[1] IE TCD MS 229 is Historia Scholastica, a study of biblical history by Petrus Comestor (Pierre le Mangeur, a French theologian and teacher who died in 1178). Folios 1-117v: (1) Petrus Comestor, Historia Scholastica ('Patrologia Latina' 198:1053-1722; F. Stegmuller, 'Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aeui', (Madrid, 1950-1980), numbers 6543-6565), with Petrus Pictauiensis?, Historia Actuum Apostolorum ('Patrologia Latina' 198:1645-1722; F. Stegmuller, 'Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aeui', nos. 6565, 6785), beg. imperf. (In Esth., 2; edn. col. 1495): 1-77 Eo tempore Romani Gallos superauerunt - Ascendit Ihesus scilicet propria uirtute. Incipit hystoria actuum apostolorum. 77-117v Anno nonodecimo imperii Tiberii - magis honorabili scilicet in cathacumbis. Folio 117v: (2) De Locis Sanctis Apostolorum (ed. T. Schermann, 'Prophetarum Vitae Fabulosae', (Leipzig, 1907), 213; F. Stegmuller, 'Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aeui', no. 191.7; cf. B. de Gaiffier in 'Subsidia Hagiographica' 43 [1967] 361-368), ends imperf.: Petrus et Paulus Rome sepulti sunt, Andreas Patras ciuitate Achaie - crescens in Galliis eu-. Folio 118: (3) Ps. Alexander Magnus, Epistola De Itinere (ed. B. Kuebler in his edn. of Julius Valerius, Leipzig 1888, 190-221; ed. W.W. Boer, Beitrage zur klassischen Philologie 50, Meisenheim am Glan 1973; L. Thorndike and P. Kibre, 'A Catalogue of Incipits of Mediaeval Scientific Writings in Latin', second edition, Mediaeval Academy of America, (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1963), 1427), ends unfinished (ed. Kuebler p. 192; ed. Boer p. 3): Incipit epistola Alexandri regis magni Macedonum ad magistrum suum Aristotelem. Semper memor tui etiam inter dubia - rege Persarum Dario apud Gangem. 118v originally blank. (4) (5) are attached to a modern end flyleaf. Folio 119: (4) originally in another codex (Ireland, 10th century) and once used in the binding of TCD MS 229. Priscianus, Institutiones Grammaticae (ed. M. Hertz in H. Keil, 'Grammatici Latini' 2, (Leipzig, 1855)), beg. and ends imperf.: (after a line largely cut away) non inueniuntur - est ipsius amoris sup e dictae dec (recto, Inst. Gramm. 5.8-9, edn. p. 145); (after a line largely cut away) So Abro - parchus bi (verso, Inst. Gramm. 5.12-13, edn. pp. 148-150). Parchment. 270 x 57. 32 lines. (c15 letters are missing on each line). Single Irish minuscule hand. Abbreviations: hi (hic), q (quam). In common with Hertz's MSS GLk, the fragment has the addition Lar quando - lumnio rege (see edn. p. 149 appar. crit.), and in common with MSS AGk, the fragment reads flamonio for flaminicae (see ib.). GLk were copied by Irish scribes and constitute the so-called Irish family in the descent of the manuscripts (ib. pp. xvi-xvii). 10th century and 13th century notes. [Foliation added 6 May 1994: folio 119. Folio 119 is touched-on upside down. Perhaps to be published by [Marc Schneider?]]. (4) Foliation added 6 May 1994: folio 119. Folio 119 is touched-in upside down. R. Hofman, 'The Sankt Gall Priscian Commentary', Studien und Texte zur Keltologie, part 1, (Munster, 1996), uses this fragment in his edition. (5) Foliation added 6 May 1994: folio 120. Folio 120 is touched-in sideways. Folio 120: (5) originally in another codex (Ireland, c11th century) and once used in the binding of TCD MS 229. Benedictio Campanae (ed. H.A. Wilson, 'The Benedictional of Archbishop Robert, Henry Bradshaw Society, (London, 1903), 105 and 'The Pontifical of Magdalen College', Henry Bradshaw Society, (London, 1910), 146-147; ed. A.J. Collins, Manuale Ad Vsum Percelebris Ecclesie Sarisburiensis, Henry Bradshaw Society, (Chichester, 1960), 175-177), beg. and ends imperf.: (after a line largely cut away) in stagnum aque et rupem in fon/tes. Non ergo nobis, domine, non nobis sed nomini / tuo da gloriam super misericor/dia tua ut cum presens uasculum, / (sicut ?) reliqua altaris uasa, sacro crismate tangitur, oleo sancto / ungitur, quicunque ad sonitum eius/ conuenerint ab omnibus inimici tem- (recto, right column); (after some letters which are largely cut away) pu/lit aduersantem ita dum huius uas/ culi sonitus transiit per nubila, aeclesie tue conuentum manus seruet / angelica, fruges credentium / mentes et corpora saluet protectio sempiterna saluator mundi, / qui cum patre et eodem sancto spiritu uiuit / (a few traces of writing) (verso, left column). Parchment. 68 x 54. 2 columns. 9 lines, but the top line on each side was largely sliced away. Irish minuscule (recto), Irish majuscule (verso). Abbreviations include: 's(upe)r, s(ed), h(uiu)s'. [Foliation added 6 May 1994: folio 120. Folio 120 is touched on sideways, perhaps to be published by [Marc Schneider?]]. [2] Collation analysis: i-ix(12) x(10) (lacks 10)+1. Quires numbered. Catchwords. [3] Decoration: Initials red or blue, with blue or red flourishes (initial on 77 is blue and red, with blue and red flourishes); capitals marked with red; notulae of (1) are framed with red. (1) running title Historia euangelica (e.g. 51v-52). [4] Layout: 2 columns. 35 lines. Layout: 2 columns. 35 lines. Script: Single hand. Corrections and Additions: 13th-century corrections and notes. 1 has 'Sum ex libris / Milonis Symneri'. For Miles Symner see on TCD MS 188. 2 has 'Nota uide lege epistolam in ultimo folio huius libri'. 39 has (a) 'mater' (15th-century Irish hand), (b) in Irish: ('?nan' corr. from 'inan') lm (bar over m) '.i. ueacroe benacroe nac saten labhres agra' (15th-century hand, declaring that it does not matter whether one says veacroe or benacroe as long as the devil does not say these words). 45 has the outlines of a heraldic shield, which are largely scrubbed out. 118 has reinking, by Miles Symner, of part of the title. 118v has a very faint official letter: Bene recolis quomodo alias tibi scripsimus Petis mihi occursum ad satisfaciendum nobis Stat in die lune proximo futuro apud Lechelinen ('p' perhaps canc.) premissis (citat?)tis paciendum et respondendum uestrum nobis per latorem presencium rescribent uel per Thomam Wogan (15th-century hand). The inscriptions on 1 and 2 are perhaps by Miles Symner. Pencil trials: 13th century (e.g. on 17, 21, 50). When the leaves of the book are pressed together, they yield on fore-edge a number or letter classification. Rough sketches: head (on 75; 75v; 79, tonsured; 118v). 2nd fo.: in qua scriptum.