1. California Early Care and Education Workforce Study: Licensed Child Care Centers and Family Child Care Providers. Statewide Highlights
- Author
California Univ., Berkeley. Inst. of Industrial Relations. and California Child Care Resource and Referral Network, San Francisco.
- Abstract
Recognizing the critical role that early childhood educators play in the lives of California's children and families, First 5 California commissioned in 2004 a statewide and regional study of the early care and education (ECE) workforce in licensed child care centers and licensed family child care homes. The overall goal of the study was to collect information on the current characteristics of this workforce; particularly its educational background, and its potential needs for further professional development. This study provides a baseline for measuring future progress toward attaining a well-educated and diverse ECE workforce; it does not, however, assess teachers' and providers' overall knowledge and skills, or the content of training and coursework they have completed. Primary objectives of this study were to: (1) Compile baseline data on licensed providers' demographic and educational characteristics; (2) Identify the extent to which their educational backgrounds vary with respect to their ethnicity, their linguistic characteristics, and their tenure as licensed providers; (3) Profile the children that providers with varying characteristics serve, in terms of numbers, ages, subsidy status, and special needs; (4) Document the professional preparation of licensed providers for working with children who are dual language learners and/or have special needs; (5) Develop a sound estimate of the number of paid assistants working in licensed family child care, and the extent to which they have engaged in professional development; and (6) Identify differences among regions of the state with respect to the licensed provider population, along the dimensions noted above. This study provides a snapshot of California's early care and education workforce, capturing current strengths and areas needing improvement. (Contains 4 tables, 1 figure, and 1 footnote.) [This document was produced by the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California at Berkeley. This study was made possible through First 5 California.] more...
- Published
- 2006