9 results on '"Bessede, G."'
Search Results
2. Intravenous NPA for the treatment of infarcting myocardium early; InTIME-II, a double-blind comparison of single-bolus lanoteplase vs accelerated alteplase for the treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarction
- Author
Braunwald, E., Neuhaus, K. -L., Antman, E., Chew, P., Skene, A., Wilcox, R., Ambrosioni, E., Anderson, J., Apetrei, E., Bata, I., Carrageta, M., Col, J., Dalby, A., Davies, R., Deckers, J., Eichman, D., Grande, P., Greene, R., Gurfinkel, E., Heikkilä, J., Henry, T., Hillis, D., Hochman, J., Huber, K., Kostis, J., Klinke, P., López-Sendón, J., Mckendall, G., Móller, B., Moore, P., Morris, A., Mueller, H., Östör, E., Oto, A., Ruda, M., Sadowski, Z., Schweiger, M., Sequeira, R., Shah, P., Shannon, R., Smith, B., Sobel, B., Steingart, R., Tebbe, U., Toman, J., Traboulsi, M., Vahanian, A., Warnica, J. W., Willerson, J., Deitchman, D., Davidson, L., Folgia, T., Foxley, A., Goodman, J., Hauck, C., Henry, D., Mccabe, C., Pangerl, A., Thomson, A., Wagner, M., Kennedy, J. W., Cairns, J., Demets, D., Julian, D., Simoons, M., Charlesworth, A., Easton, J. D., Ferbert, A., Feske, S., Kuhn, P., Moseley, J., Rogg, J. M., Reichmann, H., Sloan, M., von Kummer, R., Zamani, A., Coulter, S., Giugliano, R., Skene, A. M., Ardill, R., Ince, Y., Peters, A., Ward, K., Wolf, L., Curtis, N., De Brés, J., Stead, S., Watson, S., Cutler, S., Friedman, J., Helfrick, R., Williams, S., Klimovsky, J., Kumagai, S., Adams, E., Anderson, C., Bauhuber, I., Bennett, L., Biro, E., Boyce, E., Bregman, B., Carvalho, P., Ciganovic, D., Csukas, M., Cuenca, P., De Cuyper, S., Diez, P., Dijkhuizen, M., Dille-Amo, C., Gonzalez-Santis, A., Gursoy, M., Hammarstrom, K., Harasta, E., Ingman, E., Kelemen, B., Keulen, I., Koren, A., Langthaler, G., Lemaire, F., Little, I., Montalban, C., Nijssen, K., Neumueller, I., Palander, M., Pekuri, T., Persson, U., Pilz, J., Oudotova, S., Pisklakov, V., Proinov, F., Ptaszynska, A., Read, J., Retei, S., Romeyer, F., Romanini, M., Saar, L., Salein, D., Samsonov, M., Simeon-Dubach, D., Simmonds, J., Skaza, M., Skvortsova, N., Smidlova, Z., Spitzerova, H., Strijdveen, I., Szajewski, T., Ugurnal, B., Valcarce, M., van Rompaey, I., Walker, A., Zak, E., Zimova, N., Barrero, C., Beck, E., Bruno, M. L., Caccavo, A., Cagide, A., Campo, A., Cermesoni, R., Chahin, M., Dutra, O., Estrada, J., Falu, E. A., Gagliardi, J., Garre, L. E., Liprandi, A. S., Luciardi, H., Mautner, B., Muntaner, J., Nau, G., Salzberg, S., Santopinto, J., Sinisi, A., Torres, H., Eber, B., Elliott, P., Hiemetsberger, H., Juhasz, M., Kühn, P., Leisch, F., Niktardjam, M., Reisinger, J., Schmalix, G., Schuster, R., Sihorsch, K., Silberhauer, K., Slany, J., Steinbach, K., Tragl, K. H., Valentin, A., Al Shwafi, K., Dasnoy, P., De Clippel, M., de Meester, A., De Raedt, H. J. L. P., Emonts, M., Evrard, P., Eycken, M., Geboers, M., Heyndrickx, G., Lauwers, K., Mitrie, K., Pirenne, B., Renard, M., Somers, Y., Timmermans, P., Van Kuyk, M., Van Mieghem, W., Vermeulen, J., Verrostte, J. M., Albuquerque, D., Ayoub, J. C. A., Carvalho, A., Cesar, L., Gebara, O., Golin, V., Knobel, E., Leaes, P., Neto, J. A. M., Nicolau, J. C., Piegas, L. S., Rabelo, A., Rassi, A., Sila, L., Simao, A. F., Ashton, T., Baillie, H., Bhargava, R., Bota, G., Cameron, W., Chan, N., Chan, Y. K., Daly, P. A., Darcel, I., Davies, E., Desjardin, L., Dhingra, S., Ducas, J., Ervin, F. L., Fortin, C., Fowlis, R., Fulop, J., Furey, M., Gagnon, S., Gebhardt, V., Giannaccro, P., Gosselin, G., Graham, J., Grondin, F., Heath, J. W., Henderson, M., Hilton, D. R., Hiscock, J., Hui, W., Kaza, L., Kesselman, T., Kouz, S., Kucerak, M., Lahoude, N., Lamothe, M., Lebouthillier, P., Lenis, J., Levesque, P., Lopez, J. F., Lubelsky, B., Macritchie, D., Mayer, J. -P., Mcdowell, J. D., Montigny, M., Orestien-Lyall, T., Parekh, P., Pistawka, K., Price, J. B., Pruneau, G., Quinn, B., Reid, B. R., Richmond, M., Rose, B., Schuld, R., Sharma, N. K., Shetty, P., Stanton, E., Strauss, H. D., Sussex, B., Theroux, P., Turabian, M., Turner, C., Vizel, S., Walker, M., Weeks, A., Winkler, L., Zacharias, G., Zimmerman, R., Bartolucci, J., Castro, P., Diaz, M. A., Illanes, G., Potthoff, S., Sanchez, E. C., Silva, L. M., Yovanovich, J., Zanetti, F. L., Alan, D., Balázová, K., Boček, P., Cerny, J., Fischerova, B., Holub, M., Hradec, J., Janota, T., Janský, P., Kasper, J., Klimsa, Z., Motovská, Z., Pleva, L., Pluhacek, L., Pšenčka, M., Semrád, B., Spinar, J., Staněk, V., Štípal, R., Suítil, P., Vítovec, J., Wichterie, D., Widimský, P., Zeman, K., Andersen, C. B., Kriegbaum, J., Nielsen, N., Nielsen, P. E., Schou, J. B., Teesalu, R., Voitk, J., Haapamäki, H. V. H., Halkosaari, M., Härkönen, M., Jägerholm, S., Kärjä-Koskenkari, P., Karthunen, P., Kesäniemi, Y. A., Koskivirta, H., Lehto, P., Lilja, M., Paakkinen, S., Palomäki, A. K., Pietilä, K., Tuominen, J., Viopio-Pulkki, L., Ylönen, H., Adi, I., Admant, P., Akadirik, A., Alagha, Z., Alhabaj, S., Amat, G., Andre, A. A., Apffel, F., Aswad, K., Baradat, G., Bareiss, P., Barthers, F. B., Baudet, M., Baudouy, M., Bearez, E. M., Berthou, J. D., Berzin, B., Bessede, G., Blanc, J. J., Bocara, A., Bonneau, A., Bourdad, C., Bouvier, J. M., Cassagnes, J., Cassat, A., Cazaux, P., Charbonnier, B., Clementy, J., Cohen, A., Coisne, D., Colin, P., Croizier, O., D’Hautefeuille, B., D’Ivernois, C., Daumas, P. L., Dauphin, C. L., Deforet, M. F., Degand, B., Dequeker, J. L., Dickele, M. C., Dugrand, P., Durand, S., Ebagosti, A., Elharrar, C., Equine, O., Fichter, E., Flork, L., Fouche, R., Fourchard, V., Fourme, T., Fournier, P. Y., Funck, F., Galley, D., Garbarz, E., Ghadban, W., Gladin, M., Grall, J. Y., Grand, A., Gryman, R., Guillard, N., Guillo, P., Haftel, Y., Hannebicque, G., Henry, R., Huret, J. F., Janin-Magnificat, L., Jarnier, J., Joly, A., Kamal, H., Khalife, A., Roynard, J. L., Lang, M., Lapeyssonnie, A., Ledain, L., Lejeune, P., Lemetayer, L., Lepori, R., Lombart, A., Lusson, J. R., Magnin, O., Marquand, A., Martelet, M. M., Martelli, A., Mathurin, C., Mentre, B., Messager, D., Morizot, M., Mouallem, M. J., Mouhoub, O., Mycimski, C., Nallet, O., Olive, T., Pacouret, G., Palcoux, M. C., Poulard, J. E., Pruvost, A., Quiret, J. C., Richard, C., Richard, P., Rickaud, P., Riehl-Aleil, V., Rifai, A., Rocher, R., Rotreff, P., Segrestin, B., Slama, M. S., Sultan, P., Tabone, X., Talbodec, A., Tissot, M. T., Toussaint, C., Veyrat, A., Zerrouk, Z., Adamczak, M., Altmann, E., Altybernd, B., Andreassen, G., Andresen, D., Appenrodt, H., Bachmann, S., Bäcker, U., Beckert, U., Behr, H. M., Beier, W., Beier, T., Berger, D., Bernsmeier, R., Beythien, R. D., Biechl, E., Biedermann, G., Bischoff, K. O., Blerich, J., Boch, H. B., Bonzel, T., Both, A. R., Breidenbach, K., Breuer, M., Breuer, H. W. M., Brunkhorst, F. B., Bruns, A., Bundschu, H. D., Burkhardt, W., Busse, H. J., Caesar, K., Cailloud, J., Chlosta, A., Chorlanopoulos, E., Consemüller, S., Decker, W., Dichgans, M., Dick, R., Diederich, K. W., Dienst, C., Dietz, A., Dißmann, R., Ditter, H., Doering, W., Drost, H., Dundalek, E. D., Eckardt, D., Edelmann, A., Eggeling, T., Eggert, G., Eichner, R., Endres, C., Engberding, R., Engel, H. J., Faehnrich, A., Fischer, J. L., Flor, A., Forycki, F. Z. F., Froböse, H. J., Fruehauf, T., Fuchs, M., Geiser, R., Geletneky, J., Gerdes, H., Gerecke, B., Gesing, S., Gieser, H., Girth, E., Glogner, P., Glover, M., Goetz, J., Goetz, H., Göttfert, G., Gottwik, M., Gregori, B., Grieshaber, M., Großmann, C., Gruber, G., Gunold, H., Häßler, W. H., Hackenjos, B., Hader, O., Hamer, H., Harmjanz, D., Hasst, G., Haun, H., Hauptmann, K. E., Hegge, F. J., Heinze, A., Heinze, R., Henrichs, K. J., Hergenröther, H., Herrmann, F., Herzig, C., Hey, D., Hill, S., Hinzmann, S., Hoffmann, S., Höfs, T., Höhler, H., Holle, G., Höltman, B. J., Horacek, T., Hossmann, V., Hübner, F. S., Hülskamp, C., Hunecke, R., Hust, M., Jaeckh, G., Jebens, C., Jennen, E., Jost, M., Justiz, R., Kallmann, L., Kalscheur, F., Kaschner, W., Kaspar, W., Kauder, E., Keitel, B., Keller, H., Kemkes, T., Kerler, N., Kester, M., Kettner, W., Kilp, M., Kirklies, A., Klaus, A., Klein, H. H., Klenböck, J. R., Kley, H. K., Klingenbeck, R., Koch, H., Kohler, B., Kohler, J., Kolloch, R., Konermann, M., Körber, H. G., Kother, T. K., Kötter, V., Kottwitz, B., Kozariszcsuk, G., Kracht, T., Kratzsch, G., Kreft, H. U., Kreuter, G., Krönert, H., Krönig, B., Krueger, E., Krülls-Münch, J., Kuckuk, H., Kuelschbach, M., Kuhrt-Lassay, O. W., Kummerhoff, P. W., Kunevt, R., Kurth, C. U., Lang, C., Lange, C., Langhoff, R., Laskus, A., Lazarus, P., Lehmann, H. U., Lenga, P., Lengfelder, W., Leupolz, W., Limbourg, P., Loos, U., Lucanus, W., Machill, K., Mäckel, P., Mackes, K. G., Maier, S., Makowski, B., Mandok, J., Manz, M., Mäurer, W., Meier, F., Meier, J., Menges, M., Merx, W., Meurers, G., Michels, U., Mickeler, C. H., Mons, D., Moos, E., Mueller, R., Müller, G., Nast, H. P., Naumann, G., Nebelsieck, H., Neubaur, J., Niederer, W., Nitsch, J., Noack, J., Nogai, K. F. W., Oberheiden, A., Obst, R., Ochs, H. R., Odemar, F., Odenthal, H. J. B., Offers, E., Öhl, S., Ohlmeier, H. A. R. M., Patzer, P., Pech, A., Peters, U., Petry, U., Pietschmann, G. J., Pistner, W., Plappert, B., Pohlmann, W. K., Pollock, B., Presser, H. J., Przytarski, K., Puerner, K. L., Raouf, N., Reike, N., Reil, G. H., Reinhard, U., Riebeling, V., Ritzmann, M., Rödder, J., Roth, E., Rüdelstein, R., Saborowski, F., Sauter, B., Sceffler, N., Schartl, A., Schifferdecker, E., Schlotterbeck, K. P., Schmidt, J., Schmidt-Dannert, D. R., Schmidt-Klewitz, H., Schmitz, H. J., Schnebelt, T., Schneider, H. L., Schneider, F. J., Schoeller, R., Scholz, D., Schoppe, W. D., Schreiner, G., Schroeder, J., Schuh, N., Schulte, K. L., Schulze, H., Schulze, H. D., Schuster, P., Schuster, H. P., Schweizer, P., Sechtem, U., Sedlmaier, H. P., Segel, S., Sehnert, W., Seidel, F., Siedentopf, K., Simon, H., Sodomann, C. P., Solbach, C., Sorges, E., Stabenow, S., Stadler, K. P., Stammwitz, E., Stein, U., Sternberg, H., Stiepak, C., Stockmann, M., Straus, W., Striegel, H., Struch, E., Strupp, G., Taubert, T. B. T., Thoeming, B., Thoß, A., Tinnappel, J., Tomsik, H., Topp, H., Troost, S., Öberreiter, A., Uebis, R., Ungler, T., Urbaszek, W., Vöhringer, H. F., von Arnim, T., von Leitner, E. R., von Löwis of Menar, A., von Mengden, H. J., von Smekal, P., Voss, W., Wacker, P., Warning, A., Warzecha, A., Wefers, U., Wehr, M., Weigel, H., Weissthanner, F., Weller, P., Werner, M., Wette, A., Wichert, H., Wielage, T., Wiese, U., Wilbrand, T. B., Wilhelms, E., Wilmsmann, G., Wolf, F. H., Wolf, T., Wonhas, F. C. M., Zastrow, B., Zeymer, U., Ziruler, S., Ziss, W., Zölch, K. A., Zwirner, K., Becker, D., Bosko, M., Csillag, I., Ermenyi, A., Fogas, J., Heltai, K., Jánosi, A., Katona, A., Kiraly, C., Kiss, B., Kutor, G., Mizik, R., Molnar, T., Mühl, M., Nagy, D., Palacti, I., Rudas, L., Sárosi, I., Simon, K., Sitkel, E., Sydó, T., Szaboki, F., Szikla, K., Szönyi, T., Timar, S., Vándor, L., Zamolyl, K., Walsh, M., Caspi, A., Swissa, M., Badano, L., Baldacci, G., Balli, E., Banda, D., Baretta, G., Boccalatte, A., Borgatti, M. L., Branzi, A., Burelli, C., Capelletti, D., Capucci, A., Caragiulo, D., Carbonieri, E., Cassin, M., Ceci, V., Cocchieri, M., Coletta, C., Conte, E., Contini, G. M., Corsini, G., D’Annunzio, E., De Blasi, M., De Luca, I., Delciterna, F., Di Pasquale, G., Diguardo, G., Fattore, L., Ferraiuulo, G., Finardi, A., Fioretti, P. M., Giunta, G., Guiducci, U., Guzzardi, G., Horando, G., Ignone, G., Lazzaroli, A., Levantesi, D., Liberati, R., Losi, E., Macor, F., Mangiameli, S., Martines, C., Meinardi, F., Morgera, T., Morozzi, L., Mostacci, M., Naccarella, F. F., Ottani, F., Palamara, A., Pani, A., Paperini, L., Pes, R., Pesola, A., Porzio, A., Raviele, A., Ricci, S., Rosi, A., Rossi, R., Rotiroti, D., Rusconi, L., Sabino, G., Saccone, V., Sanna, A., Scaramuzzino, G., Scorcu, G. P., Semprini, F., Severini, D., Staniscia, D., Tantalo, L., Tartagni, F., Terrosu, P., Tondelli, S., Trichero, R., Uslenghi, E., Vajola, S. F., Vetrano, A., Violi, E., Zardini, P., Zingarini, G. L., Zobbi, G., Zuin, G., Kalnins, U., Cârvekülg, A., Laanoca, J., Iacis, J., Lankiene, L., Laucevicius, A., Lukoseviciute, A., Palsauskaite, R., Petrauskiene, B., Soopóld, W., Uuetoa, H., Vilks, J., Vitonyte, R., Zakke, I., Dorantes, J., Hernández, H., Jerjes, C., Leva Garza, J. L., Martinez, C., Anneveldt, A., Baars, H. F., Baldew, S. C., Bendermacher, P. E. F., Boersma, L. V. A., Bos, R. J., Breedveld, R. W., Bruggink, P. W. F., Ciampricotti, R., Darmanata, J. I., de Porto, A. E., de Weerd, G. J., Deckers, J. W., Freericks, M. P., Hillebrand, F. A., Kerker, J. P., Koenen, J. C., Kofflard, M. G. M., Liem, K. L., Liem, A. H., Linssen, G. C. M., Lionarons, R. J., Peters, J. R. M., Posma, J. P., Saat, E. W. M., Savalle, L. H., Smits, W. C. G., Suttorp, M. J., Tans, A. C., Troquay, R. P. Th., van Beek, G. J., van Boven, A. J., Van der Heijden, R., Van Hessen, A., van Langeveld, R. A. M., van Lier, T. A. R., van Loo, L. W. H., van Wijngaarden, J., van Ziejl, L. G. P. M., Veerhoek, M. J., Vermer, F., Werner, H. A., Graven, T., Klykken, B., Meyerdieks, O., Omland, T. M., Otterstad, J. E., Pedersen, T., Rød, R., Banaszewski, M., Bednarkiewicz, Z., Bojarski, G., Ceremuzyñski, L., Czestochowska, E., Gajewski, M., Galewicz, M., Gorski, J., Grabczewska, Z. S., Gruchaka, M., Janicki, K., Janion, M., Jaworska, K., Jezewska, M., Kakol, J., Kizciuk, M., Kleinrok, A., Kolodziej, P., Komorowski, P., Konopka, A., Kopaczewski, J., Korecki, J., Kornacewicz-Jach, Z., Kowalewski, M., Kratochwil, D., Krolczyk, J., Krzminska-Pakula, M., Kurek, P., Kurowski, M., Kurpesa, M., Kurzawski, J., Kwiecien, R., Lenartowski, L., Lewandowski, M., Loboz-Grudzieñ, K., Luczak, G., Maliñski, A., Michalski, M., Musial, W., Nartowicz, E., Nowicka, A., Odyniec, A., Pasyk, S., Prastowski, W., Przybylski, A., Raczynska, A., Rodzik, J., Romanowski, M., Rynkiewicz, A., Rzyman, M., Sidorowicz, A., Sledziona, M., Sobiczewski, W., Sobkowicz, B., Sobolewska, J., Sokalski, L., Stepinska, J., Sterlinski, M., Stopinski, M., Świątecka, G., Szpernal, Z., Tarnowska, H., Trzos, E., Ujda, M., Wierzchowiecki, M., Wodynska, T., Wojciechowski, D., Wrabec, K., Wrzesinski, K., Zuk, P., Albuquergue, A., Costa, A., Cunha, D., Ferreira, D., Ferreira, R., Gaog Leiria, J. M., Pimenta, A., Rufino, E., Vasconcelos, J., Aldica, M., Balanescu, S., Bruckner, I. V., Capalneanu, R., Florescu, N., Georgescu, C. S., Cherasim, L., Ginshina, C., Merenta, A., Parvu, O., Radutiu, S., Savulescu, I., Vita, I., Averkov, O., Bokarev, I. N., Gratsiansky, N., Grigoriev, Y., Gruzdev, A., Kakhnovsky, I., Kheevehuk, T. V., Khrustalev, O., Kobalava, Y., Konoratieva, T. B., Koukline, Vladimir, Martiouchov, S., Pavlikova, E., Poskotinov, I., Rogalev, K., Sinopainikov, A., Syrkin, A., Tereschenko, S. T., Yavelov, I., Zavolghin, S., Čurilla, E., Kohn, R., Kovář, F., Murín, J., Poliačik, P., Drinovec, I., Horvat, M., Krivec, B., Markež, J., Pareznik, R., Pehnec, Z., Resman, J., Sifrer, F., Skale, R., Trinkaus, D., Voga, G., Baig, M. M. E., Blomerus, P., Botha, B. P., Burgess, L., Duncan, D., Duncan, D. I., Gillmer, D., Govender, N., Jardine, R. J., Kok, A., Manga, P., Naidu, R. K., Rajput, M. C., Ranjith, N., Roos, J. S., Snyders, F. A., Steingo, L., Stern, A., Tayob, F. Z., Vythilingum, S., Alonso-Orcajo, N., Arribas Jimenez, A., Ayestaran, J. I., Balsera, B. B. G., Barras, C., Castro, A., Cobo, N., Duque, A., Garcia, M. J., Goiriena, P., Gonzalez-Valdayo, M., Gulias Lopez, J. M., Jimenez Gomez, P., Lopez Garanda, V., Martín Santos, F., Nogueira, R., Pabon Osuna, P., Ponce De Leon, E., Quesada Dorador, A., Paya Serrano, R., Rodriguez, L., Rodriguez, M., Rubio, F., Ruiz-Salmeron, R., Solar, J., Toquero, J., Velasco, J., Vilar Herrero, V., Vizcaino, M., Wancisidor, X., Basilier, E., Birgersdotter, V., Björnsdotter, E., Bjurman, A., Hagström, D., Hallin, I., Hansen, O., Hemmingson, L. O., Lundkvist, L., Lycksell, M., Möller, B., Nolgard, P., Sjölund, G., Stjerna, A., Angehrn, W., de Benedetti, E., Diethelm, M., Gallino, A., Plebani, G., Vögelin, H. P., Wojtyna, W., Akgöz, H., Akgün, G., Akyürek, O., Batur, M. K., Bayata, S., Deger, N., Emel, O., Gürgün, C., Korkmaz, M. E., Kozan, O., Kumbasar, D., Muderrisoglu, H., Nisanci, Y., Ozin, B., Ozsaruhan, O., Payzin, S., Postaci, N., Sozcuer, H., Tamci, B., Topuzoglu, F., Türkoglu, C., Tutar, E., Ulucam, M., Ulusoy, T., Umman, B., Yalçinkaya, S., Yesil, M., Zoghi, M., Adams, P. C., Ahir, S., Ahsan, A. J., Akhtar, J., Albers, C. J., Al-Khafaji, M. N., Anderson, N., Bailey, R. J., Bain, R. J. I., Basu, A., Beal, A., Boyle, R. M., Brown, N., Campbell, S., Card, D., Cross, S. J., Davies, P., Davis, E. T. L., Dean, J. W., Deaner, A., Devine, M. A., Dhawan, J., Doig, J. C., Dubrey, S., Dunn, P. G., Dwight, J., Ecob, R., Fitzpatrick, H., Fletcher, S., Francis, C. M., Gershlick, A. H., Glennon, P. E., Goodfield, N. E., Grabau, W. J., Gray, M., Gray, K. E., Heath, J., Hendry, W. G., Highland, J., Hogg, K., Irving, J. B., James, M. A., Jennings, K., Joy, M., Kadr, H. H., Kahn, S., Keeling, P. J., Keir, P. M., Kemp, T. M., Kinaird, J., Kinsey, C., Knowles, K., Kooner, J. S., Lahiri, A., Lawson, C., Lewis, R., Macdermott, A. F. N., Mackay, A., Macleod, D. C., Mccance, A. J., Morrison, A., Mortimer, M., Mulvey, D., Murphy, J. J., Murray, S., Muthusamy, R., Myers, A., Nicolson, V. G., Northridge, D., Odemuyiwa, S., Oldroyd, K. G., Oliver, R. M., Pell, A. C. H., Pohl, J. E. F., Price, B., Quereshi, N., Rae, A. P., Reader, S., Reid, D. S., Reynolds, G. W., Robinson, A., Robson, R. H., Rodger, J. C., Rodrigues, E., Rose, E. L., Rowlands, D. B., Rowley, J. M., Rozkovec, A., Shreeve, J., Siklos, P., Smith, R. H., Sneddon, J. F., Somasundram, U., Squire, I., Stephens, J. D., Stephens-Lloyd, A., Strand, J. M., Stuart, J., Sutaria, N., Swan, J., Tait, G. W., Thomas, R. D., Thompson, M. A., Tildesley, G., Travill, C. M., Treadgold, J. A., Trelawney, J. M. S., Turner, D., Vallance, B. D., Wallbridge, D., Weissberg, P. L., White, E., Wicks, M., Wilcox, R. G., Wilkinson, P., Wiltshire, J. E., Wright, A., Andrea, B., Attassi, K., Bahr, R., Banas, J., Baran, K., Belknap, M., Bensman, M., Bertolet, B., Besley, D., Bethala, V., Betzu, R., Bhalla, R., Bhargava, M., Binder, A., Birkhead, R., Bodine, K., Brewer, D., Carey, S., Chengot, M., Coppola, J., Cragg, D., D’Arcy, B., Denny, D. M., Dilorenzo, P., Dixon, E., Doorey, A., Doty, D., Doty, W., Drossner, M., Eisenberg, P., Falco, T., Feldman, R., Freman, I., Frey, M., Garcia, J., Glassman, J., Goldman, S., Gomez, M., Gonzalez, M., Goodfield, P., Gottlieb, S., Grech, D., Hack, T., Haffey, T., Hanson, J., Havranek, E., Hermany, P., Hernandez, H., Herron, R., Hession, W., Hines, J., Hundley, R., Jacobs, W. C., Jerjes-Sanchez, C., Jerome, S., Josephson, R., Kalan, J., Kawalsky, D., Khan, A., Kmetzo, K., Kraemer, M., Lader, E., Landis, J., Lash, J., Leber, R., Leimbach, W., Leiva Garza, J. -L., Maddox, W., Magorien, R., Mahapatra, S., Mantecon, I., Mendelson, R., Miklin, J., Milas, J., Miller, R., Molk, B., Monrad, E. S., Morrison, J., Morse, H., Neustel, M., Nichols, D., Niederman, A., Nygaard, T., O’Connor, R., O’Riordan, W., Obermueller, S., Palmeri, S., Patel, R., Paul, T., Phiambolis, T., Piana, R., Polansky, B., Polinski, W., Ponce, G., Ribeiro, P., Roccario, E., Rogers, C. P., Rogers, W., Rosenblatt, A., Runyon, J. P., Scheel, F., Schmidt, P., Schneider, R., Schwartz, H., Shelhamer, L., Sheridan, F., Shine, W., Shook, T., Siskind, S., Slama, R., Spear, E., Stouffer, G., Strunk, B., Thadani, U., Timmis, G., Trautloff, R., Tse, A., Wohl, B., Zarren, H., Zucker, R., Kuster, F., and Pardie, J. P.
- Subjects
Male ,Risk ,Infusions ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Myocardial Infarction ,Bolus lytic therapy ,Acute myocardial infarction ,Tissue plasminogen activator ,Thrombolytic drug ,Double-Blind Method ,Fibrinolytic Agents ,medicine ,Humans ,Thrombolytic Therapy ,Myocardial infarction ,Infusions, Intravenous ,Stroke ,Aged ,business.industry ,ST elevation ,Lanoteplase ,Emergency department ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Survival Analysis ,Regimen ,Relative risk ,Anesthesia ,Tissue Plasminogen Activator ,Female ,Intracranial Hemorrhages ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Intravenous ,medicine.drug - Abstract
AIMS To compare the efficacy and safety of lanoteplase, a single-bolus thrombolytic drug derived from alteplase tissue plasminogen activator, with the established accelerated alteplase regimen in patients presenting within 6 h of onset of ST elevation acute myocardial infarction. METHODS AND RESULTS 15,078 patients were recruited from 855 hospitals worldwide and randomized in a 2:1 ratio to receive either lanoteplase 120 KU. kg(-1)as a single intravenous bolus, or up to 100 mg accelerated alteplase given over 90 min. The primary end-point was all-cause mortality at 30 days and the hypothesis was that the two treatments would be equivalent. By 30 days, 6.61% of alteplase-treated patients and 6.75% lanoteplase-treated patients had died (relative risk 1.02). Total stroke occurred in 1.53% alteplase- and 1.87% lanoteplase-treated patients (ns); haemorrhagic stroke rates were 0.64% alteplase and 1.12% lanoteplase (P=0.004). The net clinical deficit of 30-day death or non-fatal disabling stroke was 7.0% and 7.2%, respectively. By 6 months, 8.8% of alteplase-treated patients and 8.7% of lanoteplase-treated patients had died. CONCLUSION Single-bolus weight-adjusted lanoteplase is an effective thrombolytic agent, equivalent to alteplase in terms of its impact on survival and with a comparable risk-benefit profile. The single-bolus regimen should shorten symptoms to treatment times and be especially convenient for emergency department or out-of-hospital administration.
- Published
- 2000
3. Risk of ST versus non-ST elevation myocardial infarction associated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Author
Grimaldi-Bensouda L, Rossignol M, Danchin N, Steg PG, Bessede G, Ovize M, Cottin Y, Autret-Leca E, Benichou J, Abenhaim L, and PGRx-Myocardial Infarction Study Group
- Abstract
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to explore the association of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). DESIGN, SETTING & PATIENTS: A matched case-control study comparing patients with incident non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI) collected by cardiologists with controls. Cases were retrieved from the Pharmacoepidemiological General Research on Myocardial Infarction (PGRx-MI) registry, a French nationwide registry consisting of 55 cardiology centres, whereas controls were selected from general practice settings. Both cases and controls were recruited from the same geographically diverse areas across continental France. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The association between NSAID and MI was assessed by matched adjusted OR from conditional logistic regression. RESULTS: Between 2007 and 2009, 1125 incident cases were included (67.3% and 32.7% for STEMI and NSTEMI, respectively), with 2790 controls matched to MI cases by age and sex. Current use (previous 2 months) of either diclofenac or naproxen and other arylpropionic acid NSAID was not associated with STEMI (OR 0.9, 95% CI 0.4 to 1.9 and OR 1.0, 95% CI 0.6 to 1.7, respectively), instead it showed significant association with NSTEMI (OR 2.8, 95% CI 1.2 to 6.4 and OR 0.4, 95% CI 0.2 to 0.9, respectively). Our study confirms results from previously published analyses on the association of MI with NSAID (OR 1.5, 0.9, and 1.0 for diclofenac, naproxen and related NSAID, and all NSAID combined, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows that the MI risk modification associated with NSAID is limited to NSTEMI. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
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4. Impairment with various antioxidants of the loss of mitochondrial transmembrane potential and of the cytosolic release of cytochrome c occuring during 7-ketocholesterol-induced apoptosis
- Author
Lizard, G., Miguet, C., Bessede, G., Monier, S., Gueldry, S., Neel, D., and Gambert, P.
- Published
- 2000
- Full Text
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5. The clopidogrel in unstable angina to prevent Recurrent Events (CURE) trial programme - Rationale, design and baseline characteristics including a meta-analysis of the effects of thienopyridines in vascular disease
- Author
Yusuf, S., Mehta, S., Anand, S., Avezum, A., Awan, N., Bertrand, M., Blumenthal, M., Bouthier, J., Budaj, A., Ceremuzynski, L., Chrolavicius, S., Col, J., Commerford, P., Diaz, R., Flather, M., Fox, K., Franzosi, Mg, Gaudin, C., Gersh, B., Grossman, W., Halon, D., Hess, T., Hunt, D., Joyner, C., Karatzas, N., Keltai, M., Khurmi, N., Kopecky, S., Lewis, B., Maggioni, A., Malmberg, K., Moccetti, T., Morais, J., Paolasso, E., Peters, R., Piegas, L., Pipilis, A., Ramos-Corrales, Ma, Rupprecht, Hj, Ryden, L., Sitkei, E., Sotty, M., Tognoni, G., Valentin, V., Varigos, J., Widimsky, P., Wittlinger, T., Pogue, J., Copland, I., Cracknell, B., Demers, C., Eikelboom, J., Hall, K., Keys, J., Mcqueen, M., Montague, P., Morris, B., Ounpuu, S., Wright, C., Yacyshyn, V., Zhao, F., Lewis, Bs, Commerford, Pj, Wyse, G., Cairns, J., Hart, R., Hirsh, J., Gent, M., Ryan, T., Wittes, J., Auger, P., Basart, Dcg, Chan, Y., Raedt, H., Den Hartoog, M., Galli, M., Garcia-Guerrero, Jj, Marquis, Jf, Mauri, F., Mayosi, B., Natarajan, M., Nieminen, M., Norris, J., Panju, A., Peters, Rj, Renkin, J., Rihal, C., Szymanski, P., Wasek, W., Allende, G., Bono, Jo, Caccavo, A., Fernandez, Aa, Fuselli, Jj, Gambarte, Aj, Guerrero, Raa, Hasbani, Eg, Liprandi, As, Marzetti, E., Mon, G., Nordaby, R., Nul, D., Quijano, G., Salvati, A., San Martin, E., Sokn, F., Torre, H., Trivi, M., Tuero, E., Amerena, J., Bailey, N., Bett, Jhn, Buncle, A., Careless, D., Desilva, S., Ewart, A., Fitzpatrick, D., Garrahy, P., Gunawardane, K., Hamer, A., Hill, A., Jackson, B., Lane, G., Nelson, G., Owensby, D., Rees, D., Rosen, D., Sampson, J., Singh, B., Taylor, R., Thomson, A., Walsh, W., Watson, B., Glogar, H., Steinbach, K., Geutjens, L., Ledune, J., Lescot, C., Popeye, R., Vermeulen, J., Abrantes, Ja, Baruzzi, Ac, Bassan, R., Bodanese, Lc, Carvalho, Ac, Mario Coutinho, Albuquerque, Dc, Dutra, O., Esteves, Jp, Leaes, Pe, Marino, Rl, Neto, Jam, Nicolau, Jc, Rabelo, A., Timerman, A., Xavier, Ss, Bata, I., Bhargava, Rk, Bogaty, P., Bolduc, P., Boyne, T., Chan, Yk, D Astous, M., Davies, T., Dhingra, S., Desjardins, L., Douglas, Jg, Fortin, C., Fung, A., Gangbar, E., Gebhardt, V., Gervais, Pb, Giannoccaro, Jp, Gossard, D., Gosselin, G., Grandmont, D., Grover, A., Gupta, M., Hiscock, Jg, Hynd, Jwh, Hussain, M., Iless, A., Kitching, A., Kostuk, W., Kouz, S., Kwok, K., Lee, H., Lefkowitz, C., Lenis, J., Lubelsky, B., Ma, P., May, B., Mercier, M., Montigny, M., Morris, A., Nawaz, S., Pallie, S., Parekh, P., Pesant, Y., Pilon, C., Pistawka, K., Rajakumar, Arj, Rebane, T., Ricci, J., Ruel, M., Schuld, R., Starra, R., Sussex, B., Talbot, P., Theroux, P., Venkatesh, G., Weeks, As, Winkler, Lh, Wisenberg, G., Woo, K., Yu, E., Zadra, R., Bocek, P., Branny, M., Cepelak, V., Drapalik, V., Gregor, P., Groch, L., Jansky, P., Kalslerova, M., Starek, A., Svitil, P., Vaclavicek, A., Husted, S., Rasmussen, Lh, Nielsen, Hk, Hamalainen, T., Majamas-Voltti, K., Mustonen, J., Peuhkurinen, K., Raasakka, T., Ylitalo, A., Adam, Mc, Agraou, B., Amat, G., Bessede, G., Boulenc, Jm, Boureux, C., Dambrine, P., Decoulx, E., Delarche, N., Desjoyaux, E., D Hautefeuille, B., Dubois-Rande, Jl, Fadel, N., Fouche, R., Fournier, P., Haftel, Y., Kahn, Jc, Ketelers, Jy, Lallemant, R., Lang, M., Lelguen, C., Leroy, F., Montalescot, G., Poulard, Je, Richard, M., Wittenberg, O., Beythien, Rd, Dippold, Wg, Harenberg, J., Hasslacher, C., Hauptmann, Ke, Hempel, G., Horacek, T., Kaulhausen, A., Kohler, B., Kurz, C., Lengfelder, W., Liebau, G., Loos, U., Neuss, H., Ochs, Hr, Pollock, B., Post, G., Reismann, K., Sauer, M., Schmidt, A., Schmitt, H., Schuster, P., Trenkwalder, P., Uebis, R., Leitner, Er, Vossbeck, G., Christakos, S., Karidis, K., Kelesidis, K., Papadopoulos, K., Tirologos, A., Tsaknakis, T., Gesztesi, T., Herczeg, B., Janosi, A., Kalo, E., Karpati, P., Mesko, E., Mezofi, M., Poor, F., Regos, L., Rudas, L., Soltesz, P., Szaboki, F., Timar, S., Valyi, P., Zamolyi, K., Daly, Km, Meany, Bt, Sugrue, D., Caspi, A., David, D., Marmor, A., Nazzal, D., Omary, M., Reisin, L., Rosenfeld, T., Shasha, S., Vered, Z., Zimlichman, R., Bellet, C., Bernardi, D., Branzi, A., Ceci, V., Celegon, L., Cernigliaro, C., Corsini, G., Croce, A., Caterina, R., Servi, S., Di Biase, G., Di Chiara, A., Di Pasquale, G., Filorizzo, G., Fiorentini, C., Ignone, G., Lombardi, F., Mafrici, A., Margonato, A., Maurea, N., Meneghetti, P., Meniconi, L., Mennuni, M., Mininni, N., Murrone, A., Notaristefan, A., Pettinati, G., Pinelli, G., Rossi, R., Sanna, A., Scabbia, E., Terrosu, P., Trinchero, R., Ruiz, Ra, Diaz, Ac, Santamaria, Ih, Pons, Jll, Diaz, Cjs, Castro, Jat, Morales, Ev, Bronzwaer, Pna, Haan, Hpj, Grosfeld, Mjw, Heijmeriks, Ja, Jochemsen, Gm, Klomps, Hc, Landsaat, Pm, Michels, Hr, Peters, Jrm, Beek, Gj, Hiejden, R., Verheul, Ja, Viergever, Ep, Audeau, M., Bopitiya, U., Hills, M., Ikram, H., Erikssen, J., Morstel, T., Vik-Mo, H., Haerem, Jw, Achremczyk, P., Banasiak, W., Burduk, P., Danielewicz, H., Demczuk, M., Dworzanski, W., Frycz, J., Gessek, J., Gorny, J., Janik, K., Jedrzejowski, A., Kawka-Urbanek, T., Kozlowski, A., Krasowski, W., Maciejewicz, J., Majcher, Z., Malinowski, S., Marczyk, T., Miekus, P., Ogorek, M., Piepiorka, M., Religa, K., Reszka, Z., Smielak-Korombel, W., Susol, D., Szpajer, M., Ujda, M., Waszyrowski, T., Zebrowski, A., Zielinski, Z., Cardoso, P., Carrageta, M., Correia, A., Cunha, D., Ferreira, L., Ferreira, R., Ribeiro, Vg, Tuna, Jl, Gomes, Mv, Aboo, A., Bobak, L., Brown, B., Cassim, S., King, J., Manga, P., Maritz, F., Marx, Jd, Mekel, J., Myburgh, Dp, Routier, R., Orcajo, Na, Asin, E., Colomina, F., Del Nogal, F., Echanove, I., Ferriz, J., Alcantara, Ag, Guerrero, Jjg, Juanatey, Jrg, Jodar, L., Lekuona, I., Miralles, L., Llorian, Ar, Rovira, A., San Jose, Jm, Valle, V., Abdon, Nj, Bartholdson, B., Fredholm, O., Kristensson, Be, Messner, T., Moller, Bh, Rasmanis, G., Stjerna, A., Strandberg, Le, Tolhagen, K., Caduff, B., Christen, S., Gallino, A., Haller, A., Noseda, G., Schmidt, D., Weber, A., Allen, M., Allison, W., Berk, M., Blankenship, D., Browne, K., Bryg, Rj, Caputo, C., Carr, K., Chandrashekhar, Y., Chelliah, N., Courtney, Dl, Deedwania, P., Detrano, R., Dixon, Ew, Dzwonczyk, T., Egbujiobi, L., Erenrich, Nh, Frazier, R., Funai, J., Gammon, Rs, Geer, Vr, Ghali, J., Goldberg, Mc, Goldman, S., Grainer, S., Grewal, G., Hanley, P., Haronian, H., Hermany, R., Karlsberg, R., Kesselbrenner, M., Krantzler, J., Lader, Ew, Lakkis, N., Levites, R., Lewis, Wr, Losordo, Dw, Magorien, R., Minisi, A., Minor, St, Newton, Cm, Nisar, A., Pacheco, Tr, Papuchis, G., Promisloff, S., Puma, J., Rokey, R., Sacco, J., Saeian, K., Schlesinger, R., Sharma, Sc, Shettigar, R., Smith, K., Thadani, U., Thomas, I., Urban, Pl, Vallenkaran, G., Whitaker, J., Yellen, Lg, Zarich, S., Zaroff, J., Adgey, Yja, Brack, M., Bridges, A., Cohen, A., Currie, P., Dwight, Jf, Findlay, I., Foale, R., Gemmill, J., Goodfellow, J., Gray, Ke, Holdright, D., Jennings, K., Keeling, P., Ludman, P., Murphy, C., Oliver, Rm, Rodrigues, E., Smith, Rh, Sprigings, D., Stephens, J., Swan, J., Timmis, A., Vincent, R., Yusuf, S, Mehta, S, Anand, S, Avezum, A, Awan, N, Bertrand, M, Blumenthal, M, Bouthier, J, Budaj, A, Ceremuzynski, L, Chrolavicius, S, Col, J, Commerford, P, Diaz, R, Flather, M, Fox, K, Franzosi, Mg, Gaudin, C, Gersh, B, Grossman, W, Halon, D, Hess, T, Hunt, D, Joyner, C, Karatzas, N, Keltai, M, Khurmi, N, Kopecky, S, Lewis, B, Maggioni, A, Malmberg, K, Moccetti, T, Morais, J, Paolasso, E, Peters, R, Piegas, L, Pipilis, A, Ramos Corrales, Ma, Rupprecht, Hj, Ryden, L, Sitkei, E, Sotty, M, Tognoni, G, Valentin, V, Varigos, J, Widimsky, P, Wittlinger, T, Pogue, J, Copland, I, Cracknell, B, Demers, C, Eikelboom, J, Hall, K, Keys, J, Mcqueen, M, Montague, P, Morris, B, Ounpuu, S, Wright, C, Yacyshyn, V, Zhao, F, Commerford, Pj, Wyse, G, Cairns, J, Hart, R, Hirsh, J, Gent, M, Ryan, T, Wittes, J, Auger, P, Basart, Dcg, Chan, Y, De Raedt, H, den Hartoog, M, Galli, M, Garcia Guerrero, Jj, Marquis, Jf, Mauri, F, Mayosi, B, Natarajan, M, Nieminen, M, Norris, J, Panju, A, Peters, Rj, Renkin, J, Rihal, C, Szymanski, P, Wasek, W, Allende, G, Bono, Jo, Caccavo, A, Fernandez, Aa, Fuselli, Jj, Gambarte, Aj, Guerrero, Raa, Hasbani, Eg, Liprandi, A, Marzetti, E, Mon, G, Nordaby, R, Nul, D, Quijano, G, Salvati, A, San Martin, E, Sokn, F, Torre, H, Trivi, M, Tuero, E, Amerena, J, Bailey, N, Bett, Jhn, Buncle, A, Careless, D, Desilva, S, Ewart, A, Fitzpatrick, D, Garrahy, P, Gunawardane, K, Hamer, A, Hill, A, Jackson, B, Lane, G, Nelson, G, Owensby, D, Rees, D, Rosen, D, Sampson, J, Singh, B, Taylor, R, Thomson, A, Walsh, W, Watson, B, Glogar, H, Steinbach, K, Geutjens, L, Ledune, J, Lescot, C, Popeye, R, Vermeulen, J, Abrantes, Ja, Baruzzi, Ac, Bassan, R, Bodanese, Lc, Carvalho, Ac, Coutinho, M, de Albuquerque, Dc, Dutra, O, Esteves, Jp, Leaes, Pe, Marino, Rl, Neto, Jam, Nicolau, Jc, Rabelo, A, Timerman, A, Xavier, S, Bata, I, Bhargava, Rk, Bogaty, P, Bolduc, P, Boyne, T, Chan, Yk, D'Astous, M, Davies, T, Dhingra, S, Desjardins, L, Douglas, Jg, Fortin, C, Fung, A, Gangbar, E, Gebhardt, V, Gervais, Pb, Giannoccaro, Jp, Gossard, D, Gosselin, G, Grandmont, D, Grover, A, Gupta, M, Hiscock, Jg, Hynd, Jwh, Hussain, M, Iless, A, Kitching, A, Kostuk, W, Kouz, S, Kwok, K, Lee, H, Lefkowitz, C, Lenis, J, Lubelsky, B, Ma, P, May, B, Mercier, M, Montigny, M, Morris, A, Nawaz, S, Pallie, S, Parekh, P, Pesant, Y, Pilon, C, Pistawka, K, Rajakumar, Arj, Rebane, T, Ricci, J, Ruel, M, Schuld, R, Starra, R, Sussex, B, Talbot, P, Theroux, P, Venkatesh, G, Weeks, A, Winkler, Lh, Wisenberg, G, Woo, K, Yu, E, Zadra, R, Bocek, P, Branny, M, Cepelak, V, Drapalik, V, Gregor, P, Groch, L, Jansky, P, Kalslerova, M, Starek, A, Svitil, P, Vaclavicek, A, Husted, S, Rasmussen, Lh, Nielsen, Hk, Hamalainen, T, Majamas Voltti, K, Mustonen, J, Peuhkurinen, K, Raasakka, T, Ylitalo, A, Adam, Mc, Agraou, B, Amat, G, Bessede, G, Boulenc, Jm, Boureux, C, Dambrine, P, Decoulx, E, Delarche, N, Desjoyaux, E, D'Hautefeuille, B, Dubois Rande, Jl, Fadel, N, Fouche, R, Fournier, P, Haftel, Y, Kahn, Jc, Ketelers, Jy, Lallemant, R, Lang, M, Lelguen, C, Leroy, F, Montalescot, G, Poulard, Je, Richard, M, Wittenberg, O, Beythien, Rd, Dippold, Wg, Harenberg, J, Hasslacher, C, Hauptmann, Ke, Hempel, G, Horacek, T, Kaulhausen, A, Kohler, B, Kurz, C, Lengfelder, W, Liebau, G, Loos, U, Neuss, H, Ochs, Hr, Pollock, B, Post, G, Reismann, K, Sauer, M, Schmidt, A, Schmitt, H, Schuster, P, Trenkwalder, P, Uebis, R, von Leitner, Er, Vossbeck, G, Christakos, S, Karidis, K, Kelesidis, K, Papadopoulos, K, Tirologos, A, Tsaknakis, T, Gesztesi, T, Herczeg, B, Janosi, A, Kalo, E, Karpati, P, Mesko, E, Mezofi, M, Poor, F, Regos, L, Rudas, L, Soltesz, P, Szaboki, F, Timar, S, Valyi, P, Zamolyi, K, Daly, Km, Meany, Bt, Sugrue, D, Caspi, A, David, D, Marmor, A, Nazzal, D, Omary, M, Reisin, L, Rosenfeld, T, Shasha, S, Vered, Z, Zimlichman, R, Bellet, C, Bernardi, D, Branzi, A, Ceci, V, Celegon, L, Cernigliaro, C, Corsini, G, Croce, A, De Caterina, R, De Servi, S, Di Biase, G, Di Chiara, A, Di Pasquale, G, Filorizzo, G, Fiorentini, C, Ignone, G, Lombardi, F, Mafrici, A, Margonato, Alberto, Maurea, N, Meneghetti, P, Meniconi, L, Mennuni, M, Mininni, N, Murrone, A, Notaristefan, A, Pettinati, G, Pinelli, G, Rossi, R, Sanna, A, Scabbia, E, Terrosu, P, Trinchero, R, Ruiz, Ra, Diaz, Ac, Santamaria, Ih, Pons, Jll, Diaz, Cj, Castro, Jat, Morales, Ev, Bronzwaer, Pna, de Haan, Hpj, Grosfeld, Mjw, Heijmeriks, Ja, Jochemsen, Gm, Klomps, Hc, Landsaat, Pm, Michels, Hr, Peters, Jrm, van Beek, Gj, van der Hiejden, R, Verheul, Ja, Viergever, Ep, Audeau, M, Bopitiya, U, Hills, M, Ikram, H, Erikssen, J, Morstel, T, Vik Mo, H, Haerem, Jw, Achremczyk, P, Banasiak, W, Burduk, P, Danielewicz, H, Demczuk, M, Dworzanski, W, Frycz, J, Gessek, J, Gorny, J, Janik, K, Jedrzejowski, A, Kawka Urbanek, T, Kozlowski, A, Krasowski, W, Maciejewicz, J, Majcher, Z, Malinowski, S, Marczyk, T, Miekus, P, Ogorek, M, Piepiorka, M, Religa, K, Reszka, Z, Smielak Korombel, W, Susol, D, Szpajer, M, Ujda, M, Waszyrowski, T, Zebrowski, A, Zielinski, Z, Cardoso, P, Carrageta, M, Correia, A, Cunha, D, Ferreira, L, Ferreira, R, Ribeiro, Vg, Tuna, Jl, Gomes, Mv, Aboo, A, Bobak, L, Brown, B, Cassim, S, King, J, Manga, P, Maritz, F, Marx, Jd, Mekel, J, Myburgh, Dp, Routier, R, Orcajo, Na, Asin, E, Colomina, F, del Nogal, F, Echanove, I, Ferriz, J, Alcantara, Ag, Guerrero, Jjg, Juanatey, Jrg, Jodar, L, Lekuona, I, Miralles, L, Llorian, Ar, Rovira, A, San Jose, Jm, Valle, V, Abdon, Nj, Bartholdson, B, Fredholm, O, Kristensson, Be, Messner, T, Moller, Bh, Rasmanis, G, Stjerna, A, Strandberg, Le, Tolhagen, K, Caduff, B, Christen, S, Gallino, A, Haller, A, Noseda, G, Schmidt, D, Weber, A, Allen, M, Allison, W, Berk, M, Blankenship, D, Browne, K, Bryg, Rj, Caputo, C, Carr, K, Chandrashekhar, Y, Chelliah, N, Courtney, Dl, Deedwania, P, Detrano, R, Dixon, Ew, Dzwonczyk, T, Egbujiobi, L, Erenrich, Nh, Frazier, R, Funai, J, Gammon, R, Geer, Vr, Ghali, J, Goldberg, Mc, Goldman, S, Grainer, S, Grewal, G, Hanley, P, Haronian, H, Hermany, R, Karlsberg, R, Kesselbrenner, M, Krantzler, J, Lader, Ew, Lakkis, N, Levites, R, Lewis, Wr, Losordo, Dw, Magorien, R, Minisi, A, Minor, St, Newton, Cm, Nisar, A, Pacheco, Tr, Papuchis, G, Promisloff, S, Puma, J, Rokey, R, Sacco, J, Saeian, K, Schlesinger, R, Sharma, Sc, Shettigar, R, Smith, K, Thadani, U, Thomas, I, Urban, Pl, Vallenkaran, G, Whitaker, J, Yellen, Lg, Zarich, S, Zaroff, J, Adgey, Yja, Brack, M, Bridges, A, Cohen, A, Currie, P, Dwight, Jf, Findlay, I, Foale, R, Gemmill, J, Goodfellow, J, Gray, Ke, Holdright, D, Jennings, K, Keeling, P, Ludman, P, Murphy, C, Oliver, Rm, Rodrigues, E, Smith, Rh, Sprigings, D, Stephens, J, Swan, J, Timmis, A, and Vincent, R.
- Abstract
Background Other than aspirin, there are few oral antithrombotic treatments with proven efficacy in patients with acute coronary syndrome. In this report, we present the rationale, design and baseline characteristics of the Clopidogrel in Unstable angina to prevent Recurrent ischaemic Events (CURE) trial, which includes a meta-analysis of the effects of thienopyridines in patients with vascular disease. Methods and Results Combined data from randomized trials of thienopyrindines in patients with atherosclerotic disease demonstrated a 29% reduction in vascular events when compared with placebo/control (n=2392) (OR 0.71, 95% CI 0.58-0.86, P=0.0006) and a 10% reduction in vascular events when compared with aspirin (n=22 254) (OR 0.91, 95% Cl 0.84-0.99, P=0.039). Similarly, randomized trials of aspirin plus thienopyridines in patients undergoing intracoronary stenting, demonstrated marked benefit of aspirin plus ticlopidine in reducing death or myocardial infarction compared with aspirin alone (OR 0.23, 95% CI 0.11-0.49, P=0.0001) or aspirin plus warfarin (OR 0.51, 95% CI 0.33-0.78, P=0.002). Whether these benefits extend to the much larger population of patients with acute coronary syndrome is unknown. CURE is an international, randomized, double-blind trial, in which patients with acute coronary syndrome will be randomized to receive either a bolus dose of clopidogrel (300 mg) followed by 75 mg per day for 3-12 months, or matching placebo. Both groups will receive aspirin. The co-primary efficacy end-points of CURE are: (1) the composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction or stroke; and (2) the composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, stroke or refractory ischaemia. CURE will recruit approximately 12 500 patients with acute coronary syndrome (from 28 countries) and its power to detect moderate treatment benefits will be in the region of 80-90%, while maintaining an overall type I error (a) of 0.05. The baseline characteristics of the study population are consistent with at least a moderate risk group of patients with acute coronary syndrome. Conclusions Randomized trials of thienopyridines in patients with vascular disease demonstrate that thienopyridines are effective in reducing vascular events when compared with placebo/control or aspirin, as well as when used in combination with aspirin in patients undergoing intracoronary stent implantation. The CURE trial is a large international study to determine if acute and longterm treatment with the combination of clopidogrel and aspirin is superior to aspirin alone in patients with acute coronary syndrome. (C) 2000 The European Society of Cardiology. RI Nicolau, Jose/E-1487-2012
6. Flow cytometry and factor analysis evaluation of confocal image sequences of morphologic and functional changes occurring at the mitochondrial level during 7-ketocholesterol-induced cell death
- Author
Kahn, E., Lizard, G., Monier, S., Bessede, G., Frédérique Frouin, Gambert, P., and Todd-Pokropek, A.
7. Comparison of fondaparinux and enoxaparin in acute coronary syndromes
- Author
Yusuf, S., Mehta, S. R., Bassand, J. P., Budaj, A., Chrolavicius, S., Fox, K. A. A., Granger, C. B., Joyner, C., Peters, R. J. G., Wallentin, L., Avezum, A., Boden, W., Cardona, E., Ceremuzynski, L., Col, J., Commerford, P. J., Diaz, R., Faxon, D., Flather, M., Fodor, G., Franzosi, M. G., Granger, C., Halon, D., Hunt, D., Karatzas, N., Keltai, M., Kenda, M., Kim, J. H., Lanas, F., Lau, C. P., Lewis, B. S., Morais, J., Moccetti, T., Pais, P., Paolasso, E., Parkhomenko, A., Petrauskiene, B., Piegas, L., Pipilis, A., Robaayah, D., Ruda, M., Rumboldt, Z., Rupprecht, H. J., Sitkei, E., Steg, P. G., Swahn, E., Theroux, P., Valentin, V., Varigos, J., Weitz, J., White, H., Widimsky, P., Xavier, D., Zhu, J. R., Ameriso, S., Bonilla, C., Braekken, S., Chan, Y. K., Chen, W., Chenniappan, M., Cohen, E., Cottin, Y., Csiba, L., Czepiel, A., Raedt, H., Finet, G., Gardinale, E., Gaxiola, E., Gorecki, A., Gregor, P., Happola, O., Heras, M., Himbert, D., Irkin, O., Isaaz, K., Iyengar, S. S., Kalvach, P., Kevers, L., Klosiewicz-Wasek, B., Laine, M., Leys, D., Lundstrom, E., Lusic, I., Lutay, Y., Maggioni, A., Massaro, A., Mayosi, B. M., Moulin, T., Narendra, J., Naslund, U., Peeters, A., Penicka, M., Perakis, A., Petersen, P., Polic, S., Radhakrishnan, S., Renkin, J., Stockins, B., Sundararajan, R., Thygesen, K., Turazza, F., Belle, E., Vik-Mo, H., Zaborski, J., Sleight, P., Anderson, J. L., Johnstone, D. E., Hirsh, J., Demets, D., Holmes, D. R., Meeks, B., Afzal, R., Pogue, J., Boccalon, S., Chrysler, K., Cracknell, B., Horsman, C., Hoskin, T., Jedrzejowski, B., Johnson, J., Kotlan, S., Lawrence, M., Smiley, M., Stevens, C., Yallup, R., Connolly, S., Demers, C., Devereaux, P. J., Healey, J., Lonn, E., Magloire, P., Mckelvie, R., Morillo, C., Natarajan, M., Rokoss, M., Teo, K., Valettas, N., Velianou, J., Albisu, J. P., Amuchastegui, M., Bello, F. A., Bluguermann, J. J., Bono, J. O., Caccavo, A., Carlevaro, O. O., Cassettari, A., Cuneo, C., Farras, H. A., Fuselli, J., Garrido, M., Guerrero, R., Hasbani, E., Hominal, M. A., Hrabar, A., Marquez, L. L., Luciardi, H. L., Riera, L. M., Marzetti, E. M., Memoli, R., Nordaby, R., Orlandini, A. D., Perez, M., Piasentin, J. A., Ramos, H. R., Risolo, A. M., Sala, J., Salomone, O., Schygiel, P. O., Ubaldini, J., Vico, M., Amerena, J., Arnolda, L., Aroney, G., Boyd, P., Cahill, P., Chew, D., Counsell, J. T., Cross, D., Edington, J., Fitzpatrick, D., Hicks, P., Horowitz, J. D., Horrigan, M. C. G., New, G., Owensby, D., Schoeman, M., Thompson, P., Tulloch, G., Waites, J., Whelan, A., Ziffer, R., Huber, K., Jordanova, N., Al Shawafi, K., Convens, C., Coussement, P., Meester, A., El Allaf, D., Janssens, L., Marcovitch, O., Muyldermans, L., Roosen, J., Soeur, F., Lierde, J., Vrolix, M., Leaes, P., Carvalho, A. C., Schramm, E. C., Mora, R. D., Amino, J. D., Dutra, O., Manenti, E. R. F., Gun, C., Saraiva, J. F. K., Hayashi, E. K., Lichter, A., Lima, A., Marin-Neto, J. A., Teixeira, S. P. M., Abrantes, J. A. M., Baracioli, L. M., Nicolau, J. C., Maia, L. N., Jaeger, C. P., Esteves, J. P., Rabelo, A., Ramos, R. F., Reis, G., Rossi, P., Dos Santos, F. R., Teixeira, M. S., Silveira, D. S., Lemos, Mabt, Timerman, A., Greque, G. V., Vaz, R., Bhargava, R., Brons, S., Colclough, M., Constance, C., Costi, P., Dacyk, A., Davies, T., Diodati, J., Dupuis, R., Elliott, H., Fell, D. A., Fung, A. Y., Gladstone, P. J. S., Gosselin, G., Grondin, F., Huynh, T., Janzen, I., Kalaparambath, T., Kornder, J., Kouz, S., Kuritzky, R., Labelle-Stimac, S., Lamothe, M., Lauzon, C., Lemay, M., Ma, P., Maccallum, G. C., Mccallum, A., Mitchell, D., Montigny, M., Nguyen, N., Pearce, M., Pistawka, K. J., Rebane, T., Roy, M., Senaratne, M., Smith, J., Stimac, J., Traboulsi, M., Vizel, S., Weeks, A., Zadra, R., Zimmerman, R. H., Alcaino, M. E., Castro, P., Chen, J., Chen, J. L., Fan, W., Ge, J., Hu, D., Huang, J., Jingxuan, G., Ke, Y., Ma, H., Wu, Y., Yingxian, S., Yu, B., Zhu, W., Bakula, M., Bergovec, M., Lukin, A., Milicevic, G., Padovan, M., Raguz, M., Aschermann, M., Belohlavek, J., Bocek, P., Branny, M., Budesinsky, T., Groch, L., Holm, F., Jansky, P., Jelinek, P., Jirka, V., Kaislerova, M., Konecny, P., Lisa, L., Maly, M., Marcinek, G., Oscipovsky, M., Stumar, J., Vacha, M., Nielsen, T., Vigholt, E., Laanmets, P., Soopold, U., Voitk, J., Naveri, H., Niemela, M., Peuhkurinen, K., Tuomainen, P., Ylitalo, A., Py, A., Amat, G., Bessede, G., Boschat, J., Carrie, D., Charbonnier, B., Coliet, J. P., Dambrine, P., Dubois-Rande, J. L., Ferrari, E., Fouche, R., Grollier, G., Jaboureck, O., Ketelers, R., Khalife, K., Leroy, F., Lognone, T., Macquin-Mavier, I., Montalescot, G., Pacouret, G., Poulard, J. E., Puel, J., Richard, M., Schiele, F., Bischoff, K. O., Buerke, M., Buerke, U., Dominick, K., Drexler, H., Feiler, A., Guelker, H., Haltern, G., Katus, H. A., Klauss, V., Klutmann, M., Koeth, O., Meinhardt, G., Muenzel, T. M., Nitschke, T., Offterdinger, M., Rieber, J., Schieffer, B., Stangl, K., Stangl, V., Vom Dahl, J., Witzenbichler, B., Zeymer, U., Alexopoulos, D., Blassopoulou, N., Christon, A., Fotiadis, I., Foussas, S., Grapsas, N., Moschos, N., Papasteriadis, E., Symeonidis, D., Tyrologos, A., Leung, W. S., Li, S. K., Arabadzisz, H., Csikazs, J., Dancs, T., Davidovits, Z., Edes, I., Farkas, E., Herczeg, B., Janos, S., Janosi, A., Kadar, A., Kis, E., Kristof, E., Lupkovics, G., Mark, L., Nagy, A., Nagy, L., Poor, F., Regos, L., Sebo, J., Tomcsanyi, J., Toth, K., Bharani, A., Chidambaram, N., Haridas, K. K., Jain, A., Jain, P. R. K., Jaison, T. M., Kerkar, P. G., Naik, S., Nambiar, A., Panwar, R. B., Parikh, K., Puri, V. K., Rajesh, T., Ramesh, M., Singh, B., Thanikachalam, S., Tongia, R. K., Varma, S., Barbiero, M., Bardelli, G., Bernardi, D., Bolognese, L., Capponi, L., Ferrari, G., Fanelli, R., Frediani, L., Galli, M., Izzo, A., Lombardi, A., Maresta, A., Martinoni, A., Melloni, C., Meneghetti, P., Mennuni, M., Moretti, L., Orlandi, M., Pancaldi, L. G., Petronzelli, S., Piovaccari, G., Salvioni, A., Severini, D., Terrosu, P., Zanini, R., Erglis, A., Kalnins, U., Verboenko, J., Zakke, I., Kugiene, R., Zaliunas, R., Bin Othman, A., Chee, K. H., Hian, S. K., Gutierrez, A. C., Diaz, A. C., Garcia-Castillo, A., Guerrero, M. C., Morales, C. L., Ramos-Lopez, G., Baldew, S. C., Basart, D. C. G., Clappers, N., Daniels, M. C. G., Weerd, G. J., Den Hartog, F. R., Hendriks, Ihgm, Herrman, J. P. R., Kofflard, M., Krasznai, K., Michels, H. R., Stoel, I., Ten Berg, J. M., Umans, Vawn, Beek, G. J., Daele, Merm, Den Berg, B. J., Hessen, M. W. J., Kalmthout, P. M., Rossum, P., Verheugt, F. W. A., Viergever, E. P., Withagen, Ajam, Achremczyk, P., Arasimowicz, P., Baranowska, T., Biegayto, J., Bronisz, M., Buszman, P., Dalkowski, M., Dluzniewski, M., Gessek, J., Goch, J. H., Janik, K., Janion, M., Kawecki, D., Kleinrok, A., Komorowski, P., Krasowski, W., Krauze-Wielicka, M., Malinowski, S., Nowak, T., Nowakowski, P., Ogorek, M., Piepiorka, M., Pluta, W., Puzio, E., Puzniak, M., Rekosz, J., Rybka, P., Sendrowski, D., Siminiak, T., Skura, M., Stopinski, M., Szetemej, R., Szolkiewicz, M., Szpajer, M., Trusz-Gluza, M., Waszyrowski, T., Wita, K., Wodniecki, J., Wojewoda, P., Zambrzycki, J., Zielinski, Z., Cardoso, P., Carrageta, D. M., Ferreira, D., Gomes, M. V., Santos, L., Arkhipov, M., Belousov, Y., Charchoglyan, R., Gordeev, I. G., Gratsiansky, N. A., Grinshtein, Y., Khrustalev, O., Kokorin, V. A., Komarov, A., Kozulin, V., Minushkina, L. O., Panchenko, E., Panov, A., Petrik, E. S., Shakhnovich, R. M., Shalaev, S. V., Sukhinina, T. S., Trifonov, I. R., Zateyshchikov, D. A., Khoo, B. C. H., Tan, H. C., Tan, R. S., Hricak, V., Motovska, Z., Poliacik, P., Kanic, V., Kovacic, D., Kranjec, I., Voga, G., Bayat, J., Essop, M. R., Maritz, F., Marx, J. D., Ntsekhe, M., Pretorius, M. P., Ranjith, N., Theron, H., Chae, I. H., Chae, S. C., Choe, K. H., Chung, N. S., Jeong, M. H., Kim, C. J., Kim, H. S., Kim, W., Rhim, C. Y., Shin, E. K., Shin, G. J., Alameda, M., Alonso-Orcajo, N., Bethencourt, A., Calvo, F., Avellaneda, J. L. C., Delgado, V., Diaz-Castro, O., Esplugas, E., Faus, R., Antonio Fernandez-Ortiz, Frutos, A., Goirena, P., Iglesias, F. C., Llorian, A. R., Macaya, C., Mancisidor, X., Melgares, R., Pascual, C., Ruiz-Nodar, J. M., Simon, J. M., Agewall, S., Ahlstrom, P., Ali, M., Andersson, L., Bandh, S., Digerfeldt, C., Ericsson, H., Forsgren, M., Jabro, J., Janzon, M., Joborn, H., Johnston, N., Karlsson, J. E., Larsson, L. E., Linderfalk, C., Lonnberg, I., Mooe, T., Oldgren, J., Pihl, E., Risenfors, M., Sjolund, E., Soderberg, I., Stjerna, A., Svennberg, L., Wodlin, P., Pagnamenta, A., Pieper, M., Rossi, M. G., Weber, K., Peng, M. C., Cheng, J. J., Chiang, F. T., Kuo, C. T., Tseng, C. D., Andreyeshcheva, I., Dzyak, G. V., Fedtchouk, L., Gontar, A., Karpenko, O., Kononenko, L., Koval, E. A., Kovalsky, I., Kraitz, I., Netiazhenko, V., Polyvoda, S., Prokopenko, Y., Prudkiy, I., Rudenko, L., Serediuk, N., Zolotaykina, V., Adgey, J., Ahsan, A., Brack, M., Bridges, A. B., Burton, J., Findlay, I., Fluck, D. S., Radford, L., Robson, R. H., Senior, R., Starkey, I. R., Alexander, J., Baber, Z., Campbell, M., Caputo, R., Chandna, H., Chandrashekhar, Y., Chu, A., Deraad, R. E., Druken, B., Goyal, A., Holly, D., Kemp, A., Kotlaba, D., Levine, M. J., Miller, G. P., Nygaard, T., Parikh, D. K., Ramos, C., Rivera, E., Rodriguez, R., Sangani, B., Walder, J. S., and Oasis
8. Efficiency of homocysteine plus copper in inducing apoptosis is inversely proportional to gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity.
- Author
Bessede G, Miguet C, Gambert P, Neel D, and Lizard G
- Subjects
- Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, Cell Line, Cell Membrane Permeability, Cell Nucleus drug effects, Cell Nucleus metabolism, Cells, Cultured, Cytarabine pharmacology, Daunorubicin pharmacology, Endothelium, Vascular cytology, Etoposide pharmacology, Homocysteine pharmacology, Humans, Time Factors, Vinblastine pharmacology, Apoptosis, Copper metabolism, Homocysteine metabolism, gamma-Glutamyltransferase metabolism
- Abstract
Hyperhomocysteinemia represents an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis, but the mechanisms leading to cellular dysfunctions remain unknown. Using ECV304 cells, we found that homocysteine (Hcy) plus copper (Cu2+) induced cytotoxic effects: loss of cell adhesion, increased permeability to PI, and the occurrence of morphologically apoptotic cells. This form of apoptosis, inhibited by Z-VAD-fmk, was associated with a loss of mitochondrial potential, a cytosolic release of cytochrome c, activation of caspase-3, degradation of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase, and internucleosomal DNA fragmentation. However, the ability of Hcy plus Cu2+ to induce apoptosis decreased when the pretreatment culture time increased. As a positive correlation was found between the length of time of culture before treatment and the enhancement of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (gamma-GT) activity, we asked whether gamma-GT was involved in the control of Hcy plus Cu2+-induced apoptosis. Therefore, ECV304 cells were treated with either acivicin or dexamethasone, inhibiting and stimulating gamma-GT, respectively. In ECV304 cells and human umbilical venous endothelial cells, acivicin favored Hcy plus Cu2+-induced apoptosis whereas dexamethasone counteracted the apoptotic process. As acivicin and dexamethasone were also capable of modulating cell death in ECV304 cells treated with antitumoral drugs, our data emphasize that the involvement of gamma-GT in the control of apoptosis is not restricted to Hcy but also concerns other chemical compounds.
- Published
- 2001
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9. Glutathione is implied in the control of 7-ketocholesterol-induced apoptosis, which is associated with radical oxygen species production.
- Author
Lizard G, Gueldry S, Sordet O, Monier S, Athias A, Miguet C, Bessede G, Lemaire S, Solary E, and Gambert P
- Subjects
- Acetylcysteine pharmacology, Antioxidants metabolism, Antioxidants pharmacology, Caspases metabolism, Cycloheximide pharmacology, Cytochrome c Group metabolism, DNA Fragmentation, Enzyme Activation, Enzyme Precursors metabolism, Etoposide pharmacology, Fatty Acids, Unsaturated metabolism, Free Radicals, Glutathione pharmacology, Humans, Oxidation-Reduction, U937 Cells, Apoptosis, Glutathione metabolism, Ketocholesterols pharmacology, Reactive Oxygen Species metabolism
- Abstract
In a number of experimental systems, inhibition of apoptosis by antioxidants has led to the production of radical oxygen species (ROS) in certain apoptotic forms of cell death. Since antioxidant therapies can reduce vascular dysfunctions in hypercholesterolemic patients who frequently have increased plasma levels of oxysterols constituting potent inducers of apoptosis, we speculate that oxysterol-induced apoptosis could involve oxidative stress. Here, we tested the protective effects of the aminothiols glutathione (GSH) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC), which are two potent antioxidants, on apoptosis induced by 7-ketocholesterol in U937 cells, and we present evidence indicating that oxidative processes are involved in 7-ketocholesterol-induced cell death. Thus, GSH and NAC prevented phenomenona linked to apoptosis such as reduction of cell growth, increase cellular permeability to propidium iodide, and occurrence of nuclear condensation and/or fragmentation, and they delayed internucleosomal DNA fragmentation. In addition, cell treatment with GSH impaired cytochrome c release into the cytosol and degradation of caspase-8 occurring during cell death. During 7-ketocholesterol-induced apoptosis, we also observed a rapid decrease in cellular GSH content, oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and a production of ROS by flow cytometry with the use of the dye 2', 7'-dichlorofluorescin-diacetate; both phenomena were inhibited by GSH. Prevention of cell death by GSH and NAC does not seem to be a general rule since these antioxidants impaired etoposide (but not cycloheximide) -induced apoptosis. Taken together, our data demonstrate that GSH is implied in the control of 7-ketocholesterol-induced apoptosis associated with the production of ROS.
- Published
- 1998
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