5,790 results on '"CULTURA POPULAR"'
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2. Cultura popular, género e identidad nacional. La plebe chola en la ciudad de Cochabamba (1880-1947)
- Author
Huascar Rodríguez García
- Subjects
cholas ,cultura popular ,mercados ,chichería ,identidad nacional ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Este artículo propone explorar la presencia pública de las cholas en la ciudad de Cochabamba (Bolivia) y las representaciones que desde distintos ámbitos se elaboraron en torno a ellas entre 1880 y 1946, para examinar después los nexos de esta presencia urbana femenina y popular con un renovado nacionalismo. La exploración traza un itinerario que incluye la emergencia de mercados campesinos y populares en la ciudad, algunas festividades, la estética chola en la fotografía, la economía de la chicha y finalmente las distintas interpretaciones de la narrativa de las “Heroínas de la Coronilla”, las cuales derivaron en la creación del Día de la Madre y en la conversión de las cholas en las madres simbólicas de la nación. El argumento central es que la ansiada modernidad criolla llegó, irónicamente, de la mano de los sectores populares que, además, tenían una nítida impronta femenina.
- Published
- 2025
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3. La Cultura de Sandino y el hombre nuevo: Alfabetización, música popular y Evangelio. Nicaragua 1979-1980.
- Author
Julián David Gutiérrez Ramírez
- Subjects
leyenda del sandino ,nicaragua ,identidad nacional ,revolución nicaragüense ,cultura popular ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
La leyenda de Sandino es, según buscamos analizar, uno de los elementos determinantes para construir esa idea de lo nacional y lo popular en torno a las figuras antes caracterizadas, en ese sentido, analizaremos algunas de las prácticas y estrategias que permitieron instaurar y popularizar el ideal Sandinista en Nicaragua. En primer lugar, estableceremos la conformación de una Cultura revolucionaria o bien una Cultura de Sandino; segundo, la influencia de la iglesia en esta conformación y su adaptación al contexto nicaragüense; tercero, y como tema central, señalaremos las cartillas de alfabetización y cuadernos explicativos utilizadas durante la Cruzada Nacional de Alfabetización (CNA) y esta experiencia en general. Por último, de forma paralela a cada uno de estos elementos, mostraremos la nueva canción nicaragüense como apoyo a estos proceso y parte de esa expresión y conformación de lo popular. Todos estos elementos entendidos como constitutivos en esa popularización de Sandino y la conformación de cultura popular.
- Published
- 2025
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4. Cantar i divulgar la victòria contra els bandolers: una anàlisi històrica de la captura i l’execució de seixanta malfactors a Catalunya (1573)
- Author
Alejandro Llinares Planells
- Subjects
bandolerisme ,literatura popular ,plecs poètics del segle xvi ,literatura de patíbul ,generalitat ,edat moderna ,historia cultural ,execucions públiques ,cultura popular ,French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature ,PQ1-3999 - Abstract
En aquest treball s’analitza un esdeveniment significatiu del bandolerisme català del segle XVI: la captura i l’execució de més de 60 bandolers a la Conca d’Òdena, el 1573, i els set impresos de cordell que s’estamparen sobre el cas. Aquest estudi aprofundeix en aspectes oblidats de l’esdeveniment, gràcies a la descoberta de nova documentació que ens permet conèixer-lo molt millor. Per una banda, s’estudia el context social i polític per tal d’entendre la rellevància del cas i, seguidament, s’expliquen els episodis més significatius d’aquest. Per l’altra, el text analitza diversos impresos contemporanis, ressaltant les seues funcions. S’analitza la funció patibulària, afegint els testaments d’ajusticiats i les sentències en vers, i la funció informativa. A més, s’evidencia el seu valor propagandístic, connectant els poemes amb la lluita contra el bandolerisme i els conflictes pel pagament de recompenses. En resum, s’ofereix una nova visió d’un episodi crucial del bandolerisme català i del seu impacte en la societat de l’època, destacant la seua importància històrica i la seua contribució a la comprensió de la història cultural de l’Edat Moderna.
- Published
- 2025
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5. Bandolerismo, patíbulo y reforma de las costumbres en la España de finales del siglo XVIII: el caso de Pedro Piñero «el Maragato»
- Author
Alejandro Llinares Planells
- Subjects
bandolerismo ,ilustración ,siglo xviii ,historia cultural ,literatura de patí-bulo ,tipificación ,cultura popular ,opinión pública ,francisco de goya ,History (General) and history of Europe ,History (General) ,D1-2009 ,Modern history, 1453- ,D204-475 - Abstract
El artículo analiza la producción literaria y artística en torno a la captura y ejecución del bandido Pedro Piñero, el Maragato, a finales del siglo XVIII. Aunque sus crímenes no fueron extraordinarios, su fama en Extremadura y Castilla atrajo la atención de impresores y artistas cuando un fraile franciscano consiguió apresarlo. La regulación del negocio editorial, la campaña de desprestigio impulsada por el reformismo ilustrado contra los pliegos de cordel y una creciente fascinación por lo cotidiano y circunstancial influyeron decisivamente en la producción de textos y grabados alineados con los intereses del Estado. A pesar de la censura, se produjeron y distribuyeron miles de ejemplares de relatos y grabados sobre el caso, escritos por figuras vinculadas al mundo editorial de Madrid. En este trabajo, a través del cruce de fuentes literarias, archivísticas, judiciales y artísticas, estudiaremos la composición, creación, difusión y recepción de estos materiales sobre la detención y ahorcamiento de este malhechor. En resumen, la aplicación de un análisis microhistórico nos ha permitido estudiar la intermedialidad entre texto, imagen y oralidad, las conexiones entre la «cultura popular» y la «docta», y la circulación editorial de las menudencias de imprenta en el Siglo de las Luces.
- Published
- 2024
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6. Filosofía y gran política desde los márgenes: potencia y corporalidad a través del Maquiavelo de Gramsci.
- Author
Moreno, Dante Ariel Aragón
- Abstract
Copyright of International Gramsci Journal is the property of International Gramsci Journal and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Valero, Arnaldo E.
- Abstract
Copyright of Voz y Escritura: Revista de Estudios Literarios is the property of Instituto de Investigaciones Literarias, Facultad de Humanidades y Educacion and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
- Author
Elias Garcia, Tatiane
- Subjects
COUNTRY music ,CULTURAL identity ,ORAL history ,CULTURAL transmission ,CULTURAL property ,COLLECTIVE memory ,ORAL tradition - Abstract
Copyright of Revista Gênero e Interdisciplinaridade is the property of Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa Periodicojs and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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MANUAL labor , *FOCUS groups , *NEIGHBORHOODS , *FEMINISM , *URBAN studies - Abstract
Sara Ahmed addresses the construction of collectives through the circulation of affects. With this in mind, and given the gentrification threatening various regions, the discourse emerging from localism and, more specifically, from neighborhoods could be considered counter-hegemonic. After all, it concerns a reality that affects the identity of the people who inhabit these spaces and, in turn, their conception of the world and work, especially manual and artisanal labor. Therefore, the main objective of this text is to ideologically analyze the discourse of the San Julián neighborhood's artisan association in Seville; an association of women who champion the neighborhood's sounds and defend the identity of its people, despite the gentrification affecting their area. To this end, a focus group was conducted with the artisans of Recoveco Market who are in charge of the association's communication. This revealed aspects such as the circulation of affects among them and towards the neighborhood in which they live, as well as their conception of feminism and how it influences their shared reality. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
10. La memoria del dolor en el espacio Indo-Pacífico: justicia transicional y construcción nacionalista a través de digital games.
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GOVERNMENT policy ,GROUP identity ,CONSCIOUSNESS raising ,RELIGIOUS identity ,AUDIENCE participation ,COLLECTIVE memory - Abstract
Copyright of Relaciones Internacionales (1699-3950) is the property of Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain, International Relations Studies Group (GERI) Law Faculty and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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11. La huelga de los newsboys de Nueva York en 1899. Reconstrucción de un movimiento de la niñez trabajadora en EE.UU.
- Author
Manfred Liebel
- Subjects
Activismo infantil ,niñez trabajadora ,historia de la infancia ,cultura popular ,Estados Unidos ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 ,Anthropology ,GN1-890 - Abstract
El artículo reconstruye una huelga de jóvenes vendedores de periódicos (newsboys) en Nueva York en 1899 y explora sus antecedentes, sus secuelas y su significado para la comprensión de los niños y niñas trabajadores como actores sociales. Se presta especial atención a las condiciones sociales de la vida de los niños, a cuestiones de racismo y antirracismo, y al papel de las niñas como minoría activista. Además, se analiza cómo la historia de la acción infan- til se refleja en la política de infancia y la cultura popular de Estados Unidos.
- Published
- 2025
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12. Ángel Rama contra la ciudad letrada: Prehistoria de un concepto
- Author
Miguel Martínez
- Subjects
Ángel Rama ,ciudad letrada ,transculturación ,cultura popular ,estudios coloniales ,lettered city ,transculturation ,popular culture ,colonial studies ,Latin America. Spanish America ,F1201-3799 ,Social Sciences - Abstract
A pesar de su abarcadora influencia, La ciudad letrada de Ángel Rama (1984) ha sido sometida en los últimos años a una intensa crítica que ha cuestionado la relación demasiado unívoca que el argumento planteaba entre escritura y poder, así como su exclusión de las formas de alfabetización indígena, mestiza y afrodescendiente. El presente trabajo parte de estos debates para, revisando la obra crítica y los epistolarios de Rama, ofrecer una nueva genealogía intelectual del concepto que daba título al libro póstumo. En particular, se rescata el ensayo de 1980 donde Rama se refirió por primera vez a la ciudad letrada, titulado “La señal de Jonás sobre el pueblo mexicano”. La relectura del libro en diálogo con este trabajo previo nos permitirá ver que la idea de ciudad letrada no aspiraba a describir la totalidad de la realidad cultural de la América colonial, sino uno de los polos que la tensionan, uno de los lados de un conflicto cultural. “La señal de Jonás” ofrece una visión significativamente diferente de la ciudad colonial, donde la fuerza cultural de una plebe urbana y multirracial desafía los muros de la ciudad letrada y alcanza a penetrar la práctica intelectual de algunos de sus guardianes. Frente al pesimismo de La ciudad letrada, late en “La señal de Jonás” un utopismo similar al de Transculturación narrativa en América Latina respecto a las potencialidades políticas y estéticas de esa cultura urbana popular de raigambre colonial.
- Published
- 2024
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13. Las siete maravillas de la Antigüedad en los soportes de la cultura popular
- Author
Ainhoa De Miguel Irureta
- Subjects
las siete maravillas ,cultura popular ,recepción ,arquetipo ,influencia ,Fine Arts - Abstract
Las imágenes míticas de las siete maravillas de la Antigüedad forman parte del imaginario colectivo y constituyen un motivo recurrente en todas las ramas de la cultura, no solo como referentes o modelos a emular en arquitectura o pintura sino también como inspiración en el cine o la literatura fantástica, en series de televisión, en el mundo del cómic, en los juegos de mesa y videojuegos, e incluso en sellos o etiquetas de cerveza. La tradición iconográfica de estas grandes obras del pasado llega a nuestros días enriquecida por numerosas aportaciones a lo largo de los siglos y erigiéndose en una de las raíces de la cultura visual contemporánea.
- Published
- 2024
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14. As Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação atreladas à preservação e difusão da cultura popular brasileira na educação.
- Author
Pereira de Barros, Ana Déborah, Ribeiro Leite, Belchior, and Richard Paulo, Jacks
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DIGITAL technology , *INFORMATION & communication technologies , *DIGITAL communications , *SPHERES , *HUMANITY - Abstract
In the current context of humanity's evolution, several transformations and changes are presented to us in the most different aspects, mainly driven by the digital environment. In this way, several authors have pointed out the need and priority to expand research on the most different perspectives, around the teaching and learning process linked to the use of technologies. In this sense, this article sought to analyze the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC) linked to the preservation and dissemination of Brazilian popular culture in education. To this end, bibliographical and documentary research was used, with a qualitative approach, in which the collected data were analyzed in a critical and interpretative manner. It was evident through this scientific investigation that TDICs can be fundamental artifacts both for the preservation and dissemination of all knowledge, including popular culture. Furthermore, making it possible to (re)discover new and other practices that can enhance Brazilian popular culture in the educational sphere. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
15. Memories of Future Empire: The Productive Effects of Imperial Imaginaries in Science Fiction - An Analysis of The Expanse.
- Author
Ignacio Percoco, Juan and Labiano, Virginia
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POLITICAL fiction , *HISTORY of colonies , *IMPERIALISM , *SCHOLARS , *LITERATURE - Abstract
Imperialism and colonial practices have been addressed by the scholars throughout the years due to the transcendence of the imperial experience as a phenomenon that articulates and shapes the modern structure of the international system. In this article we argue that imperial imaginaries not only forged our past, but still seem to manifest productive effects, influencing our capacities to think about the future. In that regard, we identify Science Fiction as a political battleground where imaginaries are produced, reinforced and challenged. Engaging critically with the literature, and cultural artefacts from the genre, we propose the notion of Future Imperial Imaginaries. We utilise this conceptual advancement to talk about coming worlds that would force us to relive colonial practices of the past, and thus foreclose future alternative political imaginaries. Next, we analyse the series The Expanse, under this conceptual framework and identify the presence of the different dimensions of the Future Imperial Imaginaries in it. In the last section we present our final thoughts and reflections. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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16. Jack White, Catholicism, and the Blues as Narrative Tradition.
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Griffin, Alexandria
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Musician, producer, and songwriter Jack White has frequently drawn on stories of his Catholic upbringing in media appearances. However, White's Catholicism has generally been overlooked in both scholarly and popular evaluations of his work and career. I argue that, building on the literary scholar Kimberly Mack's work on the blues as a narrative tradition, White uses his own Catholic narratives to participate within that narrative tradition and construct his public image. Through engaging White's self-presentation in his music, interviews, television appearances, and other media, I examine the work that White's use of his Catholic identity does, with particular attention to its class and racial dimensions and his devotion to his hometown of Detroit, Michigan. Resumen: El músico, productor y compositor Jack White se ha basado con frecuencia en historias de su educación católica en sus apariciones en los medios. Sin embargo, el catolicismo de White generalmente ha sido pasado por alto en las evaluaciones tanto académicas como populares de su trabajo y carrera. Apoyándome en el trabajo de la académica literaria Kimberly Mack sobre el blues como tradición narrativa, sostengo que White utiliza sus propias narrativas católicas para participar dentro de esa tradición narrativa y construir su imagen pública. Recurriendo a la auto presentación de White en su música, entrevistas, apariciones en televisión y otros medios, examino el trabajo que hace el uso que hace White de su identidad católica, con especial atención a sus dimensiones raciales y de clase y su devoción a su ciudad natal de Detroit, Michigan. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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17. DA receita-modelo para UMA receita com ar familiar: hedonismo estético e utilitarismo poético na abordagem semiótica do social.
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SEMIOTICS ,VALUE (Economics) ,SOCIAL dynamics ,NEGOTIATION ,HEDONISM ,POPULAR culture - Abstract
Copyright of MATRIZes is the property of Universidade de Sao Paulo, Programa de Pos Graduacao em Ciencias da Comunicacao and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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18. O gênero da máscara: desfigurações no Reisado de Caretas da Família Ramos em Canindé.
- Author
de Oliveira Junior, Ribamar José
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LGBTQ+ theater ,HINTERLAND ,RURAL geography ,MAGIC ,GENDER - Abstract
Copyright of Pós: Revista do Programa de POS-Graduacao Em Artes - EBA/UFMG is the property of Pos - Programa de Pos-graduacao em Artes (PPG-Artes) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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19. Cotidianidades y usos sociales de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación, una mirada crítica desde América Latina.
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INFORMATION & communication technologies , *EVERYDAY life - Abstract
Within the framework of the 156th edition of Chasqui Magazine, works are presented that explore the importance of daily life and its role in the construction of meaning in societies mediated by new information and communication technologies. The challenge assumed by the thematic editors seeks to answer the question: What are the contributions of the Latin American School of Communication in technological debates?. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
20. El cartel contemporáneo y su relación con elementos de la cultura popular. Una noción interdisciplinaria.
- Author
Mena Freire, Julia A., Núñez Torres, Sandra H., and Fuentes Pérez, Eliska
- Subjects
POSTER design ,POPULAR culture ,SOCIAL change ,SOCIAL interaction ,CULTURAL relations - Abstract
Copyright of Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios de Diseño y Comunicación is the property of Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios de Diseno y Comunicacion and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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Este artículo analiza la memoria y repercusión mediática del bandolerismo valenciano del XVII, un tema olvidado por la historiografía española. Tras el declive del bandidaje catalán y antes del auge andaluz, los malhechores valencianos ocuparon un lugar hegemónico en la cultura popular hispánica. A través de diarios, romances de ciegos, crónicas, documentos judiciales y relatos de viajes, se evidencia cómo estos bandidos influenciaron la opinión pública y desafiaron al Estado. La repercusión del fenómeno propició que los valencianos se ganaran la fama de personas sanguinarias y vengativas, un estereotipo que acabó consolidándose en la literatura popular impresa del Barroco y la Ilustración. Ejemplos notables son Pere Andrés y Mateu Vicent Benet, cuyas historias se difundieron ampliamente, manteniendo viva su memoria hasta el siglo XIX. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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LITERARY style , *SCIENTIFIC ability , *SOCIAL perception , *SOCIAL & economic rights , *CULTURAL rights - Abstract
The study in notoriety emphasizes the way in which literature is placed in the face of the fight against prejudice that arises in the face of the northeast region of the country, observing the valuable contributions of the poem “Ser nordestino”, written by Braulio Bessa, as a sensitive portrait of the culture of region and the fantastic opportunities for perceiving the fundamental right to culture associated with literature – the poem brings the conception of pride and belonging in the face of the northeast of Brazil from an identity perspective. Important observations about cordel literature were addressed in the light of the aforementioned poem in a perspective of re-signification of law through this literary style. Also highlighted were legal and social perceptions of popular culture associated with reflections on cordel literature. As for the method chosen, the proposal of phenomenology is observed, which has given the study of legal science the ability to deal with issues beyond the legal text, that is, the method understands law as an event that is affected in an essential way by the literature, since both walk through the proposal of interdisciplinarity and contribute significantly to the understanding of human relationships. It is important to rethink the literature in a prominent space in legal discussions related to social rights, since the appreciation of popular culture cannot find clashes, considering its relevance for the defense of diversity and the fight against prejudice. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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Con el avance del capitalismo en el mundo, especialmente después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, surgió la necesidad de alfabetización de las poblaciones, aunque esta acción se ha dado de manera desigual entre los países desarrollados y periféricos. En Brasil no era muy diferente, en este país, las diferencias eran entre las regiones. En el Nordeste de Brasil, una de las regiones menos desarrolladas, en las décadas de 1950 y 1960, hubo algunas experiencias de Educación Popular. 1) En 1958, la Arquidiócesis de Natal (RN) inició el trabajo de alfabetización, utilizando la radio, con poblaciones en la periferia de su capital, Natal, extendiéndose pronto al ambiente rural, su punto más fuerte. El éxito de esta experiencia llevó a la extensión de esta acción educativa a las llamadas regiones subdesarrolladas del país: Norte, Nordeste y Centro-Oeste, a través de un acuerdo entre la Conferencia Nacional de Obispos de Brasil (CNBB) y el Gobierno Federal. De esta manera, se creó el Movimiento de Educación Básica (MEB), que desarrolló una acción misionera, desarrollista y libertaria, con la marcada presencia de los laicos de la Acción Católica. 2) La ciudad de Natal, que había elegido a un alcalde de orientación progresista, Djalma Maranhão, con su Departamento de Educación, y un gran número de intelectuales, creó un extenso programa de alfabetización, llamado "De pie en el suelo también se aprende a leer", que construyó escuelas hechas de paja de coco y pisos de arcilla, Debido a la falta de financiamiento de los gobiernos estatal y federal, entonces, sus opositores. Estas dos experiencias recuerdan a la Institución Libre de Enseñanza (ILE) en España, una experiencia educativa que contó con una presencia masiva de intelectuales en sus filas. 3) La tercera experiencia, en 1963, fue llevada a cabo por el recién electo Gobierno del Estado, de tendencia desarrollista, que a través de su Secretario de Educación, Calazán Fernandes, invitó a Paulo Freire a poner a prueba su experiencia de alfabetización en la ciudad de Angicos. Dentro de RN, y así nació la famosa experiencia educativa, Las Cuarenta Horas de Angicos, cuando ese educador, por primera vez, desarrolló su sistema de alfabetización, a mayor escala, que se dio a conocer en todo el mundo, ya que enseñaba a las personas a leer y escribir en solo 40 horas. Paulo Freire, para este trabajo, formó a estudiantes de la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Norte-UFRN. Desgraciadamente, todos estos experimentos han sido podados por gobiernos totalitarios, incluido el español ILE. En Brasil, no quedaba casi nada, la gente fue arrestada, exiliada, incluido Paulo Freire, y los materiales didácticos fueron quemados o arrojados a los ríos. Los maestros, los monitores, tenían miedo, solo porque estaban enseñando a leer y escribir a gente pobre y necesitada, o como decían, estaban "sedientos de conocimiento". [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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24. Robert Lehmann-Nitsche y su estudio inédito sobre el tango y las lenguas africanas en la Argentina, c. 1900.
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Pablo Cirio, Norberto, Capisciolto, Rafaela, Gastón Lois, Carlos, Martínez, Maricel, and Vallarino, Edgardo
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AFRICAN languages , *UNPUBLISHED materials , *BIBLIOGRAPHY , *ARCHIVAL resources , *RESONANCE , *CATALOGS - Abstract
This article is about Robert Lehmann-Nitsche and the study of his unpublished corpus of documents on tango and African languages in Argentina, collected around 1900 and donated to the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut (IAI) in Berlin. Following Pablo Cirio's location of this material in the IAI catalog, and its subsequent analysis, the present research takes a new look at these documents in the published work of Lehmann-Nitsche, especially in his book Textos eróticos del Río de la Plata. Six specific cases are analyzed: tango, cambá, tumba, milonga, kilombo and mucama, for their social resonance and their contribution to the study of the Afro-Argentine culture of the colonial trunk. This culture, often underestimated by the local academic orthodoxy until the end of the 20th century, is approached through bibliography, archival sources and ethnographic approaches. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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25. A malhação do Judas à luz da Folkcomunicação: contextualização, simbologia, classificação e análise de notícias.
- Author
Branco Rocha Carvalho, Samantha Viana Castelo
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HOLY Week , *ONLINE journalism , *BRAZILIANS , *RESURRECTION , *EASTER , *POPULAR culture - Abstract
The Holy Week celebrations in Brazil begin on Palm Sunday and end on Easter Sunday, remembering the crucifixion, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. During this period, the Judas’ maul [As a specific cultural custom of the Brazilian population, there is no specific expression in English for “Malhação de Judas”) takes place, when a male doll symbolizing Judas Iscariot is severely punished by the crowd. This article, from the perspective of Folkcommunication, investigates the origins and redefinition of this practice, analyzing digital journalism news from the North and Northeast of Brazil. The exploratory research adopts bibliographic and documentary methods, in addition to the analysis of journalistic articles from 2024 from the portals “O Povo” (Ceará); “O Liberal” (Pará) and “Folha BV” (Roraima). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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26. Fandango Caiçara: uma leitura a partir da folkcomunicação e do mapa das mediações.
- Author
Pereira da Fonseca, Rodrigo Borges and Postali, Thífani
- Subjects
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MUSICAL interpretation , *CULTURAL production , *FASTS & feasts , *COUNTRY life , *COASTS - Abstract
The Fandango Caiçara is a musical artistic expression found on the southern coast of the state of São Paulo and Paraná. It is part of the social way of life of coastal rural communities, and its songs and dances are linked to work, entertainment, and religious festivals. Understanding the Fandango Caiçara through the lens of Folkcommunication, this article aims to reflect on the relationships within the communicational chain of this sociocultural practice, based on the map of mediations presented by Jesús Martín Barbero. As a methodology, it employs bibliographic research and analytical approaches to broaden perspectives on each element of the communicational chain. The results provide an adaptation of the map of mediations applied to the Fandango, thus offering possible analytical perspectives on popular cultural productions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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27. A cultura popular nas plataformas de streaming: a experiência folkcomunicacional na série Sou cultura popular da Globoplay.
- Author
Cordeiro de Oliveira, Oma Roxana, Silva Freire Batista, Ermaela Cícera, and de Morais Nobre, Itamar
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The work aims to understand popular culture through the bias of its televisualidade through the analysis of the documentary series Sou cultura popular (2023), produced in a partnership between UERN TV and the channel Futura and distributed by Globoplay. The theoretical contribution is based on streaming studies (Bahia et al., 2022), reflections about televisions (Rocha, 2019) and folkcommunicational research (Trigueiro, 2019 and 2008; Macedo; Furtado, 2018 and Marques de Melo, 2008). Methodologically, this summary applied the Convergent Television Analysis (ATC) proposed by Becker (2019), expanding the analytical scheme of the Becker Television Analysis (2012, 2016b, 2019), to understand how the documentary series is inserted in the television context. From a corpus consisting of 4 episodes observed from October to November 2023, this investigation points to the presence of players and artisans in audiovisual production, which is disseminated in streamings, such as YouTube and applications. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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- 2024
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28. Diego y Maradona: el hombre debajo del nombre. Miradas cinematográficas sobre Diego Armando Maradona en la era Netflix.
- Author
Blanco Pérez, Manuel
- Abstract
Copyright of Historia y Comunicación Social is the property of Universidad Complutense de Madrid and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
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- 2024
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29. Cultura popular: tessituras de resistência na manifestação dos Cocos de roda.
- Author
Oliveira da Silva, Natasha Hevelyn and Morais de Sousa, João
- Subjects
POLITICAL science ,CULTURAL studies ,SOCIAL impact ,SOCIAL conflict ,GOVERNMENT policy ,POPULAR culture - Abstract
Copyright of Ciência & Trópico (03042685) is the property of Fundacao Joaquim Nabuco and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
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- 2024
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30. Camiones de escalera: expresión gráfica de la cultura popular campesina en Colombia.
- Author
Zapata Cárdenas, María Isabel
- Subjects
RURAL transportation ,POPULAR culture ,VISUAL culture ,SYMBOLISM in art - Abstract
Copyright of Actas de Diseño is the property of Facultad de Diseno y Comunicacion, Fundacion Universidad de Palermo and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
- Author
Tamames Gala, Cristina
- Subjects
Copyright of Acotaciones: Investigación y Creación Teatral is the property of Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramatico and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
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- 2024
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32. A estética armorial em A Pedra do Reino, de Luiz Fernando Carvalho
- Author
Marco Túlio Ulhôa
- Subjects
Armorial ,barroco ,cultura popular ,adaptação ,série televisiva ,Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
Este artigo analisa alguns dos conceitos estéticos produzidos pelo Movimento Armorial, abordando a obra e o pensamento do escritor, poeta e dramaturgo, Ariano Suassuna, na exposição das relações existentes entre a arte armorial, o barroco, o regionalismo e a cultura popular. Por meio de tal procedimento, o objetivo deste texto é investigar o processo de adaptação do Romance d’A Pedra do Reino, do ano de 1971, na série A Pedra do Reino, de 2007, dirigida por Luiz Fernando Carvalho, definindo a estética armorial e os seus reflexos na produção televisiva.
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- 2024
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33. DA receita-modelo para UMA receita com ar familiar: hedonismo estético e utilitarismo poético na abordagem semiótica do social
- Author
Óscar Quezada Macchiavello
- Subjects
Gastronomia ,Semiótica ,cultura popular ,valores sociais ,cultura alimentar ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Este artigo aborda as tensões entre o caráter estético e utilitário das representações culinárias, comparando o paradigma da receita da alta gastronomia com receitas populares divulgadas em plataformas digitais e programas como 20 lucas. Para tanto, foi observado como a linguagem molda objetos de valor nesses diferentes contextos. Por meio de uma análise semiótica estrutural baseada nas contribuições de Algirdas Julien Greimas, Émile Benveniste e nas reflexões contemporâneas de Baptiste Morizot, foram analisadas narrativas culinárias a partir de suas dimensões linguísticas, sociais e econômicas. Este estudo revela que as receitas clássicas, como sopa de pistou, priorizam o hedonismo estético e a estabilidade cultural, enquanto as receitas populares contemporâneas, como aquelas difundidas em 20 lucas, adotam uma abordagem de utilitarismo poético. Essas últimas não apenas se adaptam às restrições econômicas, mas também enfatizam processos criativos e de participação, refletindo a dinâmica social atual. O artigo complementa a semiótica de Greimas ao incluir condições econômicas e da mídia contemporânea, destacando que os objetos de valor não são entidades estáticas, mas processos dinâmicos que emergem de negociações entre cultura, prática e sociedade. Isso redefine a semiótica da culinária ao considerar tanto os valores ideais quanto as interações materiais das práticas contemporâneas.
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- 2024
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34. Una historia sonora de la intervención francesa. Ficciones desde un taller para fonógrafos y bicicletas (México, 1902-1920)
- Author
Jaddiel Díaz Frene
- Subjects
ciudad de México ,cultura popular ,tecnología sonora ,Julio Ayala ,patentes ,Porfiriato ,History America ,E-F ,Latin America. Spanish America ,F1201-3799 - Abstract
A inicios del siglo XX, un actor y mecánico de fonógrafos y bicicletas de nombre Julio Ayala se dedicó a recrear en cilindros de cera algunos episodios históricos de la independencia y la intervención francesa. Junto a un grupo de actores, músicos populares y amigos, el humilde empresario grabó representaciones fonográficas en las que se fingían las voces de Hidalgo, la princesa Inés de Salm-Salm y el presidente Benito Juárez. El éxito de los fonogramas condujo a diversas empresas estadounidenses como National Phonograph, Columbia Record y Victor Talking Machine Company a comercializarlos, tanto en México como en Estados Unidos. En este artículo intentaremos reconstruir esta historia olvidada de la cultura política popular. Además de reconstruir la vida de Ayala como mecánico e inventor y sus relaciones con las compañías discográficas, me interesa captar las estrategias narrativas empleadas en sus escenificaciones acústicas.
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- 2024
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35. De Macondo a McOndo: un análisis espacial de Temporada de huracanes de Fernanda Melchor
- Author
Felipe Oliver
- Subjects
Fernanda Melchor ,Violencia en la literatura ,Cultura popular ,Literatura latinoamericana ,Intertextualidad ,Language and Literature - Abstract
La novela Temporada de huracanes (2017) de Fernanda Melchor aborda la violencia del México contemporáneo desde la construcción de un espacio rico y complejo que evoca al formato de la novela negra y al mismo tiempo posibilita un nutrido diálogo con la tradición novelística latinoamericana. Ambientada en la ficticia región de La Matosa, la obra construye un universo social rico en referencias y posibilidades interpretativas. En efecto, además de ofrecer un crudo retrato de la violencia en el México contemporáneo, La Matosa entabla un diálogo con espacios ficcionales bien conocidos como el Macondo de Gabriel García Márquez, la Santa María de Juan Carlos Onetti y Estación El Olivo de José Donoso. De igual modo, el espacio en la novela de Melchor es rico en referencias intertextuales de la cultura de masas, lo que igualmente posibilita un diálogo con lo que los chilenos Alberto Fuguet y Sergio Gómez en su momento definieron como McOndo. Este trabajo analiza entonces la novela de Fernanda Melchor desde su cercanía con la novela negra en general y desde su cercanía a algunas de las mejores ficciones del pasado siglo en particular. Por último, el texto analiza La Matosoa como la representación alegórica del fracaso de la globalidad y la multiculturalidad en América Latina.
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- 2024
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36. Diego y Maradona: el hombre debajo del nombre. Miradas cinematográficas sobre Diego Armando Maradona en la era Netflix
- Author
Manuel Blanco Pérez
- Subjects
Maradona ,cine ,Cultura popular ,fútbol ,biopic ,Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 ,Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform ,HN1-995 - Abstract
El fútbol es mucho más que un deporte en nuestra sociedad, al menos, desde el restablecimiento del proyecto ilustrado euroccidental tras la II Guerra Mundial. De entre todos los futbolistas más famosos de la historia, la figura del argentino Diego Armando Maradona aglutina, como ninguna otra, una pléyade de controversias, hitos y narrativas. Todo ello se traduce en una cantidad ingente de propuestas cinematográficas sobre su persona. Desde una perspectiva del análisis fílmico este trabajo pretende explorar la figura del astro argentino en parte de su filmografía, haciéndolo pivotar en torno a un eje: su persona versus la reconstrucción mediática de su personaje. Algunas de las conclusiones son que su figura aparece siempre elevada a un estado dicotómico, como cualquier personaje de ficción, y que suele mostrársele desprovisto de la profunda carga politizada que alberga su figura.
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- 2024
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37. Retórica visual publicitaria y construcción de la identidad cultural panameña en la fotografía de Sandra Eleta
- Author
Bladimir E. Cedeño-Vega
- Subjects
retórica visual publicitaria ,construcción de identidades culturales ,identidad panameña ,Sandra Eleta ,cultura popular ,Fine Arts ,Visual arts ,N1-9211 - Abstract
Este artículo examina la interacción entre la retórica visual publicitaria y la construcción de discursos de identidad en la obra fotográfica de Sandra Eleta, centrándose en la representación cultural panameña. Se analiza cómo la fotógrafa utiliza los mecanismos retóricos visuales publicitarios para articular discursos de identidad masivamente difundidos a través de su fotografía artística. Los mecanismos retóricos identificados en las colecciones de Eleta desempeñan una función comunicativa esencial, atrayendo la atención, fomentando la participación del espectador y facilitando la comprensión y retención del mensaje. Este estudio confirma la eficacia de la retórica visual publicitaria como herramienta valiosa para transmitir valores populares que contribuyen significativamente a la construcción de identidades culturales en el contexto panameño. Además, ilustra cómo las fotografías de Eleta capturan indicadores identitarios de la cultura popular que trascienden barreras lingüísticas y culturales para convertirse en artefactos poderosos que influyen en la conciencia social y arrojan luz sobre voces y realidades a menudo marginadas en la narrativa cultural dominante en Panamá.
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- 2024
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38. El cuerpo salvaje de la nación : ciudadanías desplazadas [Siglo XIX]
- Author
Beatriz González Stephan
- Subjects
Archivo histórico de Kipus: Revista Andina de Letras y Estudios Culturales, 1997. Esta información es parte del repositorio institucional UASB-Digital, de la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador.
- Published
- 2024
39. Reflexões sobre os saberes populares em saúde das 'Marias Marisqueiras' de Icapuí/CE
- Author
Sandy Souza do Amaral, Elane da Silva Barbosa, Amália Gonçalves Arruda, Jamille de Oliveira Gomes, and Helder Matheus Alves Fernandes
- Subjects
equipe multidisciplinar ,participação popular ,cultura popular ,educação para saúde comunitária ,mulheres trabalhadoras ,Social Sciences ,Labor in politics. Political activity of the working class ,HD8031 - Abstract
A Política Nacional de Educação Popular em Saúde emerge como intervenção eficaz para a ampliação dos campos das práticas populares de saúde. No processo de territorialização, evidenciou-se o coletivo feminino como representação potencial na construção desses saberes. O estudo objetivou retratar os saberes populares em saúde das “Marias marisqueiras”, de Icapuí/Ceará. Trata-se de uma pesquisa social qualitativa de natureza exploratória e descritiva. Constituiu-se como cenário da pesquisa o espaço territorial de uma Equipe de Saúde da Família, e a população foi de 26 marisqueiras. Foram utilizadas técnicas pedagógicas participativas, como roda de cultura, cirandas da vida, corredor do cuidado, poesia, música e cine debate. A riqueza encontrada na terra e no mar demonstram que o processo de cuidado em saúde contempla os saberes populares, possibilitando ações terapêuticas, como as práticas tradicionais em saúde relatadas pelas marisqueiras: garrafadas e sucos utilizados no tratamento da infecção urinária e infecções sexualmente transmissíveis, diminuição dos agravos em relação ao processo de mariscagem. A educação popular em saúde retrata um dispositivo de valorização cultural e estreitamento de vínculo entre os serviços de saúde e a comunidade. As experiências interprofissionais aguçaram a resistência e a luta por uma saúde pública que valoriza os saberes populares.
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- 2024
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40. Young people and TikTok use in Australia: digital geographies of care in popular culture.
- Author
McLean, Jessica, Southerton, Clare, and Lupton, Deborah
- Subjects
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YOUNG adults , *SOCIAL media , *SOCIAL media mobile apps , *POPULAR culture - Abstract
The short-form video-sharing app TikTok is the fastest growing social media platform globally, particularly among young people, and the app is attracting significant academic interest. However, the voices of young people have been mostly absent from these debates. This article offers a qualitative study of how young people are using TikTok to make care-full digital worlds in and around Sydney, Australia, drawing on interviews with sixteen young people and bringing together literatures on geographies of care, digital geographies and TikTok practices. Research participants identified care-related themes in these interviews, including that they enjoyed using the app to nurture relationships, found that it facilitated greater awareness of their relative privilege, and provided support and opportunities to express themselves. These practices proved important forms of connection and self-care during COVID-19-related periods of physical isolation and disruption to everyday routines. But a lack of care was also evident, from other users and the app itself, suggesting tensions in how care is negotiated in this digital space. Young people articulated structural problems with the app and offered constructive remedies that are practical and feasible. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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- 2024
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41. (Em)placing the popular in Cultural Geography.
- Author
Hastie, Alex and Saunders, Robert A.
- Subjects
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CULTURAL geography , *COVID-19 pandemic , *TECHNOLOGICAL innovations , *GEOGRAPHY , *DIGITAL technology , *STAY-at-home orders , *DIGITAL media - Abstract
Geographers have long been interested in popular culture, exploring everything from music and film, to fashion and sport. However, there remain some gaps in the field with some of the biggest and most widely consumed genres of popular culture suffering from neglect. Given the pace of technological change, geographers have been noticeably slow to come to grips with new digital popular media. This special issue presents work that interrogates popular culture ranging from the new to the old for its role as a vector for, or entry point into, encounters with places and people, and as a producer of spatiality and social relations. This editorial uses the concept of (em)placement to identify the complex overlaps, imbrications, and interlockings between social, cultural, and technological actors/actants. (Em)placement is also deployed to expand the space for popular culture as an object of study in geography in order to foster more diverse engagements, and the freedom to engage, with popular culture in the discipline. In doing so, we highlight contributions to cultural geography, bringing into focus the ways in which popular culture has been redefined in a time of heightened digital and deterritorialized engagement alongside restrictions on physical interaction enforced during the COVID-19 lockdowns. Finally, the editorial introduces the seven papers in this special issue, drawing attention to workaday and active engagements with popular culture, and how such engagement can facilitate encounters as [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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- 2024
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42. Some popular cultural geographies, starring Cyrille Regis, Delia Derbyshire, an Ewok, Mickey Mouse, Napalm Death, the Sylvanian families, and anonymous hate mail...
- Author
Horton, John
- Subjects
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CULTURAL geography , *HUMAN geography , *POPULAR culture , *POSTAL service , *AVERSION , *GEOGRAPHY - Abstract
This essay is about many things including, but not limited to, Cyrille Regis, Delia Derbyshire, an Ewok badge, Mickey Mouse, Napalm Death, the Sylvanian Families, anonymous hate mail, bereavement, the luminous popular cultures of the often-deprecated English Midlands, the absence of so many amazing popular cultures from Social & Cultural Geography, and my own recurrent failure to write about these things. It is part of a Special Issue on (Em)placing the Popular in Cultural Geography. The essay opens out a set of questions and prompts for reflection about the relationship (or, more often, the weird non-relationship) between disciplines of Social and Cultural Geography and contemporary popular cultures. At its heart, you'll find six fragments of autoethnographic writing dealing with: popular cultural absences and silences in the written canon of Human Geography; joy and recognition, but also the burden of doing justice to popular cultures; and manifold antipathies towards academic work on popular culture. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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- 2024
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43. Overcoming the Troubles in Westeros: changing perceptions of post-conflict Northern Ireland through the diegetic heritage of Game of Thrones.
- Author
Doppelhofer, Christoph
- Subjects
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THE Troubles, 1969-1994 , *EPISODIC memory , *HISTORIC sites , *COLLECTIVE memory , *MOTION picture locations - Abstract
The fantasy series Game of Thrones (GoT) has become a phenomenon that reaches far beyond the television screens. Through extensive on-location filming, the series has linked its diegetic world of Westeros to countless heritage sites across several countries, most prominently Northern Ireland. Through narrative and special effects, GoT has overcoded these landscapes with their on-screen identities leading not only to a surge in tourists who want to travel to fictional locations such as 'Winterfell' and 'King's Landing', but also affecting previously established global perceptions and local identities. Previously associated with the heritage of the Northern Ireland conflict, the so-called Troubles, GoT enabled a reimagining of this landscape through popular culture. A multi-sited visual ethnography on the impact of the series on the heritage landscapes of its filming locations reveals that popular culture can create a new heritage – even entirely fictional and one of blood and death itself – that can significantly contribute to overcoming national trauma and memory conflict. This sentiment was especially emphasized by people growing up and living in Northern Ireland, who saw their home's reputation significantly improved and their new role as 'Game of Thrones Territory' as a unifying narrative in an inherently dissonant heritage context. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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44. “¡Tan suave como el agua, tan caliente como el fuego!”: procedimientos de intensificación en los comentarios digitales de una comunidad de fans chinos.
- Author
Shuo Peng
- Subjects
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DIGITAL music , *TELEMATICS , *EMOTIONS , *ENTHUSIASM , *SOCIAL media , *POPULAR culture - Abstract
Comments generated by users of online music streaming platforms have become an under-researched digital genre. We explore this field by analyzing the intensification devices of comments generated by the Spanish new generation singer Álvaro Soler’s Chinese fans. Based on a corpus composed of 1,646 comments collected from Netease Cloud Music and following a “coding and counting” approach, this article examines the usage of intensification strategies in these reviews and the most emphasized topics. Results from this study will reveal how Chinese fans use this pragmatic strategy to express emotions. In addition, their enthusiasm and interest are not limited to the star, but also extend to some linguistic and sociocultural aspects. This work provides an interesting contribution to the study of intensification, and shows Chinese teenagers’ perception of Spanish popular culture from a particular and innovative perspective. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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- 2024
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45. The Use of Popular Songs and Cartoons in Teaching Introduction to International Relations and Comparative Politics.
- Author
Asal, Victor, Miller, Inga, and Vitek, Andrew
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COMPARATIVE government , *INTERNATIONAL relations , *POPULAR music , *INTERNATIONAL relations theory , *POPULAR culture , *POLITICAL science - Abstract
The use of popular culture as a teaching tool is often overlooked in teaching introductory-level political science courses. In recent years, advocacy for the inclusion of popular culture in the classroom has increased due to studies that highlight the benefits of such application in combination with other teaching methods. This paper argues that the incorporation of popular music and cartoons as a combined auxiliary teaching tool is an efficient way to increase students' understanding of theoretical concepts at multiple levels and to encourage them to think unconventionally. Relating political science paradigms and theories to popular culture makes them accessible to a broad spectrum of students and ensures that students become more engaged in the classroom. Students may also be more likely to apply theoretical concepts to real-life events. In this paper, we share our observations of using popular songs and cartoons as supplementary teaching materials and methods to explain theories of international relations and comparative politics. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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- 2024
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- Author
de Arruda Junior, Otacílio Cabral
- Subjects
INDIGENOUS peoples of South America ,DANCE ,DANCE education ,CULTURAL identity ,ART education - Abstract
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- Published
- 2024
- Author
Ana María Zubieta
- Subjects
Alta cultura ,Cultura popular ,Julio Cortázar ,Argentina ,Literatura ,American literature ,PS1-3576 ,Latin America. Spanish America ,F1201-3799 - Abstract
Archivo histórico de Kipus: Revista Andina de Letras y Estudios Culturales, 1998.
- Published
- 2024
48. El placer de seducir: kitsch vs. canon
- Author
Ana María Amar
- Subjects
Archivo histórico de Kipus: Revista Andina de Letras y Estudios Culturales, 1997. Esta información es parte del repositorio institucional UASB-Digital, de la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador.
- Published
- 2024
49. Parias en el universo: lo sublime en la exploración espacial
- Author
Fernando Ángel Moreno
- Subjects
ciencia ficción ,exploración espacial ,cultura popular ,literatura ,cine ,cómic ,General Works - Abstract
El presente trabajo es un análisis sobre la manera en que el concepto de «exploración espacial» contiene ciertos aspectos falaces respecto a la verdadera exploración espacial, puesto que se ha construido a partir de textos de diversos lenguajes estéticos de la tradicionalmente denominada «cultura popular». Estos textos han jugado con un imaginario que remite a cierto romanticismo espacial y a una obsesión con un Otro inquietante o modélico, según el caso, así como con lo sublime desprendido del llamado «vértigo cósmico». Todo ello se aglutina bajo el tópico «sentido de la maravilla».
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- 2024
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50. Avaliação da cultura popular como conteúdo de ensino/aprendizagem na educação física escolar
- Author
Janderson Felipe Saldanha Oliveira and Letícia Ramalho Nascimento
- Subjects
Cultura popular ,Educação Física ,Prática docente ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Este texto traz um relato de experiência sobre como a cultura popular pode ser inserida no processo de ensino/aprendizagem das aulas de Educação Física escolar. Seu objetivo foi avaliar a possibilidade de o Maracatu ser utilizado dentro dos conteúdos estruturantes dessa disciplina. Para isso, em um primeiro momento, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica buscando elencar conceitos que tratem da cultura popular e suas diferentes vertentes. Em seguida, foi feita a associação dessa temática com os conteúdos estruturantes da Educação Física, propostos pela Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) de 2018. E, por fim, foram relatadas experiências ocorridas na EEEP Paulo VI e no programa PIBID/UECE, relacionando a cultura popular com as práticas docentes do ensino de Educação Física. Concluiu-se que cabe aos docentes ministrarem os conteúdos que já são propostos nos documentos oficiais, proporcionando aos alunos saberes das culturas dos povos tradicionais que participaram da formação da sociedade brasileira.
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- 2024
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