50 results on '"Bezruczko, Nikolaus"'
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2. Advances in Measuring Artistic Judgment Aptitude
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus and Vimercati, Ambra Borgognoni
- Published
- 2004
3. Efficacy of Simulation for Caregivers of Children With a Tracheostomy
- Author
Stanley, Teresa A., Battles, Maureen, Bezruczko, Nikolaus, and Latty, Cynthia
- Published
- 2019
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4. Links between Children's Clay Models and School Achievement.
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Abstract
Two studies examined the relationship between children's clay models and the children's concurrent school achievement, and compared a 6-year longitudinal record of achievement test scores for one cohort of students at schools that did or did not provide visual arts instruction. Participating in Study 1 were 201 kindergartners and third graders from 4 urban public schools matched on school characteristics and neighborhood demographics. Two schools offered some visual arts education supplementing basic skills instruction. One school emphasized arts learning including dance, drama, music, and visual arts. The fourth school did not provide any school arts program. Photographs of clay models were rated by 3 trained judges for 13 features such as height, shape, clarity, texture, and detailing. Ratings were compared between grade levels and visual arts emphasis in the schools. Nationally standardized student achievement scores on the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills were compared for art and non-art groups. Results indicated that art-trained children produced models more prominent in their degree of shaping, amount of detailing, and vertical position, but not expressive qualities. The art-trained, third grade models showed several significant positive correlations with standardized reading and math scores, which accounted for about 15 percent of total reading and math score variance. In Study 2, the Grade 6 reading scores for a 6-year longitudinal cohort of 414 children were examined and showed that art-trained children scored .63 standard deviation units above the overall mean. (The model rating scale is appended. Contains 98 references.) (Author/KB)
- Published
- 1997
5. Relational Data Base System Integrates Early Childhood Assessment Data across Prekindergarten, Kindergarten, and Grade 1. Draft.
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus and Zell, Adrienne
- Abstract
The shift away from norm-referenced tests to authentic samples of child performance, such as writing and drawing samples, poses serious problems in organizing and analyzing assessments of child performance. This paper proposes a process utilizing the large-scale storage capacity of centralized mainframe computers and the flexibility and efficiency of table-top computers to conveniently access child observation records, efficiently perform relevant statistical analyses, and reliably produce teacher and parent reports of child performance. The process includes a longitudinal database of performance assessments; an organizational strategy relying on computers and relational databases; and the application of the Rasch measurement model. This paper begins by reviewing trends in child evaluation methods, longitudinal databases, and growth models. The bulk of the paper presents the methods and results of a pilot study applying the proposed process to measure the language behavior of a population of urban disadvantaged children in several early childhood programs. Data sources, including field observations, results of standardized tests, teacher assessments of child performance, and performance samples, are listed; and the structure of the Early Childhood Intervention Database is explained. The paper also explains procedures for population sampling, scale construction and vertical linking, and data analyses. Finally, results of the pilot study are presented and discussed. (AC)
- Published
- 1993
6. Schools, Families, and Children: Sixth Grade Results from the 1992 Longitudinal Study of Children at Risk. Performance Evaluation Summary.
- Author
Chicago Public Schools, IL., Bezruczko, Nikolaus, and Reynolds, Arthur J.
- Abstract
This report describes how a longitudinal study was conducted, which examined 1,235 at-risk sixth-grade students (95 percent Black and 5 percent Hispanic) in the Chicago (Illinois) Public Schools and their schools and families. The longitudinal study traced the children's patterns of school adjustment since their enrollment in government-funded kindergarten programs in the 1985-86 school year; studied the effects of their school-based intervention experiences; and assessed the effects of family, school, and individual factors on children that are open to educational alteration. Development, distribution, and collection of survey forms; telephone follow-up of mailed surveys; and data preparation and analyses are described. Data collected included: teacher ratings of children's competence and problem behaviors; children's ratings of their attitudes and behavior in and out of school; field observations of classrooms, children, and teachers; telephone interviews with parents; standardized school achievement test scores; and school records concerning grade promotion, special education placement, and mobility. Additional sections describe procedures used for each data collection effort. Appendix A summarizes data collected from 1985 through 1992. Appendix B includes the seven study instruments. Appendix C presents a report on a study completed in 1991-92 using data from the longitudinal study. (JB)
- Published
- 1992
7. Development and Evaluation of a Visual Arts Achievement Test.
- Author
Chicago Board of Education, IL. and Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Abstract
Internal structure and external validity of 39 multiple-choice visual arts achievement test items were examined. These items were developed to assess grade 3 visual arts achievement for a statewide model of a fine arts curriculum. Item responses were evaluated in terms of: (1) fit to the one-parameter Rasch measurement model; (2) item-total correlations and alpha reliability; (3) total score comparisons between art- and non-art-educated groups in kindergarten, grade 3, grade 7, and high school (over 900 students in all); and (4) comparison of art- and non-art-educated groups on six components of visual learning. Most items generally fit a unidimensional measurement model, with good alpha reliability, although six items showed marginal or poor fit. Art-educated students scored higher in each grade, and when items were grouped into the six components of visual arts achievement, art- and non-art-educated students differed significantly as expected, except for knowledge of tools, where no significant difference was noted. This method of assessment appears reliable and valid for children in grade 3 and may be useful for older children as well. An appendix contains a long table of curriculum objectives and interval structure. (Contains 26 references.) (SLD)
- Published
- 1992
8. Artistic Judgment III: Artist Validation. Technical Report 1991-1.
- Author
Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation, Inc., Chicago, IL., Bezruczko, Nikolaus, and Schroeder, David H.
- Abstract
Two studies compared the visual preferences, cognitive abilities, and occupational interests of artists and nonartists. Study One compared scores on an experimental battery of artistic judgment tests for three groups: professional artists, Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation examinees in art-related professions, and Foundation examinees not in those fields. Study Two compared the two groups of Foundation examinees on the standard Foundation battery and the interest scales of the Career Occupational Preference System (COPS). In Study One, the artists and nonartists differed significantly on all tests in the experimental battery. On the Barron-Welsh Art Scale (BWAS), the professional artists scored significantly higher than a nonartist sample studied previously. In Study Two, on the standard battery tests, artists scored significantly higher than nonartists in Inductive Reasoning, Structural Visualization, Paper Folding, Memory for Design, Observation, and Tweezer Dexterity. Study Two also showed that artists and nonartists differed in their occupational interests, with artists showing significantly higher interest in artistic occupations, and significantly less in science, business, and computation related fields. The Design Judgment Test, Visual Design Test scales, and the Proportion Appraisal Consensus and .67 scales were shown to be valid in distinguishing artists from nonartists. Further research should be conducted into the relationship between artistic judgment and education and training in the visual arts. (Contains 104 references and four appendices.) (Author/SG)
- Published
- 1991
9. Cognitive and Family-Support Mediators of Preschool Effectiveness: A Confirmatory Analysis
- Author
Reynolds, Arthur J., Mavrogenes, Nancy A., Bezruczko, Nikolaus, and Hagemann, Mavis
- Published
- 1996
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10. Assessment of Functional Caregiving in Homes with a Child with an Intellectual Disability
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus, Chen, Shu-Pi C., and Gulley, S. Beverly
- Abstract
The authors report on the nature of assessing functional caregiving (FC) via three studies, conducted by a university-public preschool collaboration that was designed to measure mothers' confidence to care for children with intellectual disabilities in their homes. Caregiving of children with intellectual disabilities was conceptualized in terms of a task hierarchy that occurs in a complex, multi-level sociocultural ecology. Rating scale items were developed to survey mothers' caregiving confidence in this ecology, which were analyzed with a Rasch model. Raw ratings were transformed to an axiomatically strong, objective, unidimensional scale, and the obtained task difficulties conformed to a three-tier caregiving hierarchy of advocacy, personal caregiving, and community relations domains. Hierarchical regression of task difficulties on item components defined by FC domains was consistent with an ecological model (R[superscript 2] greater than 0.60). The task hierarchy was also found to be consistent with humanistic psychology principles. When FC measurement properties were compared between suburban and urban mothers, as well as mothers of educationally at risk and special needs children, psychometric reliability was high (greater than 0.90). Validity studies confirmed FC functional relations with mothers' health, age, and economic status. In general, these studies found that mothers' self-confidence measures were valid and reliable, but noted future studies are needed to link FC measures directly to competency and home caregiving quality. Future research should also explore replication of core items across other disabilities and chronic diseases, as well as applicability to objective caregiving standard setting.
- Published
- 2011
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11. Breakthrough Measuring Neighborhoods.
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Abstract
Developed an empirical strategy for transforming ordinal counts and percentages to interval scale measures by recoding them as ordered categories and estimating Rasch model scale parameters. Demonstrated the strategy for a neighborhood construct defined by 8 characteristics of 77 Chicago, Illinois, neighborhoods. (SLD)
- Published
- 2003
12. A Multi-factor Rasch Scale for Artistic Judgment.
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Abstract
Developed a multifactor Rasch scale for a visual designs test of artistic judgment and tested the instrument with 462 adult examinees at an aptitude assessment service. The sound measurement properties identified suggest promise for a comprehensive artistic judgment construct. (SLD)
- Published
- 2002
13. Measurement Properties of the Symptom Impact Inventory.
- Author
Miller, Arlene Michaels, Wilbur, JoEllen, Montgomery, Andrew, Chandler, Peggy J., and Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Abstract
Evaluated the measurement properties of the Symptom Impact Inventory using both psychometric and Rasch analyses for 161 employed black and white sedentary women and 179 immigrants from the former Soviet Union. Although the sample groups differed significantly on most demographic characteristics, a cross-cultural comparison found the scale structure remarkably robust. (SLD)
- Published
- 2001
14. Thurstone: Measurement for a New Science.
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Abstract
Discusses the career of Louis Thurstone, who parented modern psychometrics. His scaling methods conceptualized mental forces as abstract linear continua, objectively measured on numerical scales with their interrelations expressed as mathematical formulations. (SLD)
- Published
- 2000
15. An Assessment of Visual Learning. Grade 3.
- Author
Chicago Board of Education, IL. and Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Abstract
This assessment guide represents a method for evaluating visual arts achievement by third graders. The artwork presented can be used to determine whether students have met learning objectives and are ready to advance, and also as a diagnostic tool for school improvement. The guide is based on selected sample learning objectives from "State Goals for Learning and Sample Learning Objectives: Fine Arts." These objectives have been formulated into a taxonomic design that measures the following parameters: (1) identification of terms, tools, and processes; (2) understanding of affective intent; (3) ability to form non-verbal cognitive deductions; and (4) sensitivity to perceptual aspects. The guide demonstrates the possibility of a standardized approach to the evaluation of art achievement. There are 52 pages of illustrations ranging from black and white photographs of tools and artifacts to full-color reproductions of paintings by famous artists. Each pages consists of two or more "boxes" containing the illustrations, along with printed questions requiring the child to select the right answers among the boxes. A teacher's guide is included. An appendix lists the sample learning objectives. (SLD)
- Published
- 1989
16. The Stability of Four Methods for Estimating Item Bias.
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Abstract
The stability of bias estimates from J. Schueneman's chi-square method, the transformed Delta method, Rasch's one-parameter residual analysis, and the Mantel-Haenszel procedure, were compared across small and large samples for a data set of 30,000 cases. Bias values for 30 samples were estimated for each method, and means and variances of item bias were computed across all the samples, for comparisons contrasting sample size, sex, and race. The point estimates of item bias, based on 30 replications for each method, were also correlated across random samples, and classification techniques compared the results for agreement. The results showed that none of the methods consistently flagged more or fewer items as biased, though at the larger sample sizes the Mantel-Haenszel and Rasch methods were particularly sensitive at detecting item bias and in high agreement. Reliabilities of the Modified Delta method were generally lower than the others, as were the correlations between Modified Delta and the other indices. The results showed that not until the number of cases in each comparison group reached 1,000 did the reliabilities for any technique approach 0.80. (Contains 5 tables and 22 references. (Author/SLD)
- Published
- 1989
17. Resilience and Protective Factors in Adolescence: An Autobiographical Perspective from Disadvantaged Youth.
- Author
Smokowski, Paul R., Reynolds, Arthur J., and Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Abstract
Studies protective factors that inner-city high school students consider salient in overcoming adversity. Content analysis shows that the internal attributes such as perseverance, determination, and having the awareness to learn from the risk-attrition process surfaced. States that motivational support from family members and teachers was also highly valued for promoting successful adjustment. (Author/JDM)
- Published
- 1999
18. Competency Gradient for Child-Parent Centers.
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Abstract
The implementation of the Rasch model during the longitudinal evaluation of a federally funded early-childhood preschool-intervention program is described. Results with 828 eighth graders show a functional relationship between years of early intervention and magnitude of effect on the life-skills competency variable. (SLD)
- Published
- 1999
19. A Study of the Writing of Fifth-Grade Disadvantaged Children.
- Author
Mavrogenes, Nancy A. and Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Abstract
Researchers analyzed data from a longitudinal study of black children at risk to study fifth graders' writing. Analysis of 186 students' compositions indicated students were optimistic despite their many problems. Writing achievement was low. Significant correlations appeared between affective characteristics and both structure and thinking. Girls outscored boys on seven variables. (SM)
- Published
- 1994
20. Influences on Writing Development.
- Author
Mavrogenes, Nancy A. and Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Abstract
This study examined influences on writing development among low-income, African-American elementary students. Questionnaires, test scores, and written answers from a longitudinal study provided study data. On all questionnaires, what consistently correlated with writing ability were effort, attitude, teacher and student expectations, maturity, motivation, self-confidence, and behavior. (SM)
- Published
- 1993
21. School Adjustment of Children at Risk through Fourth Grade.
- Author
Reynolds, Arthur J. and Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Abstract
Used longitudinal data collected from parents, teachers, and children to test social psychological predictors of early school adjustment of 1,255 low-income children from kindergarten to fourth grade. Found that parent involvement was positively related to achievement and teacher ratings of school progress. (MM)
- Published
- 1993
22. Artistic Judgment II: Construct Validation. Technical Report 1990-4.
- Author
Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation, Chicago, IL. Human Engineering Lab., Bezruczko, Nikolaus, and Schroeder, David H.
- Abstract
The underlying constructs for an experimental battery (EB) consisting of artistic judgment tests--the Design Judgment Test (DJT), the Visual Designs Test (VDT), Proportion Appraisal (PA), and the Visual Aesthetic Sensitivity Test--were studied. Scores for 1,686 clients of the Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation's aptitude-testing service were correlated with 24 tests in the Foundation standard battery, an artistic background questionnaire (ABQ), and the Career Occupational Preference System interest scales. In addition, the tests were analyzed for their relationships with examinees' college major and years of education, and measures of laterality. The results indicate that the EB was largely independent of the aptitudes tested by the Foundation battery. A regression of the EB on the standard battery showed little common variance. However, modest correlations between the artistic judgment tests and several aptitudes were found. Data from the ABQ indicated that the DJT, the VDT simplicity scale, and the PA consensus scale were significantly related to participation in art-related activities. These measures also showed significant relationships with interest in art occupations. Artistic judgment scores of examinees who majored in art differed significantly from those of non-art majors. Little relationship between scores on the EB and years of education was found. The DJT, VDT simplicity scale, and PA consensus scale show broad associations with art criteria, are largely independent of education, and are not highly related to other aptitudes. Thirteen data tables, 5 figures, and an 88-item list of references are included. Appendix A provides the coding system for the ABQ, and Appendix B presents correlations not corrected for attenuation. (Author/RLC)
- Published
- 1990
23. Validation of a multiple choice visual arts achievement test
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Subjects
Multiple-choice examinations -- Evaluation ,Achievement tests -- Validity ,Creative ability -- Testing ,Education ,Psychology and mental health - Abstract
This study assessed the measurement properties, internal structure, and criterion validity of 39 multiple choice achievement items developed to assess Grade 3 visual arts learning. The results showed that a test of 38 items for Grade 3 generally fit the Rasch measurement model with moderate reliability ([R.sub.tt] = .85). Standardized effect size between art and nonart groups in Grades 3, 7, and high school was .38, .21, and .42, respectively. Content and criterion validation with limitations supported its use, but confirmatory factor analysis indicated that future studies are needed to clarify the test construct.
- Published
- 1995
24. Artistic Judgment: A Review of Research. Technical Report 1988-1.
- Author
Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation, New York, NY. Human Engineering Lab. and Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Abstract
A literature review and associated recommendations for research and testing of artistic judgment (AJ) are presented. Studies of AJ aptitude testing and related research are reviewed. G. T. Fechner's psychophysical, G. P. Birkhoff's mathematical, H. J. Eysenck's factor analytic, and D. E. Berlyne's psychobiological approaches to AJ are discussed. Results concerning an association between individuals' preference judgments and their quality of AJ, and the neurological development of AJ are considered. Basic issues in the philosophy of structuralism are related to the development of AJ tests. An AJ instrument, developed by the Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation (JOCRF) and known as Proportion Appraisal, is also reviewed. Current tests of AJ are inadequate; a test constructed on the basis of information theory may be more successful. It is concluded that the JOCRF should develop and pilot test an artistic processing instrument for the foundation's battery. A seven-page list of references and a three-page bibliography are provided. (TJH)
- Published
- 1988
25. Assessing the Construct Validity of a Life Skills Competency Test.
- Author
Reynolds, Arthur J. and Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Abstract
The proliferation of minimum competency testing in recent years has not resulted in a critical analysis of the construct validity of such tests. The present study examined the dimensionality and construct validity of an urban life skills competency test (the 1987 eighth-grade Chicago Minimum Proficiency Skills Test (MPST) via linear analysis. The MPST is a 63-item multiple choice test. Three computerized random samples of 880, 879, and 879 Chicago public elementary school students (Grade 8) were selected for analysis. Results of a double cross-validation factor analysis identified one factor underlying performance on the test. This factor was stable across three independent samples. This derived factor was highly correlated with reading and math sub-tests of the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. Thus, life skills competency tests may not be operationally different than traditional achievement tests. Additional validity studies are needed. Four tables are included. (Author/TJH)
- Published
- 1988
26. Artistic Judgment Project I: Internal-Structure Analyses. Technical Report 1989-2.
- Author
Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation, Chicago, IL. Human Engineering Lab., Bezruczko, Nikolaus, and Schroeder, David H.
- Abstract
An experimental test battery consisting of several tests that measure aspects of artistic judgment was administered to over 1,600 clients of the Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation. The battery consisted of the Visual Aesthetic Sensitivity Test (VAST) of K. O. Gotz (1981); the Design Judgment Test (DJT) of M. Graves (1948); and two tests developed at the Foundation--the Visual Designs Test (VDT), and the Proportion Appraisal. An exploratory factor analysis revealed two major factors for the VDT, and scales named Simplicity and Uniformity were constructed for these factors. The other tests each showed only one major factor. Simplicity, Uniformity, and the DJT showed high reliability. Proportion Appraisal showed substandard reliability, and the VAST showed poor reliability. Sex and age effects were generally small. Intertest correlations were low, indicating that the tests measure largely independent aspects of visual preference and sensitivity. The DJT and the VDT's two scales showed good internal psychometric properties for individual assessment. However, the other tests require further development to meet the Foundation's standards for precision of measurement. Nine figures and 11 tables illustrate the study. A 156-item list of references is included. (Author/SLD)
- Published
- 1989
27. The Alterability and Measurement of Learning Rates.
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus and Ludlow, Larry H.
- Abstract
A causal cognitive model illustrates that joint influence of home environment with cognitive and affective entry constitute the antecedent conditions for observed learning rate. The quality of instruction defines entry behaviors. As conditions of learning improve, the time necessary for learning decreases and the degree of learning increases. (RL)
- Published
- 1981
28. Old Wine in a New Bottle
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus, primary
- Published
- 2017
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29. MRI of an artistic judgment aptitude construct derived from Eysenck’s K factor.
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus, primary, Manderscheid, Etienne, additional, and Schroeder, David H., additional
- Published
- 2016
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30. Three Tales of Change
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus, primary, Fatani, Serah S., additional, and Magari, Noriko, additional
- Published
- 2016
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31. Substance Use Disorder Symptoms: Evidence of Differential Item Functioning by Age
- Author
Conrad, Kendon J., Dennis, Michael L., Bezruczko, Nikolaus, Funk, Rodney R., and Riley, Barth B.
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Adolescent ,Substance-Related Disorders ,Humans ,Female ,Middle Aged ,Child ,Severity of Illness Index ,Article ,United States ,Aged - Abstract
This study examined the applicability of substance abuse diagnostic criteria for adolescents, young adults, and adults using the Global Appraisal of Individual Need's Substance Problems Scale (SPS) from 7,408 clients. Rasch analysis was used to: 1) evaluate whether the SPS operationalized a single reliable dimension, and 2) examine the extent to which the severity of each symptom and the overall test functioned the same or differently by age. Rasch analysis indicated that the SPS was unidimensional with a person reliability of .84. Eight symptoms were significantly different between adolescents and adults. Young adult calibrations tended to fall between adolescents and adults. Differential test functioning was clinically negligible for adolescents but resulted in about 7% more adults being classified as high need. These findings have theoretical implications for screening and treatment of adolescents vs. adults. SPS can be used across age groups though age-specific calibrations enable greater precision of measurement.
- Published
- 2007
32. Does Instruction Affect the Underlying Dimensionality of a Kinesiology Test?
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus, Frank, Eva, and Perkins, Kyle
- Subjects
Does effective instruction, which changes students' knowledge and possibly alters their cognitive functions, also affect the dimensionality of an achievement test? This question was examined by the parameterization of kinesiology test items (n = 42) with a Rasch dichotomous model, followed by an investigation of dimensionality in a pre- and post-test quasi-experimental study design. College students (n = 108) provided responses to kinesiology achievement test items. Then the stability of item difficulties, gender differences, and the interaction of item content categories with dimensionality were examined. In addition, a PCA/r-test protocol was implemented to examine dimensionality threats from the item residuals. Internal construct validity was investigated by regressing item content components on calibrated item difficulties. Measurement model item residuals were also investigated with statistical decomposition methods. In general, the results showed significant student achievement between pre and post testing, and dimensionality disturbances were relatively minor. The amount of unexpected item "shift" in an un-equated measurement dimension between pre and post testing was less than ten percent of the total items and largely concentrated among several unrelated items. An unexpected finding was a residual cluster consisting of several items testing related technical content. Complicating interpretation, these items tended to appear near the end of the test, which implicates test position as a threat to measurement equivalence. In general, the results across several methods did not tend to identify common threats and instead pointed to multiple sources of threats with varying degree of prominence. These results suggest conventional approaches to measurement equivalence that emphasize expedient overall procedures such as DIF, IRT, and factor analysis are probably capturing isolated sources of variability. Their implementation probably improves measurement equivalence but with substantial residual sources undetected. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
33. Ben Wright: A wisp of greatness Brief photographic review of his life and times.
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Subjects
- 2016
34. Screening for atypical suicide risk with person fit statistics among people presenting to alcohol and other drug treatment
- Author
Conrad, Kendon J., primary, Bezruczko, Nikolaus, additional, Chan, Ya-Fen, additional, Riley, Barth, additional, Diamond, Guy, additional, and Dennis, Michael L., additional
- Published
- 2010
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35. Assessing the construct validity of a life skills competency test
- Author
Reynolds, Arthur J. and Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Subjects
Life skills -- Testing ,Psychological tests -- Validity ,Education ,Psychology and mental health - Published
- 1989
36. Automatic Item Generation Implemented for Measuring Artistic Judgment Aptitude.
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Subjects
PSYCHOLOGICAL tests ,PSYCHOMETRICS ,PSYCHOLOGICAL techniques ,INTERNET & psychology ,ABILITY testing - Abstract
Automatic item generation (AIG) is a broad class of methods that are being developed to address psychometric issues arising from internet and computer-based testing. In general, issues emphasize efficiency, validity, and diagnostic usefulness of large scale mental testing. Rapid prominence of AIG methods and their implicit per- spective on mental testing is bringing painful scrutiny to many sacred psychometric assumptions. This report reviews basic AIG ideas, then presents conceptual foundations, image model development, and operational application to artistic judgment aptitude testing. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
37. Differences in Visual Preferences and Cognitive Aptitudes of Professional Artists and Nonartists
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus, primary and Schroeder, David H., additional
- Published
- 1994
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38. An External Validation Study of a Classification of Mixed Connective Tissue Disease and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients.
- Author
Hoffman, Robert W., Bezruczko, Nikolaus, and Perkins, Kyle
- Subjects
SKIN diseases ,BLAU syndrome ,DERMATOLOGY ,DANDRUFF ,BLISTERS - Abstract
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD) and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) are autoimmune rheumatic diseases that are difficult for physicians to diagnose and to distinguish for a variety of reasons. The correct classification of these two diseases is a crucial issue for clinicians who treat autoimmune rheumatic diseases. In prior research, medical risk factors represented by instrument or laboratory measures and physician judgments (12 key features for MCTD and 12 key features for SLE) were parameterized with a one parameter logistic function in a Rasch model. Those results identified separate diagnostic dimensions for MCTD and SLE. This procedure was replicated in the present research with a sample of largely African American and Hispanic patients. Results verified separate dimensions for MCTD and SLE, which suggests MCTD is a separate disease from SLE. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
39. Multi-Factor Scale Consolidation When Theory is Weak.
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus and Perkins, Kyle
- Subjects
QUALITY of life ,RASCH models ,MEDICAL sciences ,EMPIRICAL research ,ITEM response theory - Abstract
As a practical matter, Spirituality and Quality of Life in the health sciences are usually measured separately. Theoretical foundations for this distinction, however, are not strong. In this research, an empirical investigation was conducted into their joint calibration with a Rasch model. Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General (28 items), a cancer health-related quality of life measure (HRQOL), and Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness - Spiritual Well-Being (12 items), a measure of religious and existential well-being (Spirituality), were co-calibrated with a Rasch model implemented with WINSTEPS software for ratings from 545 breast cancer patients. The results show a hierarchical integration of QOL and Spirituality items on a common variable, and both patient separation (2.66) and reliability (.88) improve after co-calibration. Principal Component Analysis of co-calibrated item residuals did not show major threats to dimensionality, and joint calibration explains item variance comparable to separate calibrations (51.9%). Although patient measures (logits) based on separate and co-calibration are within two standard errors, ethnic and racial group values shift after co-calibration. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
40. Measurement of Mothers' Confidence to Care for Children Assisted with Tracheostomy Technology in Family Homes.
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus, Chen, Shu-Pi C., Hill, Constance D., and Chesniak, Joyce M.
- Subjects
CHILD care ,MOTHERS ,CAREGIVERS ,MEDICAL technology ,TRACHEOTOMY ,RASCH models ,PRINCIPAL components analysis - Abstract
The purpose of this research was to develop an objective, linear measure of mothers' confidence to care for children assisted with tracheostomy medical technology in their homes. Caregiver confidence is addressed in this research for three technologies, namely, a) trachesotomy, b) tracheostomy and ventilator, and c) BiPAP/CPAP although detailed measurement results are only reported for tracheostomy, and its co-calibration with tracheostomy and ventilator caregiving items. The sample consisted of 53 mothers responding to several caregiver questionnaires based on a caregiving task matrix after content and clinical validation. A major challenge was integrating this construct with overarching principles already established by Functional Caregiving, a multi-level humanistic caregiving model for children with intellectual disabilities. Empirical analyses included principal components analysis, and then linear transformation of Tracheostomy item ratings to an objective, equal-interval scale with a Rasch model. Results show caregiver separation on the Tracheostomy caregiving scale was 2.66 and reliability, .88. In general, co-calibration improved measurement properties without affecting mothers' caregiving confidence measures. Although sample size was small, measuring mothers' confidence to care for a child supported by complex medical technologies appears very promising. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
41. An ADL Measure for Spinal Cord Injury.
- Author
Bryden, Anne and Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Subjects
OCCUPATIONAL therapists ,ACTIVITIES of daily living ,QUADRIPLEGIA ,PEOPLE with quadriplegia ,TASK analysis (Education) ,RASCH models - Abstract
Occupational therapists do not have a comprehensive, objective method for measuring how persons with tetraplegia perform activities of daily living (ADL) in their homes and communities, because SCI ADL performance is usually determined in rehabilitation. The ADL Habits Survey (ADLHS) is designed specifically to address this knowledge gap by surveying performance on relevant and meaningful activities in homes and communities. After a comprehensive task analysis and pilot development, 30 activities were selected that emphasize a broad range of hand and wrist, reaching, and grasping movements in compound activities. A sample of 49 persons with cervical spinal cord injuries responded to items. The sample was predominantly male, median age was 41 years, and ASIA motor classification levels ranged from C2 through C8/Tl with majority concentration in C4, C5, or C6 (68%). Each participant report was rated by an occupational therapist using a seven category rating scale, and the item by participant response matrix (30 X 49) was analyzed with a Rasch model for rating scales. Results showed excellent participant separation (>4) and very high reliability (>.95), and both item and participant fit values were adequate (STANDARDIZED INFIT <+1-3 SD units). With only two exceptions, all participants fit the Rasch rating scale model, and only one item "Light housekeeping" presented significant fit issues. Principal Components Analysis an analysis of item residuals did not reveal serious threats to unidimensionality. A between group fit comparison of participants with more versus less movement found invariant item calibrations, and ANOVA of participant measures found statistically significant differences across ASIA motor classification levels. These ADLHS results offer occupational therapists a new method for measuring ADL that is potentially more sensitive to functional changes in tetraplegia than most instruments in common use. Accommodation of step disorder with a three category rating scale did not diminish measurement properties. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
42. Emergence of Efficiency in Health Outcome Measurement.
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Subjects
HEALTH outcome assessment ,MEASURES of Psychosocial Development ,PSYCHOMETRICS ,SCIENTIFIC knowledge ,RASCH models - Abstract
Psychosocial measurement in the 21
st Century is a dynamic field that is addressing challenges unthinkable even a generation ago. Sophisticated methods and modem technology has brought psychometrics to the cusp of scientific objectivity. This Foreword provides historical context and intellectual foundations for appreciating contemporary psychometric advancements, as well as a perspective on issues that are determining future advances. Efficiency in outcome measurement is one of these forces driving future advances. Efficiency, however, can easily become conflated with expediency, and neither can substitute for effectiveness. Blind efficiency runs risk of degrading measurement properties. Likewise, measurement advancement without accommodation to ordinary needs leads to practical rejection. Bouchard presents a biographical link between scientific physics and Rasch models that opened the door for fundamental psychosocial measurement. Symposium papers presented in this issue present a broad range of ideas about contemporary psychosocial measurement. Granger summarizes key ideas underlying achievement of objective, fundamental measurement. Massof, then, Stenner and Stone present alternative perspectives on scientific knowledge systems, which are prominent landmarks on the psychometric horizon. Fisher and Burton describe fundamental measurement methodology in diagnosis and implementation of technology, which will consolidate isolated and redundant constructs in PROMIS. Hart presents an overview on computer adaptive testing, which is the vanguard in health outcome measurement. Kisala and Tulsky present a qualitative strategy that is improving sensitivity and validity of new outcome measures. Their diversity reflects an intense competition of ideas about solving measurement problems. Their collection together in this special issue is a milestone and tribute to scientific ingenuity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2010
43. A Rasch Analysis for Classification of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Mixed Connective Tissue Disease.
- Author
Perkins, Kyle, Hoffman, Robert W., and Bezruczko, Nikolaus
- Subjects
RASCH models ,SYSTEMIC lupus erythematosus ,CONNECTIVE tissue diseases ,RHEUMATISM ,AUTOIMMUNE diseases - Abstract
The classification of rheumatic diseases is challenging because these diseases have protean and frequently overlapping clinical and laboratory manifestations. This problem is typified by the difficulty of classification and differentiation of two prototypic multi-system autoimmune diseases, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD). The researchers submitted medical risk factor data represented by instrument or laboratory measures and physician judgments (12 key features for SLE) from 43 patients diagnosed with SLE and 12 key features for MCTD from 51 patients diagnosed with MCTD to the WINSTEPS Rasch analysis program. Using Rasch model parameterization, and fit and residuals analyses, the researchers identified separate dimensions for MCTD and SLE, thereby lending support to the position that MCTD is its own separate disease, distinct from SLE. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2008
44. Relative Precision, Efficiency and Construct Validity of Different Starting and Stopping Rules for a Computerized Adaptive Test: The GAIN Substance Problem Scale.
- Author
Riley, Barth B., Conrad, Kendon J., Bezruczko, Nikolaus, and Dennis, Michael L.
- Subjects
COMPUTER adaptive testing ,TRUTHFULNESS & falsehood ,SUBSTANCE abuse treatment ,NEEDS assessment ,CLASSIFICATION ,SCALE analysis (Psychology) ,STATISTICAL correlation - Abstract
Substance abuse treatment programs are being pressed to measure and make clinical decisions more efficiently about an increasing array of problems. This computerized adaptive testing (CAT) simulation examined the relative efficiency, precision and construct validity of different starting and stopping rules used to shorten the Global Appraisal of Individual Needs' (GAIN) Substance Problem Scale (SPS) and facilitate diagnosis based on it. Data came from 1,048 adolescents and adults referred to substance abuse treatment centers in 5 sites. CAT performance was evaluated using: (1) average standard errors, (2) average number of items, (3) bias in person measures, (4) root mean squared error of person measures, (5) Cohen's kappa to evaluate CAT classification compared to clinical classification, (6) correlation between CAT and full-scale measures, and (7) construct validity of CAT classification vs. clinical classification using correlations with five theoretically associated instruments. Results supported both CAT efficiency and validity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2007
45. Rasch Analysis of a New Construct: Functional Caregiving for Adult Children with Intellectual Disabilities.
- Author
Chen, Shu-Pi C., Bezruczko, Nikolaus, and Ryan-Henry, Sheila
- Subjects
SERVICES for caregivers ,ADULT children ,CHILDREN with intellectual disabilities ,MOTHERS -- Services for ,BIODEGRADATION ,INTELLECTUAL disabilities - Abstract
This research examined empirical evidence for a new construct, Functional Caregiving, which is a theory about mothers' caregiving of their adult children with intellectual disabilities. A sample of 108 biological mothers and primary caregivers rated survey items about their confidence to perform caregiving tasks. Rasch rating scale analysis found 61 items defined an empirical construct with three caregiving levels: Advocacy, Personal Caregiving, and Community. Results show item separation was 3.11 with high reliability, .91, and mother separation was 2.93 and reliability, .90. Both items and mothers showed adequate INFIT and OUTFIT values. Item invariance was confirmed between older and younger mothers, and principle components analysis of item residuals did not reveal any major dimensionality threats. Item decomposition analysis showed FC content theory to account for 58 percent of item calibration variance (R
2 = .58, F= 42.3, p < .001). These results have important practical implications for health and social services, as well as family caregiving, interdisciplinary practices, and health policy development. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2006
46. The development of visual preferences in art-trained and non-art-trained schoolchildren.
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus and Schroeder, David H.
- Subjects
- *
ARTS & children - Abstract
Presents the results of a study of visual preferences among art-trained and non-art-trained children in kindergarten, Grade 3, Grade 7 and high school. Measurement of four dimensions of visual preference; Variables used to match the art and non-art groups; Relative independence of the visual-preference dimensions from visual arts learning.
- Published
- 1996
47. Rule-based Aptitude Measurement: Artistic Judgment.
- Author
Bezruczko, Nikolaus and Vimercati, Ambra Borgognoni
- Abstract
This article discusses the testing or measurement of artistic judgment. The importance of artistic judgment in improving vocational selection and career development has been recognized by educators and psychologists in the 1920s. But in the 20th century, artistic judgment testing was abandoned by commercial publishers because of its inconsistency, vague, and unknown reliability. However, social researchers advanced in understanding the appeal of visual images to preference.
- Published
- 2002
48. Foreword: emergence of efficiency in health outcome measurement.
- Author
Bezruczko N
- Subjects
- Biostatistics history, Efficiency, Organizational, History, 20th Century, History, 21st Century, Humans, Models, Statistical, Psychometrics history, Psychometrics statistics & numerical data, Outcome Assessment, Health Care history, Outcome Assessment, Health Care statistics & numerical data
- Abstract
Psychosocial measurement in the 21st Century is a dynamic field that is addressing challenges unthinkable even a generation ago. Sophisticated methods and modern technology has brought psychometrics to the cusp of scientific objectivity. This Foreword provides historical context and intellectual foundations for appreciating contemporary psychometric advancements, as well as a perspective on issues that are determining future advances. Efficiency in outcome measurement is one of these forces driving future advances. Efficiency, however, can easily become conflated with expediency, and neither can substitute for effectiveness. Blind efficiency runs risk of degrading measurement properties. Likewise, measurement advancement without accommodation to ordinary needs leads to practical rejection. Bouchard presents a biographical link between scientific physics and Rasch models that opened the door for fundamental psychosocial measurement. Symposium papers presented in this issue present a broad range of ideas about contemporary psychosocial measurement. Granger summarizes key ideas underlying achievement of objective, fundamental measurement. Massof, then, Stenner and Stone present alternative perspectives on scientific knowledge systems, which are prominent landmarks on the psychometric horizon. Fisher and Burton describe fundamental measurement methodology in diagnosis and implementation of technology, which will consolidate isolated and redundant constructs in PROMIS. Hart presents an overview on computer adaptive testing, which is the vanguard in health outcome measurement. Kisala and Tulsky present a qualitative strategy that is improving sensitivity and validity of new outcome measures. Their diversity reflects an intense competition of ideas about solving measurement problems. Their collection together in this special issue is a milestone and tribute to scientific ingenuity.
- Published
- 2010
49. Substance use disorder symptoms: evidence of differential item functioning by age.
- Author
Conrad KJ, Dennis ML, Bezruczko N, Funk RR, and Riley BB
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Child, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, United States, Severity of Illness Index, Substance-Related Disorders physiopathology
- Abstract
This study examined the applicability of substance abuse diagnostic criteria for adolescents, young adults, and adults using the Global Appraisal of Individual Need's Substance Problems Scale (SPS) from 7,408 clients. Rasch analysis was used to: 1) evaluate whether the SPS operationalized a single reliable dimension, and 2) examine the extent to which the severity of each symptom and the overall test functioned the same or differently by age. Rasch analysis indicated that the SPS was unidimensional with a person reliability of .84. Eight symptoms were significantly different between adolescents and adults. Young adult calibrations tended to fall between adolescents and adults. Differential test functioning was clinically negligible for adolescents but resulted in about 7% more adults being classified as high need. These findings have theoretical implications for screening and treatment of adolescents vs. adults. SPS can be used across age groups though age-specific calibrations enable greater precision of measurement.
- Published
- 2007
50. Nonequivalent survey consolidation: an example from functional caregiving.
- Author
Bezruczko N and Chen SP
- Subjects
- Adult, Chicago, Data Collection methods, Female, Humans, Middle Aged, Caregivers psychology, Mother-Child Relations, Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
- Abstract
Functional Caregiving (FC) is a construct about mothers caring for children (both old and young) with intellectual disabilities, which is operationally defined by two nonequivalent survey forms, urban and suburban, respectively. The purposes of this research are, first, to generalize school-based achievement test principles to survey methods by equating two nonequivalent survey forms. A second purpose is to expand FC foundations by a) establishing linear measurement properties for new caregiving items, b) replicate a hierarchical item structure across an urban, school-based population, c) consolidate survey forms to establish a calibrated item bank, and d) collect more external construct validity data. Results supported invariant item parameters of a fixed item form (96 items) for two urban samples (N = 186). FC measures also showed expected construct relationships with age, mental depression, and health status. However, only five common items between urban and suburban forms were statistically stable because suburban mothers' age and child's age appear to interact with medical information and social activities.
- Published
- 2007
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