94 results on '"Barbara Baraniak"'
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2. W poszukiwaniu oblicza współczesnego uniwersytetu – spojrzenie pedagoga pracy
- Author
Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
uniwersytet ,przyszłość uniwersytetu ,student ,pracownik ,university ,the future of university ,employee ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Niniejszy artykuł, do napisania którego inspiracją stała się koncepcja Billa Readginsa, wpisuje się w dyskurs o poszukiwanie oblicza współczesnego uniwersytetu. Badacz ten już w 1995 r. zaczął postrzegać uniwersytet jako ruiną coraz trudniejszą do zamieszkania przez wspólnotę uczonych i ich uczniów, połączonych pasją poszukiwania prawdy. Więcej nie dając schronienia myśleniu, ruiny uniwersytetu zamieniają uczonych w biurokratów, a studentów w konsumentów nabywających kompetencje pożądane dla rynku pracy (Readgins,2017, s. 7–8). Zastanawiał się, na ile owo spostrzeżenie wpisuje się w modelowanie i reformowanie uniwersytetów w różnych krajach. Ja również wpisałam się w dyskurs dotyczący przyszłości uniwersytetów w Polsce oraz tego, które z priorytetów Readingsa zadecydują o przyszłym kształcie uniwersytetu – nauka i jej rozwój wyznaczony badaniami czy problemy rynku pracy wyznaczające kierunki przygotowywania studentów do pracy zawodowej, w tym w Polsce. Uniwersytety nie pozostają obojętne dla nowych obszarów wyznaczanych przez trendy cywilizacyjne, takie jak m.in. rynek pracy, ukierunkowujący edukacyjny wymiar szkolnictwa wyższego, z uniwersyteckim szkolnictwem włącznie. Historia uniwersytetów ukazuje powstawanie pierwszych uczelni wyższych w Europie i ich oddziaływanie na inne kraje, w tym na Polskę. Wreszcie przybliżam kierunek rozwoju uniwersytetów, wyznaczony nowymi realiami życia społecznego i gospodarczego, oddziaływujący na programy uniwersytetów – już nie tylko klasycznych, ale i tzw. przymiotnikowych w Polsce, a ze względu na status własności – publicznych i niepublicznych, co z kolei kierunkuje ich nadzorowanie przez Ministra Nauki i Sztuki lub właściwego ministra dla wykładanej problematyki w uniwersytecie, a także na podmioty je tworzące. Przyszłość uniwersytetów wydaje się raczej niezagrożona, wyrazem czego jest dążenie uczelni o uznanej renomie do przekształcania się w uniwersytety o różnym profilu, tzw. przymiotnikowe, w których kształcenie dostosowane jest do rynku pracy, jak również wymagań jednostek organizacyjnych wpisanych w struktury uczelniane, co nie może być w żadnej mierze pomijane, a wręcz jest preferowany.
- Published
- 2020
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3. Pedagogika pracy modelowana systemowo
- Author
Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
system ,systemologia ,model ,Klasyfikacje Zawodów i Specjalności ,Polska Klasyfikacja Działalności ,pedagogika pracy w systemach nauk pedagogicznych i nauk o pracy ,Industries. Land use. Labor ,HD28-9999 ,Education - Abstract
Pedagogika pracy nie doczekała się modelowania systemowego, zwanego teorią modelowania systemowego, określaną również mianem systemologii. Twórczynią tej teorii w Polsce jest Krystyna Duraj-Nowakowa (1997). Niniejszy tekst podejmuje próbę adaptacji tej teorii do pedagogiki pracy. Podjęta inicjatywa jest ze wszech miar zasadna, bowiem w pedagogice pracy występuje wiele zagadnień, które już są wymodelowane systemowo. Ich przykłady to np. pedagogika pracy w systemie nauk, w tym pedagogicznych i nauk o pracy; Klasyfikacje Zawodów i Specjalności; Polska Klasyfikacja Działalności; edukacja jako kryterium modelowania pedagogiki pracy.
- Published
- 2022
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4. Stefana kardynała Wyszyńskiego wizja pracy i jej popularyzacja wśród środowisk pozakatolickich
- Author
Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
Stefan kardynał Wyszyński, człowiek, praca, praca ludzka, duch pracy ludzkiej, urzeczywistnianie się człowieka w pracy ludzkiej, cnoty pracy ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Wizja pracy Stefana kardynała Wyszyńskiego, choć upowszechniana jest już od 1946 roku, czyli zapoczątkowana pierwszym wydaniem monografii Duch pracy ludzkiej, to wciąż jej popularność jest dużo mniejsza, aniżeli innych teorii i koncepcji pracy. Jest to zapewne wynik słabej promocji w środowiskach pozakatolickich, pomimo że jej autorem jest jedna z najwybitniejszych osobistości polskiego życia publicznego – kardynał Stefan Wyszyński. Zatem w roku beatyfikacji warto ją przywołać, aby była znana wszystkim środowiskom, w tym również spoza kręgu katolickiego. Wizja pracy kardynała opiera się na czterech filarach: (1) antropocentryzm, który sytuuje człowieka w centrum wszelkiego działania; (2) biblijny opis pracy człowieka – czyńcie sobie ziemię poddaną (Rdz 1, 28), który wyznacza jedno z zadań Stwórcy dla człowieka w postaci nakazu pracy, ale i – co promuje Wyszyński – stanowi wskazanie dla człowieka, mówiące o sposobie urzeczywistnienia własnego człowieczeństwa w procesie pracy, dzięki zaangażowaniu w proces pracy i chęć udoskonalania; (3) duch pracy ludzkiej i jego wielowymiarowość, w co wpisują się postaci ducha: m.in. wychowawczego, pracy, jałmużny, cywilizacji, przyjaźni, współpracy, ciszy czy pokoju; (4) cnota pracy ludzkiej, rozumiana m.in. przez cierpliwość w pracy, nieskwapliwość, wytrwałość i stałość w pracy, a także sumienność i pilność oraz cichość i współpracę.
- Published
- 2021
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5. Człowiek pracujący w kręgu pracy i jej uniwersum
- Author
Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
praca ,uniwersalizm ,człowiek ,człowiek pracujący ,uniwersalizm pracy ,work ,universalism ,human being ,working man ,universalism of work ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Przedmiotem niniejszych rozważań uczyniono pracę. Uznawana jest ona nie tylko jako swoisty fenomen kulturowy i cywilizacyjny, ale także jako kategoria uniwersalistyczna, wyprowadzona z wartości, tkwiących w pracy. Wiatrowski (2004) określił pracę i jej uniwersalizm takimi wartościami jak „samoistna, autoteliczna, to znaczy taka, która ma zastosowanie zawsze i wszędzie”.
- Published
- 2019
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6. Mathematical Modeling of Water-Soluble Astaxanthin Release from Binary Polysaccharide/Gelatin Blend Matrices
- Author
Katarzyna Łupina, Dariusz Kowalczyk, Tomasz Skrzypek, and Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
edible films ,carboxymethyl cellulose ,gum Arabic ,octenyl succinic anhydride starch ,water-soluble soy polysaccharides ,gelatin ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
Water-soluble AstaSana astaxanthin (AST) was loaded into 75/25 blend films made of polysaccharides (carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), gum Arabic (GAR), starch sodium octenyl succinate (OSA), water-soluble soy polysaccharides (WSSP)) and gelatin (GEL) at levels of 0.25, 0.5, and 1%, respectively. Due to the presence of starch granules in the AST formulation, the supplemented films exhibited increased surface roughness as compared to the AST-free films. Apart from the CMC/GEL carrier, the migration of AST to water (25 °C, 32 h) was incomplete. Excluding the CMC-based carrier, the gradual rise in the AST concentration decreased the release rate. The Hopfenberg with time lag model provided the best fit for all release series data. Based on the quarter-release times (t25%), the 0.25% AST-supplemented OSA/GEL film (t25% = 13.34 h) ensured a 1.9, 2.2, and 148.2 slower release compared to the GAR-, WSSP- and CMC-based carriers, respectively. According to the Korsmeyer–Peppas model, the CMC-based films offered a quasi-Fickian release of AST (n < 0.5) with the burst effect (t100% = 0.5–1 h). In general, the release of AST from the other films was multi-mechanistic (n > 0.5), i.e., controlled at least by Fickian diffusion and the polymer relaxation (erosion) mechanism. The 1% AST-added WSSP/GEL system provided the most linear release profile.
- Published
- 2021
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7. The Influence of Hypericum perforatum L. Addition to Wheat Cookies on Their Antioxidant, Anti-Metabolic Syndrome, and Antimicrobial Properties
- Author
Anna Jakubczyk, Kaja Kiersnowska, Begümhan Ömeroğlu, Urszula Gawlik-Dziki, Krzysztof Tutaj, Kamila Rybczyńska-Tkaczyk, Magdalena Szydłowska-Tutaj, Urszula Złotek, and Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
Hypericum perforatum L. ,antioxidants ,metabolic syndrome ,cookies ,Chemical technology ,TP1-1185 - Abstract
The aim of this study was to characterize wheat cookies enriched with 0.5% and 1.0% of Hypericum perforatum L. (St. John’s wort, SJW) and determine their pro-health properties in vitro after hydrolysis in simulated gastrointestinal conditions. The results indicated that 1.0 SJW was characterized by the highest content of polyphenols, flavonoids, and phenolic acids (2.32 mg mL−1, 4.93 µg mL−1, and 12.35 µg mL−1, respectively). The enriching cookies had no effect on water absorption capacity (WAC) and oil absorption capacity (OAC). After in vitro hydrolysis, the highest peptide content was noted in 1.0 SJW (0.52 mg mL−1), and the bioactive compounds were characterized by high potential bioaccessibility (PAC), but poor bioavailability (PAV). The addition of SJW increased the ACE, α-amylase, and LOX inhibitory effect, but reduced the inhibition of pancreatic lipase. The highest antioxidant activity was noted for 1.0 SJW. The results showed that only 0.5 SJW and 1.0 SJW had slight antimicrobial activity against E. coli ATCC 25922 and B. cereus ATCC 14579 with MIC = 12.5 mg mL−1. Fractions with molecular mass
- Published
- 2021
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8. Potentially Bioaccessible Phenolic and Antioxidant Potential of Fresh and Stored Lentil Sprouts—Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum 299v Enrichment
- Author
Urszula Gawlik-Dziki, Barbara Baraniak, Małgorzata Sikora, Anna Jakubczyk, Ireneusz Kapusta, and Michał Świeca
- Subjects
lentil ,Lactobacillus plantarum ,phenolic compounds ,antioxidant activity ,storage ,bioaccessibility ,Organic chemistry ,QD241-441 - Abstract
The phenolic and antioxidant potential of potentially bioaccessible fractions of lentil sprouts was studied. Sprouts were cocultivated with a probiotic to obtain a new functional product and further stored in cool conditions. The fraction obtained after buffer extraction and gastric digestion had higher content of phenolics compared to the control (by 20% and 46%, respectively); however, a 9% decrease was observed in samples obtained after gastrointestinal digestion. After gastrointestinal digestion, the highest content of phenolics (278 µg/g d.w.) was determined in the fresh control sprouts. Compounds neutralizing ABTS and hydroxyl radicals, chelating metal ions, and exhibiting strong reducing power were effectively released after gastrointestinal digestion (e.g., the values of the gastrointestinal digestibility index for chelating power and ability to quench hydroxyl radicals significantly exceeded 1 in all studied samples). It was proved that the enrichment of sprouts with a probiotic and further storage significantly improved the antioxidant potential; compared to the fresh control sprouts, an increase by 45% and 10% was determined after the gastric and gastrointestinal digestion, respectively. Lentil sprouts enriched with L. plantarum 299v may be a new functional product characterized by the high antioxidant capacity of the potentially bioaccessible fraction.
- Published
- 2021
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9. Characterisation of Biologically Active Hydrolysates and Peptide Fractions of Vacuum Packaging String Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.)
- Author
Anna Jakubczyk, Monika Karaś, Piotr Stanikowski, Beata Rutkowska, Magdalena Dziedzic, Ewelina Zielińska, Konrad A. Szychowski, Urszula E. Binduga, Kamila Rybczyńska-Tkaczyk, and Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
bioactive peptides ,string bean ,nutritional potential ,vacuum-packing ,in vitro digestion ,Chemical technology ,TP1-1185 - Abstract
The aim of the study is to characterise biologically active hydolysates and peptide fractions obtained from vacuum-packed string beans (Phaseolus vulragis L.) (PB). Unpacked beans were a control sample. The influence on human squamous carcinoma cell line SCC-15 (ATCC CRL-1623) was determined. Packed bean (PB) and unpacked bean (UB) extracts were found to exert no effect on the tongue squamous carcinoma cells. The results of the study indicated that the packing process contributed to the retention of protein, soluble dietary fibre, and free sugar (2.36, 3.5, and 1.79 g/100 d.m., respectively). PB was characterised by higher antioxidant activity (expressed as neutralisation of 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS ABTS•+) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH·) free radicals) as well as Fe2+ chelation and reducing power (IC50 = 54.56, 0.46, 3.85 mg mL−1; 0.088 A700/peptide content, respectively) than the UB samples before hydrolysis. The hydrolysis process enhanced these properties. The IC50 value of lipase and α-amylase inhibitory activity of the hydrolysates obtained from UB was reduced. The PB and UB fractions exhibited a certain level of antimicrobial activity against S. aureus and E. coli. Candida albicans were not sensitive to these peptide fractions.
- Published
- 2020
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10. Characteristics of New Peptides GQLGEHGGAGMG, GEHGGAGMGGGQFQPV, EQGFLPGPEESGR, RLARAGLAQ, YGNPVGGVGH, and GNPVGGVGHGTTGT as Inhibitors of Enzymes Involved in Metabolic Syndrome and Antimicrobial Potential
- Author
Urszula Złotek, Anna Jakubczyk, Kamila Rybczyńska-Tkaczyk, Paula Ćwiek, Barbara Baraniak, and Sławomir Lewicki
- Subjects
peptides ,inhibitory ,metabolic syndrome ,cytotoxic properties ,antimicrobial activity ,Organic chemistry ,QD241-441 - Abstract
The aim of this study was to determine the cytotoxic properties, influence on enzyme activity involved in metabolic syndrome, and antimicrobial activity of synthetic peptides with GQLGEHGGAGMG, GEHGGAGMGGGQFQPV, EQGFLPGPEESGR, RLARAGLAQ, YGNPVGGVGH, and GNPVGGVGHGTTGT sequences. Peptides have no cytotoxic effect on cells. The highest inhibitory effect on angiotensin converting enzyme I was noted for peptide GT-14 (IC50 = 525.63 µg/mL). None of the tested peptides had an influence on α-glucosidase. The highest α-amylase and lipase inhibitory activity was noted for GG-12 (IC50 = 56.72 and 60.62 µg/mL, respectively). The highest lipoxidase inhibitory activity was determined for peptide ER-13 (IC50 = 84.35 µg/mL). Peptide RQ-9 was characterized by the highest COX inhibitory activity (0.31 and 4.77 µg/mL for COX-1 and COX-2, respectively). Only peptide RQ-9 inhibited S. enteritidis ATCC 4931 growth (42–48%) in all tested concentrations (15.62–250 mg/mL).
- Published
- 2020
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11. Lactobacillus plantarum 299V improves the microbiological quality of legume sprouts and effectively survives in these carriers during cold storage and in vitro digestion.
- Author
Michał Świeca, Monika Kordowska-Wiater, Monika Pytka, Urszula Gawlik-Dziki, Justyna Bochnak, Urszula Złotek, and Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Probiotics improve consumers' health and additionally may positively influence the microbiological and organoleptic quality of food. In the study, legume sprouts were inoculated with Lactobacilllus plantarum 299V to produce a new functional product ensuring the growth and survival of the probiotic and high microbiological quality of the final product. Legume sprouts, which are an excellent source of nutrients, were proposed as alternative carriers for the probiotic. The key factors influencing the production of probiotic-rich sprouts include the temperature (25°C) of sprouting and methods of inoculation (soaking seeds in a suspension of probiotics). Compared to the control sprouts, the sprouts enriched with the probiotic were characterized by lower mesophilic bacterial counts. In the case of fresh and stored probiotic-rich sprouts, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) accounted for a majority of total microorganisms. The Lb. plantarum population was also stable during the cold storage. The high count of LAB observed in the digest confirmed the fact that the studied sprouts are effective carriers for probiotics and ensure their survival in the harmful conditions of the digestive tract in an in vitro model. Enrichment of legume sprouts with probiotics is a successful attempt and yields products for a new branch of functional foods.
- Published
- 2018
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12. Wprowadzenie do wartości nie tylko dla pedagogów [Recenzja: Encyklopedia aksjologii pedagogicznej (2016). Krystyna Chałas, Adam Maj, Marta Buk-Cegiełka, Beata Komorowska (red.). Radom: Polskie Wydawnictwo Encyklopedyczne Polwen, 1572 s.]
- Author
Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
Education (General) ,L7-991 - Published
- 2017
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13. Antioxidant and Potentially Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Anthocyanin Fractions from Pomace Obtained from Enzymatically Treated Raspberries
- Author
Urszula Szymanowska and Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
raspberry pomace ,anthocyanins ,pectinolytic enzymes ,antioxidant activity ,anti-inflammatory activity ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 - Abstract
Raspberry pomace was obtained from raspberries subjected to enzymatic maceration using three commercial pectinolytic preparations (Pectinex Ultra SP-L, Pectinex Yield Mash, and Ultrazym AFP-L). Phenolic compounds were extracted and anthocyanin fractions were isolated using the SPE solid phase extraction technique. In the separated anthocyanin fractions, the content of individual compounds was determined by the HPLC technique and the antioxidant activity was assessed with four complementary methods (DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activity, chelating Fe(II) power, and ferric reducing power). Potential anti-inflammatory properties were also identified as the ability to inhibit the activity of lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase 2. For these enzymes, the type of inhibition was determined based on the Lineweaver−Burke plot.
- Published
- 2019
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14. Od redakacji
- Author
Dariusz Stępkowski, Emilia Śmiechowska-Petrovskij, Barbara Baraniak, and Aleksandra Kulpa-Puczyńska
- Subjects
Education (General) ,L7-991 - Published
- 2016
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15. Środowisko przyrodnicze współczesnym problemem nie tylko nauk pedagogicznych, ale i pedagogiki pracy, włącznie z naukami o pracy
- Author
Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
środowisko ,środowisko naturalne ,środowisko przyrodnicze ,człowiek ,praca ,pedagogika pracy ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Dotychczas mało doceniane, wręcz niedostrzegane przez większość nauk o pracy, w tym przez pedagogikę pracy, środowisko przyrodnicze obecnie przeżywa renesans. Poszukuje się przyjaźniejszych mu metod pracy, powszechniej stosuje niekonwencjonalne systemy grzewcze, nie tylko w działalności gospodarczej, ale i w gospodarstwach domowych. Wreszcie odchodzi się od opakowań i wytworów niebiodegradowalnych na rzecz ulegających biodegradacji w krótkim czasie. Owe założenia kierują się w stronę pracy i życia człowieka oraz wynikają z potrzeby uczynienia ich przyjaznymi środowisku przyrodniczemu. Zadania te wpisują się w działania kilku dyscyplin wiedzy, w tym pedagogicznych i nauk o pracy, rozpatrujących pracę z wielu punktów widzenia i starających się na tej podstawie ukazać oczekiwania wobec przyrody, w tym samej pracy oraz pracującego i żyjącego w środowisku przyrodniczym człowieka.
- Published
- 2016
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16. Edukacja zawodowa w kreowaniu zmian szkolnictwa ponadgimnazjalnego i wyższego, zorientowanych na rynek pracy
- Author
Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
edukacja ,edukacja zawodowa ,reforma oświaty ,rynek pracy ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Edukacja zawodowa rozpoznana naukowo na przełomie XX i XXI wieku aktualnie wpisuje się w kierunki reform szkolnictwa ponadgimnazjalnego i wyższego i ich rynkowego orientowania, wyrażając w ten sposób troskę o losy zawodowe absolwentów, rozumiane jako ich szanse na zatrudnienie, czyli wpisanie edukacji w oczekiwania pracodawców. W ich wypełnieniu przydatne będą modele zawodów i ich kształcenia, w tym modułowego, dostosowywanego do efektów kształcenia na różnych jego poziomach i w różnych rozwiązaniach organizacyjnych, starających zapewniać się w ten sposób nie tylko elastyczność ścieżek, ale również adekwatność oferty edukacyjnej do nieustannie zmieniającego się świata pracy. Należy żywić nadzieję, iż powyższe rozwiązania, wdrażane do praktyki edukacyjnej po ponad dwudziestoletnich badaniach, poprawią relację między edukacją a rynkiem pracy, wyrażoną lepszą sytuacją absolwentów na tymże rynku.
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Wizja pracy Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego dowodzi, że nic nie straciła na swojej aktualności i wciąż może być na nowo odkrywana i inspirować do wzbogacania teorii nauk zainteresowanych pracą. Szczególnie istotne wciąż pozostają kwestie pracy dostrzeżone już przez Kardynała, a odniesione nie tylko do potrzeby doskonalenia wytworu pracy, ale przede wszystkim człowieka, uznane za unijny priorytet. Człowiek w procesie pracy winien być świadomy pełnego wachlarza kwalifikacji, a w szczególności tych najcenniejszych dla kompetencyjności pracownika w pracy zawodowej. Kwestę tę ilustrują kwalifikacje społeczno-moralne określane wyznaczające stosunek człowieka do pracy, stopień jego identyfikacji z zawodem, stosunek do przełożonych, współpracowników, warunków pracy. Cechy te pozostają ważne zarówno dla pracownika jak i pracodawcy, owocując obopólnymi korzyściami, np. satysfakcją z pracy, wyższym wynagrodzeniem i następnie przekładają się na efekty ekonomiczne zakładu pracy, wyrażone lepszą jakością pracy i jej wytworów. Owe przymioty pracy Kardynał Stefan Wyszyński nazwał cnotami pracy.1 Wspaniale wpisują się one w kategorię ethosu w modelu cech osobowościowych człowieka i istotnie wzbogacając teorię pedagogiki pracy.
- Published
- 2016
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18. Pedagogika pracy zorientowana prośrodowiskowo
- Author
Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
pedagogika pracy ,ochrona środowiska ,orientacja prośrodowiskowa ,Industries. Land use. Labor ,HD28-9999 ,Education - Abstract
Spektrum zainteresowania pedagogiki pracy skupia się wokół wychowania, człowieka oraz pracy. W ten sposób określony przedmiot badań tej subdyscypliny sytuuje człowieka w centrum, zainteresowanego pracą i przygotowaniem do niej, co czyni edukacja poprzez kształcenie i wychowanie. Człowieka charakteryzują jego indywidualne cechy, które tak trafnie określił już Arystoteles, zaś pracę - czynniki. Relacje między cechami osobowościowymi a czynnikami pracy - to nic innego - jak relacje między człowiekiem a pracą. One tworzą różne płaszczyzny analiz, dlatego pedagogice pracy nie pozostają obce nurty filozoficzne, psychologiczne, socjologiczne, pedagogiczne, a współcześnie dopełniają je środowiskowe. Pomimo iż ten ostatni aspekt nie jest nowym problemem, bowiem już twórca pedagogiki pracy Tadeusz W. Nowacki w swoich dyskursach naukowych ukazywał rolę postępu technicznego wraz z człowiekiem, jako jego twórcy, to wówczas bardziej ceniony był nowy pomysł pracy, wpisany w twórczość człowieka, a kontekst ochrony środowiska był pomijany za cenę maksymalizacji zysku. Tenże autor na początku nowego tysiąclecia w swej nowej koncepcji układu i opisu elementów procesu pracy wyodrębniał kategorię zagospodarowania odpadów w procesie pracy. W ten sposób stworzył podwaliny do Strategii Komisji Europejskiej „Europa 2020 - strategii na rzecz inteligentnego i zrównoważonego rozwoju sprzyjającego włączaniu społeczeństwa”, która promuje m.in. zrównoważony rozwój, ostatnio interesujący również Papieża Franciszka, przywołującego nie tylko pieśń św. Franciszka z Asyżu o matce ziemi, która nas żywi i chowa, ale nawiązującego również do wcześniejszych papieskich encyklik, ukazujących wiele czynników, w tym gospodarczych i nie do końca przemyślanych zachowań człowieka, żądnego sławy, a przez to doprowadzających do współczesnych katastrof ekologicznych. Pogląd papieski wpisany w myśl Nestora pedagogiki pracy dowodzi, iż treści ekologiczne nie powinny być pominięte w tej subdyscyplinie, ale wręcz wpisane w nią, ukazując przez treści prośrodowiskowe nurt rozwojowy pedagogiki pracy.
- Published
- 2016
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19. Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory, and Postulated Cytotoxic Activity of Phenolic and Anthocyanin-Rich Fractions from Polana Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) Fruit and Juice—In Vitro Study
- Author
Urszula Szymanowska, Barbara Baraniak, and Anna Bogucka-Kocka
- Subjects
raspberry mash and juice ,phenolic and anthocyanin-rich fraction ,antioxidant activity ,anti-inflammatory activity ,cytotoxic activity ,Organic chemistry ,QD241-441 - Abstract
In this study, the antioxidative and anti-inflammatory potential of crude extracts (CE), anthocyanin-rich fractions (ARF), and phenolic fractions (PF) from raspberry (R) and raspberry juice (J) were evaluated. The antioxidant properties were evaluated with three complementary assays: DPPH radical scavenging activity, chelating Fe(II) power, and ferric reducing power. The highest antioxidant activity was determined for the crude extract from raspberry pulp (RCE) in the case of all methods used. The anti-inflammatory activity was demonstrated by inhibitory effect on lipoxygenase (LOX) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) activity in vitro. The highest efficiency in inhibiting the activity of both enzymes was exhibited by RCE, 0.79 and 0.59 mg FW/mL, respectively. In turn, JARF had the lowest ability to inhibit LOX (EC50 = 4.5 mg FW/mL) and JPF caused the lowest COX-2 inhibition (1.75 mg FW/mL). Additionally, we have performed a pilot study of in vitro cytotoxic activity using two human leukemia cell lines: J45 and HL60. All examined extracts inhibited the viability of J45 cells more effectively than HL60. The highest cytotoxic effect was observed in the J45.01 cell line after exposure to RCE (EC50 = 0.0375 mg FW/mL).
- Published
- 2018
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20. Wychowanie przez pracę, do pracy i w pracy – współczesną całożyciową teorią, interesującą nie tylko pedagogów pracy
- Author
Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
wychowanie przez pracę ,wychowanie do pracy ,wychowanie w pracy ,Education ,Social Sciences ,Sociology (General) ,HM401-1281 - Abstract
Współczesna formuła problematyki pracy i wychowania, aktualnie skoncentrowana zarówno na zagadnieniu wychowania przez pracę i do pracy, jak i samej pracy, staje się interesującą propozycją nie tylko dla pedagogów pracy, ale również domu rodzinnego, wszystkich typów szkół oraz zakładów pracy. Pedagodzy pracy czynią ją szczególnym przedmiotem rozważań we wszystkich swych obszarach problemowych, a jej aktualna poszerzona formuła staje się współcześnie oczekiwaną i akceptowaną całożyciową ideą, począwszy od działań domu rodzinnego, poprzez edukację przedzawodową i zawodową, zarówno w szkolnym, jak i w pozaszkolnym systemie, obejmującym swym zasięgiem również zakład pracy. Jej zakres wyznaczają działania powyższych podmiotów, wpisujące się w idee wychowania przez pracę, do pracy i w pracy, a dopełniane w zakładach pracy, gdzie dla pracującego człowieka i pracodawcy ważne są nie tylko kwalifikacje zawodowe, ale i postawy, wyrażone kwalifikacjami społeczno-moralnymi, opisanymi dobrą, sumienną, rzetelną, uczciwą i odpowiedzialną pracą. Dzięki nim pracownik kształtuje odpowiedni stosunek do pracy, jej jakości, angażuje się w pracę, wyrażając nie tylko wielowymiarowość problemów wychowania i pracy, ale również czyniąc problemy wychowania przez pracę, do pracy i w pracy całożyciowym procesem.
- Published
- 2015
21. Zmiany cywilizacyjne w rozwoju zawodoznawstwa wyznaczającego kierunek modelowania i reformowania edukacji zawodowej
- Author
Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
cywilizacja ,zmiany cywilizacyjne ,zawodoznawstwo ,modele zawodów ,edukacja zawodowa ,Industries. Land use. Labor ,HD28-9999 ,Education - Abstract
Współczesność niesie wiele problemów dla żyjącego w niej człowieka. Zaliczyć do nich można intensywny rozwój naukowy, którego współczesnym wymiarem jest obszar technologii informacyjnych, ale również automatyzacji i coraz śmielej promowanej robotyzacji w wielu sferach życia człowieka, w tym w pracy zawodowej. Charakter przemian nie może pozostać obojętny dla zawodoznawstwa, wyznaczającego kierunek modelowania edukacji zawodowej. Podobne założenia przyświecały twórcom aktualnej reformy, która − koncentrując się na trendach rynkowych − uznaje wymagania współczesnej pracy, a szansę jej otrzymania upatruje w identyfikacji umiejętności ukształtowanych w procesach edukacyjnych. Dobre przygotowanie do pracy w zawodach odpowiadających trendom rynkowym powinno być źródłem zadowolenia człowieka jako pracownika, z możliwością jego dalszego rozwoju, w co wpisuje się model edukacji zawodowej integrującej kształcenie zawodowe z ustawicznym w jeden obszar pedagogiki pracy, zainicjowany przez R. Gerlacha, a następnie poznawczo i naukowo rozwijany przez B. Baraniak. Ta swoista koncepcja jest dobrą podstawą teoretyczną do inwestycji w kapitał ludzki. Jego rozwój pozwoli nie tylko zmieniać współczesny rynek pracy, ale będzie sprawiać, iż tylko wykształceni pracownicy, i to w nowych zawodach, przydatnych w rozwijającym się współcześnie sektorze usług, będą mogli liczyć na zatrudnienie.
- Published
- 2014
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22. Jakość białka koncentratów otrzymanych różnymi metodami z nasion grochu odmiany Piast
- Author
Barbara Baraniak and Małgorzata Niezabitowska
- Subjects
Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 ,Ecology ,QH540-549.5 - Abstract
The polyelectrolyte Magnafloc M22S and Superfloc A150 were tested in the process of obtaining protein preparation from pea cv. Piast. Additionally, preparations were precipitated by polyelectrolyte with calcium ions. The total protein, true protein, amino acid content, electrophoretic and chromatographic separation of protein of the obtained preparations were compared with concentrate precipitated at the isoelectric point of protein. Total protein content (N × 6.25) ranged from 80 to 89%, whereas true protein constituted 75–85% of total protein. EAAI (essential amino acid index) varied from 76 to 87 and the highest value was obtained in concentrate from Magnafloc M22S with calcium ions flocculation. There were no significant differences in hydrophilic amino acid content. These values of acid preparation (PA), Magnafloc M22S preparation (PM), Magnafloc M22S with calcium ions preparation (PM1), Superfloc A150 preparation (PS) and Superfloc A150 with calcium ions preparation (PS1) were 57.9, 56.3, 57.9, 57.1, 56.1 and 56.1%, respectively. Gel electrophoresis of protein of all concentrates (except PM1) showed similar molecular weight subunit patterns ranging from 53 to 106 kDa. The results indicate that the coagulant used influence protein quality of peas concentrates.
- Published
- 2004
23. Evaluation of ACE, α-glucosidase, and lipase inhibitory activities of peptides obtained by in vitro digestion of selected species of edible insects
- Author
Ewelina Zielińska, Monika Karaś, Barbara Baraniak, and Anna Jakubczyk
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_classification ,0303 health sciences ,biology ,030309 nutrition & dietetics ,Peptide ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,General Chemistry ,040401 food science ,Biochemistry ,Chemical synthesis ,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering ,Hydrolysate ,In vitro ,03 medical and health sciences ,0404 agricultural biotechnology ,Enzyme ,chemistry ,Sephadex ,biology.protein ,Lipase ,IC50 ,Food Science ,Biotechnology - Abstract
The objective of this study was to examine the inhibition of the activity of enzymes associated with development of the metabolic syndrome by peptide fractions received from simulated gastrointestinal digestion and absorption of heat-treated edible insects. The inhibitory activities of insect-derived peptides were determined against key enzymes relevant to the metabolic syndrome such as the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), pancreatic lipase, and α-glucosidase. After the in vitro absorption process, all hydrolysates showed high inhibitory activity; however, the most effective metabolic syndrome-inhibitory peptides were received after separation on Sephadex G10. The best results were found for peptide fractions obtained from Schistocerca gregaria. The highest enzymes inhibitory activities were obtained for peptide fractions from S. gregaria: boiled for ACE (IC50 3.95 µg mL−1), baked for lipase (IC50 9.84 µg mL−1), and raw for α-glucosiadase (IC50 1.89 µg mL−1) S. gregaria, respectively. Twelve sequences of peptides from the edible insects were identified and their chemical synthesis was carried out as well. Among the synthesized peptides, the KVEGDLK, YETGNGIK, AIGVGAIR, IIAPPER, and FDPFPK sequences of peptides exhibited the highest inhibitory activity. Generally, the heat treatment process applied to edible insects has a positive effect on the properties of the peptide fractions studied.
- Published
- 2020
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24. Peptides obtained from fermented faba bean seeds (Vicia faba) as potential inhibitors of an enzyme involved in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome
- Author
Urszula Szymanowska, Barbara Baraniak, Justyna Bochnak, Monika Karaś, Urszula Złotek, and Anna Jakubczyk
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_classification ,Enzyme ,Hydrolyzed protein ,chemistry ,Molecular mass ,Sephadex ,food and beverages ,Peptide ,Fermentation ,Food science ,Digestion ,Food Science ,Vicia faba - Abstract
The influence of faba bean seed fermentation on the release of bioactive peptides after digestion in gastrointestinal conditions was investigated. The molecular mass of protein detected by SDS-PAGE was in the range from 6.5 to 97 kDa. The highest degree of protein hydrolysis (98.72%) was noted for protein obtained from seeds fermented for 3 h at 37 °C. The hydrolyzate of seeds fermented for 7 days at 30 °C was characterized by the highest peptide content (4.78 mg/mL). The highest ACE-inhibitory and antiradical against ABTS·+ activity were noted for a peptide fraction obtained from a sample fermented for 3 days at 30 °C (IC50 = 1.01 and 0.99 mg/mL, respectively). The sample obtained after 3-h fermentation at 22 °C was characterized by the highest LOX inhibitory activity (IC50 = 0.54 mg/mL). The lowest IC50 value was determined for fractions obtained from seeds fermented for 3 h and 7 days at 37 °C, and the value was not significantly different (0.92 and 0.89 mg/mL, respectively). The peptide fraction obtained from seeds fermented for 3 days at 30 °C with the highest potential for inhibition of metabolic syndrome development was separated on Sephadex G10 and peptide sequences were identified by LC-MS/MS.
- Published
- 2019
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25. The Influence of Hypericum perforatum L. Addition to Wheat Cookies on Their Antioxidant, Anti-Metabolic Syndrome, and Antimicrobial Properties
- Author
Krzysztof Tutaj, Urszula Gawlik-Dziki, Magdalena Szydłowska-Tutaj, Begümhan Ömeroğlu, Anna Jakubczyk, Urszula Złotek, Kamila Rybczyńska-Tkaczyk, Barbara Baraniak, Kaja Kiersnowska, Jakubczyk, Anna, Kiersnowska, Kaja, Omeroglu, Begumhan, Gawlik-Dziki, Urszula, Tutaj, Krzysztof, Rybczynska-Tkaczyk, Kamila, Szydlowska-Tutaj, Magdalena, Zlotek, Urszula, and Baraniak, Barbara
- Subjects
Health (social science) ,Antioxidant ,medicine.medical_treatment ,INHIBITION ,Peptide ,TP1-1185 ,Plant Science ,Health Professions (miscellaneous) ,Microbiology ,Article ,metabolic syndrome ,Hypericum perforatum L ,Hydrolysis ,DIGESTION ,medicine ,Food science ,PHENOLICS ,chemistry.chemical_classification ,Molecular mass ,Chemistry ,EXTRACTS ,Chemical technology ,Hypericum perforatum ,PEPTIDES ,IN-VITRO ,Antimicrobial ,QUINOA LEAVES ,Bioavailability ,antioxidants ,ST-JOHNS-WORT ,BIOACCESSIBILITY ,Polyphenol ,cookies ,GREEN COFFEE ,Food Science - Abstract
The aim of this study was to characterize wheat cookies enriched with 0.5% and 1.0% of Hypericum perforatum L. (St. John’s wort, SJW) and determine their pro-health properties in vitro after hydrolysis in simulated gastrointestinal conditions. The results indicated that 1.0 SJW was characterized by the highest content of polyphenols, flavonoids, and phenolic acids (2.32 mg mL−1, 4.93 µg mL−1, and 12.35 µg mL−1, respectively). The enriching cookies had no effect on water absorption capacity (WAC) and oil absorption capacity (OAC). After in vitro hydrolysis, the highest peptide content was noted in 1.0 SJW (0.52 mg mL−1), and the bioactive compounds were characterized by high potential bioaccessibility (PAC), but poor bioavailability (PAV). The addition of SJW increased the ACE, α-amylase, and LOX inhibitory effect, but reduced the inhibition of pancreatic lipase. The highest antioxidant activity was noted for 1.0 SJW. The results showed that only 0.5 SJW and 1.0 SJW had slight antimicrobial activity against E. coli ATCC 25922 and B. cereus ATCC 14579 with MIC = 12.5 mg mL−1. Fractions with molecular mass <, 3.0 kDa were characterized with the highest p-coumaric acid content. The results show that SJW cookies had a higher content of bioactive compounds and more potent anti-metabolic syndrome effects.
- Published
- 2021
26. Potentially Bioaccessible Phenolic and Antioxidant Potential of Fresh and Stored Lentil Sprouts—Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum 299v Enrichment
- Author
Anna Jakubczyk, Urszula Gawlik-Dziki, Ireneusz Kapusta, Małgorzata Sikora, Michał Świeca, and Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
030309 nutrition & dietetics ,Metal ions in aqueous solution ,Radical ,Pharmaceutical Science ,antioxidant activity ,phenolic compounds ,Antioxidant potential ,Chemical Fractionation ,Lactobacillus plantarum ,Antioxidants ,Article ,lentil ,Analytical Chemistry ,law.invention ,storage ,lcsh:QD241-441 ,03 medical and health sciences ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Probiotic ,0404 agricultural biotechnology ,Phenols ,lcsh:Organic chemistry ,law ,Tandem Mass Spectrometry ,Drug Discovery ,Chelation ,Food science ,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry ,Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid ,0303 health sciences ,ABTS ,biology ,Chemistry ,Plant Extracts ,Probiotics ,Organic Chemistry ,Extraction (chemistry) ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,biology.organism_classification ,040401 food science ,bioaccessibility ,Chemistry (miscellaneous) ,Molecular Medicine ,Lens Plant - Abstract
The phenolic and antioxidant potential of potentially bioaccessible fractions of lentil sprouts was studied. Sprouts were cocultivated with a probiotic to obtain a new functional product and further stored in cool conditions. The fraction obtained after buffer extraction and gastric digestion had higher content of phenolics compared to the control (by 20% and 46%, respectively), however, a 9% decrease was observed in samples obtained after gastrointestinal digestion. After gastrointestinal digestion, the highest content of phenolics (278 µg/g d.w.) was determined in the fresh control sprouts. Compounds neutralizing ABTS and hydroxyl radicals, chelating metal ions, and exhibiting strong reducing power were effectively released after gastrointestinal digestion (e.g., the values of the gastrointestinal digestibility index for chelating power and ability to quench hydroxyl radicals significantly exceeded 1 in all studied samples). It was proved that the enrichment of sprouts with a probiotic and further storage significantly improved the antioxidant potential, compared to the fresh control sprouts, an increase by 45% and 10% was determined after the gastric and gastrointestinal digestion, respectively. Lentil sprouts enriched with L. plantarum 299v may be a new functional product characterized by the high antioxidant capacity of the potentially bioaccessible fraction.
- Published
- 2021
27. Characterisation of Biologically Active Hydrolysates and Peptide Fractions of Vacuum Packaging String Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
- Author
Ewelina Zielińska, Konrad A. Szychowski, Anna Jakubczyk, Beata Rutkowska, Piotr Stanikowski, Urszula E. Binduga, Monika Karaś, Kamila Rybczyńska-Tkaczyk, Barbara Baraniak, and Magdalena Dziedzic
- Subjects
Health (social science) ,food.ingredient ,vacuum-packing ,in vitro digestion ,DPPH ,string bean ,Peptide ,Plant Science ,lcsh:Chemical technology ,Health Professions (miscellaneous) ,Microbiology ,Hydrolysate ,String bean ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,food ,lcsh:TP1-1185 ,Food science ,Lipase ,chemistry.chemical_classification ,nutritional potential ,ABTS ,biology ,food and beverages ,biology.organism_classification ,Squamous carcinoma ,chemistry ,bioactive peptides ,biology.protein ,Phaseolus ,Food Science - Abstract
The aim of the study is to characterise biologically active hydolysates and peptide fractions obtained from vacuum-packed string beans (Phaseolus vulragis L.) (PB). Unpacked beans were a control sample. The influence on human squamous carcinoma cell line SCC-15 (ATCC CRL-1623) was determined. Packed bean (PB) and unpacked bean (UB) extracts were found to exert no effect on the tongue squamous carcinoma cells. The results of the study indicated that the packing process contributed to the retention of protein, soluble dietary fibre, and free sugar (2.36, 3.5, and 1.79 g/100 d.m., respectively). PB was characterised by higher antioxidant activity (expressed as neutralisation of 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS ABTS•+) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH·) free radicals) as well as Fe2+ chelation and reducing power (IC50 = 54.56, 0.46, 3.85 mg mL−1; 0.088 A700/peptide content, respectively) than the UB samples before hydrolysis. The hydrolysis process enhanced these properties. The IC50 value of lipase and α-amylase inhibitory activity of the hydrolysates obtained from UB was reduced. The PB and UB fractions exhibited a certain level of antimicrobial activity against S. aureus and E. coli. Candida albicans were not sensitive to these peptide fractions.
- Published
- 2020
28. Characteristics of New Peptides GQLGEHGGAGMG, GEHGGAGMGGGQFQPV, EQGFLPGPEESGR, RLARAGLAQ, YGNPVGGVGH, and GNPVGGVGHGTTGT as Inhibitors of Enzymes Involved in Metabolic Syndrome and Antimicrobial Potential
- Author
Anna Jakubczyk, Sławomir Lewicki, Urszula Złotek, Paula Ćwiek, Kamila Rybczyńska-Tkaczyk, and Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
Pharmaceutical Science ,Peptide ,Inhibitory postsynaptic potential ,Article ,Analytical Chemistry ,lcsh:QD241-441 ,03 medical and health sciences ,0404 agricultural biotechnology ,lcsh:Organic chemistry ,Anti-Infective Agents ,Drug Discovery ,Cytotoxic T cell ,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry ,Lipase ,inhibitory ,IC50 ,030304 developmental biology ,chemistry.chemical_classification ,Metabolic Syndrome ,0303 health sciences ,antimicrobial activity ,biology ,Organic Chemistry ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,Antimicrobial ,040401 food science ,Enzyme assay ,Enzyme ,chemistry ,Biochemistry ,Salmonella enteritidis ,Chemistry (miscellaneous) ,cytotoxic properties ,biology.protein ,peptides ,Molecular Medicine ,alpha-Amylases - Abstract
The aim of this study was to determine the cytotoxic properties, influence on enzyme activity involved in metabolic syndrome, and antimicrobial activity of synthetic peptides with GQLGEHGGAGMG, GEHGGAGMGGGQFQPV, EQGFLPGPEESGR, RLARAGLAQ, YGNPVGGVGH, and GNPVGGVGHGTTGT sequences. Peptides have no cytotoxic effect on cells. The highest inhibitory effect on angiotensin converting enzyme I was noted for peptide GT-14 (IC50 = 525.63 µ, g/mL). None of the tested peptides had an influence on &alpha, glucosidase. The highest &alpha, amylase and lipase inhibitory activity was noted for GG-12 (IC50 = 56.72 and 60.62 µ, g/mL, respectively). The highest lipoxidase inhibitory activity was determined for peptide ER-13 (IC50 = 84.35 µ, g/mL). Peptide RQ-9 was characterized by the highest COX inhibitory activity (0.31 and 4.77 µ, g/mL for COX-1 and COX-2, respectively). Only peptide RQ-9 inhibited S. enteritidis ATCC 4931 growth (42%&ndash, 48%) in all tested concentrations (15.62&ndash, 250 mg/mL).
- Published
- 2020
29. Identification of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory peptides obtained by simulated gastrointestinal digestion of three edible insects species (Gryllodes sigillatus,Tenebrio molitor,Schistocerca gragaria)
- Author
Ewelina Zielińska, Barbara Baraniak, and Monika Karaś
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_classification ,Antioxidant ,biology ,medicine.drug_class ,DPPH ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Peptide ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,cricket ,biology.organism_classification ,040401 food science ,Chemical synthesis ,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering ,Anti-inflammatory ,cricket.player ,Hydrolysate ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0404 agricultural biotechnology ,chemistry ,medicine ,Schistocerca ,Gryllodes sigillatus ,Food science ,Food Science - Abstract
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of heat treatment of edible insects on antioxidant and anti‐inflammatory activities of peptide fractions from hydrolysates obtained by in vitro gastrointestinal digestion thereof. Identification of bioactive peptides from the edible insects and their chemical synthesis were carried out as well. The highest antiradical activity against ABTS•⁺ and DPPH• was noted for the peptide fraction from the Gryllodes sigillatus protein preparation (EC₅₀ value 2.75 and 6.91 μg mL⁻¹, respectively). This fraction exhibited the strongest LOX and COX‐2 inhibitory activity (IC₅₀ value 0.13 and 0.26 μg mL⁻¹, respectively). The peptide fraction from the Tenebrio molitor protein preparation showed the highest Fe²⁺ chelating ability (EC₅₀ value 2.21 μg mL⁻¹) and the highest reducing power (0.198). The heat treatment process has a positive effect on the antioxidant and anti‐inflammatory properties of peptides. All identified and synthesised peptides from insect protein showed antioxidant and anti‐inflammatory activity.
- Published
- 2018
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30. Comparison of functional properties of edible insects and protein preparations thereof
- Author
Monika Karaś, Ewelina Zielińska, and Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
biology ,Chemistry ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,cricket ,biology.organism_classification ,040401 food science ,cricket.player ,0404 agricultural biotechnology ,Emulsion ,Schistocerca ,Gryllodes sigillatus ,Food science ,Solubility ,Protein solubility ,Food Science - Abstract
This study investigated the functional properties of three species of edible insects: Gryllodes sigillatus, Schistocerca gregaria, and Tenebrio molitor. The water and oil holding capacity, solubility, and foaming and emulsion properties were evaluated. The protein solubility showed minimum values at pH 5. The highest water and oil holding capacity was noticeable for the T. molitor protein preparation (3.95 g/g) and for the G. sigilltus protein preparation (3.33 g/g), respectively. The G. sigillatus protein preparation also showed the highest foaming capacity, foam stability, and emulsion activity (99.0%, 92.0%, and 72.62%, respectively), while the protein preparation from S. gregaria exhibited the highest emulsion stability (51.31%). This study has shown that whole insects and protein preparations thereof can be suitable for development of new food formulations.
- Published
- 2018
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31. Changes in the level and antioxidant activity of polyphenols during storage of enzymatically treated raspberry juices and syrups
- Author
Barbara Baraniak, Urszula Gawlik-Dziki, and Urszula Szymanowska
- Subjects
Sucrose ,Time Factors ,Antioxidant ,ABTS ,Food Handling ,DPPH ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Polyphenols ,food and beverages ,Berry ,Raspberry juice ,Antioxidants ,Enzymes ,Fruit and Vegetable Juices ,Blowing a raspberry ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Food Storage ,chemistry ,Polyphenol ,medicine ,Food science ,Rubus ,Sugar ,Food Science - Abstract
BACKGROUND Berry juices are a rich source of phenolic compounds exhibiting antioxidant activity. Unfortu- nately, polyphenols and especially anthocyanins are degraded during storage. METHODS The levels of total phenolic compounds, phenolic acids, flavonoids, and antho- cyanins as well as antioxidant activity (radical scavenging ability against DPPH and ABTS+• and chelating power Fe2+) were determined in raspberry juices (obtained after enzymatic treatment with three commercial pectinolytic enzyme preparations) and syrups (obtained by the addition of sucrose at concentrations of 30% and 70%) during storage. RESULTS During the five-month storage of juices and syrups at room temperature, there was significant re- duction in the level of phenolic compounds, in particular anthocyanins (up to 95% in relation to the initial content). Storage of raspberry juices and syrups also resulted in a reduction in antioxidant activity. CONCLUSIONS The enzymatic treatment of the raspberry mash generally increased the losses of anthocyanins. The addition of sugar to fruit juices only slightly reduced these losses.
- Published
- 2017
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32. Effect of carboxymethyl cellulose/candelilla wax coating containing ascorbic acid on quality of walnut (Juglans regiaL.) kernels
- Author
Emil Zięba, Tomasz Skrzypek, Dariusz Kowalczyk, and Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
biology ,Chemistry ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,engineering.material ,Candelilla wax ,biology.organism_classification ,Ascorbic acid ,040401 food science ,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering ,Carboxymethyl cellulose ,Hydrolysis ,0404 agricultural biotechnology ,Coating ,Lipid oxidation ,Emulsion ,medicine ,engineering ,Organic chemistry ,Food science ,Food Science ,medicine.drug ,Juglans - Abstract
Summary Walnut kernels were coated with carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)-based emulsion with and without l-ascorbic acid (AA). The thickness of the coatings formed on the walnuts ranged from 12 to 360 μm. The results obtained from the thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance analysis showed that the coating retarded lipid oxidation in walnuts during long-term storage. The antioxidative action of the CMC-based coating was not enhanced by incorporation of AA. On the other hand, the coating with AA slightly delayed hydrolytic rancidity of walnuts. More smooth and homogenous surface of walnuts coated with AA led to higher gloss. The acidifying/reductive action of AA lightened the colour of walnuts. Coating (dipping and drying) resulted in partial loss of aromaticity of walnuts.
- Published
- 2017
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33. Wheat bread enriched with green coffee – In vitro bioaccessibility and bioavailability of phenolics and antioxidant activity
- Author
Barbara Baraniak, Dariusz Dziki, Urszula Gawlik-Dziki, and Michał Świeca
- Subjects
Antioxidant ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Biological Availability ,Coffee ,Antioxidants ,Analytical Chemistry ,Ferulic acid ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0404 agricultural biotechnology ,Nutraceutical ,Phenols ,Caffeic acid ,medicine ,Vanillic acid ,Food science ,Triticum ,digestive, oral, and skin physiology ,food and beverages ,Bread ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,General Medicine ,Syringic acid ,040401 food science ,Bioavailability ,chemistry ,Caffeine ,Food Science - Abstract
The potential bioaccessibility and bioavailability of phenolics, caffeine and antioxidant activity of wheat bread enriched with green coffee were studied. Supplementation enhanced nutraceutical potential by improving phenolic content and lipid protecting capacity. The simulated-digestion-released phenolics (mainly caffeic acid, syringic acid and vanillic acid) from bread, also caused significant qualitative changes (chlorogenic acids were cleaved and significant amounts of caffeic acid and ferulic acid were determined). Compared to the control, for the bread with 1% and 5% of the functional component the contents of phenolics were 1.6 and 3.33 times higher. Also, an approximately 2.3-fold increase in antioxidant activity was found in bread containing 5% of the supplement. The compounds responsible for antioxidant potential have high bioaccessibility but poor bioavailability. The qualitative composition of the phenolic fraction has a key role in developing the antioxidant potential of bread; however, caffeine and synergism between antioxidants are also important considerations.
- Published
- 2017
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34. Effect of carboxymethylcellulose/candelilla wax coating containing potassium sorbate on microbiological and physicochemical attributes of pears
- Author
Monika Kordowska-Wiater, Emil Zięba, Dariusz Kowalczyk, and Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
Monilinia fructigena ,Potassium sorbate ,biology ,Cold storage ,Rhizopus nigricans ,Ripening ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,Horticulture ,Candelilla wax ,engineering.material ,biology.organism_classification ,040401 food science ,body regions ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0404 agricultural biotechnology ,chemistry ,Coating ,Botany ,Postharvest ,engineering ,Food science - Abstract
The main objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of a coating composed of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), candelilla wax and potassium sorbate (KS) as a post-cold-storage treatment to prevent fungal infections in pears stored under simulated retail display conditions. Moreover, the effect of coating on the physiology and biochemistry of pears was investigated. The coating was very effective against Botrytis cinerea and Monilinia fructigena, while Rhizopus nigricans was the most resistant to KS. The KS-free coating also delayed the fungal growth rate, probably due to modification of the gaseous atmosphere within the fruit tissues. Coated pears showed slower ripening than the uncoated samples, as indicated by unaffected green skin color and inhibited loss of firmness. Unfortunately, coating induced anaerobic respiration and the symptoms of superficial scald in pears. Overall, the results showed that KS can be added into a coating formulation to control fungal growth; however, CMC-based emulsion is not a suitable carrier for KS, when coating is intended to be applied to pears exposed to postharvest cold storage.
- Published
- 2017
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35. Microstructure and functional properties of sorbitol-plasticized pea protein isolate emulsion films: Effect of lipid type and concentration
- Author
Dariusz Kowalczyk, Sławomir Lisiecki, Barbara Baraniak, Waldemar Gustaw, Emil Zięba, and Joanna Stadnik
- Subjects
food.ingredient ,Chemistry ,General Chemical Engineering ,Pea protein ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,General Chemistry ,Candelilla wax ,040401 food science ,Lecithin ,Oxygen permeability ,Oleic acid ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0404 agricultural biotechnology ,food ,Chemical engineering ,Emulsion ,Organic chemistry ,Wetting ,Solubility ,Food Science - Abstract
The aim of this work was to compare the effect of increasing concentrations of anhydrous milk fat (AMF), candelilla wax (CNW), lecithin (LEC) and oleic acid (OLA) on the physicochemical and morphological properties of sorbitol-plasticized pea protein isolate (PPI) edible emulsion films. The lipids were incorporated into film-forming solutions at 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0%. It was found that among the tested lipids, only AMF and CNW reduced water vapour permeability (WVP) of the films, most likely due to their ability to increase film surface hydrophobicity. The greatest effect on the WVP reduction was achieved with CNW. The WVP of PPI films incorporated with 2.0% CNW was 2.5 times lower than that of the control. The incorporation of lipids into PPI films caused an increase in oxygen permeability. LEC destroyed the continuous structure of film matrix and caused an increase in film wettability and solubility. Increasing the amount of lipids in the films led to a decrease in mechanical strength. CNW-added films tended to have the best toughness properties. Unlike the solid lipids, OLA did not reduce the film transparency and showed a plasticizing effect, making the films more extensible. The addition of 2.0% OLA caused phase separation leading to the formation of discontinuity zones during film drying. Films with CNW had remarkably higher transparency compared to those of containing other solid lipids. All the resulting films were effective UV barriers. Surface microstructure of the emulsion films was influenced by the lipid type and lipid volume fraction.
- Published
- 2016
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36. Antioxidant activity of the aqueous and methanolic extracts of coffee beans (Coffea arabica L.)
- Author
Urszula Złotek, Urszula Szymanowska, Barbara Baraniak, Anna Jakubczyk, Urszula Gawlik-Dziki, and Monika Karaś
- Subjects
Antioxidant ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Linoleic acid ,Lipoxygenase ,Anti-Inflammatory Agents ,Cafestol ,Coffea ,Coffee roasting ,Colombia ,Coffee ,Antioxidants ,Linoleic Acid ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,symbols.namesake ,Alkaloids ,Phenols ,medicine ,Lipoxygenase Inhibitors ,Food science ,Roasting ,Kahweol ,Plant Extracts ,Methanol ,Coffea arabica ,Water ,Kenya ,Maillard reaction ,Horticulture ,chemistry ,symbols ,Ethiopia ,Lipid Peroxidation ,Diterpenes ,Brazil ,Food Science ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Background. Coff ee is important source of natural antioxidants in the diet, such as phenolic compounds, alkaloids, mainly caff eine, diterpenes (cafestol and kahweol) and Maillard reaction products formed during roasting. Material and methods. In aqueous and methanolic extracts of coff ee (Coff ea arabica L.) roasted using traditional techniques from Brazil (B), Colombia (C), Ethiopia (E), Kenya (K) and coff ee roasted using an industrial technique from Brazil (T), the phenolic and caff eine content as well as antioxidant properties were determined. Results. Comparing the results from water and methanolic extracts it should be noted that the highest amount of phenolics was determined for a methanolic extract of coff ee roasted using the industrial technique (650.96 mg GAE/g DW) and a water extract of Kenya coff ee (461.63 mg GAE/g DW). Caff eine content was on aver- age two times higher in all methanolic extracts than in water extracts. The radical scavenging activity of aque- ous extracts was found to be higher than methanolic extracts. The highest antioxidant scavenging activity was determined for C (EC 50 = 1.16 mg DW/ml) and E (EC 50 = 1.3 mg DW/ml) water extracts. Compared to water extracts methanolic extracts showed signifi cantly higher reducing power, ability to chelate Fe 2+ , inhibition of linoleic acid peroxidation and inhibition of lipoxygenase. Conclusions. This study demonstrated that the methanolic extracts obtained from diff erent types of coff ee exhibit potential anti-infl ammatory and antioxidant properties. The highest antioxidant activity was shown by traditionally roasted coff ees from Colombia and Ethiopia.
- Published
- 2016
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37. Edible Insects as Source of Proteins
- Author
Barbara Baraniak, Ewelina Zielińska, Monika Karaś, Damian Zieliński, and Anna Jakubczyk
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,03 medical and health sciences ,030104 developmental biology ,030109 nutrition & dietetics - Published
- 2019
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38. Selected species of edible insects as a source of nutrient composition
- Author
Anna Jakubczyk, Barbara Baraniak, Ewelina Zielińska, Kamila Rybczyńska, and Monika Karaś
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_classification ,Mealworm ,biology ,food and beverages ,cricket ,biology.organism_classification ,cricket.player ,Hydrolysate ,Amino acid ,Nutrient ,chemistry ,Botany ,Composition (visual arts) ,Schistocerca ,Gryllodes sigillatus ,Food science ,Food Science ,Polyunsaturated fatty acid - Abstract
The aim of this study was to determine the nutritive value of edible insects and their in vitro cytotoxicity assays. The content of protein, fat, carbohydrates, ash, fiber, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids in adult cricket (Gryllodes sigillatus), larvae of mealworm (Tenebrio molitor), and adult locust (Schistocerca gregaria) were analyzed. The protein content ranged from 52.35 to 76%. The fat percentage was in the range of 12.97–24.7%. Energy contribution varied from 1821 to 1896 kJ/100 g. Their amino acid profile was compared with the WHO/FAO/UNU Pattern (WHO, 2007). The highest degree of hydrolysis (DH) was noted in baked Gryllodes sigillatus (37.76%). All species were very rich in magnesium, copper, iron, and zinc and the mineral content was compared to recommended daily intakes (mg/day). The hydrolysates from raw, cooked, and baked insects were significantly stimulated or inhibited proliferation of human skin fibroblasts CRL-2522.
- Published
- 2015
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39. The influence of heat treatment of chickpea seeds on antioxidant and fibroblast growth-stimulating activity of peptide fractions obtained from proteins digested under simulated gastrointestinal conditions
- Author
Katarzyna Gaweł-Bęben, Anna Jakubczyk, Kamila Rybczyńska, Jan Gmiński, Monika Karaś, and Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_classification ,Chromatography ,Antioxidant ,ABTS ,DPPH ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Biological activity ,Peptide ,Chelating Activity ,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering ,Hydrolysate ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,chemistry ,medicine ,Chelation ,Food Science - Abstract
Summary This study presents the effect of heat treatment of chickpea seeds on biological activity of peptides obtained by in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. The most significant antiradical activity against ABTS+• expressed as IC50 value was observed for 3.5- to 7-kDa peptide fraction from TC hydrolysate (41.01 μg mL−1). In turn, peptide fraction of 3.5–7.0 kDa obtained from raw chickpea seeds hydrolysate showed the highest antiradical activity against DPPH• and Fe2+ chelating activity with IC50 value of 20.94 and 52.53 μg mL−1, respectively. The highest Cu2+ chelating activity was observed for peptides obtained from TC hydrolysate (IC50 = 56.60 μg mL−1). Peptide fraction
- Published
- 2015
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40. Characterization of films based on chitosan lactate and its blends with oxidized starch and gelatin
- Author
Jakub Nowak, Dariusz Kowalczyk, Barbara Baraniak, and Monika Kordowska-Wiater
- Subjects
food.ingredient ,Optical Phenomena ,Starch ,Bacillus cereus ,Rhizopus nigricans ,macromolecular substances ,Biochemistry ,Gelatin ,Chitosan ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,food ,Anti-Infective Agents ,Structural Biology ,polycyclic compounds ,Molecular Biology ,Potato starch ,Mechanical Phenomena ,Solanum tuberosum ,Monilinia fructigena ,biology ,Water ,food and beverages ,General Medicine ,biology.organism_classification ,chemistry ,Lactates ,Sorbitol ,Oxidation-Reduction ,Nuclear chemistry - Abstract
Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of chitosan lactate (CHL) was tested against bacteria and phytopathogenic fungi. Then, the structural, physicochemical and antimicrobial properties of films based on CHL, oxidized potato starch (OPS), and gelatin (GEL) were investigated. With the exception of Rhizopus nigricans, CHL was effective against the target organisms. Gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus) were more sensitive to CHL than Gram-negative bacteria (Pectobacterium carotovorum and Escherichia coli). Cryo-SEM images showed total miscibility between the polymers in the blends and the ATR-FTIR spectra revealed that there was an interaction among the polymeric components. Pure CHL films displayed the highest moisture content (25.51%), water vapor permeability (48.78gmmm(-2)d(-1)kPa(-1)), and the lowest tensile and puncture strength (2.00 and 1.45MPa, respectively) among the studied films. CHL50/GEL50 films had lower permeability, higher mechanical strength, and lower elongation compared to CHL50/OPS50 films. Films obtained from CHL and CHL50/GEL50 were completely water-soluble and did not show sorbitol recrystallization. The incorporation of CHL into OPS and GEL films did not affect their transparency and improved UV-blocking capacity. CHL films were the only ones that exhibited antibacterial efficiency. Antifungal activities against Alternaria alternata and Monilinia fructigena were detected for CHL and CHL50/GEL50 films.
- Published
- 2015
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41. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidative activity of anthocyanins from purple basil leaves induced by selected abiotic elicitors
- Author
Urszula Złotek, Barbara Baraniak, Monika Karaś, and Urszula Szymanowska
- Subjects
food.ingredient ,Antioxidant ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Anti-Inflammatory Agents ,Cyclopentanes ,Antioxidants ,Analytical Chemistry ,Anthocyanins ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Lipoxygenase ,food ,medicine ,Oxylipins ,Food science ,Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid ,Arachidonic Acid ,biology ,Plant Extracts ,Aminobutyrates ,Jasmonic acid ,Basilicum ,food and beverages ,General Medicine ,Ocimum ,biology.organism_classification ,Elicitor ,Plant Leaves ,chemistry ,Biochemistry ,Anthocyanin ,Ocimum basilicum ,biology.protein ,Arachidonic acid ,Food Science - Abstract
This paper investigates changes in the anti-inflammatory and antioxidative activity of anthocyanins from purple basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) leaves induced by arachidonic acid (AA), jasmonic acid (JA) and β-aminobutyric acid (BABA). The anthocyanins content was significantly increased by all elicitors used in this study; however, no increase was observed in the antioxidant activity of the analyzed extracts. Additionally, a significant decrease by about 50% in the ability to chelate Fe(II) was noted. Further, an increase in the potential anti-inflammatory activity of basil anthocyanins was observed after treatment with each the abiotic elicitor. The IC50 value for lipoxygenase inhibition was almost twice as low after elicitation as that of the control. Also, cyclooxygenase inhibition by anthocyanins was stimulated by abiotic elicitors, except for JA-sample. Additionally, HPLC-analysis indicated that elicitation with AA, JA and BABA caused increases in content most of all anthocyanin compounds.
- Published
- 2015
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42. Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Hydrolysates and Peptide Fractions Obtained by Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Selected Heat-Treated Edible Insects
- Author
Monika Karaś, Barbara Baraniak, and Ewelina Zielińska
- Subjects
Mealworm ,Antioxidant ,Hot Temperature ,DPPH ,Protein Hydrolysates ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Anti-Inflammatory Agents ,antioxidant activity ,Peptide ,lcsh:TX341-641 ,Grasshoppers ,digestion ,Iron Chelating Agents ,Hydrolysate ,Article ,Gryllidae ,Lipoxygenase ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0404 agricultural biotechnology ,Enzymatic hydrolysis ,medicine ,edible insects ,Animals ,peptide fractions ,Food science ,Lipoxygenase Inhibitors ,Tenebrio ,anti-inflammatory activity ,entomophagy ,chemistry.chemical_classification ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,biology ,Cyclooxygenase 2 Inhibitors ,Chemistry ,Hydrolysis ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,Free Radical Scavengers ,biology.organism_classification ,040401 food science ,Enzymes ,Biochemistry ,Gastrointestinal Absorption ,biology.protein ,Insect Proteins ,Digestion ,Peptides ,lcsh:Nutrition. Foods and food supply ,Food Science - Abstract
This study investigated the effect of heat treatment of edible insects on antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of peptides obtained by in vitro gastrointestinal digestion and absorption process thereof. The antioxidant potential of edible insect hydrolysates was determined as free radical-scavenging activity, ion chelating activity, and reducing power, whereas the anti-inflammatory activity was expressed as lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitory activity. The highest antiradical activity against DPPH• (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical) was noted for a peptide fraction from baked cricket Gryllodes sigillatus hydrolysate (IC50 value 10.9 µg/mL) and that against ABTS•+ (2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) radical) was the highest for raw mealworm Tenebrio molitor hydrolysate (inhibitory concentration (IC50 value) 5.3 µg/mL). The peptides obtained from boiled locust Schistocerca gregaria hydrolysate showed the highest Fe2+ chelation ability (IC50 value 2.57 µg/mL); furthermore, the highest reducing power was observed for raw G. sigillatus hydrolysate (0.771). The peptide fraction from a protein preparation from the locust S. gregaria exhibited the most significant lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitory activity (IC50 value 3.13 µg/mL and 5.05 µg/mL, respectively).
- Published
- 2017
43. Ascorbic acid- and sodium ascorbate-loaded oxidized potato starch films: Comparative evaluation of physicochemical and antioxidant properties
- Author
Dariusz Kowalczyk, Barbara Baraniak, Emil Zięba, Sławomir Lisiecki, Monika Mężyńska, Waldemar Kazimierczak, Monika Basiura-Cembala, and Monika Karaś
- Subjects
Sodium ascorbate ,Antioxidant ,Polymers and Plastics ,Chemical Phenomena ,Optical Phenomena ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Iron ,Inorganic chemistry ,Infrared spectroscopy ,02 engineering and technology ,Ascorbic Acid ,Antioxidants ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0404 agricultural biotechnology ,X-Ray Diffraction ,Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared ,Materials Chemistry ,Browning ,medicine ,Potato starch ,Dissolution ,Solanum tuberosum ,ABTS ,Chemistry ,Organic Chemistry ,Humidity ,Starch ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,Hydrogen-Ion Concentration ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,Ascorbic acid ,040401 food science ,Steam ,Solubility ,0210 nano-technology ,Crystallization ,Oxidation-Reduction - Abstract
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of increasing concentrations of ascorbate ions (AIs, 0-100mM) in the form of ascorbic acid (AA) and sodium ascorbate (SA) on the properties of edible oxidized potato starch films. The browning reactions were faster in the SA-added films than in those of AA-added. In, turn, AA recrystallized faster than its sodium salt. The highest concentration of SA increased the water vapor permeability of the films. The mechanical strength and stiffness of the films gradually decreased with the increase of AI content. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy spectra suggested that addition of SA provoked a more intensive structural changes in the films than AA. X-ray diffraction showed that 25 and 50mM AI-added films exhibited higher crystanility than the control. The films with AA and SA did not differ in terms of dissolving behavior, ability to release AI, and consequently, antioxidant activity.
- Published
- 2017
44. Effect of cold storage on the potentially bioaccessible isoflavones and antioxidant activities of soybean sprouts enriched with Lactobacillus plantarum 299v
- Author
Michał Świeca, Urszula Gawlik-Dziki, Urszula Złotek, Barbara Baraniak, Monika Kordowska-Wiater, and Ireneusz Kapusta
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,Antioxidant ,biology ,Chemistry ,medicine.medical_treatment ,food and beverages ,Cold storage ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,Isoflavones ,biology.organism_classification ,040401 food science ,01 natural sciences ,Cool storage ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Antioxidant capacity ,0404 agricultural biotechnology ,Polyphenol ,010608 biotechnology ,medicine ,Genistin ,Food science ,Lactobacillus plantarum ,Food Science - Abstract
The study was focused on determination of the effect of cool storage on the polyphenol profile and antioxidant capacity of potentially bioaccessible phenolics from control and probiotic-rich soybean sprouts. Malonyl glycitin and malonyl genistin were found to be the dominant isoflavones in the sprouts. The contents of the isoflavones after cold storage were generally equal or higher than in the fresh sprouts. The highest reducing power was determined for the potentially bioaccessible fraction from the probiotic-rich sprouts (9.9 mg TE/g, approx. a 4-fold increase compared to the control). The storage positively influenced the reducing potential; after gastric digestion, there was a 61% and 59% increase for the control and probiotic-rich sprouts, respectively. The addition of probiotic bacteria did not increase the phenolic content; however, it improved the antioxidant capacity. Importantly, the antioxidants in the proposed sprouted food were characterized by high storage stability. Soybean sprouts enriched with L. plantarum can be recommended for consumers who prefer new functional foods with pro-health properties.
- Published
- 2020
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45. Effect of candelilla wax on functional properties of biopolymer emulsion films – A comparative study
- Author
Dariusz Kowalczyk and Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
Wax ,Materials science ,food.ingredient ,General Chemical Engineering ,General Chemistry ,Candelilla wax ,engineering.material ,Gelatin ,Carboxymethyl cellulose ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,food ,chemistry ,Chemical engineering ,visual_art ,Polymer chemistry ,Emulsion ,visual_art.visual_art_medium ,engineering ,medicine ,Sorbitol ,Biopolymer ,Potato starch ,Food Science ,medicine.drug - Abstract
The overall research objective was to compare the effects of increasing concentrations of candelilla wax (CnW) on the physicochemical and morphological properties of edible films based on different biopolymers: carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), oxidized potato starch (OPS), soy protein isolate (SPI), and gelatin (GEL). The findings are discussed in terms of the stability of emulsion formulations. CnW was incorporated into film-forming solutions at 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0%; sorbitol and Tween 40 were used as the plasticizer and surfactant, respectively. It was found that, with the exception of GEL films, wax incorporation significantly decreased the WVP of the films (from 11.1 to 41.7% compared to the controls). Regardless of the wax concentration used, OPS films had the lowest WVP compared to other films. GEL-based films, in turn, were characterized by the highest mechanical resistance and elongation. The incorporation of CnW decreased both all the analyzed tensile parameters and the puncture strength of the films. Generally, as CnW concentration increased, the transparency and redness of the films decreased, while UV blocking ability and yellowness increased. The 0.5% CnW addition was the most effective in improving water barrier properties, and simultaneously had the lowest impact on the other physical properties of films. For OPS, SPI, and GEL films, sorbitol recrystallization was observed over time. Wax accelerated the sorbitol crystal growth process. CMC films, in contrast to those obtained using other polymers, were completely water soluble and did not exhibit sorbitol crystallization. The emulsion films differed from the wax-free in their surface characteristics.
- Published
- 2014
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46. Grinding and Nutritional Properties of Six Spelt (Triticum aestivumssp.speltaL.) Cultivars
- Author
Dariusz Kowalczyk, Barbara Baraniak, Dariusz Dziki, E Palys, Piotr Kraska, S. Andruszczak, Renata Różyło, Michał Świeca, and Urszula Gawlik-Dziki
- Subjects
Protein content ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Agronomy ,Chemistry ,Starch ,Organic Chemistry ,Cultivar ,Food science ,Energy requirement ,Food Science ,Hammer mill ,Bioavailability ,Grinding - Abstract
Some physical, technological, nutritional, and nutraceutical determinants of six spelt varieties were evaluated. The grains were characterized by similar grain hardness and gave similar breakage patterns on a hammer mill and relatively low grinding energy requirements. The highest protein content was determined for Spelt I.N.Z. and Schwabenkorn (155 mg/g db), whereas the lowest was for Ceralio (98 mg/g db). The total starch content in tested cultivars averaged about 500 mg/g db; however, significant differences were observed for resistant and potentially bioavailable starch. The highest starch digestibility was observed for Ostro, Schwabenspelz, and Spelt I.N.Z. (about 45%), whereas the lowest was for Ceralio (about 33%). Chemically extractable total phenolic compounds content did not differ between cultivars. When flavonoids contents were compared, however, significant differences were observed; their contents ranged from 0.61 to 2.12 mg/g db (Spelt I.N.Z. and Schwabenkorn, respectively). The ab...
- Published
- 2014
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47. A Study on the Mechanical Properties of Pea Protein Isolate Films
- Author
Michał Świeca, Dariusz Kowalczyk, Waldemar Gustaw, and Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
Materials science ,Recrystallization (geology) ,General Chemical Engineering ,Pea protein ,Plasticizer ,General Chemistry ,Shelf life ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,chemistry ,Chemical engineering ,Ultimate tensile strength ,Glycerol ,Sorbitol ,Elongation ,Food Science - Abstract
Effects of glycerol (Gly) (3–7% w/w) and sorbitol (Sor) (4–8% w/w) concentration, pH (7.0, 9.0, 11.0) and heating (90C, 20 min) of film-forming solutions (FFS) on the tensile strength (σmax), elongation at break (eb), elastic modulus (EM) and puncture strength (PS) of pea protein isolate (PPI) films were investigated in this study. The films plasticized with Sor exhibited significantly higher σmax, EM, PS and lower eb, in comparison with Gly-plasticized films. Incorporation of higher Gly and Sor amounts in the films led to decreases in σmax, EM and PS but did not affect eb. An increase of pH value from 7.0 to 11.0 resulted in improved σmax of Gly-plasticized films, while for films with Sor, this effect was not observed. In turn, eb and PS of the films were significantly increased by alkalization of FFS, regardless of the plasticizer type. Generally, an improvement in mechanical strength of PPI films produced from heated FFS was observed. X-ray diffraction analyses of Gly- and Sor-plasticized PPI films did not show any differences in their internal structure. Practical Applications Edible films may be used as selective barriers to gasses, carriers of antimicrobial agents or agents improving appearance and handling of many different food groups. Most studies suggest their application as edible coatings that may prolong the shelf life of unprocessed plant and animal products. Other possible uses include wraps and separation layers; pouches, bags, food casings, and labels; drug coatings, capsules and microcapsules; paper coatings. The Sor-plasticized PPI films can be promising materials for the applications, e.g., in the fields of fruit and vegetables quality preservation. Because of Sor recrystallization, these films are not suitable for low-water activity food, especially if stored for a long duration at ambient conditions.
- Published
- 2013
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48. Influence of elicitation with H2O2on phenolics content, antioxidant potential and nutritional quality ofLens culinarissprouts
- Author
Barbara Baraniak and Michał Świeca
- Subjects
Naringenin ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,food.ingredient ,Starch ,food and beverages ,Biology ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Nutraceutical ,food ,chemistry ,Functional food ,Polyphenol ,Botany ,Food science ,Resistant starch ,Agronomy and Crop Science ,Salicylic acid ,Food Science ,Biotechnology ,Sprouting - Abstract
BACKGROUND The use of lentil sprouts as bioreactors for obtaining low-processed food with modified composition and biological activity was studied. Special emphasis was placed on the nutritional quality. Sprouts metabolism was elicited with 20 mmol L−1 and 200 mmol L−1 H2O2. The polyphenolics content and antioxidative abilities at different germination stages of lentil were studied. RESULTS Both sprouting and elicitation significantly influenced the nutritional and nutraceutical quality of sprouts. In comparison to control conditions both treatments gave an increase in caffeic, salicylic acid and genistein contents in 4-day-old sprouts and p-hydroxybenzoic, chlorogenic, o-coumaric, p-coumaric acids and naringenin, (+)-catechin contents for 6-day-old sprouts. Elicitation significantly increased the ability to prevent lipid against peroxidation. The antioxidant potential was the most effectively elevated in 6-day-old sprouts. Elicitation caused a significant decrease in protein content associated with a significant elevation in the non-protein nitrogen content. Induction of sprout metabolism caused a decrease of bioavailable starch and subsequent elevation of resistant starch content. CONCLUSION The significantly elevated antioxidant potential, high content of resistant starch and low starch bioaccessibility of sprouts elicited with H2O2 indicated that this technology allows the production of functional food products with particular characteristics. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry
- Published
- 2013
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49. Antioxidant and anticancer activities of Chenopodium quinoa leaves extracts – In vitro study
- Author
Dariusz Dziki, Jarosław Czyż, Urszula Gawlik-Dziki, Maciej Sułkowski, Barbara Baraniak, and Michał Świeca
- Subjects
Male ,Antioxidant ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Biological Availability ,macromolecular substances ,Toxicology ,Chenopodium quinoa ,Antioxidants ,bioaccessibility in vitro ,Rutin ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Nutraceutical ,Phenols ,Cell Line, Tumor ,medicine ,Animals ,Isorhamnetin ,Plant Extracts ,General Medicine ,Antineoplastic Agents, Phytogenic ,Rats ,Bioavailability ,Plant Leaves ,Oxidative Stress ,anticancer activity ,chemistry ,Biochemistry ,Dietary Supplements ,Drug Screening Assays, Antitumor ,Phenolics ,Reactive Oxygen Species ,Kaempferol ,Food Science - Abstract
The nutraceutical potential of Chenopodium quinoa Leaves (ChL) was assessed through analyses of their phenolic content, elucidation of the effect of ChL phenolic compounds on cancer cell properties and estimation of their antioxidative activity, bioaccessibility and bioavailability in vitro. Considerable amounts of ferulic, sinapinic and gallic acids, kaempferol, isorhamnetin and rutin were observed in the chemical ChL extract and were linked with its inhibitory effect on prostate cancer cell proliferation, motility and cellular competence for gap junctional communication. Both extracts, chemical and obtained after simulated digestion, exerted an inhibitory effect on lipoxygenase activity, paralleled by their considerable chelating, antioxidative, antiradical and reducing power. These observations indicate that phenolic ChL compounds may exert a chemopreventive and anticarcinogenic effect on oxidative stress and ROS-dependent intracellular signaling via synergic effects. The relatively high potential bioaccessibility and bioavailability of the compounds probably responsible for these effects demonstrates the suitability of ChL for dietary supplementation.
- Published
- 2013
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50. Quality and antioxidant properties of breads enriched with dry onion (Allium cepa L.) skin
- Author
Michał Świeca, Dariusz Dziki, Jarosław Czyż, Urszula Gawlik-Dziki, Justyna Tomiło, and Barbara Baraniak
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Quality Control ,Antioxidant ,Food Handling ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Flour ,Wheat flour ,breads ,Antioxidants ,Analytical Chemistry ,functional food ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Functional food ,Lipid oxidation ,Onions ,medicine ,Humans ,Food science ,biology ,Chemistry ,onion skin ,digestive, oral, and skin physiology ,food and beverages ,Bread ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,biology.organism_classification ,bioaccessibility ,Bioavailability ,antioxidants ,Taste ,Allium ,Female ,Digestion ,Quercetin ,Food Science - Abstract
The aim of the study was to investigate the effect on the antioxidant properties and sensory value of bread of adding ground onion skin (OS). For a determination of bioaccessibility and bioavailability in vitro the human gastrointestinal tract model was used. OS contained mastication-extractable quercetin (4.6 mg/g). Quercetin from OS was highly bioaccessible during in vitro conditions, but only approximately 4% of quercetin released during simulated digestion was bioavailable in vitro. The antioxidant potential of bread with OS was significantly higher than the activity noted in the control. In particular, OS addition significantly fortificated bread with bioaccessible lipid oxidation preventers and compounds with reducing and chelating abilities. The 2-3% OS addition caused significant improvement of antioxidant abilities (further increases in the OS supplement did not increase the activity of bread). Sensory evaluation showed that replacement of wheat flour in bread with up to 3% OS powder gave satisfactory consumer acceptability.
- Published
- 2013
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