Alcorn SR, LaVigne AW, Elledge CR, Fiksel J, Hu C, Kleinberg L, Levin A, Smith T, Cheng Z, Kim K, Rao AD, Sloan L, Page B, Stinson SF, Voong KR, McNutt TR, Bowers MR, DeWeese TL, Zeger S, and Wright JL
Purpose: The Bone Metastases Ensemble Trees for Survival Decision Support Platform (BMETS-DSP) provides patient-specific survival predictions and evidence-based recommendations to guide multidisciplinary management for symptomatic bone metastases. We assessed the clinical utility of the BMETS-DSP through a pilot prepost design in a simulated clinical environment., Methods: Ten Radiation Oncology physicians reviewed 55 patient cases at two time points: without and then with the use of BMETS-DSP. Assessment included 12-month survival estimate, confidence in and likelihood of sharing estimates with patients, and recommendations for open surgery, systemic therapy, hospice referral, and radiotherapy (RT) regimen. Paired statistics compared pre- versus post-DSP outcomes. Reported statistical significance is P < .05., Results: Pre- versus post-DSP, overestimation of true minus estimated survival time was significantly reduced (mean difference -2.1 [standard deviation 4.1] v -1 month [standard deviation 3.5]). Prediction accuracy was significantly improved at cut points of < 3 (72 v 79%), ≤ 6 (64 v 71%), and ≥ 12 months (70 v 81%). Median ratings of confidence in and likelihood of sharing prognosis significantly increased. Significantly greater concordance was seen in matching use of 1-fraction RT with the true survival < 3 months (70 v 76%) and < 10-fraction RT with the true survival < 12 months (55 v 62%) and appropriate use of open surgery (47% v 53%), without significant changes in selection of hospice referral or systemic therapy., Conclusion: This pilot study demonstrates that BMETS-DSP significantly improved physician survival estimation accuracy, prognostic confidence, likelihood of sharing prognosis, and use of prognosis-appropriate RT regimens in the care of symptomatic bone metastases, supporting future multi-institutional validation of the platform., Competing Interests: Sara R. AlcornEmployment: University of MinnesotaHonoraria: Allegheny Health NetworkResearch Funding: Radiation Oncology Institute (ROI), Pfizer-Prostate Cancer Foundation Jacob FikselEmployment: Janssen, VertexPatents, Royalties, Other Intellectual Property: I am listed on US patent No. 10,975,431, for cell-free DNA for assessing and/or treating cancer. I am not the main inventor and have not received any royalties Chen HuConsulting or Advisory Role: D1 Medical Technology Lawrence KleinbergConsulting or Advisory Role: NovocureResearch Funding: Novartis (Inst), Bristol Myers Squibb/Medarex (Inst), Incyte Adam LevinLeadership: Ensysce BiosciencesStock and Other Ownership Interests: Ensysce BiosciencesConsulting or Advisory Role: Ensysce BiosciencesPatents, Royalties, Other Intellectual Property: Patent Pending (Inst) Thomas SmithEmployment: UpToDateHonoraria: Athenex, Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC)Patents, Royalties, Other Intellectual Property: Royalties from Oxford Textbook of Cancer Communication, coeditorOpen Payments Link: Zhi ChengEmployment: Siemens Healthineers (I)Research Funding: Toshiba (Inst)Patents, Royalties, Other Intellectual Property: Patents and royalties (Inst) Lindsey SloanEmployment: University of Minnesota (I)Consulting or Advisory Role: Sanofi/Regeneron (I)Research Funding: Arena Pharma (I) K. Ranh VoongHonoraria: Physicians' Education Resource LLCConsulting or Advisory Role: AstraZenecaTravel, Accommodations, Expenses: Prime Oncology Todd R. McNuttStock and Other Ownership Interests: Oncospace LLCResearch Funding: Canon Medical System (Inst), Oncospace LLC (Inst)Patents, Royalties, Other Intellectual Property: Radiation Dose Calculation Algorithm Michael R. BowersEmployment: Oncospace IncStock and Other Ownership Interests: Oncospace Inc Theodore L. DeWeeseStock and Other Ownership Interests: Digital HarmonicPatents, Royalties, Other Intellectual Property: Patent pending on the computer algorithm in radiation therapy planning Scott ZegerLeadership: Embold Health Jean L. WrightEmployment: Johns Hopkins HospitalHonoraria: American Society for Radiation OncologyResearch Funding: OncospacePatents, Royalties, Other Intellectual Property: Spouse receives royalties from Up To Date (I)Expert Testimony: Marshall DennehyNo other potential conflicts of interest were reported.