Blepharicera dimorphops Alexander, 1953 (Figs. 6���11) Blepharicera dimorphops Alexander, 1953: 101. Type locality: China, Fukien, Ta-Chu-Lan. Diagnosis. Compound eyes dicholoptic, upper division of eye about 1 / 10 as large as lower division. Base of Rs a little longer than r-m; r-m straight. Outer gonostylus bilobate, dorsal lobe of gonostylus narrow, round apically, with uniformly hairs; ventral lobe broad, blunt apically, with uniformly short hairs. Description. Male. Body length 4���4.5 mm, wing length 3.5 ���4.0 mm. Head uniformly black, with dark brown hairs. Ocellar tubercle brown. Compound eyes dicholoptic, boundary of upper division and lower division unconspicuous; upper division of eye about 1 / 10 as large as lower division; compound eyes black with pubescences. Ocelli dark brown, prominent. Antenna longer than head width; scape and pedicel yellow brown; base of first flagellomere light brown, other flagellomeres yellow brown; last flagellomere three times longer than wide. Proboscis short, yellow brown. Palpus five-segmented, two times longer than proboscis; first segment short, segments 2���4 long, fifth segment slender and long, as long as the total length of segments 1���4; palpus yellow brown with uniformly brown hairs. Thoracic dorsum uniformly brown. Thoracic pleuron mostly brown, with yellow portion; thorax only scutellum with dense patches of hairs on anterior margin. Coxae and trochanters mostly yellow, except basal 1 / 2 of fore coxa brown; bases of femora yellow brown, gradually darkened apically; tibiae and tarsomeres brown; hairs on legs brown. Wing (Fig. 7) board, subhyaline; veins brown; Sc rudimentary, not ending at base of Rs; Base of Rs a little curved, Rs a little longer than r-m; r-m straight. Halter yellow brown. Abdominal segments mostly dark brown except segments 2���6 with yellow brown band basally. Hairs on abdomen brown. Male genitalia (Figs. 8 ���9, 11): Epandrium broad, posterior margin slightly concave, with uniformly short brown hairs; hypandrium slightly narrow basally, broad apically, posteromedial margin concave, with short hairs laterally; cercus bilobate, each lobe conical, with uniformly short hairs; outer gonostylus bilobate, dorsal lobe of gonostylus narrow, round apically, with uniformly hairs; ventral lobe broad, blunt apically, with uniformly short hairs; inner gonocoxal lobe transparent, slender, basally broad, without hairs; paramere slender, transparent. Female. Body length 5���5.5 mm, wing length 5.5 ���6.0 mm. Resembling male. Boundary of upper division and lower division conspicuous; upper division flat, reddish brown; lower division black. Proboscis well developed, conical, black. Abdomen gradually tapered apically, cercus yellow (Fig. 10). Material examined: 1 ♂, CHINA, Fujian, Wuyishan, Guadun, 1991. V. 7, Hong Wu; 1 ♂ 2 ♀, CHINA, Fujian, Jianglexian, Longqishan, 1991. V. 10, Hong Wu; 1 ♀, CHINA, Fujian, Dehuaxian, Shuikou, 1974. XI. 6, Jikun Yang; 2 ♀, CHINA, Fujian, Dehuaxian, Shuikou, 1974. XI. 12, Jikun Yang; 1 ♀, CHINA, Fujian, Dehuaxian, Shuikou, 1974. XI. 12, Fasheng Li; 1 ♀, CHINA, Fujian, Wuyishan, Pikeng, 2010. VII. 20, 500��� 650 m, Xiaoyan Liu; 1 ♂ 1 ♀, CHINA, Fujian, Wuyishan, Dazhulan, 2010. VII. 21, Xiaoyan Liu; 8 ♀, CHINA, Fujian, Wuyishan, Tongmucun, 2009. VII. 2, Xiaoyan Liu; 17 ♀, CHINA, Fujian, Wuyishan, Gaoqiao, 580 m, 2009. VII. 12, Xiaoyan Liu; 1 ♀, CHINA, Fujian, Wuyishan, Tongmucun, 2009. VII. 18, Xiaoyan Liu; 16 ♀, CHINA, Fujian, Wuyishan, Miaowan, 200. VII. 4, Li Shi; 1 ♀, CHINA, Fujian, Nanpingshi, Wuyishan, Yiliping, 2009. VII. 5, Xiushuai Yang; 1 ♂, CHINA, Fujian, Nanpingshi, Wuyishan, Taoyuanyu, 2009. VI. 28, Xiushuai Yang. Distribution. China (Fujian)., Published as part of Kang, Zehui & Yang, Ding, 2014, Species of Blepharicera Macquart from China with descriptions of two new species (Diptera: Blephariceridae), pp. 421-434 in Zootaxa 3866 (3) on pages 424-426, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3866.3.6,, {"references":["Alexander, C. P. (1953) Undescribed species of Nematocera Diptera. Part III. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society, 48, 97 - 103."]}