning, T. A., Broz, M., Brucken, E. J., Bruna, E., Bruno, G. E., Budnikov, D., Buesching, H., Bufalino, S., Buncic, R., Busch, O., Buthelezi, Z., Butt, J. B., Buxton, J. T., Caffarri, D., Cai, X., Caines, H., Diaz, L. Calero, Caliva, A., Calvo Villar, E., Camerini, R., Carena, F., Carena, W., Carnesecchi, F., Castellanos, J. Castillo, Castro, A. J., Casula, E. A. R., Cavicchioli, C., Ceballos Sanchez, C., Cepila, J., Cerello, R., Cerkala, J., Chang, B., Chapeland, S., Chartier, M., Charvet, J. L., Chattopadhyay, S., Chelnokov, V., Cherney, M., Cheshkov, C., Cheynis, B., Barroso, V. Chibante, Chinellato, D. D., Chochula, R., Choi, K., Chojnacki, M., Choudhury, S., Christakoglou, R., Christensen, C. H., Christiansen, R., Chujo, T., Chung, S. U., Chunhui, Z., Cicalo, C., Cifarelli, L., Cindolo, F., Cleymans, J., Colamaria, F., Colella, D., Collu, A., Colocci, M., Balbastre, G. Conesa, del Valle, Z. Conesa, Connors, M. E., Contreras, J. G., Cormier, T. M., Morales, Y. Corrales, Cortes Maldonado, I., Cortese, P., Cosentino, M. R., Costa, F., Crochet, P., Cruz Albinoll, P., Cuautle, E., Cunqueiro, L., Dahms, T., Dainese, A., Danu, A., Das, D., Das, I., Das, S., Dash, A., Dash, S., De, S., De Caro, A., de Cataldo, G., de Cuveland, J., De Falco, A., De Gruttola, D., De Marco, N., De Pasquale, S., Deisting, A., Deloff, A., Denes, E., D'Erasmo, G., Di Bari, D., Di Mauro, A., Di Nezza, P., Diaz Corcherom, M. A., Dietel, T., Dillenseger, P., Divia, R., Djuvsland, O., Dobrin, A., Dobrowolski, T., Domenicis Gimenez, D., Doenigus, B., Dordic, O., Drozhzhova, T., Dubey, A. K., Dubla, A., Ducroux, L., Dupieux, P., Ehlers, R. J., Elia, D., Engel, H., Erazmus, B., Erdemir, I., Erhardt, E., Eschweiler, D., Espagnon, B., Estiennem, M., Esumi, S., Eum, J., Evans, D., Evdokimov, S., Eyyubova, G., Fabbietti, L., Fabris, D., Faivre, J., Fantoni, A., Fasel, M., Feldkamp, L., Felea, D., Feliciello, A., Feofilov, G., Ferencei, J., Fernandez Tellez, A., Ferreiro, E. G., Ferretti, A., Festanti, A., Feuillard, V. J. G., Figie, J., Figueredo, M. A. S., Filchagin, S., Finogeev, D., Fionda, F. M., Fiore, E. M., Fleck, M. G., Floris, M., Foertsch, S., Foka, P., Fokin, S., Fragiacomo, E., Francescon, A., Frankenfeld, U., Fuchs, U., Furget, C., Furs, A., Fusco Girard, M., Gaardhoje, J. J., Gagliardi, M., Gago, A. M., Gallio, M., Gangadharan, D. R., Ganoti, P., Gao, C., Garabatos, C., Garcia-Solis, E., Gargiulo, C., Gasik, P., Germain, M., Gheata, A., Gheata, M., Ghosh, P., Ghosh, S. K., Gianotti, P., Giubellino, P., Giubilato, P., Gladysz-Dziadus, E., Glaesel, P., Gomez Coral, D. M., Ramirez, A. Gomez, Gonzalez-Zamora, P., Gorbunov, S., Goerlich, L., Gotovac, S., Grabski, V., Graczykowski, L. K., Graham, K. L., Grelli, A., Grigoras, A., Grigoras, C., Grigoriev, V., Grigoryanl, A., Grigoryan, S., Grinyov, B., Grion, N., Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F., Grossiord, J. -Y., Grosso, R., Guber, F., Guernane, R., Guerzoni, B., Gulbrandsen, K., Gulkanyan, H., Gunji, T., Gupta, A., Gupta, R., Haake, R., Haaland, O., Hadjidakis, C., Haiduc, M., Hamagaki, H., Hamar, G., Hansen, A., Harris, J. W., Hartmann, H., Harton, A., Hatzifotiadou, D., Hayashi, S., Heckel, S. T., Heide, M., Helstrup, H., Herghelegiu, A., Herrera Corral, G., Hess, B. A., Hetland, K. F., Hilden, T. E., Hillemanns, H., Hippolyte, B., Hosokawa, R., Hristov, P., Huang, M., Humanic, T. J., Hussain, N., Hussain, T., Hutter, D., Hwang, D. S., Ilkaev, R., Ilkiv, I., Inaba, M., Ippolitov, M., Irfan, M., Ivanov, M., Ivanov, V., Izucheev, V., Jacobs, P. M., Jadlovska, S., Jahnke, C., Jang, H. J., Janik, M. A., Jayarathna, P. H. S. Y., Jena, C., Jena, S., Bustamante, R. T. Jimenez, Jones, P. G., Jung, H., Jusko, A., Kalinak, R., Kalweit, A., Kamin, J., Kang, J. H., Kaplin, V., Kar, S., Uysal, A. Karasu, Karavichev, O., Karavicheva, T., Karayan, L., Karpechev, E., Kebschull, U., Keidel, R., Keijdener, D. L. D., Keil, M., Khan, K. H., Khan, M. M., Khan, P., Khan, S. A., Khanzadeev, A., Kharlov, Y., Kileng, B., Kim, B., Kim, D. W., Kim, D. J., Kim, H., Kim, J. S., Kim, M., Kim, S., Kim, T., Kirsch, S., Kisel, I., Kiselev, S., Kisiel, A., Kiss, G., Klay, J. L., Klein, C., Klein, J., Klein-Boesing, C., Kluge, A., Knichel, M. L., Knospe, A. G., Kobayashi, T., Kobdaj, C., Kofarago, M., Kollegger, T., Kolojvari, A., Kondratiev, V., Kondratyeva, N., Kondratyuk, E., Konevskikh, A., Kopcik, M., Kour, M., Kouzinopoulos, C., Kovalenko, O., Kovalenko, V., Kowalski, M., Meethaleveedu, G. Koyithatta, Kral, J., Kralik, I., Kravcakova, A., Kretz, M., Krivda, M., Krizek, F., Kryshen, E., Krzewicki, M., Kubera, A. M., Kucera, V., Kugathasan, T., Kuhn, C., Kuijer, P. G., Kumar, A., Kumar, J., Kumar, L., Kurashvili, P., Kurepin, A., Kurepin, A. B., Kuryakin, A., Kushpil, S., Kweon, M. J., Kwon, Y., La Pointe, S. L., La Rocca, P., Lagana Fernandes, C., Lakomov, I., Langoy, R., Lara, C., Lardeux, A., Lattuca, A., Laudi, E., Lea, R., Leardini, L., Lee, G. R., Lee, S., Legrand, I., Lehas, F., Lemmon, R. C., Lenti, V., Leogrande, E., Leon Monzon, I., Leoncino, M., Levai, P., Li, S., Li, X., Lien, J., Lietava, R., Lindal, S., Lindenstruth, V., Lippmann, C., Lisa, M. A., Ljunggren, H. M., Lodato, D. F., Loenne, P. I., Loginov, V., Loizides, C., Lopez, X., Lopez Torres, E., Lowe, A., Luettig, P., Lunardon, M., Luparello, G., Luz, P. H. F. N. D., Maevskaya, A., Mager, M., Mahajan, S., Mahmood, S. M., Maire, A., Majka, R. D., Malaev, M., Maldonado Cervantes, I., Malinina, L., Mal'Kevich, D., Malzacher, P., Mamonov, A., Manko, V., Manso, F., Manzari, V., Marchisone, M., Mares, J., Margagliotti, G. V., Margotti, A., Margutti, J., Marin, A., Markert, C., Marquard, M., Martin, N. A., Martin Blanco, J., Martinengo, P., Martinez, M. I., Garcia, G. Martinez, Pedreira, M. Martinez, Martynov, Y., Mas, A., Masciocchi, S., Masera, M., Masoni, A., Massacrier, L., Mastroserio, A., Masui, H., Matyja, A., Mayer, C., Mazer, J., Mazzoni, M. A., Mcdonald, D., Meddi, F., Melikyan, Y., Menchaca-Rocha, A., Meninno, E., Perez, J. Mercado, Meres, M., Miake, Y., Mieskolainen, M. M., Mikhaylov, K., Milano, L., Milosevic, J., Minervini, L. M., Mischke, A., Mishra, A. N., Miskowiec, D., Mitra, J., Mitu, C. M., Mohammadi, N., Mohanty, B., Molnar, L., Montano Zetina, L., Montes, E., Morando, M., Moreira De Godoy, D. A., Moretto, S., Morreale, A., Morsch, A., Muccifora, V., Mudnic, E., Muehlheim, D., Muhuri, S., Mukherjee, M., Mulligan, D., Munhoz, M. G., Murray, S., Musa, L., Musinsky, J., Nandi, B. K., Nania, R., Nappi, E., Naru, M. U., Nattrass, C., Nayak, K., Nayak, T. K., Nazarenkogg, S., Nedosekin, A., Nellen, L., Ng, F., Nicassio, M., Niculescu, M., Niedziela, J., Nielsen, B. S., Nikolaev, S., Nikulin, S., Nikulin, V., Noferini, F., Nomokonov, P., Nooren, G., Noris, J. C. C., Norman, J., Nyaninm, A., Nystrand, J., Oeschler, H., Oh, S., Oh, S. K., Ohlson, A., Okatan, A., Okubo, T., Olah, L., Oleniacz, J., Oliveira Da Silva, A. C., Oliver, M. H., Onderwaater, J., Oppedisano, C., Orava, R., Ortiz Velasquez, A., Oskarsson, A., Otwinowski, J., Oyama, K., Ozdemir, M., Pachmayer, Y., Pagano, R., Paic, G., Pajares, C., Pal, S. K., Pan, J., Pandey, A. K., Pants, D., Papcun, P., Papikyan, V., Pappalardo, G. S., Pareek, R., Park, W. J., Parmar, S., Passfeld, A., Paticchio, V., Patra, R. N., Paul, B., Peitzmann, T., Pereira Da Costa, H., Pereira De Oliveira Filho, E., Peresunko, D., Lara, C. E. Perez, Lezama, E. Perez, Peskov, V., Pestov, Y., Petracek, V., Petrov, V., Petrovici, M., Petta, C., Piano, S., Pikna, M., Pillot, P., Pinazza, O., Pinsky, L., Piyarathna, D. B., Ploskom, M., Planinic, M., Pluta, J., Pochybova, S., Podesta-Lerma, P. L. M., Poghosyan, M. G., Polichtchouk, B., Poljak, N., Poonsawat, W., Pop, A., Porteboeuf-Houssais, S., Porter, J., Pospisil, J., Prasad, S. K., Preghenella, R., Prino, F., Pruneau, C. A., Pshenichnov, I., Puccio, M., Puddu, G., Pujahari, P., Punin, V., Putschke, J., Qvigstad, H., Rachevski, A., Raha, S., Rajput, S., Rak, J., Rakotozafindrabe, A., Ramello, L., Rami, F., Raniwala, R., Raniwala, S., Räsänen, S. S., Rascanu, B. T., Rathee, D., Read, K. F., Real, J. S., Redlich, K., Reed, R. J., Rehman, A., Reichelt, P., Reidt, F., Ren, X., Renford, R., Reolon, A. R., Reshetin, A., Rettig, F., Revol, J. -P, Reygers, K., Riabov, V., Ricci, R. A., Richert, T., Richter, M., Riedler, P., Riegler, W., Riggi, F., Ristea, C., Rivetti, A., Rocco, E., Rodriguez Cahuantzi, M., Rodriguez Manso, A., Roed, K., Rogochaya, E., Rohr, D., Rohrich, D., Romita, R., Ronchetti, F., Ronflette, L., Rosnet, P., Rossi, A., Roukoutakis, F., Roy, A., Roy, C., Roy, P., Rubio Montero, A. J., Rui, R., Russo, R., Ryabinkin, E., Ryabov, Y., Rybicki, A., Sadovsky, S., Safarik, K., Sahlmuller, B., Sahoo, P., Sahoo, R., Sahoo, S., Sahu, P. K., Saini, J., Sakai, S., Saleh, M. A., Salgado, C. A., Salzwedel, J., Sambyal, S., Samsonov, V., Castro, X. Sanchez, Sandor, L., Sandoval, A., Sano, M., Sarkar, D., Scapparone, E., Scarlassara, F., Scharenberg, R. P., Schiaua, C., Schicker, R., Schmidt, C., Schmidt, H. R., Schuchmann, S., Schukraft, J., Schulc, M., Schuster, T., Schutz, Y., Schwarz, K., Schweda, K., Scioli, G., Scomparin, E., Scott, R., Seger, J. E., Sekiguchi, Y., Sekihata, D., Selyuzhenkov, I., Senosi, K., Seo, J., Serradilla, E., Sevcenco, A., Shabanov, A., Shabetai, A., Shadura, O., Shahoyan, R., Shangaraev, A., Sharma, A., Sharma, M., Sharma, N., Shigaki, K., Shtejer, K., Sibiriak, Y., Siddhanta, S., Sielewicz, K. M., Siemiarczuk, T., Silvermyr, D., Silvestre, C., Simatovic, G., Simonetti, G., Singaraju, R., Singh, R., Singha, S., Singhal, V., Sinha, B. C., Sinha, T., Sitar, B., Sitta, M., Skaali, T. B., Slupecki, M., Smirnov, N., Snellings, R. J. M., Snellman, T. W., Sogaard, C., Soltz, R., Song, J., Song, M., Song, Z., Soramel, F., Sorensen, S., Spacek, M., Spiriti, E., Sputowska, I., Spyropoulou-Stassinaki, M., Srivastava, B. K., Stachel, J., Stan, I., Stefanek, G., Steinpreis, M., Stenlund, E., Steyn, G., Stiller, J. H., Stocco, D., Strmen, P., Suaide, A. A. P., Sugitate, T., Suire, C., Suleymanov, M., Sultanov, R., Sumbera, M., Symons, T. J. M., Szabo, A., Szanto de Toledo, A., Szarka, I., Szczepankiewicz, A., Szymanski, M., Takahashi, J., Tambave, G. J., Tanaka, N., Tangaro, M. A., Takaki, J. D. Tapia, Peloni, A. Tarantola, Tarhini, M., Tariq, M., Tarzila, M. G., Tauro, A., Tejeda Munoz, G., Telesca, A., Terasaki, K., Terrevoli, C., Teyssier, B., Thaeder, J., Thomas, D., Tieulent, R., Timmins, A. R., Toia, A., Trogolo, S., Trubnikov, V., Trzaska, W. H., Tsuji, T., Tumkin, A., Turrisi, R., Tveter, T. S., Ullaland, K., Uras, A., Usai, G. L., Utrobicic, A., Vajzer, M., Vala, M., Palomo, L. Valencia, Vallero, S., Van Der Maarel, J., Van Hoorne, J. W., van Leeuwen, M., Vanat, T., Vyvre, P. Vande, Varga, D., Vargas, A., Vargyas, M., Varma, R., Vasileiou, M., Vasiliev, A., Vauthier, A., Vechernin, V., Veen, A. M., Veldhoen, M., Velure, A., Venaruzzo, M., Vercellin, E., Limon, S. Vergara, Vernet, R., Verweij, M., Vickovic, L., Viesti, G., Viinikainen, J., Vilakazi, Z., Baillie, O. Villalobos, Vinogradov, A., Vinogradov, L., Vinogradov, Y., Virgili, T., Vislavicius, V., Viyogi, Y. P., Vodopyanov, A., Voelkl, M. A., Voloshin, K., Voloshin, S. A., Volpe, G., von Haller, B., Vorobyev, I., Vranic, D., Vrlakova, J., Vulpescu, B., Vyushin, A., Wagner, B., Wagner, J., Wang, H., Wang, M., Wang, Y., Watanabe, D., Watanabe, Y., Weber, M., Weber, S. G., Wessels, J. P., Westerhoff, U., Wiechula, J., Wikne, J., Wilde, M., Wilk, G., Wilkinson, J., Williams, M. C. S., Windelband, B., Winn, M., Yaldo, C. G., Yang, H., Yang, P., Yano, S., Yin, Z., Yokoyama, H., Yoo, I. -K., Yurchenko, V., Yushmanovioo, I., Zaborowska, A., Zaccolo, V., Zaman, A., Zampolli, C., Zanoli, H. J. C., Zaporozhets, S., Zardoshti, N., Zarochentsev, A., Zavada, P., Zaviyalov, N., Zbroszczyk, H., Zgura, I. S., Zhalov, M., Zhang, H., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, C., Zhigareva, N., Zhou, D., Zhou, Y., Zhou, Z., Zhu, H., Zhu, J., Zhu, X., Zichichi, A., Zimmermann, A., Zimmermann, M. B., Zinovjev, G., and Zyzak, M.
- Abstract
Two-particle angular correlations between trigger particles in the forward pseudorapidity range (2.5
2GeV/c. (C) 2015 CERN for the benefit of the ALICE Collaboration. Published by Elsevier B. V. - Published
- 2016
10. Azimuthal anisotropy of charged jet production in root s(NN)=2.76 TeV Pb-Pb collisions
- Author
University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute of Physics, University of Helsinki, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP) (-2009), Adam, J., Adamova, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Rinella, G. Aglieri, Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., Ahmmed, Z., Ahn, S. U., Aiola, S., Akindinov, A., Alam, S. N., Aleksandrov, D., Alessandro, B., Alexandre, D., Molina, R. Alfaro, Alici, A., Alkin, A., Almaraz, J. R. M., Alme, J., Alt, T., Altinpinar, S., Altsybeev, I., Prado, C. Alves Garcia, Andrei, C., Andronic, A., Anguelov, V., Anielski, J., Anticic, T., Antinori, F., Antonioli, R., Aphecetche, L., Appelshaeuser, H., Arcelli, S., Arnaldi, R., Arnold, O. W., Arsene, I. C., Arslandok, M., Audurier, B., Augustinus, A., Averbeck, R., Azmi, M. D., Badala, A., Baek, Y. W., Bagnasco, S., Bailhache, R., Bala, R., Baldisseri, A., Bara, R. C., Barbano, A. M., Barbera, R., Barile, F., Barnafoeldi, G. G., Barnby, L. S., Barret, V., Bartalini, P., Barth, K., Bartke, J., Bartsch, E., Basile, M., Bastid, N., Basil, S., Bathen, B., Batigne, G., Camejo, A. Batista, Batyunya, B., Batzing, P. C., Bearden, I. G., Beck, H., Beddall, C., Behera, N. K., Belikov, I., Bellini, F., Martinez, H. Bello, Bellwied, R., Belmont, R., Belmont-Moreno, E., Belyaev, V., Bencedi, G., Beole, S., Berceanu, I., Bercuci, A., Berdnikov, Y., Berenyi, D., Bertens, R. A., Berzano, D., Betev, L., Bhasin, A., Bhat, I. R., Bhati, A. K., Bhattacharjee, B., Bhom, J., Bianchi, L., Bianchi, N., Bianchin, C., Bielcik, J., Bielcikova, J., Bilandzic, A., Biswas, R., Biswas, S., Bjelogrlic, S., Blair, J. T., Blau, D., Blume, C., Bock, F., Bogdanov, A., Boggild, H., Boldizsar, L., Bombara, M., Book, J., Borel, H., Borissov, A., Borri, M., Bossu, F., Botta, E., Boettger, S., Bourjau, C., Braun-Munzinger, R., Bregant, M., Breitner, T., Broker, T. A., Browning, T. A., Broz, M., Brucken, E. J., Brunall, E., Bruno, G. E., Budnikov, D., Buesching, H., Bufalino, S., Buncic, R., Busch, O., Buthelezi, Z., Butt, J. B., Buxton, J. T., Caffarri, D., Cai, X., Caines, H., Diaz, L. Calero, Caliva, A., Villar, E. Calvo, Camerini, R., Carena, F., Carena, W., Carnesecchi, F., Castellanos, J. Castillo, Castro, A. J., Casula, E. A. R., Sanchez, C. Ceballos, Cepila, J., Cerello, R., Cerkala, J., Chang, B., Chapeland, S., Chartier, M., Charvet, J. L., Chattopadhyay, S., Chelnokov, V., Cherney, M., Cheshkov, C., Cheynis, B., Barroso, V. Chibante, Chinellato, D. D., Cho, S., Chochula, R., Choi, K., Chojnacki, M., Choudhury, S., Christakoglou, R., Christensen, C. H., Christiansen, R., Chujo, T., Chung, S. U., Cicalo, C., Cifarelli, L., Cindolo, F., Cleymans, J., Colamaria, F., Colella, D., Collu, A., Colocci, M., Balbastre, G. Conesa, del Valle, Z. Conesa, Connors, M. E., Contreras, J. G., Cormier, T. M., Morales, Y. Corrales, Maldonado, I. Cortes, Cortese, R., Cosentino, M. R., Costa, F., Crochet, R., Albino, R. Cruz, Cuautle, E., Cunqueiro, L., Dahms, T., Dainese, A., Danu, A., Das, D., Das, I., Das, S., Dash, A., Dash, S., De, S., De Caro, A., De Cataldo, G., De Conti, C., De Cuveland, J., De Falco, A., De Gruttola, D., De Marco, N., De Pasquale, S., Deisting, A., Deloff, A., Denes, E., Deplano, C., Dhankher, R., Di Bari, D., Di Mauro, A., Di Nezza, R., Corcherom, M. A. Diaz, Dietel, T., Dillenseger, R., Divia, R., Djuvsland, O., Dobrin, A., Gimenez, D. Domenicis, Donigus, B., Dordic, O., Drozhzhova, T., Dubey, A. K., Dubla, A., Ducroux, L., Dupieux, R., Ehlers, R. J., Elia, D., Engel, H., Epple, E., Erazmus, B., Erdemir, I., Erhardt, F., Espagnon, B., Estienne, M., Esumi, S., Eum, J., Evans, D., Evdokimov, S., Eyyubova, G., Fabbietti, L., Fabris, D., Faivre, J., Fantoni, A., Fasel, M., Feldkamp, L., Feliciello, A., Feofilov, G., Ferencei, J., Tellez, A. Fernandez, Ferreiro, E. G., Ferretti, A., Festanti, A., Feuillard, V. J. G., Figiel, J., Figueredo, M. A. S., Filchagin, S., Finogeev, D., Fionda, F. M., Fiore, E. M., Fleck, M. G., Floris, M., Foertsch, S., Foka, R., Fokin, S., Fragiacomoq, E., Francescon, A., Frankenfeld, U., Fuchs, U., Furget, C., Furs, A., Girard, M. Fusco, Gaardhoje, J. J., Gagliardi, M., Gago, A. M., Gallio, M., Gangadharan, D. R., Ganoti, R., Gao, C., Garabatos, C., Garcia-Solis, E., Gargiulo, C., Gasik, R., Gauger, E. F., Germain, M., Gheata, A., Gheata, M., Ghosh, R., Ghosh, S. K., Gianotti, R., Giubellino, R., Giubilato, R., Gladysz-Dziadus, E., Glassel, R., Coral, D. M. Gomez, Ramirez, A. Gomez, Gonzalez, V., Gonzalez-Zamora, R., Gorbunov, S., Goerlich, L., Gotovac, S., Grabski, V., Grachov, . A., Graczykowski, L. K., Graham, K. L., Grelli, A., Grigoras, A., Grigoras, C., Grigoriev, V., Grigoryan, A., Grigoryan, S., Grinyov, B., Grionmq, N., Gronefeld, J. M., Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F., Grossiord, J. -Y., Grosso, R., Guber, F., Guernane, R., Guerzoni, B., Gulbrandsen, K., Gunji, T., Gupta, A., Gupta, R., Haake, R., Haaland, O., Hadjidakis, C., Haiduc, M., Hamagaki, H., Hamar, G., Harris, J. W., Harton, A., Hatzifotiadou, D., Hayashi, S., Heckel, S. T., Heide, M., Helstrup, H., Herghelegiu, A., Corral, G. Herrera, Hess, B. A., Hetland, K. F., Hillemanns, H., Hippolyte, B., Hosokawa, R., Hristov, R., Huang, M., Humanic, T. J., Hussain, N., Hussain, T., Hutter, D., Hwang, D. S., Ilkaev, R., Inaba, M., Ippolitov, M., Irfan, M., Ivano, M., Ivanov, V., Lzucheev, V., Jacobs, P. M., Jadhav, M. B., Jadlovska, S., Jadlovsky, J., Jahnke, C., Jakubowska, M. J., Jang, H. J., Janik, M. A., Jayarathna, P. H. S. Y., Jena, C., Jena, S., Bustamante, R. T. Jimenez, Jones, P. G., Jung, H., Jusko, A., Kalinak, R., Kalweit, A., Kamin, J., Kang, J. H., Kaplin, V., Kar, S., Uysal, A. Karasu, Karavichev, O., Karavicheva, T., Karayan, L., Karpechev, E., Kebschull, U., Keidel, R., Keijdener, D. L. D., Keil, M., Khan, M. Mohisin, Khan, R., Khan, S. A., Khanzadeev, A., Kharlov, Y., Kileng, B., Kim, D. W., Kim, D. J., Kim, D., Kim, H., Kim, J. S., Kim, M., Kim, S., Kim, T., Kirsch, S., Kise, I., Kiselev, S., Kisiel, A., Kiss, G., Klay, J. L., Klein, C., Klein, J., Klein-Boesing, C., Klewin, S., Kluge, A., Kniche, M. L., Knospe, A. G., Kobayashi, T., Kobdaj, C., Kofarago, M., Kollegger, T., Kolojvari, A., Kondratiev, V., Kondratyeva, N., Kondratyuk, E., Konevskikh, A., Kopciko, M., Kour, M., Kouzinopoulos, C., Kovalenko, O., Kovalenko, V., Kowalski, M., Meethaleveedu, G. Koyithatta, Kralik, I., Kravcakova, A., Kretz, M., Krivda, M., Krizek, F., Kryshen, E., Krzewicki, M., Kubera, A. M., Kucera, V., Kuhn, C., Kuijer, P. G., Kumar, A., Kumar, J., Kumar, L., Kumar, S., Kurashvili, R., Kurepin, A., Kurepin, A. B., Kuryakin, A., Kweon, M. J., Kwon, Y., La Pointe, S. L., La Rocca, R., de Guevara, R. Ladron, Fernandes, C. Lagana, Lakomov, I., Langoy, R., Lara, C., Lardeux, A., Lattuca, A., Laudi, E., Lea, R., Leardini, L., Leewl, G. R., Lee, S., Lehas, F., Lemmon, R. C., Lenti, V., Leogrande, E., Monzon, I. Leon, Vargas, H. Leon, Leoncino, M., Levai, R., Li, S., Li, X., Lien, J., Lietava, R., Linda, S., Lindenstruth, V., Lippmann, C., Lisa, M. A., Ljunggren, H. M., Lodato, D. F., Loenne, Ri., Loginov, V., Loizides, C., Lopez, X., Torres, E. Lopez, Lowe, A., Luettig, R., Lunardon, M., Luparello, G., Maevskaya, A., Mager, M., Mahajan, S., Mahmood, S. M., Maire, A., Majka, R. D., Malaev, M., Cervantes, I. Maldonado, Malinina, L., Mal'Kevich, D., Malzacher, R., Mamonov, A., Manko, V., Manso, F., Manzari, V., Marchisone, M., Mares, J., Margagliotti, G. V., Margotti, A., Margutti, J., Marin, A., Markert, C., Marquard, M., Martin, N. A., Blanco, J. Martin, Martinengo, R., Martinez, M. I., Martinez Garcia, G., Martinez Pedreira, M., Mas, A., Masciocchi, S., Masera, M., Masoni, A., Massacrier, L., Mastroserio, A., Matyja, A., Mayer, C., Mazer, J., Mazzonil, M. A., Mcdonald, D., Meddi, F., Melikyan, Y., Menchaca-Rocha, A., Meninno, E., Perez, J. Mercado, Meres, M., Miake, Y., Mieskolainen, M. M., Mikhaylov, K., Milano, L., Milosevic, J., Minervini, L. M., Mischke, A., Mishra, A. N., Miskowiec, D., Mitra, J., Mitu, C. M., Mohammadi, N., Mohanty, B., Molnar, L., Zetina, L. Montano, Montes, E., De Godoy, D. A. Moreira, Moreno, L. A. P., Moretto, S., Morreale, A., Morsch, A., Muccifora, V., Mudnic, E., Muehlheim, D., Muhuri, S., Mukherjee, M., Mulligan, D., Munhoz, M. G., Munzer, R. H., Murray, S., Musa, L., Musinsky, J., Naik, B., Nair, R., Nandi, B. K., Nania, R., Nappi, E., Naru, M. U., da Luz, H. Natal, Nattrass, C., Nayak, K., Nayak, T. K., Nazarenko, S., Nedosekin, A., Nellen, L., Ng, F., Nicassio, M., Niculescu, M., Niedziela, J., Nielsen, B. S., Nikolaev, S., Nikulin, S., Nikulin, V., Noferini, F., Nomokonov, R., Nooren, G., Noris, J. C. C., Norman, J., Nyanin, A., Nystrand, J., Oeschler, H., Oh, S., Oh, S. K., Ohlson, A., Okatan, A., Okubo, T., Olah, L., Oleniacz, J., Silva, A. C. Oliveira Da, Oliver, M. H., Onderwaater, J., Oppedisano, C., Orava, R., Velasquez, A. Ortiz, Oskarsson, A., Otwinowski, J., Oyama, K., Ozdemir, M., Pachmayer, Y., Pagano, R., Paic, G., Pa, S. K., Pan, J., Pandey, A. K., Papcun, R., Papikyan, V., Pappalardo, G. S., Pareek, R., Park, W. J., Parmar, S., Passfeld, A., Paticchio, V., Patra, R. N., Paull, B., Peitzmann, T., Da Costa, H. Pereira, De Oliveira Filho, E. Pereira, Peresunko, D., Lara, C. E. Perez, Lezama, E. Perez, Peskov, V., Pestov, Y., Petracek, V., Petrov, V., Petrovici, M., Petta, C., Piano, S., Pikna, M., Pillot, R., Pinazza, O., Pinsky, L., Piyarathna, D. B., Ploskon, M., Planinic, M., Pluta, J., Pochybova, S., Podesta-Lerma, P. L. M., Poghosyan, M. G., Polichtchouk, B., Poljak, N., Poonsawat, W., Pop, A., Porteboeuf-Houssais, S., Porter, J., Pospisi, J., Prasad, S. K., Preghenella, R., Prino, F., Pruneau, C. A., Pshenichnov, I., Pucci, M., Puddu, G., Pujahari, R., Punin, V., Putschke, J., Qvigstad, H., Rachevski, A., Raha, S., Rajput, S., Rak, J., Rakotozafindrabe, A., Ramello, L., Rami, F., Raniwala, R., Raniwala, S., Räsänen, S. S., Rascanu, B. T., Rathee, D., Read, K. F., Redlich, K., Reed, R. J., Rehman, A., Reichelt, R., Reidt, F., Ren, X., Renfordt, R., Reolon, A. R., Reshetin, A., Revol, J. -P., Reygers, K., Riabov, V., Ricci, R. A., Richert, T., Richter, M., Riedler, P., Riegler, W., Riggi, F., Ristea, C., Rocco, E., Cahuantzi, M. Rodriguez, Manso, A. Rodriguez, Roed, K., Rogochaya, E., Rohr, D., Rrihrich, D., Romita, R., Ronchetti, F., Ronflette, L., Rosnet, R., Rossi, A., Roukoutakis, F., Roy, A., Roy, C., Roy, R., Montero, A. J. Rubio, Rui, R., Russo, R., Ryabinkin, E., Ryabov, Y., Rybicki, A., Sadovsky, S., Safarik, K., Sahlmuller, B., Sahoo, R., Sahoo, S., Sahu, P. K., Saini, J., Sakai, S., Saleh, M. A., Salzwedel, J., Sambyal, S., Samsonov, V., Sandor, L., Sandoval, A., Sano, M., Sarkar, D., Scapparone, E., Scarlassara, F., Schiaua, C., Schicker, R., Schmidt, C., Schmidt, H. R., Schuchmann, S., Schukraft, J., Schulc, M., Schuster, T., Schutz, Y., Schwarz, K., Schweda, K., Scioli, G., Scomparin, E., Scott, R., Sefcik, M., Seger, J. E., Sekiguchi, Y., Sekihata, D., Selyuzhenkov, I., Senosi, K., Senyukov, S., Serradilla, E., Sevcenco, A., Shabanov, A., Shabetai, A., Shadura, O., Shahoyan, R., Shangaraev, A., Sharma, A., Sharma, M., Sharma, N., Shigaki, K., Shtejer, K., Sibiriak, Y., Siddhanta, S., Sielewicz, K. M., Siemiarczuk, T., Silvermyr, D., Silvestre, C., Simatovic, G., Simonetti, G., Singaraju, R., Singh, R., Singha, S., Singhal, V., Sinha, B. C., Sinha, T., Sitar, B., Sitta, M., Skaali, T. B., Slupecki, M., Smirnov, N., Snellings, R. J. M., Snellman, T. W., Sogaard, C., Song, J., Song, M., Song, Z., Sorame, F., Sorensen, S., Sozzi, F., Spacek, M., Spiriti, E., Sputowska, I., Spyropoulou-Stassinaki, M., Stache, J., Stan, I., Stefanek, G., Stenlund, E., Steyn, G., Stiller, J. H., Stocco, D., Strmen, R., Suaide, A. A. P., Sugitate, T., Suire, C., Suleymanov, M., Suljic, M., Sultanov, R., Sumbera, M., Szabo, A., de Toledo, A. Szanto, Szarka, I., Szczepankiewicz, A., Szymanski, M., Tabassam, U., Takahashi, J., Tambave, G. J., Tanaka, N., Tangaro, M. A., Tarhini, M., Tariq, M., Tarzila, M. G., Tauro, A., Munoz, G. Tejeda, Telesca, A., Terasaki, K., Terrevoli, C., Teyssier, B., Thaeder, J., Thomas, D., Tieulent, R., Timmins, A. R., Toia, A., Trogolo, S., Trombetta, G., Trubnikov, V., Trzaska, W. H., Tsuji, T., Tumkin, A., Turrisi, R., Tveter, T. S., Ullaland, K., Uras, A., Usai, G. L., Utrobicic, A., Vajzer, M., Vala, M., Palomo, L. Valencia, Vallero, S., Van der Maarel, J., Van Hoorne, J. W., van Leeuwen, M., Vanat, T., Vyvre, R. Vande, Varga, D., Vargas, A., Vargyas, M., Varma, R., Vasileiou, M., Vasiliev, A., Vauthier, A., Vechernin, V., Veen, A. M., Veldhoen, M., Velure, A., Venaruzzo, M., Vercellin, E., Limon, S. Vergara, Vernet, R., Verweij, M., Vickovic, L., Viesti, G., Viinikainen, J., Vilakazi, Z., Baillie, O. Villalobos, Tello, A. Villatoro, Vinogradov, A., Vinogradov, L., Vinogradov, Y., Virgili, T., Vislavicius, V., Viyogi, Y. P., Vodopyanov, A., Voelkl, M. A., Voloshin, K., Voloshin, S. A., Volpe, G., von Haller, B., Vorobyev, I., Vranic, D., Vrlakova, J., Vulpescu, B., Vyushin, A., Wagner, B., Wagner, J., Wang, H., Wang, M., Watanabe, D., Watanabe, Y., Weber, M., Weber, S. G., Weiser, D. F., Wessels, J. P., Westerhoff, U., Whitehead, A. M., Wiechula, J., Wikne, J., Wilde, M., Wilk, G., Wilkinson, J., Williams, M. C. S., Windelband, B., Winn, M., Yaldo, C. G., Yang, H., Yang, R., Yano, S., Yasar, C., Yin, Z., Yokoyama, H., Yoo, I. -K., Yoon, J. H., Yurchenko, V., Yushmanov, I., Zaborowska, A., Zaccolo, V., Zaman, A., Zampolli, C., Zanoli, H. J. C., Zaporozhets, S., Zardoshti, N., Zarochentsev, A., Zavada, R., Zaviyalov, N., Zbroszczyk, H., Zgura, I. S., Zhalov, M., Zhang, H., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Zhang, C., Zhang, Z., Zhao, C., Zhigareva, N., Zhou, D., Zhou, Y., Zhou, Z., Zhu, H., Zhu, J., Zichichi, A., Zimmermann, A., Zimmermann, M. B., Zinovjev, G., Zyzak, M., University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute of Physics, University of Helsinki, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP) (-2009), Adam, J., Adamova, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Rinella, G. Aglieri, Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., Ahmmed, Z., Ahn, S. U., Aiola, S., Akindinov, A., Alam, S. N., Aleksandrov, D., Alessandro, B., Alexandre, D., Molina, R. Alfaro, Alici, A., Alkin, A., Almaraz, J. R. M., Alme, J., Alt, T., Altinpinar, S., Altsybeev, I., Prado, C. Alves Garcia, Andrei, C., Andronic, A., Anguelov, V., Anielski, J., Anticic, T., Antinori, F., Antonioli, R., Aphecetche, L., Appelshaeuser, H., Arcelli, S., Arnaldi, R., Arnold, O. W., Arsene, I. C., Arslandok, M., Audurier, B., Augustinus, A., Averbeck, R., Azmi, M. D., Badala, A., Baek, Y. W., Bagnasco, S., Bailhache, R., Bala, R., Baldisseri, A., Bara, R. C., Barbano, A. M., Barbera, R., Barile, F., Barnafoeldi, G. G., Barnby, L. S., Barret, V., Bartalini, P., Barth, K., Bartke, J., Bartsch, E., Basile, M., Bastid, N., Basil, S., Bathen, B., Batigne, G., Camejo, A. Batista, Batyunya, B., Batzing, P. C., Bearden, I. G., Beck, H., Beddall, C., Behera, N. K., Belikov, I., Bellini, F., Martinez, H. Bello, Bellwied, R., Belmont, R., Belmont-Moreno, E., Belyaev, V., Bencedi, G., Beole, S., Berceanu, I., Bercuci, A., Berdnikov, Y., Berenyi, D., Bertens, R. A., Berzano, D., Betev, L., Bhasin, A., Bhat, I. R., Bhati, A. K., Bhattacharjee, B., Bhom, J., Bianchi, L., Bianchi, N., Bianchin, C., Bielcik, J., Bielcikova, J., Bilandzic, A., Biswas, R., Biswas, S., Bjelogrlic, S., Blair, J. T., Blau, D., Blume, C., Bock, F., Bogdanov, A., Boggild, H., Boldizsar, L., Bombara, M., Book, J., Borel, H., Borissov, A., Borri, M., Bossu, F., Botta, E., Boettger, S., Bourjau, C., Braun-Munzinger, R., Bregant, M., Breitner, T., Broker, T. A., Browning, T. A., Broz, M., Brucken, E. J., Brunall, E., Bruno, G. E., Budnikov, D., Buesching, H., Bufalino, S., Buncic, R., Busch, O., Buthelezi, Z., Butt, J. B., Buxton, J. T., Caffarri, D., Cai, X., Caines, H., Diaz, L. Calero, Caliva, A., Villar, E. Calvo, Camerini, R., Carena, F., Carena, W., Carnesecchi, F., Castellanos, J. Castillo, Castro, A. J., Casula, E. A. R., Sanchez, C. Ceballos, Cepila, J., Cerello, R., Cerkala, J., Chang, B., Chapeland, S., Chartier, M., Charvet, J. L., Chattopadhyay, S., Chelnokov, V., Cherney, M., Cheshkov, C., Cheynis, B., Barroso, V. Chibante, Chinellato, D. D., Cho, S., Chochula, R., Choi, K., Chojnacki, M., Choudhury, S., Christakoglou, R., Christensen, C. H., Christiansen, R., Chujo, T., Chung, S. U., Cicalo, C., Cifarelli, L., Cindolo, F., Cleymans, J., Colamaria, F., Colella, D., Collu, A., Colocci, M., Balbastre, G. Conesa, del Valle, Z. Conesa, Connors, M. E., Contreras, J. G., Cormier, T. M., Morales, Y. Corrales, Maldonado, I. Cortes, Cortese, R., Cosentino, M. R., Costa, F., Crochet, R., Albino, R. Cruz, Cuautle, E., Cunqueiro, L., Dahms, T., Dainese, A., Danu, A., Das, D., Das, I., Das, S., Dash, A., Dash, S., De, S., De Caro, A., De Cataldo, G., De Conti, C., De Cuveland, J., De Falco, A., De Gruttola, D., De Marco, N., De Pasquale, S., Deisting, A., Deloff, A., Denes, E., Deplano, C., Dhankher, R., Di Bari, D., Di Mauro, A., Di Nezza, R., Corcherom, M. A. Diaz, Dietel, T., Dillenseger, R., Divia, R., Djuvsland, O., Dobrin, A., Gimenez, D. Domenicis, Donigus, B., Dordic, O., Drozhzhova, T., Dubey, A. K., Dubla, A., Ducroux, L., Dupieux, R., Ehlers, R. J., Elia, D., Engel, H., Epple, E., Erazmus, B., Erdemir, I., Erhardt, F., Espagnon, B., Estienne, M., Esumi, S., Eum, J., Evans, D., Evdokimov, S., Eyyubova, G., Fabbietti, L., Fabris, D., Faivre, J., Fantoni, A., Fasel, M., Feldkamp, L., Feliciello, A., Feofilov, G., Ferencei, J., Tellez, A. Fernandez, Ferreiro, E. G., Ferretti, A., Festanti, A., Feuillard, V. J. G., Figiel, J., Figueredo, M. A. S., Filchagin, S., Finogeev, D., Fionda, F. M., Fiore, E. M., Fleck, M. G., Floris, M., Foertsch, S., Foka, R., Fokin, S., Fragiacomoq, E., Francescon, A., Frankenfeld, U., Fuchs, U., Furget, C., Furs, A., Girard, M. Fusco, Gaardhoje, J. J., Gagliardi, M., Gago, A. M., Gallio, M., Gangadharan, D. R., Ganoti, R., Gao, C., Garabatos, C., Garcia-Solis, E., Gargiulo, C., Gasik, R., Gauger, E. F., Germain, M., Gheata, A., Gheata, M., Ghosh, R., Ghosh, S. K., Gianotti, R., Giubellino, R., Giubilato, R., Gladysz-Dziadus, E., Glassel, R., Coral, D. M. Gomez, Ramirez, A. Gomez, Gonzalez, V., Gonzalez-Zamora, R., Gorbunov, S., Goerlich, L., Gotovac, S., Grabski, V., Grachov, . A., Graczykowski, L. K., Graham, K. L., Grelli, A., Grigoras, A., Grigoras, C., Grigoriev, V., Grigoryan, A., Grigoryan, S., Grinyov, B., Grionmq, N., Gronefeld, J. M., Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F., Grossiord, J. -Y., Grosso, R., Guber, F., Guernane, R., Guerzoni, B., Gulbrandsen, K., Gunji, T., Gupta, A., Gupta, R., Haake, R., Haaland, O., Hadjidakis, C., Haiduc, M., Hamagaki, H., Hamar, G., Harris, J. W., Harton, A., Hatzifotiadou, D., Hayashi, S., Heckel, S. T., Heide, M., Helstrup, H., Herghelegiu, A., Corral, G. Herrera, Hess, B. A., Hetland, K. F., Hillemanns, H., Hippolyte, B., Hosokawa, R., Hristov, R., Huang, M., Humanic, T. J., Hussain, N., Hussain, T., Hutter, D., Hwang, D. S., Ilkaev, R., Inaba, M., Ippolitov, M., Irfan, M., Ivano, M., Ivanov, V., Lzucheev, V., Jacobs, P. M., Jadhav, M. B., Jadlovska, S., Jadlovsky, J., Jahnke, C., Jakubowska, M. J., Jang, H. J., Janik, M. A., Jayarathna, P. H. S. Y., Jena, C., Jena, S., Bustamante, R. T. Jimenez, Jones, P. G., Jung, H., Jusko, A., Kalinak, R., Kalweit, A., Kamin, J., Kang, J. H., Kaplin, V., Kar, S., Uysal, A. Karasu, Karavichev, O., Karavicheva, T., Karayan, L., Karpechev, E., Kebschull, U., Keidel, R., Keijdener, D. L. D., Keil, M., Khan, M. Mohisin, Khan, R., Khan, S. A., Khanzadeev, A., Kharlov, Y., Kileng, B., Kim, D. W., Kim, D. J., Kim, D., Kim, H., Kim, J. S., Kim, M., Kim, S., Kim, T., Kirsch, S., Kise, I., Kiselev, S., Kisiel, A., Kiss, G., Klay, J. L., Klein, C., Klein, J., Klein-Boesing, C., Klewin, S., Kluge, A., Kniche, M. L., Knospe, A. G., Kobayashi, T., Kobdaj, C., Kofarago, M., Kollegger, T., Kolojvari, A., Kondratiev, V., Kondratyeva, N., Kondratyuk, E., Konevskikh, A., Kopciko, M., Kour, M., Kouzinopoulos, C., Kovalenko, O., Kovalenko, V., Kowalski, M., Meethaleveedu, G. Koyithatta, Kralik, I., Kravcakova, A., Kretz, M., Krivda, M., Krizek, F., Kryshen, E., Krzewicki, M., Kubera, A. M., Kucera, V., Kuhn, C., Kuijer, P. G., Kumar, A., Kumar, J., Kumar, L., Kumar, S., Kurashvili, R., Kurepin, A., Kurepin, A. B., Kuryakin, A., Kweon, M. J., Kwon, Y., La Pointe, S. L., La Rocca, R., de Guevara, R. Ladron, Fernandes, C. Lagana, Lakomov, I., Langoy, R., Lara, C., Lardeux, A., Lattuca, A., Laudi, E., Lea, R., Leardini, L., Leewl, G. R., Lee, S., Lehas, F., Lemmon, R. C., Lenti, V., Leogrande, E., Monzon, I. Leon, Vargas, H. Leon, Leoncino, M., Levai, R., Li, S., Li, X., Lien, J., Lietava, R., Linda, S., Lindenstruth, V., Lippmann, C., Lisa, M. A., Ljunggren, H. M., Lodato, D. F., Loenne, Ri., Loginov, V., Loizides, C., Lopez, X., Torres, E. Lopez, Lowe, A., Luettig, R., Lunardon, M., Luparello, G., Maevskaya, A., Mager, M., Mahajan, S., Mahmood, S. M., Maire, A., Majka, R. D., Malaev, M., Cervantes, I. Maldonado, Malinina, L., Mal'Kevich, D., Malzacher, R., Mamonov, A., Manko, V., Manso, F., Manzari, V., Marchisone, M., Mares, J., Margagliotti, G. V., Margotti, A., Margutti, J., Marin, A., Markert, C., Marquard, M., Martin, N. A., Blanco, J. Martin, Martinengo, R., Martinez, M. I., Martinez Garcia, G., Martinez Pedreira, M., Mas, A., Masciocchi, S., Masera, M., Masoni, A., Massacrier, L., Mastroserio, A., Matyja, A., Mayer, C., Mazer, J., Mazzonil, M. A., Mcdonald, D., Meddi, F., Melikyan, Y., Menchaca-Rocha, A., Meninno, E., Perez, J. Mercado, Meres, M., Miake, Y., Mieskolainen, M. M., Mikhaylov, K., Milano, L., Milosevic, J., Minervini, L. M., Mischke, A., Mishra, A. N., Miskowiec, D., Mitra, J., Mitu, C. M., Mohammadi, N., Mohanty, B., Molnar, L., Zetina, L. Montano, Montes, E., De Godoy, D. A. Moreira, Moreno, L. A. P., Moretto, S., Morreale, A., Morsch, A., Muccifora, V., Mudnic, E., Muehlheim, D., Muhuri, S., Mukherjee, M., Mulligan, D., Munhoz, M. G., Munzer, R. H., Murray, S., Musa, L., Musinsky, J., Naik, B., Nair, R., Nandi, B. K., Nania, R., Nappi, E., Naru, M. U., da Luz, H. Natal, Nattrass, C., Nayak, K., Nayak, T. K., Nazarenko, S., Nedosekin, A., Nellen, L., Ng, F., Nicassio, M., Niculescu, M., Niedziela, J., Nielsen, B. S., Nikolaev, S., Nikulin, S., Nikulin, V., Noferini, F., Nomokonov, R., Nooren, G., Noris, J. C. C., Norman, J., Nyanin, A., Nystrand, J., Oeschler, H., Oh, S., Oh, S. K., Ohlson, A., Okatan, A., Okubo, T., Olah, L., Oleniacz, J., Silva, A. C. Oliveira Da, Oliver, M. H., Onderwaater, J., Oppedisano, C., Orava, R., Velasquez, A. Ortiz, Oskarsson, A., Otwinowski, J., Oyama, K., Ozdemir, M., Pachmayer, Y., Pagano, R., Paic, G., Pa, S. K., Pan, J., Pandey, A. K., Papcun, R., Papikyan, V., Pappalardo, G. S., Pareek, R., Park, W. J., Parmar, S., Passfeld, A., Paticchio, V., Patra, R. N., Paull, B., Peitzmann, T., Da Costa, H. Pereira, De Oliveira Filho, E. Pereira, Peresunko, D., Lara, C. E. Perez, Lezama, E. Perez, Peskov, V., Pestov, Y., Petracek, V., Petrov, V., Petrovici, M., Petta, C., Piano, S., Pikna, M., Pillot, R., Pinazza, O., Pinsky, L., Piyarathna, D. B., Ploskon, M., Planinic, M., Pluta, J., Pochybova, S., Podesta-Lerma, P. L. M., Poghosyan, M. G., Polichtchouk, B., Poljak, N., Poonsawat, W., Pop, A., Porteboeuf-Houssais, S., Porter, J., Pospisi, J., Prasad, S. K., Preghenella, R., Prino, F., Pruneau, C. A., Pshenichnov, I., Pucci, M., Puddu, G., Pujahari, R., Punin, V., Putschke, J., Qvigstad, H., Rachevski, A., Raha, S., Rajput, S., Rak, J., Rakotozafindrabe, A., Ramello, L., Rami, F., Raniwala, R., Raniwala, S., Räsänen, S. S., Rascanu, B. T., Rathee, D., Read, K. F., Redlich, K., Reed, R. J., Rehman, A., Reichelt, R., Reidt, F., Ren, X., Renfordt, R., Reolon, A. R., Reshetin, A., Revol, J. -P., Reygers, K., Riabov, V., Ricci, R. A., Richert, T., Richter, M., Riedler, P., Riegler, W., Riggi, F., Ristea, C., Rocco, E., Cahuantzi, M. Rodriguez, Manso, A. Rodriguez, Roed, K., Rogochaya, E., Rohr, D., Rrihrich, D., Romita, R., Ronchetti, F., Ronflette, L., Rosnet, R., Rossi, A., Roukoutakis, F., Roy, A., Roy, C., Roy, R., Montero, A. J. Rubio, Rui, R., Russo, R., Ryabinkin, E., Ryabov, Y., Rybicki, A., Sadovsky, S., Safarik, K., Sahlmuller, B., Sahoo, R., Sahoo, S., Sahu, P. K., Saini, J., Sakai, S., Saleh, M. A., Salzwedel, J., Sambyal, S., Samsonov, V., Sandor, L., Sandoval, A., Sano, M., Sarkar, D., Scapparone, E., Scarlassara, F., Schiaua, C., Schicker, R., Schmidt, C., Schmidt, H. R., Schuchmann, S., Schukraft, J., Schulc, M., Schuster, T., Schutz, Y., Schwarz, K., Schweda, K., Scioli, G., Scomparin, E., Scott, R., Sefcik, M., Seger, J. E., Sekiguchi, Y., Sekihata, D., Selyuzhenkov, I., Senosi, K., Senyukov, S., Serradilla, E., Sevcenco, A., Shabanov, A., Shabetai, A., Shadura, O., Shahoyan, R., Shangaraev, A., Sharma, A., Sharma, M., Sharma, N., Shigaki, K., Shtejer, K., Sibiriak, Y., Siddhanta, S., Sielewicz, K. M., Siemiarczuk, T., Silvermyr, D., Silvestre, C., Simatovic, G., Simonetti, G., Singaraju, R., Singh, R., Singha, S., Singhal, V., Sinha, B. C., Sinha, T., Sitar, B., Sitta, M., Skaali, T. B., Slupecki, M., Smirnov, N., Snellings, R. J. M., Snellman, T. W., Sogaard, C., Song, J., Song, M., Song, Z., Sorame, F., Sorensen, S., Sozzi, F., Spacek, M., Spiriti, E., Sputowska, I., Spyropoulou-Stassinaki, M., Stache, J., Stan, I., Stefanek, G., Stenlund, E., Steyn, G., Stiller, J. H., Stocco, D., Strmen, R., Suaide, A. A. P., Sugitate, T., Suire, C., Suleymanov, M., Suljic, M., Sultanov, R., Sumbera, M., Szabo, A., de Toledo, A. Szanto, Szarka, I., Szczepankiewicz, A., Szymanski, M., Tabassam, U., Takahashi, J., Tambave, G. J., Tanaka, N., Tangaro, M. A., Tarhini, M., Tariq, M., Tarzila, M. G., Tauro, A., Munoz, G. Tejeda, Telesca, A., Terasaki, K., Terrevoli, C., Teyssier, B., Thaeder, J., Thomas, D., Tieulent, R., Timmins, A. R., Toia, A., Trogolo, S., Trombetta, G., Trubnikov, V., Trzaska, W. H., Tsuji, T., Tumkin, A., Turrisi, R., Tveter, T. S., Ullaland, K., Uras, A., Usai, G. L., Utrobicic, A., Vajzer, M., Vala, M., Palomo, L. Valencia, Vallero, S., Van der Maarel, J., Van Hoorne, J. W., van Leeuwen, M., Vanat, T., Vyvre, R. Vande, Varga, D., Vargas, A., Vargyas, M., Varma, R., Vasileiou, M., Vasiliev, A., Vauthier, A., Vechernin, V., Veen, A. M., Veldhoen, M., Velure, A., Venaruzzo, M., Vercellin, E., Limon, S. Vergara, Vernet, R., Verweij, M., Vickovic, L., Viesti, G., Viinikainen, J., Vilakazi, Z., Baillie, O. Villalobos, Tello, A. Villatoro, Vinogradov, A., Vinogradov, L., Vinogradov, Y., Virgili, T., Vislavicius, V., Viyogi, Y. P., Vodopyanov, A., Voelkl, M. A., Voloshin, K., Voloshin, S. A., Volpe, G., von Haller, B., Vorobyev, I., Vranic, D., Vrlakova, J., Vulpescu, B., Vyushin, A., Wagner, B., Wagner, J., Wang, H., Wang, M., Watanabe, D., Watanabe, Y., Weber, M., Weber, S. G., Weiser, D. F., Wessels, J. P., Westerhoff, U., Whitehead, A. M., Wiechula, J., Wikne, J., Wilde, M., Wilk, G., Wilkinson, J., Williams, M. C. S., Windelband, B., Winn, M., Yaldo, C. G., Yang, H., Yang, R., Yano, S., Yasar, C., Yin, Z., Yokoyama, H., Yoo, I. -K., Yoon, J. H., Yurchenko, V., Yushmanov, I., Zaborowska, A., Zaccolo, V., Zaman, A., Zampolli, C., Zanoli, H. J. C., Zaporozhets, S., Zardoshti, N., Zarochentsev, A., Zavada, R., Zaviyalov, N., Zbroszczyk, H., Zgura, I. S., Zhalov, M., Zhang, H., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Zhang, C., Zhang, Z., Zhao, C., Zhigareva, N., Zhou, D., Zhou, Y., Zhou, Z., Zhu, H., Zhu, J., Zichichi, A., Zimmermann, A., Zimmermann, M. B., Zinovjev, G., and Zyzak, M.
- Abstract
We present measurements of the azimuthal dependence of charged jet production in central and semi-central root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV Pb-Pb collisions with respect to the second harmonic event plane, quantified as nu(ch)(2) (jet). Jet finding is performed employing the anti-k(T) algorithm with a resolution parameter R = 0.2 using charged tracks from the ALICE tracking system. The contribution of the azimuthal anisotropy of the underlying event is taken into account event-by-event. The remaining (statistical) region-to-region fluctuations are removed on an ensemble basis by unfolding the jet spectra for different event plane orientations independently. Significant non-zero nu(ch)(2) (jet) is observed in semi-central collisions (30-50% centrality) for 20
- Published
- 2016
11. What does coercion in intensive care mean for patients and their relatives? A thematic qualitative study
- Author
Susanne Jöbges, Corine Mouton Dorey, Rouven Porz, Bara Ricou, and Nicola Biller-Andorno
- Subjects
Autonomy ,Coercion ,Formal–informal ,Intensive care unit ,Ethics ,Patient experiences ,Medical philosophy. Medical ethics ,R723-726 - Abstract
Abstract Background The need for an ethical debate about the use of coercion in intensive care units (ICU) may not be as obvious as in other areas of medicine, such as psychiatry. Coercive measures are often necessary to treat critically ill patients in the ICU. It is nevertheless important to keep these measures to a minimum in order to respect the dignity of patients and the cohesion of the clinical team. A deeper understanding of what patients and their relatives perceive during their ICU stay will shed different light on intensive care management. Patients' experiences of loss of control, dependency and abandonment may lead to a new approach towards a broader approach to the concept of coercion in intensive care. The aim of our research is to explore the experiences of patients and relatives in the ICU and to determine when it might be possible to reduce feelings and memories of coercion. Methods We conducted and analysed 29 semi-structured interviews with patients and relatives who had been in the ICU a few months previously. Following a coding and categorisation process in MAXQDA™, a rigorous qualitative methodology was used to identify themes relevant to our research. Results Five main themes emerged: memory issues; interviewees’ experiences of restricting measures and coercive treatment; patients’ negative perception of situational and relational dependency with the risk of informal coercion; patients’ perceptions of good care in a context of perceived dependency; progression from perception of coercion and dependency to respect for the person. All patients were grateful to have survived. However, coercion in the form of restraint, restriction of movement, and coercive treatment in the ICU was also acknowledged by patients and relatives. These included elements of informal coercion beyond restraints, such as a perceived negative sense of dependence, surrender, and asymmetrical interaction between the patient and health providers. Conclusions To capture the full range of patients' experiences of coercion, it is necessary to expand the concept of coercion to include less obvious forms of informal coercion that may occur in dependency situations. This will help identify solutions to avoid or reduce negative recollections that may persist long after discharge and negatively affect the patients' quality of life.
- Published
- 2022
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12. Hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian function in hyperprolactinemic women
- Author
Travaglini, Pietro, Ambrosi, B., Beck-Peccoz, P., Elli, R., Rondena, M., Bara, R., and Weber, G.
- Published
- 1978
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13. Different approach for quantum measurements of the spin resonances
- Author
Le Floch, Jean-Michel, Bastelletto, S., Johson, B.C., Oshima, T., Edmonds, A.M., Farr, W., Stanwix, P.L., Creedon, D.L., Benmessai, K., Bara, R., Passerieux, Damien, Aubourg, Michel, Humbert, Georges, Madrangeas, Valérie, Cros, Dominique, Tobar, Michael E., MINACOM (XLIM-MINACOM), XLIM (XLIM), Université de Limoges (UNILIM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Limoges (UNILIM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Frequency standards and metrology (FSM), The University of Western Australia (UWA), School of Physics, and PHOTONIQUE (XLIM-PHOTONIQUE)
- Subjects
ComputingMethodologies_GENERAL ,ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS ,[SPI.TRON]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Electronics - Abstract
Présentation Poster; National audience
- Published
- 2012
14. Low-loss dielectric material characterization and high-Q resonator design from microwave to millimetre waves frequencies
- Author
Jean-Michel Le Floch, Michael Tobar, Humbert, G., Mouneyrac, D., Férachou, D., Bara, R., Aubourg, M., John Hartnett, Cros, D., M Blondy, J., Krupka, J., The University of Western Australia (UWA), PHOTONIQUE, XLIM (XLIM), Université de Limoges (UNILIM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Limoges (UNILIM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), MINACOM, Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, Department of Electronics, Warsaw University of Technology (WARSAW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY), Warsaw University of Technology [Warsaw], and Humbert, Georges
- Subjects
[SPI.OPTI] Engineering Sciences [physics]/Optics / Photonic ,[SPI.OPTI]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Optics / Photonic ,ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS - Abstract
International audience
- Published
- 2011
15. Antenatal Magnesium Sulfate Exposure and Acute Cardiorespiratory Events in Preterm Infants
- Author
De Jesus, L.C., primary, Sood, B.G., additional, Shankaran, S., additional, Kendrick, D., additional, Das, A., additional, Bell, E.F., additional, Stoll, B.J., additional, Laptook, A.R., additional, Walsh, M.C., additional, Carlo, W.A., additional, Sanchez, P.J., additional, Van Meurs, K.P., additional, Bara, R., additional, Hale, E.C., additional, Newman, N.S., additional, Ball, M.B., additional, and Higgins, R.D., additional
- Published
- 2015
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16. Registration of 'Pizzazz' perennial ryegrass. (Registration Of Cultivars)
- Author
Bonos, S.A., Hignight, K., Tubbs, S., Bara, R., Meyer, W.A., and Funk, C.R.
- Subjects
Agricultural industry ,Business - Abstract
'Pizzazz' perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) (Reg. no. CV-225, PI 628980) is a turf-type perennial ryegrass developed with the participation of Advanta Seed Pacific, Albany, OR, and released by Turf [...]
- Published
- 2003
17. Réaction allergique aux antituberculeux majeurs
- Author
Lafourcade, M.-P., Martin, M., Revolte, X., Ba, L., Hamoudi, M., Bara, R., and Filoche, P.
- Published
- 2009
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18. Attitudes of university hospital staff towards in-house assisted suicide.
- Author
Claudia Gamondi, Angèle Gayet-Ageron, Gian Domenico Borasio, Samia Hurst, Ralf J Jox, and Bara Ricou
- Subjects
Medicine ,Science - Abstract
ObjectiveTo investigate staff attitudes toward assisted suicide in the hospital setting in Switzerland.DesignCross-sectional study.SettingTwo University Hospitals in French speaking regions of Switzerland.Participants13'834 health care professionals, including all personnel caring for patients, were invited to participate.Main outcome measures and other variablesAttitudes towards the participation of hospital health care professionals in assisted suicide were investigated with an online questionnaire.ResultsAmong all invited professionals, 5'127 responded by filling in the survey at least partially (response rate 37.0%), and 3'683 completed the entire survey (26.6%). 73.0% of participants approved that this practice should be authorized in their hospital and saw more positive than negative effects. 57.6% would consider assisted suicide for themselves. Non-medical professionals were 1.28 to 5.25 times more likely to approve assisted suicide than physicians (pConclusionsThis multiprofessional survey sheds light on hospital staff perceptions of assisted suicide happening within hospital walls, which may inform the development of rules considering their wishes but also their reluctances. Further research using a mixed-methods approach could help reach an in-depth understanding of staff's attitudes and considerations towards assisted suicide practices.
- Published
- 2022
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19. Prevalence and forms of gender discrimination and sexual harassment among medical students and physicians in French-speaking Switzerland: a survey
- Author
Angele Gayet-Ageron, Julien Le Breton, Elena Tessitore, Anne Rossel, Bara Ricou, Matteo Coen, Iris Najjar, Jennifer Socquet, Jasmine Abdulcadir, Cindy Soroken, Caroline Gerstel, Julie Halimi, Giulia Frasca Polara, and Eva Niyibizi
- Subjects
Medicine - Published
- 2022
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20. Dihydroanthracenone atropodiastereomers from the endophytic fungus Talaromyces wortmanii with activity against multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
- Author
Bara, R, primary, Aly, AH, additional, Kurtán, T, additional, Debbab, A, additional, Brötz-Oesterhelt, H, additional, and Proksch, P, additional
- Published
- 2013
- Full Text
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21. Inhaled nitric oxide in full-term and nearly full-term infants with hypoxic respiratory failure
- Author
Stork, E, Gorjanc, E, Verter, J, Younes, N, Stenzel, BA, Powers, T, Sokol, G, Wright, LL, Yaffe, SJ, Catz, C, Rhine, W, Ball, B, Brilli, R, Moles, L, Crowley, M, Backstrom, C, Crouse, D, Hudson, T, Konduri, G, Bara, R, Kleinman, M, Hensman, A, Rothstein, RW, Ehrenkranz, RA, Solimano, A, Germain, F, Walker, R, Ramirez, AM, Singhal, N, Bourcier, L, Fajardo, C, Cook, [No Value], Kirpalani, H, Monkman, S, Johnston, A, Mullahoo, K, Finer, NN, Peliowski, A, Etches, P, Kamstra, B, Sankarhan, K, Riehl, A, Blanchard, P, Gouin, R, Wearden, M, Gomez, M, Moon, Y, Bauer, CR, Donovan, EF, Fanaroff, AA, Korones, SB, Lemons, JA, Oh, W, Papile, LA, Shankaran, S, Stoll, BJ, Tyson, JE, Avery, G, DAlton, M, Bracken, MB, Gleason, CA, Maguire, M, Redmond, C, Silverman, W, Sinclair, J, and University of Groningen
- Subjects
Background Neonates with pulmonary hypertension have been treated with inhaled nitric oxide because of studies suggesting that it is a selective pulmonary vasodilator. We conducted a randomized, multicenter, controlled trial to determine whether inhaled nitric oxide would reduce mortality or the initiation of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in infants with hypoxic respiratory failure, Methods Infants born after a gestation of greater than or equal to 34 weeks who were 14 days old or less, had no structural heart disease, and required assisted ventilation and whose oxygenation index was 25 or higher on two measurements were eligible for the study. The infants were randomly assigned to receive nitric oxide at a concentration of 20 ppm or 100 percent oxygen (as a control). Infants whose partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2) increased by 20 mm Hg or less after 30 minutes were studied for a response to 80-ppm nitric oxide or control gas, Results The 121 infants in the control group and the 114 in the nitric oxide group had similar base-line clinical characteristics. Sixty-four percent of the control group and 46 percent of the nitric oxide group died within 120 days or were treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (P=0.006). Seventeen percent of the control group and 14 percent of the nitric oxide group died (P not significant), but significantly fewer in the nitric oxide group received extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (39 percent vs. 54 percent, P=0.014). The nitric oxide group had significantly greater improvement in PaO2 (mean [+/-SD] increase, 58.2+/-85.2 mm Hg, vs. 9.7+/-51.7 mm Hg in the controls; P Conclusions Nitric oxide therapy reduced the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, but had no apparent effect on mortality, in critically ill infants with hypoxic respiratory failure. (C) 1997, Massachusetts Medical Society.
- Published
- 1997
22. New rare atropisomers: structure elucidation, absolute configuration and antimicrobial activity
- Author
Debbab, A, primary, Bara, R, additional, Pretsch, A, additional, Edrada Ebel, R, additional, Wray, V, additional, Pescitelli, G, additional, Kurtan, T, additional, and Proksch, P, additional
- Published
- 2011
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23. Cryogenic properties of a diamond sample at microwave frequencies
- Author
Le Floch, J-M., primary, Hartnett, J. G., additional, Tobar, M. E., additional, Bara, R., additional, Mouneyrac, D., additional, Cros, D., additional, and Krupka, J., additional
- Published
- 2010
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24. Effects of Serotonin Antagonists in Sexually Impotent Men
- Author
AMBROSI, B., primary, TRAVAGLINI, P., additional, GAGGINI, M., additional, MORIONDO, P., additional, ELLI, R., additional, BARA, R., additional, and FAGLIA, G., additional
- Published
- 2009
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25. ICU physicians’ and internists’ survival predictions for patients evaluated for admission to the intensive care unit
- Author
Monica Escher, Bara Ricou, Mathieu Nendaz, Fabienne Scherer, Stéphane Cullati, Patricia Hudelson, and Thomas Perneger
- Subjects
Intensive care ,Survival ,Prediction ,Patient admission ,Triage ,Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid ,RC86-88.9 - Abstract
Abstract Background A higher chance of survival is a key justification for admission to the intensive care unit (ICU). This implies that physicians should be able to accurately estimate a patient’s prognosis, whether cared for on the ward or in the ICU. We aimed to determine whether physicians’ survival predictions correlate with the admission decisions and with patients’ observed survival. Consecutive ICU consultations for internal medicine patients were included. The ICU physician and the internist were asked to predict patient survival with intensive care and with care on the ward using 5 categories of probabilities ( 90%). Patient mortality at 28 days was recorded. Results Thirty ICU physicians and 97 internists assessed 201 patients for intensive care. Among the patients, 140 (69.7%) were admitted to the ICU. Fifty-eight (28.9%) died within 28 days. Admission to intensive care was associated with predicted survival gain in the ICU, particularly for survival estimates made by ICU physicians. Observed survival was associated with predicted survival, for both groups of physicians. The discrimination of the predictions for survival with intensive care, measured by the area under the ROC curve, was 0.63 for ICU physicians and 0.76 for internists; for survival on the ward the areas under the ROC curves were 0.69 and 0.74, respectively. Conclusions Physicians are able to predict survival probabilities when they assess patients for intensive care, albeit imperfectly. Internists are more accurate than ICU physicians. However, ICU physicians’ estimates more strongly influence the admission decision. Closer collaboration between ICU physicians and internists is needed.
- Published
- 2018
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26. Internists’ and intensivists’ roles in intensive care admission decisions: a qualitative study
- Author
Stéphane Cullati, Patricia Hudelson, Bara Ricou, Mathieu Nendaz, Thomas V. Perneger, and Monica Escher
- Subjects
Medical decision making ,Collaboration ,Roles ,Internal medicine ,Intensive care ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Abstract Background Intensive care Unit (ICU) admission decisions involve collaboration between internists and intensivists. Clear perception of each other’s roles is a prerequisite for good collaboration. The objective was to explore how internists and intensivists perceive their roles during admission decisions. Methods Individual in-depth interviews with 12 intensivists and 12 internists working at a Swiss teaching hospital. Interviews were analyzed using a thematic approach. Results Roles could be divided into practical roles and identity roles. Internist and intensivists had the same perception of each other’s practical roles. Internists’ practical roles were: recognizing signs of severity when the patient becomes acutely ill, calling the intensivist at the right moment, having the relevant information about the patient and having determined the goals of care. Intensivists’ practical roles were: assessing the patient on the ward, giving expert advice, making quick decisions, managing access to the ICU, having the final decision power and, sometimes, deciding whether or not to limit treatment. In complex situations, perceived flaws in performing practical roles could create tensions between the doctors. Intensivists’ identity roles included those of leader, gatekeeper, life-death decision maker, and supporting colleague doctors (consultant, senior and helper). These roles could be perceived as emotionally burdensome. Internists’ identity roles were those of leader and partner. Conclusions Despite a common perception of each other’s practical roles, tensions can arise between internists and intensivists in complex situations of ICU admission decisions. Training in communication skills and interprofessional education interventions aimed at a better understanding of each other roles would improve collaboration.
- Published
- 2018
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27. Registration of ‘APM’ Perennial Ryegrass
- Author
Samudio, Susan H., primary, Brede, A. Douglas, additional, Bara, R. F., additional, Dickson, W. K., additional, and Funk, C. Reed, additional
- Published
- 1997
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28. Registration of ‘Rebel 3D’ Tall Fescue
- Author
Hurley, R. H., primary, Lehman, V. G., additional, Meyer, W. A., additional, Rose‐Fricker, Crystal A., additional, Fraser, M. L., additional, Bara, R. F., additional, Sun, S., additional, and Funk, C. R., additional
- Published
- 1995
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29. Registration of ‘Prizm’ Perennial Ryegrass
- Author
Rose‐Fricker, Crystal A., primary, Meyer, W. A., additional, Zajac, John J., additional, Bara, R. F., additional, and Funk, C. R., additional
- Published
- 1995
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30. Registration of ‘Shamrock’ Kentucky Bluegrass
- Author
Bailey, Richard H., primary, Wick, Art, additional, Bara, R. F., additional, Dickson, W. K., additional, and Funk, C. R., additional
- Published
- 1995
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31. Registration of ‘Lofts 1757’ Kentucky Bluegrass
- Author
Hurley, R. H., primary, Clark‐Ruh, Mary Beth, additional, Morrissey, John, additional, Bara, R. F., additional, Dickson, W. K., additional, and Funk, C. R., additional
- Published
- 1990
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32. The chronic critical illness: a new disease in intensive care
- Author
Marine Desarmenien, Anne Laure Blanchard-Courtois, and Bara Ricou
- Subjects
Complications ,length of stay ,outcome ,patient long séjour. ,prolonged ICU stay ,quality of life ,Medicine - Abstract
Advances in intensive care medicine have created a new disease called the chronic critical illness. While a significant proportion of severely ill patients who twenty years ago would have died survive the acute phase, they remain heavily dependent on intensive care for a prolonged period of time. These patients, who can be called “Patient Long Séjour” in French (PLS) or Prolonged Length of Stay patients in English, develop specific health issues that are still poorly recognised. They require special care, which differs from treatments that are given during the acute phase of their illness. A multidisciplinary team dedicated to ensuring their management and follow-up acquired a wide range of knowledge and expertise about these PLSs. Many new monitoring tools and diverse human approaches were implemented to ensure that care was targeted to these patients’ needs. This multimodal care management aims to optimise the patients’ and their families’ quality of life during and following intensive care, whilst maintaining the motivation of the healthcare team of the unit. The purpose of this article is to present new management techniques to hospital and ambulatory caregivers, physicians and nurses, who may be taking care of such patients.
- Published
- 2016
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33. Registration of ‘Pinnacle’ Perennial Ryegrass
- Author
Funk, C. R., primary, White, R. H., additional, Bara, R. F., additional, Pepin, G. W., additional, Jacob, Joe O., additional, and Herb, Don J., additional
- Published
- 1989
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- Author
Ambrosi, B, primary, Bara, R, additional, and Faglia, G, additional
- Published
- 1977
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- Author
Ambrosi, B, primary, Travaglini, P, additional, Beck-Peccoz, P, additional, Bara, R, additional, Elli, R, additional, Paracchi, A, additional, and Faglia, G, additional
- Published
- 1976
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36. Is tracheostomy still an option in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?
- Author
Anne-Chantal Heritier-Barras, Dan Adler, Ruxandra Iancu Ferfoglia, Bara Ricou, Yvan Gasche, Igor Leuchter, Samia Hurst, Monica Escher-Imhof, Pierre Pollak, and Jean-Paul Janssens
- Subjects
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ,invasive ventilation ,motor neurone disease ,Non-invasive ventilation ,quality of life ,tracheostomy ,Medicine - Abstract
QUESTION UNDER STUDY: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease with a poor prognosis. Survival and quality of life of ALS patients have improved through the implementation of multidisciplinary approaches, the use of percutaneous gastrostomy and of noninvasive (NIV) or invasive ventilation. The question of whether or not to propose invasive ventilation (by tracheostomy: TPPV) to ALS patients remains a matter of debate. METHODS: The study reviews the medical literature, the practice in three Swiss and two large French ALS expert centres and reports the results of a workgroup on invasive ventilation in ALS. RESULTS: Improved management of secretions and use of different interfaces allows NIV to be used 24-hours-a-day for prolonged periods, thus avoiding TPPV in many cases. TPPV is frequently initiated in emergency situations with lack of prior informed consent. TPPV appears associated with a lesser quality of life and a higher risk of institutionalisation than NIV. The high burden placed on caregivers who manage ALS patients is a major problem with a clear impact on their quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: Current practice in Switzerland and France tends to discourage the use of TPPV in ALS. Fear of a “locked-in syndrome”, the high burden placed on caregivers, and unmasking cognitive disorders occurring in the evolution of ALS are some of the caveats when considering TPPV. Most decisions about TPPV are taken in emergency situations in the absence of advance directives. One exception is that of young motivated patients with predominantly bulbar disease who “fail” NIV.
- Published
- 2013
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37. Prognosis and quality of life of elderly patients after intensive care
- Author
Marco Conti, Paolo Merlani, and Bara Ricou
- Subjects
home return ,ICU ,old ,oldest old ,outcome ,Medicine - Abstract
Ageing of the world’s population raises important questions about the utilisation of the health care system. It is not clear how much should be invested in the last years of life whereas the costs are known to increase in parallel. Since intensive care units (ICU) are costly with highly specialised personnel, it seems of paramount importance that they would be used efficiently. Indeed, in the present context of predicted shortage of physicians in Switzerland, society and politics will need evidence that the care provided by ICUs is appropriate. There is no explicit limitation of care in any country according to age and nonagerians are admitted nowadays into ICUs with critical illness. This review article will address the question of elderly patients in ICU and their outcome. Outcome does not imply surviving ICU but only later during the hospital stay and after discharge. Furthermore, we emphasise the need of examining not solely the hospital survival but the quality of life of the patients when they return to their real life. The fundamental questions are actually “Do they go back to life?” “What is life for elderly people?” These questions lead to more basic questions such as “Are they able to go back home or are they institutionalised? How is their quality of life and functional status after ICU?”. We tried to address these questions through the existing literature and our experience while caring for these particular patients. Some clues on the prognostic factors related to their outcome are reported.
- Published
- 2012
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38. Generation of 100 GHz with parts in 1016 frequency stability using cryogenic sapphire oscillators.
- Author
Bara, R., Le Floch, J.-M., Tobar, M.E., Stanwix, P.L., Parker, S., Hartnett, J.G., and Ivanov, E.N.
- Published
- 2011
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39. Registration of 'Bordeaux' kentucky Bluegrass.
- Author
Ford, Timothy M., Meyer, W.A., Bara, R. F., Molnar, T. J., and Funk, C. R.
- Subjects
BLUEGRASSES (Plants) ,PLANT development ,SEEDLINGS ,CULTIVARS - Abstract
The article focuses on the registration of "Bordeaux" Kentucky bluegrass (Poapratensis L.), a turf-type cultivar released by a firm Lebanon Seaboard, Lebanon, Pennsylvania, in September 2001. Germplasm from the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station was used in the development of Bordeaux. A95-1135 and LTP- 1135 were its experimental designations. The first Certified seed was produced in 2001. Seedlings were grown in a greenhouse maintained under short day-length and cool temperatures during the winter of 1993-1994, and promising hybrids were phenotypically identified. Selected hybrid plants were established in a spaced-plant nursery at the Rutgers University Plant Biology and Pathology Research and Extension Farm at Adeiphia, New Jersey, during the spring of 1994. During the following summer, an attractive, dark-green, low-growing plant with medium-early reproductive maturity, high seed yield potential, and excellent floret fertility was identified and seed was harvested on June 23, 1995.
- Published
- 2005
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40. Registration of ‘Moonshadow’ Kentucky Bluegrass.
- Author
Bonos, S. A., Floyd, D., Bara, R. F., Zhang, G., Meyer, W. A., and Funk, C. R.
- Subjects
BEANS ,COMMON bean varieties ,BLACK bean - Abstract
Focuses on the registration of condor black bean. Development of the black bean; Derivation of condor; Release of condor as a public nonexclusive variety.
- Published
- 2005
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41. Registration of ‘Langara’ Kentucky Bluegrass.
- Author
Bonos, S. A., Floyd, D., Bara, R. F., Smith, D., Meyer, W. A., and Funk, C. R.
- Subjects
BLUEGRASSES (Plants) ,KENTUCKY bluegrass ,FARM produce ,AGRICULTURE - Abstract
Focuses on the registration of Langara Kentucky bluegrass. Characteristics of the bluegrass; Performance of the tests in New Jersey and Oregon; Compatibility of Langara in blends with most other Kentucky bluegrass cultivars and in mixtures with turf-type perennial ryegrasses.
- Published
- 2005
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42. Interferometric SAR signal analysis in the presence of squint.
- Author
Bara, R., Scheiber, R., and Broquetas, A.
- Published
- 1999
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43. Registration of ‘SR 4100’ Perennial Ryegrass
- Author
Robinson, M. F., Meyer, W. A., Bara, R. F., Dickson, W. K., and Funk, C. R.
- Published
- 1988
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44. Gastrocnemius electrical stimulation increases ankle dorsiflexion strength in patients with post-acute sequelae of SARS-COV-2 (PASC): a double-blind randomized controlled trial.
- Author
Lee M, Zulbaran-Rojas A, Bargas-Ochoa M, Martinez-Leal B, Bara R, Flores-Camargo A, Finco MG, Mishra RK, Beom J, Modi D, Shaib F, and Najafi B
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Female, Middle Aged, Double-Blind Method, SARS-CoV-2, Aged, Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome, Activities of Daily Living, Electromyography, Adult, Ankle physiopathology, Ankle Joint physiopathology, Treatment Outcome, Muscle, Skeletal physiopathology, COVID-19 physiopathology, COVID-19 therapy, Muscle Strength physiology, Electric Stimulation Therapy methods
- Abstract
Post-Acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC) is a multisystem disorder causing persistent musculoskeletal deconditioning and reduced lower extremity strength. Electrical stimulation (E-Stim) to the gastrocnemius muscle can enhance strength outcomes by increasing the frequency of muscle fiber activation. We investigated its effect on individuals with PASC. Participants were randomized into intervention (IG) or control (CG) groups. The IG self-administered daily one-hour E-Stim to both their gastrocnemius muscles using a functional device over 4-week, while the CG used a sham device. Primary outcomes were ankle dorsiflexion strength assessed via dynamometry during maximum voluntary contractions, and gastrocnemius voluntary activation (GVA) via surface electromyography. The secondary outcome assessed activities of daily living (ADL), instrumental ADL, and mobility queries. Percentage improvement was calculated. Eighteen patients were analyzed (IG = 10; CG = 8). After 4 week, the IG showed a significantly higher improvement in ankle dorsiflexion strength (222.64%) compared to the CG (51.27%, p = 0.002). Additionally, the IG's ankle dorsiflexion strength improvement significantly correlated with GVA improvement (rho = 0.782) at 4 week. The secondary outcomes did not reveal significant changes in neither group. Self-administered gastrocnemius E-Stim improves ankle dorsiflexion strength in individuals with PASC. However, larger sample sizes and longer interventions are needed to validate these findings., (© 2024. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2024
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45. Intradialytic plantar electrical nerve stimulation to improve mobility and plantar sensation among adults with diabetes undergoing hemodialysis: a randomized double-blind trial.
- Author
Mishra RK, Najafi B, Hamad A, Bara R, Lee M, Ibrahim R, Mathew M, Talal T, and Al-Ali F
- Subjects
- Humans, Adult, Middle Aged, Renal Dialysis adverse effects, Exercise, Sensation, Hypesthesia, Diabetes Mellitus
- Abstract
Background: Impaired mobility is a debilitating consequence of hemodialysis. We examined the efficacy of intradialytic-plantar-electrical-nerve-stimulation (iPENS) to promote mobility among diabetes patients undergoing hemodialysis.., Methods: Adults with diabetes undergoing hemodialysis received either 1-h active iPENS, (Intervention-Group) or non-functional iPENS (Control-Group) during routine hemodialysis for 12 weeks (3 sessions/week). Participants and care-providers were blinded. Mobility (assessed using a validated pendant-sensor) and neuropathy (quantified by vibration-perception-threshold test) outcomes were assessed at baseline and 12 weeks., Results: Among 77 enrolled subjects (56.2 ± 2.6 years old), 39 were randomly assigned to the intervention group, while 38 were assigned to the control group. No study-related adverse events and dropouts were reported in the intervention group. Compared to the control group, significant improvements with medium to large effect sizes were observed in the intervention group at 12 weeks for mobility-performance metrics, including active-behavior, sedentary-behavior, daily step counts, and sit-to-stand duration variability (p < 0.05), Cohen's d effect size (d = 0.63-0.84). The magnitude of improvement in active-behavior was correlated with improvement in the vibration-perception-threshold test in the intervention group (r = - 0.33, p = 0.048). A subgroup with severe-neuropathy (vibration-perception-threshold > 25 V) showed a significant reduction in plantar numbness at 12 weeks compared to baseline (p = 0.03, d = 1.1)., Conclusions: This study supports feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of iPENS to improve mobility and potentially reduce plantar numbness in people with diabetes undergoing hemodialysis. Considering that exercise programs are not widely used in hemodialysis clinical practice, iPENS may serve as a practical, alternative solution to reduce hemodialysis-acquired weakness and promote mobility., (© 2023. The Author(s) under exclusive licence to Italian Society of Nephrology.)
- Published
- 2023
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46. [Driving and health: the difficult balance between fitness assesment, risk prevention and quality of life. A compromise for driver medical assessment centers.]
- Author
Mirabet Lis E, Valdés Rodríguez E, Pérez Fernández P, Sanz Bara R, Ozcoidi Val M, Gil Tarragato S, and Justo Gil S
- Subjects
- Humans, Accidents, Traffic prevention & control, Safety, Quality of Life, Spain, Automobile Driving
- Abstract
Injuries associated with road crashes are one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in our country. The causes are varied and involve the person driving, the vehicle and other external factors such as public roads and legislation. However most important injuries can be prevented. A useful tool for this purpose is the Psychological Medical Examination Protocol for Drivers' Health Assessment Centers , which has been updated by a working group coordinated by the General Directorate of Traffic and the General Directorate of Public Health with the participation of experts from the Spanish Society of Traffic Medicine and the collaboration of institutions related to road risk assessment. The new version of the protocol highlights both the assessment of road risk associated with health conditions, and as a novelty, the importance of road safety professional's advice to inform and train citizens on how to prevent risks based on their health situation or health condition. It highlights the need for the Drivers' Health Assessment Centers intervention to focus on prevention, being necessary to accompany psychophysical assessment with road safety advice that allows the driver to be aware of the road safety benefits of the prescribed measures. The objective of this article was to make known not only the psychological medical examination protocol, but also the approach that is given to the preventive intervention of road accidents from the health field., Competing Interests: Disclosure The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.
- Published
- 2023
47. Association Between Increased Seizures During Rewarming After Hypothermia for Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy and Abnormal Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at 2-Year Follow-up: A Nested Multisite Cohort Study.
- Author
Chalak LF, Pappas A, Tan S, Das A, Sánchez PJ, Laptook AR, Van Meurs KP, Shankaran S, Bell EF, Davis AS, Heyne RJ, Pedroza C, Poindexter BB, Schibler K, Tyson JE, Ball MB, Bara R, Grisby C, Sokol GM, D'Angio CT, Hamrick SEG, Dysart KC, Cotten CM, Truog WE, Watterberg KL, Timan CJ, Garg M, Carlo WA, and Higgins RD
- Subjects
- Asphyxia Neonatorum complications, Case-Control Studies, Electroencephalography, Female, Humans, Infant, Newborn, Male, Hypothermia, Induced, Hypoxia-Ischemia, Brain complications, Hypoxia-Ischemia, Brain therapy, Rewarming, Seizures etiology
- Abstract
Importance: Compared with normothermia, hypothermia has been shown to reduce death or disability in neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy but data on seizures during rewarming and associated outcomes are scarce., Objective: To determine whether electrographic seizures are more likely to occur during rewarming compared with the preceding period and whether they are associated with abnormal outcomes in asphyxiated neonates receiving hypothermia therapy., Design, Setting, and Participants: This prespecified nested cohort study of infants enrolled in the Optimizing Cooling (OC) multicenter Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Neonatal Research Network trial from December 2011 to December 2013 with 2 years' follow-up randomized infants to either 72 hours of cooling (group A) or 120 hours (group B). The main trial included 364 infants. Of these, 194 were screened, 10 declined consent, and 120 met all predefined inclusion criteria. A total of 112 (90%) had complete data for death or disability. Data were analyzed from January 2018 to January 2020., Interventions: Serial amplitude electroencephalography recordings were compared in the 12 hours prior and 12 hours during rewarming for evidence of electrographic seizure activity by 2 central amplitude-integrated electroencephalography readers blinded to treatment arm and rewarming epoch. Odds ratios and 95% CIs were evaluated following adjustment for center, prior seizures, depth of cooling, and encephalopathy severity., Main Outcomes and Measures: The primary outcome was the occurrence of electrographic seizures during rewarming initiated at 72 or 120 hours compared with the preceding 12-hour epoch. Secondary outcomes included death or moderate or severe disability at age 18 to 22 months. The hypothesis was that seizures during rewarming were associated with higher odds of abnormal neurodevelopmental outcomes., Results: A total of 120 newborns (70 male [58%]) were enrolled (66 in group A and 54 in group B). The mean (SD) gestational age was 39 (1) weeks. There was excellent interrater agreement (κ, 0.99) in detection of seizures. More infants had electrographic seizures during the rewarming epoch compared with the preceding epoch (group A, 27% vs 14%; P = .001; group B, 21% vs 10%; P = .03). Adjusted odd ratios (95% CIs) for seizure frequency during rewarming were 2.7 (1.0-7.5) for group A and 3.2 (0.9-11.6) for group B. The composite death or moderate to severe disability outcome at 2 years was significantly higher in infants with electrographic seizures during rewarming (relative risk [95% CI], 1.7 [1.25-2.37]) after adjusting for baseline clinical encephalopathy and seizures as well as center., Conclusions and Relevance: Findings that higher odds of electrographic seizures during rewarming are associated with death or disability at 2 years highlight the necessity of electroencephalography monitoring during rewarming in infants at risk., Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01192776.
- Published
- 2021
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48. High taxonomic resolution surveys and trait-based analyses reveal multiple benthic regimes in North Sulawesi (Indonesia).
- Author
Reverter M, Jackson M, Rohde S, Moeller M, Bara R, Lasut MT, Segre Reinach M, and Schupp PJ
- Abstract
As coral reef communities change and reorganise in response to increasing disturbances, there is a growing need for understanding species regimes and their contribution to ecosystem processes. Using a case study on coral reefs at the epicentre of tropical marine biodiversity (North Sulawesi, Indonesia), we explored how application of different biodiversity approaches (i.e., use of major taxonomic categories, high taxonomic resolution categories and trait-based approaches) affects the detection of distinct fish and benthic communities. Our results show that using major categories fails to identify distinct coral reef regimes. We also show that monitoring of only scleractinian coral communities is insufficient to detect different benthic regimes, especially communities dominated by non-coral organisms, and that all types of benthic organisms need to be considered. We have implemented the use of a trait-based approach to study the functional diversity of whole coral reef benthic assemblages, which allowed us to detect five different community regimes, only one of which was dominated by scleractinian corals. Furthermore, by the parallel study of benthic and fish communities we provide new insights into key processes and functions that might dominate or be compromised in the different community regimes., (© 2021. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2021
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49. Antibacterial scalarane from Doriprismatica stellata nudibranchs (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia), egg ribbons, and their dietary sponge Spongia cf. agaricina (Demospongiae, Dictyoceratida).
- Author
Hertzer C, Kehraus S, Böhringer N, Kaligis F, Bara R, Erpenbeck D, Wörheide G, Schäberle TF, Wägele H, and König GM
- Abstract
Investigations on the biochemical relationship between Doriprismatica stellata (Chromodorididae, Doridoidea) nudibranchs, their egg ribbons, and the associated dietary sponge Spongia cf. agaricina (Demospongiae, Porifera) led to the isolation of the structurally new scalarane-type sesterterpene 12-deacetoxy-4-demethyl-11,24-diacetoxy-3,4-methylenedeoxoscalarin, with an unprecedented position of the cyclopropane ring annelated to the ring A. Unlike other scalaranes, which are most often functionalized at C-12 of ring C, it bears two acetoxy groups at C-11 and C-24 instead. The compound was present in all three samples, supporting the dietary relationship between chromodorid nudibranchs of the genus Doriprismatica and scalarane-containing dictyoceratid sponges of the Spongiidae family. The results also indicate that D. stellata passes the scalarane metabolite on to its egg ribbons, most likely for protective purposes. The scalarane showed antibacterial activity against the Gram-positive bacteria Arthrobacter crystallopoietes (DSM 20117) and Bacillus megaterium (DSM 32)., (Copyright © 2020, Hertzer et al.; licensee Beilstein-Institut.)
- Published
- 2020
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50. Description of a new Moridilla species from North Sulawesi, Indonesia (Mollusca: Nudibranchia: Aeolidioidea)-based on MicroCT, histological and molecular analyses.
- Author
Schillo D, Wipfler B, Undap N, Papu A, Böhringer N, Eisenbarth JH, Kaligis F, Bara R, Schäberle TF, König GM, and Wägele H
- Subjects
- Animals, Indonesia, Phylogeny, RNA, Ribosomal, 16S, X-Ray Microtomography, Gastropoda
- Abstract
We describe a new species, Moridilla jobeli sp. nov., belonging to the marine heterobranch group Aeolidioidea. Up to now, it is only recorded from Bunaken National Park, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. A combination of histological, computer tomographic and scanning electron microscopic methods was applied in order to describe and illustrate the anatomy of Moridilla jobeli sp. nov. in detail. Furthermore, we conducted molecular analyses which include available partial COI and 16S rRNA sequences, as well as the nuclear gene Histone 3 (H3) of Facelinidae and Aeolidiidae. NeighborNet analyses, species delimitation tests and phylogenetic reconstruction methods show the distinctiveness of the new species from the type species Moridilla brockii Bergh, 1888 and the two recently described species Moridilla fifo Carmona Wilson, 2018 and Moridilla hermanita Carmona Wilson, 2018, as well as the monophyly of the genus. A phylogenetic analysis of the Facelinidae and Aeolidiidae does not result in a resolved tree, therefore relationship of former assumed closely related genera, Noumeaella Risbec, 1937 and Palisa Edmunds, 1964, cannot be discussed in detail.
- Published
- 2019
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